Postgame Show: Weekend Observations
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz- 1,434 views
- 11 Jan 2021
Daaaaaan, Stugotz brings his weekend observations.
So over the course of the next six weeks or eight weeks or so, as we continue in these uncharted waters for us, we have taken some pride here in making sure that you are going to be along for the ride with us on whatever this weird thing is. And we are excited that someone like Amin has said, let's go, I'm going with those guys. And Stukas was just talking after the show ended, before we started the post game. He was just saying, man, I mean, just left behind his contract and just bolted.
And Mike Ryan pointed out to Stewart's it hadn't dawned on the guys that you did the same thing. You just got done. We've all done sort of the same thing. And that's one of the cool things about what this journey is going to be, because I imagine in coming weeks or months or years that we are going to grow this thing into something beyond what it is that it's been. Keep in mind, the Zone gave the biggest contract in the history of sports to an athlete, Canelo Alvarez.
He is essentially he hasn't left, but he is essentially putting that job off to the side to come and run our thing because of how much he believes in what it is that it can be. And it's not just going to be Lieberthal and friends. It's going to be something else that we will give you details on as we go forward here. You're going to get if you're listening to this, OK, this is the only place you're going to get it this directly talking to you.
It was important to us that we be free here and that we be able to talk to you directly so students could ask his wife to make him sandwiches without getting fired. So we wanted to talk directly to you during this space with no restrictions. It's the it's the definition of pirate radio. Pirate radio is you have no license, you have no rules. This is a dangerous thing for us to be doing in this space where we're risking just about everything to float freely before we find a partner.
And it's not very sustainable to we can't keep up the same output. But your reward for the listeners, there may be days where we decide to be off, where you usually can tune in to ESPN Radio, but we're giving you more per show. The hours are actually closer to actual hours as opposed to thirty minutes of content.
Fair to say that I trust you more than you trust me. I think that he trusts the value of what this thing can be, because, as I told you, and we're going to be able to share some of these details with you as we go, everybody has taken notice. I'm saying everybody's doing that. I'm saying people you would never think would want to be with us. Everyone has taken notice that we are free agents and everyone has taken notice of how creatively we're doing free agency.
So there will be a line out the door. This is what I'm telling you and the audience, OK, because I've been talking to people who got, you know, Dan Patrick and others like Conan O'Brien and stuff. They didn't get to take their stuff with them when they left. You know, Dave Chappelle is sitting here saying, I don't own my own name and we have gotten to leave with our stuff because we have an opportunity here.
Conan that Conan actually did, he was like one of the few that did that, but he, like, gave up so much money.
Well, but this is the thing about Conan O'Brien and this is the thing that we have to guard against, because I like that we're the little lovable underdog fighting. I don't want to be this big giant thing. We have managed to be the biggest thing in sports radio while also appearing like we don't have very much support. So I don't want to become this big swaggering thing that is overloading or bullying everybody. I want to keep the quaintness of it, because the what I was going to mention about Conan O'Brien is when his show moved, he walked into an amphitheater and all of a sudden it didn't become about a masturbating bear.
It became Hollywood became this big thing. And he's like, oh, no, that's not no, that's not what I want. I want a smaller intimate charm. And so what I want to impress upon the audience right now is we're doing this this way specifically because we want the intimacy of we're lost at sea right now and you're with us and you're seeing it all. That's not Amino has the place that's getting announced that Amino Hassane has left. ESPN is right there.
You just heard it. And over the coming weeks, we're going to be doing more and more of that. And what I'm telling you is someone like John Skipper does not share his time from that job with our space unless he absolutely believes that this can have his first order of business.
The news that broke this weekend is the first order of business is that great white shark is going out to get us a deal because I can't do it. I'm not equipped. I'm not an entrepreneur. I'm not into negotiations. I just want to concentrate on the dumb shit.
And somehow the last time I did it, I negotiated less for myself.
And you got me a non compete. You also got me a non compete clause.
I figured there was a larger play because we're in a in a studio and John Skipper doesn't split his time between decision and a podcast normally. So I don't have illusions of grandeur, but I, I think that there's more here.
We're not the only thing. We're just the first thing were just they were just the hood ornament. I know you did this earlier. We should thank the audience. The reason we felt so empowered and not nearly as stressed as you would think when we left ESPN is because we knew we had you. And I know you thanked them earlier because, Dan Levitan, which two guys is number one sports on iTunes? It was also top five or six overall, but stupidity, LGBT and Friends Network mystery create SB sessions.
Every single podcast was in the top eleven. And so thank you to the audience for coming as strong as you did last week. We appreciate it.
Be clear on this, OK? Because I have tried to signal some of this in the shadows. If you've been paying attention to what we've been doing now for months, you could have seen you could have been really inside on the whispered secret with some of the characters we were fooling around with and some of the things that we were doing. But what Strogatz is saying, I want to impress upon you that we value this connection. We know how rare it is.
The reason we're doing right now, what we're doing is because we want the intimacy of speaking right now directly to you in a way that feels like we're speaking to only you. And what's to got said there is one hundred percent accurate. The only reason we can do it, no matter what my ego is, no matter what's to God, his ego is no matter what skipper's ego is. The only reason that we can do it is because we knew you guys would come and find us wherever it is we were.
And now we're going to be able to put that in front of everybody. The pirates are coming for everybody because we're going to put you in front of everybody and say you need to pay mean Alhassan. You need to pay the people in this world in order for us to stop doing it the way we've been doing it and do it with a partner that should be honored to join that community. And when I say that community, I don't mean us.
I mean. You you know, one of the interesting parts of the Thursday double show that we did, we put out 10 episodes for our audience that day and the most downloaded portion, the most listened to portion was the final postgame show, two of the top three hours, actually the top three hours with that live cameos, which was guest free and a local hour with David Samson.
This was a show that featured Stan Van Gundy saying that we were on the eve of a second civil war. Aaron Rodgers and Rodgers has a name that if you're looking at this as a menu item, as it was intended, you would assume that would be the menu item that most people pick. It was middle of the road. It was the fifth most listened to episode that day. People just loved the dynamic of the show. They seek it out and they make us feel like we can go out and leave the worldwide leader, as you've mentioned several times.
But it also makes us feel like we owe them. That's why we're doing shows. It's insane that we did a show the day after. There is always a latency period. Someone goes into hiding. This was a very emotional thing. We're doing what we do.
We're not going to do it every day, OK? We can't win. There's too much going on around here. And and I need to build a business. We are not going to be doing this every day. But we wanted to do these days for you for free so that your so that your schedule and your habit would not be interrupted. But Mike is right.
Like the last thing I wanted to do on Friday was to do more content, but I felt like the audience deserved to have another day of some new content because they have our backs. And I think we like to have their backs and deliver them fresh content almost every day if we can. And it's the last thing I wanted to do. But I sat down with Greg Codie and put together an episode of stupidity. The audience absolutely loved it. Thank you to Greg for doing it.
But we're doing it for you seriously, because I wanted to sleep and play golf that entire day. But I felt like if we had a gap day where we were not giving you new content, real American heroes know it was a bad thing. You Sue.
I'm grateful to you, Sue. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks a lot. And I do weekend observations out of here. It's a Monday. Where is our weekend abs?
Jesus. And it is time for us to gots to share his game notes, if no one in the media will tell you what happened better than my boys do this.
Is it weird book after art model bottle gates, Johnny Football in disguise in Vegas, Josh Gordon's addiction issues, Dwayne Rudd's helmet toss, Myles Garrett helmet swing viral jerseys with names crossed out, countless and countless head coaches, countless positive covid tests and countless football sundaes filled with only sadness for Mike Ryan.
Dan, after 27 years, the Cleveland Browns are back at Baker Mayfield as the goods dude or Joe Thomas. The Thunder play the Hornets Friday night. So you know what that game had right then?
No, it had two balls about that. A couple of balls. Cut it out.
Yes, it did. Addicting balls.
Oh, where did that come? The most shocking graphic used by any network during super wild card weekend was posted by NBC, who put up Side-By-Side pictures of Tom Brady and George Blanda. Funny at the same age that jarred an entire nation was crazy. She landed forty three, looked like he should have been playing while smoking a cigarette.
George Blanda looked like he lived. Yeah. And lived hard. Yes, very much. Speaking of super wild card weekend every year, please, I bet a lot of money on the football team thinking Alex Smith was starting. You could imagine my surprise when I turned on my television and saw someone named Taylor. Hinoki was playing quarterback. Until that moment, I had never heard of Taylor. Hinoki and I had bet five hundred dollars that he would beat Tom Brady in a game of football.
I went from never hearing of Taylor, of Taylor Hinoki to crying and praying to God that he'd be OK when he got injured to wanting him to be the next Jets quarterback. Taylor Hinoki, first time I've said this since Derrick Thomas chased Young reminds me of Lawrence Taylor. He is something else. Shinsho Did you watch that? Yes, he's pretty good. He said he asked for Brady Gonnerman.
Brady gave him a little something, something careful. OK, Chase Young, don't think the things you're thinking ask for the things you're asking for. I warned you I care about death, taxes and Cameron brate hinoki sounds like some sort of weird hybrid between a beer and a car care center. Sean McVay.
I'm sure it is weird. Weird. Who is this guy? I want to the show. I do. Sean McVay. In school on a field full of world class athletes, Lamar Jackson is always the best athlete by a lot worse defense. I don't know what that was, Mike. I didn't finish that one out. I just wrote it down and I won't do it. The Texans hiring a firm to find their new GED and not hiring the guy.
The firm told them to hire Houston Texans. This to got is strong in you. It reminds me of the time the Dolphins hired Joe Bailey to hire their new CEO at Joe Bailey, found their new CEO one morning when he woke up and looked in the mirror. He hired himself also after Joe Bailey made himself the new Dolphin CEO. His first order of business was not hiring Mike Tomlin because he thought he was too hip hop nailed it. Unfortunately for us, we all have to wait at least another year to see Mike Vrabel cut off his penis.
I can't wait to see how much money it will take for Kebede to bail on his promise to his dead father. Oh, God, that he would never fight again.
Oh, you see this whole thing? I mean, what do you want from me? Dana White is negotiating with be to fight again. He said he'd never fight again because his dead father said don't fight again. He's going to fight again. I hope not. He's got a fighting.
Everyone has their price. I have my. Where was it? Indiana Pacers is six to three stars, none of it NBA has done again with this Tom Thibodeau, NBA coach of the year love collision course. Vibs on the list of things I'd never want to do. A professional sports coaching, Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving is at the very top. Kyrie and Kevin were right. They don't need a coach. They need a shrink. Nicholas Batum is a clipper.
Kobe White and Zach Lavine watch out for the Bulls. There should be a good game tonight. Alabama's trying to win a national championship and Ohio State is trying to improve its record. Tate no. Let me know what happens. I won't be watching Ohio State. Just so we're clear. You have to have double digit wins in a national championship. If you win tonight, it will not count as a national championship. In my personal record book, unless you find two other teams to play, then maybe I'll consider it.
But you have to play them tonight. After the game. Urban Meyer's coaching staff don't fall for what you see on TV. Jacksonville is a dump. Speaking of Jacksonville, mean basically doing afternoon drive there seems like it may happen a little sooner than I anticipated. The NBA, the NBA excuse me, outside of the bubble is a complete mess report. Doug Peterson going to meet with owner Future Shaky. Dad, I told you all season it. This is what happens when you are gutless and play four times in the National Football League.
Oh, hey, nice of Kevin Durant to show up to work yesterday. Saints methodical by the way, cannabis industry stewpot is open for business. And if you think for one second I won't change the name of my podcast from stupidity to stupidity, then you don't know me very well. The Browns better without Kevin Stefanski. You know what the beard bandstands for. I feel like I'm still stuck on.
I feel like you said stupidity the same way both times.
Stewpot a ti. OK, I'm sorry. I don't know what it stands for. He he. And what does it stand for. What I did there.
Well Yangzhou little we did. When are we. Hold on now we. Why we Mike. When are we going to do the show. We're still got Mogs here in studio that day. Mike when are we. Can we do that tomorrow. We're still sticky. Icky. Can we do the Jolly Roger Green. Have a little but I need to bring some in tomorrow.
We need to bring them in tomorrow.
You gotta be doing it on the way home and I can't do that. I should announce that. No, no, don't do that.
She's not in my car. Don't do that. Don't drive and don't do it.
I won't. I didn't mean that. I didn't mean on the way. When I get home golf cart the be in bed stands for Dan. It stands for bad. The B in Baker stands for Brinks truck. Have to pay this dude. Mike Tomlin didn't blink last night only because the Browns singed his eyelids off inside of 90 seconds. I didn't deliver that right, but I said singed correctly. Mike was terrified.
You were going to say sing the Cleveland Browns win a playoff game and you do the whole thing again because you got singed.
Right. But everything else was wrong.
OK, Mike Tomlin didn't blink last night only because the Browns singed his eyelids off inside of 90 seconds. How about that? The Cleveland Browns won a playoff game in Pittsburgh, which means our Brielle's is going to need a car to get there because it's frozen over. Yes. Hell yes. In their SOS. Yes. Oh, the weekend does observation little nuggets. Yes. Let's make sure you got that tomorrow on the show, we promised the people a little bit of smoking, a high standards and also my world of suey dotcom.
Does it have t shirts up yet that can celebrate the Browns? Are those up yet?
Do we expect those t shirts that celebrate the Browns or Cleveland football team just to cover our asses of football team from Cleveland or just people that have the goods? We expect that today.
OK, world of Suey Dotcom. Again, we appreciate that you guys are on the ride with us. We are grateful for all the things that have happened around here in general, and we're super excited about what the next couple of months look like. Make sure that you're tuning in ratings subscribing and. Are you telling your friends to rate, subscribe and review because your support has been overwhelming and we need it to continue to be overwhelming so we could churn out all this stuff for you?
Lieberthal Libertarian Friends Podcast Network, The Dan Liotard Show Wizards. We will continue to churn out mystery crates and South Beach sessions and stupidities at some point here. In the next couple of days, we will sit down with our new CEO and talk to him in a place that you will get access to. We are not talking to reporters. We're only talking to you. My phone is blowing up with reporters. Want to know the details on this. If you want the details, they're only going to be around here.
Rate subscribe and review because we're going to control the platform.
Please understand that the output is actually increased since we left ESPN not sustainable, but we're going to concentrate our efforts in bringing other properties and maybe suffered a little bit during our time with ESPN because the content lift and rigidities of being here every day for a certain amount of time having to sit through commercials, it was a little too much to ask to concentrate on those side projects. We want to boost those side projects. You've rewarded us with the downloads. We're going to reward you back with better content, a little Sustiva.