The Big Suey: Judge Cote
The Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz- 1,637 views
- 6 Jan 2021
Greg Cote's wife Earleen arbitrates a Cameo-based argument between Dan and Greg.
Welcome to the big series, a podcast exclusive, a risky move, just when you thought the show could not be more diluted, locked up like, wow, no more free Disney tricks.
Now, here's the marching band to nowhere or back face dance, binge stress eating and the habitual liar. Watch. You guys can't be trusted.
The big zui. Yo, yo, yo. Pirate radio life for me. All right, I need to let the audience in on some of the macro here, because it is maddening, it's infuriating and it is indisputably hilarious. And us I'm going to set you the stage for what it is that I walked into today, which was Billy screaming at Stuart and it Chris Cody, because no one has sent him a cameo link yet. It's about as angry as I've ever seen, Billy.
Now, Stuart, I'm worried about everything that's happening here with the freedom to the just shut up and let me get this started. I know you got your fingers in here. Just give me a second. I could see say a word. I know what you've been saying since I got here is boys, I got a cameo weekend set up. I got a cameo way to see me lean back in a chair and just touching. So let me just explain to the audience the present tension that's in the room so that they understand how it is rock bands break up because what is happening around here is alarming.
It starts with Greg Cody, who infuriated me last night by just reaching into your pockets with his maximum laziness, a dirty shirt and giving 12 second cameo videos. You, Cody, like, honest to God, it's the worst. Like do better. Why do I have to send you a text that says, you know what I'm under right now? Will you please try just I'm summoning every friend I have with help me. I'm hemorrhaging money. We're doing a startup.
We want to do this for the fans. No one around here is being technically paid. Consider there are severances involved. So people are making money, but they're not being paid for. What we're doing here, we're doing here this because you guys keep us afloat. You just made us the number one podcast. Mike just sent me Lemon and Friends. And this show has just soared because of what you've done. And I want to chase that. And I want to show those people reward their loyalty with every ugly thing that's happening around here, because many of you think some of this is a bit coatis.
That man, Cody, is that I had to send him a text at five o'clock in the morning because I'm not sleeping. My immune system is shut down. I've had like four hours of sleep in six days. I had to send him a text. Well, you try you're asking people for thirty nine dollars. They love us so much. Some of them don't just have thirty nine dollars to throw away. Will you please try.
You have the sniffles because you're not sleepy, not because of the pandemic and I got you.
Well this is another thing that Strogatz has been complaining about since I got here, not how are you doing. It's just I've got I'm. Yeah, I've just gotten beaten down. We don't have the Disney protocols around here, so maybe I do have the Wrona. And this is a super spreader event.
Yes, Billy, it's a bad time, Dan, for your immune system to shut down and get the sniffles. The real ones can tell their immune system.
Not today, so not now. Hold on, Billy. I would love to. I wish Mike was. I asked Mike, are you recording on this when I sat down. But Mike, who has had a face of panic for about four straight days, I believe that he sleeps with his face spasming if he sleeps at all. I've experienced it totally different.
He's completely relaxed. I mean, yeah.
So Mike had all sorts of trouble just getting to the zoo and working for fifteen minutes this morning. But I wish that we had been taping because Billy, you don't show rabid rage, you press it all down. Lord knows I've felt in a couple of times you press it all down until somebody hits the wrong button and then you spin it with an anger. I'd love to know how your wife experiences you this way because you were furious, because everyone's telling you, Billy, why are you not on Cameo and you were screaming at people.
Why were you screaming at them? OK, well, that's the thing.
The thing is, I know today we're going to get to a point where I'm going to get the question, well, why aren't you on Cameo? Yeah, why don't you do a cameo?
Look how great things are going for everybody else on Cameo, because I've asked people, hey, can you send me the link and then I'll talk to whoever it is. I forgot the person Addison at Cameo and Cameo can set me up. And I told her, yes, it chrysotile. I'm going to put you in touch with Addison. He told me. And Roy said, Roy, it was like five o'clock in the afternoon. I'm like, Roy, listen to me.
At this point, if you get the link, tell me. I want you to get whatever the five percent is from whatever videos people ask me because no one else seems to be helping in this situation. So I want Roy, I'd like to state this publicly. I want Roy to receive whatever moneys go that way on the field. Also, I was doing a little exploring on Camiel. I'm going to be horrible at it, horrible at it, because I don't like to take selfies.
No. One, I definitely don't like to take selfie videos where I'm walking around and you see this guy in the background and no one can see this on Zoom. But I'm just kind of demonstrating how you got to do it. I was watching Scott Hansen, a total bro. The guy charges like one hundred and fifty bucks to do a cameo. And everybody wants Scott Hansen to congratulate the champion of their fantasy football league. So this is how Scott Hansen does it.
I was almost. Thinking like, should I adopt the Scott Hansen character on camera because I need something, right? Because just like, hey guys, is Billy happy? Thirty second birthday to Jeffrey. Your friend Timmy told me to say, what's up? What's up, dude? Like, what is that? Who's going to want to pay for that, you know? I mean, Scott Hansen, he usually has like a dramatic reveal, right, where he's like focused on something else.
Sometimes it's just the do great. You just see the Duke and then the Duke Falls and you see Scott Hansen's face and then he's like, yo, what's up, dude?
I just want to reach out to let me have the whole football league game. And then he talks like a million miles an hour.
You just start seeing all these cool things. I'm like, I can't do that. I can't do that. Well, he's a professional for me. Will be a disaster.
He's a professional television person. Why don't you do to help people with something like that.
So now you are help people. I don't know what it is that you guys think, but now you tell people that yell in Spanish or is that just in L.A.? It's not just about your name is Larry people. It's your first initial. What do you mean?
Well, people don't want to go. All right, that's crazy. Hurricane fan. Hold on.
Let me backtrack for just a second here, OK? Because Greg Codi has now texted me. Chris, he's mad at me. This is not surprising, you know. Right. This is the way that this goes. Chris, how did you experience me just ripping your dad a few seconds ago? Can it be disputed, you side with me or with him on this?
It's hard to argue with you. I mean, yeah, he I saw the same I saw the the cameo that you're talking about. It's someone paying thirty five dollars for like 11 seconds of just. Hey, how's it going. Thanks for supporting us. You never know I'm done. Yes. Bill. Just like. Wow really. What, what are you smiling.
I love it. I thought that it was great. The only thing that I would tell Greg to do differently, which he would have to control every single one of Greg's cameos should end with him getting cut off midsentence like he should just cut himself off every single cameo.
But he's not thinking in those terms. Billy, you should produce his cameos. No, he keeps promoting his podcast.
And the one that I saw was something that's good, I guess. All right. Hold on.
Let me just let me just slow down for a sec. Wait a second. He is interviewing me for stupidity, and he wants to know if the interview can be brought to you by the Greg Koti podcast with Greg Gote. It's unbelievable.
OK, it is unbelievable. But he is only the worst manifestation of you. I learned it from you that he's a lot older than I know, but he learned it from you. It's the whole thing. It's the whole contract. And my father learned it from you. You are the original Your Ground Zero for this stuff.
So, Chris, help me with this, because all I sent him and I'm sorry, it was six thirty eight in the morning, wasn't it? I don't even know what time late for you.
Yeah. Greg, try in those cameos. That money you are taking is from our fans, some of whom don't have that much. Don't cheapen us. Try now I ask you this question is a betrayal for me to just read his response. Should we call him? I remember that we were going to call your mom yesterday, Chris Earlene.
I tried that. She was in a meeting.
Should we do that today? Should we should we have her legislate? What who's right and who's wrong on this with you and me as witnesses to this? Or do I just betray him by reading what he's written back? Because it's very long. What he's written back is very long. He's probably defensive.
Of course he is. He's never wrong. This is what I wanted to talk to your to your mom about. So what do you think I should do? Here's two guys.
I think you should probably just read them. I mean, you just you never know if you're going to get if if he comes on are we can have a poor connection.
All right. Do me a favor, Chris, while I am reading this, can you please just see if you can get your father and your mother on Zoome? Because I would like to I would like to legislate this. And I'm just flatly he's betrayed me enough that I'm just going to flatly read this response as a text so that you guys know that this is real. I'm not going to edit it for him. I haven't even read it yet.
I'm just looking at the first sentence and it says surprised and a bit disappointed by this by this text that I have sent. So I'm going to simply betray him. But let's get him on the zoom so we can just do this in real time and go flying and careening. Number one podcast in sports in America because of you guys and because that keeps getting rewarded somehow. And so he gets worse and worse.
I was just telling somebody the other day, do you realize at the New York event, we're going to do more of these in the future? We just show up in your city and you party with us at the New York event that sold out in thirty seconds. We did rehearsals. I'm telling you, I was telling the story to somebody and they did not believe me that it was true. We were doing rehearsals, we did rehearsals, we did rehearsals.
His job was to come out to New York, New York and go to a microphone and start singing. And as soon as the thing started, the crowd started. Cheering And he just pirouetted all over the stage and simply forgot to sing, we had to start over. It was the start of our show. We had to start over, send him back, because he was just loving the attention so much that he never actually did what he was supposed to do from rehearsal.
Getting back to me, being ground zero, at least he showed up to rehearsal. I mean, there is sorry, Mike. I know it's a better place for me and, you know, so we will get back to that in a second.
Mike can't even hear you because he's drowning and just engineering. It's unbelievable. It really is. Mike is not there have been times and this has never happened really in the history of the show where I look up and Mike simply not there. He's I have to look around and he's in another room screaming into a telephone and crying.
So this happened yesterday. I texted Mike, hey, it's some mundane question, OK? But no, listen, I want the audience to see all of this because it's real, because we we do not have a partner yet. We believe that the strength of you is going to deliver a very good partner, because as I've told you, everybody wants what this thing is and it's about to get stronger. Even though it was looking like it was going to be weakened.
We are now in a place. It's the only place you can get us and you're flocking to it. You're flocking to it because you're not. Oh, OK. I can't do this on television. I can't do it on the radio anymore. And so you've made Lieberthal and friends just the general feed. You've made a top five. And our show is right now the number one podcast. And Stewart's always said that would be so if you take us off the other stuff, you will see us go careening because of the loyalty of this crazy audience.
I think the difference between there are three podcasts that are always top three. It is us. It is Bill Simmons. It is pardon my take in the sports and rec category on applied to the difference between our podcast and the other two. That's the only place you can get the other two. That's it. Ours was basically a repurposed podcast for many, many years. And then we got the you know, we were down to two hours on ESPN and we did two hours of additional content.
I like that hybrid model is a really great model for us. But I've always said if you just put us in one place and that's the only place that they can get us, that we would surpass part of my take and Bill and I, because I believe in our audience and I would tell that audience that I'm genuinely torn.
And these are the kinds of things that I'm dealing with in terms of philosophy of where it is that we're headed up.
I don't know. I really do not know which is the best way to do this. As terrestrial radio clearly dies, as OnDemand tells you that people want things when they want it. Because the thing I love most in my professional world, and it's the reason, it's the only thing we're doing right now. You've heard me say this before. I don't care about television. I think television contaminates this thing. I think it makes it less intimate. I do not care about television.
The thing I've always cared about most is live radio. Yeah, because it's dangerous because you don't know what the hell we're going to do. You don't know if we're going to careen into a ditch. You don't know if I'm going to call Donald Trump an orange racist turd. We love doing live radio.
That's the difficult decision we have ahead of us is do we continue to do live radio and the podcast? Do we hybridised? I was speaking with Chris Whittingham yesterday, who's part of our team, and he used the perfect description as to why you and I like live radio. It's a high wire act. And you and I love that. We love going to break on the joke. We love filling time until we get to the joke. You and I love doing live radio.
I don't know if it will continue. I don't wanna do it. I really don't want to lose that danger. I don't want to lose the fact that at any given point we can sink into the crap and can't get out of it. We can't edit it. We can't do anything to fix it. If Jonathan Coachmen, if Stewart doesn't know he's black, that's going to happen only on live air. All of it that awkwardness that followed would have never happened if it would have just gotten edited and all the awkwardness that were that were perpetually sinking into.
I'm sorry, Mike, you were about to say something. Oh, Greg. And are there this in there?
We'll get to them also for the audience, we can play back Greg Coati botching his intro at our live event in New York. But Succot said the only difference between us and part of my taking Bill Simmons, which is right, by the way, perennially the top three sports podcast is that we're on terrestrial radio and television and sort of cannibalizing ourselves. That is a difference. It's not the only one.
Also, our output is so much more than Bill Simmons and part of my take. So we gamed the system there. But also we do the work. You know, those those are hard working podcast, but we put out five episodes a day. Yeah.
When's the next beach sessions coming out? Today. OK, there you go.
We're just farting out content, trying at the same speed, even if it kills me and Mike and makes Greg, Cody and Goderich new stupidity tomorrow.
Greg Cody will interview me. It is brought to you by the Greg Cody show with Greg Cody. I mean, he asked for it. I gave it to Greg. And how about our with a beautiful corner office there? Yeah, I mean, early, early, early. I'm sorry about that. Accessibly chumming sales guy Loveleen Earlene, thank you for, for being on with us here because I've got a million questions now. You guys need to understand if you do not.
You know Earlene, that she is an angel and a saint. She's married to one of the strangest people I've ever known and that makes her Uncle Dick would be what? Brother in law. Her brother in law. The single strangest person in the world. And I want to talk to her about a thousand Greg Codi questions. And I want to get in there and really get inside of the Koti family because your husband continues Earlene to infuriate me. But let's go back to yesterday.
Let's go back to what we were talking about yesterday. Your husband, I don't think ever in my life have I ever said to him, Greg, I think you're wrong about this thing. And the answer is ever. You know what? You're right. I'm sorry. It's never that. It's always just an elaborate dance where he defends himself. And maybe 10 days later, I get and I you know, I overreacted. Whatever, Earlene. But he said he said it's different.
Actually, Chris and him said that it's different with you, that being married to a woman means you're always end up being wrong. But I need the audience to know that Earlene has has raised three children and two of them are grown and the other one she's married to like, I'm not kidding with this.
Earlene, do you dispute anything that I'm saying?
You are 100 percent correct. One hundred twenty percent probably. I mean, every day it's worse. I mean, he's he's he's regressing. He's not progressing.
OK, so so like, how often will you get an immediate apology and immediate I'm sorry. From him.
I was never I never I mean I am wasting my breath so many times in a week. I mean he thinks that he should be able to get vaccinated on his own by himself with a pill and then he should not have to wait in a line like everyone else because he doesn't have to wait in line. Why should he?
I happen to agree with. OK, so here's here's a dispute I'd like. Vaccines are not in a pill, but it's not. All right.
And this is why this is the help I need from you, though here. I need you to arbitrate something and give me permission on a couple of things here, because at some God awful hour in the morning this morning, I simply texted your husband, Greg, try in those cameos. That money you are taking is from our fans, some of whom don't have much. Don't cheapen us. Try now before I get to his response, do I have your permission to betray him and get to this response?
If you say no, it's OK, because I'm not interested in putting you in any more of an I don't know what his response was.
I know that I told him that same thing before he ever did the first one, that that means a lot to the people who paid for it means a lot to the people who are getting it. And you need to really put your all into it.
OK, and so he did you know, he goes on with a dirty shirt and he sent somebody a twelve second video. And this is his response to the text that I sent him. Surprised and a bit disappointed by this, because I suspect it comes from one asshole on Reddit making note of a 12 second cameo I did, rather than any videos you have actually seen or the hundred percent five star rating I have gotten from every review received thus far.
But I am I am very sensitive to the money aspect. It's why I was genuinely upset that cameo raised the rate by five dollars without asking me. I am trying to the point of sometimes doing research based on clues fans give about their background. I have had nothing but positive, appreciative feedback from fans thus far, nothing but positive feedback in fact, other than your email.
Correct, 200 percent correct. And multiple tweets. Go ahead, Greg. Explain yourself and explain yourself.
I mean, my email says it. People have loved my cameos so far and I'm not bragging. I mean, I do have a five star rating. I'm very sensitive to taking people's money. I don't want anybody to ask me for a cameo if they can't afford it. And I've tried to keep it lower to, frankly, to limit traffic because I don't have all day to do these things. And when I do them, I take them very seriously.
I grew up poor. I didn't have much money. I'm very conscious that forty bucks is a lot of money to a lot of people. And I do put my all into these things.
All right. All right. Well, then how do you explain the one that was twelve seconds that you said you never know and you put your heart into him and that guy's an asshole, but you're not. Explain that to me.
Well, because that was of done. I did forty.
Oh, you're tired. I'm sorry. You're tired of taking their money. It's hard to argue with a five story. So doing, so doing when you're fresh. Then if you're going to give something, you're going to fart out twelve seconds of content for somebody, then don't do it.
First of all, my shirt was not dirty that I was wearing. Why you would say that Earlene actually is an angel who does the laundry in our house, so what an insult.
Oh, wow. Hold on. Hold on. Oh, here. Your nemesis, an insult to her. That going to be wearing a dirty shirt, right?
Hold on. Your nemesis, Mike Ryan, just put down some important engineering call he was taking because he looked incredulously. You know, he's listening out of one fraction of one part of his ear, to your surprise, into the audience's surprise.
I actually side with Greg here. But my main takeaway from your cameos was how dirty your shirt was, plus a t shirt.
I mean, I have to admit T-shirt.
Hold on. Hold on, Mike. Just put down the phone.
Can afford tailored shirts like Levitus put down the phone for just for just a second. What part do you agree with Greg Cody on five stars. I mean, look, I am right. I know the dynamic. And Dan is usually hard on Greg and oftentimes Greg deserves it. But this is Greg's cameo. He doesn't need feedback on Greg's cameo. I understand where Dan is coming from, but I do think Greg is delivering on what the people are looking for when they're asking for a cameo from Greg Cody.
I think he could have been spared that email from you.
OK, I love this, Earlene, because you do have a wonderful corner office. I know you've got to go to work. You've got important things to do. We're going to let you go in just a second. But I love this new segment we've just found where you, a lawyer, are going to arbitrate this right now. You just heard from the the arguments from both sides, from your husband and from Mike Ryan. You've heard the other side from me and your son, Chris Cody.
Can you make a legal verdict, please?
Well, I would have to say that I thought Mike made a good point, that they have a very low bar of what they expect and they want silliness and they want to, like, shaking their head and see a dirty T-shirt. Probably.
I thought I thought that Mike's point that he made that was right is that it was a dirty T-shirt.
I thought that's what the attorney just ruled in my favor because she did. I mean, it's all on Brand for Greg. So is that it? Have you made your verdict earliness? Yes, Chris. Oh, wait. Chris has got an objection.
I can just only imagine the text my mom got during the middle of this segment from my dad saying, you better agree with me.
And let me tell you, after years of marriage, your mom does not care about a single tax she's getting from your dad.
OK, I support your dad. I checked. That is the right URL. I didn't know that this Sunday is a big event in the Cody marriage.
Really? What did that come from? Yeah. Yeah. Forty years, baby.
Wow. All right. That's why she voted in your favor. All right. So also wait. Also during the Christmas break, they needed to get a new bed frame because it broke baby Jesus.
What do you mean that is deep up into their life? Wrong side of my right.
Yeah, you're wrong. But I mean, you're right.
But, you know, it does work out in.