#23 Fatal Conveniences™: Caffeine: Consuming Coffee With Caution
The Darin Olien Show- 1,525 views
- 24 Sep 2020
Java. Brew. Cup-o'-joe. Whatever you may call it, one thing is clear; we love coffee. We’re so hooked on the stuff that it has become the second most consumed beverage on the planet! Across the world, we are chugging down an estimated 2.25 billion cups per day. While this can become a bit of a steamy and controversial topic, there are a few hidden secrets behind the bean's most prized asset. We're talking about caffeine. Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™. This is a bite-sized segment that parallels The Darin Olien Show. In these segments, we get into society's Fatal Conveniences™. I define these as the things we may be doing because the world we live in makes us believe we have to. These things save us time and trick us into thinking they're actually good for us. But it's those same things that are breaking down our health and the health of the environment around us. I've spent most of my adult life obsessively researching these "conveniences." On every show, I pick one topic, and we dive into it. My goal is to make you more aware of these traps so that you can push back on them. Remember, it starts with you and the choices you make. So, if you're willing to look at your world from a different perspective and make little tweaks that amount to big changes, then this segment is for you. Please, don't hurt the messenger! Before you guys reach for your pitchforks, you must realize that I'm not totally against coffee. In fact, there are tons of health benefits. But I do want to highlight some caffeine-related facts so that you're more informed when it comes to your morning boost. In this Fatal Conveniences™ segment, I'm taking a closer look at caffeine's many aspects and why it's classed as a psychoactive drug. I dive into how much is too much, right down to the milliliter. Also, I explore the unexpected links between caffeine and female fertility. I get into energetic goats in Yemen, the Sufi rituals of southern Arabia, and the caffeine dispute within the inner circles of Coca Cola. So, fire up the percolator, listen and learn, folks; this is not one to be missed. Inside This Fatal Conveniences™ segment: Where our love for coffee began The bitter bean that’s a poisonous pesticide The ancient rituals of coffee How caffeine affects your brain What makes caffeine a convenience The connection between caffeine and stem cells The good things in our brews that we all can enjoy How you can safely consume caffeine More information you might like: Caffeine: Addicted to Poison Article Coffee and Health Study Caffeine: How much is too much? Mayo Clinic Article Is Caffeine a Health Hazard? Article How Coffee Works Article Netflix’ Down To Earth’ Official Trailer Download Darin’s amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com Barukas Nuts 15% discount with code “DARIN”
It's that time of the week for another fatal convenience. This is a bite sized segment that addresses some of society's fatal conveniences and the steps you can take to avoid becoming a victim of them. I define fatal conveniences as the things we may be doing because the world we live in makes us believe we have to tap water, shampoo, sunglasses, food. I dive into the hidden truths behind some of our everyday choices that could not only be harming us, but even killing us.
So let's dive in.
Welcome, everybody, to the Derrinallum Show special episode again of A Fatal Convenience. Thanks for tuning in. Thanks for being here. Don't kill the messenger on this one. Please don't send me any negative comments. I'm kind of being a little cheeky on that. But at the same time, I'm just going to go into a little bit of this fatal convenience, which is caffeine slash coffee. So I'm focusing a little bit on coffee and the caffeine, what it is, and there's a negative side to it.
So I just wanted to bring it up. It is a federal convenience. There's many reasons I don't drink it, but there's also many benefits to it, too. So I don't want to be completely a Debbie Downer, but I just want to bring your attention to something. So you're informed. That's what this is all about. You don't have to change. Certainly you don't have to change for me. And I get it, the morning ritual coffee and the smell of it, the dopamine effect that is literally produced before you actually drink the coffee, just the ritual alone should be centered and acknowledged in any sort of consistent ritual in your life.
So the coffee ritual, the dopamine effect before you're actually even sipping the coffee is very powerful. Let me put a little asterisk by that. Right. So let me just bring you a little bit of this and the culture the story around coffee is phenomenal. Obviously, it comes from the coffee bean, but it's really a seed. And and, you know, I love coffee, I do it, I love it, I love you all know, maybe many of you heard me talk about the alchemy between the coffee seed and the fruit when dried together, they're one of the greatest neurodegenerative BDNF brain derived neurotrophic factor, support of the brain.
But you're not talking about a lot of caffeine, a very, very small amount when it comes to that. So I love coffee. It is a medicinal plant. It does have a lot of great benefits. So I just want to say that before you turn this episode off, you just need to be aware of a few things. Now, let's just get into typically don't do story on this, but I think that's so fascinating. We're talking about the sixteenth century now.
There's a little argument around where it actually originated, but it looks like the Ethiopian plateau was one of the was probably the origin of where it came from. So the legend has it that in that Ethiopian plateau, there were the herders of goats and they observed really the effect. But then when they observed the goats that were eating these berries. Now, listen, I've eaten a lot of coffee, fruit, berry, and it's delicious. The problem is that when you harvest, it goes rancid right away.
That's why they take it away from the seed and then they roast, obviously the coffee and everything else and just discard this beautiful fruit. So these so the story goes the legend goes that the that the goats were eating these berries and the herders would actually observe them not sleeping at night. So there were just full of energy running around. And of course, then that kind of moved through and they immediately started eating, chewing, eating the fruit, eating the bean and realized that this was an incredible stimulant, which is then.
Kind of spawned the first coffee houses in the 16th century. Incredible, right then, you know, it it moved throughout Europe and about 16, 15, the local clergy of Venice condemned. And they actually said that this was a bitter invention of Satan. Corseted know everything that makes someone feel good. The church proves, because apparently the Muslims took on took on this drink straight away because of all the benefits. And then Pope Clement, the eighth was asked to intervene and he actually drank some of this and he baptized it to kind of, as they call it, cheat the devil and that it was accepted.
So the clergy came in, baptized this amazing elixir that gave people energy and poof, it was resolved of its Satanism. Crazy, right. So, you know, they caffeine, coffee, interesting thing. But the thing that you don't realize this is caffeine is an actual pesticide that hundreds of plants use. Obviously, coffee is the the most widely known of the caffeine producing. This is a seed. It also, obviously, and leaves of green tea and certain fruits have caffeine in it, but the most recognizes the coffee.
So this is a natural pesticide that smaller insects and everything else that they actually eat the seed or the fruit and then they get paralyzed and die. So it keeps it keeps the you know, everything in life wants to keep life moving. So that's what these plants have created. They've created a a a neurotoxin to smaller animals and insects, and that is caffeine. So you're actually taking in a poison. Then another story shows that the Sufis apparently used it in the 14 hundreds to stay awake.
The Sufis of Yemen used it to stay awake as they're doing the Sufi dances and rituals to stay up all night kind of thing. So there you go. Started in the Sufi tradition and the Islamic tradition and or the Ethiopian. But we do know for twelve hundred years we've been using and consuming coffee. And what is this? It's a alkaloid. And this alkaloid has this bitter taste. There's a lot of medicinal plants. I've tasted a lot of medicinal plants when there are certain alkaloids and terpene and things that that stringent kind of taste, that is an indicator that there's some high medicinal qualities to it.
So this is no no different. Zand toid alkaloid is really what this caffeine molecule is. Although caffeine is a major compound is the majority compound, the active compound of coffee, it's actually has hundreds and hundreds of other compounds as well. But caffeine is literally a psychoactive drug, so I don't know if you knew that, but it's literally classified as a psychoactive drug, attaching to the Anderson receptors and creating some obviously neuro modulated feelings that counteract that drowsiness and induces this central nervous system stimulatory effect, which is why it's a drug, because it actually stimulates the central nervous system.
In 1912, actually, the agencies shut down Coca Cola for using caffeine and then obviously they overturned that. And also Coca Cola used at one point in their formula, coca leaves, concentrations of coca leaves, which is why we're addicted to it. So there you go. There's a little bit of history of Coca-Cola. So here's the important thing. There's many aspects of caffeine, right, the stimulatory effect now, it looks like scouring through all the research when you go over about three hundred milligrams, some say, for that's where the challenges.
But I want to raise your attention to a couple of things. One is that for women, it's extremely important when you're trying to get pregnant, when you're pregnant and when you're breastfeeding because the caffeine goes right through and then is absorbed right to the fetus, right to the baby. And then obviously that can cause some problems. It can impair foetal growth and it can actually cause spontaneous abortion. So please be very careful and try to avoid caffeine. So obviously, what makes this a convenience?
So the fatal convenience, what makes this can what gives the energy? It stimulates you. It gives you energy. But you have to understand that if you're susceptible your adrenals are our shot, then you're kind of like a credit card. You're you're getting money, but there's a debt. You got to pay it off. So that's the thing. Be aware that you don't want to always use this as your major way using coffee and caffeine as your major way.
You just wake up in the morning. Those are indicators that your body is tired and fatigue. So I, I am just an advocate for not depending on something. Give yourself a break, cycle off the caffeine, do a cleanse from it, go back on. Never say never. So you don't want to set yourself up. You're never going to use caffeine again, all of that stuff. So you never want to do that. So the other important thing that I want to raise your attention to, I studied for about four years with one of the top stem cell researchers on the planet, and he said, without a doubt, the the most powerful healing the grandfather of all stem cells in your body that you create, that that circulates, that does go down over time.
But over one hundred milligrams of caffeine a day kills the TOTI potent stem cells, disrupts them and destroys them totipotent. STEM cells, by definition, turn themselves into any tissue or any organ.
When you have a proliferation of a lot of totipotent stem cells, pluripotent stem cells, your body's able to repair, recover and regenerate. So just keep in mind that when you are drinking more than one hundred milligrams a day, you're killing off your top stem cells in your body. And there's other ways that you can increase totipotent stem cells, eliminate lower your caffeine intake, increase blueberries at half a cup of blueberries every day, and then also blue green algae.
But I'll do another talk on that. But that's how you stimulate endogenously more totipotent stem cells. So try not to kill them off. But the Mayo Clinic also says and they they reach for four hundred milligrams. So you have to look at, depending on your angle of things, most people don't know about the totipotent. They don't know that you're killing off stem cells with only one hundred milligrams of caffeine a day.
So here's where some of the major things like the Mayo Clinic had a study of four hundred milligrams of caffeine per day, appears to have, you know, in a healthy individual because you can have 400 milligrams and an unhealthy person, they can create a lot of other things. But over four hundred milligrams, definitely insomnia, migraines, nervousness, restlessness, stomach upset, rapid heart rate. So if you have any of those symptoms that you're probably taking way too much caffeine as well as frequently urination.
Now, there is evidence that it dehydrates you. Some people go back and forth on that. But I I'm a I'm a fan of that. You're taking in liquid, but you're also creating a diuretic effect in your body. That's the major thing. But I do want to also stress that there is a high amount of antioxidants in the coffee. So I'm just going to give you a little things on that. The polyphenols, specifically the Claude Genic acids are extremely high in coffee.
And so that is benefit. But again, you've got to look at this stuff from all directions to really get a sense and now the other major thing is coffee is between three point five and five point zero, P.H., and that is very, very acidic to the body. So imagine waking up every day drinking acid, drinking an acidic beverage. Your body has to deal with that and buffer that. And really what is it's a measure of voltage.
So you're taking a very low voltage liquid in your body and your body needs a certain voltage to heal itself. When your body has damaged cells, it increases your voltage by up to a negative 50 many volts. And so just a normal and that means a very high speed. So you see that voltage equals an alkaline state, high voltage high heeling high. Does that make sense? So when you're taking acid in caffeine and coffee in on a consistent basis, you're then lowering voltage in the body?
Yes. You're getting all of this energy, but you're you're paying the debt of voltage and damaging heeling repair over time. OK, that's it. I'm not going to get into anything more. Coffee's great. I get it. But there's also some negative side effects. So my suggestion is break away from it every once in a while, maybe, you know, prove to yourself that you're not completely dependent on it. That's my strategy. Break away maybe once every few months, once every couple of months.
Just stop, take a week off, don't drink coffee and then go back to it. No. One, you'll appreciate it. Number two, you're going to feel the effects like crazy. OK, that's it. Thanks for tune in. It was a little different fatele convenience, but I just want to talk a little bit about some of the negative sides of too too much coffee and caffeine. It's really centered around caffeine, but coffee has this negative kind of lower voltage, acidic side of things.
OK, so I know you guys are coffee lovers. Most are. Just take a break. Remember, always pick good quality ingredients. And that is the bottom line with all of this stuff. OK, love you all. Thanks for tuning in. I hope that left you feeling inspired to take a closer look at the things you might be doing that could use some tweaking for a better breakdown on the payroll convenience. As we discussed, you can head to Derrinallum dot com backslash Fadal here.
We have a ton of info on how to be more aware of them and how you can avoid them. Remember, it starts with you and the choices you make. And if you haven't had a chance to check out the interview I released earlier in the week, here's what you missed.
Well, we know the food is designed to be addicting and highly palatable to any animal, given a choice between processed, highly palatable junk food will choose those foods over their natural diet and eat themselves to death. And so it's it's a biological and innate primitive drive to eat highly concentrated calories in a highly flavored substances. The problem is we have to indoctrinate people in the importance of nutrition from a young age and it doesn't happen. So our job becomes a little more difficult at trying to convince people to eat healthfully.
But that's my specialty at this point, is taking people and giving them the motivational tools and changing their personality and intellect and emotions and personalities even have to change for them to enjoy this more than their old diet, learn the recipes, change their taste buds, but also change the personalities to a degree to really totally enjoy living this way.
This episode is produced by my team at Must Amplify, an audio marketing company that specializes in giving a voice to a brand and making sure the right people hear it.
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