#33 Fatal Conveniences™: Milk: The Billion Dollar Dairy Con
The Darin Olien Show- 1,174 views
- 28 Oct 2020
A glass of milk a day keeps the doctor away. Well, that's what we're made to believe. By consuming dairy products daily, you may feel like you're ticking off another box on your healthy diet list. But what if you learned that there's a whole world of corruption, propaganda, health misconceptions, and disease, all linked to the white stuff you're pouring on your cereal each morning? Welcome to Fatal Conveniences™ This is a bite-sized segment that parallels The Darin Olien Show. In these segments, we get into society's Fatal Conveniences™. I define these as the things we may be doing because the world we live in makes us believe we have to. These things save us time and trick us into thinking they're actually good for us. But it's those same things that are breaking down our health and the health of the environment around us. I've spent most of my adult life obsessively researching these "conveniences." On every show, I pick one topic, and we dive into it. My goal is to make you more aware of these traps so that you can push back on them. Remember, it starts with you and the choices you make. So, if you're willing to look at your world from a different perspective and make little tweaks that amount to big changes, then this segment is for you. The US government spends an estimated 4.5 billion a year to subsidize the dairy industry. But, who's really pulling the political strings? Since, well, forever, we've been told how fantastic milk and other dairy products are for our health. Some of you guys may even remember that crazy "Got Milk?" ad campaign, which was the dairy industry's attempt to make consuming milk cool. Now, as more research comes to light, we're starting to see how wrong we've been. Not only is the information we've been fed way off the mark, but the animal welfare side of the industry is pretty hard to stomach too. In this Fatal Conveniences™ segment, I'm looking into the shocking realities behind our love for all things dairy. I break down some of the health risks behind too much milk and the things you can do not to feed into the industry. Also, the two big brands that have their dairy-loving hands firmly in the wrong people's pockets. The dairy industry is a scary business. From the way we extract milk, to the misconceptions we've all been fed for decades. But it's okay, together we can make a change. Other great info in this segment: The first dairy animals to be domesticated Why new science behind dairy needs so much attention The health risks of consuming too much dairy Does calcium help prevent broken bones? The potential ways dairy can harm us What we can do to ensure we get calcium in our diet- the right way Some Great Links and Resources To Guide You: The Scary New Science That Shows Milk Is Bad For You Calcium Intake and the Incidence of Forearm and Hip Fractures among Men Open Secrets.Org: The Dairy Industry Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention AnimalEquality.Org Article: Dairy is scary. The public are waking up to the darkest part of farming NutritionStudies.org - 12 Frightening Facts About Milk Netflix’ Down To Earth’ Official Trailer Download Darin’s amazing new lifestyle app and get 3 days free at 121Tribe.com Barukas Nuts 15% discount with code “DARIN” To register for We Are Podcast, go to WeArePodcast.com/darin. For 20% off your ticket, use code DARIN. The Darin Olien Show is produced by the team at Must Amplify. If you’re looking to give a voice to your brand, and make sure that it’s heard by the right people, head to www.mustamplify.com/darin to see what Amplify can do for you.
It's that time of the week for another fatal convenience. This is a bite sized segment that addresses some of society's fatal conveniences and the steps you can take to avoid becoming a victim of them. I define fatal conveniences as the things we may be doing because the world we live in makes us believe we have to tap water, shampoo, sunglasses, food. I dive into the hidden truths behind some of our everyday choices that could not only be harming us, but even killing us.
So let's dive in.
Everybody, welcome to the show.
Another installment of Fatal Conveniences. Really appreciate all of your support. People are really digging these fatal conveniences. You're really enjoying these things. I really appreciate it. Go to fatele conveniences dot com. You can sign up to get the insights, the newsletters, specifically the smaller little bite sized aspects of all of these fatal conveniences. So easy to sign up. So make sure you do that because it's bite sized and it literally can change your frickin life. And that's why I'm doing it.
So today's fatal convenience is milk, obviously, that permeates into dairy, yogurt, butter, all of that stuff. But we're going to focus on some of the main things. But there is so many directions to go on that. But I just want to zero in on some of the research that was conducted early on and the conflicting conflicts of interest that is always and still is lobbying against the real research and still trying to promote a federal subsidized government program that's basically selling you products that they're producing all tangled up and connected into the dairy industry while we as taxpayers are spending billions of dollars.
On a product that is not healthy for us, so this is why it's important, we need to know this, we need to fight back, please, at the end of this, make your own conclusions. Don't drink milk. I'm just going to cut all the way to the end. Don't drink milk. Don't feed your kids milk, straight dairy, milk. No need for it. Zero. OK, so I just jumped all the way to the end conclusion.
So what is it.
Well, it's milk. That is from a cow. That is for a calf to grow and develop. The only association is it's a mammal and we are somehow duped into thinking that we're supposed to drink it. And there's a lot a lot of conflicting reasons that we should absolutely not do that. So it's marketed as this healthy calcium, you know, whole food, when, in fact, you're going to be astonished that you definitely don't need as much calcium as what we thought.
And the research has been around for a long time and they keep suppressing it. And you're not assimilating or getting much from the actual milk itself. So eat some broccoli, eat some kale. You're getting exponentially more usable calcium and other constituents. And you don't need this mostly pus because did you know that they allow a certain level of pus and of course, antibiotics, superbugs, all of that stuff that you're exposing yourself, not to mention glyphosate because of the the foods and grains that they're eating.
So this is just a toxic soup.
What is supposed to be a health food, but is actually not and you're going to be surprised at some of the things I'm going to reveal. So just a little fun history. But we started domesticating sheep about 9000 years ago. We started using some of that milk and then we kind of moved to goats, some cattle, donkeys, water buffaloes, horses, even. But it seems as though what was lost in a lot of it is fermentation. Fermentation broke down the lactose so that we could assimilate a lot.
And the history we had a lot more ability to digest the milk under certain conditions and we lost it. And now a very small population has allowed for the evolution, for lactase to be able to break down milk proteins. But largely after you, we go through this episode, you will want not want to do that anyway. I'm going to get into some of the conflicts. And this is just in your face. And there is. Heaps and heaps of conflicts of interest with all of this stuff.
OK, so some of the conflicts are considering us as taxpayers. We get no control on this, but we spend the government spends an estimated four point five billion dollars a year to subsidize dairy. Many experts believe that the new science deserves more attention. We need to realize the economic and health effects of drinking this milk. And this is Dave BlueSky, a professor at Cornell University. The role of dairy and industry plays in setting up the agendas, and that's really the the scary thing.
So what really started to happen is this incredible researcher at Harvard, Dr. Walter Willett, discovered that the adults who drank or a large amounts of dairy, a few glasses a day, cheese, whatever, what seems to be normal, seemed to have a higher risk of certain health problems than their peers who consumed very little or moderate amounts. Less clear, however, was the chemical pathways. So all they started seeing and also to who wrote the China study also did updated research.
And you can read check out the China study, turning on cancer markers and all of that stuff. So Vacher kind of took the work of Walter Willett and just took it to a whole nother level over years and years of studies. So even though they didn't know the pathways and exactly how it worked, they saw that milk was causing all kinds of issues. So largely milk designed to give young animals everything they need to grow is largely what the issue was because it was meant for a calf in this case.
And the researchers suspect that the problem was observed could stem the range of bad actors in the dairy, including high amounts of hormones that weren't meant for the human body sugar, lactose to too many and a different compound. Hard for us as humans to break that down and then the excess of all of those things. And then largely they were trying to sell this calcium, calcium, calcium, calcium. We've heard that for all of my life. And it continues to this day.
But here's the interesting thing. You know, older people, osteoporosis, drink your milk, you're breaking your hips. Women are more susceptible. You're you're pregnant, so you need more calcium. Looks like that's not true. So women who drink two point five glasses of milk a day have a higher risk of fractures than their counterparts who drink less than one glass a day or none at all. What? You heard this before, but then many of the vegans probably, of course, are shaking their heads right now, and then in nineteen ninety seven, Willott published an eight year study with over three hundred thousand people, men, women, children, and then gathering up all that data the long.
Held belief that calcium helps prevent broken bones. The study found absolutely no relationship between calcium intake. From from both foods, milk and supplements and the risk of fracture, so the whole premise that the calcium, the high amounts of calcium milk and actually assimilating into the body, no one is not assimilative. The number two is not helping the osteoporosis and the long standing belief that this was good a decade later, a roundup of all the available research. By then, eight epidemiological studies and five randomized controlled trials determine that calcium intake does not significantly decrease the risk of hip fracture in women or men.
So more troubling, Willa's findings the men who drank two or more glasses of milk a day were almost twice as likely to develop advanced prostate cancer as those who drink no milk at all. Again, fellahs. Listen to me now. Men who drank two or more glasses of milk a day were twice as likely to develop advanced prostate cancer as those who drink none at all. Stop drinking the milk, fellas and women, and then from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and I have all this research on my show notes the conclusion, high intakes of dairy products, milk, low fat milk, cheese doesn't matter overall dairy, calcium, but not supplemental or nondairy.
Calcium in this case may increase total prostate cancer risk. So the result, researcher mounting sources of calcium matter. So this study started to see that there was other related factors. And like the the work of Dr Valter Longo also shows that increasing your protein consumption turns on some of these cancer risk. So also, it could be that. And many other studies point to that as well, so much of the research of the dairy is funded and this is where some of the conflicts of interest are coming in.
Most of the dairy studies have been funded by Dan and Thessaly, to name a couple. And here's where it really gets gnarly. The government's Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Now, this is in 2015, and I'm not sure who resides at these places now, but let's just get our little head around this. How these people don't give a shit about you. They don't. They're all conflicted and all have different interests and are sticking money in their pockets and funded by subsidies by our government, intertwined with private businesses, telling you to eat their products, drink their stuff.
So Tufts University Professor Miriam Nelson, the author of best selling books on osteoporosis, did I already told you that there's no correlation to increasing milk consumption to osteoporosis? In fact, it's worse. So this best selling book she put out is a member of the SO she's on the government committee to create the guidelines and she is a member of Dannon Institute Scientific Affairs there. It is just right in front of our face. They're screaming at us. And then Steven Abrams served as a paid scientific consultant to the National Milk Processor Education Program to Help Men, which oversees the milk industry's national advertising campaigns.
He also sat on the medical committee that created calcium consumption guidelines for National Academics Institute of Medicine in 2010. The chair of that group, Catherine Ross, has received research funding from Nestlé Dannon, the parent company of Danone and Mead Johnson Nutrition, which makes a dairy based baby formula. So these people are on the boards being paid for by the private companies. They're on the boards of our government being paid for by the companies selling US product. Therefore, they're creating the guidelines.
Please stop. You don't we need to do as customers. I'm just pissed off right now. I read this stuff every week and it just pisses me off. So it's like the Danish Institute has spent nine 19 million dollars a year. Coercing and telling us what our health guidelines are through and with the government agencies. Sixty three million dollars on federal funding, federal lobbying. Twenty four million to the candidates alone from 2004 to 2014. This is what we need to do.
And I'm jumping now because there's so much more. But I just I'm overwhelmed with all of this crap, this fatal convenience. It's just so in our face. And here's some of the other things, some guidelines that have implicated the galactose, which is also another compound in dairy, in milk, lactose, of course, a possible culprit. Both of these are inflammatory. Increasing free, radical damage free radicals is increasing inflammation. You increase inflammation. You can't repair cells.
You can't replicate cells, you can't create healing. And degeneration is happening. And that's aging. That's aging, aging, aging. Then it leads to cardiovascular disease, cancer. So we know the mechanisms, the underlying mechanisms now are revealed. We know this after several studies shown and the connection between dairy consumption and breast cancer. So now it's killing us guys and prostate cancer. Now it's hammering breast cancer. And so researchers have theorized the high levels of hormones in dairy products, specifically estrogen, progesterone and insulin like compound or IGF one increases and porc, nitrous oxide, gasoline on tumour's.
And this is all over the place in the studies, other studies have suggested that that too much calcium may inhibit. Listen to this. Listen, too much calcium, especially in this form, may inhibit the activation of vitamin D, holding it back from controlling tumor development's vitamin D is your master commander hormone regulator for your immune system and many other body functions and too much calcium. Drinking all this milk is inhibiting. Vitamin D production, vitamin D and calcium go hand in hand.
There's a protein in milk called casein. This thing is called an extra fence, and it's an opioid exoticness opioid, yes, casein is an exaggerators protein like. Opioid. That's right, it's a morphine 15 times more of this opioid morphine is in milk than theirs, and they think it's a bonding chemical that's associated with the calf and the cow because there's a little bit 15 times less in mother's milk. But there's a certain point the baby rejects the milk and there's no more need for that milk.
But we are told to keep drinking not only milk that we're not supposed to be drinking. Into our adulthood, into our child's past, our childhood, but we're drinking that with these volatile, dangerous compounds from another mammal and casein is concentrated in cheese, which is why people say, I can't give up my cheese because it's morphine, it's an opioid and it's dangerous and it's turning on cancer causing reactions. It's very harmful for the human. So the thing I'm going to just stay light on, which is a very heavy subject.
So the other really gnarly side, I'm sorry, this is a heavy one. It's just a milk has been we've been lied to about milk for so long and there's such a huge history of it. But listen, people, if you think you're we're not harming animals horrifically in the in the making of milk, these mothers are being raped by artificial insemination. Their calves are born, they meet their calf, then their calf is taken away. And within a week, it's usually destroyed, killed.
So that's that is the reality of this industry. So there's no way we need to drink milk and there's literally no way you need to eat cheese ever again. That is my heartfelt call to you to make one choice and to make the next choice in your life. If you haven't already to stop eating cheese, dairy, milk and replace it, there's incredible alternatives that taste exactly like it. So you don't need to do that and you don't need to increase your your your body's.
Purification or expression of cancer? So what do we do? Don't drink milk, drink coconut milk, almond milk. Well, verrucas, milk, put a handful of verrucas, blend that up, throw a little water in there, a little stevia or a little low Hengel sweetener. It's incredible. Milk, oat milk, rice, milk, soy milk, non GMO soy milk, credible. We need to vote with our dollars. We need to stop this dairy subsidized industry.
We need to regain what our what our taxes are going to. And as customers, as consumers, we need to stop this right now. Let's take down this industry by simply taking care of your health. That's it. That's all you have to do. I'd love you. Take care literally of yourself and your family.
Open your eyes to this world so that we can be a more powerful group of humans to help change things that we may have just gotten wrong and in this case, milk. We got really wrong. OK, I love you, try out some other milks, stay positive, stay powerful and remember. Kick some ass. I love you. Thanks for telling everyone. I hope you're feeling inspired to take a closer look at the everyday choices you're making and how they could be impacting your health and the planet.
If you want to learn more about life's fatal conveniences, head over to fatal conveniences dot com. You can sign up for the exclusive access to fatal conveniences episodes, news insights and more. And all this great stuff gets sent each week straight to your inbox, making it really easy. Now, that's a convenience. Without the negative side effects, it only takes a few seconds to join. Just fill in the form and take that amazing step towards making better choices.
Remember, small changes can have a big impact. So we keep driving. My friends keep driving.
Oh, and if you haven't had a chance to check out the interview I released earlier in the week, here's what you missed.
I remember being 12 years old and getting diagnosed with ADHD and having a doctor saying to me, you know, here's something about you that doesn't work right. And this isn't what he said word for word. But this is what I heard because I was looking at the world through this lens of the narrative of am I acceptable, constantly aware of it. And so here I was presented another opportunity to buy into a bullshit story that like there's something about you that's broken and that the world finds unacceptable.
But this time I was presented with a solution. I was presented with a medication with Ritalin at the time and essentially gave me the opportunity to say, as long as I take this, no one's ever going to know how broken I am because I will appear to be what everyone else needs me to be so that I can be acceptable.
This episode is produced by my team at Must Amplify, an audio marketing company that specializes in giving a voice to a brand and making sure the right people hear it.
If you would like or are thinking about doing a podcast or even would like a strategy session to add your voice to your brand in a powerful way, go to w w w dot must amplify dot com backslash. Darren that's w w w must amplify dot com backslash Darren.