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Hey, what's up, guys, it's big cat. Before you start listening to this episode, I want to let you know that we're running a special sale on all bar stool merch, go to store barstool sports, dotcom and use code podcast for 10 percent off, go to store barstool sports, dotcom and use code podcast for 10 percent off. All right, bang, bang. It is Episode 10, welcome to The Dave Portnoy Show that he and company presented by Taser, they got the Taser strike light, that Taser pulse.


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And they cannot be purchased in Hawaii or Connecticut. The city is you folks go get a Taser, protect yourself when you're walking her dog or, you know, walking home alone. Definitely it say also we want to stay there with today's show is brought to you by slice slices. The official pizza delivery partner of one by Dave. I'm sure you could say a ton about size.


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Download a slice delivery app and use promo code Dave for three dollars off your first order once again. All right, Dave, it's a Thanksgiving Day special. So like we said last week, we have two guests for today. We're going to have Frank the Tank. He's going to come in shortly. He's going to sit next to you. We have your father. Yeah. What do you say? I can hear my dad in the background. No.


Well, no, Frank, you're not ready yet.


Don't. Are we ready for Francie's? Yeah, we'll bring them in, we'll bring you said from France now. I thought you said Yeah, I'll bring it on.


We're just listen. The thing is, we're just throwing it in. We're piling them. It's a royal rumble. We're going to see what's going to happen. Welcome, Frank.


Welcome, Frank. Hey, how's it going?


Good, Frank. All right. So you guys are in here. Mr. Putin will be joining us shortly. Obviously, we want to talk about his mini golf video. Just said it was almost an hour hour long against dogs. He broke his putter.


I heard about it. I didn't see it. But I do I do know we have to do some sort of series with Frank and dogs like a mini golf tournament get sponsored.


And how's it been going so far, Frankie? Like and how many weeks have you been full time so far?


Well, this is my third week. Come to the office every day or a couple of times a week. And it's gone really good working on tonight's on this date right now, very famous boxing match 40 years ago. I've been shooting some videos, doing different things, lowering the bar I got, lowering the bar, which I bought, I actually contribute to lowering the bar this week. I brought in the item and people are cursing me for it.


But was it it's Thanksgiving dinner, candy corn. Thanksgiving dinner. Candy corn. Yes. Doesn't taste anything like Thanksgiving dinner, taste terrible, taste like chemicals.


I'm not a big candy corn guy in general. I didn't know they made a Thanksgiving style candy. Neither did I until I walked into Walgreens. Huh. So what do you think so far, Dave? How's Frank doing? What's the what's the deal?


Well, obviously, you know, the stool streams, he's a big hit on that. So, so far, so good.


I think it's been a long time coming and we're glad that we could give him a job. There's my dad. But yes. So I think so far he's been pretty well.


And thank God. How are you enjoying it? Do you miss the courthouse at all? Are you happy you're here? I don't miss the courthouse at all. I have great stories and the stories I'll have, but 16 1/2 years is more than enough. Mr. Porter, how are we doing? I'm doing great, I got a special guest, my mom and I, we go, Hi. Hi. My mom texted me yesterday and said she was crying, making my dad like a turkey sandwich of some sort.


Baked potatoes. I haven't got that yet. By the way, yeah, so is is it just you two for Thanksgiving? And it depends on the weather, because it's supposed to be rainy, and if we can't open everything up, then it will be just the two of us. Yeah, got it. And you probably don't have to call us now on Thanksgiving. He does. I will call. I will. Oh, Thursday. Yeah.


Yeah. I think I'm just going to be in New York, I think. I get yeah, you mentioned that house is a decent they're. Yeah, it's like 40 and it's 40 and sunny, right? You know what I was thinking day was I was getting nostalgic what your life would have been like at this time when you were younger and you didn't have any sports. What when you were younger, growing up with sports was a big part of your life and today you can't play sports, what would it meant to you or what it would have been like not being able?


Oh, you mean when we were actually playing sports?


Well, when you were younger, if this ever happened, God forbid. But I'm saying all these kids now that their whole lives I mean, I wonder how you would have felt about it. Yeah, I probably would.


I would have felt the same way. I probably feel now that you let people make their own decisions. I know. I don't know how I know Dad disagrees with that, but.


But you wouldn't have been able to make those decisions because the coaches are making those decisions or the coaches aren't. Yeah, no, no, not well, they're being told. But I mean, you have to look at the world, say, oh, yeah. So right now I would not have been my choice.


And I feel like it should have been my choice. I feel like it should be people's choices. I've been pretty clear about that.


All right. That didn't answer my question. Well, no, I would have sucked. I mean, obviously, it's terrible. It's a very unique situation. It stinks for anybody. I agree, I agree. Are you guys going to miss not having Dave there at the Thanksgiving dinner? Are you trying to do Eddie like a. What is that movie, Jerry Maguire to make him cry?


Well, no, I just, you know, what are you doing? Are you going home?


Yeah, I think so. I got I got a smaller family, so I'm going to go home I think was enough to do with it.


I only have to. What? Well, I want to know how we know. I know. Eddie. Eddie. Eddie. I know. But the smaller family, I mean, we don't have huge gatherings.


No, we don't. I don't know where you're going.


Yeah, but you're Dave Davies and he's flying here. He's flying there. I'm just in the same city.


I'm just Eddie. Eddie, I meant to say something to you at the very beginning. Hello, buddy. There you go.


You just buddy.


Oh, yeah. Yeah. You don't get to see Dave very often. So that's one time I know we're guaranteed.


So I told you, when are you guys going to get the vaccine? I don't know when it's going to be. That'll be soon. And then when you do that, we can have Thanksgiving.


So what are you all thankful for, Dave?


How are you feeling? You don't seem like you're in the jolliest spirit. It's Thanksgiving week, Dave. Yeah, no, no.


I was just I in a bad mood coming in. Well, no, I've had a good run. Things are going well here, a so obviously everything need to be made. Yeah, that's just internally. I still need help creatively, so I don't have to think of everything on my own, you know, and that hasn't changed at all.


So because I'm just getting pulled a million different directions, I don't have time to sit on anything.


Now, you've been good with this show, Eddie, but like we film buffs, which is popular and we have nothing to talk about, it's like no one's giving it enough thought and it's hard.


But I know if I sat and thought about it, I'd come up with ideas to make it work. And no one there's not one like I was sitting. I gotta do a pizza. What's that noise?


I do a picture of you Black Friday. Right. So we can move merch. Nobody's mentioned that. I'm the only one thinking about that. I should have probably had a video for the merch. I got to find a piece of it just like no one is.


No one's doing what I need help like a true hey, let me take stuff off your plate thing and it's bother. It bothered me right in before because we filmed right before this BFE and it sucked. We didn't have anything and it won't work.


So maybe you have to be like our new president to be and get some new people into the. Jean, the things that are going to be actively involved. Mm hmm. This certainly isn't going to waste. My stuff usually goes. What do you mean? Well, I don't know, Eddie. And is that his show that he looks like he's got nothing for today?


Well, that's just why. Well, you're not really playing along Davidson well for why you haven't asked anything. I agree with, you know something? I agree with you, Eddie. I don't know if it's because my wife's coming on a serious note here, playing along. What do you want me to do, Eddie? Well, we've got Frank there.


He's wearing a turkey hat. You got no coat on his hat. Well, he's been wearing I've seen the hat. He didn't catch me off guard by the hat.


Mrs. Portnoy has joined the show. She she doesn't ring in the contact. That could have been a good avenue. And you're just. You're pouty, Dave. I'm not. How you haven't said.


You know what? I have a hat, too. Yeah. Oh, she just happened to have it with. Well, I have nothing else to do in my life. These are not for sale. Well, they might be for the right price. Oh, there we go, we can get those in the store, that's just a winter hat. Well. That's just a winter hat, OK? Looks good as opposed to the post you made it.


What do you mean you made it? You know how to knit. I mean, what is that? What do you think that means? She made it. I don't know. I've never knew you knew how to knit.


If you can make one like Franck's two, if you had to like that.


Since when have you learned how to knit? I used to knit all the time I made, but I had nothing in my life. So I started to make hats and I figured I'd donate them to, you know, the poor or somebody had something to do.


Do you mean because you guys don't have a house because you're stuck in covid lockdown protocol? Yeah, pretty much.


Very warm, say, is a very you know, is also knit when they're locked down.


So it's natural. There you go. That all they do, Frank, I'm looking for. What does he do? Prisoners. So I think they do more things that aren't quite as nice as well.


Knitting is the nice thing they do. They knitting's and they give things to the kids that were present during jail prisoners. Yeah, I never knew that.


Well, what about that is very important. I remember Dad was making fun of the way you carved a turkey a couple of years ago. Oh yeah. Yeah.


Well, that didn't happen the way he said it. Yes, it did it 100 percent that he cannot carve a turkey. That's a fact. And they should just let it go because he can't, he can't. I didn't bring it up well, but you said you denied it. I mean, and that is that is an annual tradition that he can't cut the turkey. There's a couple annual traditions that will miss. He can't cut the turkey. And there's always the dispute about how the turkey turkey is cut.


I actually I think you blame the way you cut the turkey on how it's cooked, which is irrelevant.


Well, I want to tell you now, I'm going to get on the wrong side of your mother here, but it doesn't help when you put a turkey in upside down you.


Yeah, I didn't do that last time because I couldn't buy a small turkey. There were no small turkeys available. So I bought this. I bought it from Turkey and I couldn't move it. So I just plucked it in the oven. And it was like, I don't usually know what a good way to cook a turkey.


Are you still cooking as though Thanksgiving is happening, Mom? Yeah, yeah, and a simplified I did I told them he could have a potato tonight, I made my potatoes this stuffing and turkey and applesauce and popovers and we may still see our grandchildren will know.


I would have dropped off some food to you, but it's too hard getting in and out of the states now. I would have done the ride.


You mean on the train?


What do you mean when we were going to drive up?


What do you mean? It's too hard to get in? Is there like border? What does that mean? Just like roadblocks back into the state, you can't you've got to get either covid or you got to be quarantined for two weeks, Massachusetts becoming very strict.


Yeah, but no one knows. I mean, there's a million different ways to enter the state.


How are they? I actually thought you were going to Florida. I didn't know what I was doing all the way till. Yeah, I didn't I wasn't sure. I mean, there's a chance I still may go somewhere, but I don't think so.


But I don't know what you mean is too hard to go in and out of the state, I don't think that's totally true. Well, I thought it would have what it would what would happen is because you I don't know what your situation is relative to the covid, but we'd all obviously be very careful about what it was. So I just envision you running down from your apartment. We'd hand the stuff. We turn around and go home. That didn't sound like a very good plan.


I thought you meant like when you said difficult. I thought it meant like roadblocks at the state border.


I did. Well, I did. I don't I don't think that would be a big issue either.


If you don't get out of the car, there's definitely no I don't think we'd go. Frank, you could sit in the back seat with that hat and we'd get arrested.


Boom. Oh, all right. Mr. Mrs. Portnoy, thank you for hopping on. That's all you got for Thanksgiving. Yeah. You know, you don't see my mother's ring in this whole thing.


I'm. I don't know what you want. I feel like I've been playing along there.


Eddie, Mrs. Portnoy did ask what we were all like.


What are you doing for Thanksgiving? I'm having my uncle over. I cooked a turkey. I cook everything. I wake up at six o'clock in the morning. I start getting the turkey in the oven because my my uncle wants to eat at noon. Yeah, noon. It's been a traditional Thanksgiving time even for my parents. My parents used to wake up five o'clock in the morning, make the turkey and they're still doing that actually out in Idaho by themselves over there.


Let's go around, say what we're thankful for and then, you know, thank you guys for coming. I will keep going. So we'll go with that. Mrs. Portnoy, you can go first.


Oh, well, I guess like everybody, we're thankful that we're all healthy and well. I hope all of your families aren't, too.


And I guess I would support friends and family have given during these difficult times. Mr. Portnoy, I'm thankful that I haven't been yelled at by my wife during this, what we're doing here the longest, so I'm very thankful. I'm very relaxed and I feel good. And she's probably going to yell at me when this is over and I'll no longer be thankful to. Have you guys gotten a couch yet? Oh, yeah.


I think you were here when we had it. We were the next one.


You know, we told you that you didn't really have one last Thanksgiving. Well, a tool like love sits across from each other. We didn't have that. Maybe I forget.


You know, I want to tell you, this is an example, which is I don't want to name a company, but Wayfair, they these companies want to stay in business. We we had some kind of a complaint about the culture. That's stunning. They sent us.


Well, it wasn't my what? Well, let me know.


What was the complaint? Well, there we go.


Like now we're getting back. Now we're getting back to reality, like in the packaging when they open one, it was like pushed in and the the unit was kind of smushed. So I was pushed.


What? Yeah. Yeah. So I wanted them just to replace the piece. Like the co-chairs must know where the questions go in the corner, the arm, the armrest could show that that was kind of pushed in a little bit and I think it was kind of the packaging.


And and so when I called to tell them they said they'd send me another one and to keep the old one. So the old ones in the family room and I have those we keep getting extra couches, that's for sure.


I still keep getting it's on the way from them. Some things I'm we're expecting it any day now. It's been for about a year and a half, but we're ahead in the culture business. We have three. We only bought two and we have three. Good for you. Good for you. So it's been a good year for. I should have been thankful for that. Got it. So Wayfair not knowing what they're doing. Stock market is unbelievable.


Yeah, it's been doing well, it's been doing well, but I think the Trump stuff he came on, you probably don't know this because you've been working. He came out this morning for 30 seconds, basically said, I'm thankful the stock market is booming. And then he walked off the stage. I'm telling you, he was literally on there for 30 seconds. I don't think he realizes that. One of the reasons it's booming right now is a lot of people are happy he's leaving.


He didn't see that as the reason he figured in his planning.


And then one other question. I was going to ask him and then I know. And he wants us to hang out. What do you think? The Brady. I look old, obviously bad. Is look. Yeah, I mean, I'm rooting for him, but it's I have you still playing decent, but he just can't look old. All right.


I mean, you are thankful you said. And then we'll go. Well, thank him. No, I mean, I'm obviously thankful things are going well.


I don't have too much to complain about.


My complaints seem, you know, they're like the ones I said earlier that people aren't helping me think of ideas. But in the scheme of things, that's not that big of an idea. The complaint, I should say. So, yeah, I have a lot to be thankful for. Everyone's healthy. Yeah, right, I'm thankful for my fans, my fans are probably the best fans, they I think they really, like, pushed the needle to finally get me here full time.


And that's the big reason for this. And I get fans to tell me things and I find that just crazy. And someone sent me a plaque with a Dan Marino jersey in it, autographed. And I can't believe someone actually sent that to me.


And it's just so overwhelming. And I want to put it on my wall. But I don't want my world kind of sucks. I'm in a terrible apartment. I'm going to move next year. Definitely.


I'm out of there after I get out for the rest of my life. I don't know if I could take Ralph with me, but I'm going to go.


Frank, would you be OK if Dave maybe stop by on Thursday, grab some turkey?


Why not? I'm in Bellevue. I have enough Turkey. They've requisitioned the offer. Frank, without a formal notice that you're leaving your apartment, probably by at least my least.


I want to keep this. You might want to keep this video so you don't have to send them a formal notice.


Well, my parents want to move back to New Jersey and we're thinking about buying a two family house. So my father just sits and all his watch. Judge Judy, you can't bother him while he's watching Judge Judy watch Judge Judy like six hours, six episodes, eight, three, three hours a day. And it's it's the same one you like. So it seems holds on every day. I remember my mother smoking two packs of cigarettes because he's driving her nuts.


It's very similar to what happens in September. I'm not smoking, but I feel like somebody else and a lot of togetherness.


Yeah, you guys must be on top.


I guess it must be an interesting a lot of room here. I mean, I'm not sure I'm so.


I know I'm aware. Well, he's not, but I might be doing all right.


Well, everybody stay. Well, thanks for inviting us.


Have a nice Thanksgiving. It's OK. Bye bye. Bye.


All right. Now what I know now it's time to talk about Felix Grey. Dave, where are the glasses? Yeah, I am wearing Felix Grey right now.


Felix Grey, big time. Tell us about it.


So they're blue eye glasses I start wearing for the day to day traders stuff because I couldn't sleep. My eyes are blinking from looking at the screen and all the numbers, so they really work.


Not only do they really work, I actually like the way they look to. So it's a good double thing. I need them when I look at the screen and like I said, I like the looks. Yeah.


The thing is, like most blue light glasses don't filter enough blue light and the light spectrum wavelength that matters. She looks great. Does though their glasses filter fifteen times more blue light from screens than other clear blue light lenses. So whether it be, you know, screen time and it also they look good. Dave, I know you get a lot of compliments on those. So if you got headaches, blurry vision, Tuya, if you got dry, tired eyes, trouble sleeping, exposure to blue light at night can impact melatonin, secretion the hormone and that regulates sleep.


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We could use his comments on some of this stuff, right?


I guess. Yeah, that's cool. So first thing, Dave, big story coming out yesterday. Michelangelo has a sound from Cardinal Roberts. Craig Carton said he saw you with a certain someone at a restaurant. Mike, can you play that?


Please get trying to get more. I mean, you said something that I think a lot of people in the audience are like, hey, I want to know who Portnoy was with and if it was public right, then there's nothing you're doing wrong. So why don't you say it? OK, good. The fourth child of the president of the United States of America. Oh, really? Is that Tiffany? Tiffany, Trump. Trump.


How about that? How about that? Wow. So I can't say now, you know.


Yeah, I heard this is just totally false. I was going to say she was in the same restaurant as I was. I was sitting like here and she walked out. I don't know who she's with people.


Somebody introduced me to her briefly being like, it is Tiffany Trump. I think she's like, I like your interview with my dad and walked away. I mean, it was a one second interaction. So I have no idea where that's coming from. Frank, what do you think?


Would you like David to be done dating Tiffany Trump? I think that would be a nice match. I mean, you'd be in the Trump family. I mean, you'd be able to get living at Trump Tower probably if that was the case.


But yeah, no, I thought it was a strange thing to say. I mean, there was no way to misconstrue it. It wasn't. There's just no way unless he knew is making it up. Like, there's just no possible way is there a chance to saw the interaction, if it was that fast or is it kind of you know, because even if you saw the interaction, it would appear like we didn't know each other.


Like I was sitting down eating dinner and she was in I'm like in a table of people surrounding me. And she was on the, you know, walking out of the restaurant. So there's just no way to construe that me and her knew each other. It was a very obvious interaction, which we didn't know each other.


Have you hung out with her before? No, I've never met her. There's no even if I had seen her, I want to know who she was.


To be honest, if it wasn't like there was just no possible way that that could have been misconstrued.


Strange. That's like a new thing. Now, people like to just make up who I'm hanging out with or make things up about me.


Like I saw another thing on that same gossip website, not that that did that one that was saying I was rude to somebody during a pizza review. So I just made up. It was like people are just making stuff up.


I mean, within the last month, I believe we've had that. And The Real Housewives lady. Real Housewives, John Calipari, his daughter. Oh, I didn't see that one when I was in Kentucky. It was like I went out to dinner with her. Someone says, weren't Kentucky basketball sweatshirt? I'd given up on Michigan. Meghan Calipari, that's who they said it was. And then. And then this way, sir, did you actually go out to dinner with her or know who?


Megan Cowpat? No, no, she now I've never met her either.


People are just making stuff up. The carton thing's a little weird because she was in the restaurant, but I don't know why.


He just there was no way to get that out of there. It's just totally made up. Was Kardon there? Did you see him or not? No, no. Yeah.


Again, I guess Tiffany Trump I attacked Harton is trying to get ratings like should we act like who told you that? I almost did not dignify but like, would you come? I like Khatun. I've talked to them but like where'd you come up with that.


Like to say something like that on the radio should be right now. I mean Standard and Michael Kay. I mean Michael, Michael Kay. I'd rather have a plunger stuck in my ear. It's almost like I feel like addressing it is about luck.


Sometimes it's like. I've had people. Like when these rumors all have people I know asked me, is this true? And I say no. And then they tell people and then that gets picked up like Oprah. I don't know. I just don't I'm just ignoring it. This in a weird way, there's so much confusion now around my personal life. It's it's good because I can just if someone accuses me of something and I was like, well, 95 percent of it's made up.


I will say, Eddie, I was out with a girl who said she used to date, I don't know, date exclusively, but on the boy like Khalil Mack, all the nice things to say about him.


Was he a nice guy? Yes. She said he was actually very nice. That's great. I like to hear that. Oh, man. That's my guy. Frank, what do you think? Is it like Tiffany Trump? Is she in your top five girls? Top ten? I would put it up there.


I mean, that's crazy. I mean, you get that. I mean, come on. You get the money. You get the money in the money. Frank, who else you got up there?


Who's who else is in the Frank. Frank top ten.


She's now the honey in the money.


I like that, Frank. Oh actually, no, no, I wasn't even thinking about that way. So I'm not even liking that mindset. What about Kate Beckinsale, Frank Hilliker again ghosted, so I sent her and she's Irmo for two.


I think you deserve to do one bump, right? Just give it a bump. Or if you got something else, I don't know that she's ever seen any of them try it. What are we going with? I got a look, I think I just sent her a ghost emoji. This hurts. I just said this hurts. All right, so we'll be updating next time a record. All right, so interesting. I know a lot of people are talking about that.


I was just totally not even the housewife I'd never met. I had no idea who it was, at least I guess in this case I said hello, but crazy.


Yeah. And I don't know if there's an element for I heard that she has a tendency to leak things. So maybe that was like her own do. I don't know.


So who knows that she said no. No way. You don't think so. Nope. I could be wrong, but that's that's fair. All right, then. What's Carton's thing? Hey. Khatun, what's it Partan? Yeah, see a Arton Craig Carton live. Yeah, that's it. It is quite can't life. Yeah, I think he's on the air right now.


It's not worth it. I'm not going to do. It's not. All right. Besides that, Scott Stapp, you posted the classic video that is at halftime.


Video is so electric. The funniest comment, the guy flying somebody like who are those angels dressed as men. Very, very funny.


Unbelievable. Unbelievable video.


And yeah, he well, I posted it and then it was making its rounds around the Internet. And then he tweeted at me is familiar with, you know, barstool in the pizza views. And I'd love to do I'm pretty selective on pizza, if you guess. I turned down a lot of them, but I would love to have him on there. Who have you turned down?


That was kind of like a tweener, I feel like. I don't remember. I've turned down a ton of people. Really? Yeah, like 90 percent knows. But Scott Stapp, I mean, that's that would be unbelievable. Yeah, you got there, there's a clip of you singing. So there's that fact like you, you would have to bust that out if you met him, right?


If you did or you sing. Yeah, yeah. Probably. Yeah, you have to. But that was great. Did you guys communicate further or was that that was it.


All right, we got to get Scott Stapp, Frank Crede, where does Creed rank for you? Turned up pretty good. And I know that one song, Can You Take Me Higher? And the next one time had a guy on our team, Brian Schneider, and he would his walk up music would be the song, Can You Take Me Higher? And he was like kind of over 20. Something went and everybody came up. I just saw it right, right here.


If you're going, can you suck much harder? You can't buy him. You're terrible.


It's a good one. I like that. One day everything was it was great loud.


The headphones is quite loud. I don't know how Michelangelo kept those headphones on. Oh, what was your Priscila tweet about? I was out with a girl named Priscilla. Do you want to know my vote before you say? Sure. I said Hispanic, yeah, she was Hispanic. She said, that's what I thought as a white girl name Hispanic. Well, my my vote one pretty heavily.


Got it. Forty five percent said white, though not all of that busted either didn't change percentages forever. But yeah, I thought Priscilla, you know Priscilla Presley. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I didn't know it was a Hispanic name. She said it was.


Yeah, I don't know, I, I definitely I voted for that because I don't know, I think, I think I made like a smoke a Priscilla before and she was Hispanic but yeah.


So that was we had a little do to do on what type of name it was. Samarai, I'll throw it out for a vote. I damn really.


You won 45 percent. That's that's a big margin too.


Yeah. And I think it would have been bigger. Like I said, sometimes Twitter polls break because there's that forty six, thirty five with 4000 votes that didn't change up to I don't know how many votes ended up on it, like 150000.


Then did you see Stephen J boned Albie's the other day. Yesterday. No. Stephen Shay tweeted all caps business p. Why do we have prettier printers in this office if they all do not work.


It's a fair question. Not out of bounds.


All best responded. All the printers work. Obviously if you are having issues, you know there are far better ways to get in touch with me and have me help than this.


Yeah, I don't know if that's true. Sometimes you do have to light a little fire in a pizza place and then TGA guy Andrew Steps Stepashin they all work fine.


Steve, don't be mad at Pete because you can't figure out how to add paper to a printer tray, but something to keep an eye on.


OK, well, Stephen Jay, if he hates the printers that much, he has to do to recreate the office space scene.


Great scene. Great scene tank. I agree. Something to keep an eye on. I just you know, Pete got boned by Stephen Check, so. That's that's a that's a bro rivalry, I guess I also saw this weekend kind of troops kind of made his debut novel. Was that his first line?


Yeah, yeah. So he's in. And I thought he was good in the live stream. Very entertaining. I haven't talked too much. Has been here so busy, but yeah, getting in the soccer space a little bit and a lot of people want to know this was like a comment.


I guess email question was, is do you have any long term strategy with soccer content. Not No. One about barstool, Sam. Like is that. No, I don't have a long term strategy.


Hopefully, you know, people enjoy troops and it picks up in the live stream and people watch it. But I'm not a big long term strategy guy. It's more prove your worth and not worth necessarily, but build the audience and then you can do whatever you want. But as you know, it would be up to troops and Sam, theoretically to build the strategy for soccer. What am I know I'm not a soccer guy.


Yeah, that's interesting because, I mean, I don't. So she living here is that. Yeah.


Yeah. I think, yes, Tyler Odey soundtrack, it features Big T. I mean, this is the second album I believe I've done a 180 on Tyler or I used to really despise him when he asked for a raise after I hired him 10 seconds later.


But I actually kind of like him. He's just such a preposterous human. He's great.


He's exactly the type of character that you need walking around that place. Yeah. He's got an old school vibe, though, like in elementary school, like, well, I guess I did hire him until he asked for a raise after he knew. It's like walking in. Here's how much we pay, OK? Yes. Good, good, good. All right. You got the job. You beat out all these people. Great. Five minutes later, I'm gonna need a raise.


It's like, well, you knew everything going in, dude. That's the biggest.


That could be the biggest turn. The biggest 180 you've made. Yeah. I wouldn't hired him back. I never would have. Jazz has freedom and he's done that. I feel like a couple of times hire people I ordinarily would not have hired back. I can't remember. But Tyler's definitely top of the list. Yeah.


I think we talked about an episode of one or two about how. You were upset with gadgets hiring at one point. Well, that's it. Yeah, I mean, he yeah, a little bit. Frank, are you looking to get out of that album sometime? Do you think you could show your pipes? Oh, I could be on a good album here. There. I'm willing to participate. Team player, big time team player, what's up with your guy and his license?


I'm sorry, I apologize, but TiVo, I saw he caught a lot of heat about the BFI social and store scenes is you guys seem to mind, Rob, what happened there?


This the the social was Cringely. The way it talked, the way it communicated. It was Cringely. It's still there was one that Austin did that thought was crazy. I think I took him off of it, too, as well. There's just no feel to being legal. Correct. And social media is a skill and neither of them have it. And again, this goes at the top of my tree that we can't figure this out. But it's it's not as easy just will assign them and somebody does it.


Like if you ask guys about his social media, it's like, here's my best guys.


We just we're not giving enough thought to really anything on on the team Portnoy front lately, I don't believe. Right.


So let's get into that. So who's so? So right now for this show? It's me and Michelangelo and you who's and BFF right now. You, Josh and. Well, that's me and Josh, and then Kevin, I guess, sits in the seat that Michelangelo is in kind of the producer's seat. I get a packet of information that I think Kevin I don't know who I know. He sends it to me, but I don't know what else who else is working on it.


So is that the content is the problem right here? Yes, it's brain dead content. I'm getting brain dead content. I don't know that I'm getting any good ideas.


And it looks like something that hasn't been given, like creative thought in that, again, it starts with me.


Maybe I don't have creative people, like just like I said with social expecting somebody to come up with cool, unique ideas may not be a skill set like Frankie is good at that.


If you look at what he does now or he comes up with ideas and concepts and he was always even a little bit of an issue with me because he's got his own stuff going on. But. You know, I just I need forethought, like I, I got order takers, not makers on my team right now is what I'm afraid of.


Although, as I said, Austin has been to a great job with my ticktock. So he does things on a tick tock that I like a lot. So what you're really saying is you need a producer that is going to come to you with ideas and then make sure that you're ahead of the curve, not just kind of doing the status quo, correct?


Yeah, I mean, I got a play sheet for BFE five minutes before I go in. Maybe I get emailed the night before, but it's like nothing. Like Piaf's went crazy one episode to Alex right this way, boys, I came up with that idea like anything is working. We're not I need I need ideas. I need help.


So then you say you're not going to air that episode or you are going to air which one, but one that you just recorded, maybe a part of it.


We have the chef who is on the DeMello, but it wasn't like electric by what was it?


You just you guys didn't have the questions he wasn't really giving you. You know, he wasn't going to be, like, controversial. There was no way to do it better in that case, but.


It would have worked in a bigger episode, but we hadn't found it. And the more I'm thinking about it, I thought about more. It has to be almost like run down like that crazy video that's so funny that went viral with the people fighting in the Walwa.


Like like we should have watched that together and then chopped it up about that video, almost like rundown style that could probably work.


We need something sustainable. But my issue is in and it's not just this. So we end that episode and I'm the one who's going to give it a thought on how to make better until we film next time there's Josh, give it much thought was here in the process.


Who? Josh. Josh.


No, I think he's so busy, I mean, we talked a little bit about today, but I don't think he is much either, although he is doing something that shows like he has his own show called Tea Time, which is like gossip and whatnot.


And it's like a big thing that they're doing. He's shut that down because I think he sees the potential of PFS and he's going to combine it to one. So Josh and I both know and this is what with PFS in the beginning, I wasn't sure how long it would last. I wasn't like, will it be one episode, five episodes? I just want to get into tech talk.


I know right now I can always judge how things are doing. I'm out in the streets and tons of people are mentioning it to me. Hey, love BFE We've put out good episodes. We've skipped a week already, but it has the potential is too big not to put the thought to make it great. And I'm going to have to carve out time to do that. And maybe I'm the only one who can do it now.


But I feel that I that it drives you nuts when you put out an episode that you're not like I, I wasn't happy with that.


Right. And we haven't we haven't had to do it because we don't have the advertisers and whatnot. So we can skip it. But we don't have that formula yet that we can depend on to make it great once a week.


He's good enough, good enough. That formula exists. I'm going to have to again and maybe everything. What frustrates me and I don't always have time, like the right maybe to be frustrated is and it could be because of my personal or perfectionist if I don't sit and spend the time myself to make sure it's great.


I ain't getting help from anybody else, but I'm doing a million fucking things. So it's like, can I get a fucking second? You know, that's kind of how I, you know, look, I like I go if I went to Miami for the weekend, that sets me back. I'm not thinking. And it's like that hurts. That's almost why I'm staying here. Like this Thanksgiving is like, let me just regroup here. Reaching the land on Sunday.


You're not really going to do much. Well, oh, my God. Jay and I go fucking film a million things all day Monday. Today, people like, oh, Dave, you're in a bad mood filled the NFL show. Well, I did DDT stream when I woke up. I did the pro football show right after that. I went in and did the Joshel BFE, which sucked. And then so I'm thinking as I'm walking in to do this show, my mind's on the show that just sucked and ended five minutes ago.


Like, how do I make it better? How do I make it better? I'm not thinking about this show.


Yeah, no. I hear their effects everywhere. You know, I hear it sucks.


Shitty situation and it's like champagne problems. It's good. It's a lot. But I'm still so I'm somehow more involved in content than I've ever been because, you know, pushes the pen in the gambling and things like that. But I'm getting no relief on content at all except for Austin and Tech talk. He's doing a very good job. Well, we're preparing here to. Right.


We're. Yes, sorry, I don't know, let's let's talk about expressive here, let's just coming out of here. How many ads we go for?


We got a lot. We got we got five at this show. So this will be the last ad. Is that like a map?


I don't know how that works. If they sold eight with a stick, eight in there. No.


So I was talking to Stephen Shea about that because I know people are complaining about the ads last episode, too. But apparently from here on out, we're only going to have four this week. And last week we had five.


So say I'd rather get like a title sponsor to pay like a billion and have one. Agree? I agree. Completely agree. So maybe we throw that into the universe. That would be great.


Someone who's really going to pony up or push the fuck out of them and then we'll just use one and we'll just let it flow and not have to worry about everything. But regardless of our guys today, when we use the bathroom, we always close the door behind you. Right. So you don't want a random passer by looking in on you. So why would you let someone look in on you when you go online? Using the Internet without express VPN is like going to the bathroom and not closing that door because you know that your Internet service provider like Comcast or Verizon knows every single website you visit.


You know about that? Yes, I do. And you're worried about people spying on you?


Oh, of course. And I know when you get a good VPN, you need to have that security. And if you don't have that security, I mean, everything's out there. It's like they could get your Social Security number. And let me tell you, identity theft is rampant. I had my identity stolen, Frank. It's scary and it's hard to get back. I did.


I had it stolen. Dave Portnoy, number two, Target stores, the guy, New York, upstate New York. So you stole he stole two hundred grand from me and then and used it. He got away. He totally took my Social Security. He bought a place in Florida under my name. The FBI was involved. It was a big deal. It's a big deal.


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All right. This one's this one's from Ryan Davis.


Is there someone who doesn't currently there that would be a dream hire for barstool so that someone who doesn't work here, who would be a dream hire.


Dream higher. No, I can't really think of any, but it will be a dream hire who are like totally transform the way things work. You know, our hire, the one that are the ones that truly tend to be like the most successful are unknowns who, like, create their own niche here. So we've tried to hire like Scott Van Pelt. Awesome McShay I'm close friends with so that I think he'd fit in. But it's all different when you're coming with the big names.


So I don't know. I don't I can't think of any. We're still it'll be awesome. Yeah, he'd be good. I mean, he's in L.A. We talked a little bit. He'd be very good. And the thing is, is even if you say like, all right, you throw out the most preposterous name, like Matthew McConaughey or something like, say, he did a podcast or something on the network, you still don't know if you're getting McConaughey to buy into barstool, right.


That's that's a conundrum. Yeah.


Yeah, exactly. And when you look for talent, do you look more at the following or the quality of work? It really is a combo. It's an absolute combo. It depends what we're hiring them for. There's a lot of areas that we hire that certainly aren't necessarily my cup of tea or my areas of expertise, but the following speaks to that. They're doing something right. And then you'll have like a KBE and it's like, oh, he's this guy's electric, no following, but he's an automatic hire, you know.


And then you brought him up KBE and we talked about him. I think I saw one or two. So that's why I tell people I just go listen back. We a lot of these things you already talk about, but you you have nothing but good things to say about those guys. Yeah.


And a lot of the ways you get hired here. Can be, I think, somebody very good or very funny and then they recommend somebody else, so like I couldn't see enough of Nick to really know anything about them, but Kirby was pretty adamant that he should be hired. So it's like, all right, fucking Gabino is funny, so let's hire him. But and then obviously it's worked. So that is that method. Generally, if someone here vouches for somebody else, it generally works to the greatest.


They might not be in on a dozen top sponsored content, but they're just super fun. So you're cool with it, right? Yes, they're extremely funny.


And I'll be I don't care. Funny sells. Sometimes our sales may not have the easiest time selling unique, interesting content, but I don't care. We need always that because we do obviously do other things that are crafted to be more sales.


So they offset we try as much we can to keep the branded content as interesting as possible. But sometimes you got to bend a little bit.


There's next one of all the interns you've had from the beginning. Who would who would be the one that you'd love to have back? Elise. Internalise. She cleaned all the shit out here. We've had very few interns who have been productive. She was one of them, OK? And I'm sure she has done a very good job. So but I mean, she was actually an intern who I did stuff in was like helpful and responsible. We haven't in my tenure haven't had a ton of those.


Do you know what she's up to now?


No, I'm sure she's successful. Whatever she's doing. No contact or nothing?


No. Now, that be great from a full time standpoint, but I think if you're going to get one day someone walking through those glass doors, you got to pick Muskie.


Are you talking for content? Well, if you stay full time, if she did whatever it was, whatever barstool you think she could muster, yeah, Muskie was mussed. The Muskie era was an interesting one. Oh, I'd also love to see what weird hair I know. Weird haircut. At least everyone says he hates me. But, I mean, he was he was a unique one to.


Ed Muskie, there's no contact either he wants nothing to do with it. No, no muskies. Fine, I believe I remember because at one time I think I've told this is still maybe the most remarkable thing that's ever happened out of the blue like two years ago is like you'll never guess who I just saw. And I just guess Muskie, he's like, how do you know that? It's like, I don't know, just hit me. I mean, it was remarkable, it's a random one, I kind of like to do a James check in.


Wasn't he a chef now or something like Jamie Foxx?


Just he's somebody got fired and openly just stopped working like he he killed himself to be fired. Like when I'm like, hey, you're fired. Like, yeah, yeah.


It's probably makes sense. And he was he created a verb umba, so he got you get Jamous and you get faked out a lot. You believe the the deep fake video's not even deep fake.


Well at least he's not throwing Sirio on the train like another intern you used to have.


Oh yeah. Crocket that kid sucks. That was probably Gasteyer. Unbelievable.


And also if you took on another investor, who would be your dream investor? Another investor who would be my dream investor. Well, I know someone who's able to invest after January 20th, who's that? The president, oh, he wanted it be a dream investor. You know, I think about it much more on the like, what could they do to take us to the next level? You know who it would be, but I don't know.


It's interesting on whether he do it. Charles Barkley. And he's not a traditional investor, if Charles Barkley is like, hey, I want to put money into this and I'm going to help take this thing to the next level, like I'm not going to do a Jordan investment in which I just give money and I might not do anything. But if it's like I'm going to start being part of content, gambling, content, stuff like that, he could be a big help.


And I don't even know that we'd want his money. It's like.


I'm going to become involved with you guys. He would be a draw, and I actually, believe it or not, said it on a taped interview like TMZ ambushed me outside my house and was just asking me questions. And it was right after we hired Deon right in there. Like, if you could hire any other celebrity, who would it be? And it caught me off guard like Charles Barkley.


He reached out, Barkley reached out, and I traded texts. It didn't go anywhere, but because of he's never. He's never going God knows how much he gets paid, like TNT, it must be like infinity dollars, so it's nothing that we'd have to incent him so highly. I don't know that it's possible with, like penstock or whatever, but if he was correctly incentivized, he'd blend in perfectly here. I know he's a big gambler in it.


It would be great. Dave, we got to figure this out. I don't I don't I don't know that there's any amount of money that could make it worth, I mean, what, hundreds of millions?


He probably makes hundred of million with TNT. Oh, yes. I bet he has a 100 million dollar contract. I have no idea. But guess, does he have a podcast?


Can he be our fucking number where we need an NBA podcast right now? Why can't we get someone who could do all the logistics? Barkley shows up.


But I. You know, I don't know that that would get the job done. Podcasting is weird. You need home videos. You need everything. It's like celebrities. Just doing podcasts don't always translate the way you think. It's like the guys like us. It's like PMT caller daddy.


The grind it, live it 24/7 people. Those are the successful podcasts. Yeah.


I think about Charles though is he tells so many awesome stories now like picture when he like, I mean of course this is not going to be now because he's still doing TNT, but what he really has nothing to lose. You know, he still has unbelievable story.


Right. But but you'd have to get him like nothing seems to work for us unless it's all in like one. We're doing like pieces of it.


And you're on one show and then this show and tell a story there. It doesn't the weight doesn't translate. Yeah, there's got to be a way to figure out the best way to use him before you even go there, and it's just hard it's hard to make it worth it. The amount of money that would have to be given to make it worth his while, it's hard. I mean, I we did a dog walk draft yesterday, and one of the categories was one guest you'd like to have at your Thanksgiving.


And Charles Barkley was my pick.


Yeah. Again, if he was, it was motivated correctly. But how's a guy like that? It's almost like to me, like the pen thing happened in a much smaller level. But if you're an outside company and you're like, well, we want Dave, like, what do you have to do to get me to be like I'm going to fight. Like my time is so thin and I've already made so much not bragging, but like, what would you have to do to get me to be up on a put fucking every ounce of energy into this new venture?


A lot. Yeah, and multiply that with Berkeley Totò because he's so good, he just shows up on that TNT show, he probably isn't prepping that much and he just does it and goes and I don't know what his contract is, but you hear how much these people are making for like Romo and what nets. He's a thousand percent better than those guys and far more irreplaceable.


Due to Charles Barkley, you can't replace him, he's one of the few media people who like that show is almost, I don't say dead because everybody's good on it, but you need him. He's the glue.


Compared to ESPN's basketball coverage, ESPN's basketball coverage is terrible.


I actually don't think it's that bad. But but compared to TNT, it's it's like TNT is so much better.


It's because of him and Ernie. Very good. And the interaction. Shaq is good. Yeah. Kenny Smith, especially Kenny Smith. Kenny Smith is great. Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley. That little bit of a rivalry going up. And that's always a good interaction.


It's a good crew. It's it's a very good crew. Couple more here, Matt, from that. I live in a state with a couple of Pangasinan, you know, but haven't seen much personal branding. How does Penn decide on which location gets a physical barstool sports book?


A lot of them will. And we have those discussions all the time. And a lot of them is based on a variety of factors, state rules, technology, a whole host of reasons as a jigsaw puzzle.


And a lot of people have been sending in pictures and everything from the Denver one. It looks pretty cool. Has there been anything are you planning on going there? What's going on?


Yeah, we'll get there eventually, probably the next six to ten months. And of course, people want to know if you're opening a Denver office because of that. No, I last question, Tyler. What's your relationship like with Carrabba's? Me, yeah, good. I mean, we don't talk much since he left, not because. Not because I have anything I'm that or anything, it's just once you leave, it's I'm so busy. The times I talk to people are generally like in the office.


But good, I mean, I've always liked you heard you guys. Yeah, you just don't interact as much because he's not there. But back in the day, there will always be the that everything like that. All right, Dave, that's it. Black Friday. Black Friday. Keep a lookout. Cyber Monday.


Yup. Do you think people are going to hate this episode? I think people are going to hate this episode.


I know. Yeah. And was good. I thought Dean was very solid, actually. What do you think?


I will see. And we also have search now in unit sizes. I love it. It was so how many axis up to six X.


Oh this is six X and I'm going right now. Nice. Would you have thought you here, Frank?


Frank the tank and like, you know, a year ago, two years ago, I was always hopeful but, you know, realistic. Well, welcome. I'm glad you're here. I'm glad we could make it happen. Well, thanks a lot and I'm glad I'm finally here, you know, physical tranquility that I could finally be here. I mean, 20 years ago, I was a broadcaster and I couldn't find anything in the broadcast field. Yeah, you know, it's crazy because Frank probably has a better appreciation of being here than 97 percent of the people we got in this place because he's had a real world job.


I've had a real, real job like, you know, KFC did. Dan, a lot of the younger kids, the world's most jobs fucking suck.


And and when you're here and you can make your own schedule and do whatever you want, with the exception of Frank sings in everybody's face, he'll be on a pitch count.


But other than that, it really waking up and not hating your job is you want to talk about being thankful.


That's the best blessing you can have in life. It truly is.


I mean, all four of us, Chicago, we we did actually shit to it's night and day. It's night and day. There's no price tag you can put on on, you know, for a long time here. I haven't cared whether it's Monday or Saturday. And that is there is nothing better than that. There's nothing better than that. You're right, you're very right. How about you? What do you think? You don't seem like you're hopeful about this one.


I don't know the beginning. I don't know. I thought my parents are usually better. It was a weird I think we could've done something better with my parents. But what do you do? It's it's cold, it's going it depresses everything. Oh, yeah, my mom is very depressed. Really? Yes, she is crying.


She cries a lot because I don't get to see them that much. So Thanksgiving, she's right as the automatic me home. But once Culver's is done, well, obviously, I just can't I can't wait.


I do the dude. I just can't wait to this nightmare is over. I want to get I want to be in a full stadium again with fans cheering on the match to cheering on the Devils.


And and hopefully next year, I'll finally get a chance to fly down to Florida and actually watch it off game at their stadium, I've I just called it Dolphin Games at the Meadowlands every year. And ironically enough, this week is the Dolphin jet game. And of course, no fans allowed. So I can't go there. And I always love laughing at Jet fans. One time a Jet fan came in dressed like The Karate Kid. Remember the Capecchi with the.


I think it's not the best radio move, though, Frank, to cover your mouth.


Oh, yeah. Well, he had to take the paint from the skeletons. He grabbed it and put it on my head and destroyed my dolphin hat. And I just stood there and then the dolphins ended up kicking the jets and says, you fucking losers, you did this to my hat. Well, this is why you jets always suck and always will suck.


That's almost like a Bruce Wayne story, like seeing your parents killed in front of you and being like, well, you just created Batman. They rubbed the Skeletor stuff on his hat and now they got an arch enemy for life.


Michelangelo, you had a quick plug. Yes. To all the listeners out there. We are now putting full episodes on a new YouTube channel that's specific to the Dave Portnoy Show. So go ahead and give that a watch.


Yeah. And then we'll hopefully have some shirts in the store for Black Friday to stay posted if they were cool with that. So sure. Besides that, I think that said, I think we're good. All right.


Thanks. Thanks for listening. We'll be back next week.


I have some good turkey stuffing and watch out for the candy corn.