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Of what is like what what's the name of the promo? Promo? We're done meetings over, meeting adjourned now I talked to six other people and we got to figure out, do we want to have a website called the Hot Club dot com or put on the.


I don't care. Those are ones that you don't need meetings.


And if you had all this stuff, call me. Are you afraid of me? Because you can call me. I'll answer it. Are we rolling? Yeah. Welcome to the day partnership with a company episode three. Dave, as you heard, he walked in first. He's on edge. Well, I'm not going to say who.


And then I had it because we're trying. Listen, I'm trying.


As I've said, I'm going to drag Penn National Barstool sports the game. I'm going to drag it to the finish line and all you shareholders or whatever.


You just be happy that you have me on your side because I don't sleep. I don't rust. You know my schedule, Eddie, since last week, New York to no Philadelphia, no New York to Philadelphia, to Dallas, to L.A., to Dallas, to New York, to Philadelphia. That's in like four days. Five days. So I'll sleep. Just saved. A baseball team will sell.


Baseball is fucking saving their program and they're waking up on West Coast time, West Coast time, East Coast time is 300. I'm doing everything and we could do promos to get people back. So me and Dan last week, we're doing this hat promo. You know, we pick games, college games. And if you bet a hundred bucks and you win like the old boys club, you get a great promo last week, tried to put in pens like you need 24 to 48 hours notice to get it approved.


Fine. We'll wait. We'll do it this Saturday instead of last Saturday. Should it be taken care of?


I go to put it in. I'm like, OK, we're ready to do that promo now. Know all sorts of issues on there and on our end. Who knows who. And so I'm just calling people up. Brian Fitzsimmons, what I was saying, Brian Fitzsimmons, nice guy, works for us. Very barstool. That's a guy that my impression he liked his idea of a workday's. Let's fit in as many meetings as we can, just meetings for meetings.


Let's have a meeting about a meeting and plan on the meeting and go into another meeting so we can talk about the nitty gritty of of nothing.


So roll it back. Roll it back. Roll it back. OK, listen. OK, so you want to run this promo. You did a promo to Jacki's. It's called Over's Club. Correct. So if you bet the over in a certain game last time it was Monday Night Football, right. Yep. Saints game. You get this nice zip up jacket. So this weekend it was supposed to be hats for the last weekend.


We tried to it has had to know, like it takes 24 to 48 hours for the Pennsylvania regular regulators to approve a promo.


OK, so it was Friday morning. And I'm like, OK, let's just punt it and we'll do it next week and get approval. You don't have to pick the game, just the logistics of how the promo works. OK, so last Thursday, Friday, whenever it was put it in, plenty of time to get it ready for the Saturday. So today, Dan and I, I'm on the train. I'm always working. He and I are picking the hats.


And what game? Well, like, OK, we're going to do Clemson, Miami hat game. We have the hats all picked out.


Great. And I say, OK, let's put it live. Let's do it. And. The actual chain of events, which I already told the CEO of Penn, when I call or text somebody from Penn, unless they're talking to the CEO of Penn Jay, I expect to call back instantly. Stop what you're doing back to me. That's how I treat people at Bar. So I expect it. I'm pretty good at getting back if it's urgent.


But if I text you, call you, I expect a response instantly unless your house is burning down.


So two hours go by when I'm like, hey, let's put in this promo crickets. So I do the old, which I never do. Two hours after I send my original text, let's put in this promo I, I text Bumpe like, you know, when you're just a pup then he gets like, oh yeah.


Thanks for the bump. Oh by the way, for this reason. This reason. This reason. The promo is not ready to go this weekend. News to me is the guys are this is Fitzsimmons. Is Pen blaming it sort of on Fitzsimons, OK.


And then I lost my mind, I called Fitzsimons, I'm like, what the fuck's going on? And he's like, well, we're got to have some meetings about the nitty gritty of this problem. Like, what? What are you talking about?


Like what's tell me what the nitty gritty is. I literally I'm in I'm are you meeting Guy? Because everything I said, he's like, well, we can have meetings, meetings. I like meetings. I'm meetings. It's fucking literally.


Was that when they smashed the copier office space office space. Yeah, that's right. Fitzsimons should be in office space. He should walk around and just fucking have meetings about what is like why we got you know, we have some nitty gritty.


Like what? What's the name of the promo. The hat game done. You don't need no meeting. You just took one second. Fine. I scream at Fitzsimmons, scream at him and then.


I go back to Penn like, hey, call me, it's like I'll get another 10 guys, like, I'll call you like I'm in a meeting. I'll call you when I get out A.S.A.P..


And I wrote, I'll tell you what I said to him, I'll tell you what I fucking said to him. The phone is out, the phone is out. He's pulling up the text messages. Yeah, that's man. And so this was like two hours ago, three hours ago.


The time frame on this was I sent my original to pen at eleven forty four. Can we do the promo game for Miami? Claims that I put in an exclusive possession bet 100 bucks your team coverage. You get free at one hundred bucks. Same process is over the club. That's eleven forty four a.m. today at one twenty seven. I sent my bumpe then it's like thanks on the bump on it and sure everything is good to go. Regular checking update last week.


The details, the heart problem I provided to compliance. We requested additional detail from Brian Fitzsimmons since we need to provide some more detail. But sounds like we're still waiting on response. Long story short, it's not approved. We'll reach out to Brian again for the detail. Now, this is all news to me. I was told at 24 to 48 hours. It's a simple promo we've already done. This exact promo should be done. This is code for people.


Just forgot about it. That's what this is. Don't be done with me. This is code that, hey, we just got busy and fucking forgot about it. So that's when I called Fitzsimons and went fucking ape shit on him. And then I tried to call this pen guy at 240, call you back ASAP, wrapping up a call soon. I say I'm going to lose my fucking mind. Unless you are talking to fucking the CEO, you should call me back.


Please don't speak to me this like this. I'll call you shortly. And that's the end. I go. We're done.


I'm never talking to you again and I'm not. So what is this guy's role? He's important, OK? And he's never talking to you again. No, I'm not talking to him. Oh. But he told you, please don't talk to me like that. Yeah, and I just want to talk to you ever again. I mean, what are we going to do here, though?


This is a whole different lane of people that, well, they're going to have to come to my lane or get out because you know, who is the most important person for both companies you're looking at?


I drive sign ups. I drive stock price, I drive everything. If you have a baby who can't be talked to like that, get them the fuck out.


Get somebody when I. Call you or text you, you better get back to me and faster than two hours in it better not be because I had to remind you to get back to me, get somebody else in there, the whole company, both of them depend on it.


No, it isn't. Jay, though. Did he, like, have a fuckin meeting and said, hey, code red, when Dave calls, here's the protocol.


This has been very clear. He is in agreement that I should be treated as though he is calling. I called Erica just because I had to blow my top Erica step that she's like I stepped out of a meeting. When I call, you answer.


And I do the same for Erica and I do the same for Jay. I may hey, I need one second. Like, something's happening here. If they don't get it, those people on their end, then get out, then get out and they can listen to this. You answer to me. I don't know who they think they answered the answer to Jay. The answer to me, period.


So does your gut tell you that Fitzsimmons forgot to send over everything to that?


I have no idea, Fitzsimons. I have no idea. You just kept saying nitty gritty. He just said, I got to get to the nitty gritty, I was begging him to tell me what the nitty gritty was, asked Frank.


If you get Frank, if you can imagine Frankie right now, you want to call me if we were here.


I don't have Frankie's number, but we were here reading Frankie, texting Tommy and Tommy was giving us the live update.


So it was. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll get here. I don't know if you can patch him in.


You just hold his. Yeah. Things up to your mike. Just put it put the bottom towards it like.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey Frankie. Hey hey.


We're here with Dave. You're live on the day Pawni show. We want to talk about him yelling. Do you know anything more about the world. The nitty gritty. Yeah.


Oh man. I mean it was one of those classic Dave just ripping someone's head off, putting it on a stage and kicking it into the ocean. And he just kept using the term nitty gritty. And Dave said, if you use the term maturity one more time, I think sometimes these guys get caught up into webs where like they keep saying, like, I hear you, it's OK. And he's just like, can't hear you repeat the same word.


He just needs information and answers. And I think Fitzsimmons got caught in that absolute tornado of anger and just like things along the lines of getting it. And it was very funny to listen to.


He just kept saying, I kept being like, what's the nitty gritty? And he's like, well, the nitty gritty.


That's not to keep us in the office space, Ron, but it's like the flare. Like you just heard you got a flare right up your flare.


Yeah, that's what it was.


Meetings and nitty gritty like. Well, we could have more meetings to get through the nitty gritty. And I was like, well, what's the fucking nitty gritty? And he's like, well, what's the name of the trouble?


That promo?


Well, we go and around and around, it's like, well, what was the meeting about then?


The nitty gritty. He just kept saying nitty gritty. It's we got to figure out the nitty gritty, but there was nothing to figure out.


Well, I take it there's no resolution, he said was was wrong. And so do you just love meeting him? Are you just a meeting person?


And there's your answer. No, no answers. He probably had to call a meeting to figure out if you like meetings.


I mean, I've never I wasn't asking them to crack the atom. I was like, what? Just someone tell me why isn't this done?


Because to me, it seems very easy, very simple. We've already done it. Should have been done last week. Ready to go. Wow. Meetings and nitty gritty. He name for one of the people don't even know who it was. He's like, I got to have a meeting with Alison Welker. You mentioned Welker.


The process getting slowed down and somebody didn't even know it was who is that person? What do they just put the fucking thing up like? I don't know. What are we waiting for? Oh, now.


So needless to say, there hasn't been a resolution. I'm done talking just over it.


We're we're in a situation like where where this is the first time there's been I was I'm just mad like he wrote back and I just ignored it. Like the guy on Penn's side at the end was just like.


We. OK, we want the same things, I'm free to chat whenever or we can take a pause. No, I'm done like you. I'm read a book on that point, and you and I are done, it's over. Yeah, it's hard to get out of that hole like, oh, I'm ready to talk now.


No, I was there. I talked three hours ago. I'm going a mile a minute, a mile a minute.


And if you can't keep up, I'll find somebody else or they will find somebody else who can.


And here's the thing to Frankie. Thanks a lot. I think we're good, right? Yeah. Appreciate it, Frankie. Now, you like Fitzsimmons, though.


You have in the past, at least he's a guy. I don't have a problem.


Very nice guy. Yeah. So, I mean, this is something where what do you do?


Like how do you. Fitzsimmons didn't say don't talk to me like that. Yes. Fitzsimmons took it off the chin.


If you can take it off the chin, I'll forget about you can give it back to me. You can be like fuck you.


Yeah. Well, people talk now about me. There's nothing that gives. Do your job. Then I won't have to talk to you like that. That's it.


Now, do you expect like a call from Jay here? Yes. OK, and Jay, what's she going to say?


Well, the different cultures. But I've made it very clear. That if I reach out to somebody on Penn's side, I'm not doing it out of the goodness of my health, I want an answer. I want someone to respond to me instantly.


You don't need the answer, but I want a response, if that's been made crystal clear.


If I reach out and I don't hear back for two hours and I have to say bump and then the answer is I'm gonna call you as soon as I can. So you haven't had a moment in like five hours to get back to me. Dan and I are spending time under the assumption this thing's ready to go. I'm wasting my time because no one's communicating with me.


And you're kind of building your weekend around it to correct and correct because you need something like, hey. Saturday is going to be huge because we've got the hacking correct and no one's getting back to me.


So if you don't have something that's just a lack of respect, that's just that's all that is.


So it's not only hurting the companies, you're alienating me being able to work with you because I don't have the time for somebody to fucking knock it back to me for five hours and you should be dead.


I don't mean kill him. That's the only except like, why did this guy get back to me?


Oh, he died in a car wreck. OK, I'll let that one slide next.


Man Up next, man up. All right. Let's put a pin in that wheel here next week, I'm sure about what happened with this, because I'm sure there's going to be some type of fallout or maybe they're probably not used to people going to a podcast and rippin.


Now, you didn't use his name, his or her? No, I didn't know. So that's credit to me. Fitzsimmons is probably got an all hands deck meeting right now how to deal with this shit.


I got to have a meeting get to the nitty gritty of what they're talking about.


There's going to be nitty gritty meetings after this, for sure. For sure. So. All right, move it along here, Dave. You want to blow off some steam off the you said is there anything else you want to call?


One thing that was real was, OK, get me going. OK, you tweeted the other day, I'd say we're ninety nine point nine percent out of Sirius. We aren't in the same stratosphere in terms of negotiations. We will just move on a new platform. As always, our crowd will always follow, as always.


Correct. When does a deal expire? I think like January, end of January, I'm not a hundred percent positive on that, but that's what I read or saw somewhere around there, three months maybe left.


How many negotiations had there been so far?


I won't even say the negotiations. They've almost been nonexistent now. This was before we saw it. Howard Stern was getting we're insulted by the offer before we knew what Howard Stern was getting. Now that I know what Howard Stern's getting, Erica texted me today being like, you know, they reached out on I think, what would it take to get done something like that if I hadn't done any replied just be like, we're done. There's no chance.


I'd say there's zero point zero chance we're going because there's no other way.


I don't mean like we did a three year contract with Sirius. We're going to live up to our end of the bargain. They lived up to their end. It's no different than how we act with our clients. They ultimately, clearly don't believe either they can't afford us or they don't think it's in their best interest, but that's their prerogative. Like it's not like we're quitting the contracts running out. They're choosing not to pursue a renewal no different than like a baseball contract.


I think they're nuts, but it's they've been they've lived up to their end.


So I have no hard feelings or anything.


But be honest. Are you saying that there's a non chance as a little bit of negotiating tactic or. No, no. Nothing. No, I think. See this on this show, I don't know if I should say what the offer actually the last offer I heard was I had to say it. Well, you just want it. Well, you know, but I'm thinking of running the business. Is it good? Like for future companies? If I'm going to go say that you want to go do business, somebody is going to give those details.


My instinct is now, how about this?


Can you give me the old deal? The old. And. What does it hurt, it's over, it's done. Yeah, but it's like a new company that would do business with us, may not want us to reveal the financials, so I will keep that.


I'd like to say it, but I'm not gonna be for that reason.


All right. If you feel different next week. But let me just say this. It's. I would think to say is nowhere near what stern money is. People minus that probably 100 fold, and that's what you think, it's nowhere even. It's nothing. It's not nine, six, nine figures.


No, no, no. Really, no. Wow, so that's why we're not even vaguely close. OK, and we're not saying nine million, nine figures per year, we're talking total.


Oh, I don't know about that. I don't know about that was one 20 per year. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm going to er.


OK. Yeah. And his, his, his has always been about 100 per year.


And by the way again people like Stern this stern that if I was in his shoes, I mean he is serious.


So if I built a radio station and then a new comer came along, I'd be like, you're not giving them the money. I built this place, you're giving it to me. So I don't begrudge anything. There are no hard feelings. But but we're we're certainly not being greedy.


It's the offer.


I'm not insulted, but it's insulting and you're letting them know everything on the table. OK, I'll go back. Maybe the yak will extend back to two hours, like you're going to give them what they want.


So that's a major thing that they keep saying, is they want me two hours dedicated every day, which I'm happy to do. But that takes a lot. So to do that, you're going to have to pay me. I'm not saying listen. At this point in our careers, this is going to be like wild things, hey, if I'm not stern relevant, I'm not that far off. So to be like pay basically nothing. They that number they set so high, it made what we do except probably have to be like 10x what I would have accepted before.


Now knowing how they value.


I think it's a different term of relevance as well. Like sure they get the gas, they get the stars and they get the listeners, which we get a lot of them too. Yeah. But as far as just regular people, regular Joes, you got, you know, close to two million and all. I mean, you're right.


I mean, what's different? Listen, their stock is up six bucks I think is what Sirius Stock is. If I went all in on Sirius, their stock is not six dollars, it's far higher, I would probably because you would, I assume Davey day trader.


We do have to I mean, they haven't got, like, the full effort. So and that may be part of it, too. That's part of the business model is no different in my mind than why a lot of the fantasy companies probably passed on us.


We've been with Serious for three years. So you got to assume to a degree most people who would sign up and buy it for buyers will have bought it. So you've got to pay Stern, right? Do you want to go spend a ton of money on us?


Is that going to increase subscriptions? Probably not a ton. You can go spend it on new people who you hope bring new audience in if you don't renew us. What you got to hope is our people don't cancel. That's the gamble they're taking. And I won't tell our people to cancel a series as all stations I like. I think they're going to find a lot of people will cancel because they're only listening to us. But I won't run like a vendetta campaign, be like, fuck Sirius, cancel.


I want like I would keep it. I listen to music and shit, but that's I think that's the business decision. There's always for a subscription, models like that, more value in somebody new because they bring the new audience that don't have it yet.


We've already, logically speaking, like if they renew us, are they going to get a ton of new sign ups? Probably not, because most people have signed up. It's are they going to lose? Are people going to stop because we leave? So that's the decision in my mind for them.


Well, I will say this. Are they going to get a new sign ups? If I can actually agree to be like, yeah, you are going to be like I'm going to be on Twitter every day. I'm going to lead a charge like, hey, we're fucking on.


Yeah, maybe because I think even what we started this three years ago, I really haven't been on consistently for two years and I'd say.


Like, my personal brand has grown a lot in the last three years, so maybe for those is not as black and white like those are decisions that I would wrestle with if I was in their shoes at all.


And again, they've honored everything they've said they're going to do. I like the people over there. It's not like, fuck you, like you assholes. None of that. It's just I I. They know their business better than I do, and I'm sure it's a tough decision. Is there an opportunity there to buy the podcast, not work at all? What do you mean? Like because I got to imagine, obviously, Spotify is buying up fucking everything right now.


They got to be sitting there being an audio company as well, being. Well, why don't we kind of start doing that? And since it seems like Apple and Spotify touch us for whatever reason, maybe I'm wrong. Why wouldn't they kind of want to get in that arena and kind of compete?


I think they thought about different times. But again, not buying our podcast network is a wildly expensive proposition for sure.


Like, I mean, that's going to be far more prominent.


Stern money. Yeah. Was there anything else as far as you for two hours that they wanted? No, no. Specifically, that was the main thing they said.


I mean, they want to obviously yak in and me. They want me. Mm hmm. Also, you tweeted, quote, tweeted large. He had a comment about it. And you said, in related news, more time for blogging. Was that a little shot of arrow across them or anything like that or just not specific to him?


I mean, he's a great blogger. I'd like more blogging. You want to who are number one blogger on the network was last week.


That's my next note. Datti the DONTAE that Don. How disgusting is that? And that's not a shot at thoughts. He's working his ass off, but I mean, he works for free.


He's not a full time employee. We've got a lot full time employees. I don't know what they do. Who's in that category? A lot of them, you got to one off the top of your head. That's a blogger specific person, they are a little bit like, wow. Well, I mean, I think large do more blogs. He does Basel Breakfast. Obviously it is twisted history to great podcasts. Yup, true. You know, we do a lot of audio like Vibs.


I've been in his asshole like he had one or two blogs maybe a week or day. I saw, you know, it's like I get we have audio and stuff, but.


I think Marco's blog numbers are way the fuck down, I thought. No, people do different things, and I haven't been paying that close of attention, I guess, but when that is the leading blogger. You know, somebody probably hasn't done much. I don't have the facts on that. That's just history.


As Empirical Smitty was ranked number 94 for this week is that page views are as that blog log out, because that's that's a big difference.


That's was his page.


Views were a number one last week, 94 for what? I'm just looking on our HQ.


Michael, can you hear me? Yeah, we can hear you. But am I loud? No, no, no. That was just, you know, actually perfect volume.


OK, perfect volume. Just three. How can you sleep?


I am reading it just says blog output. What is that blog output. Number of blogs. Yeah. OK, so read it. Just read it. It is. Well, I don't know if it's daily because Riggs is at the top of it with eight, so I guess it's not my specialty. Yeah, you could do it. Either take it or you could do it. Like Riggs is a only had an ounce of talent. Let's see, the last 90 days, Riggs is at the top.


You're right under him. You made a face when I said that. Eddie Ray, he's a good guy. I think he I think he knows college basketball.


He's a good guy and he wants to do more, is a good guy and he wants to do more. He's a good guy. I do I do a challenge package. I mean, I think he's a good guy. What do you want me to say right now? I know I'm supposed to fucking it's supposed to be the opposite way here. I don't know what you want me to say. We all agree. Regas is a good guy.


Works hard. So what what are you going to say after that? What? Never mind. He's a good dude, he is. Yeah, all right, whatever. Well, not less and less. You have the numbers. I'm not seeing it like you are now. He's a good guy, Michelangelo. Are you on HQ? Yeah, I am.


It's like a different I mean, I get an email and on the phone I get I get the numbers just too fucking busy to check it. Yeah, I guess we should pull it up. Right.


It's going to light some people box. And this will be from when? I don't know. I'm trying to. Oh, all right, weekly blog report. All right, let's see what we got. Yeah, oh, here it is. So here blogger Rike blogger Frank for the last week. Dontae one rigs to Jack Mack three, Thornton five for Nate five, Clem six seven, Kamarck 08. Jordy nine. Ken Jack ten. Gay Pad 11.


Robbie Fox 12. Greaney 13. Big Tennesse 14. Chiefs 15. CBS 16. Hub's 17. Liz 18. Eddie 19. Koelie 20. Kate Kate 21. Tommy 22. Carl White Sox Dave Smitti chaps. Trista like what the fuck's Trista doing.


I don't know, like what does she does cousin's Monday and Friday now so that somebody who, like, jumps out at me like, what are you doing if you're twenty eight chaps, what are you doing? Twenty seven. And this is page views, not output. Just to be clear, yeah, well. What blogs, but all right, so here's the blogs started at nineteen forty seven, Jack Mac 20, Gerry twenty eight and eight. Thirty three.


Klemm Twenty eight. I did thirty one k Marco did ten. Alarming Jordy Twenty eight. Ken Jack eighteen gay Pat twenty five. Likes to be honest if you don't deliver the page views but you have the blog numbers. You know, Riggs is a good guy, works hard, is a good guy, that's never you're never going to end up on the wrong side of law with me that way.


OK, so as long as you're putting the work in now, I'll if I go back and you just fucking heard that is fucking around with me, then I will. But Liz Gonzales, six blocks. What are you doing, Liz? You know, what are you doing? Kate, seven blogs, what are you doing? Tommy's only got six. What are you doing? It's actually 13, so that's not bad, but I thought Chapter 11, there's five days in a week this Tuesday, trust a nine to one and a half a day.


What do you like? We have people like Ohio State is not full time.


Guy is right up there. Seven. Frank, the tank, not a full time guy, 20, Jake Marsh, not a full time guy. Eight, what do you know? What are people doing? What are they doing? What are they doing? Does it make you think a little bit of how we want to go about the blog now? Because you're right, the audio is taken away from a lot of people now.


Yeah, absolutely. And that's where it gets kind of confusing, like why I don't even know if it works here, but he always has the answer. Well, I'm Felman and well, I see you on one knee proposing to your fiance who's with you the entire time. So I doubt you're filming 24/7 with your fiance there.


I doubt it seems like you're on a paid vacation. We probably paid for the ring. It's like probably those reality shows where the fucking station pays for the ring. I want to see why receipts and make sure I can pay for that ring.


You think it's on a company credit card or something? Everything he's doing, I where he is, what's he doing? He's been fishing for eight months.


He has been fishing for a while. I mean, he forever. I bet if I saw Wikipedian Street, I would recognize, but that's how long it's been since I reckon I saw him.


I asked you about him last week. You know, a little more. I don't know the answer on him because he hasn't. So I'm out fishing. Mm hmm. You're also on your honeymoon.


I think we give him a call on your dime. Do you want to call him?


He he probably doesn't get service wherever he is. He's probably in.


I could try him. Yeah, I got his number. What are we going to ask him? Just what are you doing? Yeah, he is. He's going to be like, wow, I'm fish and shellfish.


That and fish. And so you don't want to go.


We can ask them. I already know the answer and I don't know enough to like.


What do you mean here. You could do it better this time. Make sure you hold it up.


Very perfect. Hi, you've reached Ben from his cell phone. I'm not able to get the phone right now, but if you leave your name and number two message at the tone, yeah.


Your message, when you are finished recording, you may hang up. Just ask one more. I'm on the show. Are like, do we pay for your ring?


I'll ask them. Yeah. What's up, Whippy? This is Michael Angelo producing the day PT. nine podcasts. We would like to ask you straight up, what are you doing through it?


Did I pay for his engagement and did Dave pay for your. Oh, he's he's getting back to us.


Here we go. All right. Here we go. Hold to accept.


Hello. Oh, I hope it's not this is Eddie, you're live on the day Portnoy's Show, Dave.


I think we all just want to know and I know we've asked this before, why people. What are you doing?


Oh, man. I actually just was emailing you because I was listening to the one from last week just about shit my pants. When you brought that up, I was like just listening blindly and did not expect to hear that. Yeah, I'm filming the entire season. Three is like these type of views that are like within one day of getting sponsored right now that is going to be pretty cool that come out every Monday. We got these live in the wild episodes that come out starting every Wednesday that are not the season and they're not the sponsored ones.


The more like besides stuff that's going to be just so we can have our YouTube page cooking along with the knife, stomach contents, things, and then blog. And I did five blogs today, about 18 for the week right now when I'm not traveling, filming the episodes and we're trying to just finish the entire season so that there's not a layoff. And while these content comes out now, that hopefully is almost up to every day of the week as far as like even if it's just like a how to tape or some sort of like the stomach contents reviews, like nothing crazy, but just content that's going to be outdoor stuff that's easier to produce and not, as, you know, expensive.


But that way we'll have stuff coming out that there's no lag by the time the season comes out. Hopefully in like December or January 15th is the last day of they're selling it out for sponsoring. I don't know if I'm supposed to say that on air or what, but and we have about right now, it looks like the responses for that, that it's going really cool. And then that way with those lag time so we can build up the episodes coming out.


Then while the next one is coming out, we can film the next season. So there's never a lag time and hopefully have three seasons come out in twenty. Twenty one is the goal right now.


So how many seasons first of all, how long have you been or where are you right now.


I'm in Almereyda. We just filmed all the swordfish thing and now we filmed what's Almereyda and we filmed that trout thing with me. Either way I just had a cold air going on yesterday.


Well it's all Morada trying to what you say. Sorry, what's all Morato?


It's a place in Florida where I have like the most connections as far as being able to film videos because I don't get all the like stuff from them more than any other place. So it's the most ideal place to film stuff right now. So it after paying out the ass, I'm living for free. And just like spending, everything's out of my own pocket, just making outdoors content, which to me, like, you know, I'm coming back in November and December as well to the office to do things.


But right now it's like when I was getting shit for not doing outdoor stuff enough for like, you know, what are you doing sitting in the office? I know I need to be in the mix as much as possible. And that that's the downside that I'm trying to correct right now. But as far as like actually creating outdoors content seems to be way more beneficial to be where I can make it all the time.


So how much time does it take to film? Like a season, like a month?


It depends if you want to have more variety as far as like places or like types of things, it takes longer than that. But, you know, obviously travel and whenever you go to film something, there's like very, very tough to get it done in one take. And we have done that most times because of like cost wise, as you know, you don't want to be out there filming a million days.


Right. So things like one thing. So the answer I see is right. Sorry. Sorry. What you said.


Well, I said you always have the answers. Well, I don't know. For all I know, you're surfing and buying rings and proposing on our dime. I really. You always have the answer. Yeah.


No, I know. And I was laughing at that last week. Obviously I, I don't know how to surf and be I've had I bought that a while back, but I'm sure that was obviously pretty shocking for I heard your guys tone it. I didn't see that coming and I understand that. But yeah, a lot of crazy stuff going on. But I'm the one thing is that me and Frank about all the time, it's like I am the biggest number one day for no, I like the sible where it's like if you think I'm ever like scurrying around, like not pretending like at any second if you popped up I would be doing the right thing, then you're crazy because I'm like, no one pays more attention to all that shit than me.


So it's like especially like me and Frankie texts all day, every day. I'm never going to be like out doing nothing, you know what I mean? All right. I know. And I understand. I think sometimes honestly and this is so like, weird and no one's going to believe me, but I can show the draft I had on my Gmail. But like, I think sometimes I'm hesitant to communicate with you as much because I know you have like ten thousand things going on.


So I end up just like talking to Jen and Sean and like even just randomly Erica about different things.


Yeah, but I know that you're talking to Sean being like, what? I need you to be better about that.


Even if I was rambling, I Wyplosz Get Away AYP. So, I mean, that's what he says every time. So he has the answers. He has the answers. That's how he is every time we will like once a month, it's like, what are you doing? He names all his stuff.


Now, if I did make it randomly to Isma Adella and like if I put balls on the case, that would be something.


Remember what I had? Who did I have? Mathes, Paul Seltmann. This if I just randomly had balls, tail, whippy.


Dude, you got to and don't tell anyone though like this has got to be like a. Legit cover. He's a special investigator. You know, I mean, Paul said about eight months ago that his like number one dream destination is the Florida Keys.


So principles in life, MacGyver, tell me about like a notebook keeping track of what he was up to. But I mean, I don't know if we spoiled it by just talking about it, we might have left this out.


Well, now. I mean, even if someone, you know, he could have his eye out but balls his balls a quick guy, he'll be two steps ahead of. Oh yeah.


Yeah, private eye balls.


I think so. That would be something I might have to do that. But no, really, Dave, I think is there kind of a larger conversation here about like we got to figure out what the hell is going on with the blog?


Yeah. Yes. Which because you're unhappy with everything we are we are changing something.


So. Koli came forward and said he'd like to become the editor and take charge of the blog, he agrees it sucks and he'd like to enlist like the help of, I think, Nathan Hobbs to assign more. Here's the thing. And and Comarca has gotten dragged a little bit on this. And Kim Marko's an original for Guy, and I'll have his back to the most part forever. He never had to get people's assholes. That you need to you may not be friends with everybody, but like you got to be like blog this blog that what the fuck are you doing in that just wasn't there.


And in the leadership of owning that and taking ownership like it's my ass Camargo always had. Well, if they're not going to do it, that's fucking their problem, you know, as opposed to somebody like you see a blog, you make charcoals your best blog or even Hayday blog this. We miss that and Kohli's stepping up and he wants that opportunity and he's going to get it.


OK, so Callie officially right here is the editor in chief now it's in the transition. OK, and it was Kmart Archuleta. I don't know, even knows it. Oh, I think Marco was removed from that role. OK, not because of this or that, but after the Trista blog.


OK, that made it to like I lost faith that we were like even today I ripped Kevin Bonnar new asshole like an absolute new asshole because I went on a rant on DTG Global, which I do about covid and being like something.


The fact of, you know, you let people live their lives, the mask like wear a mask, but this thing may never go away. Whatever. I forget how he did it. And then that became a headline on the blog. I can't be clear that I don't want that on the blog. I don't want politics issues, especially with all the Trump shit going on. That's something people don't like me will latch on to. I just want to stay away from it.


But that can't like and I literally I'm reading a lot of text right now. You're getting my inside today.


It's been a bad day. It's been a good day for the listeners. This is what I said to Kevin Bonner today.


This is great, Dave, delete the covid blog Assab and be way fucking smarter. Holy shit, he said delete it. I said, How stupid are you since I can't trust you? I want to reiterate, never tweet or tweet anything I say about politics or covid without my position, my permission. If I see it at any point you marina, everyone on my team will be fired on the spot. Please send send them that, because if you tell them it's OK, they will still be fired.


If I'm going to say something about covid or politics, I better know I'm going to say it. It's very different on a live stream of DTG to put a headline that people read on Twitter on the blog.


So I don't want that.


The whole point being, I lost faith that Keith realized that because like the Trista Nashwa is like, what are we doing? I keep saying it and saying it and saying it. Let's just stay away from that. I've said it in meetings. I've said it in emails. I've said it every way possible. You can't win in this political environment with that stuff. We don't want to play there. If you want to send your personal Twitter, do whatever the fuck you want.


You can be held accountable for what happens, but don't put it on the blog.


I feel like I can't be more crystal clear with that.


So comments like that are more a matter for the people who have been watching the our stream and understand the context of it. Yeah, it's different.


It's like different when it's in the stream as opposed to a headline like I forget what the headline said, but it seemed like I was sort of downplaying covid.


Yeah. And in a way too, I going back to our conversation last week, or maybe it's the first episode about the Trista Nash blog, I do think it's different on the website than social because people that I'm not I'm not saying that, but I'm saying people when I say bad, they're both like things.


As I said, like I get kevans, like what was a common sense way it was. But it's like there is no common sense. I've seen things I've seen myself get in trouble in cause advertising issues and issues for things that I would say are preposterous. And I don't understand our common sense. So if we're going to go down that road, I better be aware we're going down that road like, don't I have people clip what I say. They generally do a very good job.


Yeah, there's a ton. I say that you can be funny about her daddy. Anything I said. I think at one point it fucking Sophia mentions me or Superman on her new blog.


I'm going to rip his eyeballs out and I will feed them to them. Like, that's funny. Put that out.


Don't talk about things that are lightning right now because they do have ramifications across our company trying to get ads, everything. So why what's the point? Like there's a fight.


You want to make sure you have your sword out or something? Correct.


And I want to be the one leading us into the fight. That is a theme that I've said throughout the years with many different people that it's like, well, Dave said this and this person that that got in trouble, I will lead us into war.


I will be the one who leads us into the war. Fair enough, fair enough. And just to get to go back to the blog one more time, we're looking to make it so the right people have the right topics to blog about. It's not someone who hey, he's a part time sports blogger and he's going to take the top story about Morgan Wollen and make it all, you know, I mean, that's that's another story that I that came to my the things I deal with.


Like Sokolove. We're friends with Morgan Wollen. Right.


So I guess Big Tennesee was like wrote a blog that wasn't overly flattering about Morgan Warren.


Caleb's like, we're doing all this stuff. He's a pretty big star. He likes us. And then we got big T like ripping them a new asshole.


It's like, do we want that? And I'm like, well, if it's a big story, I guess it is making out with chicks. I guess that's the story. Not that big a story. And I don't know that big T wasn't that hard on them.


But, you know, I could see I was frustrating for Caleb, who's like working with this guy is giving us time and put yourself in more. And what's going on now? Put yourself in his shoes. It's like I'm doing granting guys interviews and all this content that I turn on the blog next day and you're giving me like. You know, where's the fine line on that? I don't know, I told Kayla how set up a Zoome with big teeth and more and wollen and you moderate it and just destroy the teeth.


That would be funny. Would you know that? That's something. It's just we go on moving parts. Yeah. I mean do you think you're still OK to do this. So my business is too big for your too fucking busy to control the shit.


Right. I need people to help. Like, I need somebody to look at the blog, which Kohli's saying, well, he's doing the same, like if I was just doing the blog, it would be huge quickly. It would, because that's what I'd be focused on.


And I wouldn't it be like treat it like a nine to five. I get mad at people and people in people's assholes. I don't pay attention to them doing too much. You're doing too much.


That's my fault. We got we got we got to delegate because you're reading those numbers, but you don't really know the context of those numbers. That's that's true. And that's a problem. Like you said, all seven kids got a Daily Show. She's doing Zero Dark Thirty. She's about to launch a new LGBTQ show, other gay pat. Like, it's a lot going on, you know, so it's er and as you saw an example, you know.


All right. And we use the kids example. She what she got.


What's it you tell me what she's doing at the top my head and I don't know what else she does. I just, I know those three things are constant but what were they. Zero Dark Thirty twice a week. And chaps this goes for steps to their pot fathers and then the morning sunshine with morning sunshine. That's another thing. Yeah, but that's not that much, is it?


I don't know. I don't know what do you but listen, I walk around the office, I know there's a lot like socializing, like there's people, you know, let's go back to the Stone Age, where it was myself and Kevin Comarca for different locations, not in our like fraternity environment, sorority environment, a social environment. We're just sitting fucking grinning to ourselves. We write a blog. You don't get up and go talk for an hour.


You write the next one like that's what it was. And I'm not saying that's unrealistic. I think we're going to get there. But we were churning out.


10 of 15 blogs a day each. Yeah, now I'm lucky to get one or two out of people like I looked at that thing, I think Vibs had two blogs.


The fuck is Bips doing eating junk in that?


Little people puking in the back or in the bar is a good series. But but there could be more going on. I get what you're saying.


I'm trying to to both sides, OK. How long does that take? Probably one day a week, probably. FELLMAN Maybe three to four hours. So. All right.


Yeah. Mm hmm. Because guess what? I'm doing like a million shots a lot. You're actually doing a lot, so that's why we're work and I've managed to figure out how I'm still always top 10 bloggers.




And people can't say that to you because you're you're also preaching what you're practicing what you preach. Yes. As well. So it's all different. I got you. So lead by example. You're right.


Example is it's not working. I think people will be excited to hear that the blogs are being overhauled, though. I think that that that's cool. Actually will be successful. I think Kohli's been around Basel enough that I think he knows what is right and what's not right. So I would say, I think there's a good chance because I mean he came in, he said the blog is garbage and I want to fix it as a call.


You've been here long enough that you've earned the opportunity to do it.


And if you trust him to do that, then I would say I've no idea whether he'll be successful.


And I think he's at an extreme disadvantage. Or maybe it's an advantage not being in Boston. I mean, not being in New York.


I got a question about all that, too. We'll get to it later, though. But you brought up Sophia. We'll move it on. We'll keep it in the audio vein. Did you have any intel about what's happening before she announced she's coming back, Sophia, with an F? Yeah. Do you like the name?


I don't hate it. Yeah. I mean, it's one of those catch twenty two. I'm sure it's going to launch huge because people want to see if she, you know, drags me and Alex.


I don't want to give her a ton of attention because I don't want it to launch huge even though I'm sure. But if she just keeps to herself and doesn't mention me not that's fine by me. I've you know, I've said everything I have to say about that. If she dragged me into it, I'll be the worst mistake of her life.


So you're prepared, though, that there's going to be some dirty laundry aired about you and barstool?


I don't think she's going to match me. No, I don't think so. I think she will mention Alex because.


I don't think she has disputed anything I've said. True, be careful, little breath, sorry, you're good, so you don't think she's going to disappear now? Do you think Alex has indicated any worries, say to you? I think Alex is very curious what will be said. Mm hmm. I mean, I knew before she did my you see, Sofia, she's like, what you talking about?


I was like, oh, here we go.


But who knows? I mean, I don't know. I'm sure there's more to everything that went on between them and their dynamic and relationship that I know. I mean, I've said everything I know. I've said it as I understand it. I believe it to be the exact truth.


But there could be stories that I'm not aware of, you know. And it's a private thing, it seems like, right? It doesn't look like a network swooped her up or anything. Well, from what I understand, she calls it sleuthed media and she like talks to herself.


She registered it to herself with her like phone number. Oh, really? Yeah. I think Supaman may be involved still, but yeah.


No, it's just her to me. It's got to be involved a little fucking. You know who else I thinks of all too much. Really. Yeah. Wow, yeah, now he might say something now about, you know, I don't think so, he's afraid. I don't know that he's afraid. I mean, he already trashed me once, so I don't think he's afraid. But the skeletons that came out when he's, like, called me racist, even though I, you know, obviously I'm never going to name races.


I don't think there's a racist bone in my body. But when he tried to say because I sang the Jarrel lyric and went on, then like he dropped and bombs all over social media for a long time, I think he knows that's out there. So it's like if you're going to say what what's he going to say about me that he didn't already say and that he's going to get the blowback of all his, you know, racist shit, he says.


So I doubt he'll say anything, but I could be wrong.


Who knows what's going to be interesting? I mean, there's got to be a part naturally.


I don't think he's going to publicly say he's part of it. Oh, it's going to be behind the scenes. Yeah. Like, he he you know, he claims he was the inventor of color, daddy, all this jazz. So I think he thinks he's like some sort of pod cast. Jesus, he thinks he's Karpman.


I've heard that actually, like when he came in and he was like, talk pulling people aside, like, yo, we're going to reshape this.


We're going to do this again. I, I called Muj to his face. I said, you are a douche bag. The only reason you're here is because those girls made us hire you.


I wouldn't have hired him in a million years. I always thought he was a douche bag.


All right. I mean, that's going to be quite the episode. And regardless of what happens if you're Alex, you're your little you know, you're waiting for that thing to drop.


Put it this way. If like Dan and I or Kevin and I had some major falling out and he said she said and then like six months later, Dan's like, hey, I'm back.


I would be like, oh, shit, what's he going to say?


What's going on?


Here we go with the he where we go with Happy Days, your trip to L.A., big week on a lot of videos. You did the impulsive podcast. Yeah. That came out today. I think I caught a couple minutes of it. How was that. What's their setup like?


It's very L.A.. Yeah, it's very L.A..


It's interesting because their bar stool, I feel like, is. We're like this alone, I like Game of Thrones, there's all these kingdoms out in the West, like all these different, you know, families like the House of Paul and the House of the Tick talkers in the house of fucking whoever. And then here it's just barren wasteland.


And we just have our flag. There is nobody else. It's just us in this vein. So they all clap is just different parts of it. Like everything we do looks like this, like in this room, wires, cords, no aesthetic.


I mean, there's a bed, there's a lamp and a chair there.


They felt like, you know how it feels like a movie. They got like beanbags is like pretty girls sitting on them. Like you feel like you're in almost almost famous. They're all hyped up.


But the one being Frankie walked in the house.


We couldn't figure out how to get in to each other. Like we feel like we're about to get act like it felt like we're like like some weird MTV.


Yeah. Like we're looking around.


We couldn't figure out they had all these weird trucks and buses and vehicles is like something bad.


They're going to they're going to be like, look at these old losers or something. So but it was good.


But I just boys, you know, the Tic-Tac as you walked in, it's just kids watching college football and stuff. Right. And all that.


Yeah. The tech doghouse, the tech talkers weren't that bad in the guy. I'm doing a podcast with Josh Richard I like and he's I give him far more credit. I think when you listen to the podcast, people will be surprised.


Like he said something like, you know, he's been so ticked off with something else called musically before it was called tick tock and wasn't involved with that.




Am I wrong musically? No, I don't think so. But he's like I studied the algorithm six hours a day to figure out how to, like, beat it. Like, that's more than what people just a kid take his shirt off and dancing a lot more thought. So I like him. It is it felt like Zoolander. Like I'm like, what are you guys? They're all set with their shirts off again. Huge TV, not on.


It's like Saturday afternoon. I'm losing tens of thousands of dollars.


I'm like, oh, we turn on the games here because going on like I need fucking Kentucky to score, but I'm like, what he does do?


Well, we wake up, we work out and then we eat protein. I'm like, no, really. What are you doing?


No, no. That's like what we do.


It literally is like Zoolander and Josh as this Mercedes, he said it's like one of three hundred or something, something it has race mode.


That's a thing.


I guess he was going one hundred and forty miles per hour in like a twenty I thought was going to throw up me and Frankie.


I was sick for like an hour getting out of the car. I was white as a ghost. Frankie was white as a ghost. If we didn't come to a stoplight, I was going to puke.


Was like, that's car heat stroke sick. You're going to pass out. It was a different type of sick. I was just nauseous. He was going so fast and I was told to ask about their manager, Michael. He's a piece.


What's with what's this guy's deal, I was he's the manager, he's probably going to become unknowingly a major focus of the podcast.


Josh and I, because he's like. The manager of this group, and he he's a name dropper, like I've never heard before and I don't know any of the names he's dropping, they're all like political type things like. Yes. Like you want Scaramucci on the podcast, like, no, it's anyone who passes like. No, like, we don't we're different.


So. He talks a lot, a name drops a lot. He set that thing up, though, he's the one who connected it.


How old is he? He's known these kids for a while.


I don't know how old he is. And these kids are all 18, 19. Correct. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. You know, that super good looking guy like from The Bachelor. You may not like Cameron Tyler.


Yeah, like I was hanging out there without his shirt off. They're just just good looking people everywhere that the video with the curls.


Oh, I think big cat's out of battery hurting at the end there.


Well, Frankie, stop. He didn't stop taping. He went he did a one frame all the way back and then he went backwards.


You just one zip at the end of it outside. Frankie Good.


Like, I was like, why are you wearing jeans?


Because I wasn't planning on doing it, but we knew we showed up in there working out. So I popped the top and grabbed some.


I had to go and they're fucking huge.


I was like, oh, I got to watch people lose respect for you. Dave, what are you doing, Dave? You're better than this, Dave. You should gain respect for me. You think I'm like, this isn't how I want to be spending my fuckin weekends crisscrossing the country. These kids are megastars, megastars. They all tick tock fifteen to twenty five million followers and they've all trinet. They all have millions and millions on Instagram. They're real fucking things.


And it was like, you change. I put the picture. How have I changed. Because I did the same exact thing with Jen Selter. Great. Blew up. Great callback from old story.


Yes. So that's just me doing whatever I can to expand our brand and get more people will find out about I'll do it till I die. And that video.


Jen Selter, at one point I want to say it was like the most viewed barstools.


Yeah, it was the same exact concept. It was like she was blowing up all these people. We have the someone reached out to us with the opportunity to do it. It's like, yeah, we have to do it. You think I want to go fucking do that? No. You think I want to go fly out and do all this? No, but how can you pass that by Camp two wildly different Dave.


So. Two wildly different Dave's picks. What else are you out there for? I was meeting all the West Coast families.


OK, so sway house, Tic-Tac house, impulsive Denilson thieves. That's just another.


See, I'm doing things on a level that you don't even know exists. You're right. There are a big iGaming thing.


OK, not ever heard of them. No, not in check. I'm just looking like, hey, you guys like at some point we may have to take down an evil villain. What houses are we going to align with? We need to align. And even Jake Logansport is like, you don't like clapping with people. You don't I don't see you do this like, no, I don't like I don't. But I'm doing it because it's in our best interest right now.


So fucking do it.


Even though I would rather stay, I don't even like doing content with other people at bar stool. Never mind going out and meeting fucking other families.


That's true. But be honest. So do you feel like you fit in there? No, not even just the age ceiling. I know you got the jeans nowadays and whatever, but before, like it's just, it's just it's a different world out there.


No, I do not feel like I feel it fit in there at all. No. Like seeing that and knowing barstool. Obviously Basel changed a lot. Do you think Barstool L.A. really ever had a shot.


Not in that vein. Not like there. It wouldn't work. Uh. Caleb would be a success out there. I think he would do well out there, too. He would, yeah, he very much would. He's very likable, very real. And he fits in just naturally, like he gets along with everybody and they love him. So I can see Caleb being successful.


I want it. I don't I don't like talking to people.


Did any of these guys ask you to be in any, like, Tic-Tac videos other than now?


No, I promote that. And I was out there for Josh.


Josh would have I don't think the other guys and I want to ask me, like, hey, put me in a you know, it has to come from me, basically.


OK, so iGaming, do we got something else coming up with that or. It's just a big market.


I did. I don't know how to recreate it, I wish I had it, but so we're meeting with them and they were talking like, wow, you know, how's your game and doing like Smitty and Big.


All right, let's just cut. We know, like I know something is not good. I'd say that to me, like in that everyone get a big laugh because we like the promiscuity and how he does this.


And that's like promiscuity is Smitti.


Not responding to that. Well, I don't know enough about gaming, I really don't. Well, I know it works really hard. I know this because it's like your strategy this that I'm like, wow, big cat as the number one stream on Twitch twitch in three seconds. Like, it's not a barstool thing. It can work. It hasn't.


The reason our gaming hasn't grown isn't because Parcells somehow is inherently adverse to gaming.


It's because we got. What is it what does he call himself, Sergeant Smith and General General General Smith and Sergeant Stain's leading the charge. Who's whose stains calls apostate. That's what that's what that would speak of them, so.


Right. Yeah, so so are you. Smitti I've grown to not hate as much.


But just not good at building audience, he never has been, so we're actively looking to replace that.


Oh, no, no, it's just like the conversation is more why hasn't your gaming grown? Like, what's he doing wrong? Well, you, Smitti. All right, am I wrong about that? I just don't know enough about it, because here's the thing also, though. But am I wrong about that? Maybe. Maybe am I? I don't know enough about gaming. I don't want to I, I don't like like let me put this way.


If Parcel's like, let's get fucking super serious about gaming.


We need to be in gaming like we're in gambling right now.


Do you think what it was he got himself, General Smith, General General Smitty, General, do you think I would be okay, General Smitty and Sergeant Stain's lead us into battle.


Is it maybe a knowledge factor here where if they did, don't you think it could happen? What, like, is it something where, like, they need to figure out?


Because, like you said, this company was like, here's what you're doing wrong. This is no, no, no.


Because my somebody else in our company did Twitch and became the number one guy on there in a week.


But aren't you a big cat, a totally different ballpark that everyone in the company. You know that no. Yes, but not really, because, like, if you just look at different mediums. Checklist number one, hoggy, Paul Castro give credit to the Crosseyed guy Riggs. Golf, he's made that a mega success, true for play, call her daddy's gigantically successful. You know, the chicks in the office, very successful. KFC radio, very successful.


Obviously, I have my thing with the piece. Dan has all his PMT, so there are very different wildly successful vehicles. That people have become the ones Jay isn't Dan and I, our own animal, not necessarily. We have a lot of animals. That's fair. It's a fair point.


I don't know. I mean, so what's going to happen to her? So they're going to like, oh, know, somebody is going to continue to do it.


We weren't. The reason for the meetings weren't just simply like, let's parcel gaming, it's a lot of they're very good at gaming. Maybe there's stuff we can do together, OK, but not like, hey, we're trying to, like, become some power player in a game. I kind of like, you know, Smitti. What do I call it, the Romper Room, one of those guys, the Romper Room.


If people just the misfits and rejects can go spend time in the Romper Room, which is like some parallel universe of nothingness, fair, like if you're a bar lifer, but you don't have a lot of value to add anymore, you can waste away in the Romper Room.


Speaking of Barstow, lifers, well, not yet, but your boy, Jim Cramer, did an ad for Draft Kings, correct? I think he had no choice. I think he it was an ad deal, I believe, through the Mavin, I think it's who he sold his company to.


But part of the deal and.


It is what it is. I don't begrudge I love Jim Cramer. I think he had no choice to do that. It would be like if I told you to read an ad and it was like a competitor of your friend or something.


Yeah. So I don't care. And Cramer, he's he's been such a vocal supporter. I love Cramer like such a vocal supporter. Correct. But that that's kind of why I asked who is. I don't think a lot of people know this obviously before the call for if you're really deep in a barstool history, the original call core for you, Gerrymander and Chisel. Tizen works for Draft Kings.


I didn't know that. Is that like. I didn't know he did. He didn't know that. No. We're like. So you don't talk to him at all? No, not because that I don't know really.


What's he do.


I it's in his bio and I follow him on, on Twitter and it's.


Did you see the sea of draft kings whining about only having like 5000 followers? No, it was he said, what was he saying this is like, how can somebody of my stature only have like I I talked a little bit today. I can pull it up a second. Yeah, this says he's Jamie says almost draft Kings, director of Global Communications and Public Affairs. I don't even know what that means, he used to be in politics. Here's here's the tweet, Jason Robbins', how do I have less than sixteen thousand followers?


Rhetorical question based on my job.


Please don't reply unless it's actually funny. All, you have less than 16 because he's I mean, he's a suit, he's not funny or entertaining. Why would you have more? It's a good point, and he is he the guy that offered you equity way back? Yes, yes. What was that deal again? Do you remember like sixteen or so? It was a four point something.


I don't. It was equity in the company, now what it would be worth now who knows it, mate, would I be better off? Worse off? I have no idea.


It's hard to say because they get diluted all the time and shit like that. Who fucking knows?


Yeah, it's a tough call. Huge pizza review last week, Bon Jovi secession guy. If you talk to Nick Bronson's.


Yeah, we have tried. I mean, that was surreal. I love succession. So that was definitely a surreal moment. When Frankie called, I would never know. Frankie pulled down the mask like I'm on succession. And then very funny the way Bon Jovi got out of the car.


And, you know, Greg, the egg was like kind of pointed at him just to be like, what the fuck's going on? But, yeah, that was the real Bon Jovi.


It's kind of seemed like you guys had like like a kinship there. Was that just like a booking thing, or do you know him?


No, I don't know Bon Jovi. But they, I think, aggressively wanted us to do it. His son's a fan. So I think any time you get that dynamic where the Sun is a big fan, probably talked to the dad so he knew everything about it. So he was definitely that doesn't always happen. That never happens. Like that was just a booking. He came in very warm.


It was like a warm pizza lead. You know, he was excited to be there.


Yeah, that was good. Was a good one. Yeah, that was wild. I don't know what succession I was like on TV and I got to go on the best show on TV. Yeah. A lot of people, a lot of people watch that show on TV. Best show on TV. Yes. All right. I like that almost everybody who sees it says that a lot of people love it. A couple of other news stories here.


A Pittsburgh newspaper says Dave doesn't care about Pittsburgh pizza.


That guy's a cock. The guy who said that? Is from like north north California. He's not even a Pittsburgh guy. Oh, really? Yeah. What type of fraud?


And then all Pittsburgh people will beat him up. Like, I don't condone that. But I mean, you're pretty straight up with where you're at and pizza now. I mean, I literally in all the pizza views, I'm like, I'm only here because I'm supporting the Bristol Sportsbook.


By the way, Victory Mondays. This is the stuff like Ismat, I'm working my Dieckhoff for these problems. Victory Mondays, Primanti Bros.


If the Steelers cover the spread, you get a free Primanti Brothers sandwich. If the Eagles cover the spread, you get a free Primo's hoagie. That's on Mondays. You just show up. You bet you on the phone. I can make a video for that victory, Mon's, that's coming out of my brain.


And he got the cardboard cut out of cut out for Primo's and Primanti. Yes. Yes. Hassan Whiteside is suing over a fake tweet saying, I'm leaving America, moving to Hawaii. He threatened to sue, OK, threatened to sue unless it's progressed.


Yeah, I thought that was very funny.


Where is it? So nothing has came of that. I haven't heard anything more.


Now you're saving the Lascelles baseball program. Yeah, I was doing that today.


OK, what's so they canceled Lizelle baseball. The school did.


And it really because of a tweet, something like hey or Philly guy now even though I thought I was in Pittsburgh and they're like, are you going to help save Lassalle baseball?


And I was just repowering. Yeah, what do I do.


I thought I had to cut a check or something. Well they need 15 million dollars to save it. It was nine million for the men's program and six million because of Title nine did for women's softball. That's the administration saying we're going to put this number so high we don't want it because it costs 200 grand or on a baseball program. It's not expensive. So I'm just getting involved, trying to bring publicity to the event because they can save. It does happen.


My friends, a lot of my buddies play baseball, not a lot, but a few at you in New Hampshire when I was in college and the same thing, they cut the program, the middle like of their junior year or something is garbage. It's an easy fix. It's a reasonable fix. The only reason not to save the program is because they don't care. It's too much trouble for whatever reason, for the administrators. But these are kids lives, a major part of their lives.


So hopefully by putting some pressure on the administration and bringing some attention to it, they'll be able to work something out.


Awesome. So actively trying to still work. Yes. So I did it today, the review.


And I mean, there had to be 500, 600 people there.


Oh, well, it was like I was on my phone. I mean, it was a fucking to do was a scene.


There's an article on it already.


It looks like there's a look like you're going to get back into the fighting with school administrators game because that was a big part of. Yeah, that was early on. David Page.


Well, it's just this is just like this is stupid because you can definitely it's not that hard of a solution.


It really isn't. But like, this is.


Oh, wow. A lot of people out there. Yeah, and then. Like cameras and I mean, it was it was a to do the scene. Now, was that your first enemy? Probably school administrators was one of the early ones.


I mean, that's our upas Boston Sports Review. Maybe the first they were the first one was like a magazine who I thought copied my idea. And then I gave them the Al Capone quote, I'm going to burn. I want the Boston sports of you burnt to the ground.


I want their family dead. I want to piss on their ashes.


And they threaten to sue me over that.


I was like, it's a movie called The Untouchables Grow a sense of humor. Sorry. Sorry for quoting Al Capone. Sorry.


Let's get into some employee news here. Danny boy Brandon Newman announces that he's leaving Shane.


To shame, what a shame. I really wish we could have kept him. Nothing, nothing else. It's a shame. It's a shame, shame. You're not going to replace him. You think he's irreplaceable? It's once a lifetime employee. Shame, I hate to lose them. In the morning show, Vasso Breakfast Vain Willie Colon is rumored to be a candidate for the WFA job, the afternoons, I guess, are bringing Kadenbach, it's rumored, and New Jersey Dotcom and listed him as a possible replacement.


Interesting. Have you heard that before was the first time I've heard it, and that was just an I don't think it said with him and we were taught that when we were talking, it was like, this is who we think could be.


And I could see, like, he I mean, he's under contract with us, but I mean, Will, he's good at radio. I don't know how him and Karten will get along, but. Erica joins a billboard, Yelp. Good for her. Good for us, too. Yeah, credibility, she deserves it. I love her success because it's like I know when we hired her, she got a lot of backlash, people turning me like, how could you join them?


Erica is like maybe the most powerful female executive in sports now. And I love it because.


Oh, Dave, you only hired her because a female is the furthest thing from the truth.


She knows how I hired her and I know how I heard it was happenstance meeting where we didn't even know we're going to be meeting each other and we hit it off instantly. I met with 70 men. I didn't like any of them. I was like the second I met Erica after the coffee we basically had, I called them like, you know, who Erika Nardini is because, like, she's our girl.


If we can get her and I that girl, it's like she's our CEO. If we can get her in, like, yeah, she's great. And that's part of the process. And it, without a shadow of a doubt, is the perfect hire. And even to a degree is so perfect. We got lucky because she, as everyone knows, has the same kind of like fuck you mentality. Like she won't take a step backwards. You know, it's like she won't apologize for things that we.


Shouldn't have to apologize for it. She will if it's like warranted, but won't just like she has a spine and it's hard to have a spine in that position.


So she has I couldn't be happier for her to get, you know, the recognition she deserves.


And this is kind of from afar, just seeing a relationship from from my perspective, it's great that obviously she's very talented. She's done great things from the business side, growing barstool. But I feel like the level of trust you've had in her is what really kind of Erica and I, I don't think have just have ever disagreed on anything.


And if you want to like we talked about the exchange I had with Pen earlier today, I after it happened, I talked to her and gave her verbatim what happened. She's like, you should just go to a fucking spa and just like be like you better fucking get back to me or else you're going to go dark. Like, she gets like the same.


It's like you're running around with your fucking like a maniac and they can't get back to you for three hours, like you should be like fuck you just to be like send a like bow across, like you better fucking wake the fuck up.


So we always see eye to eye on that.


Yeah. And it's just she brought her word like there was you know, not much has changed as far as like content. I can't go out and stuff.


So I mean we we actually it's strange. I don't know that either of us thought this. She has bled more into content and I have continued more with the business. We're truly like run it as a partnership.


And Jay, the CEO of Penn, has basically echoed that, like why he was so convinced. The deal is like I saw how you two interacted, like the level of trust, respect for each other. It's been that that's why I honestly, I couldn't be happier for that.


Kate's pregnant, yeah. I'm so bad that she came in and she was like pregnant and I was like. Sorry or congratulations, like I didn't know, like, OK, did you read the blog she wrote is too long. It was good though I'm sure it was.


I skimmed it. I saw the I saw some funny lines, like headlines like the airport.


And I like gives her something I don't know. Yes, she's pregnant. I mean, she she somebody impregnated her somebody. Yeah, unless, I guess artificial, but I think she actually had sex. So congrats.


Congrats to Kate. And they're also her iPad. Have the new podcast out and about LGBTQ podcasts. So that was run by my desk.


Like Pat wants to do a gay podcast. And in a similar vein to Koelie, obviously he's been here much longer.


Like, I have no idea whether that part will work, but Pat has grown like I used to not be, as he did a couple of things in the beginning. I remember like ask for things. The is like you haven't earned it. You haven't earned it. He earned this opportunity. He's kept his head down. He's worked hard. So he when it was brought to me, is like, yeah, he 100 percent has earned the opportunity to try to make this podcast work and I hope it does for his sake.


Ask everybody say, OK, so I'm rooting for it for sure.


Because for Pat, this is another question. That kind of it went to I got lost in the train of thought when you talked about pretty much everyone in Milton is going to be in the Seven Figure Club. There's no more counting that. He's like a weird guy in that I haven't decided.


I mean, it's like I don't. He's been on and off, he's so talented, I don't know. And it was late to the game there a little bit, but yes, yeah, OK. I don't know because he's, you know, for the long time stoolies spillers. He is. It's just I never interact with him. Yeah. We'll have to get him on for one of these.


And like, I rarely even acted with him in Milton.


I talk to him every day for the rundown. We go back and forth and I've never met him. Yeah. Yeah. Like in person. Yeah.


He he's the most talented like person we got. He's very good. I mean, he's a genius.


He was so talented that he basically forced your hand when he really didn't have money to hire people. They brought him in.


I mean, he he's a genius.


He literally won, I think at one year like the best, like, gift of the year from like The New York Times when he did the Michael Jordan. Oh, no, it was I think LeBron, when he does the powder smoke in the powder, became a crying Jordan face.


Oh, God, it was fucking brilliant. He's very good. No, he's brilliant. Brilliant.


His work ethic at times can be questioned a couple of full time at all times, can be questioned maybe at all times.


But brilliance, his brilliance. And he's been there for a long time. Yes. Cup of full time hires, coach Doug's colleagues are on board to know about Keeks. Yeah, dugs. We were talking a little bit before he quit. He's another guy, if you want, like an insight into the brain of Dave. He was doing the Doug stuff, as far as I know, traveling to these colleges on his own dime, making content on his own dime, somebody who is that motivated with no incentive.


I will roll the dice on you.


I'm also in the process of hiring the tank because, oh, I couldn't hire thugs the tank without hiring a tank. The tank. Yeah, that's breaking news. He will have a restriction on how many times he can come to the office per week.


He's going to be the first employees ever told covid or not. You have to stay home because we can't have him just bothering everybody all the time.


But I think I can make back the salaries. And just one sponsored mini golf tour, dogs versus Tank.


Wow. So you did it. That was like last week, like, did that turn the screws on you once I did Thug's to turn the screws on tank and then I found myself in a very predictable tank negotiation, contract negotiation, where I thought, you do me a favor.


And suddenly he's got to look at all our different packages. And I was very similar Shark Tank or the big brain when he just came. He's thrown out and he's acting like he's fuckin to share on the free market.


So you need a million dollars at least. At least. What was his negotiation? What did he want?


You want more than you need to see all our health care programs, which I understand, you know, but he for me is like, all right, I see his tax on I kill myself.


I get good old courthouse, I'm going to die.


So I thought a lateral move would be good luck. All right.


How much you make at the courthouse will pay you that day? What he was looking at this as a huge move up.


So, yeah, tank. I mean, I don't know that we get that type of budget, but I think we've worked it out for the bank. That's great. From the doghouse to the penthouse. Yeah, yeah. I think to think story.


And then we I think we're hiring that Mississippi guy who's in it. Did you see the video of the guy when Mississippi missed an extra point?


They miss your point, the guys like Roll Huddy Torteval, he did a video, I was sold instantly, instantly, instant, higher. So he's moving from he's in Louisiana, he's moving to New York.


And so what's up with dogs? He's moving as well. I know dogs will not be relocating in the beginning, OK? And then, Frank, the tank, what do we think of one week, one day per week in the office? Max, Max by the sea. Like, just go in your office when he comes.


Is he he he can be a lot.


Can I tell a quick, frank story here on the pro football football show, he was one of the super fans and Deon could not believe that Frank, like, sits in a chair.


Yeah. So I asked Frank I was going back and forth with him to get the original video. And I was like, Frank, this is a weird request. But Deon Sanders wants to see you sit in a chair and like within a half hour, he sent me like seven different takes, different angles of him, just like coach coachable.


Yeah, coach.


Well, I mean, he's a pro. He yeah. Maybe two days.


We'll see. Two days to two days. All right. Well, congrats on Frank. The tank has been grounded for a while. So are you kind of aware of this short ports first starting line feud?


Show up watching the Yankees. Yes, so Tommy Hubbs, Marty. I know it's Yankees first.


They had like conflicting streams yesterday. Tension seemed high because Dallas and Gerarda are streaming their own stream. So we basically have two streams running and they're like, fuck, you are in Philly and I'll fuck you guys, whatever. Like, it was a lot of tension there. I don't know if you're aware of it.


And I mean, I know there's Jarrard tension versus the Yankee guys. I don't know if it's more attention than usual, OK? I mean, those Yankee guys, they're I mean, they're they're just such losers for like Yankee fans.


I mean, they just they're like the sky is always falling on them.


It looks like what you think about this, we're doing the stream tonight, bears boxes tonight, then they're game for it. Is they game three.


They think that we can do bucks bucks out. Yeah. They think they're doing the. So no, that that's not happening. No way.


Let's got written in a lot. KBE and Neki caught them drinking during working hours. Correct. Was that just a relief in what was.


So I was walking home, I saw them and I stood there for a little bit and they just didn't notice me. So then I took the camera out.


Those are two kind of free pass guys. I wish KP made blog Lillemor. He writes the long blogs, but I, I know they're doing a lot. I wasn't like mad at them. That wasn't like somebody sitting there drinking.


Does you appreciate those guys while they're the more you have the more you can get away with.


And they're both wildly talented. I get that. I get like Manny Ramirez. He threw the traveling secretary who's like ninety seven for the Red Sox down a flight of stairs on the starting line. Up next, they came in.


Nick are irreplaceable, Smitti. I blockhead walking on the street can go sit with the Army hat on with Sergeant Stain's and play video games and the Romper Room all day, so I don't want to catch him at 4:00.


Drinkard Smiddy just can't avoid the shots. And this one is a big, big Smitti shot day.


Before I go to listener emails, are you sure nothing about Brandon Newman or you intentionally staying out of it to be smarter?


I think I just said. It's a shame he left, I didn't he didn't talk to me, he didn't say a word, you not a word, OK, I found out how everyone else found out on video.


And I was like, damn, what a shame. Should I try to keep them away? He wants to go.


He's got to go. All right, all right, there you go. All right, listener emails, make sure you send them in. Dave Pawni show at barstool sports dot com if you want to be featured. Dave, this one's from Kathleen. Dave, you brought up Renee is a person you told about the trumpeter. You brought her up as a person. You told about the Trump interview beforehand. You mentioned her from time to time in passing.


What's your current relationship like is very good. I mean, you know, I think I saw someone like that.


She was a trusted whatever she is, I trust her with my life. I think she feels the same. And I've described her as my best friend.


Like a lot of times, she's somebody who was with me before anyone knew who I was, who, you know, I've spent probably more time with. And when some big things happen, she's still kind of the first person like, hey, this happened, that happened.


You know, it is still the distance of two people who were formerly married. And you don't want to get it too hard or two convoluted, convoluted. But I would still say she's like my best friend.


Do you talk to her like Daley? No, no, no. It depends what's going on in like life. There's certain things that, like we have to talk at times and that will increase it.


And if something major is going on in her life or mine, positive or negative, we'll probably talk more.


She still talks to my parents, so. Now, a couple of times a week maybe, but they're not long conversations and a lot of times are text like quick texts or something. Yeah, it's one of those things where, like, I thought it was appropriate to because she was kind of concerned at one point where, you know, if it was like a salad, you would write a blog about I can't believe the first lady writes the first lady, just me being a stoolie.


It was always funny. You always like those blogs. Yeah, right. So, you know, she's the best. People like to check in on her once.


Yeah. Well, yeah. Yeah. Mm hmm. This one's from Joe.


I wanted to touch on his current relationship with KFC. I'm just always interested in what happens between them because they've had their disagreements. And since you're in Big Cat have kind of taken off and how it's affected everything. Kept saying, I know different than Dan and I have ups and downs, we really don't talk that much right now.


He texted me when the staff and things like, that's crazy.


But, you know, a lot of it's content based, like when the petty shit was happening, like Kevin and I were closer because Dan was off doing his own thing with the Penn stuff is gambling focused. So Dan and I have been thrown back together because that's where both gamblers and it's a huge focus. Kevin's not a gambler, so he's doing more of his own in those videos. He does goes viral on, you know, the Basel sports.


The the was minimum one minute. So we've never been best of friends. We'll never be best friends. He's kind of like a dork in my mind, but I respect everything he's done. I know he wants his payday and I want to give him his payday and like, we wouldn't be here without him. I won't say where. And we just the way Barstow's structured right now, we don't spend nearly the time.


I'm not on the run that much because I'm traveling. So the times that we normally would but will, we're far closer in my mind to friends than we are enemies. Been together a long time. And like, if Dan and I got separated, it was like gambling content shifted, like Dan and I's relationship and how much time we'd spend together would shift, you know, it just the content and ups and downs and flows is where you end up with people.


And I think all three of us and only then myself. Kevin Keith is probably the rockiest right now because of everything that happened, but I don't think any of us would ever be like we're best friends. We never at any point hung out like, hey, let's go out and do that. Never was there. And it really is a function of how close you are at any particular moment is based on what type of content we're doing at the company.


And we'll always be friendly. And I think. Like they're like in this, Kevin may not want this because the way that we got spread out for the payment of the Penda, like Kevin doesn't get his money for a while, which sucks. It's coming and it's going to be wildly rich. But like, I'm like, hey, if you need money, like, I'll give it to you and just like give back when you get it, like I'm close enough with him to do that.


But we're not like friends. But I know we wouldn't be here without him. Dan, Keith and even the original four guys, OK?


And his money's coming like five years or some three or five somewhere around there. Yeah.


Gotcha. This one's from Shemya. Eddie, I want to hear a little deeper on David. Big cat spat over the Trump interview today. Feel bad. More importantly, does Dave have feelings? Do I have feelings in general? Yeah, like I guess that I picked that one because I want to know if there's anything that in hindsight you ever felt bad about. But has there ever been a time where, like, man, I kind of I should pump the brakes on this guy or, you know, I went I went too hard.


I regret the way I went about this. Which doesn't happen often. Not really. I. I wish I told Dan I didn't feel that bad. Like, I wish I told them I it's one of those things, like I was trying to empathize, but I keep saying I'm not political. So I was all caught off guard by just how upset he was.


But I think that's because he truly hates Trump more than like he probably lets on and he just wants to keep it out of politics.


So it's like people saying that it wasn't intentional, like, oh, we're going to keep Dan out of this. You know, that wasn't so. I was a little bit off guard when he was that mad and I'd never seen him. He was fucking pissed. I was like, oh, fuck, I wish I told him it would be an easy thing, but I didn't.


I only feel bad if I'm intentionally, like, really fucking with somebody and I don't really do that.


Saw no, maybe I don't have feelings. There you go. No feelings. This one's from Zachary. What are your thoughts on Rick's stay at Pinehurst? I know it may make sense from a business standpoint, but what do you think about, you know, all the summer trips and all the travel he's taken? Briggs has done great things with foreplay, so. You get away with a lot more and it may not be getting away the boondoggle, if everybody at our company created a rigs type revenue stream in a rigs type podcast.


We would be in a far better place than we are now. We're in a very good place. Don't get me wrong, but Riggs is. Riggs is a model barstool employee, in my mind, in the sense I met with Riggs in a coffee shop in New York. He said he lived in Massachusetts. I will come work for you for basically nothing. Peanuts. Just give me a chance. Let me get in the door. And I have confidence in myself that I will build something in my value will improve until I can earn a salary I can live on and enjoy while doing something I want to do.


He's a Harvard grad. He probably could have done a lot of things. And I'm like, all right, no skin off my back, come in and prove it. He didn't complain about salary, didn't complain about anything, and he went about a built this.


Golf empire around him, so he has earned the right to basically control his own schedule, for lack of better words.


Can you let us in on the scope of the golf thing right now, like you tell us how big that color Daddy and Alex is or is not fun?


Yeah, yeah.


They would drop their fucking tits on his face, but it's big in the scheme of barstool and not only the podcast, but now you could argue a little bit like I could sell golf, you could sell golf merch because everyone plays golf, but the facts aren't always doing it. And the golf classic is a pretty well big event. He did. That's all him who drove it. So it it's top five, six, seven, you know, things that we do here.


And he built it basically on his back.


And really kind of my follow up question from that is, you know, if he doesn't come back and, you know, Carrabba's just moved to Boston, Koliba to Boston, are you worried about kind of a mass exodus here that a lot of people are just going to try to leave?


No, I mean, those people aren't leaving. They're not leaving. Reuniting you OK? No, again, it's like why is a fairly decent example? I'll get to the bottom of it. If someone comes back and like, wipes, Passell outdoors is as big as foreplay. You'll never hear me busting my balls ever.


He needs to get there first. We've got to get there, stop proposing every two seconds. This one's from Nick. What are your thoughts on Dana and the Zillion Bears movement? It was a good four or five week run. It was. I really don't know what he does. I mean, I know he is doing. I love Dana and I don't know how the march is doing with him. That's you know, we've been out of the office.


I know he's on production. But, you know, I love Dana. He's true blue bar stool. So I really don't know enough that somebody who I've lost track of and covid do you think you should be more content or more back to.


Kind of. I'd have said I'd have to see how the beer's mirch and all that stuff's doing. OK.


Last one from Mitch. Will there be any more unboxing? Yeah, probably, but.


I don't know, because you give out the address since World War three, so be careful what you say. Yeah, maybe if we like to a different location or something, maybe.


Yeah, it's kind of the charm of it was that I was ruining my life like in my apartment. I think that's what made it's like, oh, this isn't fun for him.


I had Spider on Dogwalker today and we talked about it again. There was just a couple of problems with the neighbors, like she lost a package in there. Well, imagine you couldn't get through it.


I mean, it really that was in the height of the unboxing that was as low as I've been like mentally in a long time.


It was like covid. You couldn't go outside.


My apartment was unlivable. Like I'd have boxes show up all through the day, stacked up. I'd open them. I literally couldn't sit on my couch and watch TV. I'd have to upload the video from the boxing, which took me close to an hour to two hours to get it to Franki at like 3:00 in the morning. Frankie would work from three to noon to edit it and get it out. I'd go to bed at like three. I'd wake up at.


Eight eight o'clock to do DTG Global, that's the only place I could set a cleaning crew. What was the name of the ServPro would show up with, like professional cleaners, clean my apartment from like 10 to like three, 30. And by the time like five or six, I just start all over again. The package, it was fucking horrible and it was going on for like two or three weeks. And that was my it was like, this is the worst life ever.


Like, this is miserable. How are you feeling better now? Yeah, I mean, I'm back to the grind.


I like gambling, so I like working on it. And this Penn thing that we discussed in the beginning, this is the first time I'm screaming like I'm talking to them, like they're my employees that are not my employees.


So we'll see how that goes. Yeah. So you're a little cooled off here at the end. I always cool off.


That's what the Penn guy has to get. Yeah. The only thing that doesn't cut me off is don't tell me not to talk to you like that. That always I'll talk to you how I want to talk to you.


But you're not my employee, so can I do that. But am I going to have to figure it out.


Not me. Well, find I'm not going to. I don't change. My approach to you, you better change your approach to me, I think I've earned that. There you go. My way works. Do you want Penn to be the number one barstool sports up like the number one gamelab does? Does Penn want the sports book to be the number one gambling app on the planet? If the answer is yes to that, you better figure out my way.


So what are you to do? If Jay's like, hey, you really can't do that, Dave, if I can't talk like that, I'm out. Come on. You got so much at stake here.


Who cares? I'm Michael Scott Paper Company, I got a lot of what ideas built come my way, you got like other business ideas which are saying, no, if if you can't do that.


I'm going to be like, well, you've got to get me somebody I can do that to, OK, because that's me. You can't tell Belichick he's got to be nice to the media. He's no longer Belichick. This is how I get hot and angry fast.


And if you can't handle that. We have that then we're taking away me. Realistically, though, is there any way out of this for you, like if shit did hit the fan or you're pretty locked in? I'm it, yeah. But I mean, I'm not poor. Yeah, but ah, isn't all your money kind of like in a tied up into how this performs? I mean, I. I went from making 50 or 60 thousand dollars a year to I mean, I probably have like over 10 million in the bank.


What was your last contract? This one, yeah, but it's a five year deal, a five year deal. Yeah. Do you get, like a yearly salary? Yeah.


What's you thought I was going to say that I had a tight security on here. All right, that's it. They point our show at barstool sports dot com. We'll be back sometime time next week. Who knows when guys subscribe have drop dropping soon. We'll make it. We'll make sure for this show. Yeah.


I wonder. I wonder. Brian Fitzsimons is doing. I really screamed at him, as you have heard before, though, for so he's getting more and my he's never been in my world, but every time I'm like, why isn't this done? Like Brian Fitzsimmons? Did he take a while last time? He doesn't really fight back. And that's pretty important for you. And I just keep hitting the beef.


You know, like Rocky, you had me email before. You actually go on the run down to tell him to go fuck himself. Yeah, yeah, I remember that.


But you always do say a disclaimer like I do like him. He's a nice guy. Yes, he's a smiley sky. And so is Scott from PET.


Are you mad at him, too? Yeah, oh, I've emailed him, scowled one t he's a nice guy. Everyone's nice people. Yeah. Like I scream at guys, like when I'm mad, I yell, it's over pretty quick. If you can't, but you can't be I don't talk to me like that. Don't know, not talk to you like that. It's not a role, that's how I talk Sky with one teacher let a role.


That's how I fucking talk.


You're right. So we talked. Yeah, we should get some nitty gritty T-shirts ready. I just got a I got a call. He's definitely in meetings right now, like trying to figure out how to, like, not, say, nitty gritty. And he's, like, whiteboarding. It is like any suggestions. Let's let's like put this on the table.


Let's get some Chinese food and let's like talk about how we can have more meetings about like eliminating the nitty gritty from the meetings, the nitty gritty.


Unbelievable. All right, Dave, anything else? No, that's it. All right, everybody. We'll be back next week. We'll see you then.