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Live from the headquarters of Ramsey Solutions, broadcasting from the car rental studios, it's the Dave Ramsey Show where debt is dumb. Cash is king in the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the BMW as the status symbol of choice. Christy Wright Ramsey personality is my co-host today. Here on the air, open phones, a triple eight eight eight two five five two two five. That's triple eight eight two five five two two five.


Laura is with us from Lincoln, Nebraska. Hi, Laura. Welcome to The Dave Ramsey Show.


Hi. Thanks for taking my call. Sure. What's up? So I lost my job last week and my husband and I are about halfway through baby step two. My question is, do I stop that and pile up money or do we keep going after that? What does he make?


Around 75, what did you make? Around one thirty two.


Well, OK, yeah, all right, what do you do managed?


I'm a nurse by trade and then I manage a few housing. And so is your is your plan to start looking for something? Yes. Mm hmm. Look, how much debt do you guys have, not counting your home? About thirty thousand, OK? Yes, I would push pause on the baby steps.


I mean, you lost 65, 70 percent of your household income. And so you need to. Yeah, you need to just pay bills and stay afloat with his income. Sit down, look at the budget, tighten it up, you know, comb through the details, cut expenses like crazy and pile up as much cash as you can pile up. If you can save money, go inside money, pile it up, OK.


Did you get severance?


Yes. For how long? How much? Six, six months. They're paying it out monthly. Yes. OK, well, then we know we can pile up cash if we stop everything, right? Right. OK. And so here's the goal, if you pile up some cash and you get a new job inside of six months, you got a signing bonus. Let's get some extra money if you get a job next month, you doubled your income for four, five months, right?


Like, this could be awesome. Doesn't feel like it right now, does it? No. Yeah, hurt your feelings, pisses you off those kinds of things.


I understand, but I think if you can get your heads up above the pain of that and start going, the faster I land something, the longer my income is doubled.


That kind of gets exciting. Could turn into a huge blessing, you see what I'm saying? Well, yeah, yeah, but I mean, if you suck your thumb for six months, it's going to be hard.


Well, so but it is normal to feel like you got got punched because it sounds like you got got punched. It sounds like you didn't see this coming. Yeah. I'm sorry, I know that hurts. It's a special kind of rejection. I remember a guy firing me one time in my 20s. He said, this is not personal. And I went, wait a minute, it's somebody else.


Of course it's personal. You, but, oh, that's ridiculous. There's no one else sitting here. Of course it is. To me, it's really personal to me, you know, so I made minor surgeries.


What happens to someone else? Right. Yeah. So I understand.


I get it. But mathematically, you really could turn this into an opportunity. So what I would say is, yes, you're correct. I would stop everything pile up as much as you can pile up the faster you get a job. Now, let's say let's pretend for a second. Let's pretend you piled up thirty thousand dollars. In the next few months and then you've got to jump. You would push play once you get the job on your baby steps again, which means you would write a check for thirty thousand dollars and you'd be debt free that day.


So you're not going to really lose any traction. If you pile up a bunch of cash, you're going to use it on the baby steps when the storm goes by, but right now the storm is called unemployment. So, Christine, talk about the fear in the heart of this. Yeah, I think, you know, we all have plans, and especially when you're paying off your debt snowball, you have a plan, you have a projection of here's how long it's going to take and here's what it's going to look like.


And what I love about what Dave just said to you, Laura, is that he's showing you how your plan could still happen or your goal still could be achieved in just a different way than you planned. And going through this is not fun. And I know that there is a part of you that is going that is just feels so down and out and that's real. And I hear you and I hear it in your voice. The thing that I want to encourage you is when you get yourself back up because you will and dust yourself off what you will and you start moving and shaking and making things happen and you're applying for jobs and you're getting interviews and you're starting to maybe even see something better where you're making more money and you get this stuff going and you get the ball rolling, you will come out of this stronger.


And I know that sounds cliche because just like you said, it doesn't feel like it right now, but you will come out this on the other side. And then what's amazing is you will be debt free. And it didn't happen at all how you planned, but it still happened. So I hope this encouraged you of what Dave said, how he painted that picture for you, because you were probably feeling like this is completely derailed. Your plans derailed the goal and it doesn't have to.


Every one of us have a little kid inside that scared. And the little kid says, oh, I'll never make as much money again. I better take a job making one hundred. I used to make one hundred thirty five. But the reality is that's not a rule.


There's no law that says that why can't you get a job making 150 and get it next month and get that get the whole five months of severance on top of that, this could turn into your largest income year of your whole life. There is no rule that says you move down or that this ends up bad. As a matter of fact, if you play it right, it probably ends up good. It actually ends up going. Thanks, guys.


You know, thanks. Appreciate the tip of the hat there as I went out the door.


Life is good. And, you know, you go that direction. That makes sense.


So but there's the inside of us is that fear monster that says you're never going to make as much as you used to make, you know?


And, you know, I didn't when I went broke the first year, I, I met a couple of hundred the year before and I lost everything. And, you know, I got back to 120, but I get back to 200. Took me a while to get back up over 200 again. Yeah. And then I decided to do financial peace and we went from 120 to 60 because I quit doing real estate and started doing this stuff full time.


Yeah. And so and my wife's like, where's the financial where's the financial money.


She just took a pay cut in half. Twice. Yeah, I went from a couple of hundred to 120 and then, you know, and then now you're going to go to sixty. But she was in on the decision.


I didn't do it by myself. So that's a yeah.


Well I think there's so much of it too. That's in reframing failure or falling down. I was just speaking at business class weekend and I used an example of Sara Blakely, her dad, when they were around the dinner table when she was young. I would ask the family, how did you feel this week? And they would celebrate it because he said, if you're not feeling, you're not trying new things and doing it, they've reframed it for her.


I've we're going to get back up. It's a stepping stone on the journey to success. Oh, by the way, Sara Blakely started the thing called Spanx. Yeah, just she's one of the youngest billionaire women in America. Yeah. How did you feel this week? It's great. Well, this is the Dave Ramsey Show. People all over the country are discovering a faith based and budget friendly way of meeting health care costs through Christian healthcare ministries, Christian health care ministries, or S.A.M., is a non-profit organization that helps members carry one another's burdens with health care expenses, and they have successfully shared each other's medical bills for nearly 40 years.


CFC is right for you by visiting S.H. Ministries. Doug c h m is a proud sponsor of Dave Ramsey Live Events. My friend Pamela Giani is in town, he's the president of the Table Group, has sold over six million books.


She consults with leadership teams in every sector of the economy, has worked with our team, has worked with the fine folks of Southwest, his my favorite books of his the ideal team player and the advantage he saw again and again, he sold over six million books to Five Dysfunctions of a Team, the famous book on Silo's. I mean, he's done everything in town this week and hanging out. We always like to have him come by. We've been friends a long time.


This guy is incredible and has a new assessment out the six types of working genius assessment, which I took, even though I'm not a genius.


Well, the assessment, as it turns out, came back and said, you're not. It was just a no. Yeah, not you. You know, we didn't sit down to make an assessment. We weren't like the world needs. I take all I've done, all the Myers, Briggs and all these different things.


This came out of my own frustration and out of we were just talking one day and I was doing a webinar for a bunch of priests and their staff. OK, so I was doing a presentation like I do. And then afterward I did a conference call, a call with the people that put it on. And then after that, I said to Amy, my co-founder, I said, Amy, we should do this thing on our podcast. We should do this.


And she said, Why are you the way you are? And I said, I don't know. Half of it drives me crazy. Half of it I like I wish I could figure it out. And we started talking. And four hours later, I had these six circles on a board and one of our consultants saw the circles and he said, What's this? We explained it the next morning. He was with the CEO going through this and the CEO got emotionally tears in his eyes.


It was like, this explains my whole problem. This is why I'm frustrated. This is what I need to do. This is what I love. And we were like, maybe there's something here. So this came out by accident. Everybody we showed this to us like this explains so much. This is about how to get things done. So like there's Myers Brigs and Enneagram and all these things out there about your personality. But this is one that you would actually use like, oh, Kristie, you should be in a different job because you have geniuses that we're not using or, hey, you're frustrated because we're asking you to do things that you're not God given gifts in and you would be better over here.


So, Dave, you know, you talk about using humble, hungry, smart to get the right people on the bus. Right.


This is about to put him on the right seat once they're on the bus, uh, to use our friend Jim Collins. Excellent. Excellent. And so we actually have right here your results.


My results, by the way, if you want to take the assessment, if you use the code Ramsey at their website, Working Genius Dotcom, they'll give you 50 percent off the assessment.


How much is it's twenty five bucks person off that. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. And everybody said you should have charged more, but we really want you to change the world. We want every parent that has a college student to go figure this out now. Yeah. You don't need to spend ten years doing something that makes you miserable. God gave you gifts and if you're not using them, then you're not being everything you could be. So so we we we want this to just we want people to use it.


We don't want them to think twice. About all six of the geniuses just show up in mine as either something that frustrates me or something I'm good at. Yeah, there's three categories.


There's two of the six that give you energy and joy and you're naturally talented at him. And if you could do them all day long, you'd be happy. There's two that you're OK at, but they don't give you energy and joy we call working competencies. And you we all have to do that. Then there's two that are called working frustrations where you look at him go, oh, yeah, I had a job like that when I was a kid and I wanted to kill myself.


Yeah. And we should try to avoid a guy working for me.


One time I was trying to get him to do something because if I did that, it would be like lukemia to my spirit.


Right. Right now we don't want to do that. Okay. Oh, my gosh.


And you know how many people are feeling guilty because they're not succeeding in a job? Yeah. And they're like, I must be a terrible person. I don't work hard enough. I'm lazy. It's like, no, you're actually doing the wrong job.




So the six are wunder and enablement invention and galvanizing discernment internationally. That's the six. Yeah.


And the order they go in, it's like wonder comes first. That's like pondering the bigger picture. Like is something wrong here. I don't know what it is but they like to contemplate invention is I want to solve that problem. I want to come up with a new way. Discernment is I'm going to evaluate this to see if this is stupid or not. I have a gut feel intuition galvanizing is I want to get people psyched and moving. Hmm.


Enablement is I want to help. I want to help in what you need. And tenacity is I'm going to drive across the finish line to make sure it actually gets done. Hmm. Those are six. OK, so when I took this, I took it as the CEO of the company, not as the guy on the stage teaching or the guy on. Radio, right, because it would be different. Absolutely, because I do enjoy some of these things when I'm here on the microphone, that I wouldn't enjoy my daily thing around the officer.


But you know, something I just figured out about you and me, because I've been here at at the studios and I've been on like four different shows today. Hmm. The fact that you get to discern every caller that calls in taps into your discernment, which is one of your geniuses. So they're saying to you, let me tell you my story. And you're like going. Let me let me. You're not saying, well, let me look in this book and figure out you're you're like tapping into your gut feel and your your intuition and going, this is the right answer.


We can do that all day. Mm hmm. But if somebody said, hey, here's an email, solve their problem form, look it up in an actuarial table and send it back to them, that's that you lukemia, you know, I would shoot myself. Right.


So the discernment keeps you because I listen to your show, Dave, because I'm like Dave is still is interested in everyone who calls in as he was 10 years ago, 20 years ago. And I think one of the reasons is because you love every story is interesting and it requires you to problem solve. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. And so that is energizing. You go, OK, let's go.


That makes sense. And if I can give him the answer, then they can go do it. I don't need to necessarily walk with them. That's why I took a two minute radio call and I never know what happened later.


Right. And that's that's OK for me. It is. Yeah. Yeah. I'm real comfortable that other people are just I don't know what happened. Right. I don't care.


Moving right along. And yet, you know, when these people come and do their debt scream though. Yeah. You know, it's working. Yeah. It would bother you if you thought the stuff I'm giving them isn't working.


No, no, I wouldn't want that. But I'm just saying I don't have to follow each individual story to its enth degree. Now, that doesn't I can I can turn you loose with the information with freedom, right? Yeah.


So I was just talking to some people about you and Sharon sitting around when you were when you started this, you identified this is what needs to be done. You discerned it and you said, I'm going to do it. And there's a bunch of people in the world that have discernment. They don't have tenacity, which is one of the things you have. You like, I'm going to finish this. Hmm. I'm going to make sure it actually gets completed.


So that's your genius's, discernment and tenacity. Yeah. And it kind of makes sense when you look at this place and how it's grown. I don't have tenacity, Dave. Well, I would disagree, but.


Well, I think we all have all of these to a degree. It's just which ones give you joy. Right. And I lose interest after the beginning of something. And so I need people in my life that have to go. Come on. You could do better than that.


Yeah. OK, so the things that give me frustration, wonder sitting around contemplating and pondering.


Things without a solution or without inventing something to go with it, you're sitting around and just like, yeah, let's let's just take three hours to to imagine what could be wrong here.


Yeah, I've been in meetings with them.


He's not like, no, let's get it done. Goodbye. You know that text next. And there are people, Amy, who works with me and my wife and they do this. They love doing this. This whole thing came about because Amy sat there with me one day and said, why are you the way you are?


That's what wonderous do. She didn't know the answer, but she said this is kind of this is crazy. Kind of goofy. Yeah. And that's what starts so many of these things, like there's a problem. I don't know what the answer is, but I know this isn't the way it should be. Yeah. Yeah. And then e enablement. This is an interesting one for for followers of Jesus. It's hard to admit you're not an enablement person because that sounds like you're a nice person that helps others.


We like to help people. I don't have this one either, but we like to do it on our terms. If they come and they say, here's what I want from you, we can't help it go well. No, no, no, no, no. I think this is what you really need. Yeah. And when they say no, no, no, just do my wife will say, I just need you to help me clean the garage.


I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa. Why do you think you need to clean and how are you going about this? She's like, can you just stand over there and do what I tell you? And it really is a genius. Some people are great at doing that. Some people are like, gotta I got to invent. I got to discern that. Lencioni is with me and Kristy this hour for a couple of segments. If you want to talk to him about the six types of working genius, you can call in right now, triple eight eight two five five two two five, triple eight eight to five five two two five.


Otherwise, we're going to continue the conversation because this is a great conversation right here on The Dave Ramsey Show. Leadership expert and. Best selling author, over six million copies in print Lencioni joins us for a couple of segments here Kristie. Right. Ramsey personality is my co-host today here on the air. We're talking about his new assessment, the six types of working genius assessment, if you would like to take the working genius assessments. Twenty five dollars.


Oh, wait, it's half off if you use the promo code.


Ramsey So go to working genius Dotcom. Use the code. Ramsey and you get fifty percent off the assessment, the six types of working genius. Now, this could be doing any task. It could certainly be at work. Ah, tenacity, discernment, invention, galvanizing wonder and enablement. That is not the right order. That's the way they fell out on my particular one after I took the test. I think I was one of the first guinea pigs.


When you first got those going, I got one. I got this like a while back. Oh yeah.


And you know why? Because we said, let's pick people who we know. And when they take this well, we'll be able to if we can predict their results, then we know that it's got face validity. Oh, wow. Because we got this back and said, oh yeah, Dave likes a wonder and enablement. We'd be like, OK, there's something wrong with this, too. Yeah. And so we started getting it back from people we knew and going, oh my gosh, this is them.


This is valid. Wow. Yeah. And so that's that's why I appreciate you doing it early on day.


So the difference in the working genius, the working competency in the working frustration is it's kind of going down the spectrum from good to bad.


Yeah. Working genius is the thing you're meant to do. It gives you joy and energy. I like to say, like, if you poured coffee in that cup right there and put a lid on it, it's going to hold that energy, that heat for a long time. That's your working genius.


You're working. Competency is something you can be pretty good at, but it doesn't give you joy and energy. But you could do it for a while and that would be like pouring coffee. They're leaving the lid off. Eventually it'll dissipate and if you leave it outside, it'll evaporate. You're working. Frustration is there's a hole in the bottom of that cup and you're going to pour coffee and it's just going to go it's not going to have any joy, any energy you're not going to get from that.


We should not be doing things in our careers that drain us, have joy and energy. We have to sometimes nobody can get away from that completely. But you can hold on for dear life and get through it. But if you go to work every day and your job is doing the things that you don't get any energy and joy from, you're not going to succeed. You're not going to be happy. You're not going to be good parent, spouse, friend, and you're not going to make a lot of money.


Yeah, I think this is a really good point how you keep saying energy, too, because I don't think a lot of people tap into their energy or pay attention to what gives them energy or or drains their energy. A lot of people look at their tasks like this is what the job title is. This is what the job responsibilities are. You know, this is a silly example, but I was just on stage for three days at our business event last weekend.


And it was one of those things where, of course, it's tiring because you're on stage for three days, but it's like that good kind of tired where you can't wait to wake up and do it all again. It's Life-Giving. It fuels that energy.


Everyone should be in a job where the harder they work, the more the more Life-Giving it is. Yeah, and that doesn't mean they define themselves just by their jobs. But I should go home at night and my wife say how is your day. I'm exhausted. It was great. It was the best. Yeah but I used to be a bank teller in college. I would get home, I go home on a break at noon and how is your job.


It's exhausting and I hate it and the clock is moving backward for me. Yeah. So if you're not doing the right thing based on your God given genius and everyone has geniuses and it's a tragedy when they don't know what they are because you can't use them if you don't know what they are.




Yeah. So, again, the assessment is the working genius assessment, the six types of working genius you can get at it, working genius, dotcom, the promo code, Ramsey, get you 50 percent off, 50 percent off, and it's only twenty five dollars start, which was only 12 bucks.


Go take the thing.


Hey, Dave, get this. I was working with a bunch of high tech executives recently and they did this and we got the results back and none of them had wonder. Wonder was in their lowest are nine executives. None of them had wonder. So they didn't ponder things. They didn't sit around and say, what's wrong around here? What's going on? And none of them. But the lawyer had invention. This is a software company. So we're sitting there looking at this and the CFO goes, well, this is our problem.


We don't sit around and. Really look around what's going on in the environment or the market, we're not inventing any new products, we just like to get stuff done. We execute like crazy, but we don't spend any time up front. Thinking about and every meeting has a PowerPoint and an objective, we have to start spending time actually brainstorming and asking what's going on in the environment. So if the senior executive team has zero of that and they wake up and go like that guy, I got to have some of this.


They don't try to manufacture it within themselves. I need to bring in someone else on the team that does have it.


They add them to the equation or what they have to do is know that they don't do it naturally and in structure time in to do it, they have to say we're going to go to a meeting. We have no agenda for three hours. We're going to bring somebody in a three hour.


It doesn't make you comfortable. That's how my mind, my hair, just girl.


And and we're going to make somebody take us through that opportunity. They're going to have to it's going to be tough. Now, really, what they ought to do is get somebody on their team who can do it in my organization. I don't have that. Amy does. Yeah. Amy forces me to slow down and go, Pat, I think something's wrong. I'm busy. No, no, no, no, no. Slow down here. I feel like something's wrong.


We've learned to as a result of this to go. Let's honor that. What so what's going on, do you think? I don't know. But here's what I'm feeling. And that's a little frustrating. But it's a gift.


We start doing these strategic planning meetings years ago with our leadership team. And I just write it off because it is it's that wonder thing.


You're supposed to just sit in a room and go, OK, what can we do? What can we do? I'm like, well, I could be working if I was back at the office. What are you doing? I know I could be getting stuff done and it just drove me nuts.


But but I did I, I intellectually got my head around the fact that it does produce things, great ideas and great strategic thought. Obviously maps out where the company is going to go, where the organization is going to go. And we got our vision. We got have leadership. I get all of that. But and I finally we did get enough gold out of those off sites. But the mining process is painful.


Well, and you don't have to have like, that's not your gift or your genius. So you like it when they finally come to you and go, here's the gold. Do you think this is good gold? You get to go, OK, I'll discern this for you. Yeah, I'll use my gut. I got this is great, you guys. You came out and I know I've seen you do it. You're like, this is a beautiful idea.


I don't think this one's going to work. That's your genius. Other people like the gold mining process in the beginning and you're like, hey, why don't you guys call me when you're ready for me to evaluate whether poke holes in your idea?


Yeah, well, that's the funny thing.


It's like dishonours wolpaw, poke holes in the inventors idea and inventors would go, why are you criticizing me like I'm not right. I'm poking holes in that because you need that.


You're raining on my parade. Thank you very much. This allows people to stop feeling guilty for doing what they're great at and to stop judging people like you're negative. It's like, no, no, no. My genius is to make sure you don't drive off a cliff.


Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Very cool. Palin Giani is our guest for a couple of segments. Here he is with the Table Group. He's the author of The Advantage The Ideal Team Player, two of our favorite books around here, and The Five Dysfunctions of the Team, which we have had all of those dysfunctions and we've removed most of them most of the time.


And he's worked with all kinds of all kinds of top companies around America as a leadership consultant. Speaking of America, let me can I say something? Sure. I live in California, so I got let out on a hall pass to here for one day. I'll let you back in. Well, we're not sure we want to go back in.


And I just want to tell your listeners who are all over this wonderful country, don't let the rest of the country become like California.


It's misery out there right now. And we're all looking for to get out.


And so as we're making decisions about the direction of this country, you don't want to be like California. So when you're voting for anything, ask yourself, is this going to make us more like California because we are all looking to get out? I mean, it is we people are leaving in droves.


I lived there my whole I lived in southern central northern California. I didn't ever think I'd leave.


And we are looking hard because it is impossible to run a job, to run a company, to have a job and to afford to live there. And now we can't even spend more than two hours together at Thanksgiving because the governor just told us that we we had a two hour limit and that we couldn't sing. I'm not sure why we would be singing on Thanksgiving. Good old Thanksgiving song. Exactly, but it's crazy. Break up the Thanksgiving song.


And so I'm just going to plead plead with people in the country. You don't want the rest of this country to be like California. Californians don't want you to let it be like that either. So please keep that in mind. Yeah.


Wow. Well, if you leave California, you can leave your method of voting back there with you if you want to do that. Because if you don't vote and put the same kind of crap in one of these other states when you guys come to our state. So I think we're trying to pass a law in Tennessee. You're not allowed to vote for three years if you move here from California. I don't think that's constitutional, but it's a good idea.


It's why is the discernment. That's a good idea. Only thanks for joining us. It's great to be here. This is The Dave Ramsey Show.


Chris Wright Ramsey personality is my co-host today here on The Dave Ramsey Show. Open phones and triple eight eight two five five two two five. That's triple eight eight two five five two two five.


Chris is in Denver. Hi, Chris. Welcome to The Day Ramsey Show. Heidi, thanks for taking my call. Sure, what's up? I wanted to know what you would suggest for someone who can't get life insurance because they don't meet the height and weight requirement. OK, well, if you can't get life insurance for any reason, medical or otherwise. You would have to. Get what's called guaranteed issue life insurance and guaranteed issue life insurance is the that are usually small policies and they're usually very expensive per thousand.


So like have you ever seen something like with your checking account, you can get a 10000 a policy with no medical checkup? They don't worry about height, weight, they don't worry about cancer, they're just going to give you 10000 or. But they're going to charge you 10, 20 times more than you would pay for that same 10000 were you able to qualify for traditional term insurance? So it's much more expensive, but you can put a collection of those together to have some life insurance.


And so the the next thing you can do is, of course, continue to build out your financial plan, because the less debt you have and the more money you have in the bank, the less you have to worry about life insurance. So if you have no debt and you've got a million dollars in the bank, you really don't worry about life insurance because your family will be OK, right?


Right. That takes a more than. Fifty thousand dollar policy through my work, but to do that 10 times my income, I need about a million dollars.


So you're not going to get to a million dollars with with a strategy that I am I am talking about.


And so you struggle with weight, is that what you're telling me?


I just recently hit the weight requirement, but the life insurance company said that I have to be at that weight for 12 months before I qualify, so. Oh, well, that's good. But the problem.


Yeah, OK. Well, congratulations on the loss. Thank you. I'm really excited. I want to brag about how much you lost. Forty pounds so far and still a long way to go, but the long haul, over what period of time? About six months.


Good for you. I'm on the same path with you. I got so fat during covid that I look like the marshmallow man. It was unbelievable. I lost 37 pounds the last twenty three weeks. So I'm right there with you, kiddo.


High five across the radio. I'm proud of you. Well done. Well done. Yeah. I figured out I eat when I'm like working all the time. And you know, during covid we were working, trying to keep this place open. I was working like 16 hour days. And I get that there's something inside of me that says you need fuel. Yeah. And so it gives you permission to eat everything in sight. And I did.


I eat everything I could get my hands on and I blew up like the marshmallow man on, you know, that attacked in the Ghostbusters attack. The thing is, it was awful.


I looked at one of those ads I did and it shows up. They're still running the Fat Dave ad.


And it's like blind spot commentary that heads the size of a pumpkin. And so but, man, that's that's a tough thing that she did congratulate me. That's amazing.


That's very you know what's interesting, too, Dave? I was just talking about that this morning with my academy members where research shows that nothing is more motivating to make progress than seeing progress. So if you eat salads for a month and you don't lose a pound, you're can go back to cooking because you're like, what am I doing this for? But if you see those scales start to go down, if you see your debt snowball start to go downhill, like, oh, I can do this, I can do more, I can work harder.


It motivates you.


When you see when you're right, you can completely flip a cookie off. I mean, you can just. So get away from me, you little jerk. Yeah. You know, and but if I'm not or if I'm if I'm just in that mode, I was I was working like crazy and really did need fuel. Yeah. But but I just I it's such an entitlement thing. I felt entitled to eat your world today.


I put on my covid-19 I was already fat and I put on an extra nineteen and it was the biggest I've ever been in my life and it just had to stop. It was ridiculous. And so I got on the radio talking about discipline, not crazy. So yeah.


Hey, here's the thing. The struggle is real. You've experienced it. I experience different things. We all have different struggles. I think that's what makes it so relatable, because when she calls and you can go, yeah, me too. Er high five, I'll tell you, I'm proud of you.


That's all pretty good. You'll get your life insurance next year and you'll be fine for this year. You're OK, you know, get, get, get you a couple of little policies and then cancel them after a year. Don't, don't read them. They're usually one year long at a time. If you want to cover that and check with Zander and see if they have any companies that don't require the entire year to be in that ratio of height weight.


Because by the way, we're talking about this real openly, including me. OK, so we can say it out loud.


Number one problem with getting life insurance in America is not. It is not heart problems. It is not. You've had a cancer diagnosis. It's not. It's obesity. Well, it's overweight, which leads to the biggest thing that can blow up your life insurance, which is type two diabetes. So you can actually tie these things together in your financial world. Your cost of health insurance, your cost of health care because you're not needing as much. And your cost of life insurance, your cost on several insurances go down when you're not overweight and you don't smoke.


And these are both controllable. Both of those things will double the cost of your insurance. Well, Doubilet. And they're both things we can do. You can put down the cigarettes, put down the donut, you know, we can do it and but it's just a decision and that's not shaming anybody.


There's a financial implication in the money in your wallet that is based on what you put into your lips, you know, and that's just and nobody's duct taping you to the bed feeding you chocolate doughnuts, although I wish they would have, but I wish I had that possibility.


Oh, my gosh.


But I mean, you've been fit your whole life.


You're like a workout queen. You and Rice just naturally skinny, right? Rachel and Rachel does not exercise. I know it's painful. And she does so and she eats crap. I know. Pizza and French. Brittany, it's just wrong. She got her mother's genes.


It's very irritating. That's what it was. I told my three children around and I do enjoy exercise that makes it a lot easier to exercise because I enjoy to run. But she does have that. She's got the three rugrats. Yeah. Yeah. That affects it too. Yeah. All right.


Let's check in with Erin. Erin is in Columbus, Ohio. Hi, Erin. How can we help?


Hi, Dave. Hi, Christine. A pleasure to talk to you both. You too. How can we help? Well, my husband and I, we've talked it over, and neither of us can make a decision to pull the trigger on deciding would we be better off repairing or walking away when I walk away replacing our in selling as is our son's car and excuse me, he's got a car that suddenly the transmission went out and the mechanic even said he's never really seen it do that.


OK, so what's it cost to put a transmission in it? Well, he gave us three options and we've tried one, and it didn't work. It was the least expensive. So now we have three options left. We've got one where he can take the transmission out. And he said something, I'm not a car person, but it was something along the lines of replacing some sort of seal. And he said there's a there's a chance I might work.


And that was like a six hundred and fifty dollar option. Then there's the whole, you know, replace the entire transmission, obviously, with a with a salvage yard one second and the parts twelve hundred and then the labor is 600.


OK, so what's a car. If the car is fixed, what's it worth.


Totally fixed. You know, prior to this happening it was about a four thousand forty two hundred dollar car. It's a very nice Volkswagen TDI Diesel.


OK, I would probably tend towards fixing it. Here's why.


Here's the formula. The formula is you take what it's worth is salvage, which my guess would be like eight or nine hundred bucks because that's all it's worth right now without a transmission in it. If you could get hundred for it, then it starts to put the question in play, OK, and then you take your repair cost of 1500 and you add that to it. So let's call salvage a thousand dollars plus 1500 or 2800.


That makes the car worth 4000 for 2800 is less than 4000 if you're going to put more in it than it's worth in repairs plus salvage hours, more than the value than you wouldn't do it. This one is borderline, but some like you guys kind of like the car. I'm probably going to try the SEAL idea, and if that doesn't work, then go ahead and do the rebuild. I think you can get him down on the 650 part of it, by the way, that puts us out of the Dave Ramsey Show in the books.


And this is James Childs, producer of The Dave Ramsey Show. You can listen to Dave, Rachel, Chris, Chris Hogan or the rest of the Ramsey network anywhere with the Ramsey network app on your smartphone. Catch all of our full shows, browse by topic or send clips to your friends, head to the App Store and download the Ramsey network and feel like you're in a rut and living life. Just going through the motions, build confidence in yourself and learn to trust the God who created you.


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Hey, it's James, producer of The Dave Ramsey Show. This episode is over, but check the episode notes for links to products and services you've heard about during this episode. Thanks for listening.