#2164 - Action Bronson
The Joe Rogan Experience- 1,157 views
- 13 Jun 2024
Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube.
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Joe Rogan podcast. Check it out. The Joe Rogan experience. Train by day. Joe Rogan podcast by night. All day, my man. Damn, what a day.
I mean, it's a joy to spend time with you.
We had a good fucking time today. We had a good time today. Got a nice workout in. Went to some egyptian barbecue.
It's Kg barbecue.
KG barbecue, yeah.
I'd seen YouTube videos about them. What an interesting story. Dude's living in Cairo. It's a banker.
It always starts off like that. Like I told you, there's, like, architect this, that they always have these dreams of culinary. I don't know, Destin. I don't know what the fuck to even call it. But it's like when, like me, I want to be an actor or I want to play ball or I want to be a fighter. I want to do what I do. We all have these dreams, even though stay in the fucking lane. Don't be. Just stay there. Stop being. Stop being an idiot.
Well, that is a thing, right? People always want to do a thing that they're not doing.
I like hard labor. Really, I. I do. Cause I do a lot of, like, fun. Everyone thinks that my job is fun, and it is. There's no doubt. That's why I like to get in the kitchen.
Want some coffee?
Nah, I'm good. I got this espresso. Okay. I'm fucking looseied out. I'm doing things I've never done before. I'm like a little fucking floozy right now.
We got you in a sauna. We got you in a cold plunge.
Got you a. Lucy, let me tell you something. 200 degrees in the sauna, my ribs are ready to be eaten. I don't even know how long. The first time, it was ten minutes, but the second time seemed longer.
Well, the second time was easier, though, right? Cause you're coming out of the cold a little easier. I think we did another ten after the cold just to bring you back to base. There's a feeling that you get when you go from the cold to the hot that is, like, wonderful. It's like, psychedelic.
It's like I was standing there in the towel for 30 minutes. Just a towel. No shock, no socks on, no nothing. Just standing there looking like, man, that was fucking sick.
No, because I never did the cold plunge, and I did it hopped out. And you're like, no, no, no, get back in. That's what I needed. I needed the motivation to be put back in. And that really gave me the benefits from everything.
I think it is really all battling with this part of your brain that says, get out now. That's all it is. And you have to learn how to conquer that part of your brain. You don't ever really conquer it. You just silence it. It's always there. Like, it's your. But you know you're only gonna do three minutes. Even if you're only gonna do three minutes, it's like your body's like, fuck, how many minutes are we in now? One? 1 minute? 20? Oh, my God. We're not even halfway there. And your body's. And if you let that anxiety spiral out, much like in life, much like when people have problems in life, you let that anxiety spiral out and everything gets way worse. Like when you're in that situation, you just have to say, this is what I'm doing. This is just what I'm doing. And I'm gonna do this for three minutes. And there's no if, ands or buts, and I've done it before. I know I can do it again. I know it sucks, just do it. But when I first did it, the first time I got in, I was like, oh, I made it a minute and 20 seconds, I think.
And I was like, I gotta get the fuck out. I can't handle it.
Yeah, it's too much ventilating.
Yeah, it's. But a lot of it is your mind. It's not really the reaction that your body has to. The reaction to your body has is really only like a mild discomfort. It's your brain freaking you out that you've gotta get out now. And it starts just like, trying to move your body out. Your anxiety just kicks in, like, wow.
Yeah. At 55 seconds, I was ready to fucking jump out. There was nothing left in me. Yeah, but that was a good start, I think. I think that was the start to a lot.
I need to take care of myself, Joe. I'm not well.
You have in the past. You've had in the past, you know, you made a big jump when, you know, you had one of your babies, one of your kids. You just decided, I am going to get fit now. And you lost a ton of weight. You lost a ton of weight. You got real health. You started working out all the time. And you and I worked out together at the onnit gym, and I was like, dude puts in work. That was real. That was like a real workout. You weren't, you know, you would obviously been working out a lot. Cause John Wolf, who's the master, love him. The master, like one of the best trainers on earth. He put us through this workout. That's a fucking serious workout, man. Serious kettlebell shit, mobility shit. All these different body weight things. I think we do bear crawls. We did a lot of shit.
I was drenched, drenched during the fucking stretch. Just during the warm up stretch, I was fucking. It was harder than anything for me. Sometimes the stretching and putting yourself in those, like, that's.
Well, John targets unique area. Like, he's big on hip strength and hip flexibility. So he has you doing all these hip exercises with your legs up near in circles and all this stuff, and you're like, whoa. I never do anything like this. Like, this is hard to do.
I haven't done it since him. I need to get back on that. Cause those are the types of things that I wanna work with a core specialist like him. I need the core work, right? Yeah. You see, we got the pushing and this and that.
You're very strong.
That stuff is kind of easy for us, like the pushing and shit. But for me, I need more core work.
I need to stabilize this mid section. Have you ever done yoga?
You don't do yoga.
I've done yoga. I've done, yoga's the lotties yoga.
Out of all those things, like keeping your body balanced and having strength and flexibility, yoga's the king.
I can't stay on that kick. I don't know. I need some animal shit. I also need, I know what I need for my body is probably yoga, but what I want to do is animal shit.
Animal shit makes you feel better?
It does. It makes me feel more manly.
Oh, man.
I feel like such a fucking barbarian. It's a 60 pound hammer, for fuck's sakes. Leather.
That feels fucking sick to manhandle that.
Yeah, it's hard. Those are so hard to move around. Like, we were talking today about those clubs that the club I use is only 20 pounds. It just doesn't seem like a lot of weight. But when you got it out in front of you and doing these things, it's fucking hard to do.
Stabilizing 20 pounds is still stable as 20 pounds. And you need those, those front. That move that you were doing, that just that that's bulletproofing all those little muscles around your shoulder area and your lat and everything.
Yeah. It's really good for archery.
Mm hmm.
You know, because, like, a lot of it is extending your arm straight out. You know, when you're doing a shield cast, you're going around your head and you're extending your arm out. It's like, it's such a weird way to move your muscles that when you're doing it, you're like, whoa, why don't I do this more often? Like, why am I bad at this? How am I. How am I so good at this? So good at, like, lifting things up over my head, but anything gets sideways and around. I'm all squirrely with 20 pounds. It's stupid.
Like, when I do those little things. Yeah, it's humbling.
You feel like such a bitch.
15 pounds. Like, what are we doing here?
They laugh. I laugh at myself. I look like an idiot. But those are the types of things I need to warm up to be able to push. Yeah, some heavy shit.
Well, it's just like, also just to balance out your body, you know, we were talking about that Ben Patrick gentleman who created that knees over toes stuff.
And we were doing the nordic curls today, and I was saying, like, when I first did that, I couldn't even do one. I couldn't do one, and I was shocked. I was like, I have pretty strong legs, like, from kicking and stuff. Like, why can't I lift myself up on my legs? Couldn't even do one.
It's a lot of pressure on the knee.
It just felt weird. Like, why am I so weak this way? It's like, I would have thought that I would be able to lift myself up easy, just like I can lift myself up with my abs if I'm sitting down. I thought, this is not going to be hard.
I thought I was gonna do it easily too hard. And then when I got into the apparatus, I realized that I'm a fucking. I'm very weak in that area.
Yeah, that's like, what Ben Patrick talks about is strengthening all of these areas. It's not a sexy exercise to do, like, tip raises. You know, you got weight on your foot, and you're raising your toes up towards your knees.
But to be honest, if you're a real motherfucker, you know, that that's what makes the leg look good. That's what makes the leg look strong.
Is that tib, big, thick muscles down there.
When you flex your toe up, and that thing pops out in the front of the shin, that looks fire.
It does.
That's like some flex. That's like some muscle, like, muscular development. That's all I wanted was that tib work.
Yeah. There's something that's super impressive about dudes with big ass calves.
Natural ones, too. Like, I'm. You can't get them to a diamond if they weren't a diamond in the beginning, they'll get nice, but they'll never be naturally diamond.
Right, right.
You know, when you see, like, my boy, Mikey Spears, he works out. He's, you know, he's in decent shape now. He's got himself together. But my fucking lord, this calf. The calf on this fucking kid is unbelievable.
It's like a horse calf.
Yeah. Mark Hunt, who used to fight in the UFC, he has calves like shoulders. Like, two shoulders. Like, your whole body, they're so big.
That's a different species of human being, those samoas.
God, Mark Hunt, he was one of the baddest motherfuckers to ever do it. You ever watch him in k one, back in the kickback?
Of course.
That dude won the k one Grand Prix.
Pretty nuts.
That is an accomplishment over everything else in stand up combat sports. Not other than, like, MMA championships. K one grand Prix was like, alistair overem won that. And you think about. The guys are fighting back to, like, Peter Erst, Ernesto Hustle, Mister perfect. Like, damn. And Mark Hunt won that. Like, that's how good Mark Hunt was. Mark Hunt just beat some undefeated boxer in Australia. He won the match, knocked the dude out. It was a fight where he was like. It was. Mark Hunt has this big name. This guy's this undefeated up and coming boxer, and he's really young, and Mark Hunt's like 40 something.
He's 50.
Bro, you gotta see this fight. It's crazy. This is how good Mark Hunt is.
And that was recent?
Cause I saw him talking about it.
Within a year. Yeah, within a year or so. Right, Jamie? Something like that. I think that's it. So, yeah, so, within the year. And, bro, it was a crazy fight. And the guy was good, too. The guy's good. He's a good fighter. And they were building this guy up. And I think, you know, when boxing is, like, they're very careful about how they match fighters up, you know, and it's really intelligent. I think if it's done correctly, if you test them correctly along the way and you give them fights, they can win, and they keep getting better. But the UFC does not do that.
Feed you to the wolves.
UFC is like this doggy dog. This is a wolf farm. All right? If you're not a wolf, we don't build you into a wolf. Like, tell me when you're ready to be a wolf. You know? Like, you could get a guy like Jon Jones right off the bat, you know, 21 years old, just smoking people. Like, that's your first fight in the UFC. His fight. Your fight. Fuck.
I watched that first fight while I was working in the kitchen on Spike TV. I watched from the debut of Jon Jones. Yeah, till now.
Yeah, man. If you run into a special talent like that, you know, John's the youngest ever UFC champion.
That's right.
And he beat a legend, Mauricio Shogun hoo in Jersey.
Demolished him.
And by the way, captured a burglar the day of the fight.
That day.
Yeah, that day. Chase some dude down to, like, I think, snatch some lady's purse or something, tackle the dude. Yeah, so we'll get to that. But this is Mark Hunt.
Hey, looks good.
And this young kid is like this. Oh, look at the bro. That right hand. Come on, son. Bro, Mark Hunt's been putting it on people since the nineties. He stopped this dude.
A lot of my boys are from. From New Zealand, and they used to tell me their stories of Mark Hunt being a fucking menace on K road.
Oh, bro.
The menace of K road. Mark Hunt.
You imagine getting a street fight with Mark Hunt?
Nah, man.
Fucking kidding me.
Definitely not. You just my bad guy, bro.
He ate a murko CRO cop head kick. It was the craziest thing I've ever seen.
Was a left or right?
Left high kick. Nobody eats a murko CRO cop head kick. It was back when Murko was allowed to wear shoes. So this is the kick him in.
The face with shoes.
Kicked him in the face with wrestling shoes on, son. No, he didn't have the wrestling shoes on. I lied. Didn't he have one fight with. No, I made that up. I don't think he had one fight with. I think he always went barefoot. But, like, you gotta see when he eats one of these high kicks. And Murko has the best left high kick other than Leon Edwards, like, of all time. It may be better than Leon Edwards because he's so big.
Yeah, he's massive.
Look at that fucking high kick. He eats it. He ate a couple of them, too. He ate one square on the noggin.
Mark Hunt looks fast, too. The transitions to the knee are nice.
Yeah. You know, Mark Hunter always carried around a lot of body fat, but he moved very well. And he has, like, lethal combinations. Like, his combinations are very complex. He goes under your ribs, over the top.
Look at that. David Tua.
And his legs are massive. His legs are massive. And he just had not just an iron chin, but, like, a warriors mentality. Oh, he got dropped here. Oh, he ate that, bro. On the chin. Gets up, though. Oh, this is what's crazy. That's the difference between k one and mma, right?
Laughing look at that. He's like, fuck it, bro.
He got clean caught. Clean caught by one of the. And he got hit again by one of the most dangerous strikers of all time. But you know who put him out, which is even crazy? Melvin Manhoef. Melvin Manhoef, who weighed like 190 pounds, put him out with one punch. Melvin was. You want to talk about, like, the scariest striker ever in MMA? I think it's Melvin. He might not have been the best. He might not be like, the best technical. Like, Pajeda's probably the most technical, but Melvin was so terrifying because he would come at you guns blazing with them gladiator shorts on. Look at this. Boom.
Oh, man.
I mean, dropped Mark Hunt and put him out. Like, who the fuck does that?
He has kryptonite in that fucking hand. Look at that, bro. He's so fast going backwards. Boom. Boom. Oh.
See if you can find a Melvin manhoof highlight reel.
Oh, my dude.
Man, this dude was like a demon. He would come, first of all, super skillful. He's from Mike's gym and Amsterdam, legendary kickboxing gym. Badahari came from that gym. So just super skillful, but so fucking ferocious, man. I mean, just such an awesome kickboxer and just do or die. He either got knocked out or he knocked you out. And that style was just so fan friendly, bro. He's chasing people down. He was so dangerous. So dangerous. But, you know, got ko, too, because his fights were so reckless. Not reckless, skillful, skillful, but, like, he lives with aggressive.
He lives within the zone.
Yeah, he's in that danger zone, and he drags everybody into that. And you might get him. Joe Schilling got him. Robbie Lawler got him. Robbie Lawler got him. In a crazy fight where Robbie Lawler was getting the shit kicked out of his legs, and he just uncorked a hammer. Just one punch, just one wild right hand, just clipped Melvin, and the lights go out.
Robbie Lawler's the next level, man. He's such a gentle, like when you meet him also, he's very sweet. He's just like, yo, how are you, man?
Did you hear what happened during the free Palestine marches in New York City? Did you hear what happened? So there was a bus, and the bus was filled with UFC fighters, and there was the free Palestine thing that was going on. They stopped the street, and apparently the bus was trying to make it through before they closed everything off. And the bus didn't so then they got in front of the bus, and then they started slashing the tires, and the bus was filled with Robbie Lawler and a bunch of other killers. And everybody's like, should we go out with the. And every. Robbie goes, everybody conserve your energy because we're probably gonna need it.
Just cobb, just like, you have to fight these people.
You're gonna need your energy. So Robbie law is like, just sitting there like he's ready to go to a championship fight.
Sitting there, like, serving just fucking. Yeah, getting an arrow ready.
He was just telling everybody, just conserve your energy. Like, you imagine if those fucking knuckleheads opened up that door. So this is the Melvin manhoof Robbie Lawler fight. So Melvin is just chopping at Robbie's. I mean, look at that. Look at that one right hand, boom. And then a left behind it. Just look at.
That's what I was throwing at the bag today, bro. Big over right, those big overhand rights.
I mean, nice, wide open, out cold. But it was that.
Why do you breathe like that when you're knocked out?
Well, you're almost dead.
You know, you're almost.
Makes sense. Makes sense?
Yeah. You're getting knocked unconscious. Like someone can then kill you. Like, you know, it's like they've already put you away now you're at their mercy. And if someone's just seen them doing.
This before and twitching, but, like, those deep, crazy breaths with the eyes open is fucking scary.
Scary. That shit's kind of knockouts are fucking terrifying. And how many of them can your body endure and at what age? These are the real questions. Like, maybe you can bounce back from one when you're 18, but when you're 35, you can't. You know, it's, it's.
There's a scary dudes who take beatings for five rounds. They must get micro, whatever that this means. Micro concussions.
There's no micro about it.
That's what I'm saying. They get concussed every fucking time, most likely.
But how do you get rock? Like, they get dropped? Well, they're. First of all, they're in insane shape. Like every guy who gets to a five round championship level. Like, did you watch that Sean Strickland Paulo Costa fight?
I sure did.
But you gotta be in bonker shape to put that pace on a person for three rounds.
Just, Strickland just stays on you. Just stays on you and stays in the gym.
That's why he doesn't fight. All he does is fight.
All he does is spar. He's just constantly sparring.
That's the only way you get that cardio correct.
I don't know, man. But he has a different than anybody else. He has a different than anybody other than Dreckis, man. Cause drick is big as that swole, as that motherfucker is. That guy's got cardio.
He does.
Especially now that he got his nose.
The first couple of fights, he looked like he was gassing, but then he had that nose situation, and he looks like a brand new man.
Brand new man. Dude, the nose thing.
Ladies, did you have him beating Sean? No. It's fucking very.
Thought Sean won. I thought Sean won by, like, a round, but I didn't. I didn't hate it. It wasn't, like, the worst decision I've ever seen. But it wasn't like, if you're gonna beat the champion, you know, that's always the thing. Like, if you're gonna beat the champion, it should, like, be a clear, decisive win. And I think I would have edged it to Sean, but it was a great fucking fight.
It was a great. And Drickas is tough as shit, man. That guy is so big, he barely makes sense that he's 185 pounds. I'm like, how the fuck do you get down to 185, dude?
You're shooting 200, 3225. He probably walks big, thick fucker.
But he does it just like Alex Beheda did it. Like, there's guys that are willing to really, really torture themselves.
Recently, I was in the airport, I was leaving Cheetos fight in Miami when he fought Sean O'Malley. And fucking, I seen Alex Pereira and Palinho Cruz there. Palino is fucking massive. First off, he's as big as Alex. But, man, I've never seen a man that looks like fucking Saget from street fighter before. Exactly. He's a scary individual, bro.
Alex is built different.
Holy shit.
He's built different, and his mind's different, too.
But when you see him out and he's dressed.
Mm hmm.
He's wearing the tight ass pants. It's like some Jean Claude van den shit.
He's looking good. He's the champ. He's the champ.
He's the champ.
You got a division champ, bro. Two division champ, and just a handful of fights in the UFC.
Instant hall of famer in my mind.
Instant hall of fame.
It's unbelievable.
And, you know, he's just different than everybody else in that. He's such a specialist. He's such a. He's not taking nobody down. Like, you never have to worry about him trying to take you down. He's not even interested. He's such a specialist. But that specialist is one of the best specialists ever at that game. Like, you watch him at his peak in glory. But, dude, Alex Fuja, was he at.
His peak or is he peaking now?
Oh, I think he's peaking now as a fighter. But when he has his peak as a kickboxer, he was putting people into orbit. Pull up, pull up. Alex Behara versus Jason Wilness.
That left hook is out of control, bro.
Everything's out of control. It's scary. The power is just so extraordinary.
It's the talk, man. It's that, that body style.
He's just thick and fucking huge bastard.
Yeah. So Jason Wilness, who's also a legit world champion, one of the best kickboxers in the world, and Pajeda and him have fought early. I know, dude.
He literally looks like fucking Sigette.
He looks like just street fighter, too. Like he's born to do this, but he's. He's such a menace because his style is different than anybody gonna get to imitate in the gym. It's very awkward. You wouldn't teach that style.
But the way he's holding his hands.
Out like this, everything's strange, but it's so effective. And it's just. The power is just extraordinary. Even when you block things like Jason Wilness, he's going to block a high kick. And even though he blocks the high kick, he still gets dropped on his ass. But you got to see the ko after he blocks the high kick. I think it's coming right here. Yeah, so he set it up. Boom.
Wow. So velocity you get on that fucking length of leg.
Yeah. And density, dude.
That's what I'm saying. Coming from playing football, my coach would always say, look at him legs. Look at that ass.
You need a look at how high his fucking ass.
Watch this.
Oh, my God.
Yo, that scissor knee is fucking insanity.
He has like a runner's body. Like, his ass is up fucking halfway up his back. Yeah, so he got his leg like that. It's like a deer.
Well, he's a legit Amazon tribesman, you know, like, his people are like legit Amazon warriors.
Like, that's that guy.
That's probably how the great warriors of 500 years ago all looked. You know, they're probably all looking like that guy. Look at that scissor.
That is insane. He's just so clever, too. And, you know, he beats Sean Strickland. He knocks him out in one round, and then goes and trains with him.
He's a gentleman.
He's a really fucking nice guy.
He's like, a really nice guy who's sweet.
Well, that's why he gets mad when, like, you know, with Jamal, Hill brought out the Stonehenge statue.
I mean, he knocks after fucking Jamal, who I like a lot. Fucking checked his nuts. Herb, chill for 1 second.
And then he threw that left hook at it. Oh, my God.
There's a little bit of a complication with that, because Jamal stops and pauses, and when he stops and pauses, Alex hops in twice, and he closes the distance. And so when they start, it was a little. It was a little complicated, because what.
Happened was, should Herb back off then, or he should stop it?
Look, I'm not a referee, and I think Herb's the best in the business, so I'm not gonna, like, correct him in any way ever. But what I think was going on in Jamal's mind is Jamal kicks him in the nuts accidentally. Herb says, stop. Herb says, stop. And then Alex puts his hand on as he. And hops in.
And then they restart. Herb is out of the view and restarts it. And when he restarts it, Alex catches him with the left foot.
Jamal's out of position.
From Jamal's perspective, Jamal stiffened his legs up. He relaxed, he said, sorry. And then he goes like this. You good? And then Alex has his hand on the guy's forearm, moves in, and they reengage. But he's closed the distance now, like, significantly. And there's a danger zone with Perjeda. It's anywhere near his hands right there.
You can't take 7ft.
You can't take but one. They're just two power. It's just crazy power. And, you know, there's guys that have been gone, like Bruno. Bruno Silva went three rounds with him. He survived. We got a beating. Yeah, but he's a good striker. It was. But it was a good fight. So here's what happens. Then. There's the nut shot, and it's, you.
Know, I think it was shockingly spectacular.
His legs stiffen up, but closes the. But he's already closed the distance.
Already stepping in.
Curb has said stop. So let's watch it again.
That first initial bunny hop within.
So watch this. There's the nut shot, and he's, he's. And so he goes, sorry. He completely stiffens up, stands up straight, lets him close the distance. See, the distance is much different now. When he puts his hand on Herb. Now he's right in front of him. So Jamal was not letting him stand that close to him before. Then. He clips him. Boom. And drops him. Jamal was fighting him on the outside.
And that one little step in changed the whole game.
Exactly. And in Jamal's eyes, he had gotten a feeling of the dude's rhythm and.
Where the danger was.
Right there.
But see how he's already close?
Oh, yeah. He's already in. He's already there.
Yeah, it's. It's just. It's a thing.
I didn't actually realize that until just now.
It doesn't mean Pejeda couldn't have caught him like that at any moment in the fight, because he 100% can catch anybody alive at any moment in the fight with that guy. Bang. And then you're in deep shit. But in that instance, Jamal Hill actually has a point, and it's just referee in fights is chaos. Like, they're trying to make a decision in the moment. He says, I'm fine. Okay, restart it. But do you recognize that you said, stop, and when you say stop, are you supposed to separate them, and then are you supposed to bring them back together to fight again, or are you gonna let them close the distance?
Because you let them separate them and then bright them, right?
Yeah, I think. But it's one of those things where it's like, okay, you guys are okay. You both okay. All right, go ahead. Fight. Which makes sense, too, but I think it was a tough spot with Jamal's mind. All of a sudden, the focus is gone. There's a confusion. Are we fighting? We're not. We're going back. All right? We're back. You know for sure.
You can.
You can see that says, I'm sorry I kicked you nuts. You good? Gives you the thumbs up. Gentlemen, stand straight up. Relaxed posture, not looking like he's fighting at all. Alex fucks in.
Boom. Fuck you. So it's like, it's Alex's job to say, fuck you, and close the. If he can get away with doing that, it's that his job is to get ahold of you, right? And you're trying to allow him to come at you and take angles and kick his legs and pick him apart on the outside and never let him get that close to you where he can clip you with one of them left hooks. And so that's how it happened.
That shit's dangerous right there. That's a dangerous profession. Let me ask you this. Do these reps make any money? Does Herb Dean. Is Herb Dean Rich?
I do not know. I have never asked, are these dudes.
Making any type of money? Cause they got a lot of fucking pressure on them.
They have a lot of pressure on them.
They have a lot of pressure on. They also don't have to really, like, answer for themselves also.
But sometimes they do answer for themselves. Like, if there's a question or something really, like, egregious. Yeah, there was one this weekend. Jared Cannonier and NASA Dean imam. Yeah. And the fight was stopped. And Jason Herzog, who's. The referees are really good. Really, really good referee.
Really good referee.
Fucking excellent referee. I just think he made a mistake. I think sometimes guys makes mistakes. And maybe he thought Jared was out and maybe he thought he was out on his feet and he was seeing that he's going to get hit again. And then when he makes the call, all of a sudden Jared recovers.
It happens. Don't you get flash knocked out and then you recover as you're. As he's breaking it up, you understand what's happening. Like, no, no, no.
And in his mind, he might have thought that Jared had gotten to the point of helplessness and he was going to separate and Jared was going to crumble, which could happen. He could have just crumbled, could have just fell apart, but he definitely didn't. So when he stopped it, Jared was like, what the fuck are you doing? Like, I'm okay. I can still move. I can get this guy back. He's gonna run out of gas. Like, this is part of fighting.
Some tough ones out there.
It's part of fighting because guys have moments in a fight where they turn on the gas, and then sometimes the guys come back from that for sure. Like, I'm sure you've seen Mickey Ward and Arturo Gotti, right?
Many times.
Perfect example.
Those fights are crazy.
Mickey Ward is putting it on Arturo. Got it. Just put it on him. Drops him with a liver shot.
Who always took fucking damage. Yes, he got battered a lot.
They both did. Yeah. And in those fights. Oh, my God.
Legendary fight.
But. But those fights, like, you could have come close to stopping that a couple of times if you were like, an overzealous referee.
But then there wouldn't be these legendary fucking fights, right?
But then there's the other.
See, now, you know, I'm sure Mickey doesn't speak well.
I don't know. I talked to him once, said, I don't want.
But does he, like, not drool? But, you know, like, he has, like, a draw.
But some. Some guys definitely do. Of course, some guys get it real, but like, you know, some guys get it. Like, Joe Frazier, in the end had.
It so bad, Evander got it.
Does he have it now?
He doesn't sound like he's all there, how his body might be there, but his doesn't seem like his speech is there.
How can you be, you know, how can you keep getting repeatedly punched in the head, you know, and not have it damage your head, you know? If you drink whiskey every day, you're gonna get a fucked up liver. You know? It's just if you're getting punched in the head all of the time, that can't be good.
You know, for me, I. I like to protect this bod of mine. I just want to, you know, I want to make it more healthy. That's what I really want to do.
I have friends that spar, and they really like sparring, and I'm like, you're a professional. You have a professional, like, just regular.
Dudes that, like some fight club.
You just want to get a little adrenaline.
Yeah, but they're sparring and they're 46. Getting punched in the face. What are you doing? Don't do that.
Sometimes it takes a while to get those chops.
It'll take a long time if you start.
If you're 46, it takes a minute.
You have to be a weird athlete to get really good at striking at 46. If you've never done anything and then you step in and now you're sparring guys and you're good at 46, you'd have to be, like, a weird athlete. You'd have to be, like, some dude who could just do gymnastics, basketball, baseball. He could do anything. He just knows how to move his body.
I feel like that could be me. I like training, man. I enjoy. Like I said, I want to grapple somebody. I would do a celebrity grappling, even though it's like a celebrity, just a grappling.
As long as there's no heel hooks.
No heel hooks, grab. This is not jujitsu. This is grappling. I want to do collegiate style and mix with Roman Greco.
Do you really?
I don't know. Yeah, I do. I want to fucking throw somebody around, for sure. I want to fucking submit somebody very badly. Every day I practice submitting a fucking sandbag.
Do you?
Yeah, every day.
Do you ever take jujitsu classes?
I did a couple of times, but I. I've been offered to go where my son goes, but I don't know, man. It's a.
Get in there. Yeah, get in there.
I need. I only want to learn top pressure.
That's it.
I'm never gonna be on the fucking bottom dog. Fuck that. Only top. Aggressive top.
But what are you gonna do to get. You gotta learn how to get off the bottom. At least.
That's the hardest thing to do. If someone's laying on me, it fucking sucks.
It's very difficult.
It's hard.
You have to pinch, right?
Pinch them, but you're gonna have to.
Learn how to get out.
Are you allowed to pinch?
No. A dude recently bit a dude in the UFC, and so dude got a tattoo of the guy's bite on his arm, which is hilarious.
That's a fucking deep bite.
Ooh, deep.
That was in this. This spot here?
Mm hmm.
That thin skin?
He could have broke fucking skin and it could have bled bad.
Oh, it's real dangerous.
That's disgusting.
Teeth, like, people's mouths are so nasty.
The worst shit.
We give people awful infections. I can't. What does it say? I got fucking bit. What is. What's the full tattoo?
I got fucking bit bonus. Oh, yeah, they gave him the bonus, right?
Well, they disqualified the guy he was fighting, and he got the win bonus.
It was a decent fight. He was definitely winning, though.
Yes. I think the dude was trying to take him down and he couldn't take him down, and he bit his arm from behind. Fucking so animal. That's so crazy that people get to that state where they're like, fucking. Just fucking like Tyson and Holyfield.
I'm saying, when you frustrated, you get put in a position, you can't get out.
Damn, look at that bite, too. That's a crazy bite.
Was he wearing a fucking mouth guard or didn't throw it out of his mouth? What the fuck is that?
That looks like.
It looks like a baby piranha.
Yeah. Oh, you know what it is? It's a mouth guard. Probably on one side but not on the other.
So, wait, you just.
A lot of guys. I don't think anybody uses the double.
That shotguard that we used to wear football.
I think the problem with down is it restricts your breathing too much. So most guys just wear one on the top. So there were some boxers back in the day that would wear the double. It would be crazy. They had this crazy mouth like that, of course, and they had holes like this, and they'd be fighting with this double. But I think ultimately everybody kind of decided that that just takes out too much wind.
You break your nose, it's over. No, it's. How are you gonna fucking breathe if you break your nose in that big ass.
Football mouth guard.
Yeah, that mouth guard sucks. I don't think you could do that. It's like if you ever done one, like one of those breath trainers we breathe through. Like the boss rooting one.
Yep. It's pretty much what they give you after surgery where they put the fucking. The ball. You have to keep the ball in the middle. And he made a thing.
Boss Rutin did.
He made a waist trainer. Not a waist trainer. Fucking breath trainer.
Yes, boss Rutten did. Yeah, it's really good. It's got a bunch of different filters. So you have one where it's wide open.
Yeah, like, there's different levels of lung restriction or air restriction. It's basically like you're breathing air through a smaller and smaller hole and it just like, fits in your mouth and it's like contracting your diaphragm muscles. And it's just really like. It's like breathing exercises, but almost like with weights.
I mean, the world is incredible. Yeah, just keep like, all these little micro workouts for fucking organs and muscle. I love this. I love this. I love to learn about these things. I'm gonna order one. Does he have them ready? Are they available?
Yeah. What is it called? What's boss's?
I love fucking boss Rutin.
He's the man, bro.
Those early videos of him showing you how to fucking win a bar fight.
Those things are things of legend.
And he's another guy. If you met him, you would have no idea. You would think he's the nicest. What does he do? Is he a banker? He just. There it is. The o two trainer. That's right, the o two trainer 2.0, new and improved.
You wear that running?
No, no, just wherever. You just do it for breathing exercises. They have, like, outlines of, like, different ways to do it. Boss has videos that he's put out there and, you know, I think they probably have frequently asked questions.
You look ridiculous, but I'm sure it works.
There he is. Boss and me talking about it. It's real. I use it.
Yeah, it's fun. He told me not to do it in the cold plunge, though. He's jo. It's boss. Listen, people apparently blackout, so don't do it in the cold plunge. Like I would imagine. Like, if you were in the cold plunge, you're freezing and then you're also restricting your breathing.
And you get, like, I could attest things get. You lose your breath immediately. Man, I fucking could not handle that.
Yeah. If you had that thing in your mouth too. If you are getting choked, super ultra freak out now.
I mean, all you use all these different fucking. These different things that people invent, I think. By the way, I feel like an asshole sometimes when I come on here. Terrence Howard.
I don't even know what to say. I was, like, googling shit to talk about after that. But what the fuck? What in the actual fuck? I understand it, though. I kind of understand it. I understand kind.
I mean, it made sense to me.
He's made.
He's making me believe is way too smart to just be making everything up like this. There's no way. He's just me. He's a lunatic, like, I've heard.
You can't just come up on that. You can't think.
So I'm like, I don't think that's correct. He knows too much. So is he correct? I don't know. And then that's. So that's what hats. What has to happen is Terrence Howard has to sit down with someone who's an academic, someone who's got a PhD in whatever discipline they're talking about, and they can have a discussion, and you can see what he really knows and just what he can say to me. Right. To me, it all makes sense. But I'm a moron.
No, you're not.
But if you're talking to a mathematician or if you're talking to a physicist, someone who actually can understand what these computations mean and what he's trying to say about one plus one or one multiplied by one can't be one.
No. Mathematics, everything is bullshit. I believe that I wasn't good in algebra. I'm. I see it more in a linear way. Not a linear way, a different way than him. Like, more similarly to him.
Right. Well, I would imagine that there's probably more to all these things.
Those fucking toys.
He made the figures, even our mathematics, like, as brilliant as the people are who have created all the formulas that everyone's studying, I would imagine that in the future, they're going to have even better methods of figuring things out and that all these things are going to evolve, that they're not perfect, and that they're going to just, like, continue to evolve. And if we want to get to what alien civilization looks like, when we want to get to super insane levels of technology where they control all of the atmosphere, they literally can harness the power of stars. There's so much work to do. There's so much everybody has to figure out. And if he. If Terrence Howard, somehow or another, if it's the craziest story ever. And Terrence Howard is, like, literally one of the smartest guys that ever lived, and he's got all these genius ideas and inventions, and even though he seems cra. It seems just insane that this is coming from an actor. This is from the hustle and flow guy. What?
Hey, listen.
This is from the Iron man guy. What?
He was in Boomerang back in the day with Eddie Murphy in fucking Sunset park. He was spaceman. Like, he has range, and then he's. He's like a modern day Daniel day.
Yeah, he's. He's a great, great actor, but it's just because he's so smart. And then he's talking about how the periodic table's all fucked up, and this is what some people. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Wait a minute. What are you doing? How can you do this?
I understand about. Because of music. I understand the way that I feel. What he's saying. Yeah, like, stop trying to uncover shit. Just all these little micro fucking bullshits.
What do you mean?
I. Like I said, I'm a fucking idiot. I'm trying to regurgitate what I heard. Like, as far as all the elements. The elements in between.
Like, why are they there we. When they're just.
Are we?
Will, you and I know what I'm talking.
Never explain this in a way that's not hugely frustrating to anybody?
I can't even remember what I'm trying to say. But, you know.
Yeah. The way he was explaining how everything's connected.
Yeah. And the entire. The whole scale of it and the way he. Geometric pattern. And when you look at it, like, the way he was describing it, you're like, oh, wow. That kind of makes more sense. It does make sense. That's it. I mean, it just looks beautiful.
That's fire.
Oh, Jesse.
Dope art.
I need to know if this is true. I'm gonna send you this. But it's so cool that I hoped and prayed that it was true. And I didn't even want to google it, but it's that they took these photons.
I was trying to find that.
Did you see it?
I didn't find. I googled it and couldn't find anything.
How could this be fake? Why would they be lying to me, Jamie? Why would they be lying to me, Jamie?
It was like. What did they do? There was photons.
Had what it looked like a yin and yang. I'll tell you what it is. I'll send it to you again. I'll send you the.
It's like a very specific thing they did to them.
Yeah, but it revealed the yin yang.
That's what it looks.
It's quantum entangled photons. So this is what it looks like. That's quantum entangled photons. Now, again, for the record, I am a fucking idiot, okay? I don't even know what that means. I can say those words, quantum entangled photons. But you may be, like, right down and without Googling in an essay what a quantum entangled photon exactly is.
But what are photons from light, from sun?
Yeah, this is the thing. Quantum Yang Yang shows two photons being entangled in real time. So it's true. A stunning experiment which reconstructs the properties of entangled protons from a 2d interface pattern could be used to design faster quantum computers. And when you quantumly entangle two photons, they look like a yin and yang. Do you know how insane this is?
What is quantum Lee entangled mean?
That's a very good question that I can say, and it makes me sound smarter. Quantum ling tangled.
But I can.
I couldn't write that down without googling it. Exactly.
The quantum entanglement. Is it a mixture of these photons together?
Well, I think what it is is these particles are entangled in some way where they don't have to be in the same place and time, but they react to each other. There's some method or some way of understanding how this is done. It's all squirrely yellow, legal pad, chalkboard with a bunch of squiggles that you don't understand. Bananas talk. Who'd have quantum entangled photons? I don't know exactly how they do it. It's a weird connection between two far apart particles that Albert Einstein objected to as spooky. Action at a distance enables two light particles, or photons, to become inextricably bound to each other, so that a change to one causes a change in the other, no matter how far apart they are. To make accurate predictions about a quantum object, physicists need to find its wave function, a description of its state. Existing in a superposition of all the possible physical values a photon can take. Entanglement makes finding the wave function of two connected particles a challenge, as any measurement of one also causes an instantaneous change in the other.
But why are they depicted in different shades, in different colors?
First of all, I don't trust these super dorks at all. Look at the photos of those people.
Yeah, I don't know, man. They're pretty young.
Yeah, they're all too smart. I don't trust them. They're speaking gibberish.
I need to see some old guys.
Scientists. Look at this. Scientists have used a first of its kind technique to visualize two entangled light particles in real time, making them appear as a stunning quantum yin yang symbol. The new method, called biphoton digital holography, uses an ultra high precision camera and can be used to massively speed up future quantum measurements.
Well, then it's all bullshit. It's not. It's not real time. It's not real.
What do you mean by the word?
It's a fucking. It's like those super. It's like the AI shit. That's not a real image. They colored it and fixed it and put fade and brightness and fucking, you know, like, how does that.
I don't know if they did.
You don't think so?
No. Um. I think whatever the light is on the right, there's like a different technique of measuring it. Like, what was the one on the right? Like, how did they do that?
This is. So this has a reconstruction of a man.
I'm gonna get fucking demolished. I'm a total moron.
No, I think. I think there's just two different ways of imaging it, so I don't think there's anything fake about it. I think it's just a bizarre shape that exists in ancient cultures and now they're finding out is actually two entangled photons.
Yeah, but who came up with all this motherfucking shit? Holography. Like, what the fuck is that? Where did this come from?
Now, scientists, dudes and gals, and non binary folk, what is the actual definition of yin yang? Jamie, like, what does it exactly mean? It's. I know it's to be balanced. Like, and I knew, like, back when I was in high school, all the cool kids got Yin Yang tattoos.
I want one now. Now I want now.
I'm thinking about getting one because of the quantum thing, but it's so. It's such a. It became a corny thing. Like a Yin yang became corny.
Yeah. When I was young, it was like tribal.
Mm hmm.
I got. Now I want tribal. Or barbed wire around the bicep.
Yeah. Like old days.
Like, Pam Anderson.
A lot of wrestlers at it. Okay, so what is bag?
Well, there's no. Meanings are popping up. There's not. I don't know about specific definition because you got to define the.
Well, just google that right there. People also ask, go back. And then, what is the meaning of yin yang? Click on that. Was that so?
I know it popped.
Oh, it's a video.
I can't just tell you.
Just tell me, bitch. Write it down. So what does it mean?
It's. I mean, it's, it's a. You have to describe both and then you have to describe them both together.
It's like describing what is light and what is dark.
It's a philosophy. This is an open ended philosophy.
This is one of the things that freaks me out about the current state of the world is that we are at odds with China. And China has been around forever. They are so much more established. They've been around for 4000 years, man.
So many dynasties, and they've been thriving.
Economically for 4000 years. They invented everything. China invented paper, they invented alcohol, they invented the mechanical clock, they invented gunpowder, they invented rockets.
I mean, bro, when I fucking order my clothes to sell, I get it from there. They do it much fucking better and cheaper than here.
You can buy good american stuff.
Nah, but it's not the same. Well, when you outsource, I listen, I like America, but if you want to get it done right, you go to China.
That's so ridiculous. It's so ridiculous.
That is a crazy thing to say.
But it is fucked up that somewhere we lost our way and we decided that it would be better for some people over here to get things paid for in a cheap manner, get cheap labor from a country where they let people work for, like, almost nothing and buy your shit from them and then sell it over here. But it's just short math because, like, everybody's like, hey, hey, hey, do you know what the fuck the trickle down of that is? How about we just make less money? Or we don't look at it in terms of, like, you're never going to end, it's never going to stop growing. How about you, like, maintain what we've got and make high quality stuff and keep all these jobs here? Like, what's the economic downside of getting rid of thousands of jobs every time they close a plan? Thousands of jobs just to make a little bit more money? Or even if it's a lot more money. Like, aren't you making money? Isn't it so successful that you can buy a new plant in Mexico? Like, what the fuck are we doing?
People are fucking so short sighted. So it's all money, money, money, money, money, money.
You ever see Roger and me?
Mm mm.
It's Michael Moore's best documentary, I think, and it's the first one, too.
I like Michael Moore a lot.
And he was young, he's a good dude, I met him a couple times.
I met him one time coming out of the fucking 23rd anniversary Jordan party. Fuck that. Fuck, that's delicious. Had just come on Vice and he came. I walked out and he was in his limo. He came out, he goes, action. What's up? I've been in the hotel room all weekend watching. Fuck, that's delicious. I love it. And this is outside the Jordan party. I just met Moses Malone and shit. Like, it was fucking crazy.
That's cool.
And this was early on. He gave me that props. It meant a lot to me.
The documentary is really good. It's really good and it's really heartbreaking. It's about Flint, Michigan, when the auto.
Factories pull out, bro, he does these tear jerkers.
This one's a really good one.
He's showing you the real.
This is the realest of the real because this is where he's from. And he got to see all these people. Just thousands of people, man, that were employed by the auto industry. Just get those jobs removed and sent to Mexico and they're fucked, man. No one has anything. No one has anything. There's just like nothing to do. There's no. It's not like you need to work harder. It's like, no, the industry's gone.
There's no jobs. There's nothing to do there.
The main thing in the town is now gone. The town just died. It's a ghost town now. Everyone's fucked. And it happened like that. And it happened because people wanted to make more money. That's what's crazy.
So they don't make Cadillac over there anymore.
I don't know what they're doing now. Cause I know a lot of things have come back to Detroit. Like, Detroit's kind of making a bit of a boom. Sam talent just moved to Detroit. Shout out to Sam talent. Hilarious comedian if you don't know who he is. But they're. They've got, you know, there's a lot of, like, businesses that are coming out of Detroit that are, like, proud about it. Like Shinola made in Detroit. American made watches and leather bags.
I stay in that hotel a lot.
Oh, it's good. They're legit. Shinola's legit. So, like, there's a bunch of stuff happening there. But it used to be one of the richest cities in the world. Detroit in the 19. You ever seen, like, videos of Detroit?
It was fucking. That's where the players came from was Detroit players, bro. That's where dressing like a player came from, bro. Gators. All kinds of fucking outfits and gators. That's. That's where it came from.
Booming economy buffs.
The fucking. The Cartier lenses.
Mm hmm.
It's like a whole thing.
Motor city hitman Thomas Hearns.
Come on, man. You don't think he wore Cartier lenses? 100%. And he wore gators?
100%. So that place was this thriving city, and then all of a sudden, the auto manufacturers pulled out. It just was. You just watch one of the great cities melt. Why? Because someone wanted to make more money. That is so crazy that people are willing to do that. It's so fucking crazy.
Well, now I have to fucking rethink all my business models.
Yeah. I work with origin. Origin is a company in Maine. It's all american made. Everything, threads, everything cloth, everything. All our hunting gear is made by origin. All of its made. They develop the pattern. They make it all. It's all, everybody gets paid well, great jobs. It's just like, this feels better. I always said that about, like, iPhones. Like, make me an iPhone that you make in America. Just charge me more money.
Can you do.
Just put a little us flag in the corner so I know I'm getting that one? And just charge me more money. Just charge me more money.
It's like when you buy a pair of new balance sneakers, the made in America ones are always the better quality stuff. You know? You know you're getting quality when it says made in the US of a.
But also, you know, you're getting it from people that you have to adhere to laws, like labor laws. You don't have to adhere to those if you're buying them from third world countries, of course. So you're. That's. It's kind of weird that that's okay. And I know I understand the economics of it. I don't really, but I understand that. I don't understand it. I understand I'm not. It's not my place, but I get why everybody did it. But you got to look at what's what that. What the cost of that is. It's so insane. You know, someone was explaining to me that there's some african countries that get free clothes from the United States. So, like, they'll donate, like, free clothes, like, a bunch of companies, and they get together and donate free clothes, which seems great, right? But a lot of these developing countries have people making clothes, and then all of a sudden, a bunch of free clothes get dropped off and they're like, hey, what the fuck? Like, now I'm not gonna sell any fucking clothes. Now you literally can't get by making clothes because they're giving away free clothes. And giving away free clothes is like a part of their whole charitable organization, like, to make everybody feel great.
Yeah, but they don't need to be doing that.
But you could, in fact, crypto give them a growing economy by giving people free clothes.
I was like, give them food.
I would have never thought that. I would have never thought that giving someone free clothes could ever be bad. But it could be bad if they're actually starting to develop an economy or they have a thriving economy and somebody makes clothes there and all sudden, you know, we think we should give them free clothes. That's going to fix everything and make us feel better.
I'll tell you this. In every fucking third world country I've been to, they got fucking Lionel Messi jerseys, they got Vinnie junior jerseys. They got all. They got all kinds of sports jerseys. They're not wearing any. They're wearing fucking jerseys and they're all kinds of sports clothing.
Interesting. That's. That's the cool shit.
Always, always. Young kids always got the fucking soccer jerseys on or just like a team shirt. I see yankee shirts.
That's always been the case, though.
Always. Come on. Yeah, I mean, I. To this day, my wardrobe is jerseys. That's all I like wearing. I like wearing Patrick Ewing.
Patrick ewing wore this jersey in like, 30 countries around. I never take it off. It's like I'm fucking pat. I should put the knee braces on.
It makes you feel casual.
It really does. It makes me feel casual and also makes me feel like, you know, where the fuck I'm from. Yeah, I'm wearing it on my chest, bro.
Exactly right. No, he's gonna mistake you for a Georgia boy. Oh, no, I eat my. Anyone kill my alligator?
Ho. You're not gonna fucking think that. No, that's for sure.
No, not at all.
I was listening to that. I wanted to bring this up because I think that this is fucked up. I'm listening to WFAN radio in New York City and they run these weird commercials for older men and shit like that and stuff. There was this one show, fucking Doctor Darius Paduk, fucking a crime against men. A urologist who fucking touched hundreds and hundreds of men. Apparently. They're running this spot on the. On the radio station. Saturday morning. I'm watching Sponge, SpongeBob on Nickelodeon with my child. They run the fucking same spot, but a visual of Darius fucking Paduk. Why are they running that spot on Nickelodeon?
For parents. They're assuming the parents are watching the show.
My son's asking me, who the fuck is Darius Paduk? That explained that he's done urology and crime against men. I don't know how to explain that.
So what do you mean by he did crime against men?
There were crimes against men. He got weird things during urology exams.
And this. This ad that they were running was an ad. Like a news story. Breaking news story.
Breaking news. But like one of those year, if you have the fucking. The. The mesh in your stomach recall you could get money or this, right? Like they want people to come forward. All the victims of Doctor Darius Padua.
Oh, I see.
So I just found that a little bit fucking.
Maybe it's for parents.
Yeah, but why on Nickelodeon, SpongeBob Saturday morning when they're running the same spot on WFAN for like 60 year old men?
It's a good question.
I just thought that was fucked.
Maybe it's just a mistake.
That's my one contribution to this. It was a good one, though.
Yeah. Imagine if commercials were illegal, bro. Imagine if we decided that everything has to exist on its own merit and, you know, word of mouth is the only thing that counts. There's plenty of social media out. No one's allowed to advertise at all anymore, ever again. Bye.
I would love that. No more spots, no more this, no more fucking reads. No more. Listen, all these reads, bro, it's a lot. It's a fucking lot. I'm not used to it. I'm not used to it. I don't love it.
Yeah. AI's gonna take that for you.
Should I do it now? You think I could pull that one off now?
Probably. Pretty fucking close. Pretty fucking close.
What is this? AI with the iPhone that I'm seeing on Instagram?
This is the newest AI that.
Throw this against the wall.
I don't know. Elon seems to be.
Will it even work?
Be very apprehensive. And he said something about that. If it is in the operating system, if it's in iOS itself, he doesn't think they're going to be able to control it. And he thinks it represents a security risk to the extent that he's not going to allow people to. If this does get implemented as a part of the operating system, he's not gonna allow people at Tesla to have them. He's not gonna allow them to come in with, like, iPads or laptops or.
Apple and they gotta go in some sort of box.
Listen, man, if he's getting scared, I get scared.
I'm scared.
I get scared when he's saying, hey, you're letting that fucking thing in everyone's phones and you don't know how to control it. And they're like, hey, we got. You know why they got AI? Do you know why they're doing that? Because of this. This is the Samsung Galaxy S 24.
No, fool, I'm about to get it.
This is my new phone.
I'm getting it.
Yeah, I listen. Apple's great. I love Apple. I'm not a hater. I'm gonna keep this phone, too. But there's things that I could do with this phone that I can't do with this phone. This phone has anti glare screen. It's way better to look at outside. Way better. Instantly, I noticed that it charges quicker. It has all kinds of crazy shit. Like you can circle an object and Google just searches it for you, tells you, like, you see someone sneakers, you like, damn, those are cool. Google sends you shows where you could shop for it. It's. It does a lot of shit that you can't get on an iPhone right now.
So they respond, look, that cool? They're cool. But there's, like, antiquated.
This thing translates in real time. So you could be speaking Italian and I could be speaking English. We could have a conversation.
Well, that's one of the best things to use. My wife and I, we have this masseuse. She's a chinese woman about 70 years old. We're great friends with her, and we just talk with the phone. Translate, translate.
She sends text messages. Full chinese characters. Translate.
That's dope. Isn't that dope?
I would love to just be able to, like, say something and then in my voice, it says it in Chinese to her.
I think they're doing that. I think they're doing that. I think that is 100% gonna happen.
I'd learn Chinese that way also.
Yes, you really could.
It's better than Rosetta stone, probably.
What's the best way? There's a bunch of different, like, controversial. Best way to learn. Well, you could learn Spanish in six weeks.
I'll tell you how to fucking learn Spanish. Go work in the kitchen.
With some mexican dude that will not speak English to you. That's how you learn.
Yeah, you gotta pick.
I learned.
Pick it up eventually. That's the. What they say. Immersion, right? That's the best way to really immersion language.
I mean, also, like, if you learn, like, phrases. Like phrases as far as, like. I don't know. I don't even know how to. I can't even give you an example. Like things about the day or what you're about to do or shit like that. Just normal phrases that you would use in everyday life. If you just use those, more than likely they're gonna catch one way or another. You can use them in different settings. You just gotta know a couple things, and then you build off that.
Imagine how funny that must sound to them. Our stupid Spanish. You know, it's like. Like Borat sounds to us.
Yeah. No, I mean, the one thing that I do, I love when immigrants come here and they try to speak English. Cause a lot of Americans, they don't fucking try and speak any other languages, right? But everybody comes here and learns English one way or another. They're speaking broken. But you understand it.
Yeah, it's probably the most. Other than Spanish, the most recognized language. Like, what is the most popular language on earth is it's. Well, numbers wise, it might be Mandarin or it might be Hindi. Like, what is the. What is the most popular language on earth? Like, take a guess. What do you think?
I think it's Spanish.
Think it's bad?
I think it's the most spoken language.
Most countries spoken Spanish is.
I'm asking, like, what the. Correct?
Yeah. Let's see. What. What are the most languages in the world? What are the most spoken languages in the world? Says Chinese, but Chinese number one. Yeah, that makes sense.
I thought there was multiple dialects, right? But like, maybe it's just Chinese slash Mandarin.
Okay, 900 million, bro.
But there's a lot of fucking guys over there speaking their language natively. I don't know if it. You know, I've never met a white guy that can speak it perfectly or a black guy that can speak it perfectly.
I met a few people that know Mandarin.
A couple? Yeah, a couple.
Very strange.
But who knows Cantonese?
John Cena.
Fuck outta here. Fucking John Cena doesn't know Cantonese. Are you kidding me?
He knows Mandarin. What?
This says English is number one.
One of them says English is number one.
Oh, God.
It depends on what you're talking about.
But that only says 1.552 million. Oh. 1,452,000,000.
That was the best answer I've ever heard in my life.
A lot of chinese people might know English because of the Internet. Oh, you know, we don't. I don't know. I, you know, main language versus know a couple words. Can you hold conversation?
English has become the world's most common language default for international business, tourism, tech, and much more. I mean, that programming things is a big thing. So if you can't program multiple languages.
Isn't there some shit going down right now with Saudi Arabia is getting off the US dollar? The petrodollar, that's different. A little. I know it's a little different, but I was just thinking about, like, things I'm scared of, more things I'm scared of.
I mean, listen, there's so many things out there that we have no clue that we should be scared of. As long as I don't know, I'm all right.
That's a way to live, right?
For right now. But if you tell me, then I'm like, fuck, right now.
You know, now you gotta.
Now I gotta figure it out.
Aliens are real.
No. There's no doubt. About what. If you think about what this actually is, what are we fucking doing? This light, this life experience.
Aliens, this, that. There's all kinds of crazy shit. We can't just think that. Are we even living right now? What is happening right now?
What is this, simulation theory? Yeah, exactly. You got something, Jamie?
Something that says what you said, but I don't know.
So they dish the US dollar today, right?
It was a pact for 50 years. I don't know that it wasn't expected.
I don't know that they just.
The dollar is a piece of shit.
Is it?
I think so.
Like, I love.
I like the way I liked. I have a bunch of them sitting right there that I could hold, but I don't. They're almost worthless.
Craig Jones came in here and he had a million dollars in cash on him, and I wanted to run away with. I wanted to grab that bag. You see? A million dollars in cash, it's just piles of hundreds. Like, this is crazy.
A million dollars in cash isn't that much, though.
It's a bag.
It's in hundreds.
It's not that much.
It's like a gym bag stuffed with hundreds. It was weird.
That looks good.
Look good?
That looks good to me.
Look good.
Looks like a drug deal gone bad.
Yeah, or good?
Yeah. Life in the fast lane. Show them a lose. Oh, my.
22 pounds a month.
Oh. 22 pounds of money.
Just like the things you were doing with the rod.
Yeah. You could do that with that bag of money. Just do kettlebells with that bag of money.
I mean, that would be fire to work out.
Do some shield, cast that bag of money.
Listen, all I know is that a million dollars isn't even allowed anymore. And you need to do a lot to make a million dollars. Especially when you make $1 million. You're not making $1 million.
Right. In California, that's about to become the average home price.
I mean, eight years ago, I was in Vancouver, and they told me that was the average price.
A million.
A million dollars.
And what does the average person make? I think they make $62,000.
Who the fuck is living in these places?
It's insane. The average home being a million dollars. Like, everyone's in debt. And then you got companies that are buying up houses just so they can lease them out to people and make money leasing them.
I mean, bro, look at New York City here, looking for a house. I'm competing with brokers and, like, big people who want to put buildings where these old homes used to be, right?
They're ready to just go.
You know, they do a lot of that stuff out here, like on 6th street, there's. They're going to start to do that. But on a lot of these places, we see these giant ass skyscrapers. They used to be like a little bitch ass building, and somebody bought it up and just built straight up. And they're trying to do that a lot.
That's what happens. That's fucking capitalism. Is that called industrial revolution?
No, capitalism. You know, it's good if you want to live in an apartment building, but you just got to recognize what it is and what's going on.
You know, apartment buildings are good for certain things.
It's fun.
That's all I've known my whole life. Two bedroom. Yeah, it's all I've known.
I'd like to know something custom to that.
I only stay in, like, if there's a table here in the room, I just sit in this one corner. Only now I wouldn't even go on that side of the fucking table.
Cause you used to being confined.
I'm a creature. I'm a creature. Just leave me in the corner as a creature. That's it. I don't need space. I'm like a little baby veal.
Just like to huddle up in your den.
I do. With my fucking pipe huffing, watching mma, talking constant over, like, chill sunning, talking crazy.
How do you think you would live if you live, like, in a place with, like, a lot of land, quiet nights, do you think you'd be missing it?
I would have to have some sort of live entertainment. I love live entertainment.
Something near you.
You go see either that or just, like, something exciting at the house, like a band. I would bring sick musicians to the home. You know, all these different jazz and funk fusion bands and these old school bands that I love. I would bring them all, have little mini concerts back there.
Yeah, well, that's kind of what Dave Chappelle does in Yellow Springs, Ohio.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah. He's always got like, musicians out there, comedians out there.
He's living the way he used to live. That's what he wants.
Yeah. He started doing that during the pandemic when everybody was locked down. He was doing outside shows with masks on. Remember those days?
Oh, yeah, he was doing fucking hooky parties. He was doing the old school hooky party.
Yeah. What? Those are so crazy days. You couldn't go outside without a mask on.
I was wearing a gas mask to go to the fucking supermarket. Can you believe that? I had a fucking three m gas mask here. I looked at myself in the mirror, I said, what am I doing? And I just took that shit off. I'm like, yo, everyone's gonna have to deal with me. If you're outside and I'm outside, it's on you.
Well, in LA, people would yell at you. They would yell at you if you'd be outside with no mask on.
There was nobody out in the streets of New York. I had the whole city to myself.
There was a lot of days like that.
Had the whole city to myself. I would get from one place to another in lightning speed.
Do you remember there was this one kid who crashed like a million dollar Porsche? He crashed some like crazy. I think it was like one of those Carrera gT's, that Paul Walker one? Yeah. It was either that or the 918. Like something. Some crazy car. Dude was just using New York City like a racetrack. Cause there was no cars.
I didn't know about that. I was doing the same thing in a jeep Grand Cherokee, though. That's the problem.
This guy fucked up that car.
That's a nice one.
That's a Carrera GT. There's not that many of them in the world. And this is a gambala.
That looks total.
He has charges dismissed. Oh, the charges are dismissed. So this dude was just driving around like a fucking psychopath. Oh, when there was no one on the streets.
He's alive in that one.
He wiped that fucking car up.
That's our fucking gorgeous.
Wonder if they total the car. It looks like it's totaled.
I'd buy that at the auction.
Somebody would. If you have a Carrera GT like that, there's. There's other people that have Carrera GT's that would want things from it. Of course, if it is totaled, there would. There's like a lot of that stuff.
It salvage those parts.
If Porsche lets that happen, I don't know how they. That's such an exclusive car. I don't know. Like what? Some of those companies, like Ferrari and Porsche, they have rules on how you're allowed to sell things.
Like, even if you crash it, they'll just take it back.
I don't know. I don't know. I bet they would. I bet some of them would.
You can't get under that thing to get the catalytic converter. No, there's no way that's.
That is the same car that Paul Walker died in. That is.
It's because that thing slides like a motherfucker, man. If you hit one bump in the city and you're going at a specific speed, you're hydro gliding, you're in the air spinning.
Well, what does this say? The reason for dismissal was apparently a lack of proof. Rodent track cites a record from the court appearance as stating the people are moving to dismiss this matter because the case cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Where did this happen? On the bridge or in the city or somewhere?
I think it was in the city. Okay, so look at the top. Go to the top.
No one was around, man.
Very publicized incident occurred nearly a year ago that then empty streets of New York City. A rare gumball mirage GT was captured on video crashing into several vehicles before finally coming to a stop. Video even captured the driver behind the wheel, who was later identified as Benjamin Chen. Now, charges against Chen for the incidents have apparently been dismissed. So they're saying to dismiss it because the case cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Huh. Okay, did. Did any of those jurors buy new cars? Like, look at him wipe it out. Oh, my God. Let me see that again. Let me see that again.
He's a lucky baby.
Oh, yeah. He was full on out of control.
He's lucky he hit the passenger side.
Yeah. He fucked that car up and he's trying to get away. So I guess, you know, people were encouraged by the fact that there was no in the streets to let it out a little bit.
I was. I was.
Jamie, that's not proof. That's CGI. Then that. Him getting out of the car, also not proof the city was. Shut up. You fucking talking to him?
I don't understand.
The city was a motherfucking playground. It'll never be like Jamie.
Fucking narc. Look at him over there. Narcan on.
Wearing a wire.
Yeah, he's wearing a wire.
Michael, this room's all backed up.
God damn it.
Throw water all over me.
Oh, how did we get under that? People driving crazy down New York City.
Had the city to himself.
Yeah, I've just had the city to myself. During the pandemic, there was no one around. It was literally nobody. Nothing to be said, bro.
LA had no track.
It was no rules.
You could drive around in LA, and there was no one on the road. It was the weirdest fucking thing ever. Ian Edwards has a joke about it. Like, I want to find out how much it read, how much time it really takes to get places. You never know.
You never fucking. I've been in the worst traffic over there. It's actually. It gives me PTSD. I don't even want to drive anymore because I get very bad road rage these days.
It's bad for your head, man.
I'm in the car, windows up, screaming.
Mm hmm. You can't just. Can't go anywhere.
Like, I'm freaking out. I can't get myself together.
And what if you're low on gas, you know? Or what if you're low on batteries? Come on.
Or if you got to take a shit or if you got things to do, like, if you're caught up out there. Yeah, I'll do crazy things to get out of traffic. There's nothing I wouldn't do. I'll ride on the side. I'll go through the forest. Whatever I need to do to get out of traffic, I've done.
You know, one of the things that's interesting is that Waze, which is really the best way to get around, like, if you want to, like, find out where the bullshit is, Waze is really good. And people report, like, there's an accident here, and everybody kind of communicates and very, very good. But Waze was making people that were leaving New York and driving through Jersey, they were just going through all these neighborhoods. Cause they say, like, oh, the highway's gonna be jammed up, but you can get around the highway by going this way. So waze starts navigating people through neighborhoods, and then the cops stop people from going through the neighborhoods. Now, do you live here? No, they can't drive through here. Like, what the fuck are you talking about? Like, no, you have a problem. The problem is Waze told me how to get through your neighborhood. You got to take it up with Waze. You can't tell me I can't drive on a regular street. I could drive on a regular street just to look around for. Totally legal.
Trying to check out the scenery.
Yeah, this is a nice house. I want to drive by. What? What are you saying, I used to.
Go on nature rides with my mother all the time.
But when you're saying that waze shouldn't have told people about this cool shortcut through your neighborhood. So you have to be on the highway. You're right. But that's just reality.
Reality is going to get blown up.
It existed.
And ways just exposed it to the rest of the world. That take a left on Peabody, and then you're a nice four lane road with no one on it.
It's like exposing the best pizza shop.
Same shit, guy. Pardon me.
Fucking asshole. Now there's a line around the block. I can't get a pie? You piece of shit.
No, no, no.
Things change.
Yeah. Everyone needs to know about it, how good it is. Yeah, that's it. But for me, New York, I don't. I rarely drive with a waze or any type of Google anything. I just know how to go, know the shortcuts of everywhere I need to go.
Yeah, man, is having your brain. Yeah. If you see something's congested there, you go back around.
What if it's something you don't know? Like something's going on?
Then I'm fucked, man. Then I'm fucked if I'm anticipated. I know the Van Wicks. Always fucked.
Oh, yeah.
I'll take live. I go all through South Ozone park. Boom. I get there before everybody.
You just get used to hustling, moving quick through intersections.
I cannot drive straight. I could drive all day long doing that. Stopping at lights to finding ways to get out of things. All day, just straight, 45 minutes, I'm fucking knocked out. Yeah, bad.
Do you fall asleep at the wheel?
No. No, but I will. I know that. That's why I don't do it.
You get that, like, naughty.
It's because I'm bored, right? I need movement. Yeah, movement.
You're addicted in New York.
I really am.
It's fucking sick. Sick.
Yeah, you're addicted. Like a video game.
I. Yeah, right. Fucking yes. Video game over there, man. It's constant maneuvering and moving and.
I just feel alive, people. Yeah. I feel alive.
Yeah. I have a bunch of friends who won't leave.
I'd like to.
I love the vibration of the city, all the people.
I do. But I also hate it.
I. You know, I have a love hate relationship with lots of things, as we all do. You can't just love Austin. There's nothing that you don't like about it. You know, there's some. Sure. There's some shit you don't like, but right now, growing up in the city, there's just nothing like it, man. You can't. There's nothing like New York City. I've been all over the fucking place, and I can't wait to get home. I cannot wait. As soon as I touch down JFK, I start clapping like, dominican Republic plane just landed in doctor. You know, they all fuck. I'm like, yeah, motherfucker, I'm home.
Nice. Well, it looks like you, you know, I'm saying, like, you. You belong there. Like, that makes sense, you know?
Yeah, the city boy.
Yeah. It's just like, that suits your personality. It's fun. And as someone who enjoys music and food, I mean, what a great place. How do you go wrong there? You have both things there in abundance, nonstop.
It's never ending. It's also very tiring. You saw today how we got demolished with that egyptian barbecue.
Yeah, we got hurt, right?
And imagine that was just me. They're sitting and being expected to eat all that as usual, while he was.
Stacking on the tray, I'm like, surely there's other people eating with us.
I was hoping some of the guys would have something.
Yeah. And then the sides, like, there were so many sides.
I was like, damn, you're not eating any of that stuff because you don't eat carb. Like, bro, don't even put the carbs there. Just meat. Just carnage.
So much good food. Very interesting, though. I love when people do something like that. Like, a dude is just chilling in Egypt and it says, you know what? I'm gonna move to Austin, Texas, and just make barbecue. That's what I want to do with my life.
People get enchanted, man.
They do.
They get enchanted.
They get pulled. But I love when people go for shit. I love when someone gets enchanted and says, fuck it. Let's do it. Let's just jump on. Let's see what happens.
That's how magic happens.
Yeah, it is. That's how fun life experiences happen. Sometimes you got to take a chance.
You got to show up.
Yeah. You got to do something different. Just take a chance.
Yeah, maybe. I got to leave New York. Florida. What do you think about Florida?
We got a correction.
We have to know. A remote Amazon tribe did not get addiction to porn.
Oh, man. Porn addiction is real. Can I tell you what I use porn for?
You're definitely watching porn. And the guy was complaining about porn.
Let me tell you what I use porn for.
I got taken out of context when.
I'm in the studio alone, we're on push ups.
We have to clarify this. I have to find out what. We'll get to your studio and doing push ups, but this is something that we actually talked about. So I want to find out what we were wrong about.
A guy wrote a story about his trip there, and someone took a quote he said he got from one of the people there that said that some of the boys were sharing pornography and WhatsApp. And then that took off to say that they're all addicted to porn and got republished on tons of websites. And apparently that was not accurate.
Interesting. But they do have access to the Internet, and they are scrolling in their phones constantly, and they are boys.
People are not addicted to pornography. There is no hint of this in the forest. There's no suggestion of it in the New York Times article.
Right. Here's the thing, though. Like, what does that mean?
They don't see anyone fucking whacking off in the forest.
Yeah, but what does that mean when you say addicted to pornography? Like, first of all, if you're exposed to pornography and you use pornography, like, at what point in time does someone get to decide that you're addicted? So let's just take out that word. Let's take out the word addicted, because addicted is a weird word. Work. Let's just say, do they use pornography? Are they using pornography? Is pornography now part of their culture? I would have to say 100%. If you have an Internet connection, you're a young boy, and you find out there's videos out there of people fucking, you're gonna look at them.
Ex videos.
Every kid is gonna look at them. You have a phone that gets online, they're gonna look at them. So to say that they're not addicted to pornography. Okay, okay, okay. But by my definition, sure. But also, they're using pornography for the first time ever. They used to live in the jungle with no Internet, and also, now they have porn. And to pretend that that might not have some sort of an impact on them, that's not positive. That seems a little crazy.
Like, what do they fucking think is gonna happen?
Well, maybe defining it as addicted to porn is the problem. You know, instead of saying that, maybe they should have said, kids are looking at porn for the first time ever, which is really just as stunning.
It's sensational. Yeah, it's a sensational headline.
This is what. This is what it was driven out of.
The article mentioned a complaint from one Marubo leader that some Marubo minors had shared pornography in WhatsApp group chats. This is especially concerning, he said, because Marubo culture frowns upon even kissing in public. Well, I would imagine that that would fuck with his head. If they have a culture that has, like, rigid social values, and then all of a sudden, this thing online is allowing kids to see people fuck when before they. They couldn't even see people kiss in public, and all of a sudden something's coming along and is disrupting your culture. I get it, but do you want the fucking email or not, bitch? Exactly. How are we gonna get your email? You know, come on, bro. Don't you want YouTube?
I want it all.
Or do you not want YouTube?
I want everything.
Right. So you're gonna have to get, you know, tell your kids that people fuck. All right, sorry.
And then there's videos about all kinds of fucking amazonian shit.
Imagine a. How hard ass is their culture. You can't even kiss in public. Do that shit.
So can't even hug a touch or fucking look at each other. The first porn video that we all had around eight years old, it was called brazilian blood. That was just. It was like a hard plastic case. And my boy Phil Annunziata had it at his house.
That's hilarious. Imagine being a person that experiences that, though. Imagine being a person that has lived in an indigenous tribe in the Amazon jungle forever. Your family, your family's family, everybody came from this area. You all know the ways of living there. And then out of nowhere, Elon drops in with his fucking starlink. And then you're looking at titties on. What's that be like? What the fuck is this? Like, what a mind changing experience that must be for a young kid.
Titties. I. You know what? Titties seems more normal because we used to see in tits, we all had them in our mouths, but. But hard gang bangs and fucking deep penetration.
Yeah, that.
That could be shocking.
Like I was saying before, the way I'm addicted to porn is I like to use it to work out. It's like pre workout.
You watch a little porn, you put.
Some cocksucking videos on, and you do push ups. You get in that. That feeling before, like you're gonna fucking do something, but you're not doing anything, so it gives you all the benefits without it's like edging, right?
Get a little testosterone.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, nice.
Yeah, well, I'm just. Well, I'm alone. Not when I got the fellas over.
Fucking work guys. I got a new method. Everybody stroke until it's half odd.
No, but it really works.
Well, they're gonna have AI porn in the future. Important stars gonna be out of business.
I saw they just made an AI porn of that, uh, the stallion. Megan, the stallion.
Oh, I didn't see it, but they did fake. Yeah, they're gonna be able to do that.
A lot of those. The Taylor Swift defects during the Super bowl stuff, those were interesting.
There's gonna be a lot of those coming. There's. The technology is just gonna be too powerful. But I wonder how much your. Your iPhone is gonna be able to do that, because if Apple is doing it with OpenAI, you can do some wild shit with OpenAI. Now, I've heard that you could. That you're gonna be able to say, like, make a birthday cake. Excuse me, with Jamie, you know, jumping out of it. It. And they'll be able to do that.
It's not even clear yet if, like, as you have to pay for it to use chat GPT 4.0. And then I guess, do you still have to pay once it's on out, like in an Apple operating system, or do you have, like, a.
Right, will be the subscription dumped version pay for through Apple or you get.
Like five uses a month. There's been no clarification on that. Yeah, you have to pay for all of them. Honestly, right now, none of them are. You can use technically, like, little free. Free uses. Like, you're just sort of dabbling in it.
But to do anything cool and even the coolest shit, you can't. No one really has access to all the cool video ones. No one can fuck with that stuff.
How are they putting the ones up of the dudes? Like, at the NFL? I mean, the NBA press conference? Like Anthony Edwards when he was facing the Mavericks, talking mad shit about Luca Doncic.
It's fake.
Yeah. I mean, he's talking crazy.
They'd have fake talking.
Fucking absolute crazy.
My dad even sent me one. He thought.
I thought it was real at first.
Right. But here's the thing. Like, how. How close is it to where you can't ever be able to tell. That's gonna get weird.
You could. The only way that he was speaking, there was some weirdness to the pattern, but a person could be fooled for sure. If it wasn't like that crazy talk, if it was something normal, that was just false. Yeah, 100% believable.
I think they're real close to making. I think you're gonna be able to change inflections and have it perfect, because this, what they're doing now, is so much better than what they were doing just a couple of years ago. Like, the deep fakes from a couple years ago look hilarious. Kyle Dunnigan. You ever see his stuff?
Kyle Dunnigan does these deep fakes where he does, like, Caitlyn Jenner and Donald Trump, and it looks terrible. But that's part of the funny, is that he's got these fucking squiggly things over. His face. Looks like shit. Cartoonish. It's almost like watching South Park.
I love that.
Like, South Park's funnier because it doesn't even look remotely realistic.
Like, the face. Yeah, face doesn't move, but the body moves.
Yeah, well, his. His face swaps are hilarious because they look shit. Pull up one of them just so you can see it, because they're so. It looks so fake that it, like, comforts you. It doesn't creep you out? Like, it doesn't look exactly like Caitlyn Jenner.
I did a weird, deep fake video for a song called Latin Grammys where I superimposed my face on Magnus ver. Magnussen's face, and it was, like, the 94 strongman. I was just.
Oh, what the fuck? Oh, yeah.
That's crazy.
Hey, guess what?
Caitlin's preggers, too.
Yeah, baby.
What? I remember. This was a couple years ago, right?
I remember when this came out.
Breathe. Babies can breathe in the womb.
Do you have a womb? Oh, shit.
I guess it's dead. I better go plop this thing out.
Before I get septic shock. Oh, my God. Zod.
Your lip gloss is on. Sleek. It's kylie's shut.
Isn't it nice? That's nice. That's a nice face swap.
I love shit like that.
I love a good, like, slapstick comedy, like Leslie Nielsen and fucking Nordberg and. You know what I mean?
Yeah, they don't make things like that anymore.
Like the old naked gun.
So good.
Yeah. It was in a comedy.
Oh, my God. He was fucking phenomenal in that movie. He got killed in every kind of way that you can.
I don't remember it.
Nordberg, bro, he gets, like. He's. He gets shot by the sheik, then his foot goes on fire, then he hits his head on something. It's, like, nonstop comedy.
Leslie Nielsen was one of those dudes that just could do no wrong.
What a man. He one of my favorites.
Funny fucking movies. What? Was he in one of those? Stephen King, you know. What are those? Stephen King's. Well, you know, you had that one compilation, like, a comic book. Was it tales from the crypt?
Tales from the hood?
No, that was a copy of that. That was, like, a scary tales from.
The Hood was crazy.
I think it's tales from the crypt, right? Was Leslie Nielsen in that Alfred Hitchcock thing?
But that's long time ago.
I remember seeing tales from the crypt in the movie theater. Dude, HBO shit.
I think he was in. It wasn't tells from the crypt.
He was in Dracula. Like a weird version of Dracula.
No way. He was Dracula. He was show creep show. That's what it is. Not tales from the crib. Creep show. Creepshow was a Stephen King adaptation, and he was in, it was like a bunch of cool stories. One of them was a guy had, like, a monster under his stairs and this, like, this dude, like, opened the stair and the monster ate him. It's like. Like, what? Like, what am I watching? Error. They were fun.
I love those little old school, fucking old school scary movies.
Oh, yeah, he buried Ted San up his. I think he drugged him and then buried him up to his head and left him there in the sand and the tide was gonna come and wash him away.
This was a serious movie.
No, it's a horror movie, but not funny. No, no, not funny. Kind of funny. But he wasn't being a funny guy in that movie. He's being an asshole. Was killing some dude.
And then the dude, spoiler alert. Comes, get some.
Mmm. Digs himself out. Ted Danson, something happened.
They're not specific.
Ted Danson's an underrated actor.
Also pretty good movie. I love a good, stupid scary movie movie. Just kind of dumb, but scary fun.
Like the comedies that he did.
Oh, naked gun, airplanes, the classic, of.
Course, by hard drag, there it is.
Dead and loving it.
That's a fun. But all those, like, Mel Brooks movies, history of the world, all that shit. Oh, man, I grew up on that good old jewish comedy.
Yeah, slapstick, fuck. My. My grandfather loved all that shit. Jackie Gleason in the Catskills.
Yeah. Yeah. It's, um, it's interesting when you watch, like, comedy movies now are scarce. This is not a whole lot of.
They're not that funny. There's nobody that's doing a comedy movie that makes me laugh.
Well, in order to make a really good comedy movie, you're gonna have to be insensitive.
For sure.
For sure. And people are just not willing to do that right now. And so it's a sign of a sickness of our culture, I think. I really do. It's a sign of our adaptation in a wrong way, in a negative way to social media. We're, like, inhibiting people from creating things that we all loved.
It's that bullshit. Yeah, it's fucking. It's a bullshit world where everyone feels like they're. They're so sensitive, they can't be made fun of. Growing up in my neighborhood, you needed thick skin. You know, everyone got made fun of whether you were a hot dude, hot girl, fucking jacked, skinny, fat, this, whatever. Everyone caught it.
It's also how people find out if you take yourself too seriously. Of course, there's the best way to find out if someone takes themselves seriously is to make jokes about them in front of them. In front of them, fuck with them and see if they laugh. And if they laugh, then you're gonna have a good time. But if they get super uptight, are you gonna be super sensitive about everything? Come on, man.
Like, when you even have to tell somebody that you already know, you should just fucking not hang out with that person. Get the fuck out of here, man.
Can't do you enough maybe to talk in a few years, see if you've evolved.
Tell him to fucking take some drugs. Open it.
Would you recommend something like that?
I. The thing that people seem the most open to is hitting the DMT pen.
You know, it seems like they're vaping.
Exactly. The pen makes everything better. You could fucking put anything in the pen and they'll hit official.
It's in the pen.
It's not like a cartridge free bait. Oh, not glass dick.
It's free basin as a motherfucker. It's electric free base, which is pretty next level. But I think that that's an entry level DMT pen. Hit it once or twice, feel a little buzz, you know, dim 2000, dip your toe. But if you're gonna go, you gotta go.
Yeah, you gotta go. Go. Bye bye, bye bye. That should be legal. They should be able to do that at clinically approved places where people who know how to take care of people are there, pay money to do it. Helps the economy. Everybody gets tax money. Yay. Stop turning people into babies. Stop allowing grown adults to tell you and stop being a grown adult that wants to tell another grown adult how to do something that's definitely not going to kill them. It's. It's probably safer than 99% of the things they're gonna do.
In terms of, like, alcohol, cigarettes, opiates. It's safer than all those things.
It is. And if you tell me not to do something, I'm definitely gonna do it.
It doesn't make sense. You shouldn't be telling somebody that they can't. It doesn't affect other people. It's like, you shouldn't be allowed to tell people they can't do that. That doesn't make any sense.
But I think the deems, the teams needs to stay the demes. You know? Like, anytime I've gotten the deem stirred, it's been given to me. Mmm. It's been passed along from a. From a beautiful hand, you know?
Right. Like somebody wants it.
Experience from a caring hand. It's never been like money or. It's not right. It's not anything like that. This is for experience purposes here.
Well, the thing is, that is true. That is true. That is not something that people, like, are profiting.
No, you don't sell that shit. It has to be given as medicine to you.
That's true. You know, I don't. I think you've even heard of somebody buying it, which is really odd. Right. It's something that's like. That's crazy. I mean, when you think about this now, I mean, I'm sure there's a market for it. I'll guarantee there's probably some unscrupulous people that are selling it. They probably don't even take it. There's probably a market for it.
Probably not the good stuff. You know, there's good stuff and then there's shit. But I do ways of extraction.
Yeah. A lot of people I know of it have gotten it for free. I think that we just need to understand that the people that are saying these negative things about these substances haven't experienced them. It's just. I understand why they would think what they think, but they are saying that based on a position of not having experienced it, and that just doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make. It makes sense to them because they think that they have the world defined and that everything is logical and everything has a place, and everything makes sense. Once they do that, that idea goes away. That idea goes away. But until they do that, they live in this infantile state of confidence in the nature of reality. Once you have that experience, then all of a sudden you go, okay, no one knows what the fuck is going on. This is all crazy. And we're, like, all hyper connected. And life changes forever, instantaneously, all the time, based on how you interface with it. And it's like this moving, breathing thing. It's not static. And we're all connected in some way that we don't have the senses to detect.
And you don't get it until you flood your brain with a naturally occurring neurochemical. This neurotransmitter, this. Whatever. What's the technical term for what DMT is whatever it is. That Psychedelic Compound that you have that your own brain makes. And when you get it, then, and you get it while you're sleeping, you get in your dreams, which is even nuttier. That's. That's the root of our dreams, probably. That's the number one theory, why we have these Vivid, insane, like. Like these things that seem like they're real.
When you close your eyes. When you close your eyes and you think of some shit, you could definitely drift into a place if you've had that experience before.
Yeah. Imagine if every time you sleep, your consciousness actually does go somewhere else. What if you have a whole nother life that operates in a different sort of time realm? Like, whatever 8 hours is to you while you're sleeping, it's different, but it's your consciousness. Your consciousness leaves your body, leaves the dimension, and in 8 hours of our time returns.
I mean, I've had those experiences where, man, I was forced to wake up. Like someone's chasing after me in another realm, and they got me around the neck and you wake up, bro.
I had a dream the other night of a dude chasing people down the street with a battle ax. Like an old school medieval battle ax. Some dude, we could see him. We were looking from the top window, and this guy was running down the street in front of us with a paddle ax. I'm like, I watch too much Instagram. Cause, yo, that's something you could totally see on Instagram.
100%. Every time I fucking wake up, I open it.
Do you see the dude with the machete fight?
Like, we cut his hand off, cut.
The dude's hand off. And the dude picked his hand up off the ground and carried away.
He kept going, he kept fighting, kept.
Fighting with a hand chopped off. His hand chopped off in a machete fight roll.
Machete fights it too.
That is so crazy.
If you're pulling the machete out, why you got your hand like that?
He's trying. Why keep his face from getting chopped off?
Yeah, but you're gonna block the machete like that.
He's doing anything to keep his head from getting chopped off. I mean, if it hits his neck, he's dead. And it's right there. It's an instinct. You just gotta put your hand up there.
Use the other machete right if you can.
You're correct. But sometimes when people are slicing in a slashing, there's no doubt. You gotta be real careful where you place that thing.
I've done some of that. Those weird knife fighting. Like, you get stabbed in fucking 500 different ways coming down. I'm like, man, I'll never fucking be able to block any of this shit. You're cutting your fucking death by a little fucking million paper cuts.
Knows how to do it. You're in real trouble, huh? Yeah.
It's such a beautiful thing to. To know. I want to know that. Well, not just, you know, slice and dice. Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, get in there.
The knife.
It looks cool.
Like fucking Steven Seagal.
The only weapons I learned were the useless ones, like dumb chucks. I got good at that.
I love nunchucks, man. I'll bring them backstage before the show and just fuck. Fucking can get them going.
They're still fun.
Yeah, I love. I mean, I used to carry nunchucks on me back in the day in my shorts, like, oh, yeah, ten years old. I did nunchucks outside.
Yeah, we all did. Yeah, a lot of kids had nunchucks back then.
Ninja stars.
Oh, yeah, bro.
42Nd street in Times Square, there was a karate store. Straight up karate store. And they sold bows, fucking nunchucks, staffs, all kinds of shit.
Throwing stars.
Shurikens, right?
Someone. Is that what Sha Rukhin is? I think from street Fighter Shire? Can.
I don't know if that's what he's saying. It might be a different word. But Shuriken is the name of a throwing star.
Or it's maybe a type of throwing star. Maybe there's more than one.
So the dudes that made me those hammers, those medieval hammers I swing. Yeah, they sent me two Batman stars, like the new symbol of Batman. It's like crazy insignia.
And you throw them.
I'm fucking throwing them at every cardboard box I have in the studio. My God, it's sick. I fucking broke things already.
When I was a kid, we always had throwing stars. We throw them at trees. Thought you were cool. Stick to the tree.
Fucking fun, man. Doing shit like that is fun, but it's crazy.
You could just buy those. You could basically buy a throwing knife and one that's easy to throw. You know, you can buy them anywhere. Throwing stars are easy to throw. If you're good at a frisbee, you'd be very good at that fucking throwing knife.
Or you could go to fucking Home Depot and get a saw blade replacement.
Oh, yeah. You could fuck somebody up with a.
Saw blade with the replacement, though.
I saw a movie where? Or not a movie. A video where a saw blade broke off and slammed into this house right next to where this dude was standing.
Well, like the concrete saw blades, like.
Those one that broke off and it went skittering across the street and slammed into the house right next to where this dude was standing just a second ago. Yeah. You've seen it? You seen it?
I can't. I can't look at Twitter. I can't watch this shit.
So the guy goes inside the building and then look at this blade.
Oh, no. Oh.
Watch this.
Look how crazy this is as he walks in.
Yeah, look.
Oh my God.
I mean, that is fucking bonkers, man. That thing is stuck into the wall.
That would have fucking took his legs off 100%.
Look how deep it went into the wall. That had some serious force behind it, man.
Where the fuck did that come from?
Good question. Demonstration.
Stoney quit. That's the only answer, is demons.
If demons are just causing little car accidents every now and then, just trip in your car.
Angels in the outfield. When fucking date Danny Glover. They were helping him fucking catch the ball. California angels, imagine.
Imagine angels. They don't have any time for the homeless. They're fixing baseball games. The Angels are gonna help you with a baseball game?
They don't make movies like that anymore. It's a good fucking movie.
I've been talking to a lot of people over the last few months, which is not. Maybe not a good time for the direction my life's going, but I've been talking to a lot of people over the last few months that think that aliens are angels. Angels and devils. And that's like what? When you're hearing about, like all those stories in the Bible about fallen angels and devils, like these people think that they were referring to aliens that fell from the sky. No, it's just the term. The way they're phrasing it is like fallen angel, meaning like Satan. And that there's good angels and bad angels, there's demons and angels. What these people believe, and I don't necessarily agree with it, nor do I even understand enough that I can argue against it, but they believe that all these stories are really referencing a spiritual force that's always here all the time and sometimes exists in the physical form. And it might be existing as these things that we keep looking for, like aliens and UFO's. And it might be doing that maybe even to comfort us or maybe to be more plausible, or maybe to hide the true nature of what they are so it will present as if it's from another planet.
Planet. But really what it is is some sort of interdimensional spiritual being that may or may not be evil. It might be good, it might be evil, and there might be a bunch of different kinds out there in the world, but that these stories from, like, the ancient hindu texts, and, you know, Billy Carson talks a lot about that, and a bunch of other people talk about these different stories from these ancient texts that show that have people either interacting with sky people or someone coming from the sky and interacting with them. And they think that these. A lot of these things might be talking about the same thing and that these aliens that people are encountering, there's some sort of an interdimensional being that has essentially always been here.
I'll tell you who it is. Fucking John Travolta from that movie. You ever seen that movie where he's the angel, whatever. He's a fucking angel now. He has crazy hair.
No, this is a different genre of old Michael. Michael? Yeah, when he's named Michael, bro. The hair is nuts.
Look at this. Alien aliens might be living among us, disguised as humans or in a base inside the moon, according to a new Harvard study. Yo, when this Harvard studies is saying there might be a base inside the moon, how wild are things right now? This is so crazy.
But none of this is. It's not really that, like, shocking, right? It's not that once you have. Once you have knowledge of. Of the other realm, nothing's impossible. No, nothing in this life is impossible or fucking shocking anymore.
Well, it's still shocking.
Like, space is insane. This is way less insane than what we know about space.
Space and water. The deep, the deep sea is something that's fucking as crazy as this to.
Me, as crazy and undiscovered.
It's fucking nuts. There is an end. It stops. But does it really?
I think it does. But the thing is, like, they don't know what the fuck is down there. They're always finding a bunch of new cool fish.
That Mariana trench.
Let me see what it says. The researchers have investigated so called crypto terrestrials. These could be disguising themselves as humans to fit in. May come from Earth's future or might have descended from intelligent dinosaurs. This guy's from Harvard. This guy got all the mushrooms. They're probably doing a Harvard mushroom study, and this dude just stole the stock.
Honestly, think.
Yeah, look, the study was just to.
Come up with an answer. Like, give us some fucking answer.
The study was to create an offer. Excuse me. Excuse me. The study was created to offer an alternative, unconventional explanation for UAP sightings and to hypothesize. What they might mean and the possibility that UAP may involve forms of non human intelligence that are already present in Earth's environment in some sense that exists alongside us in distinct stealth. See, that could be if it's here, but in a base. But I think that our idea about, like, a base on the moon or a base on Mars, we're basing this basing, no pun intended, this on the idea that you have to go there to get there. Like, if these things can travel from other dimensions, they probably don't need a base. Like, they probably don't have a base.
You don't need a fucking base.
I don't.
We need a base for if this.
If they are some sort of a spiritual being that's coming here from another dimension, and they're not necessarily coming here from another planet, they probably don't need your stupid base. And if they're coming here from another planet and they just instantly have arrived, like, why we think they need a base? Do they need a base to do that? Like, who wants to have a base on the moon? Fuck that. Fuck your moon. If I can go from Orion or whatever star system they're from, and Alpha Centauri or wherever the fuck they're from, I can go there to Earth instantaneously. Why do I want to stay in the moon?
It's boring on the moon. Yeah, there's nothing there, right?
If I'm gonna go to Vegas, am I gonna stop in Barstow and get a hotel room or in Reno? Yeah, the fuck out of here.
Not going to Reno.
Going straight through. Shut your mouth.
You're not a reno kind of guy.
Moon base guy.
Fuck that bullshit.
I'm here to go.
The moon is Reno.
Yeah. I'm going to Montana, and I'm gonna mutilate some cattle.
I'd like to.
Those are the weird ones, cattle mutilations. Ever see those?
What do you mean, mutilate them?
Do you know what I mean? Alien abductions and alien sightings. A lot of times in the areas where these happen. One other thing that happens in the phenomenon is cow mutilations. Like, cows that have been, like, surgically operated. It looks like they're surgically operated on, and they're drained of their blood. Like, really weird stuff where some of the organs have been removed. It looks like. With surgical precision.
Which one?
I don't know. Because the liver, it's not happened just once. It's happened multiple times. So I think it's a bunch of different ways.
Looks like it's been sucked out of it.
Look at this. Not one drop of blood. Cattle mysteriously mutilated in Oregon. It's not just one instance of this happening. This has happened.
The fucking chupacabra. That's the fucking chupacabra right there.
You know the chupacabra is right. You know, it really is.
What is it?
It's a coyote with mange.
Oh, is it?
Yeah, probably. Or a bobcat with Mange.
What the fuck is Mange?
Mange is a disease that makes animals lose their fur. Yeah, yeah. This horrible, like, cracked, fucked up skin. Because their skin is not used to be in the sun.
Protected by all that fur. Skin's all dried and cracked up. I had a friend who had a chicken coop and their chicken coop got attacked by a bobcat. They got like a security photo of it and this thing looked like a demon.
It was fucked up.
It was a bobcat with Mange. And it's like half of its fur was messing. It was like so hungry. It's breaking into the chicken coop. It looks so creepy.
That's what it is.
1970S cow mutilation mystery. When ranchers began reporting incidents of mutilated cattle, the ensuing panic fed both conspiracy theories and a growing cynicism about the government. Yeah, but it's not just the seventies. I mean, these things have happened in the two thousands.
But it looked like it was literally like floppy. There was nothing inside of that fucking carcass, just skin.
The thing is, that's not unique. There's been a bunch of them, they've found that are weird like that where they have like surgically precise cuts in them and they're missing stuff.
Are they sewn back up or left?
Look at this. The army had accidentally killed more than 4500 sheep in 1968 while testing nerve agents in Utah, then refused to acknowledge its responsibility until 1998. Those fucking cunts. They gave it a secret for 30 years. 30 years later, like, oh, yeah, you remember those sheep? Yeah, we killed them. Sorry, sorry. Testing nerve gas.
Was driving a maroon jetta in 98, most likely.
What? Jamie?
Coyotes, magpies, badgers.
Yeah. Not buying it. I've seen these people, but I know how these people think too. There's a bunch of people that they call themselves debunkers, but really what they are is true believers in one view. And this true belief is that it has to be a coyote or because aliens aren't real. But it might not even be an alien. It might be some sort of. Of government agency that's involved in some sort of an experimental weapon. I don't know what they're doing. No one's saying it's necessarily alien. Whatever is happening to the cows, though, is very weird. If you're getting all their blood removed from their body and surgical cuts and then their tissue isn't eaten by animals. It's not like if they were chewed up and something looked real precise, but the rest of it looked all fucked up. No, these animals are drained of their blood with no blood on the ground. And it doesn't make any sense. No, forget about the alien thing. Let's pretend that's not even a real thing, that no one believes in aliens. So tell me what the fuck happened to that cow? Because that doesn't make sense that that's happening from a coyote.
It doesn't look like it. Doesn't seem like it.
No animal did that.
Doesn't look like an animal did it do.
And are there any animals that kill with precision besides a tiger and shit like that, with the bites, but no one opens you up?
No, that's. One animal does. Humans.
And so I would imagine if you would. If you looked at something like that, we said, who could be doing something like that? Well, we could do it. It's not like it's like building a pyramid. We could. We could kill a cow and do that if we want to. You have enough people, have enough equipment. Why. So why would someone do that? Like, what are they doing? What if I wanted to practice on some fucking weapon that I could just send out? Say, go get me a person's liver. And you just, like, this thing, like, hunts you down and tackles you and hangs on to you and cuts you open and snatches out your liver and then sucks all your blood into a vacuum tube, seals it up and then drops you and crumples. That's what that cow looks like. Like, I would imagine before, I would think aliens are killing cows for no reason. I would imagine that it's probably some wacky human weapon, that they could do some wild shit. And how do you test it on mammals? Well, go get a cow. They're all wandering around. They get killed by coyotes. Blame it on wolverines.
That's right.
Blame it on everything else. Like, just go unleash this weapon.
Those fucking flying pods Terrence Howard was talking about.
Imagine one of those with, like, razor blades everywhere.
That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Just fucking tearing you the fuck up. And then the arm comes in.
And then he fucking closes you up.
Sutures, I would imagine. Look, they try to come up with so many weapons, you don't think they would have a weapon that would, like, disembowel you and draw your blood out. Of course they would. They had a. They were trying to come up with a gay bomb.
What the fuck?
Yes. The government had spent millions of dollars trying to develop a gay bomb. And the way the game. I don't know about millions of dollars, we might have to double check that. But what the gay bomb would do is they would drop it over a city and turn everyone gay. And guys just start banging each other and they just get demoralized. They didn't want to fight anymore.
That's some fucking. That's some crazy warfare. That's not fair.
How. How sick do you have to be to be working for the United States government? So you're working for the people. You're supposed to be a patriot, and you're sitting there thinking, how do we, how do we get these people in a humane way? Like, we don't want to kill the entire population, but how do we stop them from fighting, bro? Make them a bunch of queers.
Did you ever see that Sasha Baron Cohen show?
Which one?
With, about America, where he's Iran Marad, the fucking israeli fucking special forces, and he's holding up the pork at the muslim terrorists and fucking going backwards with his ass. Yo, some of the crazy shit you'll ever see in your life. These are tactics that are. Can you please look that up?
Hold on a second, for God's sake. The us military confirms that an Ohio air force laboratory requested $7.5 million to develop a non lethal gay bomb. The weapon would release hormones through the skin or lungs to make enemy soldiers sexually attracted to each other, distracting them from fighting.
Come on.
The project was also known as the Make Love, not War Initiative.
Who in the fuck who. Who set this up? I don't know who set this initiative up?
BMJ authors. They won a prize. What did they win a prize for? For trying to come up with the gay bomb. How do they win a prize?
As it's been scrapped.
Oh, it's scrapped now? Yeah, because people found out about it. Imagine you got $7.5 million.
That's what you.
That's what you want to do? What do you guys want to try to make? Let's try to make a gay bomb. Like, how this. How would you find out it would work?
You would have to get sick, motherfuckers.
You would have to get a volunteer that didn't know you were trying to turn them gay. Because if you're gonna find out, if it really works. You can't, like, tell a guy, hey, we're gonna give you this stuff. Tell me if you feel gay. And he's like, God damn, I feel gay. And then he probably might be gay for real and just blames it on the drug.
There it is.
But really, he's just gay, and he's just scared to say it. He's like, you drugged me. No, I'm gay, God damn it.
I can't tell you to wrap my head around this.
You have to not tell him that you're doing it to him.
Sounds like it's fake, bro. The gay bomb sounds so crazy.
I want you to imagine that you're a college student and you're broke and, you know. Medical experiment. Yeah, I'll try that.
Yeah, for sure.
And they dose you up with a gay bomb.
Hopefully. They hit me with that fucking. What's the other. What's the ozempic? What's the fake one? In vitro or in, when they give you the fake shit.
Oh, yeah, the placebo.
I want that.
Yeah. Yeah. You'd have to. You'd have to take a risk. 50.
50. 50 heads that are on Ozempic, they don't look good, man. It doesn't seem like it looks like that cow.
I don't think you should.
They've had all their blood drained of them, and they're just a bag of meat. That's what they look like to me.
And then they have these big faces and skinny body. Cause their face and shoulders get small, but they're.
Your head grows when you get big. Yeah.
Look like fucking Stewie.
This came from an article in zero seven where it talks about some other wild spending ideas they had.
The gay bomb is crazy.
Boston University developed brain implants that could steer shark like dog food fish with a phantom odor. Wow. This is all sci-Fi well, I mean, I imagine dogfish. The military says. The military has a lot of crazy ideas, but it's hard to turn these things into these ideas into action. Right. But if you would, you know, if the military is open minded, that's a good thing.
Look at that. Next.
Consider everything.
What fucking taxpayer. $50,000 per second.
This is why I gotta get the hell out of New York. Cause they using my money for this fucking shit.
Look at this. That is the craziest thing I've ever read. In her book, Imaginary Weapons, military expert Sharon Weinberger writes that the federal government is spending taxpayer money on the war technology at a pace of about $50,000 per second.
That just made me angry for some reason. Like I give a shit.
But it made me spend $50,000 a second on war technology.
Look at that.
78 billion on weird shit.
Wow. Half of all government research and development dollars on a variety of projects according to the American association for Advancement of Science.
I definitely have some ideas for some weird weapons.
That was like 15 years ago. That's crazy.
Oh, my God.
Take the bottom of a Timberland boot. You wrap duct tape around the footbed and you just fucking hit someone with the heel. It's a good one.
That's not good against drones. Throw it once they release the drone.
Yeah, draw. See, I'm not good. Once again, I told him not good at the computer. Anything with computers. I like driving a stick shift. I like cars with fucking AM FM.
Radio, right, I hear you. I haven't listened to AM radio in.
Forever, but 660, man. Is that Wfan shit I was telling you about?
When I get in a dude's car and he's got Am radio on, I just get suspicious. He might be a prepper. It feels like am political talk radio. You might be a prepper.
The AM political talk is no good. But if you listen to the Knicks game on, like. Yeah, yeah.
Oh, that's good. Yeah, no, that's good. If you can't be at the game or you can't be watching, you're working, you could hear it. That's the thing that like that sport has, that other sports have lost, right? Like boxing used to have that.
Can I tell you what I'd like in UFC?
I would like to hear your guys commentary in little headphones, in like a little transistor to fucking.
They used to have that.
I really think that would make a big difference. I sit there for 7 hours every. Every time I go and you know.
I wonder if you.
I would love to hear what you guys are saying cuz it really does help.
I wonder if you could do this like, you know, because the fact that if you're. If you let it, that the audio just play on an app, then people are just. There's a bunch of people that might buy the pay per view, but they won't buy the pay per view. Just listen to the audio on that.
Just in arena.
But what I was gonna say. But if you geo locate it, right, turn on your location services and improves your inside T Mobile arena, then you can put your earbuds in and you can listen to the commentary.
That's what I want.
Because that way you could find out, like what the corner man said to him, if someone's foot, saying, there's all.
Kinds of things that you hear about later, he broke his hand or broke his foot. We have no idea.
Right. When you're live, sometimes it's chaos. I mean, sometimes it's chaos for us. We're like, what happened? And it takes like a second. And maybe we, you know, if someone's back is to you and you're watching the fight, and all sudden their head flies back, you don't even know what hit him.
No, but you do bring the information once you gather it, and then we're sitting there, you know, the fight will be over. And like, you're like, yo, did you hear that he broke his hand or did you hear this?
Right? You got to find out live, which.
Was recent, like online, someone broke their foot or their hand in the fight, and they just. We didn't find out till after I was there. I can't remember who, though.
Yeah, the UFC should probably do something like that.
I would be cool.
They just turn it on if you're in the location because they can do shit like that now. You'd have to, like, let the government spy on your phone.
Whatever. If I get to listen to the fucking. They could have that one.
If I get to listen to that. If I get to listen to the commentary, I'm fine.
Yeah, I've gone live before and I missed the commentary, too. It just seems kind of empty. It seems weird. It's like so weird. Like, I'm so used to watching fights while talking. Like, I've seen more fights while talking probably, than I have without talking. Just nuts. That's a nutty thing that I don't think it might not be. It's probably like 50 50 at this point, cuz I watch so many fights. Yeah, I watch a bunch of different organizations too, bro. There's killers all over the world now.
I was watching some dudes fighting this octagon event.
They do have it on Sirius now. Oh, that's have serious running inside. Like, if you had your Airpods, right?
If you have serious app.
If you have the app. Because Sirius is basically like a podcast network too now. I mean, it's also satellite radio, but they have the app, right? Yeah. Can you watch Howard Stern live on the app?
Yeah, I just want.
It would be the only pay per view cards.
Oh, no.
Main paper fight nights and preliminary fights. That's fine. But I would like the main.
During the paper, you know, gotta be during.
I would imagine they'd make some sort of situation where you could pay for that as well, where you get the extended version.
Yeah. And if they just did that, like, for people that are at work or something like that, we can't see it.
I love listening to fights also.
Yeah, I used to look like.
Oh, that's right. That's what they used to look like.
I can't tell when the last time stopped, though.
Is that a watch?
It's like a walkie talkie type thing.
It's a little thing. And you plug in some headphones into it and you listen to the commentary.
There it is. Let's do it.
I'll ask Dana.
Tell him, please fuck happen. We need that.
Yeah, I'll ask Dana. What the fuck happened? They were dope. That was a cool thing. Be able to listen to the fights, but then you have all these batteries and radios and so fucked up, you wanted to go through an app. That's true. You don't want to be, but I.
Do want to be driving. If I, you know, like I do with Yankee games or with any games and listen to the fights when I want. I have it on ESPN plus plugged into the car. I'm not watching, but I'm listening. That's one way to do it. But the fucking. It's shaky sometimes, right. The stream sucks.
You can't, you know, I don't want to miss anything.
Depends on where your services. Right. If you get some good.
I got. I got fucking.
What do you got?
I still have sprint. I'm loyal, bro. 25 years.
That's hilarious.
Oh, man, this fucking guy had me going crazy today, man.
Yeah, dude, we put in some work, bro. We did.
My lord. Lord. The workout was dope, but the sauna really took it out of me.
I've never been baked before.
Yeah, I was.
I was slow roasted today.
You should get one of those.
I will.
Yeah. It's good for you in that cold.
I feel like I could do again tomorrow, maybe get more than 55 seconds.
Yeah, right. That's what I did the first time I did. I did, like a minute and 20 something seconds, and then I did, like, four minutes, and then I did 20 minutes just because I wanted to see what I could do.
The sauna special, though, the sauna's hard.
Man, especially that temperature. You don't have to do that temperature, though. You could do this.
I was an extreme 10th.
Yeah, yeah, 190 is pretty extreme. Most people don't like 190.
She was burning my naturals.
Most people like. Most people like it around.
I was like, is this okay?
When you feel like that hot air coming in, and your body's like, what are you doing? Um, most people, like, I think, like, 100 and 7175. That's, like. That's a zone where it's, like, uncomfortable but not crazy. But I got too used to that. I just got comfortable, and then I'm like, I want to be a little bit more uncomfortable. And I kept going until I settled around 195, 196.
So today I did your fucking.
Where you're at.
Yeah, we did it for ten minutes.
Yeah, we listen.
Where it gets hard.
Ten minutes.
It's not bad at all.
No, no. I thought I was gonna be able to do it.
There's no big deal. And then ten minutes in, you're like, oh, boy, this is a real problem.
And you gave me that fucking thing, and I threw up today.
Lucy, those are big boy nicotine.
Nicotine pouch was, like, this big.
It's got. Yeah, it's eight milligrams, bro. Yeah.
Let me tell you something.
You want one, son?
I lost myself today. I lost myself.
They don't give me the hiccups. I always get the hiccups with zins. I've never gotten the hiccups with these Lucy's.
I've only tried it once, though.
I only get hiccups if I eat rice without water.
Oh, that'll do it, right? Yeah, take a spoonful of flour.
No more carbs for me. Also, after today, I'm done. Fuck this. Watch.
Come on. You can do it.
Oh, bro, I gotta get on a flight now.
Yeah, what time do. Yeah, yeah, you do. You really gotta go. All right, let's wrap this up. Listen, dude, you're awesome. I always love hanging out with you, the fucking man. You're so much fun. We had a great time today.
It was. It was a real fun time. And shout out to my man's barbecue, cuz. God damn, was that good. Kg barbecue.
Kg barbecue. Young, egyptian, incredible.
So delicious and so unique. Like, the flavors, the way he uses the. The. His special, like, take on all these different things with different spices and. Insane. Very good. And he's got an Instagram, so. What is his Instagram? KGBQ.
He's killing it.
Got a lot of great food. Dude, you're the fucking man. Catch a flight. I love you.
Appreciate you. You're the best.
Bye, everybody.