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Welcome to Season three, Episode thirty five of the Jordan v. Peterson podcast, I'm McCaleb Peterson, Jordan's daughter. This is an interview podcast filmed recently November twenty twenty with Wim Hof. The video version of the podcast is available on my YouTube channel at McCaleb Pieterson videos. Or you can just type in Wim Hof, Jordan Peterson and that'll bring you right to the episode. Had him off on my podcast and dad cohosting. But like usual, as in one other episode, I let him do most of the talking.


So we're putting it up on both podcasts. I think this will be the format from now on for interview podcasts that are from my podcast. They'll all be available here and in video version on my YouTube channel. Wim Hof is absolutely incredible. He's also known as The Iceman. But I'll leave his intro that Dad does in the actual episode. Heads up, Dad mentions in the episode that he hasn't been feeling well, and I'm happy to tell you that he's feeling much better since this was filmed.


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All right. Hi, everybody. I'm Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, and I'm McKayla Peterson, and we have the great privilege today of speaking with. Who must be one of the world's most remarkable men, someone whose work I've followed for years in astonishment, I would say he he doesn't seem real.


And if you meet him, we've only met him briefly.


He also doesn't seem real then as well.


He's he's performed many remarkable feats that I would say would have been regarded as impossible before he did them. And so we're going to talk to him today about what those feats are and how he thinks he manages it.


So you want to take it away, McKeyla? Sure.


So you you have your method, your Wim Hof breathing method. You talk a lot about cold therapy and meditation, and you've done things like injected had in endotoxin, injected into you and you haven't had a noticeable immune response.


So could we maybe start with. How did you get started with, say, the cold therapy that you teach and what and what have you done? I mean, give the give the viewers and listeners some sense of your of your accomplishments. That way they can put your method into context by knowing what it's allowed you to do.


I know you've run marathons in the Arctic and swam swam under the Arctic ice. And but I'd like to let you discuss that.


Yes. For a long time, I was a seeker. But any seeker becomes a finder. I became a finder of a way where I could feel Connacht.


Deeper, I was looking through philosophies and debating into what it is to feel deeper, to have a deeper understanding of myself. And that deeper understanding that came not through debating and philosophizing, but that it came like in a moment, in an instant by going off. I was attracted to go into cold water. I was not sure why. It was a gut feeling. A secret became a find out that I went to the cold order and instantly that brought me in a deeper physiological depth of myself.


And it was like, this is it feeling. OK, so first of all, how old were you when that happened? And second, do you have any sense of what attracted you to the cold water?


This is a gut feeling. A gut feeling. Got me to the cold water after debating for years and philosophizing and trying out all kinds of stuff. Then at a certain moment, the gut takes over. It's there and your gut tells what to do. But we mostly follow the thoughts and what we think of things. Instead of following what we feel deeply inside, we get disconnected. They're from alienated. They are from. But I followed that gut feeling.


I went in and that is is forty four years ago.


And since then I every day went into the cold in all the winters, you know, in Minneapolis and updated us.


It's also cold in the wintertime. I went every day outside swimming or walking through the snow barefoot. Sometimes I even could stay a whole night in shorts outside in freezing temperatures just because I wanted to discover something that was not knowing, that was crazy according to the people and all that. I took it on because I felt so good and nobody can say, hey, if you love somebody, they can say it's not good for you. That person, you go.


So I went regardless of what they said. And that was for at least twenty five years until I met radio and television and then boom, I went all over the world because apparently I had gone where nobody had gone before.


That gut feeling let me into the depth of the physiology and now we chose, now it chose after meeting the scientists and doing first twenty six world records and so many more challenges outside in hostile temperature environments like Beyond the Polar Circle, run a full marathon in your shorts or swim record distances under the ice.


Just breath hold in shorts, go Kilimanjaro. Also bare chested in record time. Go climbed Mount Everest to the death zone. In short, all I mean better.


That's the naked truth of our body. What do we do when we go to Mount Everest? We have oxygen, we have clothes, 10 layers. That's not a challenge. If you want to challenge something in your body which is connected to your brain, the neurology of the body, the vascular system, it's in the brain. There is the steering wheel. If you want to change the mind and the perception and the consciousness, you've got to expose yourself to the hardships of nature and learn to control fear.


Go past to get a control 100 percent of the brain's capacity, because we show this now in the best of brain scans of the world, hand over one of the two best brain scans of the world. We showed through these breathing techniques driven from going into the cold. Forty four years fieldwork I did breathing.


What do you do when you go into the cold? You come alive in the depth, you nourish yourself with oxygen, with life force, and you learn how to do that. And then deeper mechanisms, they become connected to your wills. Neurology. Last study I did, I showed. But in a brain scan, having cold water coming up on my skin just by my thought I could make the skin temperature not going down. That is a deep connection with the stress mechanisms in our brain.


We live in comfort zone behavior all the time everywhere in the world. And then we ask why we have uncontrollable inflammation going on and we can't do anything because we never connected with the deep physiology. Nature does not want you to be sick or depressed because this is outside the functionality of nature in nature. You should be happy, strong and healthy because you've got to be alert for the danger. There is no time to be depressed. There is no time to be in disease because you're going to be eaten.


You're going to die because of the environmental stress factors. And all this is the way our physiology works. And we alienated from that because we think we are without extension tools, that we control nature. We do not even control our happiness, strength and health. We go to the moon. Well, here on the earth, we have all the stress. We got worse. We got pollution. We don't know what we do because we lost the connection with who we are in the depth.


And this is what I have been doing up till now. I have pledged myself when I was 12 years, I'm going to do something about this and what I don't know, but I'm going to do something about this because I think war, pollution, abuse and exploitation, exploitation, all these things, the absence of happiness, there's so much regulation, tension, stress, abuse over with power and money that is sick. And I'm going to do something about how I did not know, but a 12 year old can be very strong.


It starts somewhere and it builds up neurologically, I invested it's called belief, but now and now it appears to be that we found and I'm a drop out of school, I'm no doctor. I teach doctors and I teach professors. I work with the best of them, like right now and right now. The last conversation I had with Dr. Keppen Tracy, it was on the board for the jury. Four Nobel Prize winners are medical in the medical area.


He tested me in 2007 and he saw me influencing deeply into the vagus nerve and the vagus nerve that is considered to be autonomous outside of our will. If you are able to control or influence deeply into the vagus nerve, you are able to bring down inflammation, which is cause and effect of disease. We found the answers in nature.


Can you describe in any way that would be comprehensible to someone who didn't know how to do it, how you manage such things as control over the vagus nerve?


Yes, the vagus nerve and the autonomic nervous system, the immune system and the endocrine system, all those were thought to be out of our wilful control.


And 2014, I showed as the first one in medical science to be able to be injected and then have no symptoms. With the E. coli bacteria, which can be lethal, is a strong bacteria, and it causes the cytokine storm, cytokine storm is an inflammatory markers going berserk within our body because it doesn't know what's happening and everything is in our lab and it can damage our system. That's a side to good story. That's covid as well, right?


That's the damaging fact of Kovik. And we could not do anything against that. And then they tested me and I showed as the first one to be injected and have no effects.


And so what did you do after you were injected to two to stop?


Two things. I did two things. First of all, I used my mind. And I just explained what the mind is capable of, if it is connected to the stress mechanisms our will to control, then you can give a neuro signal to the neurology of the rest of the body to do whatever is necessary to to neutralize physical impact of any kind. That is that is the real connection we possibly all have, but I did that then I used my will and I used breathing.


And this breathing technique, apparently, it's an amazing technique which is not going nowhere because I found it out by going into cold water in cold water. You are directly exposed to deep stress, freezing water, deep stress on your body. What do you do?


You don't think you do. You learn to regulate biochemistry by deep breathing.


You jump into cold water. Yeah. And then you breathe automatically, like like you demonstrated.


And then you've you've played with that breathing and learned what I learned that through deep breathing, I was able to prolong my stay into a cold water like tenfold. How long did it take you, how many months or years did it take you to develop? Only a couple of months. A couple of a couple of months. And I could stay. I also did my breathing exercises and I could stay for five to seven minutes.


Breath hold. That's another thing. It's not sports, it's just our capacity is much more than we normally use.


Right, right.


In our making that you're making the case that if we expose our still ourselves to relatively extreme stressors, that we become more integrated psychophysiological.


Yes. OK, so you went into cold water and then you practiced staying in there longer and longer and you did that and you found that if you were able to what to voluntarily would you say cooperate with that deep breathing that that enabled you to stay in longer and longer?


Yes. Like 10. And and what I play was this ice water playing. And it was this gut instinct that drove you to us to experiment with this. It must have been extremely difficult.


That was surprisingly not there. No difficulty whatsoever. I was ready actually to go in. I had debated so much. It's like, wow, get the fuck to shut up. I want to I want to do something. You know, it's a moment like your water. You are over with this, minding about it all you want to feel. And so when I went into the water, I felt great.


I'm having all sorts of trouble regulating my physiology for a variety of reasons. I'm very ill. And I'm very interested in your accounts of psychophysiological integration in our community. It's it's it's damaged.


It's damaged from medication like neurological. And I can't stop myself from moving. I am right now. It's willpower that's stopping it. But I have to move all the time uncontrollably.


So do this breathing technique because it works deeply on a reset of the neurology.


Can you show? I will show you. OK, I first explain. OK, the working principle of this breathing technique is that we alkalis the body. Do we bring up the P.H. level so much like we spike it to eight where it normally has to be three seven point three, seven point four. Mostly we are below. We bring it to seven point eight eight. Right. And that's a logarithmic scale. Yes. And that that that is not good.


But it only spikes. It's only spikes. And that activates the adrenal axis deeply. They found out that the adrenal axis is spiked because of the P.H. Spike. We give it to the body. You will experience it in this podcast and we'll show you. But what can I can I do it along with you? Yes. Yes, of course. You kill. Yeah. You guys want to do it? Yes, yes, yes. Tell me how you feel afterwards.


OK, we just do one round. I recommend you do it, Jordan. You do it whenever you feel anxiety or deep neurological deficiency or whatever. Yeah.


OK, well that means I should be doing it about two or three hundred times a day, I would say.


I think if you do this then it's like staying away along a longer and longer time. But let's do it, OK? OK, here we are, relaxed. Take a deep breath all in and let it go. All in. Natig. I will take the telephone. Then see how long you got to stay first around 90 seconds, one 1/2 minutes after the exhalation, without air, without air in the lungs and for 90 seconds, no force that is deeply into the neurology.


You will see. Just follow me and I will show you here on the timer that you do so. And I will talk to you and say what is happening because you feel it. OK? All right. There we go. This, by the way, this technique with this, we've changed fundamentally medical sides of our perspective of what we can do within our physiological depth against bacteria, viruses, depression, neurological diseases, etc.. But now you will experience so.


I will show that on the camera, camarade the numbers, OK? I don't know if I can do that. There we go.


So now you got it fully in Latigo woollier.


Natig. William. Let it go, keep on going, the mind goes with the breath. Don't mind about nothing else but your breath.


The mind is a big player, so let it be with a breath.


Hoolihan, Latigo, Wholy and Latigo. Boolean. Latigo. Ubongo, Poona. Latigo become Light-Headed, go on Bulliet. Let it go 18 times more wounded. Let it go, Fuli. Letting go 16 more Luliang. Fuleihan. Let go 30 second Light-Headed Luminita body, don't mind, just go, it takes just a couple of minutes what we do to arrive at the deep impact on our physiology deeper than science was thought possible.


It's all here that after the feeling goes, feeling is understanding.


We can talk. Eight more, just go to work, workout that back, Juliet Angle, really, and I think of six more wounded riding in.


Think of in. Tuomo million, letting the. Boolean Ledingham, now comes the last one fully let it go and stop after the acceleration.


Close your mouth. No smuggling, just witness. There is no need for breeding. The carbon dioxide has been blown off, P.H. level is really high. There is no trigger to breathe. Only the brain kouta reflex, but don't just be Interpeace, it's the parasympathetic nervous system. The peace, no need for breathing, just witness. You are deep into the physiology of your being. The way nature meant it to be, because you are right now in deep, deep stress, but you are tranquil, it's a paradox.


We are really deep into our physiology right now, no false. And you changed your biochemistry. And now the adrenal axis is shooting out. Through all the body resets the body. Any defect is being neutralized. Getting rid of. Ten seconds more. Six. Three to one fully is fully in and who are all squeezed, the three ahat.


Three to one, let it go. There we are. God, I hated that. Yeah, sure, but this is the way you know what you hate more, this neurological defect. Yes. And this is the way through deep stress activated consciously while being OK, because it's maybe altered because of the stress of the podcast.


And so down here, did we hold our breath for 90 seconds? You could, yes, for 90 seconds. You guys did 90 seconds. It it's all here.


I probably did eighty five seconds and took a tiny little breath. Yeah.


That's what happened to me too was that this is the number one. Right. Number two, we would go two minutes round number three, two and a half number for three minutes of holding exhale in the lungs. Yes. You you got to do this. Then you will see. How do you feel? Well, I'm not wandering around the room uncontrollably moving and screaming, so, you know, that's better than three or four hours of my day.


I'm still able to stay calm and sit here and talk to you exactly, that's an accomplishment. Now you've got to go even deeper. So in four rounds, you will be able to reach after exhalation. That is, I understand the principle after escalation means there is no air anymore in the lungs. And do you feel completely. Yeah, almost completely.


Like I found I found if you if you exhale all the way and then you kind of bring your stomach up underneath your ribs. Yes, that helps. I got taught that earlier this year.


It kind of helps to prove the above dabbling in yoga. That is the contraction, Dianabol, that it's all you know, it's old knowledge, but this is all new and that it is true. Science makes it trustworthy. It's data. It shows that we are activating the immune system through this deep stress. The adrenal axis suddenly spikes while you are in control. How many breaths did you have us take, about thirty, thirty, thirty breaths and then a minute and then and so with your with your your advice is to do the 30 breaths and the 90 minutes of breath holding 90 seconds, 90 seconds of breath holding.




Around death. And what I advise is this go without force. So whenever you really feel the urge to breathe again, do it, take him in. But I tell you, in four rounds, you should be able if you just relax on that beautiful, very nice couch, by the way. Thank you. So I like the golden and the green. Yes. Well, she spent a lot of time picking this out. You just had it delivered, didn't you?


Yeah, I bought it off a very elderly lady, but I love it.


It's it's so. And I love it. It's a nice guy and I love it. Not bad. That's that's nice. So if you lie on the couch or at home on the bed, you are even more relaxed than the tissue is able to open up more and receive even more oxygen than the levels that go even way up more. And then it's easier to not breathe. What happens when you not breathe and you P.H. level to actually OK. They are great and there is no oxygen.


Suddenly the oxygen drops dramatically. Nobody understands. And the hospital, because they saw this for the first time, that is where normal people die. We go even lower. In doing just what we just did, yes, if you do three minutes, you go lower than people who are dying and three minutes old, three minutes of breath holding.


Yes, exhale after the acceleration. That means that the oxygen after one and a half minute, the oxygen drops dramatically. And that means that in the brainstem, the survival brain, the survival triggers, they come up with the adrenal axis, hypothalamus, epiphysis, pituitary gland, the adrenal glands womb, and then anything that should not be in the body. It's gotten rid of oh, it's like a fixed wing. Yeah, yeah, and one of the thing is the immune system, the immune system, white cells, the stem cells are activated.


The red cells, the lymphocytes of neutrophils, that tells the B cells they are all activated. Because it wants to survive, it wants to get rid of what should not be debt, what is blocking, right. So you're actually most functionality, right?


You're actually indicating to your body. That something. That something wrong has happened. Now you come in is even a different thing, is the neuro signal of your own will your intention will count at that moment? It will execute what you have neuro signaling a demand it to your body. That is the new science. I showed it in Detroit. You've got to look it up as a doctor. You can look into the paper. It's called brain over body psychology, over physiology.


It's new, they say. And that's that's why it was interesting to to to also talk to you. Father, thank you very much for having me on your podcast. Thank you. But the thing is that the psychiatrist who tested me, they saw me activating robustly area of the brain, sort of impossible by humans, which is the Patti aquaduct feel great stress that's involved in pain and cannabinoids that they're opioids and the cannabinoids, the endocannabinoid system.


There's opioid crisis in the world. We found a way how to willfully activate that area, that huge consequences. Another thing those professors they said we found this is the way they stated in a publication. We now have the compelling evidence of the key, the key components of the autonomous processes in the brain related to mood regulation. So we have anxiety, depression, psychosis, then something is not working well, how to bring back the violence, this one does it.


They say this is a transformational technique that will change mental health care. It's only a matter of time. And sorry that it is so easy. That is so simple. Well, it's I didn't find it that simple to do, and it wasn't simple for you to discover. That is true, took me forty for a forty years. Could you tell us a little bit more about the relationship between this breathing technique and the cold therapy that you're using?


Yes, the cold therapy trains the cardiovascular system killer number one in society. What is it? Cardiovascular related diseases? Why? Because we were close all the time.


We are never exposed to the elements of nature, to cold, to eat, to pressure. It's always neutral, neutral. It's like a muscle. And you don't train it. It's there. But it is this. That is our vascular system, our vascular system is a hundred thousand kilometers long. Inside every body and the thermal receptors and the electrode receptors, they end up in our biggest organ of ours, which is the skin. We always got it covered.


Logically, we have a cardiovascular related epidemic pandemic going on for hundreds of years already. And now I say cold shower a day keeps the doctor away. OK, so how cold and how long that it begins with 30 seconds. First I explain. Well, you know what happens when you go into a cold shower? You activate, you stimulate deeply the thermal receptors and the anti pambo receptor receptor, thermo receptors, electoral receptors, which is the neurology all connected to this game.


They in turn, they affect the vascular system, the cardiovascular system. Millions of little muscles suddenly are stimulated. They begin to optimize that the blood flow goes a lot better through the system, that is number one, that reaches a lot better ourselves with oxygen, nutrients and vitamins. That's why a cold shower gives you energy. Then the second thing, if you regularly you begin with 30 seconds, then you do forty five seconds, one minute, one minute and a quarter, etc.


You go up to two and a half minutes a day. Why, because that is the vascular fitness exercise, the best then cardiovascular related diseases, and that is also inflammation into the heart, inflammation into our neurology is good by.


How simple what happens that the heart rate, when all these little millions of little primitive muscles into hundreds of thousands of blood vessels inside are activated, optimized, then the heart rate suddenly doesn't need to compensate for the loss of the vascular condition. And then the heart rate will go down with 20 to 30 beats a minute, 24 hours a day. You see what kind of stress that would be. If you have a weak vascular system in toe, then it takes maybe years, maybe 10 years, maybe 20, but it will take its toll because the heart rate when it goes up.


It triggers directly the liver to release cortisol and glucose, it's like you are in fight or flight because the function of an accelerated heart rate is to pump glucose and adrenaline through our system, the fast as possible. Yeah, but now there is a constant danger signal going on because of our weight. That's why cardiovascular related diseases arteriosclerosis is logical, because the blood flow is not helped with these millions of little muscles who are weakened, they are not stimulated, and that the heart rate needs to pump 20 to 30 a minute, 24 hours a day, day in, day out day, and it will take a toll sooner or later.


So the people, they got a wake up call shower. The best thing you can do for yourself is a cold shower, how? Just a cold. Take a turn them to cold. That is creating discrimination. You start with 30 seconds, yes, it begins with 30 seconds because I say don't force. And maybe 90 percent of the people go, wow, you guys, you will go, well, young woman goes, well, no problem.


Hey, if you have a condition and then it is because of one of you out of the system, there is a defect going on.


It will boost at that moment the system and it will go through a good jolt.


So that's why I say safety first, 30 seconds to begin with. But within 10 days, everybody is able to do the same to go to two and a half minutes. No problem. Within 10 days, within 10 days, your cardiovascular system is improved so much the way nature meant it to be. And that way nature mattered to me is that the skin is we have skin, we have electro receptors and thermal receptors and pain receptors all go into the skin to give us the information of what is going out in life.


What would you would you really do the job?


Would you recommend doing this in the morning or or in the afternoon or the evening whenever you take the shower?


OK, you take him nice and warm, etc., it's all nice, but then to also take the coat or it's the back they what they saw with a cold water, we just recently have done a new study on that. And it really improves within 10 days. The cardiovascular system, which is directly related to the neurology, by the way, neurologic, the opening and closing of Aldo's, the activating of those muscles to open and close all the veins, arteries and capillaries.


I mean, a hundred thousand kilometers is done by the neurology, the nervous system. So if any defect is there in the nervous system, you will get to it through a cold shower increasing.


That may not last last practical question. Maybe, maybe the last one. Well, so the cold shower is 30 seconds. And you can you can also use a warm shower afterwards if you want. Yes.


Warm before and before long. You should end with the cold shower. Yes. And that after 10 days you like to begin with cold, which is better. Why? Because then your mind comes into play because you know, you are going into the cold. Then you connect with the stress mechanisms inside yourself. You become stronger when you know you are facing danger. When you face when you go to face a a a force, you set your mind to it.


And that is what we lost in our society. It's always comfort, comfort, comfort, comfort, know, seek discomfort. That discomfort becomes power. That's the point where you are learning and you get new power. You you go past the conditioning and it's amazing what the cold can teach us. This should be known by the whole world because now let me tell you this, because besides with psychiatry and working with the top researchers on the DNA right now, next month, we have the results because they see this as emesis or exercising that is acute, exposing yourself to stress.


Yeah, just for a soltero voluntarily part of the hero's term.


And if it works like a bloody vaccine, but then one without side effects only the good thing, it optimizes our bodies directly, nature's God at all. So that that is the cold. And they are doing the study right now on the DNA and depression, the best top researchers in America on the DNA. They are doing this in San Francisco. You see ASAT Professor Elissa Epel, find her. You Strachwitz found a new way. If you stress yourself, you can change how DNA creates proteins.




In this case and in this case, the cold shock and each are proteins. Not only it goes even deeper, the telomeres are at work. The gene expression, the transcription factors, it's all at all is a big breakthrough, a new new mapping as has begun.


And they are going to investigate more. And now comes the next study is with Professor Kevin Tracy in New York. And I will do this study with a Harvard professor, Stanford professor and the biggest health provider and researcher of New York. They already tested me the beginning of the discussion on the podcast. I said something about the vagus nerve which was out control. I already showed that in two thousand seven, but then we didn't continue. I continued that with the Radboud University in the Netherlands.


And then we fundamentally changed science by showing that the tournament, nervous system, endocrine system and immune system all can deeply be influenced at will by the human in a comparative study. This was unknown in medical science. It changed the perspective of what we can do against inflammation, which in the end is the cause and effect of, say, depression to cancer to anything. So I am now sorry that I got to finish this, I am now with the latest study with Dr.


Kevin Tracy. Again, the professor did the Nobel Prize Duryea a man, and he is a great authority. We're going to do this with a couple of more professors of great universities to beat that. What makes covid-19 a laugh and joke that inflammation kills 60 to 70 million people only in the West already? And we found a way to beat inflammation, which was considered to be impossible by humans at will to control. But we showed in 2014 with E.


coli bacteria, first me, but then I said, no, everybody is able to do that.


And I took a group of people and after sixteen thousand one hundred and thirty four people becoming sick with the same experimental model, then 12 people, suddenly one hundred percent did not became sick. And then they looked inside the blood and they saw them all influencing after a couple of days into the autonomic nervous system and its immune system, specific immune system and the endocrine says old systems, we could not within the scientific paradigm, control at will. And now.


Yes, and now we are going to reproduce it because it's all natural, because it's all natural, doesn't get out, because this is going on. Power is going on. It's a sick society. We have to get back to our senses, independency that is psychologically and physically. And that's why podcast's like this day they showed away.


Yeah. How do you how do you integrate the breathing and the cold? Do you do that at the same time?


Can you do the breath holding in the cold.


Yes. What I did in the cold, that was I mean when I got a group of motivated people. And I bring them to my center in their opponent, not their hundred people. Then after four days, even people without former experience in the cold in four days, they know before they go into court. For five hours on end in freezing temperatures, men, women, regardless of the age or even condition, what is that? That is awakening to a innate, forgotten, disconnected power, which we are born with.


And I found the way to awaken it within a couple of days.


So how did you how did you train them? What did you do?


Yes, every day, you know, you start first. You explain, hey, guys, there is not only more than meets the eye, it's who we are and what we are, what we are going to experience. How I don't know. This is the way I started. And now I found that I flabbergasted the foundations of science itself. I did so many records and I went on and on and on and on and on. And then I caught the eye of the scientists of the scientific world.


What this man is doing is not possible according to science, but he is doing it. Let's test on him. And then they tested me in several ways and they thought and they saw me doing things that I consider to be impossible by science. And it's that important. Everybody is able to. This is the way I start with these people. I change their paradigm. OK, OK.


Right. So you're doing the same thing to us in this podcast. Yes, exactly. And then and then we go out and say, OK, now take your shoes off. Let's go in shorts out at the snow. That's all. Walk for, say, five, 10 minutes. Barefoot in the snow. Just have fun. Snowball fight, something like that. And everybody has fun. Nobody feels the cold anymore. And updates in a week, because our thoughts, words are wrong, it's wrong.


It's going to be wrong if you think it is wrong. But if you take it on playful and that's what I do right now, there is no thought I'd make it ridiculous. This hostile force is so negative, overwhelming, cold, primordial, primordial Akhaten to us that it is dangerous. And I make it a laughing joke and that you see everybody having fun. That's only in the night when they came to me after fatiguing travel from wherever they come from Hawaii to to Australia to New Zealand to Japan to Russia, they all come there and fatiguing travelling.


They feel renewed and they sleep like babies. That is the night No. One. And in in the morning they are excited. But they also like, oh, what happened? I don't know. Maybe I cannot believe what happened, that I bump into the breeding. And that you had the biggest yelling of releasing drama and I go to the ancestors and everything because I know how to open up the closed up routines because of what I mean.


What do you mean that you go to the ancestors? What do you mean by that? That is anything that is genetically encrypted in our gene expressions and close up is because of a genetic.


So why do you write it? Why do you specifically refer to that as the ancestors? What made you think that?


Because we are the ancestors within our DNA, we carry every information of our ancestry like 13, like a possibly hundred. As long as it is not solved, it's still within us in the back.


And it's just I've just written a new book and there's this. It's not out till March. There's a section in there.


There's an old mythological idea that the hero has to rescue his is slipping farther from the abyss, from a terrible monster. And I construed that in the book as. The ability to awaken. Sleeping ancestral forces likely coated genetically as a consequence of voluntary exposure to stress.


Yes, coincidence that we come together. This is what I do right now in San Francisco, showing through bringing back to the primal, primordial condition of the cell, together with the culture shock, each of proteins. What happens when you do it practically?


Yes. Yes, you do this. If you go regularly in the cold, then the activation of those cold shock proteins that also also chalk because it's the same thing. It's through the hypothalamus and it works. But we got a connection and then suddenly you bring a protective shield around the cell. What happens inside the war is over, guys. We can go into repair. And then, you know, we talked about notice that I was able to bring a cold water under skin, skin temperature, not go down.


That is, how can you do that for how long? I maintain as long as it takes. As long as it takes. That is the power of our mind intention. It's a real undiscovered area of psychiatry, which I have discovered together with Professor Vibert Divakaruni, a professor of music in Detroit.


Do you have to you have to eat more because of that?


No, no, no, absolutely not. It's the power of your intention. Your intention is. This is a general universal principle of our mind. Only not awake. It was not discovered the first time somebody ran the four miles in a certain incredible time. Year later, 20 could do it. That's in the mind. So what we find is if we expose it to people, then they they change their paradigm and the paradigm. This is what they say.


A way of health has found the secret of placebo. Placebo is no longer just over there. It's now not controllable healing force whenever you need it, it's that top down, regulate it, interception. It's within our will. That's the new science. And that that brings us back to the ancestry. So first, we make this cell protected by a shield, activating the culture of proteins that inside the cell you get logically is signal, hey, there is no more animal energy is not needed to get information out of it or to deal with inflammation or oxidative stress.


So let's go into the close up proteins of our ancestry. We can work it out now because now it's silent. Now it's nice. Now we got the energy pieces here.


This is the principle, a general principle of nature. When you are wounded, you retract. But if you are a war, you do. You can even keep on and shoot it with a lack of shot.


That's adrenaline cortisol that modish keeps on going. That's our society that is also wrong. There is no peace. There is no ability to retract. No more work needs to be done daily. How do you say this?


Yeah, whatever work needs to be done all the time, it produces products that your people in Poland the first day, you you have them go outside in the cold for a long period of time with with no shoes on, for example. And they wake up the next day and you introduce them to the breathing. If if someone's doing this at home, like if if I wanted to start this tomorrow, I get up and have a cold shower and I would I would do that voluntarily as facing the stress.


OK, and then how would I how would I do the breathing? Would I do that after the shower? Would I do that in the afternoon? When would you do it, whenever you are completely rested, like relaxed. Because I had the breathing will open up your physiology deeply. If you go into deep stress while being a kind of OK, that is the breathing, the breathing exercises is a workout because the vascular system is more activated than somebody who's running.


You see, lately, I did a research with paralyzed people, amazing.


I can't I can't do it when I'm relaxed because I'm never relaxed so that you can you can maybe you will directly intervene into into the neurological anxiety going on.


Whatever is on the loose, you will be able to create a extra altas current within an electrical current nervous system.


So does it will be able to does it not matter when I do it then like I could do? No, it does not matter. I mean, I just want to talk with you and stomach if you need me, I'm there any time you can call me, we have a zoom and we do it. But you don't need me. I like to talk with you because you got a you got a great experience in words and a contemplation and a lot of expertise, and I think we go inside a lot like just now about the stress, the ancestry and all that took me like 15 years to figure out because I've read all these stories.


They're ancient stories that. First, the core element of the hero's journey, which is the proper journey through life, is voluntary confrontation with what is unknown and terrifying.


That's the human way.


And one of the consequence of that is the rescuing of the dead father or the hurt father or the sleeping father.


It's like it's a fundamental element of Egyptian mythology, for example, ancient Egyptian mythology, and it's part of the idea of the dying and resurrecting God. It's it's it's entangled up in that as well.


And it wasn't until recently that I figured out that the consequence of voluntarily facing stress is the awakening of abilities within you that are part of our ancestral heritage.


And so that is how you become a living avatar of the great heroes of the past. But I never it never occurred to me that that that you could find high stressors of a of a, say, physical type so close at hand. I never I never really put that together.


The idea that called stress, for example, would be sufficient to start that process. What about heat stress? I found sonas were actually useful for me.


Fasting, but what about fasting? Yeah, not starving, although all those were great. Fasting is for me, this heat stress, Islamicists and cold stress. But the breathing. You really get these breathing techniques, let me compare, it has been compared in brain scan studies of people doing four hours of mindfulness a day for years, they could not get as deep as a person practising this type of breathing exercises go into the depth of the brain. They could not get into the depth of the brain even after years, four hours of mindfulness a day.


And these what we did, we went deeper inside the brain than those people. So this and that's in 30 breaths. Yes. This exercise which began with going into the cold, it made me that's the first thing.


Then you learn that through prolonged deep breathing, you learn to control the biochemistry inside to to shake off the stress, which is the gold and dust for a long time in cold water. You find that out and it's all based on experience and sensation and it works. OK, then I began to disconnect the breathing from the cold, cold I still was doing, etc.. But then I did these breathing exercises at home and they blew my mind. Anything that I had read in all the ancient scriptures, I saw plenty o and deeper.


And now I found that these breathing exercises are able to go with our paradigm of medical science. And I thought of is impossible. And I'm showing this now.


And I know you are practicing conscious control over a semi unconscious function when you're exerting control over your breathing and breathing is strange because it does occur unconsciously, but we can also modify it consciously.


So it's right at its right at the, what would you say, the border between consciousness and unconsciousness.


Oh interesting. Yes. A good point. A good point. A it's a good point of view.


And we modulate or we modulate our breathing voluntarily all the time when we're speaking. And so it's also associated with the voice and amazing.


Yes, that is so. And then we saw in the brain scans in Germany and Hannover, one of the best two brain scans of the world doing this breathing. Normally, we have a willful control over 60 percent of our neural activity in our brain and now they saw 100 percent neural activation within the brain, Don, consciously because we were doing the breathing exercises, you'd recommend doing this just once a day.




This opens up the subconscious part of our brain. We are able to access into our subconscious. And it is only logical we don't have a hump of meat to be not within our control, but we never are schooled there.


And then later in life, we begin to become independent. And then you get to the ancestry, you get into your subconsciousness, you get an old act which is outside of the system, which the natives that they were saying, I bless your seven generations before and the seven generations, they knew all this intuitively that we Westernness game. We took over the land. We stole it everywhere in Africa and Australia and America, everywhere we Europeans, that's me.


The Dutch had very good at slavery and all that and trading and all that and now comes to an end. I say we've got to go back to our negativeness, make sense. And they are making the sense spiritually with two feet on the ground is liberating to captivate the souls of our forefathers, which is directly a seam within the proteins, within our genes. And now we are there.


And I've been talking to Nobel Prize winners on the DNA about this.


I'm going to ask you two questions. I just want to clarify something. So first, if I wanted to start this, I could start by 30 second cold shower and I could also start by the same day doing 30 breaths of the sort that you recommended.


And that was just full exhale. Full inhale. And did you hold it?


Yeah, I got a free app on my website. It's very good. It says it all. All the science is very old and you can get a track of your records and you do a timetables and everything. What's your site up to? This way? Imhoff is my name. Yeah. Whim of method dot com whim Hoft method dot com.


Yeah. And that's where the evidence available.


You find the app while you better, you better crank up the capacities of your website because we're going to crash it. Hey, hey, hey, I mean it with all the love, with all the love, because I respect you guys a lot. We are doing good work to the world. We want to stay around the world because it's what is happening in the world and needs change and change needs to come from you. From me? Are you from me?


We are here. The generations are coming together. Yesterday I went to my oldest son is thirty seven. My youngest son is three years old. I got six children so I'm also in play. God is my son and made me stop in Amsterdam in a little play. God somewhere know I never be ok. There I was and he wanted to play. I had to go around again because in Amsterdam you got to go on, otherwise God's going to push you.


And so you had to go around again. And there I found a place to stop and I went outside. Seven children were there in that playground when I came to the playground, six to twelve years. They were there when half man with half man, they know the shit. They they are looking for something that really works. I'm a hero because I did under the eyes Mount Everest. I run marathons in the desert and in the North Pole.


I hang by one finger up in the air and records twenty six and Dennis and Dad up and I got the signs. But the children know they need a role model and I'm real. I am about love. I'm about to take ownership of who I am. And what I have done is what I want to get my children and all the rest of the world. And we should not hesitate that your knowledge is great, your efforts like what you do right now.


It's great work. So keep on going with that. And let's have a podcast again, because I like what you said on the ancestry, on the ancestry. This is my next I'm going to write a next book to my book is doing great, apparently, and it's already in twenty one languages. New York Times bestseller just a couple of weeks ago and it keeps on going. What's your box name when the web of method. That's right. Well, I would encourage all the viewers and listeners of this to pick that up.


Yeah, for sure. Good, good. Yes. And a list of viewers, we are going to change psychiatry because we think and we have proven within the science and in brain scans and in blood proof that we are able to control our inflammation and to regulate our mood. We own our own mind. We have found connections and now it's a matter of time. But if you are depressed or feeling bad and you cannot get out, just get into this.


It comes from nature. It works beyond words. It's it's you. It's your life force awaiting. Now, it is a non dogmatic choice because all the millions of data we got already, happiness, strength and health, happiness as the endocrine system, the health that is the immune system, the strength that is energy, the metabolic processes in the south, we got it all proven to be able to be improved.


But so far, far more than in science was thought possible. Here we are to be happy, strong and healthy. It's only logical. Whem, thank you so much for coming on. I was really excited to particularly connect you with my dad because he's been having such a hell of a time and obviously I'm a huge fan. So thank you so much for talking with us.


Yes, it was a real pleasure to meet you. It's amazing respect I have for you guys and for your knowledge accumulated through your contemplations, and you've got a lovely daughter and intelligent. I got also two daughters, one is a psychologist, and the other one is they are both out with me. But that's good.


Well, thanks again. Thanks again. I would very much like to talk to you again, maybe maybe I'll try your method for a month and then we can talk again or even a couple of weeks and I can report on what it's done for me.


Yeah, that's a good idea. I think this was a nice a great beginning. Good, very nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Bye bye bye.