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Welcome to today's episode of the Mind Set Mentor podcast, I'm your host, Rod Dial, and if you have not yet done so, hit that subscribe button that you never miss another podcast episode. And if you're not following me on Instagram yet, go ahead and follow me now for more inspiration. Rob Dial Jr.. Robbie ALJ are actually going to be giving out some free iPhones for a celebration on my Instagram. So you want to make sure you're following me now.


Today, I'm going to warn you, if you are offended by cussing, this is probably not the best episode for you because I am going to be causing quite a bit in this episode. So we're going to be talking about the mindset problems that you have, not that little tiny voice that hold you back from everything that you want in this world. And one of the things that I noticed with people is that they think because of the fact that I am the the mind set mentor, the mindset guru or whatever it is they want to call me, that I have no issues with my mindset and nothing can be further from the truth.


And I'm going to be talking about that today. One of the things that you realize is everything that I teach, I'm a guinea pig first.


I don't ever teach anything until I know that it works for me.


And the reason why this is important is because you have to realize with most people who are coaches, their coaches, because they really struggled at something so much, they struggled at it that they end up going, I have this issue and I need to really, really work at this issue.


And they work hard and they work hard. They work hard and they overcome whatever that thing is, whether it's weight loss, whether it's yoga or in my case, it's mindset where I had such a bad mindset. I was so negative. I made so many excuses for why my life wasn't where I wanted it to be until I identified this problem and said this is the main thing holding me back in my life. I'm going to go full force at destroying this thing that's inside of my head so that I can get past it.


And so I worked at it for years and years and years and a decade and now 14 years I've been working at it. And now I can go and teach people some of the stuff that it's worked for me. And that's what coach really does, and that's what I'm teaching to you guys.


Now, that being said, it doesn't mean that the person who's a fitness coach doesn't also really want a hamburger every once in a while or doesn't want to work out every single day.


It doesn't mean the person that's the yoga coach in the meditation coach is this perfect, calm, peaceful joy all of the time.


What it all means is that it's something that they have to overcome and they work at it really, really hard.


My mindset can be completely in the dumps sometimes, but now I have the strategies to pull myself out of feeling that way because I've been working on it for so long.


So I don't have to feel that way anymore.


And that's what I'm going to talk about, is that I don't ever want to be seen as a guru. I don't ever want to be seen as this perfect person. The thing that I try to have people understand who listens podcasts is I'm just a normal person that has all of the exact same struggles as you. I've just been working at it for maybe a few years longer than you have. And now I'm going to teach you some of the strategies that worked for me.


One of the best compliments that I ever got from somebody was inside of my Kysen mastermind, which is my twelve month program. And he said, the thing I like about you, Rob, is that you're just really ordinary. And most people would not be like, that's kind of offensive. But for me, I was like, I love that because I don't want to think have people think that life is out of my reach. And I talked about this on my on my Instagram stories a few days ago.


So if you don't follow my Instagram, follow me on there. Like I said earlier when we first started, because I talk about these things in my Instagram stories as well. And I talked about the little voice in my head. And I like to call it the little bitch. For me personally, it's my little bitch. It's the bitch inside of my head that holding back from everything that I want.


I'm talking about the voice inside of your head. That is the opposite of what you truly want in your life. It's the voice that hold you back from everything that you've ever wanted. It's the one that stops you from taking the action that you need to. It's the one that's negative when in reality you want to be positive. It's the one that judges other people. It's the one that makes up stories. And all of these demons that you think could be in your future in talks you into reasons why you should stay inside of your comfort zone.


Comfort zone. That's the little voice. That's the little inner bitch that I'm talking about. So I'm going to talk to you today about something that happened with me today with my inner bitch so that you guys can understand that I go through these things.


But then I can also tell you the process that I went through. So let me tell you. So we were in Sedona for the past month and we drove home from Sedona this Saturday and the Sunday. And, you know, we had to pack up all of our stuff. We were there for a month. And so we drive my truck out there so we can have my truck. And I have a Ford Raptor's. We can go off roading and do all of those things.


So I wanted to have my truck. So we drive out to Sedona. So then we have to pack up the entire house. We have to clean up the house. We have to get all those things right. So that takes time, especially when I'm still working full time job while I'm there. So Thursday, Friday, we're working in. And getting it together, getting all of our stuff together, saying goodbye to our friends, going on a hike with our friends so we can make sure that we say goodbye to everybody and say goodbye to Sedona.


Saturday, nine hours of driving, Sunday, nine hours of driving, Monday, Monday, which was for me yesterday.


It was just a whole lot of catching up things that I had to do.


And I just wasn't feeling it yesterday. But I had so many things I had to do. I just had to fight through it and just get things done.


So then today I'm not feeling it again today. And I wake up and I'm like, I don't normally not feel it.


And I don't when I don't feel it, I still do what needs to be done.


But I don't normally go from one day of not feeling it to another day of not feeling it. I'm like, man, I'm off.


I don't know if it's because the fact I'm coming from Sedona, which is beautiful, magical place, and now I'm coming here where there's tens of thousands of people and hundreds of thousand people and it's more dense and the energy might be more dense. Maybe there's more five g. I don't know what it is. I'm just not feeling it. I feel different.


And my inner bitch was really loud today. It was really loud yesterday, but it was really loud again today. And I was like, I'm not going to do this. This is not happening, Interspeech. We're not going to do this. Now, if this is ten, fifteen years ago, that little bitch would have just paralyzed me. It would have told me to take today off. It would have told me to go on to Instagram. You don't feel good.


Not a great day. Maybe tomorrow put off all of your goals to another day, procrastinate whatever it is that it wants to tell me. It would tell me. But today it was telling me. Yeah, don't don't you don't need to get your work done, you know, tell me to take the day off.


It was telling me to take a step back. Just chill out today.


You know, your business will be fine. You'll be fine. Life will be fine. You know, don't record your podcast. Don't do all the things that you need to do. And it was trying to hold me back from taking another step forward in my journey, in my personal time, in my life and everything that I have no one to pause right there.


And I want to ask a question. Do you know what I'm talking about? This inner voice. Do you feel this little inner bitch that comes in as well?


Because for me, it's still loud.


I've just developed strategies to not listen to it and not pay attention to it anymore.


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So what I do is I took a step back and I looked at it and I tried to take myself out of the jar so I could read the label and see what's actually going on here.


Right. So then I took a step back and I asked myself, what is my little inner bitch saying?


Because usually what it's telling you not to do is what you actually need to do. So if I take a step back, it actually is a really puts a spotlight on what I actually need to do. It's showing me what I need to do. So I was like, what is my little inner bitch telling me? OK, I can tell what it's saying. My little inner bitch is really, really trying to talk me out of working out today.


How do you work out later, Rob? Don't worry about doing in the morning. You you're supposed to you didn't get enough sleep.


You didn't get enough, you know, coffee, tea. You don't feel a hundred percent. Right. You don't want to, you know, throw up and feel bad during your workout. So it was I could tell it was this little story about why I shouldn't work out.


I was like, I got to drop everything now and work out. Because when that little voice pops in and tells me what not to do, I need to do exactly what it's telling me not to do in order to conquer it. Because that's the thing that's holding me back from who I need to be is that little inner voice.


I was like, oh, here we go, Rob.


Time to workout now. We got to go workout. So I stopped what I was doing, moved some of the furniture inside the living room, got myself ready, found the YouTube that I needed to got the way. It's got everything that I needed to got all set up in the whole time. I'm setting up the little is like, nah man, why don't you do yoga instead, you know, do some yoga, take it easy.


You know, you drove for two whole days. Your joints are probably saw, you guys. And I'm somehow just all of these excuses and things not to do and excuses. Excuse excuses. Yeah. You know, and as I'm getting dressed and changing into my workout clothes, it got louder and louder. Rob, you don't have enough time. Rob, you literally just ate breakfast fifteen minutes ago. What if you throw up all over your brand new couch?


You know, all of these things came up into my head, do yoga instead. All of this any excuse excuse in trying to take me out of the thing that I need to do. And when I when I can identify that voice and what it's saying, I need to go at what that little inner bitch is saying. So I'm like, all right, cool.


Let's work out, bro. We're going to go at it. So we go at it.


We start working out during the workout. The voice is coming through. You're supposed to be working out for 45 minutes, man. Why don't you just cut it twenty like you just did the warm up. You just did a little bit of a workout. Your joints are sore. You had a long drive. There's all of these things you've got stuff you've got to do today. You've got a zoom call that you got to jump on with the people that you're coaching, the people that teach you to build businesses with.


You've also got a Zoome College going to hop on for this course about how to rewire your brain. You've got to record a podcast. You've got to get on the phone with your sales team and help them. And it was just things that I had to do and had to do and had to do. And I was like, I'm not listening.


I'm going to do what you don't want me to do. So finish the workout. Guess what? Felt a hundred times better after the workout. I was like, yes, I am conquering this little inner bitch day by day, day by day by day by day. I'm just doing what it's telling me not to do.


So I'm like, I got to do a zoom in about 40 minutes. I'm going to go take a shower real quick, hop in the shower. I start thinking about this podcast, episode one.


I'm in the shower and I'm like, yeah, I was like, this little inner bitch keeps popping up and I'm starting to think of ideas and I'm mentally jotting down notes.


And I'm like, basically what I did was identify that the voice was going on. Identify that first.


Then I asked myself, what does this little inner bitch not want me to do? And it was workout. And that's what I did.


And then I went, hold on, what is the little inner bitch not want me to do right now? And immediately a thought came in. The last thing you want to do right now is take a cold shower. You don't have time for a cold shower. And I was like, this motherfucker is coming in again.


He's coming in. But I don't want this little bitch to be popping up inside of my head, I don't want to be holding me back. Here it is again. It's popping up all right. That means I've got to take a cold shower.


Time for a cold shower. All right, cool.


So turn it into a cold shower and do my breathing exercise, go into the breathing exercise, doing everything that I'm supposed to, and it's popping up again.


OK, that's enough. OK, that's enough. You've gone long enough. I'm like, that's not enough because I can hear a little voice coming up inside of my head. It's telling me that I'm needing to to stop. I'm going to keep going. Instead, I'm going to keep doing what I need to do. I'm going down. And what I'm doing is I'm breathing.


And actually, like, if you could see me, if you're watching the video of this, if you're listening to the podcast, you can't see it. But if you watch me on YouTube, you can see it for you guys are listening podcasts. Follow me on YouTube so you can see it. Some punch in the air. I'm doing my breathing. And I was like, oh, I literally had like an out of body experience on basically looking at myself and thinking, how ridiculous do I look right now that I'm breathing really intensely, I'm punching the air and I'm having like a miniature fight between myself and myself inside of the shower in freezing cold water.


And I was like, this is like a little inner bitch exorcism, just the same way an exorcism is like pulling a demon out of a human.


If you've ever seen the movie The Exorcist and basically pulling this demon out of my body, I'm like, I will not have you anymore. I'm going to conquer this side of myself. And I was like I was fighting with myself and fighting with myself and fighting with myself.


And eventually I was like, yes, I feel like I've conquered it. I feel like I've gotten past it.


So then I get out of the shower and I'm like, OK, I feel good. I feel like I've conquered this thing. And I thought to myself, How often does that voice hold my listeners back? And I want you to think about that, how often does that little inner voice come up for you? And here's the thing. I've been working on myself for 14 years. I've taught thousands of people strategies that I've used over the years, and it still pops up.


And I have a lot of friends that are successful people. Guess what? When I talk to them, the voice still pops up. It doesn't ever go away. You just learn how to do what it doesn't want you to do.


I've said it before. The difference between a successful person, unsuccessful person, is that they both feel the fears. They both have the little inner voice.


They both have all of the. Fear of rejection, the fear of success, the fear of failure, all of those things, they just the only difference between the two is that a successful person just doesn't listen to the little voice inside of their head.


It just doesn't listen. They just don't listen to the fears, to all of the things that it says that they shouldn't do.


They think that it's actually them when in reality it's a part of them is trying to hold himself back, the unsuccessful person person, it's not where they want to be in life is the person who's sitting there in there listening to that voice, same voice.


The only difference is that the people that aren't where they want to be are listening to that voice. And the people who are where they want to be are not allowing that voice to hold them back.


They're so focused on their life. They're so focused on what they want. They're so focused on the lives that they're going to impact the world. They're going to impact the money to make the happiness, the peace, to join a family that they're going to visit, places they're going to travel to.


They're so focused on that that that little voice is just like a little numb to them. They're like, there's a little guy. Cute, nice try today, but I'm not going to listen to you. Oh, I'm not going to listen to you, cute little guy. I'm going to put you over there in the corner.


An unsuccessful person like, oh, my God, there's the monster, there's the boogeyman, again, I need to listen to this boogeyman because clearly it's listening to my safety and I want to make sure that I stay away from it. Now, the difference is a perception of the voice that you have. The successful person and unsuccessful person both have that voice, the only difference is the unsuccessful person listens to it and the successful person doesn't listen to it and they actively fight against it.


It's the exorcism that I'm telling you about.


I know the voices there. It's not going away. And it hasn't gotten any quieter in the past 14 years. I promise you that. I've just developed strategies to not allow myself to listen to it and to fight through and work through it. When I got to the shower, I was frickin motivated. I did. I felt proud of myself. I felt accomplished. And that gave me momentum into the rest today.


I crushed today and I did not feel like crushing today, but I did what the voice didn't want me to do. I did the full workout, felt better. Did the cold shower felt better? I wouldn't have had a great day if I were to listen to the voice.


So I want to ask you a couple of questions. Number one, what is your inner bitch telling you? What is it telling you to do? Because usually what you should do is what it's telling you not to.


So first off, what's it telling you? Number two, what is it holding you back from?


What is that little inner voice holding you back from? Number three, what does it not want you to do? So No. One, what is the inner bitch telling you?


Number two, what is it holding you back from? Number three, what does it not want you to do?


Because that is the key to your next level.


Doing what that little inner voice doesn't want you to do is the key to the next level, you need to listen to it and go, huh? I've identified the little inner voice. I've identified what it doesn't want me to do. And now I need to do what it doesn't want me to do, because that's actually the identification of what's going to get me out of the comfort zone.


That is the key to unlock the door for the life that you want. That is the key to unlock the door for everything that you've ever wanted. Why? Because the little inner voice is the small reptilian part of your brain that's trying to keep you in a comfort zone, to keep you safe.


And everything that you want in your life is outside of that comfort zone. So if you listen to the voice and pay attention to what it says and then you identify what it doesn't want you to do and you do it anyways, it will automatically pull you outside of your comfort zone.


And when you're outside of your comfort zone, you start creating the life that you want to see. Number one, what's the voice telling you? Number two, what is it holding you back from? And number three, what does it not want you to do? Identify that and do it anyways? Because that is the key to unlock the door to get you to the next level of your life. So that's what I got for you for today's episode.


If you love the seven, so please share it on your Instagram stories and tag me in it. Rob Dale Jr., RBD ALJ are once again everybody. We don't grow because we have we don't have advertisements. We don't have big production companies behind us, any of that stuff. We only grow when you guys actually share this podcast with people that, you know, it's grown through grassroots because people who are amazing like you. So if you've ever gotten any value from anything that I've ever said, please share our Instagram stories so that more people who follow you can find it.


And I'm on leave it the same way.


I leave you every single episode, make it your mission, make someone else's day better. I appreciate you and I hope that you have an amazing day.