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Welcome to today's episode of the Mind Set Mentor podcast A.M. host Rob Dial, and if you have not yet done so, hit that subscribe button since you never miss another episode. And if I could ask one thing of you, if you were listening to me on iTunes or if you listen to me on Apple, you know, if you have an iPhone, if you're listening to an Apple podcast, go ahead and give a rating and review to this podcast.


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Today, we're going to talk about how to be happier. Oh, my God, doesn't that sound amazing? Doesn't everybody just want to be happier? Of course, we're going to talk about how to bring more happiness into your life, not how to create more happiness, but how to bring in the happiness based off of what you concentrate on. And people always ask me. One of the main question I get from people is, is about my meditation, what I do for meditation.


It's funny. I feel like an influence for people like, oh, people a lot of people have been asking about my skincare routine. Like nobody's actually asked about your skincare routine. What you really want to do is just promote your product. You know, my girlfriend the other day I was watching an influencer and we heard her say a lot of people have been asking about, you know, my infant's mattress. And we're like, nobody has asked you about your infant's mattress.


That's just you trying to post that out there. So so people always actually do ask me about my meditation. So I feel like an influencer about it. People always do ask me about it.


And that's what I want to talk to you about, is something that I've been doing intentionally every single day to kind of set myself up to feel better throughout the day. And one thing that I've noticed is I feel so much better, infinitely better if I do this every single morning. And it's just part of my meditation. And that's what I'm gonna tell you guys about, because people always ask, what do you do for meditation? Do you do transcendental meditation?


Do you do mantras, do you do affirmations? And yeah, I do some of those. But one of the main things I do is just just this is I try to wake up every single morning and then what I try to do is I try to meditate on what I am grateful for because I believe that whatever I put focus on, I will get more of. So if I focus on all of the things that could be going wrong in my life, which there's always things that are going wrong in everybody's life, I feel like I'm going to get more things that are going wrong in my life.


If I focus on everything that I'm grateful for, I feel like I'm going to find more things to be grateful for. So I try to wake up each morning and meditate just on gratitude. Now, I do realize and I think I have incredible life and I love my life and like, for instance, we're in Sedona right now, we're in Sedona traveling, it's easy to be grateful for being in Sedona and for the life that I've built. But what I try to do is be grateful for those things, but also to find things that I normally wouldn't make myself feel grateful for.


So like, for instance, I'm really grateful for my health. I've been really, really lucky. And this is what I was thinking about this morning, is I've been really lucky to, you know, not have any crazy health issues personally in myself. I've never broken any bones. I've never had any crazy health issues. I've never had to, you know, go to the doctor or suffer a few times for checkups. I've never had any surgeries, any of those things.


And so I was thinking about how grateful I am for my health. And then it started getting way more like way more obscure. And so I just so you know, I try to eat almost no meat. I'm not perfect, but I try to eat no meat. Listen, if you want to eat meat, no big deal. If you don't eat meat, no big deal. Just my own personal preference for just my own conscious reasons.


I try to eat as little as possible.


And what happened was I was thinking about how grateful I was for my health this morning and I was really starting to feel grateful about all of these things. Man, I've had so I've been so lucky in my entire life to have great health. And then I started thinking about how I've also really paid attention to what I've eaten and how often I work out and how much water I get for years and years and years, and how I switched from eating a lot of meat to eating almost no me and I started thinking about that.


And then my brain went to what if I could just be grateful for every animal that I've ever eaten that's given us life for me. I was like, I've never thought about that before, and so I started thinking I was like, I'm going to be grateful for every animal that gave its life for me, because that animal, if you think about it now lives inside of me like I got in. I have become that animal. That animal has become me.


Like everything that that animal ate its whole past. Everything is now in me and created me. And that's a crazy thing to think about. So I said, I think I'm so grateful for all of this because I probably even thousands of animals in my lifetime, like I'm 34 years old.


I've eaten a lot of animals in my lifetime.


So how many animals, how many fish gave their life for me? How many different types of birds gave their life for me? How many, you know, deer gave their life, how many cows gave their life, how many different animals?


And I thought about like thousands. And I was like, what would it look like if I had all of those animals in front of me right now, my entire life? It would be insane to see. And I started thinking about it.


Oh, my God, if I wouldn't have if these animals wouldn't have died, for me for me to be able to eat, they probably would have reproduced.


So how many animals were not born because their parents or could be parents gave their life for me to be able to eat it?


And I went through this whole thing of like, holy crap, I'm so frickin grateful to be able to eat, to be able to have my health and for all of the animals that have given their life for me and all the animals that could have been that weren't because there could be a parent give the life for me.


And I was like, wow, this is this is insane.


Like, if you really think about this. And then I multiply that when there's billions of people that need animals every single day. And I started thinking about these numbers. I think this is insane. Like, how can I not be grateful for this?


And I got to my meditation and I was like, wow, that was intense. Like there was a lot of gratitude that came from that. I there was a little bit of sadness of like, wow, there's a lot of animals that didn't live or stopped living because of me.


But there was also just just the gratitude of all of those animals now live inside of me and have, you know, filtered through me and they've gone into my muscles in my blood and all of these things. And I realize and this is why I think it's so important to just wake up and just set your intentions on gratitude. Like last episode, we talked about just setting your intention every single day. What if you just set your intentions every single day to just be more grateful for everything?


Should you be grateful for the little tiny things, someone that holds the door open for you, someone you know, hitting three lights in a row, three green lights in a row, like how can you be grateful for every little teeny tiny thing? And the reason why is because happiness is not getting what you've wanted. Happiness is wanting what you already have.


Let me say that again real quick, happiness is not getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you already have. Happiness is looking around you and going, yes, I am content. This is beautiful. It doesn't mean that I don't want more, that I don't want to achieve more. But it's coming from a place of my life is beautiful.


Has it been challenging? Oh yeah, it's been challenging. But those challenges can also be grateful for as well.


So how can you be grateful for everything in your life, good and bad? Can you train yourself to be grateful for everything? Can you train yourself to not be grateful for just the things that are amazing? Like like I was just saying, like traveling like that's very easy to be grateful for, but can I be grateful for all of the little things I don't think about every single day? Like the instance, for instance, I was just telling you, with the cows and with the animals, with all of those things, so how can you be grateful for everything good in that it's easy to be grateful for the good things.


It's really hard to be back to be grateful for the bad things, though. So can you train your grave, your brain, to be grateful for everything, especially this shit, right?


Like especially that like I'm working with my accountant right now and we're going through my taxes in the amount of money that I have to pay in taxes actually physically makes me want to throw up like it's a crazy thing. Like I can't even believe how much money I have to pay in taxes. It's insane.


And this isn't me bragging, but it's just me actually speaking out loud is really what it is, because I just literally figured out this number today and it makes me wanna throw up. But then I went, OK, Rob, if we're focusing our gratitude, we're really trying to have a life of gratitude.


How can you be grateful to pay this money in taxes? Because some people are out and you say, yeah, well, you're paying that much in taxes because you made a certain amount.


Yeah, of course. For sure. But then also same time did my brain immediately goes to. But the government misuses our money and then this happened and this happens and then we go to war and we spend nine hundred fifty billion dollars a year and more on this. And I guess my brain could immediately go through all of the things that I hate about where money goes to in the government, or I can flip it and go, OK, Rob, listen, you've had a great life.


You know, you've had things to be grateful.


Have things been easy? You know, things haven't been easy.


You've worked your ass off to get to where you are, but you've also worked your ass off to be able to stroker, check this big for the government.


And, you know, if you think about how blessed you are to have this opportunity to be able to run a business where you can make the money that you can to be able to travel to impact people and and so on and so forth. And I was able to flip it from I'm going to physically throw up thinking about my money, going to the government to, you know what, I can go ahead and let go and realize this is something I can be grateful for.


Do I want to pay that money to government?


No, I don't want to pay the money to government, but I can still figure out a way to be grateful for those things.


Right. Another thing I can be grateful for and I can flip on its head is, is when I look back, I can be really bitter about my father's death and the way that all of those things transpired and all of the stuff that happened to me in my childhood from him being an alcoholic and then passing away from being like, I could be bitter about that. Or I could look at that and I could say, yes, that was the worst day of my life, but it was also the best day of my life.


And the reason was the best day in life because it gave my life meaning. It was he was a first person that I ever met that passed away. Nobody in my life passed away that I really knew before then. He was the first and it was like a wake up call. Hey, you're going to die one day, Rob. And this is a perfect example. Your father's in the casket. He's not getting out of it as much as you want him to, no matter how much you hope and pray and think that he's going to pop up.


He's not going to and you'll be there one day. And not to go morbid on you guys, but you'll be I'll be there one day. And so, for instance, I went there, I went, you know what?


Wow. Death is actually a beautiful thing because death gives my life urgency. And so at 15 years old, being in that room, I was like, I'm going to be there one day, too. Hopefully it's going to take me a lot longer. He passed away forty eight, hopefully. You know, I'm twice that age. Hopefully I'm 96 when I pass away or older, you know, I can look at it and I can go. That was the worst day of my life, but it was also the best day of my life because it gave my life urgency.


It woke me up from the sleep that I was in and made me go, you know what? I'm going to find something to be passionate on. That's all I'm going to find something I want to do. And it was my very first thought that moment of maybe I should start speaking in front of people. I remember asking my mom, I was like, hey, is it possible for me to go and speak at an AA event when I was 15 years old?


Because I was like, I want everyone to see what happens to their children if they don't stop drinking.


And that was the first time I got woken up to maybe I could actually speak to people. Maybe I do have some value to give. Right. That's something that I could be grateful for. So I could be very bitter about everything that happened. My father or I could go, you know what? What can I be grateful for in the situation? He gave my life urgency. It gave me something. I found my purpose through it. I felt my passion through it.


So many people's lives have been impacted through it.


That's something I'm grateful for because you get what you're looking for. If I'm looking for all of the reasons to be bitter about it, I'm going to find all the reasons to be bitter about it. But have a look at all of the reasons and how can I be grateful for this situation. I'm going to find all the ways that I can be grateful for that situation.


One of my favorite quotes, and I say it all the time, Wayne Dyer says, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change, right? When I change the way that I look at things, the things I look at change, if I look at my taxes, if I change the way I look at my taxes, my taxes, change in the gratitude can come from that. If I change the way that I look at my father's death, then my father's death changes and I can figure out a way to get gratitude for it.


There's so many things in your life that are great, but maybe you're just not paying attention to them. Maybe you're putting so much time and so much focus into what you don't want. And a lot of times what happens is a lot of us actually focus on the things that we don't want or the things that we're fearing. Let that one sink in for a second, most of the time, most people are thinking about what they don't want or the thinking about the things that they're afraid of.


Does that hit home with you? Maybe you should start having this gratitude practice of setting your intention every day to I'm going to figure out a way to be happier and I must start my day with gratitude, because by summer there gratitude every single day I'm going to find things to be grateful for throughout the day. Because if I think of it this way, if you were to wake up in the morning and say, you know what, I'm going to think of all of the shit that's happened in my life, all of the things that I hate, all the things that I'm pissed off about, you're going to literally set yourself up to be pissed off the entire day and to find all of the things that you hate.


And so if you can do that, why not do the opposite, set yourself through, you know what I mean? Find out what I can be intentional, intentionally grateful for, and literally focus on that. Right now, in this meditation, I'm going to intentionally find things that I can love and be grateful for, knowing that if I'm start my day in gratitude in the morning, I'm going to find more things to be grateful for and even possibly create more things to be grateful for if I do that as well.


Because when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change, there is no such thing as good or bad.


Let that one sink in for a minute. There is no such thing as good or bad, it's just a label that we place on it based off of where you are coming from. Right. You can see something and someone can see something. You could be completely grateful for this life event and somebody could be completely bitter about a life of that. It's the exact same life event, but it's how the person puts a label on it.


Right? It reminds me of that, the story of the two twins.


And they have an alcoholic father and their father passes away from being alcoholic. And later on down the road, one of them is a really successful CEO. And then later on down the road, the other twin is just, you know, a complete alcoholic and he's homeless.


And they walk up to both of them and they ask them the same question. They go up to the one that's homeless and alcoholic and they say, hey, why are you an alcoholic? And he says, I'm an alcoholic because my father was an alcoholic. And then they go to the other one who's got a real successful business and they say, hey, why are you not an alcoholic? And he says, I'm not an alcoholic because my father was an alcoholic.


Right. The twins had the same life growing up, but they changed. The only difference between the two of them was, was the label in the importance of either good or bad, whatever it was that they placed on it, of their father's death, of their father's alcoholism, whatever it was.


So there is no such thing as good or bad. It's just the label that you place on it based off of where you're personally coming from. You know, if you had someone that cheated on you, can you stop being bitter towards them and look at them and go, you know what? I am grateful that for that relationship. Do you want to know why? Because now I know the signs of a cheater. You know, if you had someone that was terrible in relationship to you, now you can go.


You know what? I am grateful for that. I'm no longer bitter because now I know what I will no longer stand in a relationship. And what I do want out of a relationship. Right. If you are bullied in school, can you look at that and say, you know what, I am still kind of pissed off about those kids. How can I flip this? You know what? I am grateful for that I had boys in school.


You want to know why? Because now I can make sure that I don't bully people as I get older and I treat them with respect in the way that I think they should be treated. And my children can also I can train them how to not be bullies as well. You can be grateful for every single event in your life, and so think about that. I want you to think about that right now. Are there things that you're still negative about that you're still holding on to that you need to find a way to flip?


And be grateful for. Do you need to change the way you look at some things that have happened to you? Do you need to change the way that you look at some things that are currently happening to you? Because once again, when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. So if you could wake up every single morning and say, I'm going to just breathe in gratitude, I was going to and I get it.


It sounds weird. It sounds weird. But what if you just what if you just went, you know what? I've got so many things that have happened to me in my life, good and bad, that I can be grateful for. And when I'm going to do it, I'm going to intentionally set myself up every single morning to just be filled up with gratitude. Just imagine that gratitude is literally just a ball of, you know, a bowl of water.


I'm going to be pouring that bowl of water into the top of my head and be filling myself with gratitude every single day.


I promise you, if you do this tomorrow morning, you're going to wake up, you're going to go through this situation. You're going to go and start thinking of the things that you'd be grateful for. And it might take time for your brain to calm down. It might take five minutes. It might take ten minutes.


But eventually you get to a point where, like, I have so many things I'd be grateful for, and then you're going to go through your day completely forget about it. And at the end of the day, you're going be like, damn, I had a really great day today.


And you might go, Oh my God, I had such good day because I focused so much on what I'd be grateful for. It's literally set in your intentions the same way I talked about last episode, setting your intentions the way that you want them to be set to create the life that you want.


Do you want a beautiful life?


Do you want things to be grateful for?


Well, why not wake up and just intentionally set yourself up for success by setting yourself up for looking for things that you want to be grateful for?


Because when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at, change everything that's happened to you, good or bad, you can be grateful for, can you go back through life events and through all of the different weird, obscure things that have happened to you? And find a way to be grateful for everything, so that's what I got for you for today's episode. If you love this episode, please share it with someone that you know and love.


And please do me a favor. As I said, if you love this episode or any episode I've ever had and you're listening to me on iTunes or listening on Apple podcast, do me a favor. Go give me a quick reading and review. A greatly, greatly appreciated the Morde ratings reviews that come in in a short amount of time to show you guys have an idea of the way the algorithms, it actually boost the algorithm. And as the podcasts go out to more people organically, some more people can find us.


So I would greatly appreciate if you would do that for me. Greatly, greatly appreciate it more than you could possibly imagine. And I believe the same way I leave you every single episode, make it your mission, make someone else's day better. I appreciate you and I hope that you have an amazing day.


The entertainment business is crazy, and some of the stories behind how film and TV projects get made is oftentimes better than the final product itself. I'm your host, Matthew Helderman, and in Buffalo, it's greenlit podcast. We're going to take a deep dive into some of the stories behind some of the biggest movies and TV shows and specifically how they got made each week.


We'll talk with some of the most successful industry producers, insiders and actors about their experiences on set and how they got to where they are today from the officer's creed. Bratton, that was a fictional agency.


Steve Carell to James Franco's producing and business partner, Vince Jolivet. James was literally one of the first people I actually met to Spike Lee's longtime editor, Barry Alexander Browne. That's the first sequence that cut the spine from Martin Scorsese, the Irishman, to Wes Anderson's Royal Tenenbaums to Rocky and in Black, The Hunger Games, Antman Hook and other blockbusters join us each week as we discuss how your favorite films made it all the way from an idea through development into production and got released onto your screen.