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Hey, if you are a coach or consultant this Monday, I'm starting a free grow your coaching business course, where over the course of seven days I'm going to be going live each day instead of a private Facebook group to teach you how to set up the foundation of your coaching business, how to grow your following and how to get paid clients. So if you're currently a coach or consultant or looking to start a coaching or consulting company, go to the coach, challenge dotcom right now and save your spot for free.


Once again, the coach challenge dotcom.


Welcome to today's episode of the Mind Set Mentor podcast, I am your host, Rob Dial, and if you have not yet done so, hit that subscribe on since you never miss another podcast episode. And if you're looking for more inspiration in your life, follow me on Instagram. Rob Dial Jarobi. ALJ are going to be giving out some prizes to my followers in the next couple of weeks, so make sure you follow me and get extra inspiration inside of your news feed.


Today I'm going to teach you how to read faster, how to learn faster and how to actually process more knowledge so that you retain it better.


I promise you, this is just stuff that I've been using for years. All of these things work and these are just some little tips, secrets, things that I picked up along the way to help me learn and grow in. What we're going to talk about first is reading. Now, I'll be 100 percent honest with you. I don't enjoy reading at all.


I'm going to tell you that I've read hundreds of books. I don't enjoy it.


I'm not a fan of reading. I would rather watch something on YouTube that's more of my thing.


But I love learning more than I hate reading. Let me say that again. I love learning more than I hate reading.


Therefore, I forced myself to read anyways.


But along the way I have developed some hacks to help me read a little bit quicker, a little bit better, and also help me retain my information even more.


One of the best things that I have found, I'm a I'm definitely a physical book, like a physical copy book person like I'll have to hold.


I love to feel the pages, but when I went and traveled for six months, I had to use a Kindle because there was no other option that I had. I had to use a Kindle. And when I started using a Kindle, I realized, holy crap, there's some really big benefits to using Kindle. Besides the fact that you have an infinite amount of books sitting inside of your pocket. One of the biggest things that I found is that when you download Kindle, one of the best things that you can do and I recommend everybody have a Kindle or use your iPhone, you can get the Kindle app on your iPhone.


It's absolutely free. You can do it on your Samsung so little. You all have a Kindle at this point in time in your pocket. You can buy a Kindle, you can buy whatever it is that you need to. I use my iPad.


But one of the cool things is when you buy a Kindle book almost every time when you're checking out an Amazon, there's a little button down below in almost nobody knows that this exists.


And it says ad audible narration. And it's usually like seven dollars and forty nine cents.


Audible narration is the audio book version of it. So No. One, I'm a teacher, they'll hack to save you money. One of those taxes that you could go in a lot of times by the audio book for like thirty bucks or you could buy the Kindle with the audio book for like nineteen.


A lot of times that's pretty damn amazing. If you ask me, you get to save money.


But one of the best things about it is this is when you download a Kindle book with the actual narration is it will actually read it out loud to you. And it's there's a thing called Whisper Sync where it will actually highlight and show you what words it's on.


So literally, all you have to do is just literally look at the page and see it start to highlight everything. The reason why this is a benefit is because you can actually speed it up to three times the speed and now humans can learn and listen four times faster than they can speak.


So you can learn four times faster. You can listen four times faster than you can speak. And so when you're listening to me being like, OK, how would I listen to a book at three times a speed?


Well, you have to start to get used to it, but you can at least listen to it at two times the speed as you get better. You listen to it at three times the speed. So there's a couple other things. Number one, you can you can speed it up and go two to three times a pace, which is great. You can hear it a lot faster than than you can read. And the other thing about it as well is that you retain information more when you do it this way.


Why? Because when you're just physically reading a book, you are just reading a book. You are just seeing that book.


But when you have a Kindle and I'm not sponsored by Kindle, they should frickin sponsor me from all this promotion I'm about to do for them. Right. They should sponsor me for this.


But when you read a Kindle, what happens is you're actually reading it, which means you're seeing it and you're hearing it as you are, you know, which means that the sounds coming through.


So instead of using just one of your senses, you're actually using two of your senses.


Now, a little hack that a lot of people don't know is that if you are moving around as you're learning, you're actually learning and retaining more information. So No one. You can read it. Number two, you can hear it at the same time, and if you actually stand up and walk around and paced back and forth, they've actually done studies on people. You retain more information if you're pacing back and forth. Why? Because it's using another part of your brain that's feeling when you're walking and your feet are physically moving.


There's actual feeling that's happening there. So it's stimulating parts of your brain. So you're getting three out of your five senses stimulated by doing it this way.


So what does that helping you do?


It's helping you learn and retain this information so you can read it. If you have the Kindle with the auto audio, you can listen to it and at the same time, you can walk from space around. So you're actually, you know, moving in that movement is causing feeling. So you're bringing in three out of your five senses.


I think we have five senses. I'm pretty sure we do. Right. We don't have some of you guys might might have some sixth sense is out there, but.


You know, you might be out there like, OK, so this sounds really good. What are some tips as far as how long I should do this for? Well, if you guys have been following me for a while, you know that I love the Pomodoro technique. I have not found anything in my entire life that helps me stay focused and retain more information than Pomodoro technique. The Pomodoro technique is where you take 25 minutes and you just focus or 20 minutes and you just focus on one thing, 20 minutes on, five minutes off, 20 minutes on, five minutes off.


And so if you have an hour to spend, maybe you're going to read for an hour and your morning routine. What's the secret to doing it? Twenty five minutes of reading, walking back and forth, pacing, this is exactly how I like to learn. You can walk back and forth, you can pace, you can listen to the book. You can read it at the same time. You're getting all this bit of information. And after 20 minutes, you have a, you know, time recording.


It goes off. What do you do? You take a five minute break. One way that you actually retain information better is if you start to do a physical activity after learning.


And so maybe you do some pushups for five minutes, maybe do some jumping jacks, maybe you go for a quick jog, maybe you do some yoga, some stretching, whatever it is.


But what happens is you're fully into it and then you're fully out of that learning, which, you know, in neuroplasticity, they find that when you're fully in something and you're fully out is the best way to learn because you trigger the actual changes in your brain while it's on. But the actual changing your brain don't occur until you're in deep rest or doing something completely opposite from being not completely focused on what it is. Don't need to dive deeper into that.


I could go and geek out completely on neuroplasticity and how that works in your brain, but just trust me, it works. And so what you do is you do the Pomodoro technique. Another thing that I find really, really helps me out, retain information and also use it later on is one of the features that's inside of Kindle. I should freaking be sponsored by Kindle. This is ridiculous.


You can you can take Kindle and you can actually highlight and save the highlights. So if I see a part of Kindle that I like, like a three sentences, I can highlight those three sentences, which is what I really loved about physical books, is I always underline everything.


And then one of the things that I do that I really to really was one of my main resistance for not leaving physical copy books and going to Kindle. I don't know, Kindle could do this. I can underline all of them and then I can make notes as well, which is what I do.


I like to underline it and then write down whatever pops into my head as to why I underlined it, how that relates in my life, how I could turn, you know, this paragraph that I just found in to an actual podcast episode to help all of you guys out. And so the cool thing about it is that I can highlight inside of Kindle and then I can actually put the notes in and take notes as to why I highlighted that, how that relates to me and what I can use that for in my life.


It's just an added benefit, which is amazing.


What makes it really cool is this.


Now, if you finish a book like let's say you rethink and grow rich, my favorite book, right. You rethink and grow rich. You have a bunch of highlights, you have a bunch of notes and you know, you're not walking around with that physical copy.


I hope to be kind of weird if you're just walking around your entire life, that physical copy.


But there's a lot of times where instead of going on to Instagram, let's say them in the doctor's office and I have to wait for 30 minutes at the dentist. Right. Like I went to the dentist not so long ago. I do it for like 20 minutes. What I'd usually do is instead of going on to Instagram, since I have my phone in my pocket, I will go back and reread books that I've already read by reading all of the highlights and reading all of my notes to remind myself of things that I learned in that book.


So instead of me wasting my time twenty five minutes on Instagram and seeing what everybody's doing on Instagram and comparing myself to other people and, you know, all of that stuff, I can literally use those twenty five minutes for my personal moment because the app is already on my phone.


How amazing is that.


I don't have to bring anything extra with me. I don't have to walk around the physical copy. I don't have to have, you know, a Kindle Paperwhite. And, you know, the actual thing itself. I don't have to have my iPad with me. I literally if I highlight something on my Kindle app, on my iPad, it's automatically highlighted in my phone when I go and look at it next time. So what's cool about it is that you can always bring these books with you.


No matter where you go, it's always inside of your pocket.


What's next? What's the one of the best ways to learn something, to deepen your knowledge after you go through and you read these things?


The very best thing to do is to teach somebody. Teach somebody what you just learned in your own words.


And here's the reason why teaching your brain makes it go from learning to implementing in implementing. And actually the thing about implementing is it makes your brain create new neuro synaptic connections. So neurons that fire together wire together. If you are creating new connections in your brain, your hard wiring that learning inside of your brain, what this does is it takes your passive learning, which is just sitting there and reading and learning and turns it into active learning.


And everything that I do, every course that I do, every time I teach something, is I always tried to teach it and then give somebody an assignment to make it active learning. And the reason why is because you are ten times more likely to remember that information that you learned if you go when you actually turn it into active learning instead of just passive learning.


This is one of the reasons why one of the worst ways to learn is to actually it's just funny because this is how most of our schools are built, is to just sit there and listen to somebody, talk to you. That's passive. One of the best ways to do it is active. That's one of the reasons why walking around also helps you out as well, because you're you're more active, your brain is more stimulated. So if you learn something that's really great, the best thing to do is to call upon your friends and just talk to them about it.


Hey, dude, I just learned this thing I think would be really interesting to you, my girlfriend and my best friend. I do this all day, every day with them. Any time I learn something, especially really complex things for me is I have to teach it immediately.


And the reason why I have to teach immediately is because sometimes I lose it. Like the thing that I'm thinking and the thing that I'm seeing in my head and the pieces that I'm trying to put together if I speak about it, and I tried to teach what I just learned to them, it usually makes it easier, number one, for me to make the connections, for me to understand it. But it's also making real actual connections in my brain, which makes me ten times more likely to remember it.


That's pretty freaking awesome. If you're right. If you if you ask me if you have no one around, let's say you call your best friend, you call your girlfriend. No one else is around.


What you then do is since you can't teach it to somebody, write it down with pen and paper and teach it to yourself because you're still actually going from passive to active in when you teach it to yourself.


Number one, you're always going to have those notes. Now you can take a picture of it. If it's, you know, whatever it is you're doing, write it down with pen and paper. Don't type it out because you're more likely to remember when you write it down. So if there's nobody else around, you don't have an excuse. You're still with yourself. You can still take your time and write out and teach yourself. Teach yourself what it is that you just learned.


You're making new connections out of your brain. There's almost no excuse as to why you can't learn nowadays, let's say. And I want to I want to take a step back. And some people that are out there, you're like, wow, that sounds really nice. I love to have a Kindle. I would love to have, you know, be able to buy books. I would love to be able to afford the book and the audio book and yada, yada, yada and excuse, excuse, excuse, whatever.


Right. Here's the best thing about it. If you are the broken person and somehow you just happen to be listening as podcasts in your you're learning this information, there are many apps that you can use that actually allow you to download free audio books from your local library.


What? Yes, free audio books from your local library, one of them is called Overdrive. There's a few other ones you can Google and I can remember the names off the top of my head, but you can literally download free audio books. Another way that you could do this as well is let's say that you download a free audio book for thinking Rorick. You can then go to your local library, find thinking you're rich and you can listen to it as you're reading it and it costs you no money.


There's no excuse to not learn in this day and age.


Let's say that you don't have let's say you have a physical copy of thinking a rich but you can't find the audio book of thinking rich on overdrive. No worries.


I got an extra solution for you. Go to YouTube and type in thinking grow rich audio book 95 percent of the time.


The book that you're looking for is on the audio book to Chile for is on YouTube. You can listen to it absolutely free.


Absolutely free. Choshi nothing. The cool thing about it is you can speed it up to 2x and speed on YouTube as well. So there's literally no excuse to not learn, to not get better, to not retain more. There's no excuse that you have. The real question is, are you actually going to make yourself enforce yourself, to learn, you know, anything that you ever want to learn is at your fingertips? That's what's so freaking cool.


You can take your phone and anything that you want to learn is literally sitting at your fingertips. That is one of the biggest benefits to being alive right now. Every bit of information that's ever been known to humankind is basically at your fingertips right now. It's in your frickin pocket. If you're taking a dump, you can literally pull up and learn something instead of scrolling through Instagram. You can learn anytime that you want to.


How incredible is that? And I'm going to leave you with a quote that really puts this into place.


And Mark Twain says, there is the man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read. Both of them lead to ignorance. So if you can read, but you're not reading and you're not accumulating knowledge, you're not trying to get better.


It makes you no better. There is no advantage to know the person who cannot read because of issues that they might have.


Right. Everybody has the opportunity to learn. Everybody has the opportunity to grow. We live in a place, a world that is so incredible. And if you turn on the TV or you look on Instagram, you look on Facebook, it looks like the world is burning down. It's not. We live in an incredible time. You just have to search and see how incredible it is and open your eyes to it. One of the things that makes it so incredible is that every bit of information that you could ever want is literally at your fingertips.


There is no excuse for you to not learn. There is no excuse for you to not get better. There is no excuse for you to not grow every single day into the best version of yourself. So that's what I got for you for today's episode.


If you love this episode, if you got some knowledge from it, if you feel like this hit you, you know, right in the heart and you want to share this, go ahead and share this on your Instagram stories and tag minute Rob Dale Junior RBD.


I alj are tag minute. I would love to see it up there. The only way that we grow is through grassroots from you guys actually putting out the information and showing us to your friends saying, hey, this podcast is amazing. I learned a lot, whatever it is, putting it out there so that more people can find it. So if you would do that, I would greatly appreciate it. And I believe the same way I leave you every single episode, make it your mission, make someone else's day better.


I appreciate you and I hope that you have an amazing day.


Hey, everybody. Marianne Williamson here. Guess what is going to be a big shock to you?


I'm going to be the one million seven hundred sixty seven thousand person to start a podcast, and this one is going to be really good.


My guest today is Andrew Yang. What I appreciate about my relationship with you, Andrew, is I feel that you and I, on a personal level, can share both perspectives. And I always appreciate the opportunity to have a public conversation with you, because that back and forth that you and I have, I believe, really does embody a back and forth that exists in the hearts and minds of a lot of people.


I am both uplifted by you and learn from you every time we talk.


And you're just a very elevated person and truth teller and spending even this time with you. Like, I feel like it sharpens my thinking. It sharpens my perception of the need.


I agree with everything you say tax policy should be just education policy should be just health policy should be just there should be criminal justice.


There should be economic justice. But if, you know, if you don't learn the Bill of Rights as a child, you don't know as an adult to be horrified when it's under an assault.


Exactly right. So I think what you're getting at is something I think about all the time, which is, I think, one of the great challenges of this moment. And it's an exciting challenge, but a very difficult is we are now called to find a way to both love our country and tell the truth about it at the same time.


So now we need to show the evidence of love. You know, when hatred and bigotry are harnessed for political purposes, we need to now match that with love and decency and dignity. They subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts and join me.


I can't wait.