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Welcome to today's episode of The Mind segment to our podcast, I am your host, Rob Dial, and if you have not yet done so, hit that subscribe, but that you never miss another podcast episode. And if you don't yet follow me on Instagram, you want to follow me for more inspiration, follow me right now. Rob Dial Junior RBD alj. Ah, I will be giving out free iPhones on my Instagram within the next couple of weeks, so you might want to follow me for that.


Today we're going to be talking about success and what it takes to be successful. And I was on a hike a couple of weeks ago with a friend of mine and his girlfriend and I were talking during the hike and she was telling me about the story of the Chinese bamboo. And she's like, have you ever wish she was actually telling me she's a yoga teacher and she's talking about, like, what I do. And she's like, it's so cool.


Like, what other motivational stories do you know? She's like because at the end of my my yoga, what I do is I teach them a motivational story, so I'm actually running out of them. And she started asking me about so we started telling these stories. She goes, Do you want to know one of my favorite? She started telling me about the Chinese bamboo story. And for me, this one really hit home because, you know, it it deals with success.


It deals with life. It deals with fitness. It deals with everything. And if you don't know the story of the Chinese bamboo, so the Chinese bamboo is infamous because you plant a seed and you have to water it.


It has to get the sun. It has to be taken care of. It has to get the right temperature.


And you take care of it for an entire year and it doesn't even come out of the soil.


So you're watering it, you're taking care of it. You're doing everything that you need to, putting all of the hard work in. And literally for an entire year, it doesn't even come out of the soil. So what do you do? You continue to water, you continue to help it. You continue to foster the growth that it needs to after year two, you know how much it's grown? Nothing. It doesn't even come out of the soil.


You're three do the exact same thing. Does seem to come out of the soil. You're for you do the same thing. You put everything that you can, you help, but you try to help it grow. You give it the water, you give it the sun, you take care of the soil you're for still doesn't grow. But on year five, after four years of watering, after four years of sun, after four years of getting the right soil, what happens?


It comes out of soil. And not only does it come out of the soil, it grows 80 feet in six weeks. It takes five years for it to even come out of the soil, but once it comes out of the soil, it explodes and they say that you can even watch it grow if you stare at it, because sometimes they can grow up to two feet per day.


So you're literally looking at this bamboo that hasn't grown for five years.


And then finally it's growing two feet a day. And what's crazy about it? The reason why it hits home so much for me is because I feel like I've finally gotten to this point in my business. I feel I've gotten to this point in the podcast. I feel like I've gotten this point in a lot of different things in my life. But I wouldn't be at this point had I not gone through those years of almost nothing happening in for you.


You might be in a situation now where it seems like you're spinning your wheels, where nothing's happening or nothing's happening or nothing's happening.


And maybe you want to give up. But there's a voice inside, it's like, just keep going, just keep going, just keep going. Don't pay attention to the naysayers. Your mom saying that it's not working, but I know it's going to work eventually. Eventually, everything hits.


A tipping point in that tipping point is where it clicks and then it takes off.


And if you give up before the tipping point, you'll never actually see what you could have been. And so let me just kind of give you an idea of the way I see it. We live in a world of instant gratification. We do instant gratification. I can find out whatever it is that I want to literally from just looking at my phone, anything I come from, I'm at least old enough to have lived in the encyclopedia age where I remember sitting around with friends and asking stuff like, I wonder how far and how fast the speed of light is.


And we'd sit around and we'd be like, well, let's go figure it out. And we'd hop on our bikes and we go to the library, take 20 minutes to ride our bikes to library. We go to the library. We'd have to go and find the encyclopedias, maybe a book that was written on it. We have to thumb through all of those little things. You guys that are older know what I'm talking about. You'd pull out that drawer and you'd thumb through all of the things to try to find out a speed of light.


OK, where is that? Oh, there's a book that's written on the speed of light. All right. We've got to go find it. We go to that one section and we're like, oh, it's not here that the book's been rented out, man. All right. Let's see if we can find in the encyclopedias. OK, let's see if we're flipping the encyclopedias. Oh, there it is. And we flip up and we're like, oh, there it is.


It's six hundred and forty million miles per hour.


Right. But from thought to answer. Could have been an hour, 45 minutes, we could have sometimes not even found the answer because the books were all rented out and it wasn't an encyclopedia. And we're like, well, I guess I'll just never know the answer to this question.


And that's the way that it was, but now I can literally ask myself, say, hey, Siri, how far is the Earth from the sun? How fast is the speed of, like, boom? She immediately speaks back to me. I'm used to that instant gratification. If I'm hungry right now, I can literally put in an order and someone will deliver to my house within an hour if I want groceries. I live in Austin, Texas.


Groceries can be delivered to me within the next two hours. I don't even have to leave my house. I didn't have to put on underwear to get groceries sent to my house. Right. That's that's the crazy world that we live in right now.


TV I want to watch any movie that's ever been made.


It's at my fingertips. How amazing is that? It's amazing because we built a world that has instant gratification. But your success, your bank account, your happiness, your fitness, all of these things that you want, none of them come instantly, all of them take work in. The crazy part about it is that for quite some time, you might think that it's not working at all. But really what it's doing is it's growing under the surface.


What's actually happening with the bamboo and the reason why it takes so long is because before it breaks out of the surface, it's making a really deep, deep, deep, deep, deep root system so that it can explode into the air.


Because if they were to have no root system in order to take off in the air, it would fall over.


But it doesn't. Why? Because it's four years of building the roots deep down, building everything that it needs in place so that it can take off. Maybe you have to have four years of failure in four years of how to not do it in order to figure out exactly how to do it.


And then once you have those root systems deep, those belief systems deep, the strategies deep, you can take off because you know exactly what to do. And it's crazy. That's exactly how life works. And when I look back to how everything's been in my life, you know, working out once doesn't make you fit. Eating one salad doesn't make you skinny. Saving twenty dollars doesn't make you rich. Working eighteen hours one day doesn't make you a millionaire.


But doing those things over and over and over and over and over and over again for the next five years, what is that doing? It's building the root system deep so that you can take off.


So when you look at one day, when you look at one habit, when you look at one moment, it's not much but repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.


Fast forward it. Five years, 10 years. You're in a completely different situation. You're in a completely different life.


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And and as I was writing this episode, I started thinking about how can I think of aspects of my life that I can talk about this podcast, day one, I put out three episodes on the very first day, August. Twenty third, twenty fifteen.


Put out three episodes, I got 44 downloads, episode one, day one 44, 44 downloads between three episodes. So what is that like?


Basically fifteen people. Listen to my podcast, day one. That's nothing to be super excited about, Southern run home and then I put work in and working and working, and within about six to eight months I was able to get the podcast to about 80000 downloads to one hundred thousand dollars a month, which is pretty good.


Like it's it's more successful than most. And I worked really, really hard to get it there. But here's what's crazy.


It stayed between 80 and 100 thousand downloads for three years. Three years, almost nothing happened. And it just stayed the same and I was like, OK, I'm still satisfied, so happy with it, I'm still getting 80 to one hundred thousand dollars. It's a pretty big deal for me. I was excited about it, but it stayed that way for three years and then something happened. I don't even know what it was that happened, but it went from one hundred thousand downloads and it hit like this tipping point after three years of staying in the exact same point and within six months at ten and I went from one hundred thousand dollars a month to a million downloads a month, I was like, whoa, what happened?


I don't know what happened. I still don't know what happened. I have no clue. It just took off or something happened.


It hit a tipping point. And then one year later, it went from about a million downloads a month to now. And, you know, most people don't talk about how many dollars they get. I don't know why. It's that people don't share its who cares. Now, it's at about three million downloads, three and a half million dollars a month.


So literally it went from three years of the exact same number to 10x within about six to eight months time and then within another six to eight months in time. It then got even bigger and basically tripled in size. So it went from the exact same number for three years to 30 X within about a year and a half, 30 X in a year and a half.


Imagine if I would have given up before I'd hit that tipping point. Imagine where it wouldn't have gotten right. And it's crazy to think about because I got a notification the other day from Spotify saying that this is the number one podcast in Australia. I don't know how that happened. It just somehow happened. Cool.


It's amazing. It's the coolest thing I've ever heard. I've never even been to Australia. Now I need to go and I need to meet all the Aussie, all of the Aussie friends and fans that are out there. But it's just something that happened because I just didn't stop.


What's cool about that is my income basically did the same thing. Was that a good point for a long time and then a basically 10, 15 next, because I put four years of work into it and I was like, holy shit, my podcast and my business is literally like the Chinese bamboo.


It makes so much sense. So many people give up before they get to the point of success that they want it to. It's like there's a there's a really cool photo I'm sure most of you guys have seen if you've ever been on Instagram. And it's like these two guys that are digging through the the the ground and there's all of these diamonds, they're trying to find such a big pile of diamonds. And then there's one guy that that's that's literally almost all the way there.


And then he turns around and starts walking back and you can see how close he is to the diamonds, but he has no idea how close is the diamonds. And he gives up and starts walking back right before he gets to the diamonds. And then there's the other people who, you know, the guy who's almost there and he's continuing to dig and he's about to get to the diamonds because he's not going to give up simply sometimes success is just not giving up and eventually getting to the point where no other people get to him.


You know, it's like the the if you've ever chopped wood before, sometimes it takes four or five hits to chop through the wood, but it's not the fifth hit that chops the wood. It's the fifth hit, plus the four other hits before it to chop the wood. That's exactly how your life is. That's exactly how success is for you as well.


You know, the thing about it that people don't realize is that they're so much closer to that breakthrough than they realize. You're so much closer to that body that they want and their eyes are so much closer to that business that they want than they realize because like, I've been doing this for four years and I'm barely getting to where I want to be, just keep going. One of the beautiful things about life is that most people start, but most people give up too soon.


Why is that beautiful? Because it shows you if you just don't stop, you'll eventually get to where you want to go, you'll eventually get to the place that you want to be. So what I want you to do is I want you to think of something that you are doing right now, whether you're a month in six months in three years in, and if it's really, truly important to you, if it's something that you're obsessed with, if it's something you truly want to do, I want you to make the mental decision of I will not give up either all succeed or I'm going to die trying.


That's it, there are no other options, I'm going to make this work, and if you have that mentality of I'm going to make this work, it will work 100 percent. What will make it not work? You giving up, you not fully believing in yourself, you only giving 90 percent instead of 100 percent.


What you want is possible, but you just have to put your full effort into it and just keep going.


And that's the thing that most people don't realize. You're so close to your income, 30 hexing, you're so close to your business, 30, you're so close to your podcast, 30 hexing.


But if you give up, you're not going to get there. And if you don't get there, what are you going to do? Start something else that's new? So many people start something new and they do it for two years and it doesn't work. So then they start something new and they do it for two years and it doesn't work. So they start something new and they do it for two years and it still doesn't work. And they're like, why can't I succeed?


Why can't you succeed? Because you won't stop stopping.


Just keep going, dude. That's all you got to do. Eventually you'll figure out exactly how to succeed and the thing that you want to succeed at, it's that simple. But. Once again, we live in a world of instant gratification. We want it now. I want I'm looking on Instagram and I see the dude with the Lamborghini. I want that freaking Lamborghini. I'm on Instagram and I see the person with the perfect body. I want that perfect body.


I see an Instagram. The person has a house. I want I want that house. And then I work for six months and I'm like, why don't I have the body I want? Why don't I have the house I want? I don't have the business I want. I don't have the Ferrari I want. Why?


Because you're too early in the process. You're in the fruit growing process. You're in the still needing to water process. You haven't hit the tipping point where you explode in 30 X in six months.


You haven't hit the tipping point where just like the bamboo, you grow 80 feet in six weeks.


But if you don't stop, you'll hit the tipping point. You'll figure it out, it will click for you, something will happen. But you have to keep working at what it is.


And if it truly means something to you and you just don't stop, I promise you, I promise you you'll eventually get to where you want to be, because what happens while you're, quote unquote, failing to call it falling and falling and falling and falling for years and years and years, what that's doing, that's developing the root system that you need to. You're developing the strong foundation that you need to if you just don't stop, you'll eventually explode and that explosion will take you way into the stratosphere, way past everybody else where there is no competition.


And the reason why is because most people usually give up from that time. So just like the Chinese bamboo, you will eventually get to where you want to go. You will eventually succeed. You will eventually break through the ground.


But if you give up at year four before you break through the ground, you're just going to have a deep root system and nothing else. You have a bunch of failures and nothing else. But if you just don't stop, you'll hit the tipping point. You'll explode, you'll get where you want to go and you will look back and go, Dan, I'm so glad I didn't give up when it got hard because I wouldn't be here had I not gone through those things.


So that's all I got for you for today's episode.


If you love this episode, please share with someone that you know and love. And I'm telling you the same way I leave you the same way they do every single episode. Make it your mission to make someone else's day better. Please take this and share it on your Instagram story so that more people can find out about this podcast. Because the only way that we grow is if you guys share it, we learn, we grow and people learn about us through grassroots.


So I'd greatly, greatly appreciate it if you guys would share it. And I appreciate you. And I know that you have an amazing day.


Hey, everybody. Marianne Williamson here. Guess what is going to be a big shock to you? I'm going to be the one million seven hundred sixty seven thousand person to start a podcast, and this one is going to be really good.


My guest today is Andrew Yang. What I appreciate about my relationship with you, Andrew, is I feel that you and I, on a personal level, can share both perspectives. And I always appreciate the opportunity to have a public conversation with you, because that back and forth that you and I have, I believe, really does embody a back and forth that exists in the hearts and minds of a lot of people.


I am both uplifted by you and learn from you every time we talk. And you're just a very elevated person and truth teller and spending even this time with you. Like, I feel like it sharpens my thinking. It sharpens my perception of the need.


I agree with everything you say tax policy should be just education policy should be just health policy should be just there should be criminal justice.


There should be economic justice. But it's you know, if you don't learn the Bill of Rights as a child, you don't know as an adult to be horrified when it's under an assault.


Exactly right. So I think what you're getting at is something I think about all the time, which is, I think, one of the great challenges of this moment. And it's an exciting challenge, but very difficult is we are now called to find a way to both love our country and tell the truth about it at the same time.


So now we need to show the evidence of love. You know, when hatred and bigotry are harnessed for political purposes, we need to now match that with love and decency and dignity.


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I can't wait.