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Welcome to today's episode of the Mind Set Mentor podcast, I'm your host, Rob Dial, and if you have not yet done so, hit that subscribe button that you never miss. Another podcast episode today we're going to talk about how to get more shit done. So if you're someone who's out there and struggles with procrastination, if you struggle with acting busy and not actually being productive, today we're going to talk about how to conquer that.


And it all goes into a little bit of a mentality shift with a little bit of planning that goes into it as well. And it's an idea that that I want you to bring throughout your entire day. And if you can have this idea running as a program in the back of your head, I promise you that you will hit your goal sooner.


And it's a concept that I call living on your front foot or living by leaning forward.


So let me give you an example before I actually tell you what it is. Let's say that you and I are going to go into a footrace, right. And we're lining up in the guns about to go off.


Are you going to be, if you want to, to try to beat me and to try to go as fast as you can?


Are you going to be leaning on your back foot or are you going to be leaning on your front? Are you me leaning back in a way from where you're supposed to be running or are you going to be leaning a little bit forward?


If you see somebody who's an Olympic runner, are they leaning back when they're at the line or they leaning with their entire body forward? They're always leaning forward. And so if you can have the concept of being on your front foot, if you can have the concept of leaning forward all day throughout the day and every action that you do and everything that you think, then you're going to get more stuff done. And in turn you're going to be in a completely different place years from now because of how much more productive, not busy, how much more productive that you are throughout the day.


And for me, I would say that I noticed years ago that at one point in time when I was still working for a company before I quit and started my own business, that I lived the majority of my life leaning backwards.


I live the majority of my life on my back foot. I was very reactive and I noticed a lot of people like this as well as very reactive, you know. So do you feel like you're more proactive in everything you do or you feel like you're more reactive? Do you feel like when you wake up in the morning and you get to work or your you're around your family, do you have a plan of exactly what's going to be done, what needs to be executed and how it's going to happen?


And believe me, I'm not a planner, so I'm not saying plan out your entire life, but do you have at least a little bit of a plan and an idea of what's going to happen? Or do you feel like you're constantly just putting out fires like you're just in reaction mode, like life is basically just throwing circumstances at you and you're just dodging them to see if you can try to make your way through each day. So what I found is that the majority of people live their lives on their back foot.


They live their lives leaning forward in reaction mode and putting out fires and waking up just enough time before their clock goes off. And they have to get ready real quick, hop in the shower, then go to work. And it's just constantly just reactive, reactive, reactive. They get to work and they're constantly reacting and life is just dodging shit that comes up throughout the day. No wonder why they're so tired every single day is because they're just they're just reactive all day long.


And the main thing is that there's no real intention with what's going to happen every single day as how they're going to operate throughout the day, what the plan is to operate every single day in the difference between leaning backwards.


And leaning forward is that when you lean forward with everything that you do with everything that you have going on for the day when you're leaning forward, you're living your life with intention. You're living your life with a plan. You know what's going to be happening today. And you're in control of it. You've got this.


It's not that. You're just oh, God, I hope that I can make it through today. It's like I'm going to conquer today. I'm living my life with intention and I wake up and I already have a plan. It's not that I wake up and I create a plan. It's that I wake up and I already have my plan. What's the difference is it's not like waking up and saying, OK, well, now that I've woken up to to go and take my morning routine and to get into it.


And at six a.m., what do I do now know? It's like when I wake up, I already know it's going to be going on. I have a plan going into the day.


And when you have a plan, at least a rough idea, it makes it much easier to execute.


It makes it much easier to get the shit done that you need to get done. So let me give you an example.


You could there's a couple different options. Number one, you could just wake up and just see what happens, right?


Just wake up and just immediately go into your day, take a shower, get some quick breakfast, make some coffee, go out the door and head off to work. You could do that. Or you could say, you know what? I'm going to have a morning routine and I'm going to do whatever it is that I want to do. You know, I've read this book and I want to try to put a couple of things into my day.


So I'm going to wake up and I'm going to read the book and figure out what I want to do. You could do that as well.


That's a little bit of intention. That's more intention than just waking up right before your alarm goes off.


But if you want to really lean forward into your day, into your morning routine, say, OK, what is my morning routine going to consist of and have an actual plan of what your morning routine is going to consist of? When I meditate, I'm going to go for a run. I'm going to come back and eat a really good breakfast call that say that's what it is.


That's a plan. Can we take it another step further and go, OK, I know exactly what I'm going to do and I know they're going for a run is the first thing that I actually want to do in the morning. Then I'll come back and meditate. So what I'm going to do to make sure that when I wake up, not only do I have a plan, but I am ready to go, is that I'm actually going to take my running clothes.


I'm going to take my T-shirt, I'm going to take my underwear. I'm going to take my shorts. I'm going to take my socks. I'm going take my shoes and I'm going to put them right next to my toothbrush so that when I wake up in the morning, I brush my teeth and boom, I don't even have to think about what I'm wearing. It's already there for me.


Do you see how that alone would make it easier to wake up and start your day with intention because you're already leaning forward?


By the time that you wake up, there's no plan that has to be made. The plan has already made. All you have to do is execute. And so it makes it easier to live your life by leaning forward into it and having stuff done that you need to have yourself ready to get done, that you need to get done each day.


That's the difference between living off of your back foot and just taking life circumstances. They come up or having a plan and then with that plan leaning into it and going, you know what, I'm not going to just go through today. I'm going to frickin conquer today.


I'm going to go through and make today my bitch. Right. That's what I'm going to do. And when you have that mentality, you it's a lot easier to get some stuff done. It's a lot easier to execute leaning forward.


If you listen to the last episode I talk about coming from a place of power, place of fear, leaning forward is the equivalent of coming from a place of power.


I know what I want. I know what I'm going to do and I'm going to do it.


So either you watch me and get out of my way or you're just going to see what happens.


Right leaning backwards is like coming from a place of fear.


Oh, man. I hope I hope today goes OK. I hope that I'm able to get these things done.


There's there's some things that I would definitely like to accomplish. But as we know, you know, stuff might happen.


Circumstances might come up. When you come from a place of power and you come from a place of I'm going to be leaning forward with everything that I do. I'm going to have a plan. It makes it much easier to execute. And once again, I'm not a big planner, but I always ask myself this question. When I want to get something done, I ask myself the question, what would make it easier on myself? Because there's one thing that I know I'm really good at talking myself out of things.


And so if I can make a plan to not be able to talk myself out of things. I'm much more likely to execute. I always say that the best salesperson is you in your own head the moment that your alarm goes off because you can you had the intention of waking up at the time when the alarm goes off, didn't you? Like, we all have the intention of their 6:00 a.m. I planned last night to wake up at 6:00 a.m., but then when the alarm goes off, what happens?


You're like, oh, well, you know, maybe I could sleep in. Actually, you know what? It would be better to sleep in because I haven't been feeling like I did work out yesterday, so maybe my body could get extra rest. You're the best salesperson that at that moment.


But when you've planned ahead in your day before you even wake up, is are you you've already got the momentum on your side of leaning forward and leaning into it. Makes it much easier to get up because the plan already has it's already it's already good to go, it's already been done. You just have to be the one that's got to execute on it. Right.


And it's about carrying that momentum from the moment that you wake up into your day in and literally having the momentum on your side. Right. It's really easy to stop if you're at the very top of a hill and you have a 15 pound bowling ball, it's really easy to stop that bowling ball right after it starts going right.


It's easy because it's not really going fast or anything, but try to stop that bowling ball at the bottom of the hill. That's what building momentum is. If you have a 15 pound bowling ball that's been going down an entire hill, try to stop it. Break a foot. Break an arm. Right. That's what that's the equivalent of what you're trying to go into in your day. If you can start your day with a win, if you can start your day with momentum, if you can start your day leaning forward, knowing what you're going to be doing, your day is going to be really damn good.


Hey, let me tell you about my favorite drink that I take first thing in the morning. It's called Athletic Greens. Here's how I start my day. I go to the bathroom, I brush my teeth, I drink my athletic greens, and then I meditate. It's not important for me to take first thing in the morning. And it just 30 seconds and just one scoop. I get 75 vitamins and minerals, Whole Foods, source ingredients and everything that a multivitamin has, plus greens, probiotics, prebiotics digestive enzymes, immunity, formula, adaptations and so much more.


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Then what you do is you have a plan for every single part of your day. OK, we've got the morning routine.


We figured out a way to get that done. What about the morning? Let's say that I want to drink coffee. Right. And, you know, say I really want to have a cup of coffee when I, you know, as soon as I get done with my run. Right. I want to have coffee. OK, well, let's go ahead.


And what would make it easier for me? What would make it have less resistance? You know what? Instead of me having to make the coffee, what if I were to buy a coffee pot that has a timer on it so that I know that if I get back at six thirty, my run, my coffee's already made. That's less resistance on my side. Right. So I can plan the night before to make sure that that's good to go.


Maybe what I can do is I can make sure that I have a breakfast ready to go see and you take the resistance points of your day out of it. You've already planned ahead. It might take 30 minutes before you go to bed, but what do you do in 30 minutes for you go to bed anyways. There's probably some Netflix time. There's some scrolling through Instagram. Is all of that stuff helping you live a better life or is it just kind of keeping you busy until you knock out for the night?


Can you take your time and plan ahead? OK, let's say that I know that I need to eat healthier. OK, well, how can I eat healthier while I can meal plan every single Sunday.


And if I meal plan, all I have to do is just eat that food. Right.


So maybe instead of going out and drinking with my friends and having Sunday fun day, maybe what I decide to do is I decide to actually do something that's going to make me be forward leaning throughout my week and take a couple hours in meal plan. Then all I have to do is just eat the food.


I don't have to worry about making it because it's already made. I don't have to worry about my nutrition because I've already done that. I don't have to worry about any of those things. So there's another part of my day. It's completely taken care of. OK, let's say that I want to work out Monday through Friday.


Well, instead of just showing up to the gym and going, OK, well, I guess I'm here, I might as well just move some weights around. Might as well go for a quick run. What if I were to have my entire week of workouts already done?


So when I show up, I just got to execute. Don't you feel like that would take some resistance away from you of having to show up? Because part of the resistance, we can make all of the excuses right. Same way that you're making excuses. As soon as your alarm goes off, we can make all of the excuses why we don't need to go to the gym today.


But if we've got it all planned out and now I've got to stick to the plan and now there's less resistance because I don't even have to think I just have to show up and execute, then it makes it easier to go into my workouts every single day leaning forward. So we've got the morning routine knocked out. We've got the coffee knocked out. We've got the the workouts knocked out. We've got the nutrition knocked up. OK, what about your work?


If you have your own business, what can you do to set your life up so that you're constantly leaning forward and you're always on your front foot and never on your back foot?


It's the difference between playing offense and playing defense or playing defense all the time, or you playing offense in your life because you're constantly just playing defense and playing defense and playing defense, not going to score a whole lot.


But if you're on the offense and offense and defense and offense, you're going to get some stuff done. Perfect. OK, so let's figure out how we can write this question down. How can I be leaning forward every day and my business? How can I be leaning forward every day in my career, in my job? How can I be leaning forward to make sure that I get my promotion next year? Whatever it is, how can you constantly be leaning forward and everything that you do?


So that, you know, all you got to do is execute. OK, perfect, how can you be leaning forward in your family? What does your family need? What are your kids need from you? What does your spouse need from you? What would make all of those relationships grow?


Don't just hang out with them and spend time with them. Sure, it's important. But if you're intentional about your time, what if you're intentional about what you do with them? What if you're intentional about. OK, I noticed that lately I haven't been as proud of my children as I should be. I'm going to take my phone. I'm going to put it away. And here's some ideas of things that we can do to be more present. Here's some games we can play.


Here's some ways I can help them with their homework, you know, with my spouse. OK, what can I do? OK, we can make sure that we have a date night planned. I can have a sitter already ready to go so I don't even have to think about it. There is no resistance because how often do couples have a date night that they want to have planned, but they don't make any plans around it. They just have the day and then they end up forgetting about it or skipping it because it's just too much resistance to find a sitter, figure out where you're going to go, dress up all of that stuff.


How can I make sure that I set my life up so that there is so much less resistance because I've been frickin planning and living my entire life leaning forward. OK, what is my nightly routine look like? How can I make sure that my nightly routine is set up so that I'm leaning forward? If you're watching Netflix all night, is that leaning forward? Is that leaning backwards? Probably leaning backwards.


What if you were to just be intentional with thirty minutes of your time before you go to bed and say, how can I make sure that tomorrow how can I assist myself tomorrow right now? How can I you ever plan something ahead for your future self and then you get it and you're like, did my past self is about us.


Like I'm so glad that I did that. If you ever had that happen before. Imagine if you did that every single day would be like, oh, Rob, last night you crushed it. I'm so glad that you did this right. How can you set up your nightly routines to be leaning forward for the next day? For me to be leaning forward? How can you make sure that that you eat the right stuff so that you don't have trouble sleeping so that you don't stay up later, so that you get enough rest, that you have the REM sleep that you need, so that when you wake up and you have your morning routine planned and everything is out there and your toothbrush is ready to go in, your coffee is ready to go, and your running shoes, your running clothes is ready to go, all of that stuff is completely figured out.


You've got your workout figured out. You've got your meal plan figured out. How can I make sure that my sleep is going to assist in that so that when I wake up, I'm rested, I'm ready to go, and there's absolutely nothing that can hold me back. The difference in this compared to way other people live their lives is this is leaning forward. This is constantly going what can I do right now to get me closer to the life? My dreams is what I'm doing right now, getting me closer to or further from my goals.


This is how you lean forward and everything that you do in your life instead of just playing defense all the time.


Because I promise you, if you're just playing defense your entire life, you won't win. You've got to play some offense, you've got to score some touchdowns in order to win the game, you can't just constantly play defense, so you've got to be on the offense more and more and more and more. And the more that you can stay on the offense in assists yourself in staying on the offense, the more that you're going to get the stuff done that you need to, the more that you're going to execute in the further along that you're going to be day after day after day.


And you fast forward that five years. You fast for that 10 years.


As I said in the last episode, your life is in a completely different place than it was today, but you have to be the one that's leaning forward.


So the question to ask yourself is, how can I start the day and continue the day all day leaning forward to make sure they execute on the plans that I have.


So that's what I got for you for today's episode. If you love this episode, please share it on Instagram storage and Facebook storage tag minute. Rob Dale Jr. RBD ALJ are. The only way this show grows is from you sharing it. So if you love it, biggest thing that you can do as a favor to me is shared so that other people can find it as well. And I'm going to leave you the same way. I leave you every single episode.


Make it your mission to make someone else's day better. I appreciate you and I hope that you have an amazing day.