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Welcome to today's episode of the Mind Set Mentor podcast, I'm your host, Rob Dial, and if you have not yet done so, hit that subscribe button since you never miss another podcast episode. And last but not least, if you have a large Instagram following our social media following, send me an email right now at Aadi at Rob Dayal dot com.


I want to talk to you about teaming up and possibly having a partnership. So I think it's going to be something you're interested in. Do you have a large social following Semin email right now? Aahed at Rob Dial Dotcom today we're going to be talking about.


Well I should never get to tell you. We're going to talk about and tell you a story first and then from that story we're going to extract lessons so that you can remember these lessons for the rest of your life. So there's a man who's in his backyard and in his backyard. He notices he walks up to a beautiful tree and notices that there's a little tiny cocoon that a butterfly is going to be coming out of.


And so he sees in next couple of days, he watches it, he watches it grow, and he watches his struggle and move around a little bit.


And then one day, a small opening appears inside of the cocoon. And he sat there and he started to watch as this beautiful butterfly was struggling for hours and hours and hours, and it struggled to try to force its body through that tiny little hole until suddenly it just stopped making any progress into the man. He looked like it was stuck. And so the man did what he thought was the best idea. He went inside and he got some scissors.


So he takes the scissors, he walks up to the cocoon and he snaps it open so that the butterfly can get out in the butterfly gets out really easily.


And, you know, the only problem was when the butterfly gets out, it has some really small, shriveled wings and it's got a swollen body. And so he's looking he's like, this doesn't look right. Like normally they have a little tiny body and then they have these big, huge wings.


But it was backwards. It was this big, huge swollen body and these small little shriveled wings. Then the man didn't think anything of it. He just sat there waiting for the wings to enlarge, waiting for the butterfly to take off. But it didn't happen and the butterfly ended up dying. Sorry. So sorry, guys. Don't cry about it. The butterfly ended up dying because it wasn't able to fly away because it had its big, huge, swollen body in these tiny little tiny little wings that weren't able to support it.


And you have to realize the man tried to help the butterfly out of the kindness of his own heart. But what he didn't understand is that restricting the restriction of the cocoon is actually the struggle that's needed for the butterflies to get itself through the small opening as a way to force the fluid from the body of the butterfly to its wings so that the wings can grow and then prepare itself to actually take out and leave the cocoon. So you have to realize the man out of the kindness of his own heart was trying to help out the butterfly.


But what was needed in order for the butterfly to actually grow to its truest potential was the struggle. So what's the moral story of all of this is that our struggle is actually what develops us in to who we are. You know, without all the struggles that we have in our life, we're never going to grow. We're never going to get stronger, so it's important for us to look at all the challenges that come into our life and go, you know what?


This is actually something that I need. Do I want to go through it right now? Absolutely not. But when we have these struggles, we actually grow from them. And you've heard me say before, but if you think about some of the worst times in your life, they're never fun to go through. But those struggles are what make you who you are like after you've gone through the struggles, the breakups and the really bad times.


The friend that screws you over, whatever it is you go. You know what? I wasn't happy going through it, but I had to learn that lesson in order to grow. I had to go through that thing in order to grow the same way that the only way for the Butterflied to actually get its wings to grow and to get the fluid out of its body is to have to struggle through a tiny little hole inside of the cocoon in order to move the fluid, because moving the fluid is what actually makes it stronger.


It's got to grow through the struggle in order to become stronger. And so there's two aspects I want you to think about when you hear this story. Number one are your own struggles. Think about your own struggles in life. You might be going through struggles right now. And like I said, it's not fun to go through the struggles, but just imagine it this way. How would you view your struggles differently if you thought that you asked for your struggles?


Instead of looking at your struggles as if you know what, woe is me, this was done to me. I wish that I didn't have to go through this thing. But instead of looking at it that way, as if as if the struggles are just placed onto your shoulders and it's a burden and now you have to figure out a way to work through it. What if you were to look at your struggles and say, you know what, I ask for these struggles.


How would your mind set around those struggles be different, would you still be woe is me, this is happening to me. I'm so sad about it. Would you look at it and go, you know what?


I asked for this? I'm going to push through it. Because if you think of the fact that you asked for it, whether you did or didn't, but let's just say, how would your how would your frame of mind change by going, you know what?


I asked for these struggles.


These are the struggles that I need in order to get myself to the next level. You know, maybe maybe what happened is when you will go off and you go to sleep, you go off into the dreamland, you talk to God or you talk to the universe or whatever it is, and you make a deal of like, OK, what do I need to get to the next level of my life? I always talk about how I like to think life is like a video game.


If life is a video game, you know that every time you play a video game, it gets harder and harder and harder and harder. But getting harder is what actually makes you get better, right? Same way with life. Sometimes struggles end up getting worse and worse and worse. But maybe that's there for you to develop into the new version of yourself to go from inside of the cocoon to the actual butterfly. How would your perspective change on everything if you were to say, you know what, I asked for this?


Second thing, if we're talking about your own struggles, number one, number two. What about other people's struggles? You know, one of the things that's really hard for a lot of people is to see someone that they love go through some pain. And that's never fun to watch. And I always say be there to support people, but never tried to pull their pain and suffering away from them because you have to realize you can help them through it.


But they have it and it's for them to go through. One of the things that I see all too often nowadays is, you know, parents of of children. I'm not about to young children don't hang out with young children, but I'm talking about like my friend's parents or people that are younger than them, maybe in their 20s or whatever it is. The parents always try to coddle the children so much that they don't actually even get used to struggle.


And then they got into the real world and they don't know how to do anything because of it.


And so if you think about it, maybe the struggle is actually necessary for your loved ones to go through in order for them to grow, because imagine if if you're not pushing them out of the nest and allowing them to fall and allowing them to mess up, then you're taking away their growth from them.


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What of a video I was watching the other day was about this this bird, and it was friggin huge, I mean, huge bird, and it had these little babies. And what it did was it fed the little ones for a little while. It fed the little ones for a little while. And once they get to a certain size, the moms like Peace out, I'm gone, never comes back again and just leaves them. And so there's there's this huge this baby was massive, is like a massive baby bird.


And it was sitting there as China was getting nervous and it had to jump and it would go to the branch that's under it. Jump to the branches it, and then we walked back up to the desk and they would jump and go to the branches it and then walked back up to the nest. And you go over and over and over and over again. And through doing this, it started getting a little bit of of strength, a little bit of understanding how to fall and how to do this.


And then what happened was that these strong winds would come by and it would put its wings out and he would start to flap its wings in the strong, strong wind. And it would it would get just a little bit of strength. Its muscles were grown, its muscles are grown, its muscles are grow from going through this in days went by and days went by and its mother never came back in the birds like, you know what, I'm just going to have to do it.


And then it had to jump. And when it jumped, it figured it out. And how often do you have people around you that need you to just be there to support them, but not coddle them, to allow them to go through some stuff, to allow them to have emotions, to allow them to feel pain, not to try to pull the pain away from them, but to be there and support them through the pain, knowing that growth is coming from it, and you wish that you could strip the pain away from people.


I get it. But what if that's part of their growth? Think about that. What if it's part of their growth and what if it's also part of your growth as well, to be able to look at somebody and go, you know what? I wish that I could pull this pain away from them, but there's nothing I can do. The best thing that I can do is to be here in love and support them. And maybe when this pain comes up for me, the best thing that I can do is I can go, you know what this is and what I would choose.


This isn't what I want to go through.


This isn't my perfect life plan.


But any time you get in a car and you go on a long drive, there's going to have to be some detours. And that's how life goes. But just as if you were to walk into a gym and do some curls, if you do the exact same curls over and over and over again and only lift ten pounds, you're not going to get any stronger. You're not going to get to the next level of you. And my personal belief is that we're all here to get to the next version of our self.


It's kind of like a goal to go, you know what? How far can I get? How great can I become?


I have a tattoo on my wrist and literally it's the Roman numeral ten thousand because they say it takes about ten thousand hours to master something. And I fully believe that I have the tattoo on my wrist, only have two tattoos. I'm not tatted up by two tattoos in one of them is a Roman numeral 10000, because I think it's going to take a lot longer than 10000 hours to master myself. I think it's going to be a lifelong thing of something that I have to work at every single day, every single day, every single day in this personal growth.


And trying to get better is not a hobby for me. It's a lifestyle. I'm constantly trying to grow and get better and see what the next version of Robb looks like. Are you constantly trying to see what the next version of you looks like, or are you trying to stay inside of a comfort zone? Because I'll tell you, this growth doesn't happen in the comfort zone, growth happens when you have to step outside of that comfort zone and face things that you've never faced before.


Just as the same thing that the bird that I'm telling you about, it has to jump out of the nest in order to figure out how to use its legs, how to use its wings a little bit. It has to get strong winds to come through so they can put its wings out and start to flap, but still keep its its legs on the ground so it can grow those wings. Same thing with the butterfly. The butterfly has to go through that struggle in order to grow and to be able to become strong enough, just as everything that's been placed in your life.


Just imagine that it's a perfectly crafted curriculum for you to get to the next level of who you want to be, whether you're religious, whether or not I just imagine it for me.


Imagine if God or the universe or something that's out there that says, you know what, this struggle is exactly what he or she needs and they don't want it, but damn it, they need it. So I'm going to go ahead and give it to them and see how they work through it. Because, as I said, the things that you've been through in your life, you wish that they didn't happen. I get it. Like, as you're going through them, you you just wish that you didn't have to go through them.


But as you look back on them, having gone through them, you go, you know what, those were not fun to go through, but I see how I had to go through that. I see how I had to go through that breakup. I see how I had to go through a divorce. I see how I had to have my friend back stab me in some sort of way, because everything is a lesson. You just have to be consciously sitting there and go, OK, what can I learn from this?


How can I grow from this? It seems like the universe is throwing so much at me. Everyone that I'm around is negative. How can I use this negativity? It's coming on and try to put it into a positive mindset and see it as a mental gym that I'm in. The same way I said in the last episode, see it as a mental gym and you're just trying to lift heavier weights. You're just trying to lift every voice. You're just trying to live heavy weights because ultimately you don't grow by not moving.


You don't grow by becoming, you know, the same version of yourself every single year. You've got to change. You've got to grow. You've got to evolve.


You've got to force yourself to lift heavy weights physically and mentally in order to become better and also emotionally in order to become better. So think of it this way. Everything that is given to you in your life is a perfectly crafted curriculum for you. Yes. You and only you to go through to grow. And if you think of your life that way, would it change your perspective when you're in the deep, deep, deep moments of your life, realizing that there's something going on and go, you know what?


It's not where I want to be right now, but there's you know, you can't stay inside of a storm. A storm doesn't stay forever. It eventually passes through. So this dark moment will pass through. And when I'm in this dark moment, it's going to make the bright moments even better.


So that's what I got for you. Four days episode. If you love this episode, please share with someone that you know and someone that you love. And I believe in the same way I leave you every single episode, make it your mission, make someone else's day better. I appreciate you and I hope that you have an amazing day. Want to know the original stories behind Thor, Hercules, Mulan and The Little Mermaid. Did you know stories like the Grimm fairy tales weren't originally for kids and as such are gruesome, terrifying and amazing.


Each week, myths and legends dies in the stories from all over the world. From Loki's hijinx to zoos and zoos, you'll hear stories sourced from world folklore but retold for modern ears. The stories you think you know might surprise you. Go to myths and legends dotcom to subscribe to myths and legends wherever you like to listen.