Okay, guys, let's take a second and talk about body armor. You know I have some body armor with me at all times. This zero sugar body armor has been my life hack to hydration. Anytime I get into the Barstool office, go over to a cooler, crack, grab myself a nice, delicious, and may I say, nutritious body armor, zero sugar. I got the orange right here, or as our friend south of the border would say, naranja. But 10 calories? Come on, you really can't beat that. Plus the electrolytes that will be flowing through your system because sometimes it's not just enough to put water into your body. Sometimes you want to go a little bit above and a little bit beyond with some of these fantastic electrolytes, which I brought you through this delicious potassium, the antioxidants, the B vitamins. It's natural flavors and sweeteners. That means you're getting a natural product every single time, gluten free, no caffeine. You don't have to.