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So part one of this podcast was a basics about Krypto, I highly recommend you check that out if you don't know much about Krypto, but if you know your basics right, this particular episode is going to teach you the more advanced side of things. If you really want to become a multi-millionaire multibillionaire using crypto currencies, you've got to know this part of the conversation.


And of course, that's going to be follow up podcast on this one when it comes to the subject of crypto currencies.


But we have sumatriptan once again dishing some ends. Advanced cryptocurrency gun on the TV show. So welcome to Part two of Burden Visuospatial on cryptocurrency, part one was a cliffhanger, and then we spoke about the fact that there are dangers to investing in crypto and you should know a little bit about which cryptocurrency to put your money in and how much money.


The obvious one is Bitcoin. Everyone knows Gaede. You know, Bitcoin is about money. Should be. But there are so many.


Cryptocurrency is there's something called bitcoin gold. There's something called Ethereum.


There's a bunch of other ones as well. I'd actually like the crypto expert speak to what is the strategy for an everyday person? Like what should we be thinking about diversification? Because this whole logic about putting money in multiple places just to be safe, how will you divide the money?


So once you've decided that you want to put money into crypto, right. It's important to understand what are the assets that we should put in.


There are ten thousand plus crypto out there and not all of them are good. What I feel is that most of these projects will feel right.


And if as a retail, if you don't have the NEC to identify which are the projects which are going to be successful can become the Amazon of the future.


In the world of crypto, it's better to restrict yourself only to the top ones, which just like, you know, large caps limited to large considered bitcoin Ethereum.


What do you mean large caps?


Like large caps, like coins, which are like high market cap, like they have a long history, they have good network effects and people trust them.


You need to see the coins that have been around for a while and there's lots of other human beings.


You don't take a risk when you invest.


Yeah, so I remember one story. So when I was, you know, new to the Internet, there was a website called Million Dollar Homepage.


That website used to sell ad space. You know, if you want to buy a ten by ten pixel, that's like worth hundred dollars. Right. And now it's not there anymore. So there are a lot of adults who want to ride the hype and want to make quick money out of that.


It's important for you as an investor to restrict yourself only to the projects you really understand. And that's where education comes into picture.


So to a college student who has ten thousand rupees, where would you put his money?


I if you were his brother, I would ask them to put money only in Bitcoin in A.M..


OK, and what would be the divide like you're doing?


I think majority of that can be in Bitcoin and I personally follow at least one strategy. Three fourths of that is in Bitcoin. One fourth of that is an imperium.


Yeah, I've done the same, but for just one very close same logic that, you know, you should put something in it.


Room. Yes. If you bank completely on one thing, that's just wrong. Basically, you should have an edge. Yeah. Yeah. Other than Ethereum and Bitcoin, is there any one you're looking out for and saying that. OK, big thing. OK, maybe this can take off shore.


This one token called basic retention token. That's something that I've put my money in. And the simple reason being. So just like use Chrome browser, this is there's something called Brave Browser Browser. There's a browser which doesn't which doesn't store your data.


So you will not see ads coming on to you. And you will if you want to see ads, you will get paid for seeing out matlab.


OK, so basically this is like an app like how you download Internet Explorer.


It's exactly like Chrome or any other browser. It's called Brave Brave Browser and that is made by the co-founder of Mozilla Firefox. Also that person, when he realized the power of decentralised systems, that person made a browser and what browser?


You can browse the Internet right now if you see anything, if you enter anything on your data recorder, people know orgasmic, things like that. He likes football. Let's show him a football related ad. Yeah, but brave browser is like I don't want to tell you who is using this. It's completely anonymous.


Your data is not stored in the system if you want to earn money by seeing it right now, what happens is people see ads and it just the ad platforms will make money.


Right. And, you know, we just give openly our data. That should not be the case.


Data should be with us only. This is very interesting. The they're on the way back. It's a very common statement in the tech world, but something that the average person doesn't understand. They say that if a very good product is free for you, that means you are the product.


Yes, you like.


That means that usually something like Facebook, something like Instagram, something like Google, completely free, of course, go on it, use it. They'll give you a lot of help. And you really have great product. What do you other product. But the other product, you are being sold because they are taking a single year like they monetize on your data and then they go to the airlines, which is the brand world, and say that rather than spending money on billboards, rather than making big posters of your product, why don't you make small posters and Facebook and be sure that people will actually buy your stuff?


Yeah, that's the logic.


So any of your brave browser and the crypto associated with your browser.


Yeah, so that token. So I know if you a. It's not some project that is just out there and not doing any real world change in this, there are 10 million people using that browser on a daily basis. Now, imagine the scale and we are just at the start of the block chain technology. And, you know, it has to go a long way, like, you know, right now where Internet, Internet is. We have seen the immense power and how we can build products on top of it.


Similarly, there will be various decentralized applications on top of these protocols, which will make our data our own, like which will make it super secure. And you will see companies being built on top of these technologies.


OK, so what is the the name of the cryptocurrency? You are basic attention to convert back Beijing. And your logic of investing in that is how these people are probably going to grow going forward. Yes.


I mean, that is a real, real world product which people can use, I personally believe, but also because I don't want to give my data to Google.


So Brave Browser has made another product called back, which is that's the underlying which runs this.


It's a utility token. So what that means is if you want to be a part of that ecosystem and if you want to earn something up by seeing that right now, you know, if we use Chrome, we don't get anything. But if you want to make money out of seeing that, you can choose not to. But if you want to make money, you can do that. And the token that runs within the system is the basic attention you get paid and back.


Yes, OK. And if you want to run it, ad you have to pay it back. So as the system scales, the utility of the back token also goes up and that's our demand supply game. If the demand, if there are so many people, are 100 million people using the platform, there will be publishers who would want to you know, the companies would want to run their ads on that network and they can only pay attention to.


And that is where the demand will come from.


Thank you for putting this out on the run, because this actually gives a lot of maybe young startups, young entrepreneurs, a nice business model.


So, say, in the 1970s or 1980s, the money made headlines public and he said, I'm going to float shares of reliance on the share market you guys put in.


Your money will become part owners of this in sort of a way. You are supporting this company, this brave. But it was a company by putting your shares, by giving your time, earning it back. It's similar to that.


Any social network that is out there, you call it Facebook or Twitter, any can any system can be made in a decentralized manner, but there's no need for a company to run it. The use of a company is to manage the data, you know, build a product. All of that can be done in a decentralized manner.


Also, where the community owns the product, people who are using the product are essentially the shareholders in the business.


And there are more people coming in that will give more value to the existing people who are using the net will go under.


So in this case, if startups, small businesses are intelligent, everyone can create their own cryptocurrency, which is decentralized, which is based on blocked in technology because it has that same USPI of crypto that, OK, this block chain is decentralized, it's safe, secure, all that just come up with something intelligent like this. So this particular brand was on the that, OK, we will be people who see our ads from our clients in.


That's a very intelligent business strategy under the new cryptocurrency going forward, if brave browser becomes popular and if more people own bags and if people if the brands are buying them in bags, bags will also be listed on platforms like yours, like it is already there.


OK, so if you want to invest it, you can buy one rupee worth about or whatever amount you want to invest in it.


So as this gets more adoption, the value of bad will increase.


And it's not just about but there are various tokens out there which are solving different real world problems, like can you give you like insurance now when you take insurance from a company, you ultimately trust the company who is giving the insurance that if something happens, they will give you the money.


But now there are protocols that are built where you don't need to trust those companies. The system is designed in a way where if you satisfy these conditions, you will actually get paid. It's called the future. You know, right now what happens? I mean, this is something I believe in is that, you know, fifteen hundred years back, we used to trust the words of William Animalia. That is how it happened. But now that is shifting.


What do we just I mean, like, right now it's like agreements.


We have so much agreements now in the future, code is going to be the law. So, for example, right now what happens is in any service, whenever we take any service from some company, we trust the company that if something happens, they will do this. All of that can be coded. It allows you to do the flexibility to make smart contracts. For example, if this happens, this is what will happen. It can be so it is also you can program money program the movement of money.


So when you say these things can be called, you are making a contract in the digital world through code. Yes.


OK, so basically, let's take the example of that brave browser you are selling your time. The computer's recording has. And we'll spend one minute of his life watching this particular at the Golden, OK?


And we watched it. Now let's reward and with one back or whatever.


So this is how the system inside the computer, inside the digital world is scanning a real world thing like your time and then rewarding you with a digital thing like back based on your activity.


It's like it's like playing Call of Duty or Pobjie, where you play a video game and you do well at that video game. And in the video game, you are rewarded with new things like new Xbox. So in that way, even Pobjie Gravitron cryptocurrency, yes, you can call of duty Gravitron cryptocurrency and then you could use that same cryptocurrency floated on platforms like yours, which also include things like Bitcoin, Ethereum. And you can it is a cryptocurrency.


Let's let's think of starting a business with cryptocurrency.


At some point I will consult with you. Sure.


But what what else is out there like what's happening are big companies like, say, or of the world or Amazons of the world. Do you think that they are looking at this and saying, OK, let's not it is a joke crypto.


Now, I think all the companies, if they want to build loyalty within their communities, they will eventually be shifting to location based tokens.


If you see Internet right now, if I'm browsing Internet, there are servers out there in Singapore or some other country where my data goes to that server and does the computation for me. Now, what is happening is all of these computations can be done in a decentralized manner.


And with that happening, there will be thousands of devices in a kilometer radius who will do this computation for me and this technology blocked and technology to make our Internet a hundred thousand times faster. Now, you don't have to wait for a long time in order to load the website or download a file.


It can be done in a jiffy. Just because the Internet is decentralized, the competition is decentralized. So you don't need a supercomputer. The supercomputer can be made by millions of small small machines and they will do the competition for you. Now, in order to run the system, you'll have to incentivize these millions of small, small computers. And that is where the token can come into picture, right? That's the incentive structure within that community. Right.


And it is not like where you are trusting companies like Google or Amazon to store the data. The data is distributed across those millions of computers. Just one example. A few years back, there was an episode of Game of Thrones that was leaked. And if he was blocked and technology and break that episode of one hour and two millions of parts, the hacker can not do all those millions of clips. They'll have to hack millions of computers to get the entire episode out.


Beautiful. That's what blocked.


And so the data is super secure and it's easy to access to. I mean, there are several benefits in terms of security, in terms of speed that Brocton provides you, bro.


I got rid of the word Bitcoin a lot. I got talked about Bitcoin mining. But before that, I just want to give the listeners some context on the people who invented blogging. They knew that this problem is coming up, that everything is becoming centralized like that. The Googles of the world, Facebook of the world, the Amazons of the world are holding too much power because they while the only data of everyone, someone, somewhere, must have thought, oh, no, no, no, this is not safe for mankind, because right now your stuff is being sold.


Advertisers, tomorrow, your stuff will be sold maybe for something else to manipulate you, maybe in some ways. So you'll become a slave to these big corporations.


That was the logic behind starting something like Lockton. And I'm sure that when they were after her, as you know, we can put money on make something called cryptocurrency.


So is that the actual history of how blocked in technology came up?


So the blocked technology was there from a long time? I think what we need to see it all started with Bitcoin. So, you know, people don't know the term blocked in technology.


What earlier can you can you explain how the Internet works versus how block chain looks like? What's the difference? The Internet? The way I look at it, it's one big digital field where things are connected.


All the data, everything you do, Facebook, WWE, dot com biceps, dot com, whatever all of it is in that big field and block in is like there's other holes for you. It's like another universe. Am I correct in saying so? Let me explain it this way. What Internet did was right. Internet with Internet, we can transfer information from anywhere in the world to any other place. Right. Internet allowed us to transfer information from one point to another.


One second.


When you break down the engineering of the Internet, it's actually cables. Right? Like the whole world is the data matlab in the Atlantic Ocean that actually cables coming down in the ground of the Atlantic Ocean. So we use the it very casually.


Jihadi lobby in Canada was called upon.


But actually that data, that bond that you're watching or whatever you're using on the Internet is getting transferred from America to Europe to Asia using actual cables that ultimately it's all the transfer of data.


And the net is what, like transfer of data from one point to another data? Has the information Internet allowed us to transfer that from one point to another? And that's the infrastructure that we don't see right now. A lot of people feel that in the next three to five years will start using these applications like Braille browser, but will not, you know, because they will not go that much into detail, like what's happening in the underlying technology blocked in technology.


We'll just use it again.


Coming back to that, feel like you were explaining something or were blocked in Virginia. That's the feel of the Internet or is it? And others feel itself.


It's like so blocking people, carders like Web 3.0. So the Web 1.0 was where you broza website and you get information Web 2.0, where you can also react to that information. You know, all these social media came into picture and it completely changed things. You can build communities on the Internet, right?


You could react to what other people are seeing.


And the Web 3.0 is where you can do all of that in a completely secured manner without the need for a centralized party to run and control the system.


Can I give an example of Web 1.0 was a movie, Web 2.0 was a movie where you could take part like a little reality video game, Web 3.0, where you take part.


Would you have a mask on so no one knows that, OK, this is somebody using this as. Yet everyone has a mask on.


So you are protected from the external world and you can still do whatever you want without any without any security laws and you control your data.


So basically, the Internet is one big sphere.


You're creating this digital universe and locked in is just like your ammo.


You're protecting us. Yeah.


Now, the big question, because we're talking about Bitcoin again, everyone wants to know what Bitcoin I am from an engineering college, Soryu, and that's how we connect on all of these random jokes. And I can talk to you on a deeper level as well, bro.


I have friends who have been into crypto since maybe three or four years, and a lot of them talk about Bitcoin mining.


What does this even mean? What does a Bitcoin miner people have barely understood Bitcoin, hopefully over the course of these dubah because they've understood it.


What is Bitcoin mining?


So if you look at Bitcoin, Bitcoin works and a proof of work consensus mechanism, let me break that down into parts. You know, when we talk about blocks and blocks and is a series of you know, that's a series of blocks, every block has data and data within it.


Now, how do you add new block to the block chain that has to be decided by the network? Because right now we're talking about decentralized world where we don't need a bank to control our money here. These communities, these people are controlling it. Right. So when you have a new set of transactions, if you want to add that sort of transaction to the previous block, that is where mining is required in order to add the new block with the previous blocks.


And with that, how you do that is by solving a complex mathematical puzzle which anyone in the network can do, that if you have higher computation power, you can solve that faster.


You need good machines, you need good machines. So like a very high quality computer process or something right now, or it could be done on mobile phone, on on a laptop.


But now as the system is getting bigger in size unit complex machines.


Right. And with that computation power, just like we do gold mining, you know, you have to put in some efforts to get gold. That's where the value comes from. If we could just get gold out of thin air, the gold would not be that much valuable. Similarly, in Bitcoin, it is a complex. You have to solve that complex mathematical puzzle to add a new block to the previous block. When you add that new block, whatever transactions are there and that block gets added to the block chain and the system rewards you with six point two five bitcoins, six point two five bitcoin.


Yeah. So you're basically saying that in the same way that countries print more notes, this is the world of bitcoins, universal bitcoin, printing more bitcoin, but giving a do after you've done some work.


That's what you call proof of work. You have to do work to get that. And while you're doing this work, the system automatically runs where you don't need a cent less party to grow the system.


So what happens is this fresh bitcoin is forever. It's never been with anyone before. This is freshly minted bitcoins, and every four years it just drops to half.


So, you know, in twenty nineteen you used to get like twelve point five bitcoins. Right now at the moment you'll get six point two, five after four years.


So this hard living, it's called bitcoin hallowing that happened in the May of twenty twenty.


So furious after that you'll get half of six point two five and it will decrease over time.


But the value of bitcoin is going up a lot so that the supply is going down, the demand is going up.


That's why the price is bound to go.


So in the same way that that brief browser that you spoke of, their logic was we have a product of a browser and we will utilize that. They've just thought of something very creative in order to make their cryptocurrency go up in the same way. Whoever created Bitcoin part of this mechanism give will create this real life video game for the Galdos, for the mathematician's GUI.


If you want to own some of our product, you will. Towards it then when you put it out, we expect that lots of people will start mining, but it'll go out into the actual world and then value will go up and then we'll keep this game with the smaller and smaller reward.


So Bitcoin holds all the properties of money. So, you know, whatever money does, whatever gold does, they just follow the same process where you cannot just create artificial supply.


So if you look at the white paper Bitcoin, there cannot be more than 21 million bitcoins that can ever be mined. Right now, we are sitting at around eighteen point five, 19 million bitcoins that are out there in circulation. Right.


So how much do you think it can go up to, like over the next five years? Like you said, eighteen point five Desart by the year 2010.


Forty all the bitcoins will be mined. OK, so you have time till then. Yeah. So you have one hundred and twenty years till then. After that, people will continue to participate in the system by getting the transaction fee. So in every so if I'm sending Bitcoin to you, that has to be a small fee that is paid to the miner.


So Bitcoin miners will get fees from those transactions go it, but the new bitcoins will stop coming.


Got it. But so you're saying right now if you're a Bitcoin miner, you have to do a lot of men and you have to learn mathematics and I'm sure you'll have to learn coding.


You have to go. No, it's not like that. You just so there are a lot of mining pools also. So you just give your computation power, right. Or you just tell them, OK, mind bitcoin on my behalf right now, it's difficult to mine Bitcoin from small machines. OK, but there are solutions that you can use to mine.


But when you say mining boom, this is a separate company, like a separate startup.


This is a separate startup communities who komander computation power to mine bitcoins. Ultimately, bitcoin mining is a function of how much computation power you have.


I think putting computation power together, they will sit in a room, they will put all the computers together.


Is it something like that?


So what happens is, you know, if you want to mine Bitcoin, you have to crack the answer of that puzzle, OK?


Right. And it's random, right?


So every computer can create a certain number of hit entries every second.


That's called the hash rate.


OK, so if you can create more hashes in a second, you can there's a higher probability that you will be the one who can crack that.


So somehow engineer and create a very high quality process. So that's extremely fast. Maybe by combining the power of multiple computers and their processes and then you have a chance at doing it. It's like kind of building a very, very big machine gun, using many, many, many guns together. And then you have a tangible game. If you have a bigger machine, then you're probably more likely to hit the target and the target gets hit. You get six point, six point.


It is worth how much money? Six Bitcoin is thirty five.


Yeah, thirty four and a half crores or nine plus.


You will also get the transaction fees if someone takes your bitcoin. And so if you are the one cracking that code, whatever transaction you've chosen out of that pool, that will be added to the block chain and you will get the six point two five Bitcoin plus the fees that people have paid.


So imagine Valkenburg and Bitcoin mining the gold mining. You are that miner who has taken on that one piece of gold. Then you take a small bit of that piece of gold out of it and say, OK, I'm going to give it to my mom and my mom is going to give it to her sister.


Yeah. So when my mom gives it to her sister, one tiny part of the piece of gold will come back into your home and you'll be making money for it. So there's a lot of money to be made as a Bitcoin miner. But the difficulty is that you need very high quality computation power.


But there are Bitcoin miners out there like in U.S. Silicon Valley is full of it, not particularly in Silicon Valley.


There are various countries, cooler countries particularly. You get why it is generally OK.


But the interesting part is this particular energy consumption is far lesser and far cheaper than what is needed to run the current financial systems.


If you want to run money, the paper money, it costs billions of dollars every year to the country to run the current systems because again, of like technology and power that they're using.




And it is far more efficient way to control the, you know, to to run a monetary system. Right. It's far cheaper, far more efficient.


And it doesn't consume all of that. Any renewable energy is currently going into Bitcoin mining. Wow.


What are you saying? So you're saying that like solar power that we're getting from the sun, that's cheap.


So people use that energy and preferably cold regions to mine bitcoins.


Oh, man. So you're saying like Finland or Iceland, one of these places will have a lot of Bitcoin miners. Mine will sit there who will hum as the energy of the sun to power their computers. It'll take a lot of electricity, a lot of energy that you're getting directly from the sun. And in return, you're probably getting six. One, two, five.


Wow. So live by you blowing my brains off of my head of the obvious.


Next question. Is there something you can do as an entrepreneur because you've run a biz startup somewhere in your head?


Are you thinking of going to countries and becoming a miner or having a part of going dcx have. A unit in and I know that's not in the plans, there are bigger things to focus on. My biggest focus is on how can we build and shape up the computer industry in India, because that is a highly untapped industry. A lot of progress has been happening outside, but India is like full of opportunities. India has such amazing pool of people.


If we can leverage that, that's where my focus is.


So he goes through that gay men like what does that videogame like?


Your life is one big video game. So that is so, you know, my game is India. And when you say crypto industries in India.


What do you even mean, like is actually more startup opportunity, the. Yes, so with block in whatever happens, so there are two parts to it, right, when it comes to Krypto as an investment, whatever happens in equity markets, all of that can be replicated in crypto. So that's a full world of opportunities there.


So if anyone wants to be a part of this ecosystem, they can build all of these solutions.


And we as a company are more than happy to invest in them so that they can build that startup. Right. We can't do everything all by ourselves. That's what we want to grow the ecosystem. Right. A lot of new startups from India comes up and built products and services which Indians can use to do better investments.


Again, I just want to give a real world analogy of this. Imagine a time before God's word on everything is to be horse carriages. Yeah.


And someone said that, OK, if you want a horse carriage based company today, I'm going to make a horse carriage which has spaetzle, wonderful family. Today I'm going to be a horse guy. It has to be just one person a designer has got and then they don't forget this is the ultimate I've created the ultimate company. Then someone called Henry Ford comes up and says, no, I'm going to make a God.


And everyone says, Oh, you're crazy. But he said that I'm going to take that whole horse carriage industry and just make more futuristic versions of it.


And he called it God's Golden Bikes. So you're saying the future cars and bikes of the world are going to be built in the financial system of blocking of cryptocurrency? We are just going to replicate existing financial businesses anywhere in the world of finance where some kind of inclination towards tech. And then let me combine these two skills, go into the world of locked in and crypto and create more companies.


Yeah. So anything that happens in the current financial systems can use block chain and build a decentralized financial system, which is also called DFI. Right.


Because financial system, there's so many problems with the current financial system that banks are still using the old technology. Right. The people in the village, they don't have access to credit. They have to pay, you know, 30, 35 percent.


Now, with this, the whole world will get connected and it will be very easy to get loans. The whole lending boring space will get involved. And, you know, one interesting thing is that in the world of Block Blockin block chain does not distinguish one individual from the other. A bank prefers to serve high value customers because that's where they get the business from. They might not want to solve a person sitting in a village in Africa, but blocked in technologically does not differentiate these people because it's a robot.


It's it's a robot replacing a human being. It's an algorithm. Right. And they will not differentiate us. Every person will on the level playing field and with block chain into the fire, we will have far more evolved financial systems. For example, just to give an analogy, earlier we used to communicate by people like, you know, love letters or, you know, sending handwritten notes and then email change everything.


Right now in financial world, we are in that zone. No DFI, everything will change. People all over the world will be able to share, lend or borrow with each other. They'll be able to create instruments where they can get passive returns. Everything that happens in the current financial systems can be moved in a decentralized manner. Crazy, crazy.


Which is very likely going to be the future that's already happening. It's already happening.


So with by your crazy guy, like, I really appreciate you being on that individual. I back you big time irrespective of what happens in our country. If you go to Finland and Iceland, I will go and make sure we'll get together.


Yeah, for sure.


I love this, bro. Like, oh my God, you opened up my mind. And I hope that I have taken your voice out there. I hope that reaches even the Indian government and on this podcast is supposed to reach.


I am looking forward to creating more with you in the future.


But whatever it is on the online world, in the offline world, in the blogging world. So any last parting message for the listeners who have gone through both these podcasts and are probably just full of thoughts right now?


The way I see this space, it is like, you know, we are twenty years back in the world of Internet. This place is full of opportunities. If you're an entrepreneur, if you are an technologist, if you want to do something, there will be hundreds of opportunities that you can see right in front of your eyes, which can become billion dollar companies of the future. Right. And that is where India regulating crypto will give the chance for these individuals to build these companies.


Yeah, right. And India, you know, the dream of becoming a five trillion dollar economy can be very well achieved harnessing this technology. So my message would be for anyone who wants to enter into the field of blocked in and crypto, you know, feel free to learn more about it.


Reach out to me. I'm available on the social media channels. Feel free to reach out to me. I'm more than happy to discuss, brainstorm and see what creative thinking we're done out of it. Right. And because there's a lot of things that India can do and there's a lot of potential, tons of opportunity like every day come up with an idea, OK, I want to do this.


But then, of course, there are very limited things we can do as a company. So every Indian who wants to do something in the field of blogs and in crypto. Feel free to jump in. It's a it's the future. Five, 10 years down the line, you will see how obvious it was. Right. And that change is happening right in front of our eyes. It's our time to leverage it and build something great out of it.


As a country man, I back you big time like this. Good luck with you than God bless you. Thank you.


And I hope that this crazy allocative spree that no one reaches out to who has to reach out to.


And I finally probably end this broadcast by saying that, you know, great, learn about Bitcoin, more investments, but also.


India is far behind the world in many things, let's be the generation that takes in. Yes. And this is one easy part, like if there are maybe five strings you need to attach to the Indian body and pull it up in the financial world. I do feel crypto will be one of those things. Absolutely. I think the other things are content. We can become a hub of content in the world. I also feel one of those things is artificial intelligence, because artificial intelligence is a lot more empathy and psychology.


Understanding human beings and Indians have a capability of doing that because we have good ideas.


We understand each other by Bahen and we get that. So I don't know what the other two links are.


Maybe my other entrepreneur friends would know I didn't take any QAD on this one because I know for a fact that we will have somebody on this show again. You own this one or the Hindi version of this Barca's. God bless you. Good luck with everything and thank you for being on the show.


Thank you.