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You're going to come into a new season of joy and fulfillment like you've never seen. Hi, I'm Joel Osteen. I have a daily podcast where I talk about overcoming obstacles, accomplishing dreams and becoming all you were created to be. You may have had some disappointments in the past, but this is a new day. Defeating your hopes, feeding your dreams, use your energy to feed your destiny.


Listen to the Joel Osteen daily podcast on the hard radio app or wherever you get your podcast.


In a world of an ever changing economic landscape, how on earth can I get some financial stability in my life? I'm David Groo, host of the podcast Follow the Prophet. Every week you'll hear from successful entrepreneurs to learn from their achievements and most importantly, to avoid their mistakes on the podcast. You'll hear stories that will deconstruct what's going on in the economy and how it's affecting your finances so that you can follow the profit.


Listen to follow the profit on Saturday, December 12th on the IHA radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbaugh Show podcast. And here we are smack dab in the middle of it all, as we always are. Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network and the Limbaugh Institute for all these advanced studies that we do and get into. Remember, no graduates, no degrees because they're learning never stops. It's always a delight to have you here with us. It's always a great, great privilege for me to be with you on the telephone number if you want to be on the program.


800 two eight two two eight eight two. And if you want to send an e-mail, check those. You would not believe the numbers of him. I mean, it's like like 10000 an hour during during the program, sometimes more. And people say, how do you how in the world could you possibly go through all of. I don't I, I subject line. I could I could make up something to not give you a hint about how to draw my attention, but maybe I don't want to do that.


Maybe I do want you to figure out how I choose you. So I do I scan subject lines and if some of them pop, then I click on the email and read them and see if they're relevant. So that's how that happens. Anyway, my friends have a friend out there who whose husband had to get a covid test on Saturday in order to be cleared for eye surgery. That is going to happen sooner. Did happen. I think it happened today, actually.


And my friend's husband had to show a photo I.D. to get the covid-19 test. Another friend had to show a photo I.D. for the test in order to get a colonoscopy. And then my friend had to show a photo ID. To pick up an online order at the local Pottery Barn store, pick up. The point is that her husband needed a photo ID for a covid-19 test for some surgery. Another friend? Had to show photo I.D. to get a test for colonoscopy, friend had to get a test, just pick up some stuff at the Pottery Barn.


Now, this is all clearly racist, is it not? What do you mean is not racist? What do you mean race has nothing to do with race, has everything to do with this, and you of all people should know this, like James Clyburn, the congressional black Caucasians, they tell us that blacks, African-Americans, no way, no way going to get a photo I.D. It is racist. It is a way for government to get a handle on who African-Americans are so they can be identified and kicked out of their houses.


It's a way for government to identify African-Americans so that they're thrown out of their houses and onto the front curb or wherever else they can find to live.


The Democrats and the leftists, they tell us over and over and over that we cannot have voter ID.


Because African-Americans can't get photo IDs. Because if they get photo I.D., it means the government, which is out to get them in the first place, is then going to be able to get them. This has been the number one reason why we do not have photo I.D.. If we had photo I.D.. For voting, do you realize how much of this fraud might end up being worthless if we had a way to tie every vote to the person who cast it?


Now, this is why this is the real reason why we don't have. Photo ID for voter I.D. is because there's much, much more difficult for the left for the Democrats to cheat. So what do they do? They don't say it has nothing to do with that. No, no, no. They are protecting their constituency group, their protect, because they've got believe me, they've got African-Americans believing, especially those who are more elderly. They really believe that the government is out to get them and they're not going to go pose for a photo.


That's going to be used on a voter ID card, it just isn't going to happen. They're not going to do it. And of course, who's going to object? Because if you reject what are you you are a racist, so nobody's going to object to it. That's why we don't have. Photo, voter ID. So I have a question. Does that mean that African-Americans cannot get covid-19 tests? It does. They can't they can't get covid-19.


What do you mean you tell me African-Americans, are you going to covid-19 test, we have to show a photo I.D. that's. Black people go to Pottery Barn. I figured that black people have surgery, right? Black people then they have to show photo I.D., which means they can get photo I.D.. You need to have photo I.D. to get eye surgery. Black people get eye surgery. They do. Black people have driver's licenses. You're kidding me.


You're kidding me. I thought African-Americans would not in any way on any form of I.D. allowed their photo to appear. You think James Clyburn has a photo I.D., you got to be kidding me. The former president of the Congressional Black Caucus, the voter ID, we won't let anybody else have them. What about colonoscopy? You need a photo I.D. to go get a colonoscopy. African-Americans get colonoscopy. OK, well. Well, what you're telling me is that for virtually everything in life that African-Americans need or wish.


To have her do that, they have a photo I.D. that will allow them to have her do it. You telling me that you've got to show a photo I.D. when you buy cigarettes? Is that only African-Americans? Oh, everybody has to do that, including African-Americans. Well. I remain I'm puzzled. I'm totally surprised, shocked and stunned here because I was under the belief that African-Americans simply refused to pose for any kind of a photo that's going to end up on any kind of an ID card.


So then explain to me why. I mean, African-Americans vote, do they not? OK, so explain to me why we can't have photo I.D.. On voter cards, voter I.D. cards, if everybody else. I mean, I'm required to show a photo ID when I go vote. African-Americans aren't apparently because they don't want to get you know, they don't have that's the whole point here.


If you if you order takeout at a restaurant or if you order anything from a store, you go pick it up rather than not have them deliver, you go pick it up. You have to show a photo ID there. I'm just telling you, I'm just confused. And I can't make sense of all of this. If photo I.D., you get a covid-19 test covid I.D. or a photo I.D. to get a colonoscopy or photo I.D., do everything except effort if African-Americans do not need one to go vote.


Is that right? In Democrat states, wait a minute, you're telling me that the Republican states, African-Americans have to produce a photo? We're going to you know, I'm not I'm really confused and I haven't missed that many days. When did all this happen? Years ago that African-Americans in voting in Republican states had to show photo ID. Like everybody else, exactly, but they don't complain about it, right? And I know they're not disenfranchised, they're perfectly fine to go in there.


They're allowed to vote and all that. You know, in a matter of months, I have a matter of months, we are all going to be required to have covid IDs to prove that we've been vaccinated. That's going to be a problem because guess who's not going to want to be vaccinated? African-Americans, they're not going to trust that the government is there to help them. And they may not be the only ones on that, but, oh, man, this is setting up to be something the Department of Defense has already posted photos of the Cauvin cards online.


And by the way, I saw one, they're going to be child's play to forge. So either I. I'm trying to stay hip and current with all this stuff, but I do know that African-Americans still resist photo IDs for voting and they're and they're not required to have them. But they have to have them for everything else, so how in the hell? Do they get away with not having to present a photo ID when they vote? Well, I see, because the African-Americans are the official pawns of the Democrat, Paul.


I see, I see, OK, because I think a lot of people are going to be surprised by this. The only group of people that does not need to produce a photo ID when voting is African-Americans in blue states. Is that pretty much it? OK, well, we'll keep a keep a sharp eye on that. I just you know, I look at these things, I see these people making these changes and going through life and need a photo ID for virtually everything you have to do.


And we still end up with African-Americans not needing photo IDs to vote. And I'm just telling you, if we can end that, if we can have a photo I.D. when people are required to vote, if we can, if we can attach a face to every vote cast. It would put a big challenge in the way of people who want to cheat, they'd find a way it would be a little harder for them, but it would still make the process of tracking people down a lot easier.


I was being facetious here, folks. Don't don't believe I'm that ignorant. I was just doing all this to, you know, it's gone illustrating absurdity by being absurd. So I want to share with you a pretty good joke. I found a joke while perusing Facebook. A capitalist walked into a bar, sat down between Alexandra Cortez and Bernie Sanders. Just then, the 10 o'clock news came on, the lead story was of a man on the ledge of a skyscraper preparing to commit suicide by jumping off of it.


Bernie looked at the capitalist and said, You think he'll jump? The capitalist replied, Yup, I bet he will, Alexandra, Augusta, Cortez and Bernie both shot back. Well, we bet that he won't.


The capitalists put 10 bucks on the bar, said you're on. Just as Alexandra Cortez and Bernie Sanders placed their money on the bar, the guy did a swan dive off the building. He took a plunge toward room temperature. Alexandra del Castillo, Cortez and Bernie were very upset. Bitterly, bitterly. Tried not to hand their money over to the capitalists, they didn't want to do it, they felt somehow they had been cheated, screwed, tricked. With a slight smile, the capitalist said, look, I can't take your money, keep your money.


I saw this earlier on the five o'clock news and I knew the guy jumped the 10 o'clock news. It happened earlier today. I've already seen this. Alexander Cortez shot back. Well, we start to. But we didn't think he'd do it again. We saw it, too, and we didn't think he would do it again. What's the lesson? This is how socialist reason they have seen societies that adopt socialism die repeatedly throughout history, there's not been a single country or culture or society that went socialism and has ever survived.


Not a single time has it ever worked. And yet. They think when they are in charge, it will work. They cling to the idea. That it won't happen again when they are in charge, so here they've got this watch this guy on videotape, they know he dives, they know he commits suicide, but they don't think he will do it again. This is how socialism happens. There is nothing to argue in favor of it. It has never worked any time anywhere.


And yet the siren call for controlling people's lives is just so hard to resist, they cannot they can't resist it. The opportunity to get control of the levers of power and to control what people say and do and don't do and don't eat and do eat and drive and where they can go, the lure of that power must be.


Overwhelming. Let's take a brief time out, we will continue with much more as the EIB Network rolls on.


All right, welcome back. There's a guy out there by the name of Steven Kreuzer, and he writes at PJ Media and he has a piece. There are two headlines to this piece. Let me share them. And this is about the Trump rally that took place in Georgia. He said Trump cannot allow Democrats to enjoy one minute of Biden's victory. Trump's days as the thorn in the Democrats side are not over. This guy is ecstatic at what he saw.


He's ecstatic that so many people showed up, he's ecstatic that Magga is alive and well and isn't going anywhere and is not. Going to give up on Trump. Give me a couple of pull quotes from this piece, the Democrats in there, flying monkeys in the media are still rending their garments over the fact that Trump and his faithful will not go quietly. Into Inauguration Day, which you all know I'm a fan of, I mean, this guy is admitting that because of what the Democrats did in the past four years in upending this entire society and culture.


That he's all fine with the Trump faithful not going quietly into the night or into Inauguration Day. Watching them flail throughout what should be their extended moment of triumph is rather delightful, meaning Biden, his henchmen, the Democrats, they ought to be at the epitome of the peak.


Of happiness, and they've just won the presidency, they got their country back and they're not looking like they're happy about much at all, and the reason they're not happy about much at all is that Trump won't go away. See, the idea here was Trump was going to be vanquished. Trump was going to be shown the truth. Trump was going to see that the country hates him that want no more of him. They don't want any part of him.


And he was going to see this. And then that massive crowd shows up for a two hour rally. Mr. Kreuzer says here, I didn't used to be this mean spirited about politics, but after what they did. The last four years, I find myself a bit bereft of any charitable feelings for the Democrats, further, the news that Ted Cruz and by the way, this has got some potential here, the news that Ted Cruz has agreed to argue the Pennsylvania case, if he goes to the Supreme Court, is the kind of thing that really makes the Democrats heads explode.


They thought all this was going to go away. They believe that the Republicans would give up, that they would recognize that they've been defeated and just go away and it isn't happening.


Now, some of these things don't even come close to being a reality, just throwing them out in the ether like that makes the left jumpy, even though they may not ever happen. It's still exciting to see the left ponder what happens if they do. Any time you have Trump, Cruz, Amy, CONI Barrett lurking, it's like monsters under the bed for the Democrats.


I got to agree. Back in a sec.


Welcome back, my friends. It's great to have you with us. Rush Limbaugh here at 800 to eight to two eight eight to. I had a friend send me a note today, and folks, there's optimism out there like you, you might not believe or expect this piece that I just shared with you that was written by Stephen Kreuzer, K r U.S.S.R. in PJ Media. What he's really ecstatic about, he thought he was really afraid that Trump supporters would kind of scatter in the wind.


With with Trump's defeat, alleged defeat, they thought that he was afraid that the Maga agenda would kind of just fade away. He was ecstatic at the turnout. He was ecstatic at the energy level. He was he was pleasantly surprised. I was not I have to tell you, and I'm not doing this, just agree with Mr. Kreuzer. I'm just telling you, I had no doubt Trump did. I'm the one that suggested he go to Georgia. I'm the one that suggests now that he keep doing these rallies all the way through the runoff, keep demonstrating to the left that Magga is going nowhere, that Magga is as much a part of who they are as any other aspect of their personality, that the whole point of making America great again or putting America first.


It is as important now as it was in 2016. And just because there's been a potential electoral setback, it doesn't mean that they're going to disband and they're not going to become the Tea Party where you can't see them anymore. They're going to be active. They're going to continue to be a thorn in the Democrat Party side. And that's going to be fun, they're going to continually be poking holes and laughing at at plugs in his people and trying to, you know.


Throw a bunch of wrenches into the mix if they can stop whatever the Biden agenda is. I got a note from somebody who said Russia as I look at things. And I hope this is true as I look at things, it seems that Trump does have a lot of options available.


And what Biden has is the lying drive by media. That's it. But, Rush, the point is, anybody who thinks that Donald Trump, Donald Trump has no chance of winning re-election hasn't thought through all of the contingencies to their logical or likely end. And then this is what you see, how does this fit you? Biden's only hope of winning was convincing Trump to concede. And Trump has not conceded and Trump doesn't look like he is going to concede anytime soon.


So if Trump doesn't concede, then that means Trump has ongoing legal challenges and options that he is willing to employ. And as he employs them or gets them ready to be triggered or used, it illustrates that Biden sitting there and the only thing he's got working for him, of course, is the alleged victory. But the the drive by. Medium now, what are some of these? Contingencies. What are some of these things that. Point towards Trump or favor Trump?


Well, here's a couple, and this is just for the scorecard for those of you keeping score in court. Note that neither the Georgia judge or the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ever considered the merits, i.e., the evidence of voter fraud in either case. The Georgia judge specifically noted that he wasn't ruling on the merits in Pennsylvania, the case was thrown out on the equitable theory of latches, which is old English for U.S. fair.


You should have done something sooner. None of that really matters. By the end of the week, at least three states votes will be before the Supreme Court, which is what the Trump team has always been aiming for. And with Texas joining in the fight last night, the votes of at least four states will be before the court. Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. And Ted Cruz has signalled he is willing to take up the fight before the Supreme Court, then in Michigan, a judge has ordered a forensic audit of 22 Dominion machines in Michigan.


You might remember the strange case of Antrim County, the very pro Trump read County, where the voting results supposedly showed that Biden had won by a huge amount, will be election officials knew something was wrong when they saw it, knowing that there was no way that that happened.


But when they investigated, they found that somehow the the votes have been switched. Secretary of State Democrat tried to blame human error, saying that an election official in the county hadn't done an update which caused the result. So now, according to town hall, Trump lawyers are excited that Circuit Judge Kevin Ellison Heimer has ordered a forensic examination of the machines that were used in Antrim County for the election. This might help explain more about the machines and any issues that may have occurred.


The case stems from a challenge by a voter that ballots were damaged during a recount of a village marijuana proposal that ended up barely passing. Let me get started on the phones. This is Ken, Crystal River, Florida, your first today. Great to have you. Hi.


First Russia. I pray for you and your family. I thank you for everything you're doing. And my comment today is that the national news media and the Democratic Party are using the fear factor in order to control the people. This is this is right out of the Wolinsky communist playbook, is to divert people's attention to the real facts of what they're doing. But clearly, a stolen election, we've seen the election results, we've seen the fraud that's taken place, we need to have a hard place in court.


We need to never stop fighting. We need a prayer change and millions of people to get out in the streets so that the national media can not ignore the populace.


Well, that's going to be a tough thing to pull off the national debt. I mean, the national media is in first place. The media, you're you're asking them to all of a sudden start reporting the news when they don't do that anymore. And you want to be the news you and there's this this group of people, the massive groups of people you want hitting the streets in protest and you want the media to cover that. They don't even cover their own protests.


They didn't cover what was going on in Portland for one hundred and sixty five nights in a row. If the streets are lined with truck drivers and the roads are lined with people and clogged these cities up, it becomes a desperate act. But if they steal this election, they've stolen our liberty. They've stolen our freedom. I know. Well, we're done. It's not just that happen. They have forever corrupted the Constitution. They have I mean, it's the stakes are quite serious.


You spelled them out quite well. Well, we need to never stop the people who have to stand up. There are too many people too quiet sitting by the wayside, unfortunately.


Why do you think they're doing that? Well, they if 40 percent of the people are still watching the propaganda, it's not news. It's a propaganda media for the Democratic Party. Anybody that refers to the to the national news as national news is a fool. If they are the propaganda wing, they are the democratic. Right.


I know, but but why are so many people just sitting by doing nothing?


You just you just acknowledge they're they're just in the phase that nothing can be done. What they don't understand is Trump is Trump and he's the he is the major factor standing in the way of a revolution. This is a revolution. It's corporate, the corporate world and politics mixing together to overthrow democracy and to put control on the people.


Well, there's one thing Trump does know that you're Trump is very, very aware that that's what's good. And he knows what's at stake, too. And that's why he's not going away. It's why he is not he's not conceded yet. That's such an important thing. Now, that has the left kind of discombobulated, they're running around saying, we told you, we told you Trump will not participate in a peaceful transfer of power. He's not going to concede yet because there goes his legal options.


If he does if he concedes, then it's officially over. He can't concede that. That's why Al Gore had to withdraw his concession back in 2000, if you if you remember. So Trump is not going to concede while all of these legal challenges play out.


And it's got the Democrats just perplexed because they thought by now that they would seem to have seen to it that the chances that Trump has for victory here are so small and so tiny, not even worth pursuing, but Trump doesn't see it that way in any way, shape or form.


Take a brief break and be right back.


Welcome back, Jenna Ellis. Has been diagnosed with covid-19.


Did you know this she apparently went to a White House holiday reception last week, was not wearing a mask, and of course, the catcalls are all out now that that was a super spreader event, another White House super spreader event. And the Jenna Ellis was out there shedding virus all over everybody, spreading it around, not wearing a mask, doing all of that. She was she was on Newsmax TV today and she said to me, well, she had a question posed to her by John Bachmann.


I want to ask you how you're doing and how is Mayor Giuliani doing after your covid diagnosis?


Sound bite number 24 in three to one, I've talked to him a few times today. He's such a great warrior and he's continuing to work really hard on this, all of these cases and so am I and the rest of the team. So we're all following our doctors individual advice and making sure that we're being safe with everything. And I just saw the piece that dropped from Jonathan Swan and in Axios, and it's ridiculous. What he reported there, I think was was insanely reckless.


I mean, I attended the party on Friday night and that was completely fine. The mayor hadn't been diagnosed yet. So to to comment that somehow that was some kind of a super spreader, I think was really, really ridiculous.


Right. She's still working. She got covid-19 still working, still appearing on TV. Here is Blaine in Toledo, Ohio. Glad you waited. Got a great point, I think, coming up here. How are you?


Hi, Rush Blessings. And thanks for all you do from Toledo. Well, thank. Thank you. I spent part of the morning reading part way through the Texas lawsuit, and I think it's a masterpiece well written, as you would expect. But I think we're going to know a lot more about where we stand as a country by the end.


But let me ask you about this to make sure that I know what you're talking about. Is this the lawsuit state of Texas, they're aiming to help Trump up and the results here, they said yesterday or today, rather, they have filed suit against the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. State of Texas has asked the Supreme Court calling changes they made to election procedures amid the coronavirus pandemic unlawful. Is that the suit you're talking about?


That is precisely the suit. And they have an excellent case. The fact that a state is suing other states means it goes directly to the Supreme Court. They don't have to bother with anybody else. And they also the suit is not relying on accusing individuals of fraud or cheating. Instead, it's based on uncontested facts, which are these elected officials? Usually the governors and their secretaries of state altered the election laws without referring to the states legislatures who have plenary power to determine how elections are run in each state.


That's exactly the words like by taking these actions, they all violated the U.S. Constitution. And I don't see how the court can turn this down, because if they turn it down today, they were asking to sue. Today, it was it was a plea for certiorari. I think there's a legal term, but basically they're saying Supreme Court, please let us present this case. Is the Supreme Court takes doesn't take the case. They will be enabling all politicians and all states throughout the United States to meddle with election laws and ruin the country.


I mean, I would make that point any further. We all know that.


And so this this is why you believe that we're going to find out very soon how serious the Supreme Court is. And we know that Justice Alito is serious. Yes, he had a December 9th deadline for people to respond to him, which is tomorrow in Pennsylvania. He did not like what he was seeing happen in Pennsylvania at all with the ballots, with the counting and how they had mixed the ballots. They had not. They had not.


Separated them and had them sequestered, they were all mixed together. You can't do that. I want those separated. I want them shown which ones are which by December the 9th. But this I've got to tell you, Blaine is exactly right here. The court does not have to take the case. They're not obligated to hear it. But therefore, this will demonstrate how serious the court is, one state is suing a bunch of other states over the simple fact that it's state legislatures who have exclusive power.


To change election law in a state. It's it's not the governor, it's not the secretary of state, it's not any other state official, it is the state legislature. And if end runs took place around them in the court, if they take the case, it's a slam dunk, I would think. I agree, I agree, I'm I woke up this morning, and the only place I saw this was on Breitbart and then within an hour or two appeared on Red State.


But all I checked ABC, NBC, nobody had anything about.


I think they well, there isn't any news anymore. That's exactly. This is a great definition of it. There isn't any news. And part of the definition there's no news is what they don't cover.


Right, but reading through this case, it's to me, I think they have to take it or else they're there, red light, green lighting, all corruption. I mean, we're done. We're done. But they do take it. How can they find otherwise? But this is crafted by the Texas attorney general, crafted this to make it as easy as possible for the Supreme Court to grant what they're asking, because in each case, they're saying that Texas voters were being just being disenfranchised by corruption, as you know, the violent violations of the Constitution and these other states by officers that weren't qualified to do that.


And that is that they did that.


That deserves a further explanation. And I have to I have to take a break here because I'm out of time.


So you might be wondering, what does Texas care about what Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, if those four states are allowed to violate election law and if they are able. To render state legislatures irrelevant in writing election law, then they are being affected in Texas by violation of law and they don't want that to happen, they're trying to make sure that election law is kept sacrosanct and that the constitution is not violated. It's a big case. Back in a sec.


You're going to come into a new season of joy and fulfillment like you've never seen. Hi, I'm Joel Osteen. I have a daily podcast where I talk about overcoming obstacles, accomplishing dreams and becoming all you were created to be. You were made for more. You have new levels in you. There are seeds of greatness waiting to spring forward. You can't think negative thoughts and live a positive life. And on my daily podcast, I'll help you get your mind going in the right direction.


You may have had some disappointments in the past, but this is a new day. Chains that have held you back are being broken. Doors are going to open that you never dreamed would open. Now do you apart. Keep feeding your hopes, feeding your dreams. Don't use your energy to feed your history. Use your energy to feed your destiny. It's inspiring, uplifting and encouraging. I think you'll like listen to the Joel Osteen podcast on the hard radio ad on Apple podcasts wherever you get your podcasts.


I'm David Groo, host of the podcast Follow the Prophet. Now, I'm not talking about prophet in the biblical sense. I'm talking about entrepreneurs who follow the prophet and how they're making it work in business and sharing those exact lessons with you. The world, of course, is constantly changing and many of you are seeking some sort of financial stability. Well, this podcast is not some get rich quick motivational share. This podcast is designed for you to discover how to use your money to help you.


Every week you're going to hear from successful entrepreneurs to learn about their achievements, but most importantly, to avoid their mistakes. On the podcast, you're also going to hear stories that will deconstruct what's going on in the economy and how those developments affect your finances. Economic stability, of course, is something that we're all seeking, and I'm going to tell you how to get closer to your dreams so that you can follow the profit. Listen to follow the profit on Saturday, December 12th on the radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Hey, I love this Trump design America first vaccine executive order, the vaccine is going to be called the America First Vaccine. They make America great again vaccine so mega will continue to survive America first as a philosophy will survive while coming. Great to have you back. With us is Rush Limbaugh. We march on the second hour of the fastest three hours in media.


As usual, half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair for everybody. It's the only way we've found to do it. Telephone number 800 two eight two two eight eight two. Email address L Rushmore's EIB Network U.S.. Let me try again with a little bit more time here to explain why Texas is suing for interstates. And it is a big case if the Supreme Court does not take this. Well, maybe there something I don't know that that would give them grounds not to take it, but this is a very, very serious thing here because you have four states that violated their own laws.


In the process of counting and ballots and assigning ballots, they are Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And the lawsuit filed by the state of Texas. Says that changes that these four states made. Two election procedures among the coronavirus pandemic are illegal, they're not lawful. Now, Ken Paxton is the Republican attorney general of Texas. The lawsuit was filed directly with the Supreme Court, as is permitted for certain litigation between states. Supreme Court currently has a six three conservative majority, including three justices appointed by Trump, now it if the court doesn't have to take the case, they don't take any case.


But this is a. Very serious allegation because in these states, any election, any changes to election law must come from the state legislatures. They have what's called plenary power over election law. Individuals, office holders in these states cannot arbitrarily change election law. Whether there's a pandemic or not. Whether there is some kind of a natural disaster brewing out there or not, they just they just can't do it. So people have said, well, why does Texas care?


Well, because if these four states are allowed to get away with basically undermining the United States Constitution and then all existing election law. Is is moot, it's not the window. And that's why it is thought that the court here almost has to take it, I look, I. They don't have to take anything that's risky to put it that way, but the ramifications of not taking the case are pretty high. Let's go back to Jenna Ellis from this morning on the Fox Business Network.


She was on mornings with Maria Bartiromo. The first question she got was this now walk through all of your cases right now and tell us what you feel has you the most optimistic.


Ultimately on January 6th is the date when Congress actually receives and certifies the vote of the Electoral College. So that's what's important here. And so the Supreme Court absolutely has enough time to step in. And I think it's incredibly important that Mike Kelly suit is heard and Ted Cruz is weighing in here and saying that he's willing to take up this case and to fight for election integrity is really great. We also have four lawsuits that are currently pending in Wisconsin and in Pennsylvania and also in Georgia.


We're hoping that between the judicial track and also the state legislative hearings, that ultimately we will get to a fair and accurate results for election integrity.


I don't know if any of you have taken the time to watch any of these state legislative hearings. They have been a gold mine. I'm going to assume not a whole lot of people have taken the time to watch. It's like sitting down to watch five hours of C-SPAN. A select few number of people ever do that. But, man, these people who have shown up at these hearings, just average ordinary Americans who were part of the counting process testifying to what they saw.


Putting their names to affidavits, to what they saw, it was amazing what they said and what they said they saw and that they were willing to testify to. So the idea there are any witnesses out there is crazy there. Witnesses galore, and they did step forward and all these state legislative hearings. Now, here is the next bite. Maria Bartiromo said, well, what is what is the crux of the case? And are you optimistic about it?


This boils down to one thing. The state election officials changed the rules. They violated the laws in their states, and that is unconstitutional. When you have this much fraud and massive corruption in states that impact hundreds of thousands of votes, that result is irredeemably compromised and can't be certified. I hope that Republicans in all of these key states, especially their state legislatures, will actually look at this very seriously, will rise to the challenge and recognize there are moments in life in American history that we have the opportunity to be the generation that make sure to preserve freedom for Americans to the next generation.


Once again, this circles back to the idea. Only state legislatures have the power to change election law, including the way votes are counted, all these things that have happened that have resulted in lawsuits or allegations of a bunch of people have gone in and randomly changed election law when they don't have the power to do it. Texas doesn't want this to stand. Texas doesn't want this to to basically render the Constitution meaningless. And so they're trying to preserve it and the way elections are conducted and it's it's a very fascinating and serious case and we'll see if the court decides to take it.


They don't have to. Again. But everybody has said the Supreme Court is the root here, everybody has said the Supreme Court is where, if anything happens.


In favor of Trump, it's going to be at the Supreme Court and this case will be an indication whether or not that happens. To be true now, a federal judge has tossed Sydney Powles lawsuit in Georgia. A federal judge appointed by George W. Bush has dismissed Sydney Paola's lawsuit over Georgia's use of Dominion voting machines. The judge did not dismiss her case on the merits. He refused to even hear the evidence, which is a pattern with all of these judges.


Instead, the judge said that, one, the case didn't belong in federal court. And to that, Sydney Powell brought the case after the election, which is too late. But if she had brought the case before the election, it would have been thrown out because there were no damages. There couldn't have been any evidence she would have just been warning people things that are going to happen based on what she's heard. You can't have a tort without damages.


Anyway, my guess is, and it's purely a wild guess, that Sydney Palin is not all that distressed by this because it gives her quicker access to putting the case before the Supreme Court on appeal, which is where all of these lawyers eventually want to go.


Rudy. Sydney Powell, Jana Ellis, state of Texas, they all want this case in front of the Supreme Court. And for a host of reasons, A is the make up, but be the Supreme Court is where constitutional law is upheld, particularly with the current makeup of the of the court.


She is appealing. OK? She's appealing this. All right, well, maybe she has to in order to get it. So. So believe me, the objective is to get this to the Supreme Court at some point.


Because that's where they think the final judgment, although they don't think they're going to get any kind of support short of the Supreme Court and the state courts, federal state court, and just still, despite the success Trump has had there, way too many leftist liberal judges. That are scattered throughout the the court system. There's another lawsuit that was filed in Georgia back on Friday. It has not gotten much attention, but it actually has a good chance of succeeding.


And that's because it's not based on any arguments about rigged computers, it's instead based on voter data that shows tens of thousands of votes cast in the presidential election in Georgia were fraudulent, which the suit says violated state election code and created systemic failure, requires a complete do over election. Is this a Trump lawsuit, thousands of fraudulent votes in Georgia cast by felons that we went through the the numbers yesterday for you? I mean, it's it's incredible. 100000 in to different one.


One story had 60000 fraudulent votes, that of 40. So two different examples gave us already 100000 fraudulent votes. Dead people voting, felons voting under age voters, illegal aliens voting no dead people voting two or three times. The Trump lawsuit is based on that. Here's the numbers, two thousand five hundred and sixty felons voted sixty six thousand two hundred and forty seven under age. Registrants, I mean, that is a tremendous margin of victory in Georgia with 13000.


Two thousand four hundred and twenty three people who were not on the state's voter rolls, they ended up voting. Four thousand nine hundred twenty six voters who had registered in another state were still allowed to vote in Georgia. They need to reregister. 40000 people who had moved counties without reregistering, 1043 people who claim to post office boxes, their address not physically possible, 10000, 315 people who were deceased. On Election Day, so the number dead people have voted for over 10000 to add these numbers up and it's a serious number.


Three hundred five thousand seven hundred one people who applied for an absentee ballot passed the deadline. So that is a Trump lawsuit that has been filed in the in the state of Georgia to grab a quick call before we go to the break. This is Scott Fort Worth, Texas. I'm glad you waited, sir. Hi.


Yes, Rush, thanks for taking my call and everything you do for the American people. My question or comment to you is, should we be calling this the Trump vaccine? And should we have a message out there that says Trump vaccine concours or combats China virus before Biden starts taking credit for it?


Yeah, I'm all for that. In fact, I have I think in one of the days before, I had to decamp.


For the latest treatment week, it was shortly shortly after the election, I made the point that we're going to have to get in gear fast, otherwise this is going to become the Biden vaccine. It's going to become the Biden economic recovery. I mean, this is what the media is setting up. And there's no quick you're right about this is the objective that that they all have. Particularly if it works and if it works, they're going to be doing everything they can.


To make people think that this vaccine only happened because of Joe Biden when Joe Biden had nothing, I mean zero, zilch, nada, nothing to do with it.


Brief break. Take it and be right back after this. Don't go anywhere from. Hi, welcome back. Great to have you here. A couple of more audio sound bites. Letitia James is the New York state attorney general. She hates Donald Trump. She despises Donald Trump. She's had Trump in her crosshairs since Trump's first year in the Oval Office. And she was on The View today on ABC. And one of the co host at SNAME, Sarah Haynes, said to Letitia James, President Trump may try to pardon himself.


That's totally unprecedented, we've never seen anything like that, can the president pardoning himself, the vast majority of legal scholars have indicated that he cannot pardon himself.


What he could do is step down and allow Vice President Pence to pardon him. I suspect that he will pardon his family members, his children, his son in law and individuals in his administration, as well as some of his closest associates. And then I suspect at some point in time he will step down and allow the vice president to pardon him.


So it's an ongoing debate whether the president can pardon himself or not. There's a powerful legal arguments on on both on both sides of that. But the ongoing theory is now that he will resign at some point, he will resign and that would allow Pentz. To assume the office of presidency and then Pence will pardon Trump, it'll be all over and there's nothing these leftists can do. Now, Letitia James have been trying to get this guy for four years now and she's been promising to go after and get this guy after he leaves office.


And so has the Manhattan D.A., Cyrus Vance, the 19th. He'd been promising to go after Trump with everything he's got, is it Cyrus Vance the 19th or is it still Morgenthau in there? Cyrus Vance the 19th? There was one more sound bite here, she continued. She wasn't quite finished.


It's important to understand he's pardoned from federal crimes, but he's not pardoned from state crimes. Last year, I introduced a bill in the state legislature which would close the pardon loophole so that individuals such as the president of the United States would not evade justice. It's important that we have this check on presidential powers. I'm so happy they passed that bill. And it is now the law in the state of New York. President Trump could not avoid justice in the great state of New York.


And they're going to get him. Oh, they can't wait. They're going to get the guy. They're salivating. But have they succeeded yet? They have thrown everything they've got up against the wall. They've been spit balling the president, they've been trying everything they've got and they still can't make. Anything stick to him, so we shall see. That is that is that is their plan. Now, here's more on this, the Texas case. This is a piece by by Kris Kobach.


Texas case challenges election directly at Supreme Court. State of Texas filed a lawsuit far more important than all of the others. Surrounding the presidential election of November 3rd, Texas brought a suit against four states that did something they can't do. They violated the Constitution in their conduct of the election. And this violation occurred regardless of the amount of election fraud that may have resulted. The Ford state defendants are Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, now Texas filed the suit directly in the Supreme Court.


Article three Constitution lists a small number of categories of cases in which the court has original jurisdiction, meaning they can hear the case the first time it's presented the Supreme Court to the appellate court. And you got to go through a bunch of different appeals stages to even get there. But this case can be heard the first time at the Supreme Court and one of the categories. Of cases in which the Supreme Court has original original jurisdiction is controversies between two or more states.


Well, that's what this is. Texas statute suit is exactly that. The Supreme Court has opined in the past that it may decline to accept such cases. It's at its discretion. But it is incumbent upon the Supreme Court to take the case, especially when it presents such a cut and dried question of constitutional law and when it could indirectly decide who is sworn in as president on January 20th. The Texas suit is clear, folks, and it presents a very compelling case.


The four offending states each violated the U.S. Constitution in two ways. First, they violated the electors clause of Article two, when executive or judicial officials in the states changed the rules of the election without going through the legislatures, the electors clause requires that each state shall appoint its presidential electors in such manner as the legislature thereof may direct.


Got a quick break. We'll continue right after this.


OK, here is the second constitutional violation that these four states engaged in who Texas is suing. Second, constitutional violation occurred when individual counties in each of the four states changed the way that they would receive, evaluate and treat the ballots. Now, 20 years ago in the landmark case, Bush v. Gore, the Supreme Court, held that it violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment when one Florida county treated ballots one way and another, Florida county treated ballots a different way.


Voters had the constitutional right to have their ballots treated equally from county to county. Now, in these four states, there is no question that ballots were treated differently. That's part and parcel of what happened here. Some of them were in suitcases. Some of them were under tables. A were dragged out when Republican observers were sent out of the room. Some of them were allowed, some of them weren't. So when an election official or election officials in Wayne County, Michigan, ignored the requirements of Michigan law and denied pollwatchers access to vote counting while other counties in Michigan followed the law that violated the equal protection clause.


And that's already precedent now from the Supreme Court.


Same token, Wisconsin, when the administrator of the city of Milwaukee Elections Commission ignored the requirements of Wisconsin law and directed election workers to write in the addresses of witnesses on the envelopes containing mail in ballots while ballots without witness addresses were deemed invalid elsewhere. That resulted in the unequal treatment of ballots in the state. So let me go through that again, I want to make sure you understand what happened to the administrator of the city of Milwaukee Elections Commission, ignored the requirements of Wisconsin law and told election workers to go ahead and write in the addresses of witnesses on the envelopes containing mail in ballots.


But other ballots without witness addresses were deemed invalid. Throughout the state, they threw them out, but not in Milwaukee. The head of the Milwaukee Elections Commission told observers going right in an address on these ballots. Unequal treatment of ballots. Violation. Of the equal protection clause now importantly, the Texas lawsuit presents a pure question of law. It is not dependent upon disputed facts. Although these unconstitutional changes to the election rules could have facilitated voter fraud, the state of Texas doesn't need to prove a single case of fraud in order to win.


It's enough that these four states violated the Constitution, and that is what this suit attempts to illustrate. They don't have to prove a single case of fraud. All they have to do is show these four states violate the constitution, and that's easy because they've already done it. So the lawsuit asks the Supreme Court to remand the appointment of electors in the four states back to the state legislatures. They're the ones who have the power to name them anyway. Supreme Court said it 1890 to the case of McPherson v.


Blacker, whatever provisions may be made by statute or by the state constitution to choose electors by the people, there is no doubt of the right of the legislature to resume the power at any time. Now, if Texas prevails, the four state legislatures could follow any number of courses in appointing their presidential electors. They could assess the election results and try to exclude ballots that were counted in violation of state law. They could divide the Electoral College votes between the two candidates.


They could follow a different path, but they have to follow the constitution.


Whatever they do, they have not followed the Constitution to date. This is what Texas is asserting. And they don't want federal election law rendered moot and pointless and gutless or without any merit because of these four states.


Now, in the rest of the country, folks, the states followed the constitutional rules in appointing presidential electors, just these four states where magic lay plugs, Biden ends up getting enough votes in swing state cities. To put him over the top, despite the fact that he attracted fewer votes here and there. Among minorities and various other groups. These four states, the offending states, cannot be allowed to violate those same rules. You can't have. Forty six forty six point forty six states following the law and four states flouting it.


You just can't, and that's why it's it's it's thought the Supreme Court. Is going to take the case, it's a matter of constitutional law, but it's also a matter of basic fairness. Now, Professor Dershowitz has weighed in on this. He was on Newsmax television this afternoon and he was asked a question by the host of the show. Jon Bachmann said, well, no, he wasn't asked to quit.


Dershowitz just said, here is what Dershowitz Constitution permits a state to sue another state in the Supreme Court as a court of an original jurisdiction. I mean, it's like a trial court. It rarely happens and it almost never succeeds. But it's very creative approach. It's a stretch and it's never been tried before. It probably will be taken seriously by the Supreme Court, will result in an undoing of the election, almost certainly not. Will the Supreme Court take the case?


Who knows? They've never had a case like this presented before, eight plus for creativity. But whether or not it will work in the end is very doubtful.


Oh, that's quite interesting. Professor Dershowitz says the Constitution permits the state to sue another state at the Supreme Court. As a court of original jurisdiction, meaning it doesn't have to be an appeals case. That means it's like a trial court. At the Supreme Court. It rarely happens, it almost never succeeds, says Professor Dirk. But the key is to hand him credit. Very creative approach. And he doubts it'll overturn or undo the election and he doesn't even take the case.


I wanted to get all points of view to you out there. We got time to squeeze another call in. This is Joe in Detroit. Welcome, sir. Great to have you with us.


Oh, Rush, I know you keep up with pop music and sports in American culture and all that. This is the 40 year anniversary of the assassination of John Lennon at age 40. I remember it happened during Monday Night Football. Were you a disc jockey at the time? Did you program around this? And what are your memories of Lennon?


Let me let me run the clock back. 40 years ago, this is 20 20. So that would have been in 1980.


Yeah, December 8th, 1980, right? Yeah.


December eight, 1980. 1980. And where was I on December 29th, 1980? You know what? I was working for the Kansas City Royals at the time. I had I had decided to give up radio. And I had been at the royals from 1979, I was there from 1979, 1983, so that December I would I was in the marketing department.


We have been working on the marketing plan for the 1981 season.


But I was watching Monday Night Football that night. I watched it and I remember Cosell coming on with a sadness in his voice I had never heard.


And I remember him acting disgusted and hurt like a deeply personal friend of his had been shot, and I didn't know that Cosell knew John Lennon. And I figured, who didn't know John Lennon? He's New York. Everybody knew him that was there. And Cosell treated it as as as one of the almost like a presidential assassination is what I remember. And he was, you know. Pardon? How did you feel, how did I feel about the death of Lennon and his legacy, his legacy?


Well. OK, let me think about that, in fact, let me take a break and I will I will have to go back and think about that because I'm going to put myself in front of the TV.


I want to try to reconstruct where I actually was when I saw this happen. It was near 11 o'clock Eastern Time, sort of been near 10 o'clock where I was in in Kansas City. Let me let me ponder this for you. Want to hang on so you can react to what I say.


OK, that's all right.


OK, I think I think I think I'm being set up here, so I'm going to give the guy a chance to pull off the setup. We'll be back right there.


OK, we're back to Joe in Detroit who wanted to ask me what I thought of the death of John Lennon and his and his legacy 40 years ago. Look, I was like everybody else. I was stunned. I was shocked. Who in the world would want to shoot one of the Beatles? I just it didn't make any sense. Now, I knew when I was growing up I was a D.J. when the Beatles hit. I got my first job as a D.J. in 1966 and the Beatles hit sixty three.


Sixty four I saw standing there. I want to hold your hand and all that. And then here came the Let it be and the different direction. The Beatles took that hit in the 70s. What was the other Hey Jude and so forth there.


I worked with a guy, Joe, who literally thought John Lennon was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. He really thought it, and I, I, I are you serious about this dude? Yes, yes. He's the he is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.


So I knew there were people out there who really elevated Lenin to a lofty height that I don't think Lenin. Well, I don't think he thought he was Jesus Christ, do you? Well, he once was quoted as saying the Beatles were more popular than Jesus, but I think it was tongue in cheek. I don't think he was serious.


Yeah, yeah. I don't think he was particularly religious either. I don't know if he was not now become that big in that famous you're bigger than Jesus. You get into a fame contest with a guy that's in charge of the Bible. That's what happens to you. But I just I didn't understand it. And when I when I learned who did it and how it happened and, you know, at the time, I had no experience with people who needed security around them.


I had no I never needed it myself.


I had no experience whatsoever. And even at that, I was asking, what's Lennon doing walking out of the Dakota at 11 o'clock by himself? And just talking to this guy at the same time, I just didn't understand it. Joe, I didn't understand a thing about it for a while until they did the psychological. Pick up at this guy and I forget what the reasons he gave for killing Lennon were, but they never made any sense to me.


Right. Well, we were a Beatles fan yourself, did you? Did you like Lennon or the Beatles? Absolutely. I was a Beatles fan. I was a huge Beatles fan. I had I was I wasn't the biggest.


But, yeah, I was I was I was part of the. A group of people that really got into them and and my parents hated the Beatles because they had a long hair. I said, yeah, I said to my parents at the time, there was a group called Holly Ridge Strings. They were an instrumental group. It was an orchestra, lot of strings. And they had an album out called The Hollywood Strings Do The Beatles, and they just played the melodies of all of the early Beatles.


I said, Mother, listen to this.


This is you remember. Yeah, there's beautiful music, mother. There's nothing subversive in here at all. It's just you don't like long hair, understand? But this music is literally beautiful. And so my, my, my my dad thought they were communist plans jokingly and so forth, but no, I was I was a Beatles fan from the from the first moment of I saw her standing. No, it was I want to hold I want to hold your hand.


That was it. That's what got me. That was the first Beatles song that that hooked me.


Well, it's good to hear your thoughts. So we're the same age. We're both from the Midwest and I don't agree with you much, but I thought there might be some overlap on this issue and I found it.


Well, what did you think? It was I mean that, yeah, I thought I heard it from Jack Black and Hank Stram on CBS Radio, they interrupted with the bulletin. It was a fucking stream saying it and it felt like when Kennedy died. It sounded like what John F. Kennedy's assassination hit me the same way. Oh, you. Oh, really? It hit you that that hard, OK.


Oh, it still does. Interesting, I can't say that it hit me like that. Well, now that you mention it was close, but it wasn't it wasn't on that on that part, it was just. Just couldn't understand why anybody would want to. Then I saw the guy that did it and I said, this just doesn't make any sense to me. I was just asked how I felt when Princess Diana died in the tunnel, in the car with Dodi Al fired in the backseat.


She was in the back seat and the car was being driven by who? Ari? Paul. He was the security guy for Mohammed Al Fayed, who was the father of Dodi Alfy.


Dodi was the playboy son of Muhammad fired.


And he run around. He Iraq wrecked his dad's yachts and wrecked his dad's cars. And sometimes Princess Diana was at the wrecks and sometimes she wasn't. I remember they had stopped at the was the hotel in Paris.


They had stopped. It was like 10:00 at night. I'm having a mental block in the hotel. But they'd stopped and they had gone up and scrambled eggs and then got back down in the car driven by Ari Paul. And apparently this guy had been drinking just out the wazoo is his blood alcohol level was 10 times normal. And he's weaving he's trying to avoid the paparazzi traffic.


And he just wrapped that car around all kinds of instructions in the tunnel as he is trying to escape them and the media was trying to figure out what were her last words, what she's saying, oh, Dodi, Dodi, you were trying to was in love with Dodi and that were not her last words.


Anyway, I'm I'm out of time to answer your question on this, but maybe I'll finish up.


Well, it's the fastest three hours in media. It's also we get more CNN two hours in this program, but most of us doing a week.


I got to take a break here at the top. We'll be right back and resume.


Hi, my friends. Great to have you here. Great as always, to be with you. I woke up today, and I thank God that I did. Telephone number, if you want to be on the program, is 800 to eight two two eight eight two. The email address, Rumball at EIB Net Dot USA. All right.


We have the we have the audio, a partial of the audio of Howard Cosell on December 8th, 1980. This was Monday Night Football game, the New England Patriots at Miami. Against the Dolphins, Howard Cosell drew the straw to announce that John Lennon. Had been killed and here is how it it sounded also Giffard, Frank Gifford, you'll hear a little lament this an unspeakable tragedy confirmed to us by ABC News and New York City.


John Lennon outside of his apartment building on the west side of New York City, the most famous, perhaps, of all of the. Indeed it is. That was Frank Gifford there at the end. Indeed it is. Oh, by the way, I want to trump you know, Trump is senator of let me let me set this up.


Trump is Trump is not getting credit for this vaccine, and it bums me. He's addressing Operation Warp Speed, the vaccine summit. He's talking about this now, delivering remarks on Operation Warp Speed. I want the guy to get the credit that he deserves.


Let's jump this now because our microphones are there and scientists and the might of American industry to save millions and millions of lives all over the world. We're just days away from authorisation from the FDA and we're pushing them hard, at which point we will immediately begin mass distribution before Operation Warp speed. The typical timeframe for development and approval, as you know, could be infinity. And we were very, very happy that we were able to get things done at a level that nobody has ever seen before.


The gold standard vaccine has been done in less than nine months on behalf of the entire nation. I want to thank everyone here today who has been involved in this extraordinary American initiative. I also want to recognize members of my administration who have worked tirelessly in this effort. Alex, Azar, please. Alex, where's Alex? Thank you, Alex. Great job. Way to go, Alex. Know, buddy, when you go out there, a bunch of slowey.


Where are you? Monsef, thank you very much. The right way to go out there. All these people did it.


A man who's now going to be very important, General Gus Purna, I have no doubt about it. All right, guys, this surgery by Jared Kushner's Work So Hard.


Where's Jarrett chair?


And everybody here is trying to get it done here before getting out of Dodge. Absolutely right. Dr. Deborah Burks, Tabora, the scarf queen, the scarf. Please get some credit here.


Admiral Brett Guare, where is Brett? Brett Gregoire? Yes, sir. We've been doing Brett. Surgeon General Jerome Adams. Oh, yeah. Oh, man. I'm Dr. Robert Redfield. Robert Redfield. Weird beard, weird beard. Renfield Erythema Burma, C.M.A. Thank you.


Dr. Peter Marks, Peter Jones, Peter, thank you, Paul Mango, Adam Boler and Brad Smith, thank you very much.


Great job. He's spreading the wealth and and many others are also many, many others.


We're also grateful to be joined by Governors Greg Abbott, who is Greg, Texas.


Billy Bill. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Bill. Way to go, Bill. Rhonda Santurce, Ron Governor, thank you very much. Great job, Ron. Right. John Edwards, John Bell, thank you. Thank you, John. Thank you very much.


As well as Senator John Barrasso, who is a fantastic doctor.


Also, by the way, I have to say, where we had Wyoming Senator John Barrasso all up.


John. Thank you, John, very much. Senator Steve Daines, congratulations on a great win. Great win. That was easier than you thought it turned out.


Totally shutting Biden out of any credit for that. Congressman Greg Walden. Greg, thank you very much. Now we go right on. Right on. Right on. And Congressman Brad Wenstrup. Thank you, Brad. And many, many others. My administration provided a total of 14 billion dollars to accelerate vaccine development and to manufacture all of the top candidates in advance, long in advance as a result of this unprecedented investment. We are exceedingly proud that both Pfizer and Moderna have announced that their vaccines are approximately 95 percent effective, which is a number that nobody expected to be able to get too far exceeding anything that really we that anybody thought.


We went out and we said, what do you think a maximum would be? And I think doctors, we all came up to the conclusion that something like that would be really incredible. We have other candidates looking right now. We have some big ones who are going to be announcing very soon. We have some companies, great, great companies out there. You all know about Johnson and Johnson and and others, and they're all coming in and they're coming in very quickly.


We expect to have some news on that very shortly. And we have worked very well with the companies. But if for any reason we have any problems, we will be instituting the Defense Production Act and we will make sure that we don't have any problems for very long. We've instituted it before. Two additional companies, AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson. As you know, the Johnson and Johnson say one dose, one shot vaccine. So we're going to see how that works.


That would be very helpful if that all came out. And I think it probably will also be showing tremendous, tremendous promise. All of them.


That's that's pretty much it over the audio sound bite. Number 29. Again, I just I just wanted to get this on record as the Trump vaccine. They're trying to call this the Biden vaccine. They're going to keep trying to call it the Biden vaccine. I wanted you to hear this. I didn't know it was going to be, but I'm glad he recognized all of those people who had a role in making this vaccine come to this unprecedented. There's never been a vaccine hit market in less than a year like this.


This really is unprecedented. No, I don't know. Did you hear Trump thank Dr. Falchi? He didn't thank Dr. Foushee. Oh, I'm I'm not surprised. You surprised by that? I want to go back to the Howard Cosell. Announcement of the death of John Lennon, there's something in this sound bite that I heard, I don't know what it is. I need to hear this again, because there's something strange on this soundbite. We hear audio sound bite number twenty three to one, an unspeakable tragedy confirmed to us by ABC News and New York City John Lennon outside of his apartment building on the west side of New York City, the most famous, perhaps of all.


Indeed it is. What is all of that noise? That's fans. Well, blow me down. That's. That's what that was, that's fans, all that noise, his fans in the stands and people who were actually at the game. Well, you can't do that any more, people can't go to games anymore if you hear play by play, you don't hear anything else. I've gotten so used to just listening to play by play, and you can hear the players and the things they're saying and so forth, but all right, thank you fans is what they're OK.


Fans. Yeah, I guess it used to be that people could go to games, football games, baseball games and such.


Now we can't. Yeah, super spreader events and all that. Did I tell you earlier or did I not tell you earlier? That the drive by media, the Democrat Party as a whole bunch, they are beside themselves, that Trump will not concede. Because they know what it means, Trump not conceding means it isn't over, they want Trump to concede. They want him to admit that he's lost. They want him to admit that it's hopeless.


They want him to admit that he knows that he got clobbered, but he has not conceded he's not going to give them that because he wants all of his challenges to remain open and viable. So just to show you that I know who these people are. I know them like the back of my hand. CNN, the info, babe. Brooke Baldwin talking to Gloria Borger. The chief political analyst at CNN. And Brooke Baldwin said, let's talk about the Trump strategy, a strategy assuming there is one fight relentlessly and don't concede if he says he wants to run in 2024, then what's he what's really playing to here?


And do you think whatever he's doing is going to work?


He's got about 50 percent of Republicans believing that the election was rigged. So, you know, in a way, politically, you could argue that it might be working for him in the long term. He's undermining American democracy in the process. Legally, it's not working for him. He's not going to be re-elected. As usual, Donald Trump is thinking about his own future and what it will hold for him and the more people he can gather behind him as he tries to finish this fight one way or another.


And that's why he won't concede if really what he wants is they want him to concede, they want him to admit that he got clobbered, but he's not going to do that. And don't you love this? He says he's undermining American democracy in the process.


You know, you people. I almost run out of ways to describe you and deal with you. Miss Borgia, you people. For four years. Have continued this silly notion that Trump did not win 2016, that he was a Russian agent, that he's a traitor, that somehow he worked with Russia to steal the election and you never gave it up. You never once. Let Trump have an absolute. Unopposed access to the presidency, you made it as difficult for him as you could.


He's not dishing on you anywhere near what you did to him. He's just refusing to concede. He wants to keep his options open, and that is what he's doing, let's see, Janesville, Wisconsin, next, as we enter the phones.


It's Buck. Great to have you back.


Are you doing pretty good about you? Great to hear you're on the mend. Thank you, sir. Here are two quick points. One on the virus, one on Dominion. You know, Biden and the Dems want us to all accept the science when it comes to this virus, whether they shut down the economy, force us to wear masks and so forth, put small businesses out of business. And it's that's all numbers of new cases. So they're going to decide on the number of new cases and call that the Science Board.


Then why not look at the same science of math, mathematical science and listen to the experts that are stating that it's mathematically their science. It's mathematically impossible for Biden to get all these votes, you know, 90 percent of the 600000 or 800000 of which is with the equipment, so forth. So they're saying accept the same science, which is math on one, but not the other. And then when it comes to Dominion reading, the definition of dominion, the voting machines, the definition of that word is the power to rule and control a country or a government.


The definition of the word dominion, right? Correct. Right. Anyway, I'll get off brush and listen to your comment.


OK, what exactly are you asking me here? Oh, just just the point that that the Democrats want us to accept the science of numbers, mathematical numbers when it comes to new cases of this virus, and that determines whether we should listen to them and shut down our economy. But then when it comes to the same mathematical science, they won't accept looking at statistically, mathematically, that all of these numbers, the experts are saying, cannot possibly all going Biden's favor.




OK, I'll I'll do my best here.


The reason that I sometimes struggle with this, I will admit that a lot of it depends on my mood. If I happen to be in a bad mood, being asked to comment on something like this will ticked me off because I've been doing it for 30 years. If I'm in a good mood, I'll be glad to take it. And I'm kind of between a bad mood in a good mood, so I'll go ahead and take it. I have I have pointed out I have easily for 30 years that I just just just to make the point that hypocrisy does not stick to them.


Look, and the reason is the media, folks, it's not it's not complicated. We do not have a media. The media is gone, we have a group of people who are Democrat Party operatives. Who are assigned? Various jobs at newspapers and cable news networks and magazines where people think journalism happens and where journalists work, but that's not who they are. So you can point out all the hypocrisy in the world that attaches itself to the left and nobody's going to make a big deal of it.


You want to talk about the science.


They demand that we accept the science of climate change and then they tell us that we must accept the consensus of science. There's no consensus in science. Science is not a vote. And yet they tell us we must accept the science and the one of the problems with Trump is that he doesn't accept the science of climate change. That's why you're Biden is constantly running around. I'm going to listen to science, whether it be climate change, whether it be anything else.


I'm going to listen to the science.


I have to take a break. I just saw the clock. Back with more in a moment.


Hey, hey, folks. When you finally decide that your familiar. And your home are better off with a home security system. Please remember the name simply safe, simply safe. Is the company making a system that has changed the home security industry in the last 10 years? And they did it very simply. They introduced a wireless system, no wires.


I cannot tell you what a big deal that is from installation to troubleshooting. It just simplifies everything. It makes you the boss. It puts you in total control of installing your system where you want the sensors, how you want them to communicate, when and so forth.


Whether you want 24/7 monitoring no wires means you can do this if you if you had them, the miles of wires necessary to connect all the sensors in your home, you'd need a construction crew to come out and put it in. And that's why other systems are so expensive. But these sensors simply say if you use Wi-Fi.


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If you buy the system today, you buy it now. We'll give you a 50 percent discount and they'll throw in a free HD camera for your system. Now, the free HD kept one hundred dollar value. But why it's important is that if you've got an HD camera and the house gets broken into and the police can see evidence that there's not a false alarm, it's actually somebody who's broken in, then they will dispatch somebody to your house immediately.


You will not be first thought of as a possible false alarm.


So throwing in the free HD camera, that's a big deal. Not just the fact that they're throwing in something cost 100 bucks. They're throwing in something that will eliminate. False alarms and cause delays, the police showing up at your place, simply safe, USA dotcom again, no offer codes needed to remember my name.


None of that.


That website is exclusively for you in this audience. Simply safe. USA Dotcom.


We have a big break and a magnificent return coming right up.


And we are back. Did you hear what the Goya Foods CEO did? This is clever, it's a feel good story where a successful businessman who happens to be a capitalist turns the lemons into lemonade. You see Alexandra Augustino Augusto has called for a boycott of his company. The Goya Foods and president CEO Bob Moon and new. Revealed that after she echoed a call for a boycott of Goya products back in July because this guy supports Trump, his company has named her employee of the month because sales rose so dramatically.


After she demanded the boycott. Una knew, had visited the White House where he stated, we're all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump who is a builder.


That prompted Julian Castro, former housing and Urban Development secretary of the Obama regime, to tweet that Goya Foods has been a staple of so many Latino households for generations now. Their CEO, Bob Gordon, who is praising a president who villainize and maliciously attacks Latinos for political gain. Americans should think twice before buying their products then or Castro. Cortez chimed in, saying, Oh, look, it's the sound of me Googling how to make your own adobo.


So. She ends up along with Julian Castro, demanding that Americans boycott Goya and their sales go through the roof.


So he makes her employee of the month. I love people think that way. I love people that react that way. They're just absolutely fabulous. I'm sitting here thinking today and last night back to the early days of the pandemic and the the literally the first two weeks of the of the lockdown, remember? When Trump. Announced that if we do nothing, that two million people will die because that's the number he was given. It was a projection by somebody that had a model and they were projecting that we didn't do any mitigating factors if we didn't social distance or wear masks or whatever, and over two million people could die in the next year, Trump said.


I can't have that. We're not going to let people die. So. He begrudgingly went along with a lock down of the country. Now is a powerful, influential member of the media, I was deemed essential. And I therefore, I have to travel around doing cancer treatment things. And I remember seeing. The country shut down, all of these businesses boarded up, shut down, and it broke my heart. I remember telling you almost exactly that it broke my heart, were running around looking at these.


Entire neighborhoods and cities just locked down. And I'm thinking behind every front door that's locked down is somebody's dream. Somebody borrowed money to start the business. Somebody had it, already invested it. What have you. And now they're they're basically being told that they've got to shut it down. And from the first moment, my friends, it bothered me. Something about it just bothered me, it didn't sit well, I didn't think it was going to help, all it was doing was delaying things.


I mean, the minute you open up. Whatever wasn't happening during the shutdown was going to start happening if you didn't. If you didn't come up with a vaccine, if you didn't come up with a therapeutic to cure people that get it and it didn't matter. So we shut down and the longer it went, I remember. Being almost a lone voice for ending it, that we have to reopen, this is we cannot we've never shut down for a pandemic, we don't shut down for the flu.


And that and the flu kills many more people in this disease does. We haven't shut down for anything like this, and yet here we are at everybody's going along with it. It just. I started getting e-mails from people who have businesses and restaurants in New York who basically told their businesses over.


And. Now the headlines are coming back again, 10000 of America's restaurants expected to close in the next three weeks.


Now this this is about Trump and Senate Republicans trying to pass a stimulus package before the election.


And it was Nancy Pelosi who held that up. The top Democrat let millions of people needlessly suffer, hoping it would give Democrats an advantage in the election. I think that sick. I think it's unforgivable, but that's what she did. It's what Democrats do. They destroy anything and everything that interferes with their political agenda. Their agenda is control over you and me. They're happy for you to lose your business. That means you're going to be depending on them at some point.


So now I have 10000 more American restaurants are expected to close. Excuse me, in the next. Three weeks. I mean, it's so unnecessary and we see what's happening now out in California with the selected applications, some restaurants are allowed to stay open, some are not. And it still rips me apart to see this happening when it's not necessary. At any rate. There's an ad agency out there. You remember, my friends, I've often said on this program, pay attention to advertising in one way, that advertising reflects where we are as a culture.


And that's true. Up until recently. Advertising was the best indicator of where we were going culturally, why, because advertising is geared to the young, they have not made lifetime spending decisions yet. They have not chosen their brand of beer. They've not chosen anything yet. So you advertise at them and in advertising at them or two of them, you have to figure out what they're doing, what they think is cool, what they think is hip, and you've got to reach them on that basis.


So I always thought advertising was one of the best indicators of where we were heading culturally. Now I'm not so sure. It's kind of like polling polling used to tell us what people think, it used to be reflective, but it isn't. Polling is manipulation. Polling is an attempt to shape public opinion, not reflected. And advertising may be the same thing now. Advertising may be used to shape the culture rather than reflected. The reason I bring this up.


There was a story on Breitbart four days ago. And the headline Social Justice Bowl ad agency predicts Black Lives Matter theme for the next Super Bowl. Bill Oberlander, co-founder of the social justice ad agency Oberlin, insisted that marketers can no longer duck racial, social and political issues. It's going to be Black Lives Matter, it's going to be covered. It's going to be about coming together over, Overlander said. He cited a recent Apple Beach ad entitled You Love Me, featuring tennis champ Naomi Succah and the NASCAR driver, Bubba Wallace, in which sports celebrities suggest that America loves black performers, athletes and culture, but not necessarily black people.


This sort of activism is what Overlander thinks will fill the airwaves between plays for the next Super Bowl. He and I can't imagine that advertisers are not going to use this as an opportunity to speak up on behalf of their brands. Or on behalf of the social impact that's going on all around. So do you want to watch a Super Bowl? Whose theme is Black Lives Matter, which is not about civil rights, Black Lives Matter is a admitted and confessed Marxist organization right there on their website.


But what's obvious, folks. The left doesn't give a damn anymore whether they offend half the country with what they do or not. They're totally fine, losing however many sets of eyes that they're going to lose. They've been paying no attention to anything but what comes out of a bubble of drive by media and the and the mouths of relatively few number of communists.


I don't know about you, I don't want to be lectured to watching the Super Bowl about social justice, but this ad agency exec thinks there's no way it's not going to happen.


Brief break. We'll be back after this.


Right on. Right on. Right now, we are back at it. You know, these four or five weeks around the holidays are prime time money making weeks for cyber thieves. They find all kinds of new ways every holiday season to get hold of your online data and your online identity are constantly poking around. And they hit pay dirt more often than you would like to believe.


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OK, Cindy Cindi's in Courtland, Idaho. It's great to have you with us. Hi.


Hi, guys. So my comment is I don't want to give up. Obviously, I don't. I love what he's doing. I love that it's part of his promise to drain the swamp. But if he runs out of time, I would love to see him keep pursuing this voter fraud. I'd love for his lawyers to go to these few swing states that the liberals have taken over and made it corrupt. Do you think that if he doesn't get elected, he would spend some of his time exposing this voter fraud?


I think he's going to try because he does not believe that he lost and he doesn't want anybody else to look at him as a loser either. So I think there's a there's a good possibility that he will continue to try. For as long as it's viable, he'll continue the effort to demonstrate how the election was robbed or how he was robbed, how votes were manipulated, how it was stolen from him.


But at some point, you can't do that for all four years.


At some point, he's got to move on to other things. And I remember my theory on Obama. And I announced this theory when I when I heard Obama was not leaving Washington, you know, former presidents don't do that. They get out of that town fast as they can.


They don't like it. But Obama stayed. I said, now, what's this about? So I theorized that Obama was going to be going on television every time Trump tried to unravel one of his signature pieces of legislation like Obamacare, that the media would be sympathetic to sell and give him all the media time he wanted. It turns out all of that happened, but Obama didn't do it publicly. He was doing all of it behind the scenes, including the Russian Hawks and CO.


Trump is not going to do that. Well, I can't say for sure what he's not going to do. But Trump is not going to go off into retirement. He is not going to fade away into the sunset. He can't it's not his personality. He's not a background guy. He doesn't know how to be invisible. He doesn't want to be. Donald Trump can't get enough attention, he can't get enough of people. Being around him and liking him and loving him and all that.


And so he's going to, I think, continue to cultivate his base, make sure that it stays intact, make sure that they don't give up on the big picture long term.


He's going to talk about seeking the presidency again in 2024 if these efforts to overturn this election don't work. But I think specifically, what's he going to do, what he would he do, a cable TV show, what he. Try to buy and run a cable network, would he want to do an hour or two on the radio now and then?


He's got any number of options, but I think you should stay confident that he's not going to disappear.


He doesn't. Know how to do that, say a quick shout out to the Heritage Foundation to have more on this tomorrow. They are building new recording studios in Washington today. They are honoring me with the 20 20 Titan of Conservatism Award and dedicating the new studios to me. They're calling it the Rush Limbaugh Broadcasting Center at the Heritage Foundation.


James is making all this happen. I want to thank them very much.


More detailed tomorrow in a world of an ever changing economic landscape, how on earth can I get some financial stability in my life? I'm David Groo, host of the podcast Follow the Prophet. Every week you'll hear from successful entrepreneurs to learn from their achievements and most importantly, to avoid their mistakes. On the podcast, you'll hear stories that will deconstruct what's going on in the economy and how it's affecting your finances so that you can follow the profit.


Listen to follow the profit on Saturday, December 12th on the IHA radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcasts.


You're going to come into a new season of joy and fulfillment like you've never seen. Hi, I'm Joel Osteen. I have a daily podcast where I talk about overcoming obstacles, accomplishing dreams and becoming all you were created to be. You may have had some disappointments in the past, but this is a new day. Keep feeding your and feeding your dreams. Use your energy to feed your destiny.


Listen to the Joel Osteen daily podcast on the hard radio app or wherever you get your podcast.