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You're going to come into a new season of joy and fulfillment like you've never seen. Hi, I'm Joel Osteen. I have a daily podcast where I talk about overcoming obstacles, accomplishing dreams and becoming all you were created to be. You may have had some disappointments in the past, but this is a new day. Keep feeding your hopes. Beating your dreams. Use your energy to feed your destiny. Listen to the Joel Osteen daily podcast on the radio app or wherever you get your podcast.


Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbaugh Show podcast.


It is always, always an incredible honor to fill in for Rush Limbaugh on today, the day the Lord has made and on Open Line Friday, 800 eight to 282. We'd love to have you on the program. There is a spirit of tyranny. And it it just it stalks the globe and it exists today within the left, and it is frightening the way it is mimicking a country held under complete tyranny. And that is the country of China. And there's a lot of talk this week and in the past few days because the media, the Mockingbird media and I'm disappointed to say Geraldo Rivera joined in on this.


Completely mischaracterizing what Rush Limbaugh has said about the possibility of this nation becoming united again and rushes some almost four hours of commentary around this topic in discussions with callers, it's difficult to understand how anyone can misunderstand what Rush said unless the goal is to do that. And I think obviously with some, you know, hacks like the basement dwellers at Media Matters, that's that's not just the goal. That's the tactic. That's what they're paid up to. I understand seven cents per hour to do so.


A lot of money that they do in the basement dwelling. The left does not have any spirit. Of uniting, they live under a spirit of tyranny, you cannot rational politics can be debated. We can debate tax rates. We can we can do that, we can debate allies, to what degree should we support allies, if at all these these things can be debated? But if you look at even the policies of the left. Medicaid for all.


That's all inclusive. They have decided you will have the government. For Sue. To use government health care. That's what they decided. So there's no debate on that. You cannot debate the life or death of a baby. That's that's binary, there's a one or a zero, the baby lives or dies, and in the case of abortion, they weren't even happy getting the one buck per month or whatever it was with Obamacare. But you had to where they took your money and said, no, no, you're going to support this with your money.


They had to expand that into, well, the baby's born but still has a toe inside the mother. Well, then then we can kill the baby to you. There's no there's no spectrum there.


And I think this is by design, there will be speech codes for all, you will pretend a man is a woman, you will pretend all white people are racist or you'll be canceled. There's a thing in politics called wedge issues. And they meant to divide. A political base from either a party or from a candidate. The left. Is attempting to divide us from our children. They're attempting to divide us from our bodily autonomy. It's it's it's not enough that anybody who wants one can choose to take a vaccine.


The left says, no, no, it has to be compulsory. Everybody has to do it. Everybody for a flu with a ninety nine point eight, seven percent survival rate. My faith, I'm a Christian. My faith sometimes collides with my politics. I would like to unite. Where is the point? Where we can unite. When everything the left marches out. It's designed to crush. This was not designed for rational discussion. Rush Limbaugh speaks for Rush Limbaugh.


Period. That's it. And the media mischaracterizing what he said, including Herath Rivera. Is it has to be purposeful? So, look, it's rather odd given the fact that Rush speaks to an audience of 80 million people. But what Rush actually said was heard by us and here's more from Rush Limbaugh himself.


Now, I didn't advocate for it. I never would advocate for secession. I'm simply repeating what I have heard. Well, now that has gone viral. Apparently, it has gone viral that I am advocating for secession. And I want to read something to you here from Freeda Powers. She's writing at at Bismack Review. It's just a little paragraph. It's all on this that I just shared with you. She says the Limbaugh clearly stated he thinks the nation's trending towards secession, was not advocating for it.


But the left anyway jumped on his remarks to bash him from everything from sedition to treason. Talk of Civil War found its way onto Twitter, where the phrase was trending mainly triggered by the ongoing election battle. But also many of the social media platforms accused Limbaugh of saying something he didn't. That is the key. I have been accused and this is nothing new either. I've been accused of saying something I didn't say in this case. I have not, did not and would not advocate for secession.


You people know what I'm about. How many times have I said it? The objective here is a gigantic army of informed voters who win elections that we have to have political victory, that we have to beat them back politically at the ballot box. That's been my entire reason for being here and and in the process, informing and educating people about what liberalism is and what communism is, what socialism is, so that they'll be properly informed to be able to reject it, which is crucially important right now because more and more people are signing onto it.


More and more people think socialism is great. We just haven't tried it right on the right. People had enough money behind it and and all of that. So if any of you have been caught up in all this, if you get in a Twitter war and this and that and the other thing I simply referenced, what I have seen other people say about how we are incompatible as currently divided, and that secession is something that people are speculating about.


I am not advocating it. I have not advocated it, never have advocated it and probably wouldn't. That's not 32 years. That's not the way I've decided to go about handling disagreements with people on the left. I just think they need to be beaten. They need to be defeated. How many times over and over they need to be defeated and in more than one election. So anyway, that's that. I wanted to get that out of the way and clear it up for anybody who is under any kind of a misunderstanding.


The misunderstanding is Rush is you kindly stating it? It's a purpose driven misunderstanding. I want to just propose a comparison. That trended on Twitter. The word Limbaugh are the second I saw it, I said, OK, what is this? What is the attack? I clicked and I saw that it was a lie. I listened to the entire broadcast that day like you do. I want to propose a comparison. There are two politically oriented murders in our country this year.


One of them happened on the streets of Portland. One of them happened in Denver. The same media. Who wants to pretend that Rush Limbaugh is advocating secession? Has done nothing to look into those murders. On video. In broad daylight? Well, actually, the part that was at night. Nothing, no interest. There are two domestic terror groups, one of them with a name designed to divide Black Lives Matter ink. It is a morally objective fact that the lives of black human beings matter like the lives of all human beings matter.


It's morally objective fact. They and antifa are to domestic terror groups. And there has been no interest in the fact that they are violently pushing. For civil war. They have burned American cities. They have asked for and gotten police officers killed. And TFA members have directly attempted to assassinate cops. There's a paper from a Rutgers University project called Network Enabled Anarchy that studies the recruiting methods of antifa, this idea, as Joe Biden's dimentia said. That their recruiting mimics Hamas and ISIS.


Their tactics and the people they choose to con into joining a. that's not a mistake that a lot of the people in Antifa are mentally ill or are are long time repeat felons. There's no interest in that. There's no interest in the Democrats Election Integrity Project, which included the option of secession. If they didn't like the outcome. We had four states secede from the Constitution. The Constitution says the state legislators, the body of legislatures, legislators will create the rules around elections.


That's a specific body the founders could have said or a dude. They didn't say or a dude. They were specific, the legislative body that much, that closest to the people. Will determine election rules, not county commissions, not the stroke of a pen of an apparently compromised secretary of state in the state of Georgia doing a side deal with the Democratic National Committee. I understand it. No, they said the legislature why? Because they wanted you to make the rules about elections.


Otherwise, power seekers will build themselves elections. They never lose. Not everyone got this wrong about Rush. We're going to be joined, we come back by Frida Powers, BIPAC Review somehow she got it right.


Maybe she'll share this magic formula for journalism done accurately as Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


That's Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network 800 282 288 to yesterday. And the day before, the media went nuts, completely mischaracterizing what Rush has said about the mood of the country and what other people see as a path to secession. And it's a purposeful thing. They know the power of EIB and 80 million people. So in my judgment, it's a purposeful thing. But when some, like Carol, the Riviera jumps in on this and maybe he's just ill prepared, I think we set up I don't know for sure, but I think we set up a side phone number for Geraldo to call and just leave a voicemail apology so he doesn't have to sully himself talking to a fill in host.


You wouldn't want to do that. I mean, that way we can play that on the air. Carrados, those apology letter from got it wrong. And there are there are still people who practice journalism are free to Powers's. This PAC review joins us on the Rush Limbaugh program. Free to welcome the Rush Short Tadamon filling in high tide.


Thank you for having me.


It's a pleasure to have you. You got the story about what Rush discussed because it was a nuanced discussion. It was a lengthy discussion. And I heard in Rush's voice a lot of concern and and and guided, you know, experience guided by wisdom being very, very, very careful about how we discussed this. The rest of the media got this wrong. What's the secret that you have, the secret method you have for not getting things wrong? Can you teach the Mockingbird media how to do this?


The secret I think the secret is eyes and ears is it's probably just listening and not jumping on the first bus that pulls into the depot because that's what it's sort of felt like it after a while. Yesterday when I saw it, everyone got on the bus and left and I may have been at the wrong bus stop. You know, I seem to have missed what everyone else was saying. And, you know, it kind of makes you think that you're on the wrong track, but it's not.


If you're actually listening to what Rush said originally and you have the patience to listen to it from beginning to end, you know, the truth is there there are people who will say, oh, well, Rush Limbaugh says this or that.


And, look, I've I've I've a you know, a much smaller version of that. I do a morning show at KTAR in Seattle. And there are people who've never heard a thing I've said, and they will immediately attach to me beliefs that I don't hold. But in the case of Rush being, you know, the most recognized name in broadcasting, and this is important to the discussion, everybody, to understand it's not just a kissing up to EIB or Rush, it's a fact that Rush holds an audience 12 to 16 times greater than any of the television shows that are hitting him.


So let's just let's break this down with with you about what Rush actually said. Did he advocate secession? No, not at all, and if you were bothering to listen to the conversation, you know, from the caller who called in and asked about the division in the country and how to kind of reconcile the country and what steps could be taken and, you know, whether whether it was even possible. That's where the discussion came from. From what I you know, what I looked at, you know, writing a bespoke review for a few years, you know, that's the normal process.


Anyway, that's the story is not always just this is what Rush said. And then there's a headline. It's kind of like you want to know what was behind it. And that, to me is what was behind it. And I realized when all of Twitter was having a meltdown over his a civil war, that he was advocating that there must have been something more to it. But really, the more you you go back and you look you realize that that's that's never what he said.


You know, he never advocated. And he specifically said that he thought that the country was trending towards secession based on things that he had read and what he had heard others saying. So I don't know how you can mess that up to Powers's with this Bismack review.


So let me let me point out some comparisons here. I, I my radio show emanates from Seattle, which is, as I've called it, the new Confederacy. Let me explain. They refused to enforce federal immigration law. They refused to enforce federal drug laws. They refused to enforce law at all. They're literally decriminalizing crime, literally. I'm not I'm not making that up. And you have Portlands taken over by another autonomous zone. You have the releases of felons with the excuse of the flu.


You have the election integrity project from the Democrats where they actually game. Maybe we should just have the Western states sort of sort of secede. You know journalism far better than I have you seen those aspects of society covered from a perspective of people actually taking steps that that from a legal basis is sort of a precursor to secession?


I haven't you know, I'm I'm sure there are stories that are out there, you know, just, you know, for some groups who are doing that and some who are advocating that. I mean, I wasn't hearing that. I think that that's probably what happened with Rush's original comments, too, is that it didn't catch me off guard because I wasn't looking for a screaming headline about that. I haven't seen that. If that's what if that's what you're asking.


Yeah, I just I look at proportionality. You know, I look I look at a domestic terror group seizing parts of a city in Seattle, in New York and in Portland. Now, again, and they're saying we are succeeding and we have guns and we're going to shoot out and try to kill cops. Right. But but but Rush says something and we land here. We got about a minute left free to pass BIPAC review. What do you think?


Just if you were to cap off this year in media, what do you think is the biggest selective bit of coverage that you've seen from the Mockingbird media? And I refer to them as a liberal media. Forgot about 45 seconds left.


Just what do you mean the selective, what they're focused on, what they don't focus on, what they didn't focus on?


Well, what they don't focus on is really just basically truth. And, you know, just integrity in journalism is just absolutely destroyed. Everything that we've been working to do, I think, like the the masks are off. There isn't some kind of unbiased anything. It's just everybody is is advocating for something and everyone's been pushing for their own agenda. So I think that that's that, in a nutshell, is what we've seen, you know, this year just.


Yeah, I agree, I'm a proponent of a thing called the propaganda of silence, where I think that the biggest tool that that people who are, you know, posing as journalists are actually advocates and agitators uses is silence. It's been great to have you free to powers. BIPAC Review, BIPAC Review, Dotcom. Thank you for being a journalist. Freeda, we appreciate you coming on Rush's show.


It's Tadamon in for Rush Limbaugh on the one and only EIB Network.


Thanks for having me on the EIB Network for the years of support. If you want to leave of Roshe, if you want to leave a note for Rush due to Rush Limbaugh, Dotcom Anota supports. As Rush takes a day to rest, we expect him back on Monday to be here once again by the Golden EIB microphone. My faith sometimes collides with my politics. I want to bring people together, but the very notion of that is made impossible by left.


Who constructs every paradigm as one. That debate is in fact warfare. For instance, notice this. They have taken what is a process. Science is a process. You create a thesis and then you attempt to disprove the thesis. You want something. It's observable, testable, falsifiable. If you falsify it, your thesis is gone. They have erased all of that and simply made science a conclusion and a conclusion that is demonstrably wrong. Like Tony Fauci, the Guardian of the Year.


Thank you for making me The Guardian of the Year. I've done a good job of guarding Washington, D.C. and really I understand that my job was to wait until maybe we could get Joe Biden back and then we can start to have some sweet, sweet cash flow with China fund that will hand Lapkin. He's been wrong on everything and he knows he's wrong, but they will say Tony Fauci is science, a man who says masks work and they don't work.


He's never said they work. He said that the right thing, he knows they don't work for for blocking upper respiratory viruses like influenza. His own CDC knows that. But they will take Tony Fauci and they'll make him science or they'll take Bill Nye, the mechanical engineering guy. And they'll say that that science. So Bill Nighy plays with things on a on a video and says, hey, this proves masks work. Well, except it doesn't because viruses are submicroscopic.


One tenth of one micron. Opening in 95 masks, three tenths of a micron, three tenths of one micron. So even with science. The amalgamated into this thing, here's the conclusion. If you disagree that a piece of cloth stops what you are, you're being told as the world's most deadly virus in history, well, then you're not just against this report. You are against science itself. And they do this with issues of what they determined to be justice.


The reason I created the construct of, of course, Black Lives Matter. That's why I will not back the violent Marxist led domestic terror group called Black Lives Matter, Inc. that is getting black people killed. It's because the very design of that name. Was about dividing, it was about shoving you the second you see it, it's about shoving you. The policies. All inclusive, everybody's in, we've decided for you. The quarantine measures, first time in history, quarantine the health.


That's not true because we did that during the Spanish flu 100 years ago. And by the way, it failed. 60 million people died. Progressivism, as it's called. Is a Borg mentality. Resistance is futile. Oh, you're home schooling your kids who will pass laws to make that possible? You can't do that. You don't get to do that. We don't like guns. You can't have any. We don't like me. You will stop eating it.


How can you happen? Who's pushing? For the divorce. It's not Republicans. Who are beating? Lady Liberty. The abusive spouse is not us. We are not burning cities down. We are not attempting to murder cops in organized fashion or at all. It's not us. There's plenty of things for us to be angry about, plenty like unconstitutional votes cancelling out constitutional votes. We'll talk about that later in the show in some detail, the Texas suit and the response to it.


Bernie in Anchorage, Alaska, home to part my mom's family, Alaska, we are Alaska bred. It's great to have you on the show, Bernie. Welcome to Russia. Show us Thottam and filling in.


Hi, Todd. Thanks for taking my call. I'm calling because before lunch, Rush blindly leads us down the path of succession. P.S. I would suggest that we adhere to a philosophy articulated by Rush, I don't know, maybe 20 years ago. And that was a philosophy of incrementalism. It's a philosophy successfully practiced by the progressives. Now we know the Chinese government also, but we take small steps, whether it's protecting the family or health insurance or saving babies, take small steps and maybe in 50 or 60 years will be we will accomplish what the progressives have accomplished in this country.


Rush was recently on his hands in the air. I think you can understand why we tolerate riots and destruction of property and harm to people. Well, it's because of this incremental ism that the progressives have succeeded with. What are your thoughts?


Well, I would disagree that Rush is leading anybody down a path to success. And I don't think that's what you meant to say. But you're exactly right about incrementalism. And here's the way the incrementalism works, like, oh, we want a public option. Well, you have one. There's Medicare and Medicaid. There are public options. What? We want more of it. Will you do you have welfare? That's also an option. Yeah, but we want a bigger public option and then it's.


Oh, well, we want the private sector to go away. The incrementalism is language like this. Look, look, I talk a lot about this because I feel it's so unbelievably destructive to society and because I know that the incrementalism is pushing this. Years ago it was, hey, some people don't identify as a man or woman, OK? So adults make that decision. I don't think any of us care. Now, it's 13 year old kids will get crosschecks hormones without parental permission.


And if you don't like that, oh, by the way, we're going to put those clinics in the school, charge your insurance company, and then not tell you that your kid's on this or on, you know, very serious antidepressants, because we the expert class, as David Brooks has called himself, he says he's the expert class. He's a fake conservative. The New York Times will talk about that, too. They they they go from just the seed of an idea that's always sold us is for the children or it's for the poor.


And then they push it and the the the, you know, violence you talk about in the streets. I think that Rush is, you know, from what I've heard and I don't want to speak to Rush because he does that. Here's what I've heard. That it is an astonishing thing to watch mayors and city councils and governors like Kate Brown, an organ like Gavin Newsom in California, like Andy Cuomo in New York, like GNC in Washington state, literally allow these things to happen.


And I think that sometimes I stand with all.


I do, I stand with, oh, have you ever seen these these white little? I got to be careful with my language. Let's say it this way. Knuckle dragging, basement dwelling, thumb sucking people made sad by bitterness and jealousy, living in basements and begging mom and dad for for, you know, sugar breakfast cereal at the age of 32. Those people, white kids in adult bodies going to black cops, folks, have you seen this?


These aren't the types going to black ops and saying things like, you've got the biggest nose I've ever seen, do your lips fit through the door with you, the most vile, disgusting racism you'll ever hear. And these police officers stand with pride. And patients. And they stand with their brothers and sisters who are black cops and white cops and Asian cops and Hispanic cops and people who'd rather not talk about the race cops and they don't crack skulls.


They don't draw a nightstick where I come from, you know, I'm I'm I'm one third toe to maybe more redneck where I come from. That's a sign you say that to somebody. That's a sign you put a sign in your face that says, smack me here about six times and. I'm one part Kristiansen turn the other cheek. But they're pushing it to such a degree that they want that cop. To overreact. The left wants that incendiary moment.


Were they? Will cause the violence and then step back and say. They started it. In the media this week is trying to pretend that a man who has his three hours of every day of his life. Five days a week recorded. Is the one leading this, the secession? Couldn't be further from the truth. It's always been about ideas, it's always been about ideas with this program. We'll come back on the Rush Limbaugh program. Tom Foreman filling in at the EIB Network.


Hi, I'm Todd's last name. Hirmand get to fill in for Rush Limbaugh today. I want to think of proud Rush affiliate Newsradio 590 KQ and T in Spokane for. Let me use your studios today. There is on YouTube, if you don't know the history of YouTube, I think it's important to understand it that it was founded by a guy named Chad Hurley. Great timing, perfect timing. They ran it just right. I think the lead investor back in the day was a guy named Rohloff, both of one of the big Silicon Valley venture capital firms.


They kept very little money in the bank so that they were not a target for suits because they knew they were going to have, you know, people putting up videos they didn't own, music videos and film videos. It was built to be sued. It was built to be huge, but to have no money, no target for a lawsuit. Google acquires it for five or six billion dollars. And it was the notion of, oh, you're the media now.


That site purchased by Google has announced they will now delete. History, they will debate, they will delete debates about election 2020. They will debate anyone questioning the one in four or quadrillion chance that Joe Biden caught up in four states in a matter of four hours with vote counts coming in 94 percent his way. Empowered by unconstitutionally provisioned diktats in these states. That were the signatures of one person or of county election boards or of governors, not as the Constitution proscribes.


Frankly and plainly, the legislatures of those states, YouTube, owned by Google, will erase and delete questions about the historical transfer of power. The same YouTube that has announced they have given the World Health Organization ownership over their health care videos. An organization funded by an activist, Bill Gates, connected to the U.N. with an anti-Western point of view. That's a good thing that this doesn't look anything like China. That's that's that's really comforting, isn't it?


They'll keep the Russia hoax videos up. Because that's the official state position. So once again, with the left. It's not just that you can debate these things, we will disappear. The very debate. We will disappear the controversy, you can't think that listen. If future generations can't watch the history. They can't think thoughts. George Orwell wrote about the control of language. You can remove. The very ideas we hold dear. You can remove the idea of love if you remove the word except the feeling, but you can't articulate it, it dumbs us down.


To cavemen, states of ideas, good, bad science, not science. That's where the left wants people. They don't want gradation. They want degradation of ideas. They want a dumbing down. Of the American populace, they want the disappearing of bad things as they see it. Let's talk to Laurie in moused in Wisconsin, Laurie, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program. Is Todd Hermann filling in? Hi, Laurie.


Hi, I'm Ross in. President Trump have given us our voices back, afraid of freedom to speak. And to your point of political correctness, this this was so sad because that was the start of it. Are the teachers in the school indoctrinating our children? And we to me have seen socialism during Obama's years when you can have your health care. We got lied about that shovel ready jobs. Oh, I'm sorry. They're not shovel ready after all.


I mean, the lies, the bushes, the 9/11, and always thinking that the two parties working one against the other when in fact they're in bed with each other. It's really sad.


You describe a return of her voice, Laurie. You describe this and I want to return a thought to you. You speak of political correctness, Laurie. Have you ever heard the phrase selective tolerance? You know what it is. Selective it, selective tolerance. Yeah, go ahead. I want to tell you this because I agree with you that Rush has given us our voice and amplified our voice for 32 years. And President Trump has returned the voice of people who have not been forgotten, they're being erased by the David Brooks of the world, the conservative New York Times.


There was a leftist named Herbert Marcuse. He developed a system called Selective Tolerance, and he taught it to a generation of professors who are now running colleges and running teaching schools. Selective tolerance is this lorry. We will be tolerant of only those things that tear the United States apart. We will be selectively intolerant, so political correctness is one phrase for a recipe created by Guy long ago, Herbert Marcuse of who said.


Let's pretend to be tolerant, and yet this program, any liberal can call, I've never seen Donald Trump want to ban an idea ever.


Or to ban speech. So I appreciate you saying that, Laurie, I appreciate you talking about the return of your voice and thank you for calling.


Russia Shows Tournament and for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB, this tournament and for Rush Limbaugh. And next hour, you got to hear what fake conservative David Brooks has said. He has invented a class of his own and he wants you to know that his class of people is going to be reaching out to us to soothe us into pats on the head and let us know that his class, they're going to pay more attention to us because we've been out for attention part of his class.


I'll tell you what he says next hour. What he's named his class. Part of his class runs Seattle, from which my radio show emanates. We talked about selective tolerance recusal. Still leftist organizer taught that taught people to be tolerant of only the things that tear down the United States of America like like the family. Right, the same Seattle public health so-called that told people, don't you dare hug your grandma, even if she's a 65 year old cross fit champion with not a comorbid factor in sight, you'll kill her.


Don't you dare get together and eat Thanksgiving dinner with more than five and a half people. Now they've said. Hey, if you're dating, swipe and left, swipe and write and some sex. Cut a hole in a shower curtain and have what's called a. And God forgive me, a gloryhole. That's that's the recommendation, the special people's tournament in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


You're going to come into a new season of joy and fulfillment like you've never seen. Hi, I'm Joel Osteen. I have a daily podcast where I talk about overcoming obstacles, accomplishing dreams and becoming all you were created to be. You were made for more. You have new levels in you. There are seeds of greatness waiting to spring forward. You can't think negative thoughts and live a positive life. And on my daily podcast, I'll help you get your mind going in the right direction.


You may have had some disappointments in the past, but this is a new day. Chains that have held you back are being broken. Doors are going to open that you never dreamed would open. Now do your part. Keep feeding your hopes, feeding your dreams. Don't use your energy to feed your history. Use your energy to feed your destiny. It's inspiring, uplifting and encouraging. I think you'll like listen to the Joel Osteen podcast on the heard radio ad on Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.


It is just an absolute pleasure and an honor to sit in for Rush. And every time I've gotten to do it, I still just can't believe it. It is still just a thing of marvel to me. I'll leave this building today, normally do my show to Seattle today. I'm in in Spokane at Newsradio 590 KQ anti-Islam Music Studios. I will leave this building and it will still be a dream. Did that just happen? And it's it's on a day, as all these are, that the Lord has made.


And I've been I've been praying I've been praying that that a spirit of truth would fall upon this country, the spirit of truth. And in fact, because we're living through an era of just great disinformation and great attempts to break us, break the country, but to break us. To break our will. To break our belief in our self and our capabilities and our intelligence and our specialness to God are irreplaceable. Because you're not replaceable. You're not.


None of you are. And you're loved, you are. And your tasks in life are important. They are. You may be depending on where you're at in the country right now, making breakfast for a loved one who's ill, that's important. You might be in a car working hearing this. You might be listening later on podcast. After a hard day, looking for work, you matter. Your tasks matter. Your contribution to our greater society matters and your intelligence matters.


And your discernment matters and our group discernment matters. There is a dynamic in the left that's attempting to divide us that is explained in a book that used to be a big deal in technology circles, the cathedral versus the bazaar. I'm paraphrasing that. The bizarre is that everybody goes in and buys and trades and shops and it's an open air market and that's where you get great inventions in the cathedral is a few small, blessed people decide everything for everybody.


That's one way to express it. Now, though, the way is the way Russia's expressed it all these years is that the left does not seek discussion or agreement. They seek control over us completely. They must be defeated. We could talk about it this way. We could talk about Walter Williams, God rest them, who had said that freedom is not the natural state of things, that that there is a an attempt to put people back under their control.


The cathedral. David Brooks. Is a fake conservative at The New York Times. Fake conservative David Brooks wants us to know it's not our fault that we're stupid rubes and he wants us to rest assured that he and his fellow greats, in what he calls the expert class, will be reaching out to us more often.


Well, I think the core problem is not the Internet. A lot of people that go to the Internet is the Internet. But look at how much more Republicans are affected by conspiracy theories than Democrats. So it can't just be the Internet. There must be some demand. And I think there are two core problems here. One is a lot of people in the expert class live in blue cities who are thriving. And then a lot of people left behind in the rural parts of America.


They feel threatened economically, culturally, socially, and they have no contact with the expert class. So the thing to do, one, we we those of us in the expert class or in journalism and academia have to do a better job of reaching out and post Trump, establishing relationships, showing some respect.


I'm relieved. Hey, Dave, come out to Hawser, Idaho, with me. I'll take you well know, you can buy since you're the expert, you can buy us lunch. And I'll introduce you to some of these rubes. That are not experts and they can ask you some questions, Dave. Like I heard the other night during lunch hour dinner with people not in the expert class there who said things like why do what does the CDC continue to use a 40 cycle PCR test when Foushee himself has admitted that you cannot even culture a virus from 40 psycho PCR tests, that it's returning 90 to 100 percent false positives?


One of my dinner mates said, hey, I heard about that. I also heard that they tested water with a PCR test for the covid and it came back that water had the covid and they said things like, yeah, and I just I'm asking this like with the ninety nine point eight, seven percent survival rate, why doesn't Foushee come out and say, hey, you don't have to rush out to get the vaccine if you're not in a vulnerable class, you are ninety nine point eight seven percent likely to recover from this 95 to 98 percent likely to never know you had the covid flu.


Why does this and this was a conversation was just this Rube's just kicking around some ideas just as Rube's. We were also saying things like this, David Brooks, expert class person, maybe, maybe you didn't hear this, but there were those who are saying, why is why are these four states, five states inventing new rules for elections, saying that the covid flu is so dangerous people can't vote in person? We need to mail everybody in the world, the ballots, even people have been dead for 17 years because it's so dangerous to vote in person.


And, you know, look, I mean, it's not like the rioting. I mean, if you're going to write and burn things down, then that's perfectly safe. David, that might be why people are not developing conspiracy theories, but they're developing truth theories. Dave, I'll talk with you any day. I know more about sars-cov-2 than you'll ever learn, Dave. Does it make me an expert? It means that I observed the patterns of Prie covid science lockdown's don't work masks are ineffective.


Do not quarantine the sick CDC and WHO papers on this don't use a test that returns false positives used the setting in the PCR test. It allows you to identify only live virus, as was determined by a Nobel Prize nominee in Italy, an actual scientist. Maybe don't push a vaccine at this point, maybe hold one back that Michael Yitong, the former VP of research for Pfizer, says can sterilize women because it goes after the spike protein. So, David Brooks, am my my in my expert.


Enough for you this rube. That's the most revealing comment yet, the expert class or journalism or journalism or academia, academia, like the one that is telling us that this country was founded in 1919 as a racist colony, that that was the whole founding of America like that academia. Like the academia's academia and academics who told us that the preeminent example of what they call fake news was that Trump was elected, not selected by Vlad Putin. Is that the sort of expert class for seeking Dave?


Jake Tapper, clearly. A member of the expert class, clearly. Well, I mean, David Brooks has said. Expert class or journalists or academia? He's called the Texas case. Asking the Supreme Court to decide, are we still following the Constitution? He's stunned, he calls it garbage, insane and seditious. OK, I'll play. Listen, I know I'm not an expert class member like like Jake Tapper or fake conservative Dave Brooks part me.


David, you have to have the. How did the the fancy people call it, they call those syllables syllables? No, no, no, no. I got it. Syllables. Syllable syllables, David Brooks, not Dave, that's what us are called Dave or Rob, not Robert.


Do you want to get pulled over by cop? And have the officers say to you, I am seizing your car. And you, Jake Tapper, member of the expert class, would say, hey, hey, you're not a member of the expert class, and B, on what grounds? And the cop says. You're disenfranchising other drivers. And he takes your car. Because the Constitution says. It doesn't ask, it doesn't recommend, it doesn't suggest, it says state legislative bodies make the voting rules for federal office.


The governor of Georgia is not the legislature, he's one man now, albeit an expert class. But wait. What the founders expect. Oh, sorry. Some of them are farmers. I apologize. Anyone can spit in the ground and grow a wheat field. Mike Bloomberg said so. The Constitution says the people. As represented by the legislature will make the voting rules, why? Because better the people do it than one person. Because that one person, expert class.


We'll make themselves president for life or governor for life with a brand new voting rules. But that's what the expert class. Wants. Remember, among the things recommended by the expert class. Was experts vetting? Presidential candidates before you get to vote for them. The expert class is recommending reeducation camps for you. Because you had the wrong thing to say, I prefer a nonpolitician as president of the United States and the expert class is telling you the Constitution and asking that elections be constitutional is insane and seditious.


So Dave Brooks, PABI, David. Come out to Hawser, Idaho. You and I will go have dinner. With a bunch of us rubes and and you can. You can lecture us. We'll even pay a per diem, David. Well, that's a fancy word. You can look at this tournament in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


It's Todd Hermann, in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network. And you can leave Russian notes at Rush Limbaugh Dotcom. You can also subscribe to the Limbaugh letter and Rush 24/7. I got to renew. I keep forgetting to go renew my subscription hasn't it hasn't run out yet, but I need to do it. I give it to myself on Christmas. It is always, always have rush with you. Always. We're talking about the expert class. Just quickly, some things that the expert classes expertly succeeded in expertly causing during their expertise with a flu.


That that and we'll talk about this later. The journalist of the year had predicted that that coronavirus would turn out to be basically a normal flu. We'll talk about later in the year, which the journalist of the year who did that. When we talk about TIME magazine's guardian of the year, Dr. Foushee, suicides are up 25 percent. Expertise, don't you know, overdoses are up 50 to 100 percent because of the expert class violent crime? Well, it depends on where you live in Seattle.


What was it? The current numbers up 30 percent homicides at record levels. I know that very similar in in cities like Minneapolis. Heart attacks, cardiomyopathy, up 300 percent, missed cancer screenings at 50 percent, missed chemo treatment up 50 percent. There's about 120000 deaths that are unexplained, except that can be explained. They're locked down this. My friend Justin Hart's rational ground. Is data expert and tracks this stuff, rational ground. You can go there and be rational, but David Brooks will let you know, look, those are experts that drive that made.


Imagine if there weren't experts involved. How bad things would be without their expertise. It's chilling to think without their expertise, we might have just said, if you're sick, stay home, if you're old and ill be careful if you're young and go back to work, wash your hands such and use the the the the inner elbow of your arm was at the bend of your arm to cover your sneezes, not your hands. What do you do it with your hands in your face, in the snot.


Such don't do that. But we have the experts locking down economism. Generational wealth theft, but it's an expert theft, so at least we know that we could be patted upon the head by the David Brooks and Jake Tapper's of the world, the expert class. Folks, guys, Tapper. Brooks log urai specs are still going to say one of the expert classes, of course. Politicians like Cynthia Johnson, Jody from Homer, Georgia, would like to address some things Cynthia Johnson said.


Jody, welcome to the Rush Limbaugh program. Is tournament filling in? Hi, how are you doing? Doing great, Cynthia. Glad you called. OK, I am calling in reference to Cynthia Johnson in Michigan regarding her domestic terroristic threats towards Trump supporters. She needs to be held accountable and in my opinion, be arrested. There needs to be an outcry of the American people that we are not going to allow this kind of rhetoric to continue from our elected officials because it doesn't just resonate in their state.


It resonates all over the United States of America. And I have already called corniness office Ted Cruz's office, the FBI. And I just wanted to contact Rush Limbaugh's show so that the audience can be aware of what she has said and that they can have their voices heard, too, by contacting their elected officials and like I did, even the FBI, because these are domestic terroristic threats toward Trump supporters. She said that we were to walk lightly and to watch our back.


And she was calling on the military and she also called for her black brown brothers and sisters. She said, you know what I mean? She was calling on them to to take down the white branch. This kind of rhetoric is dangerous and it needs to be stopped. Which would you maybe consider this secessionist rhetoric? I believe it's terroristic threat. I agree with you on that. I'm wondering, since the media this week was pretending that Rush was was was was sponsoring secession of states, which he was not most pointedly was not.


We went through that last hour. Do you think that this sort of talk is secessionist? No, I don't think this is just this is just typical of the left. They they thought their authority and fear. And I think it's time that we said we've had enough that we're not going to tolerate this kind of rhetoric, that it's dangerous. And we see what's been happening with the Black Lives Matter and intensive movement. Right.


Because because of their rhetoric that she's held accountable. They accuse us of being terrorists. They are the true terrorist. We're not the ones going around threatening people's lives. She's threatening the lives of Trump supporters. That right there in itself she should be arrested. If you've not seen move from office, if you've not seen the video, if you've not seen the video to which Jodi's referring, we'll try to get this audio for you. Cynthia Johnson films herself up close.


And, you know, she's serious because she takes off her Wolke mask. It's around her neck and she's in a gray suit and and she's looking really deadly serious into the camera. She does say things like, you need to walk carefully, you need to walk lightly. You need to be careful. And it's very and I take it to be very menacing. And then she says, those of you who are soldiers, you know what to do.


I think she says, do it right. This comes on the heels of it being done right? Well, I mean, if your goal is violence. There have been two. Citizens of our country. Murdered in political murders in one in Denver, one in Portland. Because of their political position in the judgment of just about everybody who watched these definitely important, definitely important antifa important. And yet. I see no calls. Jody, to your point, I see no calls for her to resign.


We have a congressman.


Oh, yes, maybe he won't confirm it, but importantly, he will not deny it, maybe sleeping with the Chinese, a spy for the Chinese Communist Party who incidentally bundled the cash for his campaign and incidentally, apparently helped seed people into congressional offices and now, oh, is he going to get off the Intelligence Committee? Oh, maybe so. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe not in Congress anymore. It's the the selective outrage. It's almost a cliché to say, but.


I'll see if we can get this audio for you, maybe we're missing something, maybe there's some nuance that we've missed in Cynthia Johnson's statement.


Is Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network, Rush Limbaugh?


Com is where you can leave a special note of support for Rush. I've heard him talk about how meaningful our notes are to him, so I hope you get an opportunity. OK, I want to get to just the astonishing degree of stamina that our president has displayed as he has been. And I want to make sure I phrase this the right way.


As you have been never treated more disloyalty by so-called important members of the GOP. I'm going to talk about AG Barr in a second here, and I have been a pretty big defender of the. And his knowledge of a certain investigation into a laptop of a certain person who's said to have a certain math problem for that. We want you to hear we just talked to Laurie in Georgia, I want you to hear what Cynthia Johnson, who's the Democratic state rep, said in this video filmed right up close to her face.


And I think she looks in the video like she's like maybe trying to trying to to scare people a little bit. That's just me. I don't know her. But here's what she said.


So this is just a warning to you. Chompers, be careful. Walk lightly. We ain't playing with you. Enough of the shenanigans. Enough is enough.


And for those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. Do it right. Be in order. Make them pay. I love ya.


Maybe she meant it in a nice way. Maybe she meant that in a nice way. There are in American cities. On multiple nights. There are members, well, members. There are adherence to clamours on to. People who adore follow. Embrace DFI. The Black Lives Matter incorporated domestic terror group and their partners in Atif. Who go through to this day. I know there's a rumor that they have disappeared post-election and to most in most ways, Black Lives Matter Inc.


has. Well, with their one point three billion dollars. That they have spent. Let me do the math. Math library is hard. Hold on here. The one zero. On helping black people. They've they've absconded with those dollars. To this day in American neighborhoods, they go through neighborhoods and they chant, fire, fire, gentrifier, fire, fire, get. The fire. These are the same people who attempted to burn cops alive in a trailer in Seattle after they tried to lock them in with quick drying cement.


Oh, you didn't hear about that? So when Cynthia Johnson says things like that and she is a, quote, lawmaker. I don't maybe I missed the part. We're David Brooks kicks her out of the expert class. Maybe I missed the part where Jake Tapper says that seditious. Which he's called a court case, a court case. It's a request. That the Supreme Court say to Wisconsin and Michigan and Georgia and Pennsylvania, you all have to follow the Constitution.


Or I guess you could. Effectively. Secede. By announcing yourselves as non adherence to the Constitution of the United States of America, we don't adhere. It'd be one step past sanctuary states and actually we refused to cooperate with with federal immigration authorities and then going to the next level, oh, we actually won't let you come in our courtrooms and then going to the next level. We won't we actually won't let you come in our jails, then go on to the next level, like this guy, the so-called county prosecutor in King County, which is the county in which Seattle sits, a guy who is known universally as as heroin, Dan Satterberg.


Says, I will not prosecute illegal immigrants with with DUI because it's unfair, or you could go further with state who've said, yes, that person did commit a murder, but they snuck into the country. Therefore, they're a special special class of people. You could do that. I wait to see Cynthia Johnson kicked out of the expert class, I wait to see. Jeb Bush, who has thanked John Cornyn, John Cornyn has come out and said, how dare the state of Texas say?


Wait a minute. Unconstitutional votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Unconstitutional votes dilute the value of constitutional votes in Texas. How dare they? Challenge other states abilities to secede from aspects of the Constitution. John Cornyn, oh, he hates the lawsuit, he's from Texas, don't you know Jeb Bush is from Texas and oh, thank you, John Cornyn, thank you. Thank you for standing up. It's a court case. They're filed every day.


It's a question for the Supreme Court, and to me, the question is pretty simple do we do these states have to adhere to the Constitution or do they get to secede? But just what is their articles? Two and three just just to those as they get to secede from that next, they can secede from the First Amendment and the Second Amendment, the Fourth and the Fifth and the tenth, etc., ad nauseum. I guess states can't secede from the tent.


But you understand my meaning. Secession by progressivism, secession by incrementalism states now we're not following that part of the Constitution. And the disloyalty is to us, William, ba ba ba new, a new. About the Hunter Biden investigation. For months. Now, I want to extend some grace to Bill Barr to say perhaps his principles are, look, I don't want to politicize this. It was already in the public sphere, Bill. The Democrats politicized a lie.


That the president was owned by Russia, they politicized it for four years, they politicized the lie that the president's voters. Were Russian tools. Unable to know the truth, Bill. Knowledge. About the Hunter Biden investigation was lied about by Jack Dorsey. The so-called while he is the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, nope, it's disinformation, we will not avail people of it. Facebook decreased reaches about the stories. They called it protection protecting the 2020 election.


They meant protecting the results, Bill. It was already politicized. Bill, the second oldest newspaper in the country, was blocked from distributing that through these publishers and they're not platforms. Then you knew. When there is an attempt to meddle in the selection by Jack Dorsey, by Mark Zuckerberg, by the Mockingbird media, by CNN meddling, by pretending I don't even know if Joe Biden has a kid named Hunter. Oh, wait, I thought his name was was Hank Biden.


And you don't come forward with the truth, Bill. Is your principal not to inform the American people that the guy who the media pretended 15 seconds after they got ResultSet like pretended he was president, might be compromised by our actual number one geopolitical foe, the Chinese Communist Party? Maybe we should throw that bill BA. But now he's telling us. Thanks, Bill. Get to more of your phone calls, it is open on Friday, let's start firing through your calls to Russia machos Tirman in for Russia on the EIB Network, Tadamon in full Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network.


I don't know that we have gotten the voicemail yet from Geraldo Rivera for his apology for buying into the disinformation about Rush. We'll check on that. Also, no word yet on if the leader of the expert class, David Brooks, will be coming to Idaho to to anoint us will not only to us, but to rub us on our cute little heads and let us know that the expert class, they're paying attention and reaching out. Let's talk to Lewis Cumming, Georgia.


Lewis here on the Rush Limbaugh program has taught him and filling in. Welcome, Lewis.


How are you doing? So great. Born and raised in New York. Been down here in Georgia now 15 years. And I'm Puerto Rican. And first and foremost, I'm an American first. But you get sick and tired of these political activists and leaders that want to use us brown people for their political ploys. And my kids are half white and I'm expected to send them to reeducation camps. Well, I just get just get sick and tired of it, man.


It's just ridiculous already, you know, it's just unnecessary. And, you know, I've been a Republican now for quite some time, but it's a lot more people like myself have been opening their eyes up to the left. And we all know what's really going on. And it's it's it's it's clear that the results of the election were in our favor and were taken away from us because there's no way where we're going to be gaining seats and lose the presidential election.


Yeah, the math doesn't work at all. And I would I want to ask you just a series of questions, because I'm filled with questions. No. One, honestly, how do you feel about the phrase black and brown people?


I don't like it. I don't like it because we're all from somewhere. I mean, you're either, you know, Italian, Irish, German. I mean, you know, until we get certain, until we all come from somewhere, we're just not white, black and brown. And and now I agree, I find it I find it to be the least common or the lowest common denominator, it's you know, it is a hue right hued people.


I'm much more interested in who you are than who you are. And let me ask you this, coming from New York, where there's a pretty robust Puerto Rican community to Georgia. Honestly, have you experienced racism in Georgia as someone that the left would call a brown man? Not racism, but prejudice, when I first came down here, and that was basically because of the sound of my voice.


When I first came down here, I had a job calling people in North Georgia counties and they didn't want me in their house to do service because I had a Yankee accent that bothered me, you know, at all, because I had to understand why they felt that way.


And I learned and after, you know, talking with these folks and, you know, next thing you know, they're giving me the keys of their house and telling me to make them the refrigerator.


Oh, oh.


Oh, my goodness. That's I mean, that's not a slow clap. That's that's that's an American clap. I love what you just said, man. I love that. So your kids, you know, their youth. And I'm trying not to use the name and coach of the left in black and brown people. And I don't know, maybe that makes your kids tan. I don't know. It's silly. Did they ask you or do they ever say, Dad, should we have, like, color based alliance US kids or how do they feel about statements like Black Lives Matter or black and brown people must think this way?


Honestly, how do they feel? OK.


Well, my daughter six years old, so I have not introduced her to that. Everyone is a child. Well, children of the Lord Jesus Christ. And he understands now my two boys are a little older, 18 and 15. My 18 year old sees through the crap that's being told and wants to leave New York for my 15 year old is kind of still lagging behind. So he doesn't understand the differences of what's going on versus what, you know, what's being told on the TV versus what really going on.


But he was one of those kids, despite that, that did not leave the classroom when everyone was protesting the guns a year or so back that both my sons were in school, they sat in they didn't go out of protest and they were making fun of them when they were kids. And and the teachers got back. Yes.


Lewis, what your kids did by not joining the group is so vitally important. I've been really scared by how many people have given into masks. My view you want to wear them. That's fine. Please understand that they they clinically don't work like I'm obsessed with with covid in the details about that. I've been terrified about that. I've also been terrified by how many people simply have now decided that, well, we have no choice but to remain locked down and in your kids to have that courage at that age when peer pressure and peer adoration is everything for those kids.


Man, I'm proud of them. Least this is a great phone call. And I I want to thank you for the honesty about your experience in Georgia and the way the story ends. And it's just really great to have you in the audience. Take Louise for calling Russia one last thing before you go.


Yeah, she's my daughter now. Whenever she cries, that's all. I don't don't cry like a Democrat.


Oh, that's in my in my brief radio career. You have made me clap for maybe the fourth time I've ever just broken out in spontaneous applause. That's really cool. Louis C.K. go with God's grace. Peace of the Lord passes all understanding amongst you and your family. Thank you for calling Rush's show. He's just an absolute pleasure, Todd Herman.


And for Rush Limbaugh on the one and only EIB Network, to many more of your calls as we roll through Open Line Friday on the Rush Limbaugh program.


It's taught him and do my best job I can fill in for rush hour. Such an amazing honor. We just talked to Lewis in Georgia and Lewis, Puerto Rican, moved from New York to Georgia and was explaining he does not like being called a black and brown person and he does not like being told by Joe Biden and others that you ain't Puerto Rican if you don't vote for me, etc. and raising his kids to understand that they don't own anybody their allegiance because they happen to be from Puerto Rico.


Right. I mean, the country, the United States, you know, obviously the allegiance there and his allegiance to his faith. I interviewed a woman from Issaquah, Washington, whose husband is a police officer, and she was surprised because her husband has been very active at their school. They have young kids, very active at their school, taking his time to visit with the kids, etc. And her kids came home to emails from their school district in Istiklal, Washington, saying that cops murder black and brown people because they like to.


And her kids happened to be part black, part white. And they're looking at their father, who is a black cop and the Marine. And they worry about him when he leaves the house. In the Seattle area. And she was saying to the school district, really the same man, you know. You're now calling a murderer and the white supremacist a black man, that's the sickness of the left dividing this nation on purpose, Todd Hermann.


It is such an honor to fill in for Rush every time I've been allowed to do it and invited him to do it. I want to thank Ali and Mike and Greg and James and Craig and Rush himself and you for letting me do this on. Russia's program today, as I'm fond of saying, is the day the Lord has made. And I believe that our founding documents in the United States were I. I contend that they were divinely inspired and we can talk through that.


You've heard Rush, of course, every year favor us with the true story of Thanksgiving and and the true story of this country. And you can also read for yourself the recognition that became the American experiment, the American Exceptionalism American index, America is not exceptional because of the size of the continent or our placement in terms of the hemispheric placements. The American exceptionalism is that men. With women, but men who had an opportunity to create their kingdom. Didn't they, didn't.


They took great care to recognize something that had never been recognized in the history of countries. That there are rights that human beings have because we were created by God, the creator. We have these rights by virtue of the fact that God cared enough for us to make us not automatons, we are not robots. Like God, who, in my judgment and I contend is pro freedom and consequently then pro responsibility. Sure, you can make those decisions.


And. You will pay the price. Likewise. In a Constitution and Bill of Rights. The pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. They were wordsmiths, they were careful with words. They understood the power of words, they signed their own death warrants with the Declaration of Independence, they understood that by signing that document, they were saying to the king, we have conveniently provided you our own death warrants. They prescribed systems. That made it hard for people to become monarchs or kings, they describe systems.


Checks and balances, they're called to make it difficult for people to game the system in their favor. They were very prescriptive in that regard. They wanted to make sure that our conscience, that which is in our mind, that consider our conscience to be a bridge between our soul and our beings are conscience. Our most valuable possession is our conscience. I don't think we possess our souls. I don't think it's ours. I think our conscience is the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, our ability to guard the defense of our conscience with firearms, the same ones that the government had at the time.


In voting. Do you think that people who signed their own death warrant. When they signed the Declaration of Independence. Do you think that they understood the importance of not allowing a monarchy to rise again? Of not giving a powerful person the ability to create rules under which that person would always be re-elected. Do you think that men who studied the world's. Geopolitical systems, all of them. Didn't, in fact, think through the steps someone would take to advantage themselves in elections to such a degree that they could never again lose office.


When they designed the Constitution and designed for federal offices, these people who had great regard for the power of the people, hence the Tenth Amendment, those powers not given directly to the federal government, reside with the people or the state. They chose some powers for the federal government, a few of them, but they chose them amongst those powers were the ability to decree design and prescribe the process. For having election rules in the various states. For federal offices.


Those men. Who loved words, who studied them, who understood their power, who were afraid of having a monarchy rise again, who never wanted power concentrated. Designed rules, and they said in the state's. The body of those state legislators. They will make the rules for elections. They will. The largest body that proportionally represents the most people explained that a governor of a state represents all the people. So in a state of seven million people, it is one to seven million.


In a legislative body. It can be one to a thousand. You're much more likely to meet your state rep in a grocery store than ever, meeting your governor, just just statistically speaking. The founders said the state houses the legislatures shall determine the election rules. This isn't complicated in the states of Texas case against Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia. You can make it complicated if that makes you happy or if that serves your purposes. Is the governor of Georgia.


Is he the state legislature? That's actually a yes or no question. He is not is he one man? Yes. If he's allowed to make election rules with the stroke of a pen, can he make himself governor forever? Yes. Likewise is the secretary of state of Georgia. Is he the state legislature, he is not. Could he create methods if he can sign side agreements with the Democratic National Committee on what's called a consent degree, and that may be a soon settled thing?


That's a neat little technique power seekers use. Hey, I'll sue you and then you'll say, hey, I can't defend this in court, so let's reach a side agreement. Is the Democratic National Committee, are they the legislature of Georgia? No, they're not, nor is the secretary of state. Yet they made a side agreement that changed the rules of elections. Are county boards of elections in Philadelphia, are they the state legislature? No. Is the governor of Philadelphia?


No. Is the Supreme Court? No. And it's the state of Pennsylvania, they violated their own state constitution, they violated the federal Constitution's parameters on how elections are created or probably how they are administered. So Jeb Bush is still rage tweeting today to the degree that Jeb Bush can rage tweet, which is sort of like a block of Velveeta cheese being really passionate about something. You've seen that when a block of Velveeta cheese just shakes with indignation. So, Jeb, the Velveeta cheese of politics.


Has him or his staff rage tweeting about the Texas lawsuit? It's ridiculous they couldn't even get the solicitor general to represent it. They're going to turn to maybe Ted Cruz. Yes, there are people who have been in and they have been installed into the Republican Party or ground down or diluted down or they're so very, very, very, very, very happy to be invited to the Jeb Bush Christmas party. Pardon me, Jeb, I didn't mean to offend you.


Holiday party. They will say, look. We can't challenge the election results. This is crazy. It's exactly what the left accountant. We can't challenge our system, we're not. Texas. Is saying, do we have? A system. Do we actually have laws? Because if county election boards. And states, secretaries of state. And governors can change election laws. Why not a county clerk? Why not an assistant county clerk who works weekends, Sundays, noon through for.


Why not a temp employee brought in, I don't know, from some temp firm who brings people in from China? Well, I have an I.D. to get into the building. I can change the election rules. Why not? Twenty four states oppose the Texas lawsuit, 17 states approve it. Last count, all of 106 Republicans can see clear to going to the Supreme Court to say. Do we still follow? The constitutional. Rules, they're not guidelines this legislatures shall not might can think about maybe one day would consider.


So when people are telling you like the Velveeta cheese of the world of politics, Jeb Bush and by the way, people like Velveeta cheese, I get it because with chili and hot sauce, my heart attack in a bowl is delicious if you microwave it.


To people who want to tell you. That this is. Frivolous. Was it frivolous? When the people who signed the Declaration of Independence understood they were signing their death warrant. Is that an act of frivolity? You brave members of the expert class. We'll come back on the Rush Limbaugh program with your phone calls, an open line Friday, 800 280 280 to Berman in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network tournament in for Rush Limbaugh.


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Simply say USA Dotcom. Thank you Rush. And of course, thank you for supporting the sponsors. The Rush Limbaugh program all these years. Let's talk to John in topic, Arizona. You're on the Rush Limbaugh program. John, thanks for waiting. Appreciate it. Welcome to Rush, your show. It's Todd Hermann filling in.


Yeah, it's Copac, Arizona. Telapak wanted to make a point. Apologies. No problem.


I want to make a point that the GOP has not been paying attention to what's been going on here in Arizona in the last few years. After McCain died, McSally ran against Sinema. She lost. So we got Sinema and there's a Democrat. And then Kyl or Flake steps down. They stick Kyl in there, and then Kyl decided to want to hang out. So then they we end up with McSally against Kelly and then Kelly ends up getting in there as a Democrat.


We lost two seats in this state in the last, what, three years or so to Democrats. And we wouldn't even be talking about Georgia. The GOP just paid attention to what the heck was going on here in Arizona and down in Maricopa County with all the shenanigans and then, you know, turning around and certifying the election without even hearing what Giuliani had to say.


Yeah, I saw that. Do see, if I'm not mistaken, is going to be the head of the pseudo Republican Governors Association. Now, let me ask you this.


What is going on there? I think there's a lot of shenanigans that's been going on in Maricopa County for a while. You know, they really targeted Maricopa during the Obama administration when you had Ohio down there, you know, keeping all the illegals out and such. And when Jan Brewer end up stepping out, it just seems like the party started to kind of go right on everybody. And, you know, it just seems like there's been a lot of shenanigans going down down the Tucson Maricopa County area.


By shenanigans, you mean fraud. Yeah, I mean, Giuliani is saying there's almost 300000, you know, questionable votes in the state, and yet they certify the election with, you know, less than 10000 votes and didn't bother to even listen to what he had to say. Meanwhile, we've got two Democrats as senators from this state that can't I just can't believe it.


There's a fine let's put it there is a thing that the Democrats started years ago. John called. They did it. It was called the Colorado experiment. And it was about turning red states blue and they spent somewhere around 13 million bucks or something. And it was very sophisticated. What they did is they looked at they they look at these things as as almost Maoist's insurrections. And I'm not trying to be hyperbolic. They do they look at they look at college campuses as as Maoist villages, and we own those.


So how can we then take those and own the city councils and and how can we then take those city councils and radicalize them to such a degree that they become pressure groups for people who are even moderate in thought and create that pressure, that momentum, that sense that that, oh, the left owns this and is winning this and then they in a very militaristic way. I'm not saying violently, but in a militaristic way they expand from those. So I say this for other red states.


I say this for for Idaho in regard to Boise and Montana, in regard to in that regard, I think Bozeman and maybe I'm wrong on Bozeman, but this contained them. Do this. Don't give them things they like. Don't give them high speed rail scams. Don't give them light rail scams on your college campuses. Demand demands that you have ideological equality on college campuses, make it an argument about equality, make it costly for them. If they can't demonstrate that they have conservative professors on campus 50/50, they'll see it's a chill on economic freedom.


You'll say no, it's a return to economic freedom. Do not give them the slightest foot in the door on saying, hey, we're going to welcome people who take drugs to our community. That's what these cities do. They create these, oh, we're going to stop we're going to stop criminalizing drug use. We're going to stop doing that because it's a humane thing to do. We're going to get into restoration, you know, programs with people who commit crimes and understand I need redemption every day.


If sometime someone's a first offender. Good gracious. Yes. Yes. Try to keep them out of the system. But that's not what it's about. It's about creating an environment that imports people who want to vote for leftist policies. Defend your states, demand the GOP make a battleground out of these college cities because that's what the left is doing. And pay attention to this stuff. Don't cede your cities to the left. Don't give in like the GOP in Washington state did.


The GOP in Portland did. Well, it's just Portland. Give them the city. They can't get the rest of the state. They can't. If they own your major city, they can get the rest of the state. They control the spending, the population centers. You must GOP I'm looking at you, Doug Ducey, as I understand I think I got it right, is now the head of the titular Republican pseudo Republican Governors Association. I'm looking at you.


I'm looking at the GOP asshole. There was a great election. It was a red wave and it was Trump's. Period. It was the Trump wave. Now to your point about vote fraud. Anomalies within anomalies, within anomalies. The president won more votes, incumbents didn't lose in that way. We can go down the list. All his losses came in these key states, all of whom change the rules. All of them broke with the Constitution and.


And. They happened in a four hour period in the middle of the night after the counting had stopped. That's an anomaly within an anomaly, within an anomaly.


That's the one in four quadrillion chance to determine in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network.


Thank you again for having me. Those curious, I do a morning show that emanates from Seattle. Let's keep calm. There's a podcast available there. What's a radio show? But that's that's the website on Twitter. A complaint about the music here. Off topic, Manheim Steamroller Christmas music isn't being played missing. Russia's Christmas music will just make this very clear. That starts next week. That's when then when Russia's Christmas music will start next week. And we're anticipating Russia's return to the Golden EIB microphone, the actual and only golden TV microphone.


On Monday, I got to get to the Guardian of the Year from Time magazine. They've invented some new classes for the expert class to to honor. And I'll tell you who The Guardian of the Year is in just a second. Let's talk to Sean in Cumming, Georgia. Sean, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program. Tadamon filling in. And glad you called. Sean, thanks for waiting.


Hey, Todd, thanks. I've been watching the hearings in Georgia and Michigan, another state for way too long this last week. And there are so many there are so many significant anomalies. And maybe they've been there to a lesser extent prior elections. But this time it seems they're just way, way more prevalent. Can I give a couple of quick examples? Please do. Yes, please do. OK, Susan Boyle, the pool manager in Fulton County with over 20 years of experience, testified that she was working on the audit process at table 136 and she saw hundreds of mail in ballots that were perfect, mail in ballots, perfect, no fold.


They would have been folded if they were mailed out and a batch of over 100 of them that had the exact same image for the Biden vote. She noticed a little tail on the side of the oval, the circle in and it was ballot after ballot after ballot that had it. It was copied over and over on pristine paper. And one even showed signs of like the copy machine top was raised during the copy. She said she told the manager they didn't seem to care.


She informed the Georgia secretary of state has not heard anything back. And then there was a gentleman named David Cross. He testified that he noticed there were these large ballot transport bags with thousands of ballots that were mandated to be secured. But they were missing the locks. Many were missing the chain of custody records. He told the higher ups at the counting center and was immediately kicked out and labeled a troublemaker in the media to take some pictures. And they showed him during the hearings.


The pictures are there. These votes need to be tossed out. They're tainted. They're tainted votes.


This is the this is what people must understand because you'll have people from the left or people who are following the Jeb Bush school of don't you dare question the system. That's that's just not fair. That's that's not done. It's just not done. Is when Georgia says we've counted the votes again, we did three recounts. Here's a funny thing. If someone if you if you recount the same tainted votes, what what difference are you going to get? Right.


Exactly, exactly right. We don't need widespread fraud, targeted fraud, just a few counties could totally swing the election, right. There's an analysis that I'm just wild about because it matches up with what I've seen. I I come from a background of working with engineers and data and at one point started and then sold a big data company. And I've got friends who are big time, I mean, serious for real data analysts. And I've watched I've watched Patrick Byrne, the founder and CEO of, his interviews in the media and his video he did about observing algorithmic fraud.


I've watched I've read this piece from Woody Jenkins at Central City News. And Woody in your state takes the feet of votes and analyzes it and said, hey, how is it that in a raw data feed there's blocks of twelve hundred votes for Biden? So you have you know, it's to me that's an algorithm. Raw data doesn't present itself that way. That's not what happens. And in in Pennsylvania, it was blocks of 2000 votes for Biden inserted from time to time that would match directly up with what you're saying about piles of ballots that appear to be Xerox copies.


So for the secretary of state of Georgia, understand this, we watched. You are absolutely doing everything you would do if you didn't want us to see. We watched. You don't want us to see. So there's also there is motive, opportunity. Then there's attempts to hide. So I agree with you. I am very, very concerned about that. Sean, that's a great call. Thanks for calling Rush's show. Appreciate it very much. Time magazine.


And speaking of the expert class, David Brooks did the fake conservative. The New York Times has appointed has created a new class of people called the expert class. So he's created the class, therefore he runs it. And he suggested that it's him and journalists or academics or people who are doing well in blue cities. And they want you to know, David Brooks wants you to know that they're going to reach out more to you because you are being taken in by conspiracy theories.


Time magazine has taken Dr. Tony Fauci and made him the Guardian of the Year. Conspiracy theories, let me let me present that to you. Tony Foushee. Said this, you know, in the middle of a pandemic, wearing masks does not provide the sort of protection people think it does, in fact, it may it may lead it may lead to some harm. Weeks later. Tony Foushee. I wear a mask because it's it's the right thing to do, it shows it shows people that this is the right thing to do.


Tony Fauci at a ball game with the mask off. Tony Fauci knows and has said and I have played the audio on my own program. About the PCR tests that can tend to show. That you have the covid. They don't. They are 90 percent false positives because they're running too many cycles. I can geek on this all day and let me make it super, super clear. They're taking images of viral. Orany. And they're blowing it up by one trillion times, this is very much like if you are a fastidious cleaner of your house, you clean it every day.


If I came in and took a microscope under your fridge, I could say, you're filthy. Look at you. Look at you. More completely, they're finding leftover remnants of some viral code that may have come from a flu, it may have come from the flu, from the flu or cold, it may not be the covid 90 percent of the time it's not. Tony Fauci said. You know, with with PCR cycles and a threshold of above 35, you know, you can't culture a virus from that.


So it's not I mean, you can't even culture virus. You can't determine whether people have a live virus. He knows. He knows. Two members of his team wrote a very widely received, widely acclaimed paper saying in the midst of a upper respiratory respiratory virus like the covid flu, don't lock down.


He knows that. He knows the survivability rate is is is ninety nine point eighty seven percent, any time he wanted to, he could come out and say, you know, this panic that people need to understand that most of the people who are dying from this are from from from covid would have died this year anyway. Most of the people were that sick. So let's let's let's have some reasonableness and how we deal with this. He won't he's not a guardian of anything, but.


Well, and the expert class. Time magazine hates us. Tony forces our guardian, David Brooks is the head of the expert classes, talk to Sisi in hell, Michigan. Sisi, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program. Is Todd Hermann filling in high Sisi? I Todd. You characterize your voice. We have talked before. Good to have you back, Betty.


Yes, it was many months ago that I called just at the beginning of my journey here. And since then, we have taken our Obama pictures off the wall.


I don't know if I told you I had already gone to the rally up in Freeling, Michigan and just saw so many lies. I went to a great Women for Trump bonfire and I spoke and they put me up on Facebook and talking about everything, hashtag, walk away, all that. So what I wanted to talk about today was the hypocrisy of the man. And it's you you're already telling this. I already know that the tests are a bunch of baloney and they're using it for something else.


I'm not exactly sure, but I know a friend of mine in California thinks that to be gathering DNA. I've also seen that there's covid on the test swabs. And I've also seen recently that there's a little microchip on the swab that they're shoving up into your nasal cavity. And I want to know why our kids are being abused. I see little kids in the store on their mother's hip like babies with masks on. And these people think they're doing something to protect their kids.


And at school, we can't go because we have a preexisting condition, which we can't wear a mask. We were just thrown out of a store the other day because I guess that's wearing not wearing a mask and wearing our Trump gear.


People cry. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That guy earlier, my daughter has a hat that says the fifth grader at the Trump 20-20 make liberals cry again.


And I don't know, somebody ran away and cried.


I saw this on the local news. There's a little ultraviolet robot now that goes into the lion's dugout and cleans it out from all the viruses. It kills all the viruses. Why can't we do that for our school?


Let. Well, why? Because they want the schools closed. I don't. I've not. And I don't believe that there's microchips on on the tip of the 18 foot cutup. They shove up your beak right next to your brain. I will tell you this. I stay grounded in facts in this stuff that you said something vital. Why the masks, I want to address that when I come back, let's remember it was C.C. from Hell Michigan and Sisi is now with us.


I do remember the phone call. You weren't quite there yet. You're here now. God bless you. Welcome. We're so proud to have you on the team. So proud to have you as part of our family, fully and completely. So based on what you said about why the mask, I want to address that when we come back. Inspired by the newest member of our team from hell, Michigan.


God bless his tournament in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network. It's Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network. I wanted to address what Sike, who's a new member of the conservative family Hell Michigan brought up, which is why masks and I want to address something that CCE pointed to because a lot of people concerned about this that that OK, with these long Q tips that shove up your beak to test for covid is their microchips are covered in the tip that I operate in the realm of facts.


So I don't I don't think that's the case. And I would say this to people. The folks who say, how could people think that, well, wait a minute. There's 100 years of history. About. Masks, face coverings. And illnesses like this will give you a quote. Using a mask to filter out a virus is like using chicken wire to filter out dust. Where'd that come from? Came from PB's. A special they ran about the Spanish flu in 1918.


Wear face coverings were compulsory where you could be shot dead by a sheriff for breaking quarantine, 60 million people died from that. It killed young people, not old people, but killed old people. But it also could young people. covid doesn't do that. When people can access information like that and say, wait a minute, why are they making people wear masks? When a Danish mask study is done diligently through the scientific method, a group of people wore masks, group of people did not.


It was 6000 or so in total. It's a for six months. No academic journal would publish it because they said, oh, we don't like the results, not that we don't like the methodology. We don't like the results. The results show masks made no difference. There's another study, academic, peer reviewed. Two groups of Marines in total, about 4000 people, one group of Marines was was made to lock down, to have their meals plated, to go through fanatical cleansing of their surroundings.


The other group didn't have to do any of those things, they were monitored by their commanding officers, you will do this, they voluntarily signed up, but they participated. The group that did not lock down. The group that did not wear masks got less covid. Then the group that did. People have access to this information. And they will begin to say, wait a minute. If you're lying to us about masks. And you're forgetting to tell us when you say people died from covid, you mean with covid?


When you're forgetting to tell us that you count covid deaths far differently than you ever counted flu deaths. You change the rules, if you count covid deaths, like you count flu deaths, you're talking about 67000 total people have died from or with covid according to the rules of the flu. People will say, what else are you lying about? You're not acting in a trustworthy way at all. Why masks? Well, because they're embarrassed and they like the result.


People are ignoring their own common sense. And putting something on their face that they really know doesn't work, but they're doing what their expert class tells him. Let's get to Marshall in Tallahassee, Florida. Marcia, you're on. The Rush Limbaugh program is thottam and filling in. Welcome to the show, Marshall. Hey, nonmanufacturing ghetto's prayers arush, this is for Jeb Bush and all the establishment Republicans who seem to be peeling off and not backing us up during this election fight on.


Marschall organized ground volunteers for Jeb's brother in 2000 in Tallahassee, Florida, when their lawyers were hauled 24 hours from the airport on ships. That was yes, when we went four a.m. when they need people to stand in line for a place of attorneys at the courthouse, that was us. It was the establishment. I was a libertarian, nationalist, populist. We all came together for the party and we stuck together and we fought like hell for his brother and for him now to abandon ship and stab us in the back.


It doesn't feel very good.


And we will remember I'll be heard that Jeb Bush, that was marshal in Tallahassee, Florida, straight to Jeb Bush, Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


It's been just an utter pleasure, an honor to fill in for Rush Limbaugh today. Todd Hermann in Seattle. And just thanks to the whole team, maybe I may not speak with you. In fact, I hope I don't on Rush's show prior to Christmas, because we want Rush back where Rush belongs. I just say this about the Christmas miracle as I see it. What a strange way for God to create faith in himself that you you became a baby.


Of a teenage mother. Not yet married. In a town decried as nothing good comes from there, you made yourself weak. Trusted us, some of us treated you well, some of us did not, but you did this for us. Truly interesting time to see the Christmas story again that we haven't seen forever, God is in charge and he put us here for a reason at this time.


Thank you for having us, Todd Hermann for Rush Limbaugh.


You're going to come into a new season of joy and fulfillment like you've never seen. Hi, I'm Joel Osteen. I have a daily podcast where I talk about overcoming obstacles, accomplishing dreams and becoming all you were created to be. You may have had some disappointments in the past, but this is a new day. Keep feeding your hopes, feeding your dreams. Use your energy to feed your destiny.


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