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In a world of an ever changing economic landscape, how on earth can I get some financial stability in my life? I'm Dave Grohl, host of the podcast Follow the Prophet. Every week you'll hear from successful entrepreneurs to learn from their achievements and most importantly, to avoid their mistakes on the podcast. You'll hear stories that will deconstruct what's going on in the economy and how it's affecting your finances so that you can follow the profit. Listen to follow the profit every Saturday on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcasts.


You're going to come into a new season of joy and fulfillment like you've never seen. Hi, I'm Joel Osteen. I have a daily podcast where I talk about overcoming obstacles, accomplishing dreams and becoming all you were created to be. You may have had some disappointments in the past, but this is a new day. Keep feeding your hopes, feeding your dreams. Use your energy to feed your destiny. Listen to the Joel Osteen daily podcast on the radio app or wherever you get your podcast.


Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbaugh Show podcast.


Well, it is great to see you on a Monday. If if you missed me saying it last week when I had the privilege of guest hosting in The Pleasure. Merry Christmas again. Hope you had a good Christmas. Hope you had a meaningful Hanukkah. Hope things are going well. We have so much to cover today. But the first thing I want to do is let everybody know Mr. Limbaugh will be back right after the first of the year. As always, you know, this is his normal vacation time between Christmas and New Year's.


And this year in particular, with the health stuff and everything else, the timing is perfect. So he's going to be back. Right after New Year's weekend, just wanted to let you know that is what's going on. This is the normal time. Sometimes we forget a very powerful show. Last week. With Rush and tons of information and calls and comments and but remember, this is his normal vacation time and I'm thrilled to be talking to you again because we have so much to cover today on the Rush Limbaugh Show on the EIB Network.


We've got the covid update. We've got the election update. We've got the updated update of the update. And that's coming as well. And something I want to talk about, and this is something we talked about in our meeting this morning, and we just had it.


It was such a powerful conversation we were talking about. It's amazing that our country. Is what it is, even after a year like 20, 20, what's holding our country together? And everybody had their different thoughts and opinions and and of course, we want to get yours at 800 to eight to twenty eight. Eighty to. And you could call it any time today, we're kind of, you know, it's kind of kind of loose today. It's we definitely want to hear what you have to say.


Of course, you know what I learned over twenty twenty besides the fact that if you don't normally eat cookies and then you have 11 homemade Christmas cookies by the Italian woman that works with your wife, you have them all at once. About an hour later. You're on a psychedelic trip because it's not just it's it's I don't know what you put in the cookies, but these are handcrafted Italian cookies. And every year, see where my wife where everybody likes my wife, where she works.


It's not. It's not the for.


Come on now, you conservatives know what I'm talking about, so my wife always comes home with just a truckload of stuff, so we put our gifts under the tree and then there's all these other gifts.


What does that? Oh, that's from so-and-so at work. And that's so she gets more gifts than are under the entire tree. But a lot of the people are like, oh, I made these Italian cookies for your husband. I made this for your family. I made this.


So I try to be healthy, but it's just been that's just been a it's been a great Christmas.


It's a little weird because it was cold and then warm.


We have sunshine here in central P.A., one of the epicenters of the fraudulent vote, stolen election. We'll talk about that coming up. But being serious about the question. It has more to do, it's not just cookies, what I learned this year was. Who puts America first? Versus who puts themselves first and you you can apply that metric everywhere, you can apply it not only to politicians, but, you know, I was thinking about neighbors and friends, current and former, and how they talked about the greatness of America, how they talked about what's going on now.


Did they talk about it through the lens of propaganda, which is another thing I can't wait to talk about today, we're going to have a propaganda update and I will show you incredible proof of how there's like one or two lines of a narrative and they just get pounded all day long and you'll hear and see that again.


But what we learn during this, and you could call it a crisis, we have two big crises going on now, in my humble opinion. And then you can add in the the further crises that have been created by this, for example, all the people that are out of work in the small businesses and the puppet control of the mask, Nazis.


So we had the covid pandemic, which just hurt everyone across the world at some level, then we had the way it was framed, which hurt people even more. And then, of course, we have in my opinion, we have a stolen election. So the question is, how in the world does. This country state of get together, what is that glue, and I think the glue is you. You're the glue. Can we get that as a bumper sticker?


OK. You are the glue. No, seriously, it's certainly not let let's face it, it's not the news networks. They're not holding the country together. It's it's not Hollywood, I mean, Hollywood goes out of its way. To I mean, they put a chisel on the and then they bang it with a hammer. Soon as they see groups that were intentionally separated that are not supposed to get along.


I mean, you remember the list we got when President Donald J.


Trump recently re-elected you a few weeks ago. You remember the list we got at the very beginning? Well, you know, here's a list of people that are going to vote for Trump and they listed all these people. And when that those groups get together and go, wow, you and I have a lot in common. I know. I mean, Trump is making America great again. High five. The media, the news media can't stand it, Hollywood can't stand it.


Political parties will not tolerate it. I mean, you think you're getting targeted on social media because you question something about covid or you question something about the the election. How would you like to be a first year congressman? You get to Washington, you're all. You know, you're all psyched up. You got a copy of the Constitution in your pocket. This is great. This is going to work like a well oiled machine. We're going to have lively debate.


It's going to be truthful.


I can't wait to embrace freedom and represent my district.


Now, that's not how it works. Here's how it works. Welcome to Congress. Shut up and do what you're told. And if you're good for the first several terms, we'll put you on some committees and we'll help you raise money. And if not, we'll bury you, we will bury you, we'll shame you, will embarrass you, will exploit you.


So obviously that organization is not holding us together because the one time we asked. Our local state assemblies and our congressmen and women, and you know who the people are that put America first. You know, if you listen to this show, you know, you know who's bringing their A game to the crises facing America now, you know who's fighting for you.


You know who says there's something wrong with this election and I'm not going to certify it because I cannot. With my heart and my mind certify what is now considered a fraudulent election. And then there's the people that are saying, oh, man, I don't feel like fighting, I just want to get a good comedy gig to be homes to pay for. Oh, how am I going to raise money if that one person in my community, that one business person, she she hates Trump, she's never going to raise money for me again, blah, blah, blah.


Never thought I'd do that on the Rush Limbaugh show, I never thought I'd say, but but I just did. Something else we're going to crack open is something that happened over the weekend and the report finally dropped, I'm holding it in my hand and I will say I think I can say this. We are on very short notice attempting to get Sidney Powell on the show. She's been on the show before. As you know, she has spoken to Rush.


I had the honor of speaking to her as well. We're going to try to get her back on because there's been a lot of changes over the weekend. There's been some updates with the election. But this report is a shocker. I am reading it. This report, this is what it says on the top, it's twenty seven pages long, so chances are no one in media will ever read it. Usually media does like, you know, they they they do like a couple of points that that's why you wonder why you're so misinformed by the media.


They don't do research, they just repeat things, we do research, we have to conservatives are held to a higher standard. We have to do the research. We have to do the report. Were the people that say, go to my Facebook page, you can download the report, go to this link, you can get the executive order, download this. Here's the video from that. The mainstream news media, they just say. You know darn well that the earth is square and trumps a Russian agent that eats puppies, you know it.


And if you don't, I'll embarrass you until you believe it. So we have this report, which I'll be highlighting. Basically, it establishes foreign interference in the United States 2020 elections. And you might be saying, well, what is this all about? This is something else the media hasn't really told you much about. The people on President Trump's team have those of us in talk radio has. The EIB Network has.


But most mainstream news media is staying away from this because it makes President Trump look much more in control and much more concerned about the American people than he's being portrayed as being.


It is the executive order on imposing certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in the United States election. So what we're going to do is we're going to explain how this executive order, which President Donald J. Trump. Signed in September of twenty eighteen connects with the report I'm holding in my hand, which has a lot of people concerned, a lot of people concerned, put it this way.


I would not like to be anyone in America right now that had anything to do with a fraudulent vote or Dominion computer or stealing an election. I would not want to be those people. And I'll go one step further if you read this report. And you conclude after this report, like Pat Toomey said, way too early, because he had his he had his script and his narrative, like many, many establishment people have long ago, they said nothing to see here, nothing to see here.


If you read this report and say nothing to see here, then you are either you don't read English because it isn't English, the version I have or.


Or you're OK with a stolen election, so this is why twenty twenty is the most important year in the history of the United States, because in two weeks. And we're going to name names and talk radio, you can bet that's what we do, we're going to give you the facts. We're going to name names in two weeks. We will find out. The people in our government who care enough about you to say, hold on a second, this doesn't look right, we need to make sure we have the facts before we ram Joe Biden down your throat and then you'll find out the people that are.


Look, just shut up. We don't like Trump anyway.


I can't wait and I can't wait to talk to you. Coming up on the Rush Limbaugh Show. We'll be right back.


This is the Rush Limbaugh Show. Rush is on vacation, as always, between Christmas and New Year's. Planning on a return just after the New Year's weekend, so I guess that would be next week. Good news there on the EIB Network, 800 to eight to twenty eight. Eighty two. My name is Ken Matthews. I'm recovering again from what I didn't think would be so severe. I've got to I've got to get a test for it, something to do with cookies.


But I just ate way too much. And gosh, I know that's a cliche, but I just did. We had so many wonderful meals and I was blessed by my sons and my wife and I were all together over the holidays, and today was kind of interesting because. I normally come into work a little later because I do an afternoon show in central Pennsylvania here and in the epicenter of scam ville with the votes from three to six. And I normally come in a little later.


So but today I got to see my old it's my wife's working today. My oldest is working today. My youngest is off. He's 16. So I actually my my oldest son and I crossed in the hallway a few times and he is really a zombie in the morning.


I had no idea. I know. And by the way, he's taller than me now, so I have an issue with that now that he's taller than me.


So that's something else I had to deal with. So you think you're at a tabloid at eight hundred twenty two. Twenty eight. Eighty two. I am going to break this report open and then we are going to take some calls from around the country, including Nashville. First of all, let me say I am so happy to hear that no one was seriously injured in the blast in Nashville. We'll touch on that a little bit later. That that is a story that's unfolding right now.


But when we talk about what's holding our country together, as I mentioned in the first segment, it's not who you think it would be. You know, we we we are Americans, so we don't immediately look to.


The handlers or the people in charge? Because we're Americans, if you think back to and I'm going to I'm going to juxtaposition this with a little later, there was an article in the BBC. Which is so ridiculous, I have to share it with you. I don't know what it is about the BBC, but they think they're all that and a bag of chips and they ain't.


And I have to share with you because it talks about how to converse with people like us. Yeah. People that believe in constitutional freedom, people that question the government. People that think you determine your own future, your own destiny, people that are like America, you're. And and the BBC, of all people, you know what I think it is, and gosh, this is so petty, but maybe it's me. I am getting older. Maybe the maybe Britain still ticked off about, you know, what happened in the seventeen hundreds.


I mean, I would be. Let's face it, they were on their way. To lock in us that they could have locked us down like a blue state governor and we said ain't going to happen and it ain't going to happen, but they're still trying to do it. Yeah, they're just back doing it. They're going through all different organizations like the World Health Organization or whatever. But it's funny how they talk about it. They just they know instinctively who's crazy and who isn't over in that wacky BBC run by a royal family, the same bloodline for how many years?


A million. Eight hundred twenty two. Twenty eight. Eighty two. So I think the American people are what's holding this country together, just like all the money that America has.


It's from us. Give yourself a round of applause when you see a new building go up going up in Washington or a fancy walnut ceiling in some grand meeting place of the senator, you paid for it. Thank you, yes, so we we not only support America. We drive America. And when you when you start looking at the minutia of it, you see that. The government doesn't produce anything we do. We are the ones with the true understanding of the declaration of the End of Independence, the Constitution of the United States were the ones with that understanding, obviously people in news media, people.


In certain parties, in establishment strongholds, they don't have that attitude where attitude, our attitude is we'll get through this. We'll get through this with our neighbors and our friends and our family, and we'll do this and we'll do that, look at what happened in 20, 20. And look at how we're still going strong and the number is 800 to eight to twenty eight, eighty to one of the one of the reasons I think the BBC is so condescending to people of a conservative ilk.


And I think there's and I think there is a chip on the shoulder with some of the elitist in Britain, because I don't believe and I still think this is the case around the world, and this is why I think America is the envy even now. Of countries around the world and people and leaders around the world, I don't think they can wrap their head around that.


We have that constitution and that Declaration of Independence and it does say the government of the people, by the people, for the people. This is something that most countries have no concept of, it isn't that way in the UK and all you have to do is look at their current criminal situation, their crime, the covid situation and their economic situation, and then just just take your cursor and slide over to the EU and you'll see it that the less control the population has directly with their destiny and their government, the worse off you are.


And most people just don't understand. They don't get that whole concept, if you are from a country where there's a king or a premier or it's the same family for the last however many years, or you're from a country where your vote is different than someone in the elite click. Then you cannot understand how a bunch of us can show up in Washington, D.C.. And be heard on January 6th. Now, the people that do understand it in these countries, as you go around the world and the U.K. is a wonderful example, along with France and Spain and Australia.


And of course, the news media will not show you this. There are massive uprisings in those countries. Against the economic policies of the government's.


The leftist policies of the governments, but more importantly, this is where so many of us have so much in common regarding the covid thing from London to Sydney, Australia, people are protesting this ridiculous mask mandate, these mask mandates that it's ridiculous.


So part of it is a lot of people don't know enough about. US, if they're looking in from the outside and then they see it and it's almost hard, think about if you were raised in a country that in the early stages of that country's development was dominated by communism, communism or socialism, like still so many are now. I mean, socialism is the driving force now. In too many parts of the western world, from Canada to Spain to I mean, we have a socialist pope, I'd say we meaning the world.


There's this one pope at the moment and he's a socialist, borderline communist. Oh, you're not allowed to say that you're going to get banned too late. I already am. Eight hundred twenty two, twenty eight eighty two, it's the Rush Limbaugh Show. So the question is, what do you think is holding this country together on December? Twenty eighth, twenty twenty. Let's go to the phones. Duluth, Minnesota, this is Van Van. Welcome to The Rush Limbaugh Show.


Hi, Mr. Matthews, thanks for taking my call. Hello.


Yes, what do you what do you think is holding us together?


Do you think it we still have a working constitution that we're going to get rid of a would be dictator, despot, autocrat Donald J. Trump, who tried to steal the election, in fact, is going to try to steal the election.




Are you going to finally say, Van, can I ask you to stop just long enough to stop with the talking points and give me one fact that President Donald Trump tried to steal this election. Oh, he just he just did with my stop try to stop the payments on the culvert relief he wanted.


OK, well well hold on a second. Van, van again. OK, no, no, I don't know.


I want you to tell me you just said he is a despot, he's a dictator. And he tried to steal the election.


And I said and I said what I say to every liberal that repeats what Don Lemon says on CNN. I say, do you have one fact?


Yes. He tried to extort the Republicans out of Georgia, pretty much saying, you know, by by holding up, that's holding up the funds. He was going to jeopardize those two Senate seats for the Republicans, for his own self.


That explains explain accurately explain it.


He was trying to work over Mitch McConnell to investigate further the ridiculous innuendos of a criminal of crimes being committed to get Biden over the line.


OK, so so let me ask you this. You your premise is that there was no election fraud, not a right to do any election.


So it is almost zero. OK, so that's when I have to say thank you for calling Van. You see, now, once you get to that point, just like whether your Senator Toomey or your Chris Christie or your Mitch McConnell, once you get to the point on December 28th, 20, 20, and you say something like that, there's not enough fraud here to even be an issue. I mean, there's no election fraud, then there's a problem with your the way you look at reality.


See if you want it, if if Van said, well, we've counted all the votes here in Duluth, Minnesota, and Biden was the legal winner, but Van can't say that. You know why? Because they won't let us do it in Minnesota. Just like in Pennsylvania, they won't give us the Dominion machines. Just like in Arizona, we had to get how many subpoenas? My theory is a simple one if you've won the ball game.


And somebody says, we think there was some cheating. On that play in the third quarter, can we see the replay and you say, no way. You're not suppressing my ability to watch football. No, we just want to see the replay replay because we think something was amiss and you may not have won the Super Bowl and you say we did and then you destroy the replay tapes.


Well, then you're just a moron, right? If you were to destroy the tapes.


If you were to say to eleven hundred and forty two sworn witnesses with a deposition risking jail for perjury, 11 hundred plus of your fellow Americans, you're all full of it. And plus, I don't even want to see your evidence. Then you have no credibility, at least not with me. Not with me, I mean, I just. And when you open your conversation with we're getting rid of a dictator and a despot and you totally ignore that Joe Biden.


Is under indictment in Ukraine. It's like. Doodle doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. That was a fun call, though. I enjoyed that. So we are looking for legitimate I mean, I think we're looking for legitimate people to comment on this. What's holding America together? But I think it is the fact.


That we still have communication lines open between each other as much as the mainstream news media tries to keep you and Van from hearing the truth van in Minnesota, a name that no never will be forgotten. Van in Minnesota. Yes, the van. Man Mr. Trump's the dictator. Obviously, Vanness never lived in a country with a dictator before, but here's what dictators do dictators order social media to do what they say. Remember when Obama did that, yeah, dictators call CBS and say, I don't like that story, I don't want you talking about Susan Rice anymore.


Don't you report on Benghazi? That's the behavior of a dictator. When a conservative says, open it all up. Release the classified documents, release the phone calls. I don't care what you call me on Twitter, I've seen it all. But then the Democrats say you're not allowed on Twitter, you're not allowed on Facebook. We're not going to cover this. It's none of your business what's in the vaccine, all that stuff is very dictatorial. I think the real issue here with this stolen election is to pay close attention to who is willing to listen and review the evidence and who shut down that opportunity.


Weeks ago. You want to find out who puts America first? The person who when someone comes to them and says, I think this is broken. We should take a look at it and they say, oh, my God, you're right, it is broken. Hold on a second, people, this is broken. We need to fix it versus it's not broken. You're just a dumb idiot, conspiracy theorist, voter, American here. Not as smart as that to make or miss.


We're gonna get a broken fraud. What brought. We'll be right back. Hey, thank you again for tuning in to the Rush Limbaugh Show. Rush is on vacation, as always, between Christmas and New Year's, and he's going to be back right after the first of the year. So I think Leslie Fawzia's Friday. So it would not surprise me if Rush is back ready to rock on Monday. But that's the plan. I just wanted to give you a heads up.


My name is Ken Matthews. I'm thrilled that you're tuning in. The phone lines are open. As always. We're talking about a few things. I want to go back just a moment. We're talking about what holds our country together. I happen to believe it's the American people. And then if you see the ripples in that, it ripples out to the American people that love freedom or the American people that love God or the American people that respect and love each other.


But at the end of the day, it's the American people. And, you know, it was interesting. I was who was I talking to last night? Oh, my gosh. I talked to too many people over the weekend.


I was going to rest my voice because I knew I had Rush's show and a lot of you that if you speak for a living, you know that when the weather gets really cold and then it's kind of warm and then really cold, sometimes your voice can get all crackly. So sometimes we rest our voice. And but I kept things kept happening over the weekend and the news and I, I would either get really stoked and I'd have to call someone.


Dude, are you stoked. I'm stoked. Stoke, Stoke or I get really ticked off. Can you believe this. Yeah I know this about so I totally didn't shut up. I know that's hard to imagine but I didn't shut up most of the weekend but I had a great time and hope you did. I want to go back to the executive order from twenty eighteen. Now why is this important? I'll explain it briefly. And we are waiting for Sydney Powell now.


This was not set up ahead of time. So if she doesn't come on the show today, that's OK. She's not dodging us. It's just we waited till the last minute because as soon as I saw this report, I got all excited and I said to Mr. Sonali, we've got to get Sinéad.


We got a lot. And soon as he figured out what I said, he got in touch with her. September twenty eighteen. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, declared a national emergency. To address the threat of foreign interference in the United States election. Based on findings that the ability of people outside the U.S.. To interfere with or undermine public confidence in the election, including through unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation.


Constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. Now, that's just the first part of it. It's a little longer than that, but that's the meat of it.


That's the gist of it. The national emergency that was signed in executive order, thirteen eight four eight, if you want to look it up, one three eight four eight persist today. And we now have a report I'm holding in my hand. That clearly defines foreign interference and also fraud, but more importantly, this is the foreign interference in the United States, 20 20 elections as defined by this executive order.


Now, just to give you an idea of how far ahead of the curve President Donald Trump was.


This includes infrastructure and cyber security and covert propaganda, which we're going to be talking about in the next hour. There's just some really neat things that I found an old book of mine that I had not read since college, and it was written in 1960 to the name of the book is and I hope you don't mind, but I like every time I read a good book, I feel compelled to share it.


Propaganda, the formation of men's attitudes by illegal jokily, he's French, and despite that I even read it, but I just reread it over the weekend and you put it, everything in that book is happening.


Today, literally today.


You go back to twenty eighteen, President Trump was made aware of the vulnerabilities in our election, and instead of trying to exploit them, he said, we got to stop this. We have to make sure that no one can strike at the heart of our republic. Nobody can alter our vote. And we're not just talking about throwing votes in the trash and dead people voting because that's standard fare for Democrats in Philadelphia. You know, I was thinking about that, too, because so many dead people vote in Philadelphia, maybe that's why their policies are all messed up, because how informed can you be if you are dead?


And your vote. Look, you know what I mean, and look at their mayor, for goodness sake, in Philadelphia or look at our governor, Governor Wolf, or look at Newsom. Bunch of dead people vote in California to. So coming up, we're going to break out so, you know, as you head into the exciting new hopefully three day week for you if you have a vacation, election machines and software used by most voters across the country have been proven to be compromised.


Individuals and firms that are foreign or have substantial foreign ties, own or control. Each of the vendors this election system appears to have been intentionally and purposely designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. Now, the reason this is exciting because Democrats think everything is systemic. So maybe that's the one word that will leap out on them and they'll go, oh my God, systemic, who's a racist today? Wait a minute. This says if the election is stolen, don't give me this.


I don't want to read this. I don't want to be held responsible for the truth.


This is The Rush Limbaugh Show. We'll be right back. Still to come on the Rush Limbaugh Show, more of your calls and they've been great so far. Thank you. Eight hundred two eight two twenty eight eighty two. Also a covert update and we'll up. Well, look a little deeper into the relief bill. That magically got signed and then who knows what's going on? We'll find out. We'll explain it to you. There's something about the timeline that will amaze you on this particular bill.


Also coming up, what holds our country together, in your opinion? What is that?


I don't know. That special sauce, the glue. I think the glue is you.


You're going to come into a new season of joy and fulfillment like you've never seen. Hi, I'm Joel Osteen. I have a daily podcast where I talk about overcoming obstacles accomplish in dreams and becoming all you were created to be. You were made for more. You have new levels in you. There are seeds of greatness waiting to spring forward. You can't think negative thoughts and live a positive life. And on my daily podcast, I'll help you get your mind going in the right direction.


You may have had some disappointments in the past, but this is a new day. Chains that have held you back are being broken. Doors are going to open that you never dreamed would open. Now do you apart. Keep feeding your hopes, feeding your dreams. Don't use your energy to feed your history. Use your energy to feed your destiny. It's inspiring, uplifting and encouraging. I think you'll like it. Listen to the Joel Osteen podcast on the island radio ad on Apple podcasts wherever you get your podcasts.


Merry Christmas.


Happy New Year. A little bit early. Rush is planning to be back right after the first of the year next week. And it's great to be here, as always, I hope you had a meaningful Hanukkah, a wonderful Christmas. I know the prime minister in the UK pretty much cancelled Christmas for a third of the UK and now he's looking to lock down the entire country on Boxing Day.


And Markstein can give you an in-depth analysis of what Boxing Day is. I still don't know what it is. I still think I need gloves. But anyway, that's how it is around the country and around the world with the panic pandemic. It's a pandemic of panic. It's a increase of test and it's an exaggeration of deaths. That's not saying it's not real. You know, sadly, car accidents are real. Most of the time, you can't even find a parking space.


Everybody keeps driving. Why? Why does that even happen? They should never drive again. Have you seen the numbers? It's terrible. So we have a covert update coming up. I want to share that with you and I want to talk briefly on the Rush Limbaugh Show today about what is holding our country together. I want you to talk more about it, because I think you're holding the country together, I opened the show today speaking with the fact that the people we have looked to.


For years, especially this year, twenty twenty, where the vision has become crystal clear, how ironic, it's 20 20, we now see everyone for who they are. We now see. Who wants to put America first, who wants to put themselves first? We now see who is angry and concerned about a stolen election and who is just saying, oh, be quiet and get on with your life. And the people we've looked to for guidance, they haven't given us guidance, they've given us alternatives and ultimatums.


And that alternatives we look to in Pennsylvania, our governor for guidance, our health administration, just like people counted on Cuomo. And that clown, de Blasio in New York. Who would have thought so much of our country could be brought to its knees? Literally and figuratively. With just 10 months of hardcore, nonstop propaganda. Banned information, censored news and incorrect data and scare tactics. I would have thought it would have taken more seriously. I thought it would have taken more.


I thought I would have thought there would have have to have been armored vehicles coming in from a foreign nation. No, they didn't have to come in. They didn't have to come in in a tank. They came in through the Internet. The Internet that was connected to the Dominion software machines in key swing states that the Dominion people said didn't happen, but hundreds of sworn witnesses said did. Yep, this is where we are, but let's go to this relief stimulus bill, which was so much more than that, it was a piece of garbage and again, it's five thousand eight hundred pages long and I only write about 40 pages.


But I read enough to realize that this is the same garbage that the swamp dwellers have forced on us for decades. And this is why I'm thrilled we are where we are now, because it's a chance now for Trump to expose this even further. Let me explain briefly what I mean, and then we're going to get back to the phones.


The president did sign this. He signed the relief bill. And Democrats are applauding and blah, blah, blah, and the media's all whatever. But what it means is he avoided a partial government shutdown. And he continued financial aid for you, if you need financial aid, the rest of it is garbage. But I have to say. He has his back up against the wall, and I thought that was good leadership. And the reason I think it was.


Did you want to go in to the election runoff and the exposing of the stolen election, having just cut off aid to people you care about? And so this is I'd like to say it's a chess game, but I do think that I think most of the time President Trump is chess and. People on the left are Checker's, and now let me just say, I'm not a good chess player at all, I don't even play checkers that well.


But when you drill into this bill, you see it's the same garbage that happens year after year after year in Washington, D.C., and it goes something like this. Well, since most of the year, we don't do anything but fund raise. I guess this last few weeks, we should try to put a budget together, then they put the budget together and you know, both sides have a lot of pork, mi mi mi II re-election, reelection.


This year, we really needed. Our Democrats and Republicans, congressmen and senators, to be on their game because. Mostly Democrats throughout the country shut down the economy. And we do have people that are struggling and we have entire sectors of our economy that were devastated. So we really need in other words, how can I say this nicely? The when we need you. In Congress, in the Senate, you let us down. The few times that Americans, the majority of us look to you to do your six figure job with full benefits, that was never interrupted during covid.


You didn't get a pay cut during covid. Nobody said yet, stay home a couple of weeks, I'm sorry, we just don't have the work. It's the it's the lockdown besides the governors in Florida at his other house. So we can't give him to weigh in on it. So the one time we needed you. This year. We needed you to put America first and I'm talking to congressmen and women, I'm talking to senators. I've never seen the government of the United States in particular, the political aspect of it, so underestimate the power of the American people.


There are people out there. That do not believe there was election fraud, there are people out there that are comfortable with wearing a mask until twenty twenty five.


But every year, the Congress waits to the last minute. And then they give you, not you, well, technically, it is us, because we it's our money. They wait till the last minute, the leaders of the House and the Senate. And the leaders of the party, they wait till the last minute and they go. Here's your four foot stack of paper. You need to sign it by seven o'clock tonight, but it's 5:00, I know, but you need to sign it.


The leader says sign it, but I can't even read it yet. I can't sign it or you're in trouble every year. It's the same thing. And every year, the men and women that have the courage not to like my friend Congressman Scott Perry or. Not to be a fanboy, but. Tulsi Gabbard keeps doing things that I like, she signed it for the exact same reason, and then she had the courage like Americans are doing all over.


The censored and banned Internet to say, I'm not signing this, I didn't even have time to read it, there's a bunch of junk in here. See, that's the truth. That's the reality. That's not political. And that's what America is, that's why we're holding it together and politicians aren't. People that are political. If you're using a political filter for your decisions, you are worthless to me. You have no value to me, Mitch McConnell.


If you're saying how is this going to affect me or my time at the zoo in the turtle pen, oh, that was soap, that was poor taste, let me just say that it was Rush Limbaugh that started the turtle name of Mitch McConnell, which I think is hysterical. But if you're using a political filter. I'm still trying to figure out why the Congress of the United States. Both sides can't get a budget in on time.


It's just amazing this is what we're fed up with. This was the year. This was the year we saw it all.


We had a we had an incredible economy a year ago. It was rocking. It was going so well that even Republicans were angry because Republicans knew, especially establishment Republicans. The Pat Toomey he's in, the Mitch McConnell's, the Mitt Romney's and the Chris Christie's, they all knew, oh my God, this guy's going to get reelected. He came in and he did what we blabbed about twenty five years. And he's not even a politician. How did this guy get in here?


What the hell? We've got to shut this down. The people are having they're getting too much power. The one the one guy in the last thirty five years that was picked by the people, he's the guy that both political parties want to destroy. Think about that, the one guy. The one guy who comes in and says this China stuff, this is Bull who almost said it, this is bull poop. Why do they have better trade deals than us, and why are our factories closing and why are people pouring over the border?


And why is our military driving around in rusted tanks with one tread, the one guy that comes in and speaks like an American? You try to bury him from day one and you bury him with lies. This is where you made your mistake. You see? Because President Trump just got more votes than any other incumbent president in the United States ever.


So I don't care what they say on CNN, 10 plus million more people voted for him this time than the first time and the first time it happened, it scared the heck out of you. So you want to know why Trump sign that I can't get in the man's head? But I'm tired of our government, of us, by us and for us that we pay for. I'm tired of them holding us hostage. We need to pull the plug.


We are in charge. I know you haven't been conditioned, depending on where you've gone to college, but we are in charge. So they come to every president, they come to every president and say this here's the really fun for the for the dying children in the struggling families. Mr. President.


Well, what's this other four thousand eight hundred pages of garbage, like millions of dollars going overseas, billions going overseas and thousands of dollars going to leftist pet projects by dysfunctional college professors? What is that all about? Well, here's how it works here, buddy. You either sign it or the people don't get the help. So the Congress holds us hostage to leverage the president. This is why he was re-elected. This is why he was elected the first time.


Because no one. The men and women in Congress, in the Senate make an obscene amount of money for what they do, the ones that don't work I'm talking about, the ones that work are worth their weight in gold. The ones that don't work. They're just crooks. And they have failed us. They have failed us, you didn't fail us, I didn't fail us. That the Democrats did live in your neighborhood, didn't fail us. The Republicans didn't fail us.


The people that we pay to do their job failed us. They haven't delivered a budget for how long and the budget is filled with garbage. And then when you don't want to vote for garbage, they say, well, don't you care? Don't you care about the children?


You're going to create a government shutdown. We'll be right back.


The Rush Limbaugh Show on the EIB Network. Rush is on vacation and we'll be back next week.


And just a reminder, this is the same block of time he takes off on a regular basis.


I hope he's having a great Christmas. I don't know how many cookies he's getting, but I too many. I'm still dizzy from the sugar. It all started at the top of the show, and I'm not even eating them during the show. It was yesterday. Eight hundred twenty two, twenty eight eighty two, so still to come, we are going to break open that report regarding election interference and the facts and the evidence and where you can find it.


I do have a copy of my report on not my report.


It's the report on my Facebook page at Ken Matthews, if you want to check it out there. I don't know if I put it on my poller account, but you definitely want to read this report.


And if you haven't had a chance to read the 2018 executive order that President Donald Trump signed. Imposing sanctions in the event of foreign election interference. In the United States, it is a fascinating read and some of the most interesting parts are how if you're an American and you helped facilitate this, you are in a lot of trouble. A lot of trouble, I mean. Yeah, a lot of trouble here, you may you may want to read it or just send it to your attorney.


Let's go to somewhere in the West. This is a law enforcement officer who wants to stay anonymous. But I'm I'm glad you're calling the Rush Limbaugh Show. Matthews, it's a pleasure to speak with you. My pleasure. Are you still with me? Yes, sir. Yes, I'm here. So what's on your mind? I think. Well, I think what's keeping us together, it's for the people, it's resolved for myself and my squad mates, it's discipline.


And I think for everyone above, it's just hope. Very well put, what is your what is your take on the the election, how do you think this is going to work out? And and what's the feeling in the law enforcement community where you are? Well, I'm not going to lie. Morale is pretty low. I think that the obviously we feel that the people don't really have our support for watching attacks on officers increase double digit percents.


The admin staff of our department seems to have their head in the wrong places. And if I want to give you a quick, pretty negative example, we had a call that someone was shooting a gun off downtown. We had an accurate address, had the building surrounded. I was there myself. And then the supervisor came and approached me in the middle of us surrounding a house with an armed person inside and was like, hey, no, you're a little busy here, but make sure that you change your mask out as soon as you can.


And it sounds like I'm making it up. I'm not. That's that actually happened. I was wearing my mask as required, but they just changed the policy. Wanted to be a different color. Wow. I believe you, I believe you a thousand percent you just described the whole progressive left ideology, there's a shooting and someone's worried about doing what they're told with a mask. I can see why your morale is low. Well, let me let me just say this if I can, and I know that Rush's audience supports law enforcement beyond your wildest imagination.


But most people I talk to support the military, love this country and know you and your fellow cops have a really tough job.


And we've spoken about it before on the show. And it's not just it's not just conservative talk radio people that believe that.


And I know a lot of you guys and gals listen to us for that reason. But we understand the risk. And most of us have never taken the risk. Most of America has never stopped a car by themselves with four people in it on a highway at three a.m..


God bless you.


Merry Christmas to you and your family. And Merry Christmas to the EIB team. If I hadn't said it enough already and to Mr. Limbaugh and Katherine and thank you for this opportunity, as always, Rush is planning on returning after the first of the year next week. He is on his regularly scheduled break at the moment. And if you want to share your stories or your well wishes for Rush, just go to Rush Limbaugh Dotcom to share your stories.


Tab has been replaced by special notes to Rush.


So if you want to send him a note, he certainly has time to review it this week. And he loves getting them. Eight hundred twenty two.


Twenty eight. Eighty two. I promised and I want to get to it before I forget it. We have a sound bite of a woman. In a let's see where she is, oh, my gosh, she's in a yeah, it looks like she's in a convenience store or something, which is, I guess, near a hospital because there's a couple of nurses there. So I'm just making that presumption.


One woman is in nurse scrubs and she has a mask on. And then there's an older woman that looks like she's wearing some type of hospital administration badge. So maybe they were just purchasing something all at the same time. Anyway, we have this woman who is not wearing a mask and the conversation went something like this or more.


There's like thirty people were covered in the ICU. Whenever there's a flu, there's only two or three patients out. It's fine if you literally the entire hospital is covered. And this has never happened. And I'm not saying there I'm not saying it's not real. I'm just saying I'm not sick. I'm not sick of asymptomatic spread has been shown to be in bed. So why am I going to be treated like a sick person? Do you know there have been fewer deaths overall in twenty nineteen than there were in twenty eighteen.


Look it up. Fewer deaths overall. All they've done is recategorize also deaths. This is not what they're telling us. It is. It's a lie. This is a lie. I'm telling you it's a lie. And everyone's trying to, you know, go on and on and on as long as they feed us this lie and they comply with it. And I'm done tonight. I've reached a breaking point. I'm done. I know I'm not reaching anyone in the area, but I'm here.


I'm not on my face. I'm not I'm not going to I'm a healthy person. I'm a crazy. Like for everyone to put all this stuff on their face when they're healthy is insanity absolute insanity. Go ahead. Thank you for asking because there's no laws.


So it usually gets down to when you have that level of brainwashing. Once people have made the decision, I will do what my leaders tell me to do. Once you've decided as a grown adult to wear a mask everywhere, you're told to wear it and someone does not have the mask. Because of the brainwashing in many cases, and I'm going to share this from the book coming up that I'm going to put, I'll put this on my website, Ken Matthews Media dot com.


I have a lot of books on there that I recommend. This is Propaganda, The Formation of Men's Attitudes by Jock Elura. Now, the reason I wanted to share this with you is I I know you already have an understanding of propaganda because you listen to intelligent, informed content on this show. You're not watching The View right now, so you get that.


But this book was written in nineteen sixty two and it nails everything that's going on. So you have the two women and they have the mask on and you can't hear because they're because of their mask.


And then the other woman is like millions and millions and millions and millions of Americans. Believe me you are not alone.


Most of this country thinks the lockdown's did more harm than good. You are not alone. She's saying I'm healthy. Why do I have to wear a mask? This is ridiculous. And then there is no real argument. So the argument usually goes with a leftist. It goes from that to. All right. All right. I'm calling the police.


You know, it always escalate escalates to that, doesn't it?


Have you noticed that trend with your liberal friends or your liberal workers or whatever? It there is no debate. It just starts out and then it escalates to I'm going to H.R. or I'm going to the manager or I'm calling the police. There's never that point with the liberal where they go, hmm, you know, that's a good point, because when you get to that point, you walk away from the Democrat Party, and that's why so many people under Trump have walked away from the Democrat Party, because Trump has been that guy that looks at the stimulus bill or he looks at the election or he looks at the mask and he says, what the heck are we doing that for?


Why is that in their. And nobody wants that awakening, especially that small, outnumbered. A group of people that run our country, many of whom are cowards, they don't believe they're cowards because they're so rich. And wealthy leftist that dislike this country, they think that makes them courageous, but it doesn't. Here's the rest of the conversation. This woman is very cool and I would make this go viral before the new year. Here it comes.


Hold on, it's taken a while, that's my computer. Sorry about that. Michael Michaels, the audio guy today, is like, what's going on? Well, you know what I'll do? I'll come back to it. But she gets into that conversation and nobody wants to hear it and they don't want to hear it because even now. On the twenty eighth of December. People still have anxiety because the news media never reported accurately uncovered, and if they just would have done it accurately, the schools would have never closed.


Would there have been deaths? Probably a lot less. What about the economy, the economy wouldn't have shut down, younger people wouldn't have been terrified. Grown men wouldn't pass me on the bike trail wearing a mask, which I still think that's the funniest thing I've ever seen.


I'm sorry, I'm not going to lie. I think it's funny someone passes you on a mountain bike.


Are you trying to knock yourself out or are you trying to faint on your bicycle? All right. And back to the phones we go, let's go to walland is that Wyoming? Kevin, welcome to The Rush Limbaugh Show. Yeah, that's a walland Wyoming, this is Kevin. Well, merry Christmas. Welcome to the show. Merry Christmas to you as well. I love it when you do the show. I think you do a great job and megadose since 91.


And making prayers for Rush as well is certainly on on our hearts many times each day.


Yes. So my question is, is I I mean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist or anybody with an IQ of over I don't know, a turnip can look at the really good sites on the Web. I don't know if I should mention it or not, but, you know, Gateway Pundit and Lou Rockwell and some others, and it's pretty easy to get good definitive information that masks are useless. Everything you said is easily provable. The PCR machine is bunk because it's turned up too high.


And that isolation, all that stuff is wrong. I know it's wrong. And I can get some people to agree with me, but what do I do? How do I stand up against the incredible power of the state to put a stop to that? Well, that is such a great question.


And as you were talking about that, I was thinking of some other sites and like The Epoch Times, Newsmax, dot com and many others. But there was a study that was just released from Nature Communications and they studied 10 million Chinese and found that a symptomatic spread doesn't exist so that that whole concept of everybody has to wear a mask is fraudulent. But I think to answer your question, we have to make sure enough people with brains see that this was a stolen election.


And we have to make sure that on the 6th of January, the men and women that show up from state assemblies and send in the votes and the Congress and Senate that are there in Washington, there's at least enough to stop the steal where we can prove it was stolen because that really you mentioned something about the state, I think. Once we proved that this was a stolen election, I think people will have a much better understanding of the power of the state.


I don't think yeah, I mean, this is really and I think it's all gone hand in hand.


I mean, I don't know how it was in Wyoming, but here in Pennsylvania, they used covid to leverage changing the voting rules and they just made them up. They just changed them without the without our government weighing in, our representatives could not decide. The governor just said this is how it's going to be.


We've got it really good in Wyoming. I just look at my friends and relatives in other parts of the nation and I cringe. But in Wyoming, it's actually pretty decent.


But I mean, you look at you look at New York in my heart breaks for New York and people that live in New York City in particular, because up until the beginning of this year, I was I would go in and I would guest host for Mr. Limbaugh out of that studio in New York. And I love New York. I was born in Jersey and I would go to New York all the time. And when you look at New York, how they shut down the economy and destroyed restaurants and gyms and hotels, and it just it's heartbreaking to see all these people walking around on a beautiful, sunny day in a mask.


It's ridiculous. So I think that's what we have to do, we have to first that we have to wrestle this election to the ground, we have to get the truth out. And I'm I'm so glad you called. And those websites you mention are great places to start. And I would encourage when you go to alternative news websites and this is something that we're very proud of and I say we, those of us that have started to turn off mainstream news media, we compare all different sites just like just like they do with the EIB Network.


The stack of stuff and the pile of preparation is from all over. And you you try to connect the dots. You try to confirm and verify and reinforce. You don't just flip on CNN and say up must be true because chances are it's not.


This is a Rush Limbaugh show. We'll be right back.


Eight hundred two two twenty eight eighty two. I want to finish the sound byte that and I apologize. That was not the EIB sound team. That was my computer. As I was telling one of the sound guys. It's from the Johnson administration.


So but it still works from time to time. I'm going to play the rest of the soundbite of the woman at the convenience store talking to to obviously buy their apparel hospital workers.


And it you know, there was no vulgarity, but she said she's done she's done with the mask. And they obviously have bought into it. They bought into the mask what I call illusion at this point in my face.


I'm not I'm not going to I'm a healthy person. I'm a crazy psycho. For everyone to put all this stuff on their face when they're healthy, is standing up and say, I'm going to go ahead. Thank you, because there's no of. Night. Oh, darn it. Anyway, you get the gist. Here we go. I mean, I would love to see what happens. Honest with you, I'm moving out a long time ago, revealing I barely got my new fancy salt and corkscrew.


But I'm really curious to see how are they going to arrest me for a law that doesn't have substance and corkscrew and you're willing to look at people's lives and lives quite healthy. How do we know that you're Rufi? Look at me, do you do it is not a thing they've already shown, there is no asymptomatic spread, there is no asymptomatic spread. I don't have symptoms. I'm fine. I'm not a carrier of disease. This is saying they're treating us like we're disease.


She nails it every single talking point. The reason I went, oh, darn it, because I thought it was going to crash again, but it did.


So I think that's such a wonderful energizing, you know, you want to talk about. And we've been this is a one of our themes today, what's holding this country together, women and men like that that think for themselves. Like she said, she came in to buy a corkscrew and something out of at the convenience store and and I just I'm just minding my own business. And she was. She is. And for for the for the record, I don't know about you, but I've had situations in stores where I've had my mask on and then if no one's around.


I want to breathe, so I just take it off or dangle it and people have confronted me over that, people that are 40 feet away. Hey, your mask is off. And I'm like, how how do we get to this point? But she covered the whole thing. And then you got all the talking points from the the leftist ladies. You know, you're willing to risk someone's life. Look, let me tell you something about the risking someone's life game that the Democrats play every day with every issue, every issue they have, no matter how ridiculous it is.


Well, obviously, you don't care. Obviously, you don't care about your fellow Americans. You're not willing to call men women. Obviously, you don't care. You're not willing to burn. Cow poop instead of fossil fuel, so you don't care about the Earth. Look, I want to guilt trip you then, OK? Because I know a lot of Democrats who do this every time you're in your car and you're doing seventy five or 80 miles an hour and I do a lot of commuting.


And you're tweeting and you're not engaged in what's happening, you're risking my life or my wife's life or a Rush Limbaugh listeners life.


So spare me with the I saw Ken on the mountain bike trail without a mask.


Why does he care about that? Look, one thing I don't do is drive and tweet and do all kinds of things. When I'm when I got about two tons of steel and I'm going 70 miles an hour.


You know why I don't do that? Because I could not live with myself. If I hit your family member head on because I was tweeting. Now, that is a risk to life. Right there. So for you Democrats that are buying into this ridiculous lecture. Look at those people without a mask, they don't even care. And then you have six beers and run a stop sign, it's time for you to sit down and be quiet, stop lecturing me on medicine when most people that you follow over this mass thing aren't even doctors like Bill Gates.


He's a billionaire computer programmer, and because he was on Oprah, you believe them, come on, America, that's what's holding our country together.


Thank God most of us have more brains than exist in government. It's The Rush Limbaugh Show. We'll be right back.


Got time to squeeze in. One more quick call this hour, Larry, from Gold Canyon, Arizona. Hi, welcome to The Rush Limbaugh Show. I can so happy that you're covering for Russia while on vacation and prayers to him, but and I'm glad that you replayed that section having to do with the woman that was masked at the convenience store with some medical workers that were giving her giving her a hard time. And my question or well statement is that she recognized them as medical workers.


They were in scrubs. So if they were in scrubs, weren't they bringing their germs from the hospital to the convenience store? See, that's what I'm talking about, that type of analysis is great, Laurie. I didn't I didn't even think of that.


And then the shoes in the same thing. I mean, they should have been maybe they should have changed before they went out.


Always nice to see you again on the EIB Network. Rush is planning on returning next week after the first many of you know, this is his normal holiday break time between Christmas and New Year's.


My name is Ken and I love doing the show, it's an honor to be here and I'm grateful. What a beautiful Christmas I had.


I mean, it was such a you know, it as I get older, Christmases seem to get better.


I don't know if that happens with you or, you know, how some things are better in the past and some things are better in the future. And I just maybe it's because the you know, the kids get get older. And I know a lot a lot of my neighbors have grandkids, which that better not happen to me because I have 16 to 19 year old.


So I better not I hope I don't get the grandkids call next year. Too early, too early. Eight hundred twenty to twenty eight. Eighty two is the number. And we're talking about a few things. The biggies of course, covid update, which we have some great comments on people are we're fed up with the mask because you never explained that they work. You just told us that they work, and that's part of the reason we are where we are now.


That's the reason in hindsight, you hear people that made horrible decisions. As governors or mayors saying, well, maybe we should send the kids back to school, you should never close the school because the information was available that covid. Impacts people between zero and 40 the least. In fact, they could probably go on with their day. And then instead of focusing on high risk. We decided what a great opportunity this would be when I say we I'm talking about people in the government bureaucracy, which many are incompetent.


Please don't be offended by that because you know it's true.


And if you're competent, then obviously I'm not talking about you. It's just like the post office. I know that the majority of people that work in the post office, they took no part in. Hiding votes and shredding votes and throwing votes away in pre or post postmarking votes, we know that. We know that no one's going to argue that mail. And I say and I mean this sincerely mail as in what you put in a mailbox, not female or male, because mailboxes, as you know, are transgender.


So I'm talking about the mail in the Postal Service, it's it's a pretty impressive thing when you think about it, when you stop and think about what it is. I was telling my kids this a couple of years ago. Because you always hear people are the male, this the male that when you think about, you take an item, whatever it is you you put. Postage on it, you put it in a box in front of your house.


And then a few days later, it appears in a box in front of someone else's house. Come on, that's pretty impressive. That's pretty impressive when you think about the ability. This is why I think the election was stolen. I just have a hard time believing that seven states don't know how to count. That's when you think about it, when you think about what, for example, in my state of Pennsylvania, my governor, Governor Tom Wolf, who many believe is like a king, you know, he can tell you to the minute how many people will die from covid by dinner today.


We don't know where he gets it. We don't know how he gets it. No clue. No clue yet. Yet he can't tell us how many people voted for Trump in one of our largest counties that they don't know.


I don't know how we're going to figure this out, but I do know how to count invisible virus phalanges or whatever they're called. I don't even know if that's a real word. But there are so many people involved in the process of our health. That either do not care about our health or don't understand our health, and that's part of the awakening of 20 20. I mean, we learned who really cares about our health? Who cares about our country?


Who cares about a fraudulent election and who doesn't? I want to mention this book and then we're going to go back to the phones. I want to share this part, I mean, I've been raving about this book. And there's two there's two parts of it, there's a lot of good stuff in it, it's it's called propaganda, the formation of men's attitudes by shock elu OK.


And for people who may remember Jack, he wrote The Technological Society. But the thing that's so fascinating, this is almost 60 years old. This book, this was written in nineteen sixty two. And I first read it 40 years ago as a freshman in college. So tell me this doesn't fit what's going on over the weekend and today and all year, modern propaganda cannot work without education. This reverses the widespread notion that education is the best prophylactic against propaganda, on the contrary, education or what usually goes by that word in the modern world.


Education is the absolute prerequisite for propaganda. In fact, education is largely identical with what Elul calls pre propaganda education conditions, the minds with vast amounts of incoherent information already dispensed for an ulterior purpose and posing as facts framed as education. He follows through by saying intellectuals are virtually the most vulnerable to all modern propaganda for three reasons.


They absorb the greatest amount of second hand unverifiable information. They feel a compelling need to have an opinion on every important question of our time. And thus easily succumb to opinions offered to them by propaganda on all issues.


Think think about your think about your leftish uncle at Christmas dinner. Think about who who you don't want to talk to on New Year's Day. They feel compelled. And to have a, quote, educated opinion on all issues because they heard something. They didn't prove something, they didn't research something, they don't have evidence of something, they heard something. Well, you know, I was in the airport having some carrot juice and I was watching CNN. And Don Lemon had a graph up, dude, that's not research.


And number three. Intellectuals consider themselves capable of judging for themselves. And that's why they need propaganda. They don't want to do the research or the evidence, they just want you to hit him with some stuff and they'll decide. And it could be right. It could be wrong. It doesn't matter. And then one last thing from this book, I would say this should be required reading in college, but this probably will never make it into a college classroom.


I mean, this the I saw it because I have it. And I just started flipping through it again this weekend and I was like, oh my gosh. This is the very first page of this guy's book, only in a technological society can there be anything of the type, an order of magnitude of modern propaganda, which is with us forever and only with the all pervading effects that flow from propaganda can the technological society hold itself together and expand. It operates instead with many different kinds of truth, half truth, limited truth, no truth, truth out of context.


Even gerbils always insisted that the Vermaak communiques be as accurate as possible. Now, I know this audience knows who gerbils is, but if you're talking with your liberal cousin on New Year's Eve, explained he was the propagandist for Hitler and even he knew. You have to start with truth. You start with truth. covid is a virus and it can kill you. That's truth, and then you spin it from there. People died from covid, that's truth, you spin it from there.


You say everybody died from covid.


All kinds of people are dying from covid. I just got an article here from Wisconsin that says they're doing this again. They just don't do it in Wisconsin. They've done it all over the country. They recategorized deaths. So if you had the flu covid, you got hit with a railroad tie in the eyeball covid you fell off a building culvert. We had that thing the last time I was on the show, I think it was Kansas City, I'm not sure of the city, don't quote me.


Two gunshot victims came in. An EMT said, hold on a second. One of them was dead, by the way, just so you know, this is actually from someone I know second hand. This is from someone I know. One of them was dead and they said, hold on, because they were removing that body, sadly. Let me test him for covid. This is where we are now. But the whole concept of propaganda and propaganda techniques, that's what got us to where we are in December of twenty twenty, that that's why we're here, because giant segments of our population believe this is the black plague.


And we we shut our economy down. We opened every door you can open. For fraud to come into our election, every mistake you can make. Politicians took advantage of. Well, you know, since covid, we should just have kind of an election week. Or just do whatever you want. Do you need my signature? Nope. What about a postmark? No. Should I mail it or no? In fact, do you have any dead friends that want about covid?


And we bought it, we bought it, and then what you do with propaganda, you put a layer of enforcement over the propaganda now in places like Germany in the 30s, and then, of course, it escalated to something horrible. But even in China, now you can be beaten or you can be arrested if you don't play along with it. Now in America, what happens, the enforcement lever for propaganda in America is. You're off the platform.


You'll never be on the show again. You'll never work here again, you'll never get a reference again, you could be the greatest employee in the world. And, you know, if you show up tomorrow and you say, you know how I thought how would be a good name for the boss in this little tale, how I've been thinking about it, I really think that the election was stolen. Well, you better hope Hal agrees with you, because if he doesn't hear a marked person, you're in trouble now because you went against.


The propaganda. And this is what most Americans know and they understand and the reason, the intellectual aspect of this is so important and I called out intellectuals, is we put too much faith in them. We put too much faith in Dr. Fauci. Let me tell you why he's a liar. So I don't care if you have a Ph.D.. Or if you're on the Supreme Court. If you're a liar, you have no credibility with me and with most Americans, this has been the Great Awakening for 20 20.


I'm Ken Matthews. We'll be right back.


Thank you again for tuning in today. To the EIB Network and The Rush Limbaugh Show. My name is Ken Matthews. Who's that?


I'm trying to think that the short, bald, whiny guy on CNN. Well, there's actually more than more than a few on the. Yes, thank you. Thank you, Majo. Brian Stelter, the short, bald, whiny guy on the clown news network. He has another great quote that the news media is running with America split into two parallel universes of information. OK, now, obviously, based on the propaganda game, if you're an intellectual, you'll lean back with your pipe.


Not that there's anything wrong with the pipe.


Obviously, you've got to make sure it's legal, what you're smoking in it. But you lean back and say, well, you know, everybody thinks that.


I think you're wrong. You think I'm wrong?


Well, no. I want you to step out and ask yourself this question. Who refuses to debate which side? Which side is pushing, promoting and implementing censorship? Which side is banning you? So you can play that game, and I think sometimes people rationalize their decisions by saying that it's like saying, you know, one of the most insulting things I find and I'm sure you find this is a man or a woman when people say, well, all men are alike, all women are like.


All college girls are like all teenagers are the same, and then they keep breaking it down and pretty soon it's, you know, every senator does that.


We have every president did what it @ @, @, @, @, @, @, you know what that is as being lazy. Because you know darn well. Not everyone is alike, and you know darn well there are great senators and there are great congresspeople and there are wonderful teenagers and there are great men and women, and that's the majority of this country. But if you're too lazy. Like most of CNN is, and some of them are just bitter and biased, and I'm sure some of them are compromised like the rest of the mainstream news media.


If you're too lazy to actually investigate. If you're too lazy to have two doctors on one, that's pro vaccine, one that's pro treatment. Why don't you have a doctor on talking about hydroxy chloroquine and the three other things that have been proven to work in addition to zinc and vitamin D and healthy and and trying to eliminate pre morbidities and pre-existing conditions and then have a guy that says you got to have the vaccine?


Well, no, this is how you know which pieces of data. Are ridiculous because the person who says to you, you must wear a mask. Well, why because don't you watch the news, you see that that that's not one of the parallel universes of information.


That's a person who's been brainwashed. The same with the election. I'm saying and I have been saying. From the beginning when it broke in Pennsylvania and Philly. This it's an irregular election than it was a fraudulent election, and then by the time you see the report that came out this weekend, you realized. It was a stolen election because of the evidence that is now available. Now, if your rebuke of that. And I doubt it would be yours, it would probably be your your leftist friend that shows up for dinner for New Year's Day or whatever, if they rebuke that by saying, no, that's not right.


There are not individuals and firms that are foreign that owner control all of the vendors involved in this. Where did you get that information? That's not an argument, you see, they may be in a parallel universe of information, but theirs is not researched. It's so frustrating when you send someone for different sources, five different surveys, and then you look at Donald Trump, a 74 year old man who had covid. And so did Rudy and I saw Rudy over the weekend.


I've never seen Rudy Giuliani this energized. And I don't know if he had time to hit the tanning bed or or if he had a power drink, but I got to tell you, he did not look like someone. Oh, my God. Rudy just had Koven is going to be OK.


But that's not enough. All you have to have for some people is. A person that they believe has credibility, tell them something and that's it, the research stops. And I tell my friends, is sometimes because they say, how did you find that out or what? You know, I don't have time. I totally understand because it's not your job. If you're a construction worker, you're trying to keep your restaurant open. It's not your job to download and print out government documents to try to figure out what the heck is going on before you go on the Rush Limbaugh Show.


We understand.


Thanks for tuning in, as always. I know I'm reading a story. This is a I get the American military news not because I'm a vet, but I just I, I enjoy learning more about the military.


And and it's a different view a lot of times from the military perspective. And I was having that conversation with a veteran friend of mine this weekend, and he was helping me on a project. And we were talking about how men and women who have seen combat, of which I have not. Men and women who have seen combat or have served their country in that capacity of law enforcement or military, they it just seems to me. As a civilian or as the Democrats would call me, just another stupid voter, it just seems to me that they have a more realistic take on things.


The military and and that's. A definite compliment, and that's why I like reading their take on stuff, so I subscribe to different publications, newspapers and things like that, and also it gives me a little edge sometimes to see what's going on.


Or and I also like military hardware. The jets and the helicopters, and because, you know, trapped inside, every man is a 13 year old boy that wants to, you know, do all that stuff. So when something comes out, something stealthy or a new weapon, et cetera. So there's an article in in American military news today, unarmed civilians, will we replace San Francisco police on some nine one one calls? Because let's remember, San Francisco is what?


How do I put this tactfully? It's a leftist hellhole. So, of course, there's going to be a cop shortage. What person? Who wants to defend law and order or in the case of the military, swears to protect the Constitution? Wants to work. For a progressive leftist leader that doesn't like America. Or doesn't like the military. Or hates the police. I would imagine not many. San Francisco Police Officers Association signed a plan with the city earlier this month to allow unarmed civilian service providers to handle 17 different types of calls.


So not only are they unarmed, they're civilians. And as much as the news media and others trash police. I think it's an extremely tough job, and I do think that additional training is needed in some areas, but at the end of the day, I think most people, because they don't care to learn. They don't know what goes on in this environment. So one of the things here says. It would be better if unarmed civilian mental health professionals responded to certain calls involving, let's say, teenagers, juvenile disturbances, quality of life calls, dog complaints, barking violations, you get you get the gist of it.


But every police officer knows only because many have told me. The the call that you get that you believe. Is going to be the simplest call is the one that turns to you know what? That's why the traffic stop is the most dangerous, so I'm trying to figure out when when little when little Timmy. With this degree in social work. By himself. You know, maybe I'm not saying he's a snowflake or a soy boy. But maybe he's 30, he's got all those degrees and he has to respond to a mental health teenage situation.


What's he going to do if the the 16 year old comes out of the kitchen with a with a knife? This is this is what is so absurd, but this is what happens in a progressive leftist environment.


The police have their role, sometimes they overreach. Most of the time they don't. The civilians have their role. The military has its role. But this whole defund the police, we need less police, we need more people that but it's too late. You can't put it back in the bottle, you can't do it. Progressive liberal ideas have already set the stage for chaos. Every major city is an example, every major city. Run by progressive leftist.


You would not want to be in certain places. At a certain time now, there's no excuse for that in this country. That's third world country stuff right there, third world country stuff for people who have traveled wherever. And the tour guide or your friend says, oh, yeah, we're not going to go over there. Why not? Oh, you just don't go there. It just you don't go there. It's just gangs and it's bad.


So we'll stay here by the pool and then we'll have Pocho take us to the restaurant. Why can't we walk? It's a beautiful all. You don't want to walk on that road. Well, that is a progressively liberal run city. That's it, and and I've said for years, it just angers the hell out of me that I got to worry about breaking down in Philadelphia at midnight on a Saturday night. Why should I have to worry? But I have to.


And you were to. And the police can explain why and Chicago and Detroit and Milwaukee and Minnesota and Charlotte and Atlanta, I can continue, you know, the ones. And. The same with gang presence and drugs and everything else. So I saw this and I thought, oh, my God. Another civilian is going to get killed. And then the chief says, well, this is you know, this will be a better use of limited resources, we have no, this wasn't the chief forgive me, this was someone else.


This is a bureaucrat. Yeah. This will be the limited resources we have. Imagine, though, if San Francisco wasn't run by people that run San Francisco. You wouldn't be panicking about limited resources. This is a very under covered story in America because we had eight years of Obama ism and for eight years it was hate the cops. Hate white privilege. Hate people that are successful, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. And what happened is for no reason, and many of these people are intellectuals that hate.


Now all cops are bad. There we go again with the generalizations that's wrong. That's wrong. So this to me has been the other part of the Great Awakening in 20 20. I don't think it's a reset. I don't think the Democrats are going to reset anything. I think it's going to be the great regret. And one of the reasons I say that is one simple document. The executive order signed by President Donald Trump in September of twenty eighteen.


That basically said, I'm going to I'm going to summarize it for you, you can read it, it's on my Facebook page. And I'll tell you what, I'll tell you the order number it is.


Where is it?


Well, actually, the nice thing about it is he was smart enough to incorporate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, the National Emergencies Act and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952. He even worked that into it. Why? Because President Trump finally knew by twenty eighteen. That there's a lot of bad stuff going on, there's a lot of fraudulent stuff going on, so he put this order in play. And he had a handful of people he can trust because there's only a handful.


That's the other thing we forget. I mean, President Trump has to watch his back every day so he doesn't get politically assaulted every hour. But the president is the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, and it's his duty. To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and something that people forget, it's the president's job as the chief law enforcement officer and the commander in chief of the military to make sure that every state has a fair and accurate election.


I think this is the part. That everybody forgets. There was a bipartisan report of the Senate Intelligence Committee. In August. And it warned this is August of this year, a few months ago, it said there are known vulnerabilities, a major voting systems used throughout the country. And there is a likelihood of fraud and hacking in the upcoming elections, but even before that, as far back as 2014, there were a handful of people in our government.


Pre Trump that saw something's not right with the way these elections are going and then DHS. Partnered with the president on this document in twenty eighteen. So nicely put, a lot of what you see happening. The president and other good Americans that want to put America first, both Republicans and Democrats.


They kind of knew it was coming. And they have the evidence and they have testimony. And they have software. And this, I think, is what is going to convince. The Congress and the Congress, people in the senators that want to reject the UN accurate and fraudulent votes from the blue states, this I believe and I believe you'll agree when you read it, this will cause them to say, oh, my gosh, we cannot we cannot certify this, this, this or that.


Because of these reasons, the media will not tell you this. The media is too invested in Biden, by the way. He's napping now. It's two forty five. He usually naps from 10:00 in the morning till dinner.


I'm Ken Matthews. We'll be right back. Where does the time go when you're having this much fun? It's The Rush Limbaugh Show. Eight hundred to eight to twenty eight, eighty two and very quickly, I just want to drive home the point because I've seen a lot of messages, the calls that we didn't get to. And we're going to try to grab another one or two here. But people saying, what do we do? What do we do?


Keep the pressure on your congressmen and your senators and your local assemblies in your states. Keep that political peaceful re the people power pressure on them. Do not pressure watch them. That's illegal. Oh, that would be fun, though. But keep the pressure on them. Remind them that constitutionally. If they knowingly. Certify a fraudulent or inaccurate election. They're in big trouble. So that's why we need to get the evidence to them. We need to stay calm and focused and positive and engaged and informed.


We still have plenty of time. I mean, President Trump has done more in less time, believe it, and you know it. Let's squeeze in another call here, Maria from Mildred, North Carolina. Welcome to The Rush Limbaugh Show and merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas to you, too. And I just when I first heard and like you said, that guy van't who started out by saying we were getting rid of a dictator. He doesn't get to say that unless he's lived under a dictatorship. And I personally lived under Noriega and Torrijos in Panama. I currently have family under a dictator in Venezuela. And let me tell you, if Trump were truly a dictator, he would have done what they did in Panama.


When I lived there, they took control of all the press, only they could only report things that were favorable to the dictator. And of course, we know our is totally opposite.


Yeah, he has no money. He has no control the press. No, he doesn't.


And then on Saturday mornings in Panama, they would have a three hour show called in Spanish Labasa, which translates to all for the fatherland again.


Oh my goodness. Watching the people, brainwashing people. And then they would show their military doing their goosestep, you know, as the show started. And well, I just wanted to say that unless you lived that and like right now, my sisters and I are sending help financially to my Aunt Venezuela so she can eat. And when they didn't have power for a month in February, this is a dictatorship at its best. They had to slow down whatever meat they had purchased because they didn't want to lose it.


Oh, my God. So, you know, it just irritates me to no end when you when people have never lived through this, don't have families that are living it, that they will undercity to call President Trump a dictator.


Well, I want to thank thank you for calling Maria and God bless you and your family. And the other thing that I was thinking when you were talking about these horrible conditions throughout the world under socialism and communism and dictatorships, is President Trump is pro Second Amendment.


And believe me, dictators do not want the population to be armed.


I'm Ken Matthews. We'll be right back.


Thanks for listening to the Rush Limbaugh Show. Rush is planning on being back next week right after the first after his holiday break.


Todd Hermann is in tomorrow. I call him the Herminator because he survives as a staunch conservative in Seattle, of all places, which is the epicenter of liberal stupidity on the West Coast.


In the meantime. I am going to remain positive and I'll share that with you, remain positive, stay engaged, stay informed.


And stay focused because we're at a very exciting time in our country, and although the news media doesn't see it, Americans do.


God bless you. See you next time.


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