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Big tech is doing everything they can to silence conservative news stories and conservative voices, so you might wonder, what am I not saying that they won't allow me to see on their platforms? The good news is our podcast, the Ben Ferguson podcast, covers the news stories every day that they won't let you see. That's right. You'll get the news stories they're hiding from you. So be sure to listen to the Ben Ferguson podcast on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcast, download it.


Now, need a break from the chaos. Tired of being sucker punched by Hollywood? If so, Red Pill to America is the podcast for you. Red Pill America is all about telling stories the kind of Hollywood in the mainstream media won't tell. I'm Patrick Koltai.


And I'm Adriana Cortez. We're the hosts of Red Pilled America. If you enjoy good old fashioned storytelling, listen to Rebuild America Every Week on My Heart Radio or wherever you listen to podcasts that's read pilled America because it's time to tell our side of the story.


Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbaugh Show podcast. And let me just thank you for putting up with me. It's always an incredible honor to fill in for the Mahat America's anchorman. It's 888 to 282. If you want to join us on this day where Russia needs a little bit more rest. It is a day that God has made for us. I choose to rejoice in that. It is a unique era in which God has decided we will live.


It's a unique era and it comes with the unique sets of responsibilities. And I'm doing what I can to remind myself on about a minute by minute basis that God's in charge and is how this is going to end, because that helps me, because what we're watching it look, it's it's part absurdity. This in, you know, under Peachment force, it's part destruction of an institution that the Senate is supposed to mean something. It's supposed to mean something beyond the Greek columns and the marble floors in the disappearing statues have statues there anymore.


There's Nancy Pelosi gone through in the middle of the night and it had them all removed by domestic terror groups. It's supposed to be something more than the edifice. But what's going on with this UN Peachment thing? It's really turning the United States Senate into sort of a version of a Twinkie, right? Sure. I mean, you won't eat Twinkies. Go ahead. But they're not baked goods, right? They look like baked goods. It looks like a finely baked cake, little cake ate.


But on the inside, it's whipped all fat, sugar and vegetable oil. And it's delicious. That's fine. But it's not what it looks like in the outside. And this is what's going on with the Senate as they are impeaching a non president in a proceeding not overseen by the Supreme Court justice, the chief justice who would have to oversee it to make it constitutional. And in that way, it's a farce. And it reduces the Senate from the the deliberative body, the great deliberative body, the the saucer under the hot cup of the House of Representatives, where the hot debate occurs.


It reduces it to a building where folks engage in theater. That's what it is. It's theater. There's no chance of a conviction out of this, one would hope. Right.


Turns around and then it's one part that then it's one part, pure predictability. If Jennifer Rubin, who for years, you know, she she years got paid to pretend to be a conservative at The Washington Post and took on that role. She's out with the most predictable stunt. This should be like Tom Brady getting caught, inflating his balls. This is their version of that, that they come out with a poll and Jen Rubin says on an opinion piece, The Washington Post, Senate Republicans take note the public is moving in favor of conviction.


Yeah, if you do an ABC poll or something and you come back with these results and you ask the question in a specific way to a specific group of people who might not study because they're not us, what's in you know, what impeachment means? What conviction means? You can come back and write a piece about it and go, we did the poll.


Hey, look, they're they're really excited about this. Which reduces impeachment to further twinky them. Paid the Republicans, the the people in the country say that the Twinkie's taste good, oh, let's have them at every meal, let's replace salads and in lean meats with with with Twinkies because they taste good. Reduces it to a popularity contest. So the president's team, his lawyers have laid out a memo, which is their approach to this, and it's it's solid and what it says is on multiple fronts, this thing is unconstitutional.


And they name just some of those fronts. And the law team, I mean, you know, let's let's be comforted in this. They've got really good names. Bruce Castor, David Schoen and Michael Van Van Der Veen. If I got a letter from an attorney named Van der Veen, I'd surrender because that that there that's a big time lawyer name fact. I might use that to get hotel reservations. What's the name? It's Todd van Der being it myself.


A good reservation in a hotel that way. What they state in this in this address is that they state the articles of impeachment presented by the House is unconstitutional for a variety of reasons, any of which alone would be grounds for immediate dismissal. Taken together, they demonstrate conclusively that indulging the House Democrats hunger for this political theater is a danger to our republic, democracy and the rights that we hold dear. It's well said. And one of the things that I like to do in political circumstances where folks want to make this really complicated and this just drives me nuts.


You have constitutional scholars saying, well, examining this, we're certainly in uncharted territory, as my colleague Devendra Vin's had said, and and yet there is some ambiguity in what the founders laid out. This is a unique circumstance. The Trump administration was a unique administration. Plus, he's awfully orange. When they make these cases that it's ambiguous, it drives me nuts because it's not. So I boiled it down to a real life example. Let's say that you on the way home in your car, you went a little bit fast and you got home, no one hurt.


You didn't run over anybody. You're alone on the freeway and you're sitting in your your house and officer knocks on the door and so you go to the door, I officer, what can I help you with?


Yeah, I got a ticket here for running three red lights and speeding three times the speed limit. But I'm not my car. Yeah, yeah, but we heard from a guy that you're kind of doing that video of that. No, no, but I'm giving you the ticket. But I'm not in my car right now. Yeah, come on.


What's the difference? That's what we're dealing with. And it's being absurd to illustrate absurdity. There's another aspect to this, Rand Paul seems to be staking out some ground, and I like the ground he's taking out. He is saying something that is eminently logical. That if we're going to start impeaching private citizens or anybody, then he's demanding equal treatment. He wants Chuck Schumer impeached over the incendiary comments he made to the Supreme Court while standing outside the Supreme Court.


And they were seen as invitations to you remember, of course, the cabinet hearings when I wouldn't call them a mob because that would be impolite. When a mob of people went into the Supreme Court building or went into the hearings at the Supreme Court building, but went into the building and interrupted the hearings. And they got away with that and it was applauded by the media, the Mockingbird media, some recent poll saying, hey, Chuck, are you going to nominate yourself for impeachment?


Because they're incendiary words, it led to these actions. What is most instructive for me out of this? Is why what about ASMs matter? What about ASMs are the greatest invention in history and it's not in history but the rhetorically helpful.


What about isms are scientific, they truly are, it's pattern recognition. Why does this fish live in this water when this other fish can't oh, saltwater versus freshwater. What about this fish? All it can do both. What about ASMs? Mitch McConnell.


Is agreeing to this bipartisan approach, he could object to it, he could say maybe you understand that waste of time is not going to be a conviction of his former President Bush for or something that is beyond what he could do that when he was on that that cartoon.


That's part cartoon voice McConnell.


But he's not he's engaging in it. He's participating in this high school drama play. And what about ASMs matter for this reason? There was a thing that Obama did. There were several things that he did. One of them was just just just put just put aside politics. And just imagine this, we had the nation's law enforcement and intelligence services partnering with overseas partners to infiltrate. The network that was shipping and smuggling drugs across our southern border with narcoterrorists from Mexico and Hezbollah, that said Hamas the other day, Hezbollah.


So you have a terrorist group working with a narco terrorist group, taking advantage of our southern border and trafficking to bring drugs into this country in the midst of an epidemic that took millions of lives and will continue to do that. They were ready to indict. Barack Obama steps in. You know, we're seeking a deal with with some Hezbollah sponsors and promoters in Iran, we can't have this. He stopped this and allowed the smuggling to continue. I went and researched it, did you know smuggling?


Cocaine into America with narcoterrorist, you know, that could be a felony. You know, that could lead to loss of life, I mean, man, that's must be prosecutorial overreach. Obama did the same thing for the Taliban, the Politico reported on both of these incidents. I do not remember and I cannot recall Mitch McConnell saying I think is a gross mistake.


President Obama to allow cocaine to come in across the border without taxation in competition with some of the big pharma companies that operate that. I share that part out loud. What about ASMs, it's consistency. And there was no consistency from Mitch McConnell, so his involvement in this rolls it right back over to a farce. And I think one of the challenges for the shiny shoes and professional Republicans is they just don't think we're all that smart, all that clever so that we can remember that their stuff.


But I do.


Do you? Well, to get your phone calls, Mollie Hemingway is going to join us next hour, by the way, Fox News contributor, senior editor of The Federalist, she's going to be with us the whole hour.


So your phone calls for her as well, 888 222 is Todd Berman in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


Oh, thanks for having me today. It's Todd Hermann filling in for America's anchorman, Rush Limbaugh. You can go to Rush Limbaugh, Dotcom, share your notes. Special stories with the all knowing, all seeing how Rush you can do that. Rush Limbaugh, AdCom. Mollie Hemingway joins us next hour. Hang out with us for the hour and we'll talk about the impeachment. And she's known that business for years will bring a fascinating point of view. So you get to chat with her as well.


NPR I've been you know, I've been interviewed twice by NPR not to make this about me, but each both times both times they tried to sneak up trick on me like the one one instance I'm in the studio and were chatting before the interview because I was leaving Tech to go to work for the RNC.


And so, of course, then I was outed as a conservative and and and were in the studio and I'm chatting with the hosts and I see that she's recording.


And I said, are you recording? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm just checking levels. I yeah, well, then turn it off because the levels are checked. Oh, you know, we do this all the time. And, you know, I just wanted to ask you about your mom. Can I call your mom? And because you said she's a Democrat, can I call her and ask about how she feels about you? That'd be great question to ask me once we start recording officially.


And I watched this thing from NPR. This reminded me of how they treated me. NPR's superexcited, they are on Twitter, say, my NPR voice. In states across the country, thousands of Republicans changed their party registration in the wake of the violent insurrection by pro Trump extremists at the U.S. Capitol. NPR like, isn't it and they're, of course, suggesting that this is because Republicans said, oh, well, six people or 20 people, 30 people got out of hand in a crowd of 500 or 600000 people.


Some of those people included Jaiden ex, John Sullivan, a Black Lives Matter agitator, according to news reports, according to his own videos. He was there, but he was the only one other Black Lives Matter Incorporated. People there, they think or they want others to think that folks are leaving the party because of the riot, which they have decided is an insurrection. There's probably some people who did that. Who are Republicans and are not any longer?


I'm sure there are, and I think the majority of Republicans I know and I'm going to bet that I know more conservatives in the people at NPR because something tells me I might know more conservative than the people at NPR left because they watched Republicans who ignored. Cities burning. And then went full force after the president. You know. I do radio every day. In Seattle. And some of the things that just roll off the tongue these days. It's extraordinary.


Republicans watch cities burn. And they were mildly disapproving of it. They never called. A Republican press conference with the House in the Senate. And said, stop this. We call on Joe Biden and the Democrats to stop this. I think if I had the position of being in the Senate, I might get my social media staff to walk with me if I were Mitch McConnell down to Chuck Schumer's office. And I think I'd knock on the door and I'd say, Chuck, please stop burning our cities down.


Please stop getting cops killed. This isn't good. I think I would do that. We've heard these things so often, the cities were burning, Black Lives Matter Incorporated has a domestic terrorist who runs their fundraisers, and she set off a bomb in the Senate building in Washington, D.C. in 1983. She was convicted of that. Just stop for a second. These things happened and somehow are not reflected in the approach impeachment somehow. We are not to insist upon.


What about ASMs, its consistency? Meanwhile, the Democrats in The Washington Post have found Adam Kinzinger. Adam Kinzinger has stepped up to say we must impeach Trump to save the country. My fellow Republicans, convicting Trump is necessary to save the country, says Adam Kitzinger, a congressman. And he makes this argument that Trump is uniquely irresponsible and the big lie about election fraud, which is interesting, if it's a lie, it should be really, really, really easy to bring Michael Dell's evidence up and just absolutely destroy it.


But, you know, why bother when you can just say, liar, liar, pants on fire. It's so much more effective. I looked into Adam Kitchener's response. To what happens in his state. After the George Floyd incident, not his state, he's from Illinois, up the street, up the up up the the thoroughfare, Illinois's 16th district. Adam Kinzinger wrote a long piece about the National Guard being there and about how some people were upset about the National Guard and he said some very touching things.


Racism is an affront to God Almighty who considers this all equal.


He wrote some touching things. WERD. Convicting a non president in an unconstitutional proceeding. Is the way to save the country, but tracking down the people who are funding a domestic terrorist group and providing them legal support, logistical support, medical support, as all summer long they trained how to attack cops with their partners in antifa somehow. That's not key to saving the United States of America, but having an unconstitutional farce of an impeachment to remove a guy from office who's been removed from office.


That's the key. Adam, seriously, are you afraid? To call out Susan Rosenberg and Black Lives Matter, Inc. in the train, Marxist to run it, I'm asking seriously, Adam, are you afraid to do that? I mean, I get it. They could dock's you and say mean things, but you're not afraid to do this. Why no cost? Because the whopper will make you a star.


Your phone calls as we continue. Tom Herman in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


I just appreciate the opportunity to work with Team EIB and to hang out with you. And just reminder, next hour, Mollie Hemingway, who is the senior editor of The Federalist and a Fox News contributor, joins us here. And she's agreed to take your phone calls as well as we'll dig into the UN Peachment thing with Molly in many of the things in the country. Let's go now talk to Rush's audience. Dale Ventura, California. You will kick off.


You'll be the first caller on the Rush Limbaugh program today. It is a high bar. It's an enormous responsibility. Make good with it.


Sir. Thank you for taking my call. My question is, why can't the Republicans take a page out of a Democrat playbook, stand up in mass at the beginning of hearing, read into the record that they refuse to be a party of an illegal kangaroo court that violates the U.S. Constitution and the oath of office of every member in that body.


Now, are you asking me why they can't or why they won't and just walk out? Right.


But are you asking me, Dale, why they can't or why they won't either? Question.


OK, they can. They can. So why do you think they won't? Well, that's a very good question. So they have no backbone. Oh, see, that's kind of what I was going to say. I would tell you this. There is there there are Republicans with backbone. I believe that Ted Cruz has a backbone on this. I believe that Rand Paul has a background, a backbone on this. I think both of them have spoken out the fast that this is I would tell you this, that that professional Republicans in DC are are deeply comfortable being in second place.


They're deeply OK as long as they can take care of their of their clients and their business model. I mean, you understand the Republican business model, right?


Yes, OK, so who are their clients? Basically themselves and whoever is saying. Yeah, and here's the thing that's happening in D.C. that's disturbing is the Democrats have gone all in on authoritarianism. So the Republicans can say in Mitch McConnell's voice, well, make sure you have a lower tax rate ability to keep employees in areas that you like and a little bit overseas.


And here's the Democrats will make people buy your stuff or we'll have the IRS put them in prison. So which one appeals more to companies that have lost their soul?


What I'm saying, I get your point, but the constituents really need to put the fire to their feet.


I couldn't agree more. And this is why our constituents need to start keeping a list. And this is that the list works this way for me. Who are the Republicans who are standing up against the medically useless, deadly, politically inspired, targeted lockdowns of schoolchildren, churches and small business? If they're standing up against that, they're on the good list. Who are the Republicans who stood up against Black Lives Matter Incorporated and Antifa violence there on the good list?


And that's it. They're the only ones. We send money directly to them and that's who we look for in our local communities. As we invade our city councils and our zoning commissions and our school boards, we play top and bottom. We get back in the game and then we'll demand election integrity that we can do all these things, although it seems like a lot. Dayle, appreciate the phone call. It's a way to kick Rush's show off.


Thank you so much. Let's talk to Deb in Warrensburg, Iowa. Deb, you are on Rush Limbaugh's program, thottam and filling, and I'm glad you called that. Hi.


Yes, thank you. I just wanted to say what you said about the senator are leaving the party because of party affiliation and our senators not doing something or being mad at Trump. And I register. I was a registered Republican. I changed to an independent the day I get, what, January 7th? And it's not because I'm mad at Trump, it's because I'm mad at my senators and congressperson who don't stand up for President Trump. And I wrote them both the senators and also my representative.


And I got these letters back. Yeah, they're not they're not supportive of of what Trump stood for, and that's what I stand for.


I don't stand for the party with the Trump stand for in your mind, Deb. The people so explain that, show me to tell me how in policies, et cetera, how that manifested for you, because for me, I'll tell you, when I saw the president say I'm bringing the jobs back to to the Midwest, I was very skeptical because eventually technology eats jobs. It's what technology does. But the president did that and he did a CFO thing.


He said, OK, it's it's it's less expensive to pay tax lawyers to locate your business overseas while keeping your manufacturing here. I'm going to make it cheaper to move it back. Boom. The businesses came back to me. That was something for the people. What about for you?


Yes. And just the fact that he did what he said he was going to do and no politician ever does that. He's not a politician. And that's what I liked about him. Immigration. Look, what we're facing right now on the southern border is it's absolutely asinine. And they stopped building the wall and it's proven that it works. Why would you do something like that? Well, because you and President Trump stood behind everything he said he was going to do.


He tried to do. And if he would have had the Republicans standing behind him from the very beginning and then even had the Democrats help them instead of fight him on everything, just think where our country could be today.


Yeah. And I think that if Donald Trump had gotten into the Oval Office and called a meeting and said, OK, listen, I did what I needed to do, get elected, let's just settle down and let's just manage the decline. And we you know, as long as I can say I built some of the wall, I'm fine. And as long as I can say I moved some manufacturing back, I'm fine. I think McConnell, Pelosi, everyone else would have said, OK, OK, good.


He gets the joke. We do what we need to do to get elected. We say these things. But instead Trump went and did these things. And what you point out, Deb, about what's going on in the southern border, you know, because I come from the great laboratory of one party leftism in Seattle and I do a radio show in the morning there. I've watched them. I've watched them say we will not deport criminal illegal immigrants even though we catch them, even though they snuck into the country, even though they've committed rapes, literally.


I have seen those people released, even though they're rapists, who then promptly went and beat the lady they raped. And then the judge said, please go back to Mexico. I've seen cops. I've had seen their lives taken because that states will not cooperate with ICE to deport these people. And now Joe Biden is saying he wants to create an incredibly large class of crimes for which criminal illegals will not be deported. I can only conclude that the Democrats got exactly the result they wanted out of Seattle, which is being killed out of Portland, which is being killed out of Los Angeles, that they're looking at the results of.


They're saying this is exactly what we're seeking. This is what we want. It's almost dead. But I hate to sound cynical. It's almost like the people running Joe Biden would like to see the country collapse so they can blame capitalism and install something else. But that couldn't be the case because, of course, everyone in DC is a patriot. Thank you for the phone call, Deb. God bless you. Appreciate you calling Rush's show. Another great call to kick things off real quick here.


Let's get to Corey in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I'm going for a personal bests number of callers in one segment on Rush's show. Corey, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program.


Is Tadamon filling in high tide? Good afternoon. How are you doing? Doing great, Corey. How are you?


Good about the impeachment and potential conviction. He's not going to be convicted but of a former president. And I hate to give the left ideas.


Yeah, but. But why? What would prevent them with this precedent to going back and impeaching and convicting George Washington? For perceived sins that he committed and albeit he did own slaves, which obviously today we would not condone, and it is a horrible thing. All right. Take his picture off money. Take down Mount Rushmore.


Oh, they're doing that. They're doing that. But listen, let me just offer an update copy to the modern times since we are going to go and the Democrats want to take money from people who were never slaves or probably who never held slaves, whose family never held slaves and take that money and give it to people who have never been slaves and whose families have never been slaves. I think we need to get to that George Washington bloodline. I mean, they've they've got they've got a lot to answer for.


So maybe what we could do since he is dead and not even not even Chuck Schumer can bring back to life, only God Almighty can do that. Why don't we do this? Why don't we impeach his family members for crimes against humanity and do that right now? Because if we can impeach anybody, it doesn't need to be an office holder. Right. Why don't we just go that full route?


Well, I'll just stick to the idea of the any former president, because, OK, let's pick up some, because that's actually plausible precedent for sitting with and convicting, potentially convicting a former president. You could go back to any president, left or left or right, that you could find something they did that you brought up crimes against humanity. Why not go after Truman for dropping the bomb if at some point you find that to be, you know, the wrong thing, to have done a solid point, solid point.


And this is what this is the nest they're making for themselves in D.C. That's why I've said they're tearing apart the institution they think they're saving. Great call, Corey. Thanks for joining us.


And Rush's show is Tigerman in the Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network.


Thanks, Jonas. Unrushed show. Start filling in for Rush Limbaugh 892 208 to the. We talked yesterday a little bit about the Super Bowl. And the NFL has gone to great, great lengths, I think, to pretend that all things are good. But according to Hollywood Reporter, the Super Bowl this Sunday had hit a 14 year low.


For ratings, 14 years. And this is at a time where there's a great number of Americans who are still choosing to obey, that the stay home and stay afraid orders. And some people who are doing that because human beings have made the decision, they have health challenges, what the point is that there is a billion screens available and there's a lot of people with a lot of time at home, and it's a 14 year low.


And the NFL will go to great lengths to tell you, well, it's it's this isn't it's not the politics. It's not that's not it. It's not that we got political. No, it's you know what it's you got you got societal. And you got societally obnoxious. And that's what led to this. And there's two problems, I think, that plague America. One of them, well, there's multiple problems, but division is one of them.


And I would contend to you. That two aspects of division are one is accidental and being leveraged, the other is intentional, big government breeds division. Because if the government is arguing about a 14 percent versus 15 percent marginal tax. Or the government is arguing about the age of voting between 18 and 21 or the government is arguing about should we have a primary allegiance to Britain or Germany? These are things that can be worked out in a in a sense of true negotiation.


But big government doesn't want true negotiation. It wants to surrender. So you get abortion, you cannot abort. Well, you can, but you you kill the whole baby. If you abort half the baby, there can be no negotiation, even when it was safe and rare. There's still the taking of the life. Now that they've expanded the Overton Window on that.


Now that we can they call, you know, taking the life of a child who is all but born because the toe remains inside the mother. They're calling that abortion. What it's infanticide can't be negotiated. That's big government that is run amuck because big government seeks to empower itself and to own and so activists take advantage of that. And it's about pummeling and beating and destroying and having no pushback against them. Then there's the injected plan to divide America, and that is where they flipped from have and have nots because black people are upwardly mobile black people in this country.


This country has provided upward mobility for black people in ways that no country ever has. And so it was a lie to say there's a haves and have nots economically. So they shifted to something that can never they can never be solved because they've created whiteness. Whiteness can only be solved with. Let's see. Oh, yeah. Getting rid of white people would do that. But they're not quite to that point. So they talk about becoming a part of an intersectional group with the what the NFL did.


They didn't get political. They got societal. They got racial, they got rolled is what happened to the NFL, they got rolled. And they believed their bubble hype. That everybody thinks black lives matter ink. Is is is a it's it's a justice group, it's it seeks peace. And what they run afoul of is their core constituency is conservative, I know this for a fact. Data wise, they run afoul of the fact that we are the people who pay attention to the details.


Right. And so we end up in this circumstance now where the political is becoming the societal that is the UN Peachment of President Trump becomes societal because you have low information voters who think they're informed about that. Let's talk to Jeff in Houston, Texas. Jeff, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program. My name is Todd Felin. And hi, Jeff. Hey, Todd, first time caller listener since 1990, prayers to Rush and his family, and you do an outstanding job filling in for him.


Thank you, sir. Amen. Yes, sir. Two points. One, I didn't necessarily sort of get to the first point that I did. I'm split about 60-40 on this impeachment. That's going on today, I think that chances are the Democrats are seeing that there are so much meat in an actual if they go through with the trial, that they may just not get a majority today when they have to vote after the four hours on whether or not if it's unconstitutional just so they don't have to do it.


So that's the 40 minute meetings that happens. The 60 percent of me hopes that it doesn't and actually goes to trial and then people can start really opening their eyes. So what's been going on? And by opening their eyes, what's been going on, the Senate will control the topics that the lawyers raised. What would be the one topic? We got about 40 seconds left. What would be the one topic if you had if you had the Trump team's ear, what's the one thing you would want them to bring up in that hearing, Jeff?


The hypocrisy of how many of them have stated things that are so much more vile and violent than what Trump said at that speech, there are dozens of examples.


It's great. And I've heard from the Trump team, not personally, but I've read that the Trump legal team has in mind just that, that, hey, while we're impeaching people, let's get Maxine in here and Nancy in AOC and let's get Kamala Harris and let's get them all in here. Let's do a group impeachment and have done with it. I get your point. Great call, Jeff.


Thanks for joining us on the Rush Limbaugh program.


Hermann filling in for Russian EIB Network, Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network. And Mollie Hemingway, who's the senior editor of the Federalist Great's publication. She joins us. She's also a Fox News contributor. Should be with us all next hour. So you get to ask her questions. Our friends at legal instruction, my friends at Legal U.S. great conservative site, have found an app that just just proves that there's still good technology that can be made.


They have an app. They've not made it, but they found it. That will block instantly block all New York Times reporters from your feed with one click just to block them. I cannot wait to install that app. There's also this. So we get into next hour and we chat with Molly about this and her views on Impeachment's just learning this from the Epic Times Epoch Époque. C.H. Epic. Mark Meadows says President Trump. Offered to deploy 10000 National Guard troops ahead of January 6th, they were told to be on the standby.


I forget what group is it again that that oversees the the Capitol Police, starts with the C, ends with two S's and has an Angra? Oh yes, it's Congress is right.


Mollie Hemingway joins us next on the Rush Limbaugh.


I couldn't see a way out, we were completely surrounded and they all looked like the same person, zombies itching to convert us into their weird Hollywood cult everywhere we turn. There they were and more were coming, spilling into every opening around us. It seemed like they were calling out to each other telepathically, get them fresh meat. I thought the only way out was to give in and go with them. But just as I started to follow their leader, it hit me.


Adriana's hand met my cheek. Yeah, I slapped him with one quick strike to the face. SNAP out of it, Patrick. Let's get the hell out of here. And that's when we made a run for it through the only opening in the crowd. We were only a few feet from making it out. When they blocked us in again, we were goners. Redfield, America, a storytelling show, The Kind Hollywood doesn't want you to hear, listen to read pilled America on I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast that's read pilled America.


Big tech is doing everything they can to silence conservative news stories and conservative voices, so you might wonder, what am I not saying that they won't allow me to see on their platforms? The good news is our podcast, the Ben Ferguson podcast, covers the news stories every day that they won't let you see. That's right. You'll get the news stories they're hiding from you. So be sure to listen to the Ben Ferguson podcast on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you get your podcast, download it.


Now, it is, as I will say, every time, because I mean it ever more a an honor to fill in for Rush Limbaugh. As a fellow listener. You have a fellow listener behind the mic today, and it is the day that God has made. I remind myself that these are the times we may not like him, but God said, nope, this is your era. You're going to have some unique responsibilities. And for myself, I try to remind myself to open the window right to to God from time to time and maybe even to ask, you know, just some forgiveness for this country, because there's a lot to ask, forgiveness for the deception in which we live.


This is truly the era of deception of the United States. And there's some good in this. There is that we are groups of people who are not deceived. We know the clown show that's going on in Washington, D.C. is blatantly unconstitutional. It can't be debated otherwise. Are people people who can say that, but they can't defend it. There's now the Times reports that Trump had 10000 National Guard that he requested. Hey, you get 10000 National Guard in January six.


And yet this morning, in a solemn procession, the House impeachment managers wearing their Wolke masks walked the article of impeachment over to the Senate. And interestingly, television cameras were there to watch every step. But it's not theater, understand? That's not a warm up act. Joining us on Rush Limbaugh's program is Mollie Hemingway. She is an author, a columnist. She's senior editor at The Federalist and a Fox News contributor. Mollie, welcome back to Russia Show.


We're pleased you can spend the hour with us.


It's so wonderful to be here with you.


What do you make of your career? Have you been in so long? How do you rank this moment of this what I call an Peachment? Is there anything to compare it to? And what are you thinking? And then I wanted to separate that thinking and feeling as you watched this go on in Washington, D.C..


I've heard so many people say today that this is a historic moment, that it's the first time there's been a second impeachment trial for any president. And I suppose that there is a truth to that. But to me, it just reads like complete and utter farce at best and something much more nefarious at worst. Just kind of a joke that we're going through this. There are such serious constitutional questions about whether this trial is even legitimate, constitutionally speaking, on the merits.


It's absurd that a body that contains Senator Chuck Schumer, who less than a year ago was on the steps of the Supreme Court while a case was being heard in front of a mob of people threatening explicitly Justices Gorsuch and justices Justice Kavanaugh, that if they didn't rule the way he wanted on a case, that they would face severe consequences. Nothing happened to Chuck Schumer at that. Here they're trying to impeach someone for telling people to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard.


So it just doesn't seem that serious because it's not very serious. It's somehow even less serious than the first impeachment, which was, you know, not something that Democrats wanted to even talk about a few months after it happened.


What's in it for this part? Because me and I see you're a writer, so I'm betting nefariousness this are nefariousness is not a word, but I can see nefarious angles to all of this. Feel free any time to like to to jump in and strikethrough what I say in italicize it and write something above it. But what is what do you see that's possibly nefarious in this one, Peachment?


Well, just if you take a step back and you think about what's happening in D.C. right now, we have tens of thousands of National Guard troops, quote unquote, protecting the Capitol, even though there's no threat. There were a few really bad hours a month ago when it would have been great to have some police presence that that wasn't there. But now there's no threats. You've got all these troops in the Capitol and you are about to have a show trial of your biggest political opponent, of the current people in power and these types of displays of force and attempts to get rid of all political opposition are just, frankly, un-American.


And it's not just impeachment. It's about two standards of justice. Where you can riot through cities all across the land in a summer of rage, where churches are being set on fire and federal buildings are being attacked and businesses are being looted and destroyed, and dozens of people are being murdered and thousands of cops are being injured. And nothing happens if you even talk about bringing out the National Guard. It causes all hell to break loose. As Senator Tom Cotton learned when The New York Times published his op ed suggesting that it might be necessary to bring in military or National Guard to restore order.


But then when you have, again, this bad incident, on one day, you start to have months long occupation and, you know, bringing out all the stops to make sure that anyone who was anywhere near this event is rung up when that's not what we saw during the summer of rage. You see it in the deep platforming of all conservative voices from many different social media outlets. It's an it's an attempt to just make it illegal to disagree with the left.


And it starts at the top and it goes all the way to the bottom.


So that one Astreus to this. The statement from Mollie Hemingway joins us, Fox News contributor, senior editor of The Federalist. Your phone calls from Molly, by the way, at 800, 282 to 82, if you want to talk with her and talk with us. I would add this, that not everybody who participated in the capital riots is behind bars. John Sullivan, also known as Gaydon Ex, a Black Lives Matter agitator who was at the center of things.


Apparently when Ashley Babbitt was shot, he was let go, as I understand, and his own recognizance. So that speaks to the dual standard. And here's what I think by that, I think it's very, very, very difficult for people to get there, to intellectually accept and then emotionally swallow that there are people at high powers of governance outside of governance of powerful people.


And I could name some names. I think Michael Bloomberg would like to see gun laws destroyed, and I think it would destroy the fabric of America.


And then you get to small offices, like you mentioned, the summer of Rage in the summer of love in Seattle. We have with city council people who have pledged to overthrow this country and install communism. I think it's a very difficult thing for people to intellectually incept, to accept that there are people who would like to see our system utterly destroyed and to emotionally accept that. But are you saying that there are people who would like to see our system utterly destroyed?


Well, we have very big debates that are happening in the country, and I think what people saw this summer was a real attack on rule of law. You had a lot of people on the right say that failure to address that substantively and seriously could cause a further breakdown in, you know, confidence in the American system. And I think, you know, I think people might have been surprised to see what happened, you know, a month ago at the Capitol.


They shouldn't have been entirely surprised to see this type of breakdown. It's very bad and damaging for the republic. We really are debating these very serious issues about what it means to be a country, what it means to be we the people do we actually support rule of law and rule of law has to be done in a in a non-discriminatory manner for it to work. We all agree that we follow certain sets of rules and that there are punishments for failure to follow those sets of rules.


And what we have seen in recent decades is people just no longer, you know, seeing some real threats to that. And just one example would be when you have a situation where people are pushing open borders policies where the people don't get to decide who we the people are, you know, we the people is a pretty political concept that you are bound to each other by things that that are beyond or predate the law, whether that's the land you share or the culture you share.


You know, some in some cases it might be religion or language or these types of things. And then you have a lot of powerful people that said, no, we're going to sort of decide who we the people are and we're going to fling open the borders and we're not going to deport people who come here illegally. It really is a threat on the republic itself and on the people themselves. And when they don't get to even comment on the effect of, you know, who who's in the country and whether that's a good thing or a bad thing without being accused of bigotry or racism or xenophobia, when they're shut down from even having a conversation, it can be really bad.


So I think we do have really big debates in this country. I'm still quite full of hope that we can resolve these debates and that that. But they do need to be fought. These issues need to be fought. They need to be fought and and people need to be provided a space to fight those things fairly. That's why it's so disconcerting how the left is kind of trying to take away some of those spaces and make it where people can't even have these conversations.


Just, you know, Media Matters just recorded you saying fight, fight. So that'll be on later. I'm sure someone in the basement gets paid ten cents per word they capture from Russia. So I would just say this, that that I'm of the habit mallie of taking things that are large, like the debate. So well stated that you just, you know, described about immigration and even criminal illegal immigrants, people who break the law to get here and then break subsequent laws.


And I try to boil it down into real life because I'm one part rodeo clown. So I try to get things very simplified. If you've ever had a Kager and maybe you're not like me that you grew up. I grew up on Kedgers because I grew up in eastern Washington in the mountains would have Kedgers and we'd have kegs, a beer at our house. And your party's good and well, you're being responsible. You're taking people's car keys. No one gets to drive drunk.


You know, you're being a responsible teen, albeit you've got some beer there. And then the people show up, you don't know and your alarm goes up like, wow, does anyone know these people? And you start to look around, think, oh, they're being cool. And then the guy you don't know lights up a cigarette in your parent's front room and then snuffs it out on the beige carpet. Normal people would go over and peacefully say, hey, listen, dude, I don't know, you could you leave?


And oftentimes those are resolved peacefully. But what we're being told by the left is let the people stay who you don't know who got into your house, who are snuffing out cigarettes and carpets. And I'm speaking here specifically about criminal illegals, people who break the law to get here and then break subsequent laws, some of them quite serious. Joe Biden wants those people to be allowed to stay. And that's why I look at this and say, how much can we sustain as the biggest giver of foreign aid, of official and unofficial capacity as our lifeblood, the United States is lifeboat fills up.


I want to get to phone calls. People have questions for you, Molly. I'm so glad you'll stick with us for the hours. Molly Hemingway, she's the senior editor at the Federalist, a Fox News contributor 888 to 282 is. We'll just have a little mini town hall moli myself and you on Rush Limbaugh's program.


It's Todd Hermann filling in with Molly.


It's Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network. Were chatting with Molly Hemingway. We're reconnecting with Molly will join us back, Molly Hemingway with Fox News and the Federalist. It's a difficult thing, I think, when you start to examine the weight that's being put upon our country and you start to examine this from the perspective of are there people who want to topple the system? And I've heard Rush Limbaugh say that we're in a death battle with communism.


And I tend to I tend to agree, and I don't know that it matters. You know, I guess it does matter. And if you want to track them down and legally deal with them who are trying to do this. But I think if you just compare some of the things that. Are being pressed upon the country. Let me give this comparison, you have a Supreme Court. And I'm not saying I'm not saying the Supreme Court intends to take the country.


I'm saying that you have a Supreme Court who's going to hear an election challenge this month in February. And I have to look at this, and if I could speak to Justice Roberts, who I have extreme frustration with, and that I think that the the two decisions he made on Obamacare are unforgivable and and, in fact, laughable. And then his decision in Nevada that, yeah, you can keep casinos open. Will you shut churches, I thought was was just, again, equally laughable and laughable in the face of the Constitution.


So, I mean, I can't imagine that he can have a conversation with me, but if I could, I would have to say to him, why? What possible remedy could exist in February to an election challenge? And these courts transmit all the time, all the time intent. So they transmit intent and they say through their actions. This is how serious we're taking this. So is this a presupposition on behalf of the Supreme Court that there can be no evidence that that could possibly overturn the election?


And truly, is that the bar? You see this gets to trusting systems I. Beg. People who run institutions, I beg you. I beg you. Understand, when you participate in the devolving of trust, the the evolution of trust, the destruction of trust, you will destroy the country if you do.


So I would sit with Roberts and I would say chief justice. What are you transmitting to the country by saying, I'll hear these election challenges in February when there's no possible recompense? And secondly, does it matter if people tried to defraud the election and they didn't fully succeed? Is that the legal bar that we have with anything else? Look, I know you were assaulted. I know the guy who broke your arm. But, hey, look, you can use to learn to use the other hand, then you're going to be ambidextrous and isn't that good for you?


So I want to talk to him about that. Right. And I share Molly, I share your opinion and I share I share your optimism that we can deal with these challenges. And there's so much work. So I wanted to go from the top of the scale, D.C., not the top, but, you know, the top of the boss to a, you know, more formative part of this. How do you view the schools in the country and how do you view how we're raising kids?


And what can we do at that point to raise a generation of Americans who can actually articulate a defense of what it is to be a free human being?


Conservatives have popped for decades about problems with the progressive model of education and how it was inculcating in people a lack of love for the American founding and that it was hurting those bonds that tie people together. They set it for so long. I think people started to just think maybe it wasn't such a big problem. We were still carrying on in an all right fashion. People were still working. The country was strong. We're still doing well internationally. I think you can see in recent years that a lot of those complaints over the past few decades are really bearing out, as we have had now multiple generations of people not taught history in a way that makes them love and understand what's special about this country and cause people to even really see their own country as the source of all problems.


We are a country that people flocked to because we are a great country. We provide the most opportunity for all sorts of different types of people black, white, brown. Everybody loves this place for those opportunities. And yet the conception in the media and in a lot of our education systems is that that it's evil and wrong. And so I would hope that if if not before that, at least during this last year, when people see all the problems in their government schools, they would think long and hard about whether they want to continue being part of those school systems.


I am the mother of school age children, and my husband and I have worked very hard on our local school, which is a classical Lutheran school, and we love what they are teaching our children. And we couldn't be happier about how it's forming their minds and how it supports our values. We do have to work pretty hard at it or you have to work really hard at making sure your local, you know, public school isn't a problem. My mom was a public school teacher and and a wonderful one.


And so, you know, it is possible to have a good situation. But by and large, I think if you look at the across the land, we do not have a good situation with our public education. And people need to take it far, far more seriously than they have previously.


I couldn't agree more. It's funny, you and I have sort of an overlap sometimes in her background. My mom was a public school teacher her whole life and she hates it when I call it the government schools. You're the only person, Mollie Hemingway I've ever chatted with who used the phrase government school before me. I'm trying to remind people that these have stopped being public schools. And look, there's I I refer purposely to the West Coast as the laboratory of leftism, because what we're seeing now in the government schools out here is they inculcate kindergarten kids with intersectional chants, kindergarten kids in the beginning of class every single day, they say we remind ourselves that we're on stolen land.


Now, you didn't steal it and your mom and dad didn't steal it, but it was stolen. And so we say sorry every morning to the people from whom we've stolen this land. This is in kindergarten. And I keep waiting for the moment. It's not just school choice for me, Molly. It's I keep waiting for the moment that enough conservative parents and grandparents say enough, we're taking the kids out of the government schools and hit the government schools in the pocketbook because most of them gain their funding that way through parents.


So I want to continue to talk about some solutions as we continue to track on Peachment, some to come back. I want to give you a tough question, Molly. What would be the top three things you would do to rescue the United States of America? The top three. I'll get those from you when we come back. And also, phone calls for Mollie Hemingway at 800 to eight to 202.


Is Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh? Joined with Mollie Hemingway.


It's an incredible honor to fill in for the only Martha rushy Rush Limbaugh. You can leave a special note for us, share a story with him at Rush Limbaugh dot com. And I've heard him speak often about how meaningful that is to him. And I'm with Mollie Hemingway, senior editor of The Federalist and a contributor to Fox News. And let me just give an update. What's going on in Washington, D.C. in the UN. Peachment Jamie. As he has been handling the case for the Democrats, they're running videos that puts the president at the center of ugly actions in D.C. in 140 cops injured and they're saying now seven people killed.


And and so they're painting it as ugly as they possibly can. And Patrick Leahy is overseeing this. I did check. He is not, in fact, the Supreme Court chief justice. So he is, in fact, not the person who actually oversees an impeachment trial. That would be, in fact, the chief justice. So continues to be impeachment. And we'll keep you up to date on that. I asked you a tough question, Molly, before the break.


There's a lot of things to fix, but you are optimistic. I'm optimistic in your mind, what are the top three things that you could that you would do to to address the problems in America and get us back on track? Thought I loved thinking about it, I I always think the most important position in the country is the baseball commissioner.


So sometimes I think what I would do if I were ever baseball this year, but it has nothing to do with baseball.


I mean, some of them do, but they're a lot like, you know, make sure people don't drive in the left hand lane at a slower pace than people in other lanes. But this seems more serious. So so I had to thinking about it now. I do think I am a religious person, and I do think that if people return to some more religious practice, that would be good for the country. I always think of John Adams talking about the Constitution only being suited for a moral people, and we seem to have lost some of our way that way.


Similarly, I think a really important thing for people to do is, is form families, get married and have babies and then raise those children. Well, you know, we look at all these massive problems we have at the federal level and we think we can't control them. And that's actually kind of true. And what we can control are our own passions and our own families. And these are things that are very good to focus on. And you have far more effect on people by raising children and doing your best with that than, you know, than worrying about what's happening thousands of miles away.


But I also think we should get rid of social media, perhaps. I think you look at how social media has has caused people's worst impulses to be on display and really make people mean toward their neighbor. And also now in particular, that conservatives are being banned from social media platforms that seem particularly dangerous to allow these things to continue unabated. I have many ideas, but those are three that come to mind, by the way.


No, you gosh, this is crazy. I talk all the time about returning to a life. And I was in a prayer group tonight and we prayed for the nation. I don't know a thing about the politics in the room. I mean, it's north Idaho, so I can guess, but I don't know. And it was one of the most beautiful prayers I've ever seen in this prayer group. So I'm so pleased that you didn't just go to government.


I would go to two government steps. I would go to treat the ballots like we treat cards in casinos. If we treat the ballots like you treat a card casino, there's an eye in the sky. Open it up to crowd sourcing. Let everybody in the country watch the recounts and the disputed ballots go back to a paper system, give everybody a receipt for how they vote, and then let them go check to see if their receipt matches what they actually bought.


Did you get a receipt for the candidate you bought or did you get a receipt for something else? So those are steps I would take. I want to take some phone calls. Are you OK taking calls? I assume you are right.


I just want to say that is a brilliant thing and we have to do it. We have to have transparency in the system. There is no confidence in the way that we are doing elections right now, nor should there be because of how sloppily they are being done. You can build confidence and it's very important that people have that or you're not going to have much acceptance of election results. I mean, it's very important for the country that both sides can feel confident.


No, and this is the thing that gets me, Molly, is that you are a very learned person. So I assume you know why the scoring system for tennis was invented. Do you know why they did it that way?


No. The Royals wanted us little people to be able to watch them play their game, but they didn't want us to be able to play it ourselves, to score ourselves. So they created the love. They created the scoring methods where you could wait. But who's ahead? Only the royals know who's ahead in and look at the country. And we tend to make these things so complicated that, oh, well, we need the tabulation machines because we don't have a man enough manpower to do it, etc.


. No Los Vegas. You know, Molly, you and I could take a trip to Las Vegas or better yet, if we could go to like a Mesquite, Nevada, where they play a single deck shoe, I can count into those so I can count into a single deck shoe. But they will eventually catch me and toss me out of the casino because they'll catch the pattern. If we would simply take that technology in that zeal or maybe Molly, maybe let's just take all the ballots and count them in casinos.


So my point is they always want to make this stuff super complicated when we've got the text sitting here. Right. Do you do OK? This is a tough question because it requires a supposition on your behalf. So let's get to them. Let's get to some calls, though, because I could talk to Molly all day. Let's talk to Nikki in Hartland, Wisconsin. You're on with Molly Hemingway, Fox News, the Federalists. Hi, Nikki.


Hi. Hi, Miss Hemingway. There's been charges that have exposed the fact that this was planned back in at Christmas time of the letter from Mr. Son. The former head of the Capitol Police also exposes that he warned the people at the they like Nancy Pelosi and them that and Mr. Blunt and others he listed in this letter that this was coming. And nobody asks them, why did why didn't they do something about it? Why didn't. They say bring in the National Guard like like Mr.


Sun to ask them to do. It is such a good question, and I have lived in the D.C. area for decades and I've covered a ton of protests and rallies and marches and riots, and I've kind of gotten used to how they go. And one of the things that you frequently see is a very heavy police presence. And even for the Trump rallies that were held throughout the fall, you saw heavy police presence at every single intersection as people marched, you know, from one place past the Supreme Court.


And on January six, one of the first things that struck me was just how eerie it felt that there were no police there. It was a massive crowd at the White House, you know, hundreds of thousands of people very large. And they and then, you know, later there was the situation at the Capitol. And I did notice and I remarked immediately about the lack of police and it seemed so unwise. And now to find out that there were police people who were advocating for a higher police presence, but they were not able to do that.


I think it's a failure that has many fathers, including the mayor of D.C., who had resisted proper police presence and troop presence on that day. Ultimately, Capitol police report to Congress itself. So ultimately, that means at that time, Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi were in charge. It's actually run through, you know, a particular committee on the Hill. But you wonder if some of what's happening right now is an attempt to do in terms of impeachment is an attempt to displace blame for failure, to really prepare for what would happen when you have a large crowd of people who have just gone through an election that they do not have confidence in because of some of the issues we were just talking about.


And it's, you know, everyone's responsible for their own behavior. Nobody should commit violence even if there is no police presence. But we do know something about rallies and protests, and that includes that having a proper deterrent of an appropriate level of policing can be very helpful and keep people from losing life or property or having people get out of control. You know, having lived in D.C., we took the backyard White House tour and we were we were walking around in the backyard, we went to the basketball court that President Obama had installed and walked past a little bit.


And I went back and there was a guard at the gate who is holding a rifle I've never seen before. And it's it's magazine was clear. I could see these huge, huge rounds in this thing. And I looked at that and immediately realized that could go through a the block of an inch, you know, engine block of a car. And I just nodded at the guy. And he's one of those guards who nods back at you. And that's it.


You're afraid to talk to the guy, even though I'm sure he's a very, very nice human being. But, you know, he had that look on his face like, hey, do do not distract me. I have a job to do. I was struck by that, too. But to hear you see it as a resident of D.C. all this time, that is very spooky. Let's get to more phone calls from Mollie Hemingway, Fox News contributor, senior editor of The Federalist.


Let's have you talk with her next on Rush Limbaugh's program, Todd Hermann filling in, joined this hour by Mollie Hemingway on the EIB Network.


Todd Herman in for Rush Limbaugh, joined by Mollie Hemingway, senior editor of the Federalist Fox News contributor. And I've monopolized enough time with Molly. I want to get some phone calls from Molly Hemingway. Let's start with Jim in Melbourne, Florida. You're on the Rush Limbaugh program, Jim, with Thottam and Molly Hemingway.


Hey, thanks for taking my call. I'm more concerned than both of you combined. You made a very good point. Justice Roberts is taking the case on the election fraud after there's no remedy for the situation. Add to that that the Democrat controlled Congress in the House now have a bill before it where they're trying to push mail in balloting, becoming a standard procedure going forward. So no matter what Robert's Rules, it's not going to matter because they're going to pass legislation at some point.


At the very same time, these people who is screaming in D.C. and impeaching Donald Trump because there was a couple of hours unrest in D.C. are were absolutely silent and took no action to protect the American people in cities like Minneapolis, in Kenosha, in Seattle, in Portland, they allowed riots to continue and nobody wanted to activate the National Guard there. So their hypocrisy is is enormous. At the same time that they build a fence around the Capitol, they take down the fence at the southern border and they discontinue its building.


It's amazing the level of hypocrisy they're showing in the different levels, the that to put it on. So, yeah, I'm a former I'm retired law enforcement. I see this as a like the just the sea of attacks. And when you look at the bill that they're putting forth on gun registration and gun ownership now, they want every single member of a household to be psychologically tested before one member can have a gun. Yeah, it's they're attacking every bit of our ability to decide our elections fairly.


And they want to take away our ability to defend ourselves from an oppressive government by disarming everyone.


So, I mean, I see. Right? Yeah, it is frightening. And look, it's I wouldn't say otherwise. And Molly, what's your take on this? Because there's a lot of people, myself included, who look at this and say, like, none of this makes societal sense. And a lot of it doesn't even make sense in terms of governance. So how do you view at all?


Well, first off, I think that you have the appropriate level of alarm about what's going on. You know, I'm pretty calm and reasonable person, but I share the alarm about so much of what's going on. And pinpointing the issue of election integrity is key. There was just a story this week in Time magazine. It was written very carefully, very favorably. But the fact were about, in their words themselves, a cabal of left wing groups and corporations that conspired to do what they called fortify the election, by which they meant make mail in balloting without appropriate levels of scrutiny.


The norm, the way the time author put it, was that it was a revolution in how we vote. It was a revolution in how we vote. It was very sloppy. There is no trust in how those ballots were delivered, how they were counted, how they were voted. This is a very serious threat. And if you can control election outcomes through these means, you can control everything else. And that does affect all of our other rights, as we were just talking about, you know, with gun rights and other things.


Now, the situation is bad and the left does have complete control of, you know, Congress and the presidency. And I would say, more importantly, the media, they controlled the big media that that tells you what to think about things and tells you what's news and what's not. They also control social media. These are tremendous obstacles to overcome. At the same time, I think more people on the right are aware of the threats that face the nation than than they have been in a very long time.


They just came through an election with record numbers, you know, 74 million Republican voters. That's massive and unprecedented. And it's a group of people who care about the country, who care about racial harmony, as opposed to the divisiveness that is being pushed on the left. They care about freedom and freedom of thought and freedom of speech, election integrity, gun rights and all these issues that are very popular. And there is a you know, that's that's why I do have some hope.


But there is going to be a very rough couple of years here, perhaps a rough four years or more years where people need to start thinking strategically about how to fight voter integrity. Voting integrity is the most important thing can be doing. People can be doing at the local level, at the state level. If you can make sure that people can trust elections, you're going to have a huge leg up and a chance at winning these elections.


So alarming. Hemingway, let me ask this question. In D.C. named the Republican office holder, if you can, who you think shares anywhere near Jim's concern. And our concern on this, because I look, we do media for a living. So there's some you know, we take care to communicate as calmly as we can. Trust me, I could get very, very concerned because I am and I agree with you that I still have aspirations for the country.


Is there an office holder back there in D.C. who shares Jim's level of concern or anywhere near that on the Republican side?


I think there are a ton of Republican officeholders who actually have their head screwed on straight here. And they run the gamut from really solid to just at least on the team. You can almost look at the, you know, impeachment votes as a proxy for who gets it and who doesn't. There are people who try to pretend like impeachment is a real thing and that it was a serious thing. And, you know, even though it wasn't done with any trial or anything like that, I think a lot of Republican officeholders realized this was a ploy to separate the Republican Party from its voters as a means of crushing the Republican Party.


So it's a very basic test that you need to pass. But a lot of people passed it. It was like 197 to 10 in the Republican caucus in the House. That includes Kevin McCarthy, who might not be the most conservative guy out there, but seems to kind of have his head screwed on straight about the direction of the party. It also includes 45 Republican senators, which is amazing given what we know about Republican senators. But I think we have great Republican senators right now, whether it's Rand Paul and Mike Lee from sort of constitutional obsessives that are their fighters like Ted Cruz and Josh Haley, but also just a bunch of other good people who care about issues.


And there's new senator from Wyoming, Cynthia Lummis, who's a very good constitutional and cares about freedom. So there are some good fighters coming up. And then I would say look more at the governor at the governor level, people like Ronda Santos and Kristi Noem. If you're really looking for people who understand what facing the country.


Good Lord, my chest just filled with a whole bunch of excitement and pride in Republicans all of a sudden. Well done, Molly. We'll come back with Mollie Hemingway, Fox News contributor, The Federalist.


More calls should be at least one more or two more from Molly on Russia shows Tirman filling in for Rush Limbaugh with Morgan silly amateur tournament screwed up the clock.


We don't have enough time for phone calls from all, but I do have enough time, Mollie Hemingway, to tell you. Thank you for coming on to show it to Bage you. Thank you. Now we have less than one minute for you to wrap up to the largest talk radio audience in the world in 30 seconds.


Well, it's wonderful to be here with you, Todd, and a a longtime listener and love this audience. And I'm part of this audience. And I think we do have bright days ahead, but we have a lot of work to do. So people need to think smartly and get really well informed about what is to be done and then get to work saving the country.


Yeah, and that thing about the left lane, that's, you know, let's not overlook that. I mean, there was the prayer and having the families, but those people driving in the left lane, they may be the people trying to take the country down.


So, I mean, if there's just one thing that we can work that we can agree on, perhaps that's where we start.


That's where we come together. Mollie Hemingway, what a joy to have you on Rush's show for the whole hour. You can read Molly, of course, at the Federalist. And you can see her often on Fox News, where she is a contributor. There's one more hour we're going to talk solutions as we continue your solutions for the country on the EIB Network.


It's an honor to fill in for Rush Limbaugh, America's anchor man, and it is 888 to 282. If you want to call us today and want to take some specific types of calls when you do that. And we just chatted with Mollie Hemingway. Fox News is a contributor, a senior editor of The Federalist. And you know that I begin my local show and I mention, of course, at the top of the hour that this is, as I see it, the day God is made and that we live in these times because God has decided that and and that Molly mentioned an approach to help save the country.


And we talked as a team during the break about, wait a minute, we have done a lot of defining of the problems we really have. Yesterday, I was honored to fill in for Russian. Today, we've done a lot of defining of the problems in this audience, gets it and is precise and understands this is an educated audience. This is also the biggest radio audience in history. And sitting in this audience are people who have the solutions and the solutions.


Morley had mentioned that I asked her the three things that she would do to fix the country. And and and what Molly said was she started with prayer. And I baccarin that and your faith is your faith, and this is not a religious show, I'm a religious person. I'm a Jesus follower, and that's what I have turned to, to pray for the country. And you have your own faith of your own structure for things. And that's completely acceptable here.


This is the biggest tent of all tents. But I think that for me, fixing the country begins with asking for forgiveness for the wrongs that we've allowed to go on. I'm not blaming you, although we all share in this a little bit. And I do see the left as committing evil. I do. I really do. Not not every Democrat is evil, but foster that she's told me there's good news, there's good news out of the UN.


Peachment hearing the farce and bloodshed. Some of the Democrats recognise there's a Constitution. Now, if they would just read it the right way, you almost had me into believing that it was going to be good news in this country, there was a time when men, mostly men, I don't know that women did this would take these huge shaped hooks.


And they would slam them into the sides of these heavy blocks of ice. And they would carrying them up flights of stairs so people could cool their dairy products in their meat products. That wasn't that long ago now, of course, it's a bizarre notion, unless you have like a cooling room or something where you live. Or something like that. The technology advanced, we are that nation. Right, we are this nation. With fixes for our country.


For me, what I want to hear from you today in this hour of Russia show at 800 Chewey to 282 is what's the one to two or three things that you would fix the solutions? If you start at a molecular level or you start at a base level, I would start right at the schools and I would start by demanding school choice, demanding it. And if they won't give it to us, making it possible through free market solutions to make it possible for kids to get out of the government school system, hey, you fix the schools or taking kids out.


I know of an effort.


To help mechanize home schooling. And the team that's putting it together are brilliant entrepreneurs and good, honest people, and they're looking at ways to help home schooling be ever more broad so that we can say to the government forces, hey, you can either teach our kids responsibly or we're going to create this system where we're going to make it more mechanized and easy to do home schooling. Want to make laws against that, I guess will move states. Or how about this?


Sees your school board meetings, sees them. Be bigger than the left in those meetings. They get away with unbelievable things in these school board meetings. They present this perverse curricula, not just sexually perverse, but perverse in terms of ideas, teaching kindergarten children critical race theory, that's that it's whiteness is the problem with the world.


And in California, there is a radical racial group that's a group of Hispanic people that are radically racial who are talking about liberating Hispanic people within the state of California in this in this continental liberation to kindergarten kids sees the school board meetings. Do you understand how I view this as a solution? If we outnumbered them at these meetings and they face us every time they come to the meetings and they face three conservatives for every one liberal, it will change the way they do business, because even if they don't stop, they'll have to slow down.


Because they're being watched. Sees the parties I've talked about this before, it can be done, sees your Republican parties, I'm saying when I say CS, I mean take it over peacefully. Count the members who show up to the county meetings. I promise you, it's math. If you show up with more conservatives than wishy washy Republicans in your state, you take over the party. What what does that matter? Because then you help decide who goes on the ballots.


You have the power, you have the voter database. You eventually end up on the Republican National Committee as one of the leaders. This is a solution that we can offer now and we can show the Republicans, we can show them you are going to put America first, you are going to return sanity, you are going to fight the culture wars which do exist. You are going to admit that the Democrats are helping to ignore or push or fund or logistically support domestic terror groups.


You're going to say the words because we're not going to pretend any longer that they're not. That's a solution. And on voting rights, Mollie Hemingway said last hour that she thinks that's preeminent and I agree. So there are the Ronda Santos types in our country. There's the Kristi Noem types in our country. They are people who are going against the grain, the and know I'm not against the grain with the covid madness.


They opened their states and the 43 states that locked down have done worse in terms of rate of death than the seven states that did not. And this is consistent across the world. They stood up to Tony Foushee. They continue to stand up to Tony Foushee. They continue to have their states open. They continue to rely on people's common sense. So go to the Kristy Nome's and the rond the sentences and say you can be. The leaders who bring election integrity to this country.


Imagine in Florida if we return to paper ballots. Imagine in Florida, if you get a receipt for your vote. And later, you can go online and you can see I have a receipt. Was my vote counted correctly, not because they say it was, but because you can see an image of your ballot private to you. There it is. You can even make a little mark in the corner of your ballot that only know, you know, you made.


And as we talked about last hour, we take the simple tech. That's in expensive watch stores, that's in banks. That's in casinos, the eye in the sky. And other tech. We observed the elections. We observe the ballot counting. We observe it and everybody can log in. Any American voter? Any American citizen can log in. And watch the ballots counted in gorgeous HD video spotting any discrepancies, other people could watch the room, what's the guy doing with the USB stick?


Why is that computer online? I see an Ethernet cable. Take it to the Santa Xenome. Not only can you be the leaders. If we can get back to trusting the ballot. You could legitimately save this country. And there's technology that could make that even better. I do insist upon the receipts and another solution. Count the amount of time that you're spending and more spending on social media, take some of that for prayer, maybe the bulk of it.


Where are you with real relationships in real senses, with friends and family who you see face to face those strong bonds because we garden together, because we might hunt together, because we have a neighborhood together, because our kids go to school together, because we're concerned about the school board together, because we might have a football team in common, or maybe you like a different high school football team because you went there. Maybe you like a different college football team.


So we watch it together and we go in person and we're in each other's houses and we cook food for one another. Those are the strong bonds that can bring us back to being more difficult to divide. And then making ourselves available to communities, not our own. Reaching out to communities that are not common to us in friendship and in help and assistance, I give you an example. I've been telling people my church, one of the things I'd love to do is have an Hispanic outreach, but I don't want it to be, oh, hey, we're just here to give you some brochures to outreach means to me.


Let's go to the baseball games. Let's go to basketball games, not just as sponsors. Let's go watch. Let's take our kids. Let's be these communities. We are Americans, it used to be that you had to go to a great big fancy pizza place to get pizza. I'm looking at a pizza oven I can buy for about 400 bucks. That'll cook a pizza in 60 seconds, crispy on the outside, chewy in the middle of the crust and guaranteed to be a good pizza pie.


We invent things, we fix things, that's who we are. What are your solutions for this country you love calls 800 tweet to tweet it to its tournament in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


It's tournament filling in for Rush Limbaugh. And you can leave Rush thoughts. Tell him special stories, what the show is meant to you and what it continues to mean to you. And I've heard Rush talk about how much he enjoys reading us, so I know he'd love to hear from. You can do that at Rush Limbaugh Dotcom. OK, there's the complaints. We can all do that and we can get back to that because believe me, I can go through and talk for days about the challenges that we have.


But there's also the American spirit and there's the American ability to get things done and to articulate the solutions as you see them. So I want to talk about that. We can talk about some of the things that are going on, the news. We keep track of the the UN Peachment, and we will make sure that we're up to date on that. Let's talk to Angie in Roanoke, Virginia. Angie, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program. Is Todd Hermann filling in?


I'm glad you called.


And it's an honor to talk to you. I'm nervous and I don't hear well, but some of my solutions for America is, of course, what you've been talking about. We've got to get to the bottom of the election fraud. We just I mean, Trump was a man for America. He was a man for all people. And he stood for what everything America stands for. And it's about time our congressmen, our mayors, our people in Washington to see that and to stand up to.


And if they would just stand up and look for the truth and get to the bottom of this, America could move forward. That is one of our main problems right now. But it was just wonderful to have to have President Trump and he just loves America and everyone loves him. And I hope he knows that. Also another solution that I think would be the fair tax. I think if that would be the best way to hit the not least so something at the national debt.


But I think that would help the economy get going and it would just it would get things moving forward faster. Another thing is the Kobe 19 shots. I know the most vulnerable needs at first, but there are people in the workforce like such as me. I travel. I'm in contact with different people all the time. And I think if they would just lower the age to where everybody that wants the shot to get it now, they would be able to get more shots out to more people because what people in their 40s are waiting to get the shot because people in the 70s, some of them are not sure they won't even get the shot.


And I think it's holding things up. And I think those three things is something America could use right now.


Well, you did very well. You didn't seem nervous at all. And you appreciate the phone call. And thank you for calling our show and about the fair tax. I join you in that. Let me explain why I backed the Fair Tax will get back to calls of people. If you go to the Fair Tax as prescribed in the Fair Tax Book, I mean, the official fair tax, what you're taxing is spending. You're not taxing savings.


When you tax something, you get less of it. OK, so you're taxing spending, but not subsistence spending, not spending on the first X number of dollars per year, say, 65 or 75 or 80 thousand dollars. Then what you're doing when you do that, you are removing taxes on houses where there's taxes upon taxes. The employees are taxed to cut the trees down. The trees are taxed to be moved from the forest to the processing center.


Those employees are taxed and then there's taxes to move them from the processing center under the truck. And then there's that term that's on. That's if you go to a consumption tax at the point of consumption, all those things are gone and you drop the material costs of goods, but you do something more important. D.C. doesn't have much to sell in terms of tax rates. They don't have sweetheart tax deals to give everybody because everybody pays the same.


What about the guy who buys a yacht? He pays a lot more taxes and he can afford it. And it's based on consumption. He could make the choice to to consume less. And for people who are working their way up in society for the first 60 to 80000 dollars, there's no tax. You're taking power away from D.C.. I love that as a solution. Josh in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program as tournament filling in.


Hi, Josh.


Hey, Todd. I first want to say I followed you from Rush over to your home station, WTNH, and I listened to you there all the time. Thank you. Do you speak the truth? And and I appreciate that. And I think America appreciates that. Thank you for telling me that. And my my point that I want to get to is the media. I think the media is the key to everything because the media is able to shine a spotlight on, you know, any problems that we have in this country, you know, whether it be good or bad.


And it brings a national spotlight to it.


It's like bringing the light. If only that light was the light of truth.




Makes every people aware. And I think that's the key to pretty much everything, if you have some. But if you have the nation's ear and more importantly, not just their ear, but you can see visually, that's a profound impact on anything and everything in in the United States. There's accountability as well, because, you know, you have it on record. So how we go about changing that, I don't know, maybe an incentive program to tell the truth.


I love it. I love it. It's a great idea. I was just to tell you this, that I get nervous, get angry at me. It's happened on Russia's program where I've asked people, unplug the cable in your home, watch the clips from Fox News and Tucker Carlson and make sure that you stay in touch. You've got Rush 24/7 at Rush Limbaugh Dotcom. You got Mark Stein's website and get to Ken Matthews online, et cetera. But unplug the cable because you're writing checks to MSNBC.


And even if you never watch them, you're writing checks to HBO. Even if you never watch them like that, eventually that hits them because eventually the people who are back in those networks with money are going to say, wait, the audience is shrinking, but there's something else. There's something else. The ocean of deception is so large, I ask people to grab one deception and let people know how deception deceptive is. Let me give you an example.


USA Today just ran a fact check of a group of women who simply want their daughters to compete as high school and college athletes against other girls. That's it. They're not anti anything. They're pro fairness for their girls. USA Today said that they're that these this group's position was was wrong because the group said that biological boys would be allowed to compete against girls. And what USA Today said, it's no, no, just just transgender women and girls.


A so-called transgender woman or transgender girl is a boy. Right, it's not there's no testable, observable, repeatable, falsifiable way to determine if someone is what they referred to as trans their biological boys. USA Today fact checked that as false. Stating that they're not biological boys, that there's some that third species. Take examples like that to your church groups, not out of hatred at all. These are kids on both sides of this argument, the children.


Take that to your church groups and your school groups and say this is what they're doing. They're now pretending these are biological girls when they're boys and they're pretending in this arena. And be an amplifier for the outrageous truth. And when people realize that CNN's lying to them about that. That's a watershed moment. Because the human psyche was say, wait a minute. They lied about that. About what else are they lying, you crack the door open to truth, and when you do that, they'll begin to look for more and more of your solutions as we continue to determine in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


Oh, this. So good to see people coming in with solutions. Someone just texted me and said, hey, you know about the boys playing girls sports. Just have a whole bunch of boys turn out and just prove the points. That's that that will that's one way to poke a hole in that. I wouldn't you know it even when he's not here, Russia's solutions to things. You know, there's a silent crime that happens every day, your online identity or some of you know, so that's something else gets stolen by a cyber criminal.


And there's no online enforcement agency that protects you. You do that on your own. Rush has the best solution to do just that.


You know, television crime shows they don't display cyber crimes that happen every day. They'll get around to it. But right now they don't. Maybe it's because the bad guys involved don't look anywhere near as dangerous as somebody wielding a weapon could be any number of things. Cyber hackers sit behind their computers. There's not much action. They're just typing away on their keyboards, doing what they do. I mean, there is likely to be sitting nearby you in a coffee shop just waiting for you to access free Wi-Fi while you wait for an order to be filled.


And they're busy trying to steal everything they can about your account. It's hard to put into action on a crime show, but literally they don't need any more time than what this takes. In a minute's time, they've spotted you online, they have deposited malware on your computer or your iPhone or your your pipe and whatever you're using and all that's left is for you to Inocente, click on a link. That's all they're waiting for. Even you know what the latest is?


How many of you get emails from what are said to be mailing lists? And there's this word unsubscribe. If you're tired of receiving the mailing list, you go, yeah, I don't want. And you click on absents. Be very careful. If you are not already receiving E blasts from that outfit, don't click on unsubscribe the first time you get an email blast from from somebody offering you to unsubscribe. Don't click on it. That is a phishing link.


You don't have a problem if it's the first one you've seen. So just delete it and go on. Do not hit unsubscribe. That's the latest trick. How else can you protect yourself? Well, my friends, it's a rather easy Norton three sixty Norton 360 includes a VPN and when you download the virtual private network software to your phones and laptop, you activate it and your devices are immediately invisible. They're hidden. The cyber hacker could be seated right next to you, could be looking at your screen, cannot see your connection on his device.


It's hidden. It's invisible. It will not be seen by anybody. That's the beauty of a VPN. You are anonymous online and out of the sites of cyber hackers. Norton 360 also includes webcam protection software, password protected as a password manager and a host of other services, too. And you can get fifty percent off this amazing software by going to Norton dot com slash rush. It's that simple. Norton 360 is the product. Norton dot com slash rush is how you access it 50 percent off this amazing protection software.


Norton 360 again Norton dot com slash rush.


It's a nation we are. One guy built a radio show with a team of people who said he'd never do it and it's influence a country and we have software to battle the hackers. That's why we're talking about solutions. I was talking with a friend of mine who is in his military background. One of the things he said is amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics. How do we get things done? That's why I talk about flooding the zone of school boards.


That's why I talk about flooding the zones of zoning meetings. That's why I talk about demanding detect the use in casinos on our ballots, making a concerted effort to get that to run the Santurce. To get that to Kristi Noem. Your states will be the ones with the trusted elections and you could be fundamental in saving the country. We continue to talk about solutions on the Rush Limbaugh program. Jay, you are on Rush Limbaugh's program. Jay from Mooresville, North Carolina, welcome.


The storeman filling in for Rush. Hi, Jane.


Hi, John. How are you doing? Great. You're listening. Listening by. I love you. You know, I want to elaborate a little bit more on what you were saying, Todd, as far as, you know, getting a receipt for how you voted. You go on a Web site and look it up and this is how I voted. I think I can bring that to the next level. We can just we can have what I call our card government, where every four years we get the voting.


Forget the politicians. Every four years you log on to a website, you put your Social Security number in and you choose the government that you would want to live under and your taxes go accordingly.


If I want to live is a complete communist in America, then my entire paycheck will go to the Communist Trust Fund and they will take care of me. And if enough people want that, then that will be the new form of government if I want to live as a complete libertarian. But I like socialized medicine, you know, that's my one thing that I like well, then I live as a free American. My taxes are recording, but I have to pay for the socialized medicine.


And when I get sick, I go in and the socialized medicine trust fund takes care of me. Think about how much fighting would be stopped by this. I mean, we wouldn't have to go through these stupid elections and fighting about the power to the people. Again, three years I go on a website and I put in what I want. Yeah, I get it.


And I can't I can't go with, you know, the website thing because I want a receipt for my ballot. I want paper. I don't want it hackable. But listen, I love you. But listen, do you know this is going on now like you're surfacing? Here is one of the reasons we have these problems. You notice that Medicaid for all is for all. If you ever say to them, I don't want Medicaid, I don't want to be in that system.


Oh, well, it doesn't work if if everyone's not involved. Here's the thing that we can do in terms of solutions. It's not governmental. It's certainly not godly. It's make them play by the rules. And I was just talking to someone on text that I mentioned that my friend is a cop, Kevin, the cop. He said about this about these boys playing on the teams, flood the girls teams with boys, fantastic. Floods your neighbors who are socialists.


This is a little stunt that the left would do. We should do these things, form a group that's the you know, call it the the more vile Communist Party. And when you see the Kamala Harris signs are you see the coexist signs, are you see the sign that someone is the left is come and tell them good news. It's here now. We'll take your money. You give it to us, all of it. We'll redistribute it fairly and we'll do that right now.


That way you will actually be a communist today. And and then if they don't do it, why are you against black lives? We can do these things now. That's a great call. Gee, thanks for calling Rush's show. Charles in Ellsworth, Maine, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program. Tirman filling in for Rush Charles.


Hey, Todd, how are you today? Great. Thanks for calling prayers to Rush. First of all. Amen. My first my first point, I agree with you the prayers of the three things, prayers, without a doubt, the most important, only God knows heart stopping them. He knows the opposition, our opinions. The second thing, no term limits. I don't know how that could be done. But here in Maine, the governor's office, two years, I mean, for two terms and you're done.


The president's office. Why we can't do that for Congress. That would make things so much easier. And third point, voting in person and absentee ballots that there's no other way to vote, that has to that has to what happened in November cannot ever happen again.


I totally agree. I totally agree on the election integrity front. And I remind people of this, that in Iraq, when they when they were voting in the United States is over, they're putting our men and women's lives at risk to enforce that voting, to allow that to occur. People got to vote once and they put purple dye in their fingers. And do you know that Iran sent terrorists into that country to cut off the fingers of people because they knew how powerful a free election in a country like Iraq was?


And I have a friend of mine who was actually in service there and actually pulled over a car of what turned out to be Iranian special forces who were cutting fingers off. Right. That's how much bad people know that. How how how important a trusted election is. Great call Charles Tincture calling Rush's show. We'll continue to talk about solutions as we roll through the remainder of the Rush Limbaugh program.


Thottam and filling in on the EIB.


No, it's Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network. We're talking about solutions. Many of the things we've talked about are doable logistically. Things we can do today. I'll share with you one that that swings for the fence. We'll get back to your phone calls at 800 to eight to 200 to this. This is this is a swing for the fence idea. But I truly believe this could save the United States change change Congress so that it is virtual.


For most of the time, meetings observable by everybody, it's national security and force Congress men and women representatives to live in their districts and to hold regular meetings in their districts and make the time that they're in D.C. very, very brief and do not pay for their staff to live in D.C.. If you choose to live in D.C., you get no stipend, you are paid on a pay scale related to the area you represent. So if you represent a if you are a staff member for someone from Iowa, congressman from Iowa, your pay scale.


Is a decent pay scale for Iowa, but you'll starve in D.C.. So you need to live in Iowa. The reason I say that is because D.C. has become its own country in its own world and its own universe, and around D.C., the lobbyists have planted their forward operating bases, including China and Russia, and are our mortal mortal geopolitical foes have offices there and some of them are front groups, some of whom are not. Make them distribute that effort, make a congressman go shopping in his district to see people face to face, make their staffs live around the people whose laws they increasingly affect, make certain that they are accessible to the people.


This fence, this obscenity, this act of theater, this act of authoritarianism in Washington, D.C., is very much an effort to continue to build an us and them as I see it. And I think that step and I said it's swing for the fence, I didn't say it's something we could enact today. We've had a lot of solutions we can enact today. But the very fact that that could fundamentally change the country should tell people how engrossed DC is in its own stink.


And what's a concentric circle of of of of persuasion and corruption, a series of concentric circles of persuasion and corruption has been built around that city because it's become engrossed into its own city, country, world, universe, and, in fact, God structure in some ways small g. The people have different solutions to this. I know that one. Swing to the fence. Sydney in Chesapeake, Virginia, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program. It's Todd Hermann filling in Sydney.


Welcome to Rush Limbaugh's show.


Thank you for taking my call. My pleasure. All I can afford today is watching a little bit of this process going on, they have all forgotten that the Constitution, Article one, all legislative powers herein granted in this, not anywhere in the Constitution, is granted to have this type of. Going on on trying to paint the president of the United States and I think, you know, it's an ex-president and that's the thing. And you're exactly right, Sidney.


The fact is that this is not a president. Therefore, he's not a person who can be impeached. He is he cannot be impeached because impeachment means removed from office. That's literally what it means. He is not in office.


But there's two parts of the Constitution. The first one is the 16th Amendment jurisprudence, which is the law of the land. And then there is no statute says if they pass a law, it's not a law. If it's in conflict with the Constitution, that automatically kills what they're doing. Absolutely, and if we you I was going to say if we would return to the Constitution, so many of our so many of our problems would dry up and blow away really short on time.


Sydney, I'm sorry. I know you waited and hold. That's a great that's a great pointing out that if we just got back to the Constitution, this wouldn't be happening real quick. Steve in Springfield, Massachusetts, been on hold a long time, Steve. We got like one minute, so go. Go.


Yeah, I'll say this fast. I'm saying as the Times magazine came out with an article saying that the Democrats conspired with the protesters so that they activated and deactivated the protesters on, that proves conspiracy and Trump would be well within his rights to bring up all the violence done by the protesters because now we have a real conspiracy. They admitted conspiracy in that Time magazine article.


Oh, that Time magazine article. Steve, in my opinion, is the the I mean, it is the smoking gun of all smoking guns in all. Go beyond what you're saying, Steve. They do admit conspiracy. I do not believe for two seconds that people who conspired to to rig election laws and change them at the last minute and as you've pointed out, to work with street agitators and violent terrorist groups, I somehow failed to believe that. They said, well, we'll do all these things, but doing it, I'm just too moral to ever think of using an election software to steal the election.


Well, maybe just in Antrim County, Michigan. I don't buy it. Steve, thanks for calling Rush's show.


We'll wrap things up as we continue. Todd Hermann in for the great Rush Limbaugh, the EIB.


It's Todd Hermann filling in today for Rush Limbaugh. It's an utter joy to do this and it's made a joy because of you and to talk to my fellow listeners to Rush. And I just wish you knew. I just wish you knew for certain. And I'll tell you for certain that the team at I.B. loves you so much. And they they work so hard. They're so successful.


And yet every single time, I mean, they work so hard to deliver you a radio show of value even when it's with a rank amateur. And I would just also tell you this. Yes. Prayer. Yes, we've talked about that. This is a challenge. It's hard to speak up sometimes, but I found the technique when I hear people doubting Trump supporters in my office place or places I frequent, and if it's around people I know and I hear them down in Trump supporters and I hear them saying terrible words about conservatives.


And I say this thing. I say I'm I'm sorry. I hate to interrupt. And I do it that way with these pauses, I hate to interrupt. I'm really curious. Marcia. Are you including me? In the group of people. You so clearly despise. And every time I've done that. I can see in their eyes that they realize that they've allowed politics to poison them. Going to be well, my friends, thank you for allowing me to fill in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network big tech is doing everything they can to silence conservative news stories and conservative voices.


So you might wonder, what am I not saying that they won't allow me to see on their platforms? The good news is our podcast, the Ben Ferguson podcast, covers the news stories every day that they won't let you see. That's right. You'll get the news stories they're hiding from you. So be sure to listen to the Ben Ferguson podcast on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast.


Download it now. I couldn't see a way out, we were completely surrounded and they all looked like the same person, zombies itching to convert us into their weird Hollywood cult everywhere we turn. There they were and more were coming, spilling into every opening around us. It seemed like they were calling out to each other telepathically, get them fresh meat. I thought the only way out was to give in and go with them. But just as I started to follow their leader, it hit me.


Adriana's hand met my cheek. Yeah, I slapped him with one quick strike to the face. SNAP out of it, Patrick. Let's get the hell out of here. And that's when we made a run for it through the only opening in the crowd. We were only a few feet from making it out. When they blocked us in again, we were goners. Redfield America is a storytelling show, the kind Hollywood doesn't want you to hear, listen to read America on I Heart Radio or wherever you get your podcast that's read pilled America.