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Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbaugh Show podcast. It is always an incredible honor to fill in for Rush Limbaugh. It is open line Friday 888 to 202 in Russia needs a little bit more rest. And I know I've heard the Mahat himself say appreciates all the prayers. Speaking to that, of course, today's the day the Lord has made for me. They all are. And it is an incredible time in which he's chosen for us to live.


It is an incredible moment in historically, of course, that's a cliche. And just in terms of political positioning. I mean, we will talk today about the obvious fact that there is a political hit out on Andrew Cuomo and it's happens to come with the advantage of delivering some truths, like the fact that it appears that he obstructed justice. Remember, then that was a big deal to hide these deaths in the nursing homes and long term care centers from the Department of Justice.


Remember when that was a big deal? So we'll talk about that, in fact, will remind you we talked with Janice Dean, the senior meteorologist, Fox News, she lost her in-laws in that incident and today would have been there to understand the 16th anniversary. So we'll get to that. Nikki Haley, Liz Cheney. And about 120 GOP establishment types, people I refer to as professional Republicans, and the reason I use that construct is this if you were to ask them, what do you do for a living?


They would say, I Republican, what's that mean, I mean, do you fight for the Second Amendment? Do you fight for individual liberties? Do you fight for a small government? Do you fight for constitutional liberties in force? Well, I mean, it's just whatever happens to serve me that day, Nikki Haley is back to we never should have followed Trump. She's back this. So if you recall, Nikki Haley hated Trump, then she worked for Trump and then she spoke about his great foreign policy, we could pull all the sound and point to her how Trump changed foreign policy and he did how he engaged China in a different way.


And he did how he rid the world of a functioning ISIS, and he did how he got the allies to pay their fair share in terms of defense. And he did and restructured trade deals and brought American companies home. And and he did. So now Nikki Haley saying, well, we never should have followed them. And there's a whole collection of establishment Republican types, shiny food, professional Republicans. And look, if you wear shiny shoes, nothing against you, that's just the way to identify them.


They met to talk about creating a third party. To counter, as they see it, President Trump and I would just send this message to these guys. That thing you talk about in secret. The part where you hate us. See, I've been there. I've worked with you. I know how uncomfortable you are. With the Republican base. I know that you're embarrassed by this, I know because I've heard it. I know because I know that the Republicans would love to have these these inconvenient social issues go away.


Which are, in fact, societal issues. Which are, in fact, issues of civilization. I mean, you will be forced to engage in a religious ceremony that violates your religious conscience, you'll be forced to to deny the existence of biological sex, you'll be forced to pretend that you believe what you exhale is warming the earth. It's a poison to the earth. You want these things to go away because they're inconvenient to what used to be your business model and your business model used to be working for oil companies and working for tax cuts and for companies to keep more of their own money.


And that's a fine business model. But your business model has been usurped by the Democrats who will go the extra mile, we will force people to purchase products they don't want from companies they don't like, at prices they can't afford for services they cannot need Obamacare. We will force Americans Bidens floating this a will force you to have the Amerine injections for covid if you want to fly domestically, but not not for not for illegal immigrants. They can come into the country as they see fit when they see fit with no kopa test.


To the professional Republicans, I know you're embarrassed by us, so let me give you some feedback. We're embarrassed by you. We are embarrassed by your cowardice. Well, and also this. Adam Kinzinger from Illinois. Through a spokesperson said he intends to reform the party from within. Oh, OK. Many years ago, I guess it would be about five years ago now, longer than I think about seven years ago I had dinner with the gentleman who happened to be a close adviser to then Mr.


Trump, Donald Trump. I had dinner with him in midtown Manhattan. After he spoke to a Republican group in midtown Manhattan. And he said to me, Mr. Trump is going to run for president. He's going to win. He has done years of research on one issue about what she's passionate. And he's going to win. And at that time, this gentleman wouldn't tell me what the issue was, I guessed it was we're going to build a wall.


Why did I guess that? Because your party. Has pretended for years, but can't be done. And I happen to know. Because it's been in the meetings with the U.S. Chamber. Is it don't want this. They don't want the wall. I've been in the meetings. We need the cheap labor. We need to compete. Against the high cost of American labor. Your party, Adam. Has the opportunity to be the party of working Americans.


Like me. My second radio show for the day, the radio show Seattle Katic. And one, by the way, in radio, he would say, oh, that's a heavy lift, no, it's not. I am getting to sit in for America's anchorman. On a radio show he built, incidentally. By working two radio shows for, I think, over a year. So, Adam, in terms of reforming the party. The reform would be this.


Stop hating us. Connect with the base. Here's what I think the base saw in Donald Trump, Mr. Trump, before I became President Trump. He said the things are not the same. We're going to build the wall, it's going to be beautiful. They'll be doors in the wall. Because like any sane human being, we intend to have some control. Over who comes into our country. Just as any sane human being would have control over who steps into the business, I'm doing the show from 590 County in Spokane.


I can't just walk in here. Email ahead in the teams to come in and use the studio if you're in town. I can't just walk into. My own radio station. I need the car need to be cleared through security. Any sane human being knows you must control the flow of people in your country, if it's not, it has no basis in race. I understand that you guys find the discussion of race difficult. Well, because you're cowards.


But I know I know I'm casting a broad net here, but see, I've also sat in the limos. Midtown cars with professional Republicans going to meet with with black constituents in Maryland. To the great credit for Michael Steele before Michael Steele, the huge soft spot in my heart for I'm very disappointed that in my judgment, he's gone full TDRS, but to his great credit.


He assigned. Professional Republicans, the goal, the task of going to meet with black constituents and I saw the discomfort and it wasn't racism. I worked with the people there, they were racist, I didn't meet a racist at the RNC, there are racists just as there are in the Democrat Party. I didn't meet any of them. I saw the discomfort. You're also discom, you're also uncomfortable seeing things like, you know what? If you choose to engage in a in a same sex marriage, that's your two adults, OK, just you know what?


Don't force me to violate my religious preference. I know that really freaked you out saying things like that. Just this week, I said that to a friend of mine, in fact, the former boss, we just remembered these conversations. So if you're going to reform the party. Just stop hating people who are the base. It's just it's maybe one sort of key reform and then maybe you understand some things. We know that spending can be cut and not not the not the rate of growth.


I mean, actual spending. I mean, we know that the federal budget is a bloated mess of corruption and incompetence and tomfoolery and bribes. We know, Adam. Come on, me, we don't. It doesn't stop here, by the way, with these professional Republicans, what's going on in the impeachment trial, the non Peachment UN Peachment non trial. The trial of the bizarre is also a great indicator. Of the reform you need. You're afraid?


No, no, no, Adam. Adam. Professor, Republicans, come on, man, you're afraid to call out. Kamala Harris, well, a few of you aren't. So we'll get into that as we continue, as Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network tournament in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network.


And you can leave share special stories about the show or your life or well wishes with Rush Rush Limbaugh, Dotcom, share your special stories, first segment and addressed to the professional Republicans, 120 of whom met to say, hey, we should start a third party to head off Trump and talked about Nikki Haley. She's back to shouldn't have followed Trump. So she's done the positioning here, all this positioning. And a message to the Republicans I shared in the first segment is, hey, listen, we know you hate us, OK?


We've that part. We're used to keep that secret. That's that's out in the public now. So you may as well say it. Yeah. We kind of hate you guys. And here's what you could do to change. Except we're not going to change. We're going to make you change. Bad news right now, it's great news for the country to have an honest party. That's what we're going to flood the zone of our county Republican parties.


We're going to take them over and we're going to take over the state parties and then we're going to own the voter databases. And then you can come and talk to us and we can say how you like is now. And it will be in pursuit of small government, big people be in pursuit of a constitutional republic, it will be in pursuit of, hey, I got an idea, what if we don't abuse? Visitor work visas. You know, like forcing employees at Disney to train their replacements who are being brought in from India to earn one half of what Americans did, which is really supposed to be a system that's used for people living in India when needed, when you can't find Americans to do the job, just things like that.


Here's a great sign to the professional Republicans who are positioning to take the party over and to erase Trump from institutional memory or better yet, to erase from institutional memory the existence of a politician who kept his promises.


Wow. Who was in office, who he was when he ran? Wow. Now, it's a sign of the times that this comes from the national pulse. This is a video and it is longer. Just heads up longer than we would normally play on on. Just a heads up before we play this. You're going to hear the voice of Jamie Raskin. He's the House impeachment manager. Now listen to this. This is why this is the trial of bizarre.


You have the Democrats and six Republicans are trying a man for things, some of the things they did themselves. And for things they themselves said, they're trying him for these things in a court without a legal judge seeking the remedy of removal from office, that has already been achieved. Again, longer than you'd normally hear, the first voice you're going to hear in this clip is the House impeachment manager, Jamie Raskin, right here.


Donald Trump committed a massive crime against our Constitution and our people.


And the worst violation of the presidential oath of office in the history of the United States of America know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard by telling the mob that their election had been stolen from them.


I have an objection because 10 of the 29 electoral votes cast by Florida were cast by electors not lawfully certified. And even then after that vicious attack, he continued to spread the big lie.


I think it's also critical to understand you can run the best campaign and you can have the election stolen from you.


This was months of cultivating a base of people who were violent.


Can we can we stop this for a second? Can we just stop this for a second, folks? Are you hearing this? How is this why is this on the national pulse, not on the on the Facebook page of every Republican? Oh, that's right, because you hate the base. Because you don't want. To employ. The tactics that can actually cut our debt and bring our companies home. Oh, that's right. I forgot. I'm sorry, Mr.


Broadcast Engineer Mike Momoh, may we continue to go up to the top praising that violence and everyone be aware they're not going to let up and they should not.


And he still gave up marching orders and, quote, fight like hell. Democrats are going to fight like hell to shoot like hell. He will fight like hell, will fight like hell. But can you imagine telling your supporters that the only way you could possibly lose is if an American election was rigged and starts Hillary and you can have the election stolen from you?


Oh, and your self, whether you've ever seen anyone at any level of government make the same claim about their own election. I happen to have the election stolen from me and in the months president. Made these people, Jamie Raskin, armed supporters, surrounded election officials from the home of Josh Holly. Look at that. The secretary of state for Georgia got death threats and they were shouting threats, you know, to kill us. Cannot go outside. Now, it's become so dangerous for us when he saw firsthand the violence that his conduct was creating.


I just don't know why there aren't a lot of the country. Maybe there will be. He didn't condemn the violence, incited it further. They're not homeless and they should not. Did you hear the. So to the the six Republicans. Who have voted to move this UN Peachment forward. I know that you're uncomfortable with the base. Because we're just unsophisticated, bitter clinging rubes. Handling our snakes and barking at the moon. But we can see the nose on her face and we can see the lies on yours.


It did nothing. You did nothing. So if you're going to reform the party, as Adam Kinzinger, congressman from Illinois, said, from within. Let's have a footrace. When Republican base voters truly decide right now, this moment.


To find out where the county GOP meetings are and to count the number of people who consistently attend and to outnumber you.


And when we seized control of your voter database and it becomes ours. Well, then we'll reform the country to small governance, big people, constitutional republic, bring our companies home with lower. Decent tax rates and more like us now, Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


It is an honor to fill in for Rush Limbaugh today on the EIB Network 888 to 282 for it to be on the program. It is open on Friday. So let's do the host job and talk to folks. John in Los Angeles, California, you're on Rush Limbaugh's radio show. Todd Hermann temporarily sitting in John. Patrons are doing great, sir, appreciate your call. What's on your mind? I called because I was one of the people inside of the Capitol and nobody really heard it from people who were there.


All you see on the media is what they're saying. And it's a false narrative as far as I'm concerned.


Well, let's hear about this. You're the first person with whom I've spoken who was inside the Capitol and some listeners who were outside and have had some interesting comments, such as a lot of Trump supporters were screaming antifa and tiffy's, stop breaking the windows and and and screaming to see help brought to the Capitol protected. But you were actually indoors. So let's hear about this.


I was indoors. The group I was with, we were very peaceful. I mean, I didn't even there was the only violence I saw was from the police. And I was later on, we didn't hear the gunshot. I didn't know anything about any of that till I got back to my hotel. And it's kind of hard seeing yourself on TV every night and the media labeling you an extremist, a terrorist, comparing you to ISIS and all that.


Because in my I'm I'm I'm a patriot. I'm so extreme that we were unarmed. They they censor and silence. But for years they stole our vote. They stole our voice. What other options that we have. So I did everything I could. I went down to peacefully protest in our house, the Capitol. Yeah, now, apparently, I wanted an analyst, John, to delight in would they let you in because I've seen the video of the police standing aside.


In fact, the former police chief, Capitol Hill police chief who stepped down shortly after this. This this happened as wrote an eight page letter. And he completely lays to waste the Democrats argument that it was Trump's fault. Were you there when you came in? Did the police let you in?


What happened there? I don't recall actually entering the building as to what door was broken down or we were allowed and whatnot, but the police were all on different pages, some they had no idea what to do. They seemed like they were in the days I was talking to them, I was joking with them. And then all of a sudden later, probably like an hour into it, they just came storming in and they caused why was a stampede look like?


People got trampled, looked like people got crushed. I'm not sure if those were the people who actually died there. They started beating up a lot of people. I mean, it was it was anarchy at that point.


I mean, OK, so but as a patriot, as a patriot and when you see this go on in our house and it is our house. Were you horrified?


What was your response as you're looking around? Were what what were your emotions like seeing this occurring in in our legislative offices? Because they belong to us?


I was trying to defuse the situation when the when the police came in and the riot gear and I started pushing everyone. I was telling them like, hey, you're causing a stampede. People, even police were down on the ground and I'm helping people up. I'm a big guy. I almost went down and but like it was it was complete chaos. And it's just it's real unbelievable what happened, what's happening to me right now, because I absolutely did nothing wrong and my life turned upside down from it.


And I want to say that the media and the Democrats, they all say Trump inside of us, Trump inside of us, the media inside of them stealing the election inside of this. What options do we have? So a group of patriots went up there peacefully, protest. I saw no weapon. Everybody was unarmed, no violence. What I saw and here we are on a list.


John, listen, I'm on so many lists. We had Rand Paul on the show. I didn't do that. You did. Were different in that regard. And I just you know, we're all in lists. Let's be honest. Rand Paul was joking about that. They'll come for us next, etc.. John, let me ask you, when you're when you decided to go in, whether or not the door was broken, I guess, you know, if the door was broken, maybe I may have not done it.


I wouldn't have got it. Just just that's just who I am. And I'm not judging you because I wasn't there in the moment. But I would ask you this. If you had gotten inside the legislative chambers, what would you have done? I have no idea. I mean, as far as I know, nothing was planned because how could we planted outside have been censored forever. In my head, it was more like an occupying force. We had the numbers.


I mean.


Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You been occupying like a like like an actual insurrection. No, like, OK, like just sitting there, like Occupy Wall Street, just getting in their face, like Maxine Waters, who says, yeah, I'm not to get in their face like Maxine Waters.


Right. We just played this this extraordinarily long sound clip of them saying fight like H-E double hockey sticks. We just played that. So, John, I mean, if you'd gotten in there, this is a this is a really loaded question. I don't I don't mean to interrogate you. I just find it so fascinating. If you had seen, say, AOC, she said that you guys were there to kill her. If you had seen her.


You know, I can't. I'm hearing your voice. I couldn't let someone harm another. I mean, as much as I disdain her policies, I couldn't stand by and let someone, you know, beat her. God forbid I'd have to try to stop that.


Like, what would you have done if you saw AOC?


Probably would have taken a selfie with her maybe a year or so.


Yeah, but yeah, the people I was with, we were just like almost like tourists. We were taking pictures. We weren't covering our faces because we're not criminals. Criminals cover their face. I, I still am. I'm proud of what I did. I stood up when other people were running and I'm standing up now calling you. Other people are getting arrested and they're towering. That's why I called because I'm standing up. What do you what do they want the American people to do?


They stole our voices. They stole our election. And we're just supposed to say, oh, I guess that's it. We'll get them in 2022, 2024.


So let me ask you this question. If if they had. No, I see. I'm I'm going to address the it's over part throughout the show because there's so much we can do, John. And I hear what you're saying. And trust me, brother, I, I, I struggle. I really do struggle with what is that line.


I do. But, John, you know, in terms of what you have done, I don't hear that you regret it. But I would ask you this if there were let's say let's say the Supreme Court is supposed to hear these election challenges. Let's say that they put all the evidence on the table. I'm talking about the Antrim Kennedy reports where the lawyers said the votes were flipped. A judge allowed that to go through. Let's say they put the other audits of these voting machines on the table that can be examined.


Let's say they bring all the ballots out of Georgia, not just the ones they wanted us to count, let's say, to recount, recount. They bring the other ones in. Let's say they bring in the data analysts who say there were 439 thousand votes flipped in Pennsylvania. Let's say they put all things on the table and we, the American people, get to watch this covered and watch the prosecutors and watch the defense and watch the judges. Could your mind ever be at ease if they came out and you said, OK, well, I guess it didn't they didn't steal this.


Could you mind everybody's. From what I've seen, and I'm sure you've seen it as well, the mass population hasn't seen it, there's no way. And right now and I believe Biden one, but it's it's impossible in my eyes. But if they audited everything. If they audited everything. And they explained all the weird videos I saw them pulling out of the suitcases and the late night drop offs and everything I would have to accept. I just want the truth.


That's all I want. But can't we trust the media? Can we trust. No, no, no, no.


They've admitted John credibility. You and I are further on the same page than you think. I do not trust the election results. The probabilities are far too out of whack. There are too many unexplained circumstances. There's too many things that strictly helped Biden. There's too much of that. And then the Time magazine article where they admit, sure, yeah, we twisted media coverage. Yeah, we hid information from you. Yeah, we changed voting rules at the last minute.


Yes. We were coordinating with the domestic terror group who was enacting street violence and ready to do it again. Yes, we did these things. Yes. Oh. But we would never touch the votes. Now jump. You are on the same page man. I hope you'll stay in touch with us. And Godspeed to you. Thanks for calling and just just sharing what she did and where you really stand and appreciate you.


John Berman in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network, Todd Hermann filling in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network. In addition to the other things he said, the former police chief Sun's Capitol Hill police chief said that President Trump offered 10000 National Guardsmen, but they didn't. That offer was not accepted. They didn't. They don't want that. Don't why, incidentally, also points out that the people who got into the Capitol were wearing radio earpieces, communicating, had improvised ammunition devices, read fireworks.


Look, listen, I'll tell you, if only there was a group that had practiced those techniques. All summer. In Portland and then Seattle all summer. The logistical support for Antifa, the legal support on the streets, the supply chain reports, supports their own medics.


The climbing tools, the radio earpieces, the coordination. Now, maybe. Maybe and we're told this was all Trump supporters, except there was that John D. It Sullivan, John Sullivan D. Jaiden X.


Who filmed himself there he is a Black Lives Matter agitator, according to him, and if it were to believe the footage, that is apparently his footage. He was at the door where Ashley Babbitt was shot, and if we're to believe his footage, which is apparently his footage, he talked. The officers guarding that door into stepping away, but again, with 500 to 600000 Trump supporters in Washington, D.C., there was only one leftist agitator, period.


That's it. That's what we're to believe. Regina, Fort Wayne, Indiana, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program, it's Todd Hermann filling in. Hi, Regina. Hey, Dan, thanks for taking my call. And mega prayers and mega dinners to Razmi. Just let me help you with something real quickly. And I want to call in and tell you about.


Our nephew is a Capitol Police officer and he goes along exactly with what you're saying. These people are the most illegally trained force for security in the entire world with every bit of technology available to them to protect both the president and the Congress. And here we got a bunch of Trumpy, some people having a tailgater out in the parking lot. And we're going to be led to believe that for some reason they suddenly got this idea that it would be more gainful to break into the Capitol and that then they can go through the most elite force of security in the entire world to get there.


I mean, who's kidding? Who? It's completely ridiculous.


You know, you just brought to mind something that's that's a terrific point, because when I worked at the RNC, if we had Eric Cantor, who at the time was in leadership or John Boehner in leadership, we never had senators come over. But if we had people who were in chain of command or who could one day, you know, become president, the I forget the phrase for that. But there in that chain where they could, you know, in a in a terrible happening become president, they had massive security because we would see the three black SUVs and you would see the very, very seriously armed, such as submachine guns under the coat.


Guys sweep the building, be in the building. There was a car downstairs in the basement. There were cars out front. And you always knew because you walk to work and you'd say, oh, yeah, leadership's here and you'd have double checks and they would double check our security. You're exactly right. You're exactly right. And those guys were elites. Well, exactly.


The president was coming over there. It's not like one in every three people wasn't a security person that was even in the crowd. They knew that these people were coming for weeks. The mayor even told all the hotels and the gas stations to stand down so the Trump supporters wouldn't be accommodated when they came. This this wasn't like a new, unexplained, unexpected happening. So all the more that the security would have been on at times, then the president was on his way over.


There's no possible way that that the tailgater in the parking lot suddenly got crazy and went for the building and busted through the most elite security in the world.


No, to what we know. There were Trump supporters there. We know that Ashley Babbitt was a Trump supporter. We know that we know that there were Trump supporters involved in this. So two things can be true at once. There were Trump supporters involved in this. That's that's evidence. And and God rest, Ashley in her and her family, the officer who was killed. And, you know, look, there's so many unanswered questions, such as, were there guns found?


If so, how many and what kind were their guns fired? If so, how many and what kind? What is the autopsy report on this officer who lost his life? What are the autopsy reports on the others who've lost their lives? Why was next? John Sullivan released on his own recognizance when he stood at a doorway and talked the cops into moving away where in Ashley Babbitt was shot? What is the identification? Who is the officer who shot Ashley Babbitt?


Has that, in fact, been ruled a justified shooting? If so, why? She was unarmed. He was at close distance. I'm not saying it wasn't justified because I'm not qualified to make that statement. I've all I've seen are the videos. There's a whole series of questions around this. So I would ask you this, Virginia. Does your nephew have a theory like does he think that this was a left wing actress who did this? What's his theory?


Well, absolutely.


And you know what? From a medical standpoint, you know what? Those are a lot of specific questions that deserve answers. But from our perspective, let's think about why they would if the Dems would have gone ahead and planned this. First of all, they can blame it on Trump and distract everybody from what really happened. And second of all, it gives them an excuse to turn the White House now that they're in it into some like an unattainable building.


It's like a fortress that nobody can ever get to, you know, and they're going to justify being able to overuse force against Americans at this point going forward. So it was a great plan on their part, if you think about it, because now they can blame it on Trump and make him look bad and distort everything and take their take everybody's eye off of all the evil stuff that that the president is doing now with all his executive orders and then just fortify everything and justify any kind of use of force going forward.


What the doing the justification of of authoritarianism and travel restrictions and militarizing D.C.. And I seem to remember that President Trump at one point wanted a couple of tanks to roll down the streets of Washington, D.C. during the Independence Day parade. But that but that was fascism. Got it. Regina, thank you for the phone call. Tell your nephew we appreciate him serving God.


Keep him safe. And Thottam will continue right here, filling in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


So part of the plan, Democrats, they want to break your will. Listen here. In case you were curious, they do intend to break your will. This is David Esmie, a climate guy in Massachusetts. Listen to this.


Sixty percent of our emissions that need to be reduced come from you. The person to greet the senior on fixed income, right, there is no bad guy left, at least in Massachusetts, pointing the finger at turning the screws on and, you know, break their will so they stop emitting. That's you. We have to break your will. I can't even say that publicly.


What I'm trying to say is, oops, can't say it publicly. C fact. Doug had that up. When people in politics speak the part out loud, that's not supposed to be spoken out loud and you hear that just reflects on this this phrase, break your will. This reflect on that he's one cat climate guy in Massachusetts. And he's talking about breaking your will. And the great news is we never need to give our conscience. They can't take it from us, it's our private property, it's between us and God, it's a bridge between ourselves and God as I see our conscience.


It's also embedded in the First Amendment and it's embedded in our in our chests in a heartbeat for freedom.


And there's a whole bunch of things we can do to turn this thing around. It's going to take work. I didn't say, hey, it's a skipping rope or walking easily down a country path. It's going to be hard. And freedom is not the natural state of things, things that we have to fight for.


We'll get back with our two of the Rush Limbaugh program, Todd Hermann temporarily sitting in on the EIB Network.


It is an incredible honor to be with you, my fellow listeners of the Rush Limbaugh program, as they temporarily sit in for the Mahat and we think 590 KQ and T in Spokane for give me the privilege of using their studio on this day that the Lord has made. And speaking of love, God and and prayers, I have one to pray for the families of people in New York who are learning that the governor of New York or maybe the so-called governor.


Andrew Cuomo, I'm not saying that election saw him say he doesn't act like the governor. That we're learning even more about this deception. In the state of New York around how many people died in nursing homes and long term care facilities, and to explain this. The last place in the world you would ever put someone with pneumonia like viral pneumonia. Would be in a nursing home next to otherwise, you know, people without pneumonia. I can remember.


Being a kid, going to see my older anti's. And two of them didn't like kids and made no bones about it, but one of them was always really nice to us. And then my mom said, you can't you can't go. And it was because I had a cold that may have been pneumonia. And I said, Why I'm around you. Well, they're old. They're infirm. And they need to be protected. Andrew Cuomo forced nursing homes.


To take covid positive patients and then he later disappeared from the website, his order forcing this. Now we're learning through. First it was the Democrats attorney general.


In New York, who had surfaced these facts, now it's a Cuomo aide. Has said that this administration here, nursing home data to keep it from the Department of Justice. I mean, the deceptions around the covid response are, in my individual analysis, speaking as a rank amateur, filling it for me to determine that this is my individual analysis based upon the numbers from the Great Barrington Declaration and Dr. Gupta, the Oxford epidemiologist and immunologist with whom I've spoken, and independent data analysts like my friend Justin Hart and Kyle Lamb and and a gentleman named Ethical Skeptic I know whose actual identity he's a big time data analyst.


This is the greatest human rights crime that I've seen in my lifetime because of the lockdown's and the lies around the lockdown's that were used for these selective lockdowns of schools and churches and small businesses, but not big businesses. Those deaths, the suicides of young people and young Jewish people and people who put off medical care because the disease was made to appear worse than it was four times worse, and the deception are legion, changing the death counting methodology. So it looks four times worse than the flu, by which I mean there were people being called covid deaths who died because they had concussions or strokes that that's just barely scratching the surface.


I have to be careful here because I am very obsessed with this massive deception around the covid flu and the way it's frightened people and they're using it to change our society. So I have to check myself because I want to get back to Andrew Cuomo. When you do talk radio and when you watch news, I think it's really easy to to think in terms of it's a news story, these are abstracts. But just imagine now that this is why it began with these prayers for people in New York who are learning.


You hid this. You hid this. And today, Cuomo is apparently in the White House. Which means if he's made it through the Green Zone and into the red zone and into the forward operating base, and maybe they've got a drone following about, I don't know, because it's a militarized headquarters now. Joe Biden's milita. Well, Joe Biden hasn't, but the people around Biden has militarized it. He's in the White House.


Will he receive a subpoena? I mean, the Department of Justice is still located there. Can they get through security? Maybe Jimmy Comey will come out of retirement. And investigate this. It's easy to make these things abstract. And I would ask us for a second to forget for a second this separation between you and me, I'm in a radio studio. You are where you are listening live. And what have I forgotten the if he had the affiliates that Rush Limbaugh has created in with the EIB, you might be listening on a podcast later, Rush 24 seven to get a Rush Limbaugh dotcom.


Imagine being. Someone whose parents or let's say in-laws. When these facilities. When Andrew Cuomo decided to force covid positive patients into these facilities, imagine that. Well, actually, don't. You know, you can imagine it, but it is second, I want you to hear the words of someone who went through this. Breitbart News, Breitbart, Dotcom and their health section has in it taped that apparently shows that. These people apologized for this situation, for the putting elderly people are putting covid positive patients into these long term care facilities.


They apologized for.


The political. In. Convenience. We're sorry that this was inconvenient for you. Did I mention almost single man in, got a secure government pension and my brother's an actor on CNN. Sorry to inconvenience your politics. It's not an inconvenience to put a deposit people into the last place you would ever put sick people and then to hide it from the DOJ. Hey, what's the guy from the Southern District of New York who made himself famous by by by going after Trump Parit.


Is he going to jump into this? Are we going to see the southern district of New York jump into this? Hey, I got it. Maybe Chris Cuomo can stop being an actor on CNN where he plays a mask and lockdown zealot when in real life he doesn't pay any attention to any of those things when he himself is Kova. Posit, Hey, Chris Cuomo.


You got the inside scoop and these your brother. I mean, you just follow the stories where they lead, you're CNN. This is CNN. We had. Janice Dean was on Rush Limbaugh's program and Janice Dean is the senior meteorologist at Fox News. She lost. Her in-laws. In this. Catastrophe. This is Janice Dean speaking to us on the Rush Limbaugh program, this new breaking news from the Empire Center, which is a kind of a watchdog that has been relentless in trying to get information from this governor and his administration.


They have filed many foil, asked for the Freedom of Information Law Act to try to get this information. And the governor continues to stonewall. But today, as you mentioned, the Supreme Court rules in favor of Empire Center, and that means they have to give the numbers. They have to find them, which I'm sure they have, but they've been doing everything in their power not to give them out. And so within five business days, those numbers have to come out.


And I bet you they're going to be even higher than that 50 percent.


It was Justin with us, incidentally, today would have been, as I understand it, the sixtieth anniversary of her in-laws. But they died in these long term care. So, you see, it's easy to make it an abstract.


And yet, for thousands of people, it's not an extract that, look, human life lost is is tragic to me. I mean, we all die. And it's tragic to me, particularly when it's preventable, particularly when it's preventable by common sense that a well-trained junior high kid like me, mom, I can't go see grandma and grandpa. I have a fever, remember? I couldn't go see the anti's. The deception. Around the response to the covid flu, it's a good thing that that that Time magazine piece about how they fortified the election by lying to the American people and hiding information from us and coordinating with people who undertook street violence and getting ready to call them out to undertake street violence again and changing voting rules at the last second and doing this all behind closed doors.


And and Mark Zuckerberg pumping 500 million dollars into the vote counting and get out the vote and and drop boxes in its understanded all these Democrat neighborhoods, almost solely Democratic neighborhoods, which is, of course, an illegal in kind donation and such. It's a good thing that they didn't. You know. Change things around the covid flu. They're going after the Santurce, the Biden regime wants to stop or limit or ban air travel into Florida, but Cuomo is in the White House today and it's dentally.


This is why my antenna are up on everything related to the covid flu because of what I have observed.


So when I see Alex Berenson, a former New York Times reporter, reports on Twitter and go to the source material that that for the vaccine sites, for the MRSA injections, the CDC wants intubation kits there.


No, I mean, in case you need to be tubed. Because there's these this high degree of of of bad responses to these, I would think that would be a big story and maybe it will be so. The White House press corps. I'm sure that they're going to demand answers today from Andy Cuomo. I'm sure that's going to be the case, aren't you? We'll come back, I want you to hear what Ron de Santos had to say about this plan to ban people from traveling to the state of Florida.


We'll talk about that and more as we continue with Open Line Friday.


Your phone calls, 800 to eight to 202 on the EIB Network.


It's Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network. It's fascinating to see that there is some form of political hit Democrat on Democrats political hits against Andy Cuomo, and deservedly so. At least it has the the advantage of being the right thing, being that he apparently hid these deaths from the Department of Justice. And he is in apparently the White House with Joe Biden today behind the militarized fences, etc.. Meanwhile, as as Biden's team is thinking of banning travel from the Santas, who is doing a fantastic job with the covid and also other forms of responsible governance, and also pushing back against Facebook and also pushing back against this insane travel ban, seems to be presenting himself as the guy who's willing to push back and hard against the liberal media, clearly trying.


Well, I shouldn't say that because I don't know. But he would be positioning himself as the governor who gets her done. The Santas is becoming a beacon of common sense statements.


And he addressed the Bidens regime's ideal of banning travel to Florida, restricting the right of Americans to travel freely throughout our country while allowing illegal aliens to pour across the southern border unmolested would be a ridiculous but very damaging farce. So we will oppose it 100 percent. It would not be based in science. It would purely be a political attack against the people of Florida. And revenge against the scientists for doing the commonsense thing with the flu, he's appears to be lining up to me to be someone to run for president.


Speaking of votes running, taking your country back in that way as we work on election security, we talked about that last time. I was honored to fill in for Rush. That is my number one focus. Let's talk to Katie in San Andreas, California. Katie, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program. Tadamon filling in temporarily for Rush. Hi, Katie.


Hi, Todd. Thank you for taking my call. I want to start by wishing mega prayers to rush megadose to you guys. And I just want to say you've inspired me. You've been talking since day one after the election was stolen. Whatever. We can't go down that rabbit hole. But you've been telling us, get involved, get out there. So I've thought about it and I'm starting my research. I'm just a stay at home mom of three kids being thrown into home schooling, which was not my plan.


I'm a former teacher living in the blue state of California and I just don't know where to start. And I've looked at my frustrations with the Republican Party and everything. But what do you want to do, it says, you know, are you looking at running for office? How do you want to get involved? I think I want to run for some form of office. My dreams would be like to go big and go to Washington or something.


But I think I just have to start small and I just don't know where to start because it is definitely a good old boy system here. I've gone and fought the Town Planning Board Commission. They were trying to put in a homeless encampment into our small not encampment housing into our small community. And I went and bought them. I went and bought them to the point that people were coming to me and telling me, you have to keep going to the meeting to fight them.


But it's a good old boy system.


It is. But here's here's what you just said that's so key to me. You fought well. And first of all, that makes you an insurrectionist, as we know. So we'll just we can put that to your business card. Fighting for political, you know, peacefully fighting is to say that makes union structures. But, Kitty, you said something key to me. People came to you and said you need to keep coming. So that means you have the ability to draw people towards you.


That means you can probably keep in touch with those people. That's your base. It all starts with the base. So here's what I recommend to you. Find the unopposed office. And to be frank with you, it doesn't matter that much what it is. It could be the Parks Commission, which is fine. It's not maybe the best. I'd love to see you on the school board and I'll tell you why you get a group of people behind you in that they're your base.


Hey, you saw me in this Planning Commission thing. I'm going to run for school board. Will you help me win? So how many people they are? You ask them to get ten friends. And this this is what grassroots truly means, is neighbor to neighbor contact. They're saying, hey, listen, my friend Katie is on fire. She loves our kids. She's, you know, done home schooling because she's been forced to do this.


She took on the planning commission. She's brave. She's outspoken. She's she's good at speaking. She's going to run for school board, put them together before you put a toe in the water before you announce anything. Okay. Follow me here. Get them. Will you support me? Yes. Will you post to social media? Yes. Will you support my campaign? Yes. Will you help me raise money? Yes. Will you help me put Dorson or, you know, signs out, etc.


. Get as many people on that as possible so that the day you launch, look for the unopposed office. People fail to do this. There's all sorts of unopposed offices. If you come out strong with that, with a presence and there's door signs everywhere and there's Katie for, you know, school board and this stuff is out all over the place. What the old boys will do is look at this and then they'll say, hey, you know what?


I think she's self funding. I think I think she can get this done and then they'll be coming and taking your temperature. And then your job is to play the game and the game goes like this. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. You think I could be somebody. Oh, wow. And this is the roll.


And look, I'm I'm not trying to offend you. I'm saying in an old boy system, it's.


Wow, if you guys could help me, I just have these people who are helping me and and I've just raised this money, but with all your professional skills. And then you got them because they're nearby and she understands. Right. We're going to butter the toast. We got this taken in. You get in office and now you walk the line with the party operatives and the line you walk is, gosh, I'd love to vote that way. I can't this time.


And you do not become the creature that we oppose. Do not become the creature who bends in the wind. You go to those people, you forget them, you placate the party, you go to that base of people and you say, I'm going to accomplish the following things on the school board. Even if we don't if we don't make legislative changes, we make culture changes. And then I'm going to take this step up and you take care of that base of people and you listen to them and you befriend them and you grow that base.


And then you do this when it's time to make the big leap. You say who has rich friends? And you find the rich friends and you take the step up to state Senate or state House and you do it that way. So that's a little bit of advice from a guy who's been around just a little bit. But promise me this. You'll start tomorrow. OK, I can do that. There it is. There it is. You see this?


We've been trying to get a recruit forever. We got one out of the San Andreas area. Katy, remember your old friend Todd, when you're a big timer that we just you know, that old D.J. called the deejay on the air and he played your favorite song. Katy, appreciate you calling. Thanks for being a patriot. Thanks for promising to get started tomorrow. Folks, there are things we can do. We will fight for election security.


We can also elect good people like Cady's Todd Hermann. And for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


Man, I appreciate you tolerating one of your own fellow listener filling in for Russia on my radio show and satellite KTAR, if you want to check that out.


Just an update from the UN Peachment hearings occurring behind the demilitarized zone in Washington, D.C., the impeachment hearings where the Democrats are impeaching a man for saying things they said and then for violence enacted that he didn't enact using a judge who's not legally allowed to be the judge seeking redress that has already already been delivered in the form of the president's Trump no longer in office. So it's the trial of the bizarre and all this to get one guy out of their way forever.


120 professional Republicans met and it leaked Adam Kitzinger, the power house. Oh, well, we'll have what everyone else is having. Sort of, you know, that sort of leadership, hi, congressman. What do you want for a free lunch? What other congressman? He says he wants to reform the party from within. They were thinking of a third party to cut Trump off at the pass. They don't understand that you will. And we will seek someone who's going to keep their promises and go at the media and Silicon Valley and and the array of things.


Just now on the floor, they played some audio from Cynthia Johnson, a Michigan Cynthia Robinson. How she's a Michigan, Michigan House Republicans are asked to ask this lady earlier to resign, we've played this before. They just played this clip. Listen to Cynthia Johnson urging. Does it sound like violence to you? Here it is.


So this is just a warning to you. Chompers, be careful. Walk lightly. We ain't playing with you. Enough of the shenanigans. Enough is enough.


And for those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. Do it right, not be in order. Make them pay.


I love ya.


Wow. Do you feel the love? Wow, good thing that's not urging violence because then she'd be responsible for cities burning and et cetera. Let's talk to Beth in Raleigh, North Carolina, Raleigh, North Carolina. I would say that Beth, during the Rush Limbaugh program, is Todd Hermann temporary filling in?


Hi, Beth. Hey, Todd, thanks for taking my call. Prayers for Rush and Mega Digger, did you? Because everybody who's filling in for Rush is doing a fantastic job. So we appreciate that. But I wanted to comment about, you know, in this last clip that you played really, really is telling to me about what you know, what I feel is happening to a friend of mine. Was this go as far as to say that she's young, she's very patriotic, makes no apologies for that.


She advertises it on social media, tick the whole nine yards. She has followers on there or at least did have followers on their been to Trump rallies not only locally, but she was in D.C. twice for some Trump rallies and one being on January the 6th. Somehow or another, she and she has been flagged as a potential threat again and has been visited by the FBI.


Wow. Why she was there on January six. Wow.


Telling her that 300 people have identified her as being somebody in the capital, to which she replied she'd even know 300 people. So they would have to prove that people were. But she's young and what I mean young, I mean, she's like, gosh, she's probably about 27 or so, so she's not, you know, and she's but and she traveled there by herself to join these thousands of people. And but she had many pictures and videos and everything from that day, including a video that she did show the FBI, which maybe she shouldn't have, but.


But she did share that video with the FBI where she had zoomed in to the right outside the Capitol building, where it was literally showing security officers allowing people to go in. Yeah, and he you know, to which they then replied, well, then you must you were there because you have this video. She says, While I was far enough back, like I was not that close to the building, this was a zoomed in video. I zoomed in just to see this, but.


So, I mean, they went as far because she because she is young, she had a few different addresses in the last couple of years and and so they went to her previous addresses when they weren't able to get her there, they they found her at her workplace, basically went to H.R., provided them with what we think is a warrant because it was paperwork basically stating that they had to provide the information that they were asking for, which was her address.


Wow. And they went to her home and they questioned her about all of this, which actually did cause her to lose some time at work because she was supposed to report to work that afternoon and was obviously not able to because they were there, although in hindsight, she probably says that I got to go to work.


I can't talk to you, but, you know, know know what she should have said is I need a lawyer. Well, she should have said is I'm listen. Look, I respect and I have listens to my show in Seattle who are retired FBI agents. They are different people from the people who framed, you know, General Flynn. They're different people than the people who were spying illegally on Team Trump. They're different people than that. So I respect the common FBI agent and the people who go risked their lives and get shot going after sex traffickers.


And sadly, people get killed and have been killed doing that recently. So huge respect. But in a case like this, first thing is, hey, I'm actually going to get a lawyer and get a lawyer and do what you can to get one. But then there's this. See, I'm hearing this. Beth, you're from Raleigh, North Carolina. I'm hearing this is someone who's out of Seattle on the West Coast, and we know where the Antifa types are.


We we know that there's a John Brown gun club who tried to murder federal agents at an ICE headquarters. This guy went and shot it up, tried to blow up propane tanks. I know there was no investigation. I know that the so-called governor, Jay Inslee, the Democrat out there, never said anything about this. I know that the so-called attorney general sideshow, Bob Ferguson, did nothing about this. I know through the reporting of Know Who's an expert on TFN, has a book out about that, that the the in Oregon, the Democrat speaker of the House, her legislative director, is apparently a member of Antifa arrested at riots.


We know their names. We know their addresses. We know when they're coming out. We know the leadership of Black Lives Matter Inc. in Seattle who blocked freeways and that was responsible for where that action led to the killing of one young woman and another young woman is going to live her life in a wheelchair. We've never seen this. We've never seen these networks cracked or, you know, what they could do. They could just download the paper called Network Enabled Anarchy to learn how and TFA recruits and the recruiting methods are a lot like Hamas.


Look at that. Isn't that interesting? But you take this incident and what I hear, the FBI stings. Yeah, but that was just private property. Come on. That's just a courthouse out there in Portland, out in the woods. And these are just your houses and your businesses. They came to our offices. Secondly, they went against the party. Right. This other stuff that was against Orangeman, they went against the party. So it seems to me they're pouring a lot of resources into getting every single person who supported Trump in my sort of feeling in this is they're showing people you're not going to go to rallies, you're not going to support him next time.


You're not going to support his family. You're not going to support a candidate that goes against the Yoona party. You're not going to do it. That's that's very, very spooky. Robert, thank you for sharing that story with us. Thank you for your kind words about myself and Ken and Brent. Note that it takes our takes, all of us, to fill in for one guy.


Thanks for the phone call, Beth. Appreciate it. Tom Foreman in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


Herman filling in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network. Remember, you can share your special stories and enthusiasm for the show. And thanks to Rush and prayers for Russia's continued recovery and fight said the word again fights at Rush Limbaugh dotcom. It took this Time magazine article two for the Democrats to finally they had to brag. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We didn't, you know, never attacked voting machines or or used the covid as a disaster to try to or to catastrophizing it, you know, to make it appear far worse than it was to sway an election.


But we would limit your access to information. We would work with people and groups committing acts of domestic terror on the streets. We would work with Silicon Valley to make sure you only saw one side of the story. We would change election laws at the last moment. We would work with federal employees to slow walk orders. We would work with Silicon Valley to fund ballot drop boxes and mail in ballots everywhere. We do all that. But we'd never cheat all of this to make sure that your choice for president didn't win.


It's collusion. It's meddling. It may not be vote changing, but it's collusion and meddling. They admit it. They brag about it. And weird. I don't see every elected Republican in the nation saying what? So we're not going to investigate this. All these in kind donations which are illegal, we're not going to investigate this if the mainstream media and Silicon Valley were doing these things to change the election outcome, to make sure that Joe Biden is installed.


That's that's campaign activity. That's that's campaigning. That's a federal offense to not record that as campaign donations and in this case, you're talking about billions of dollars of value. But funny, I think maybe something's wrong with me, maybe I got knocked upside the noggin when I was young and because maybe I'm the only one who thinks this is the most important news article of the year, it's just me. Let's talk to Charles in Lakeland, Florida. Charles, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program tournament, filling in for rush hour.


Charles, hey, how you doing?


What's was going on, man?


Hey, it's good to hear you, Charles. Thanks for calling. What's on your mind, my friend?


Hey, listen, the first thing I want to have is because I know you guys listen to different things on news media's and then you kind of, you know, do your own research. I want to make sure this first thing is understood. I am what they call a so-called black or African-American. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson does not speak for the black community in no way, shape or form.


So if you got to add that to your list of chances and don't say that to that, they do not speak for us. They are. OK, now I will do a disclaimer. I have never voted. I'm 45 years old. I have never voted ever, because I've always seen the game that both sides have been playing. But I will say that Donald Trump. I'll have to have to say is probably the best president of all time. Ever put into the seat?


And the reason I'm going to say that is that he actually did what he said he was going to do. Not only did he do that, he exposed the news media for what they are liars. Their job is to change your perception or to make you believe what the left is that you guys call him. The Democrats want them to want people to believe. And I love the fact that he exposed them. They don't like it. The Republicans don't.


The so-called Republican Party don't like it. And kudos to Donald Trump for doing his job. And he exposed it a long time ago that they have been election fraud for as long as I can remember just watching. So I love the fact they did that. I love the fact that he also made the immigration do their job, get a paycheck. You get a paycheck every week, go out and arrest some people and send people back that are here illegally.


If I can drive down the road with a suspended license, that's illegal. You go to jail if you get a summons before you go to jail. But the Democrats say, well, you can come here illegally, don't go to jail, get nine hundred dollars worth of food stamps, have 100 kids, and we'll give you a good paying job and a house and a brand new car. That's ridiculous. But guys like myself that work for a living, take care his family, take care of kids and say hello to my wife.


You that we. We don't like that, we don't we do not like that now, even though we are not party a party affiliated, we do look what Donald Trump did. And I pray that this thing goes in the right direction and I hope he comes back. I definitely hope he comes back in 2024.


Would that bring you up to would that bring you out to vote, Charles? Absolutely not. No. Oh, now, wait, you're breaking. Wait, wait. You're breaking my heart. You're breaking my heart.


What's out of a tell? You what I mean. I'm saying real quick. Why? OK, I know you guys, you know, kind of deal with the Bible, deal with groups or whatnot, but that that book actually talks about the real Israelite, the real Jews, which are people like myself and other a descendant of slaves, not those people. OK, that's over in the land. Now, Netanyahu and those guys, we are commanded to to not establish a king over us, OK?


Unless it's an individual that is. Oh, so OK.


Don't OK, got it. All right. It's a religious thing for you then. That's all I need to hear. That's your belief structure, Charles. That's all I need to hear because I will respect that man. What a phone call. Charles, I appreciate you calling Rush's show fantastic. And by the way, I hope that you would like also, Ron, the Senate to send there. I think the Senate is doing a good job now.


Just up the street from Charles. I'm just reading this. This can't be true. What is this? This is impossible. Well, this is an outrage, it's legal insurrection.


Dotcom reports that Georgia Election Board, as in, is investigating what Senator Warnock for voter registration fraud, no doubt about cheating, will come back on the Rush Limbaugh program on the EIB Network and some famous words from America's anchorman.


Not enough time to be fair with another caller slaughterman filling in for Rush Limbaugh. A huge honor. This is interesting. So you remember Andy Cuomo. He's the guy who apparently hid the number of deaths in the nursing home and long term care facilities in New York City that he likely caused by forcing long term care centers to accept covid positive patients, which would be the last thing a mildly educated junior high students would do in the case of trying to protect elderly people.


He won a he won an Academy Award and an Emmy. And the Academy now learning. Then Andy Cuomo and his staff. According to Democrat aides and. And this investigation by the Democrat attorney general in the state of New York lied and hid these numbers from the Department of Justice, career public servants were told.


And some of them are. They haven't decided where they're going to take his award back yet. To this point, he hasn't said anything. That could get that award withdrawn, like if you were to say, actually, I think Trump is an OK guy, but. The words withdrawn last hour of open line Friday as we continue on the EIB Network, Tadamon filling in for the mall because it is open line Friday and it's an honor to fill in for Rush Limbaugh.


It is the day that today is the day the Lord has made. And I just add my prayers to yours for great energy to pour upon Rush Limbaugh and we get him back as soon as possible where we need him right here behind the Golden EIB microphone. I sit in temporarily for Rush and to do a radio show in Seattle. If you want to check that out, we got some questions we're going to get to. People are asking, have you been able to stay on hold?


I want to start with this. That Charles, who called last hour from Florida, I don't remember the city was in Fort Lauderdale thing. Brought something up that's super, super important that we should thank the president for President Trump not, by the way, have nothing to thank him for. He did surface. Enforce the Mockingbird media members, and this is a phrase that I use because I think it precisely describes what they do, the members that do this, they repeat and amplify the statements of leftists, technocrats in Democrats on skeptically.


They don't apply an ounce of skepticism to them. This program under Rush is more like journalism than they are, in fact, it's far more journalistic and I'll say why Rush will examine and criticize Republicans all day long when they need it. He will examine issues from both sides. You've heard the show for all these years. It's not what they pretended to be the critics. President Trump made the media go all in, he forced them to do this, and there's an article people been asking about that I am personally obsessed with.


I know that some other people who actually work on the EIB team who think this is a very important article, it's called The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that saved the 2020 election. And I'm sure that will be up at Russian so that you can click on it, go over, read it. In this article, they admit that the left this is labor unions, Silicon Valley billionaires other than Silicon Valley, the people who enacted the street violence that is the train Marxists of Black Lives Matter, Inc.


and people who are federal employees and governments. The combined efforts, they admit they changed election laws to help widen which and all those laws were changed illegally. They admit that. They admit they coordinated with street violence groups that would be coordinating with people committing acts of domestic terrorism in order to shift election results, literally using terror against the civilian population to gain a political end. That is the actual actual definition of terrorism done in the country, therefore domestic.


Bye bye bye. We would assume citizens, they admit they hid information from the public. In an attempt to change the election, they did this for political ends, not for journalistic ends, they admit this, that's an unkind political donation in the billions of dollars. By my math, that's illegal. And they admit they were prepared to call for Fourth Street actions, they pretend it was protest. We know what the leftist protests were. They were violent, they were against acts of domestic terror.


In many cases, not at all, but in many cases, and the many outweigh the peaceful because of the lives that were taken in these protests, that peace. Is an accidental act of journalism, if you read through the lines, the secret history of the shadow campaign that saved the election. So now we have. The UN Peachment hearing, we'll dig into this, I don't think the president's I don't think Donald Trump is going to be convicted.


And people are asking, why are they doing this as a as a criminal complaint because they can't prove the case. This is not a criminal trial. This is not an impeachment. This is an indictment. It's literally not impeachment from the language of the law, from the language of the Constitution, it's literally not an impeachment. It can't be the man has been removed from office. It can't be because the chief justice of the Supreme Court is not presiding.


This is a political exercise to punish you. To say, look what you did, look at the mess you made. And the way this is reported in the Mockingbird media, of course, is that January six was 9/11. Meghan McCain said that the other day on MSNBC. Yes, it's just like 9/11, except it's nothing like 9/11. And the chief of all these media companies, Mockingbird Media Companies, is The New York Times, the paper of record, The Gray Lady.


Donald Trump outed. What the gray lady is, it is the head of the Democrat Party. And Molly Hemingway's called out the leftist media as leading the Democrat Party. The New York Times is at the head of the leftist media, she called that out on Russia show. Listen to some of what is being said in this paper. There is a column in The New York Times. Saying, can we put Fox News on trial? Can we with a couple of suggestions for how to do that hint every should every American with basic cable have to pay twenty dollars a year to Fox News to underwrite extremists and seditionists?


Now, I myself said, disconnect your cable if you don't like the liberal media, don't don't continue to pay them. But Nicholas Kristof.


Is saying, can we put Fox News on trial with Trump? Can I call you Nick? You work at an organization. That peddled the rush to Rush Rush alive for three and a half years and when it when it crumbled.


You had whistleblowers from your own newsroom, Nick. Say pivot to the management, said, OK, pivot to race. Your political organization that you're not you're not a there's accidental journalism that occurs there, and I'm sure there's journalists who try to do journalism there. In fact, we'll talk about Bret Stephens in the in the column that they struck down from him. All he did was defend a colleague. A colleague who apparently ushered or uttered a racial slur in high school.


And they want they spiked that column now the New York Post has obtained it. Here's another one. The New York Times is blaming talk radio for the capital riot. It's the fault of conservative talk radio. It's the fault of conservative talk radio that Black Lives Matter Inc. in Antifa was allowed to burn down our cities, try to murder our cops, get cops murdered, caused the death of 36 people, engage in political assassinations, one in the streets of Portland, one in Denver.


That sure looks like a political murder to me. They were allowed to do that nonstop with support from The New York Times, with cover from The New York Times. With painting over the true objectives of Black Lives Matter Incorporated from The New York Times at the same time as The Times published the 60 19 project, which is a lot about how America was founded, all these things build up to an inevitable conclusion because it's not over, but an inevitable end.


You poke and poke and poke and you push and push and push, and you are hoping for something, if you're trying to get into a fistfight with somebody and you want that person to punch first. What do you do? You push a finger in the chest, you poke and you don't want to be the guy to throw the punch. Right. Because you want to be able to say he hit me or see what he has or draw him out.


Yeah, I grew up half redneck, so I've been through these things. They did that all summer, then we watched. As they announced what they were going to do. This group, this Time magazine article, they said that they put into the public consciousness and I remember when this came out, it may take weeks to find out who won. It may take weeks and weeks and weeks to find out who won. We may not know. We saw the fix in at that point, it's unavoidable when you switch a state illegally.


Pennsylvania was illegally switched to these drop boxes and mail in ballots and all mail that didn't go through the state legislature, which is prescribed by the U.S. Constitution for federal office. We saw it, we were saying, wait, you're creating the conditions for fraud, we watched you do this. And then you have The New York Times and the Mockingbird media saying no evidence. No evidence it doesn't exist, there's none. And there's an inevitable pushback because you're saying to half of America, or at least get good, maybe half of society, you don't matter.


So you saw this audit out of Wayne County that the judge allowed to be released, that the votes were switched? Well, that's not evidence to us. Here's another from The New York Times. We've talked about this before. They want a truth czar, they ran a piece calling for the government. To hire what they call a reality czar. To work with Silicon Valley billionaires. To decide what's true. I wonder what the Tuskegee families would think of this Tuskegee experiment, which apparently didn't happen because it didn't, or the internships, internships of Japanese Americans into prison camps.


And I've seen that that didn't happen. But Democrat president never did that. What are you talking about? The New York Times has been outed, it's a political action committee. And they are against vote integrity. We know this because of their patterns of behavior, job number one, as I look at it, for any Republican, I'm doing a rating system for Republicans if they're worthwhile. My system starts with are they fighting for election integrity and are they willing to take on the Mockingbird media?


And yeah, I'm making a list. One day I'll publish it. Your phone calls as we continue on Open Line Friday, 800 to 222.


Is Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh? The EIB Network.


It's Todd Hermann filling in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network. Please do take advantage of the opportunity to share your stories and observations and prayers with the all knowing, all seeing, all caring maharshi that Rush Limbaugh Dotcom. I've heard him talk on the program about what that means to him, and I know he appreciates that. I have a I'm creating a ranking list, you know, those those lists that that, you know, Americans for Tax Reform and the NRA put out.


I am creating one based upon social issues and the ability to stand up to the media and the willingness to tell the truth about the medical useless, deadly covid lockdown's or selective lockdown's. And top of my list is will you address voter fraud and vote integrity and the believability of the vote? And I would say this to a Christian home or on the Santurce, not that they're jumping up and down asking for my opinion. I would say this, you guys have done some brilliant positioning and some great governance, truly, you have and I am eternally thankful for what you've done because you showed common sense and you respect freedom and you didn't give in to the technocrats who were trying to make well, I don't know that they were trying, but what they did made the covid appear four times worth in deaths than it was.


I'm thankful for that. Be the governors of vote integrity, even if you need to couch it. If you need to say, hey. This is so people can trust the vote. If you don't want to utter the phrase vote integrity, because, you know, the media's going to say, do you think the vote was stolen? You think it was stolen? Talk about let's have a trust campaign. There's ways to do this. Mary Jo.


Ingrains in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, had a similar thought, Mary Jo, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program has taught her and filling in. Hi, Mary Jo. You for taking my call, and I want to tell you that I really appreciate your thoughtful and thorough approach to your role as filling in for Rush. So thanks a lot for that. I'm calling because over the last couple of months, we've learned once again that many so-called conservative politicians are not what they said they were.


But we also need to recognize going forward that many, quote, conservative influencers. I'm talking about people like talk show hosts, television hosts, bloggers, even some so-called conservative news networks would not touch the issue of election integrity. And they actually were willing to deny that there was any fraud and they wanted to move on to other issues. And we need to call them out on that, because the fact is, yes, issues like China are really important.


But if we don't have election integrity, those issues are irrelevant. And so it's really important to say we've got to be careful who we're listening to on every level, not just our politicians, but influencers at every level. And they have to be willing to be bold and stand up and say, hey, there's an issue with voter integrity, election integrity, and we at least have to be willing to check it out. Absolutely, and look, it's not just checking it out.


It is recognizing the fact that there is evidence of vote fraud. There is and we have seen it. And you can continue to say it doesn't exist and it does. You can continue to exist. It's not there and it is. And even if they did not steal the election, they didn't succeed in that. They tried. I do not trust these results. And why do you think why do you think that they won't take this on? Why do you think, Mary Jo, that politicians, Republicans will not step up like Rand Paul has?


Rand Paul has been Ted Cruz is very, very tough on the impeachment thing on the UN. Peachment, Rand Paul is to Rand Paul is going to the 50 state legislators asking them to clean up their voting roles. He is impressed that there is evidence of this. He has not said he thinks the election is stolen, but he thinks there's evidence that is very, very disturbing. What is driving these Republicans away from even mentioning it? I don't know if it's the fact that they want to be accepted by their peers.


I don't know if that's it as far as these other influencers are concerned. I think they want to just move on and start talking about other issues. Again, I think they're they're very concerned about their peers and the media. They don't want people mocking them. They don't want people saying that they're involved in a conspiracy issue.


They don't want to be too connected with Trump supporters. They want to separate themselves. They want to seem more intellectual. And just above it all, and I think it's really wimpish behavior.


I think through this, they have led many people astray who really know in their heart that there are problems, that there was not voter, that there was not election integrity. And they're causing people to say, well, I guess it's really not an issue. I guess I just need to move on. And that's completely irresponsible. And I hope they just don't want to get messy. They really don't want to get messy.


I hope everybody just heard Mary Jo. You say why, Michele? Because every day on this program that EIB is built and Rush Limbaugh is built, there is the largest town hall meeting in history every single day. And Mary Jo, there are people in D.C. who would hear this and they wouldn't recognize themselves in it. And yet you just described what they're kames people are telling them. You literally just described what their communications strategists are telling them and what their political strategists are telling them.


You literally just did this. We can't go there because the media is going to corner you and say, do you think the election is stolen? We cannot appear to be on the side of a conspiracy theory. Look what they're doing to Donald Trump's approval ratings. Look what they're doing. They're making him an insurrectionist. You cannot be on the side of this. You need to appear above this. Mary Jo, have you ever worked in politics? I have not been involved in politics, I, I do make a lot of phone calls, in fact, that the Michigan politician you were playing earlier today, that nasty woman who told the people that they knew what to do about Trump.


Yeah, Trump followers. I called her office, which, of course, I couldn't get through. I called the head of, you know, the number one Republican in both the House and and the Senate in the state of Michigan. And I even called the state police in the state of Michigan.


You about? Yeah, about this year. Her name is. What is your name? We got I got it wrong. Cynthia Johnson. No, it's not Cynthia Johnson. It Cynthia Johnson. It's right here in the article. Cynthia Johnson, she was one who said to the soldiers, you know what to do, do it right. And she told the troopers to look out. Well, Mary Jo, I love what you said because it is the same thing that the people earning 200 grand a year to advise these people would say.


And I want DC to hear this.


Mary Jo from Grand Rapids doesn't work in politics, but she knows the game inside out is Todd Hermann in for Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network.


I'm so appreciative of every opportunity I have to fill in for Rush just from afar meant so much to me as a mentor, not just in radio, but in believing in yourself. And towards that point, I want to let people know that we've won some incredible victories that have gone overlooked. I'm not talking about Republicans, you know, growing to House seats. That's that's great. That's fine. But we're fighting to get election integrity. Understand this. We've not been deceived.


The Time magazine article I keep referencing, which is going to be at Rush Limbaugh Dotcom, they went to great lengths to deceive us. We were not deceived. You know, we still have this program and Rush and we still have our innate skepticism and and our our intelligence and our analysis, we've not been deceived. We knew what they were doing. And we've seen it. To not be deceived in a time of universal deceit is a huge victory, they tried to hide Hunter Biden story and they didn't.


We knew. We've known about Hunter Biden in China for years. So there are neighbors who have been deceived, but I will tell you this, that there is even, believe it or not, there's even good news on that front. In Seattle, there was a riot, 12th Seattle. So riot, it happened at a black man in the race matters in this case because they want to make it about race. Went to a car. This is on video.


And he shot the two black women. And one of these women, unfortunately, died. The other woman in the car was hit and is, thank the Lord, going to be OK, it appears. I mean, at least physically OK. He then went and turned his gun on police officers and this is on video and the police officers were forced to shoot him. The riots came because of this excuse why you shot a black man during Black History Month next door to the Black History Museum and the Jimi Hendrix statue.


Yeah, I guess the cops could have said, hey, wait, sir, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, just quit. You're near the Black History Museum. And this guy who apparently shot these two women on video would have said, oh, you know what? I didn't think about that. So they have these riots. Liberal and you can hear because they accuse the rioters of being the proud boys, which they're not, but they're getting fed up.


With the riots in their neighborhoods and they're screaming at these people, you're nothing better than a politician taking advantage of the death of a black man. Stop ruining our neighborhoods. If in the heart of Seattle, the heart of leftism, people living in downtown Seattle, which is 99 percent far left, can become sick.


Of this violence and bravely speak out against these people, even if they're trying, trying to convince themselves it's that the proud boys, when it's in tifo because we know who they are out there, we know these people. There's signs of hope they are inching towards a moment of awakening. The more we point out the deceptions and asked simple questions like, wait a minute. They're going to ban air travel. To Florida. And they're going to let illegal immigrants come in without a Kovik test.


Take simple things like this that cannot be explained in things with any methods other than political, where they're trying to pretend it's scientific, presented to your friends, and please do it this way. Far be it for me to be prescriptive and tell you how to communicate with friends. But I suggest this.


You know, I'm wondering. Why are they banning travel to Florida? Well, they're letting illegal immigrants in the country without a covid test.


Why would that be? Drop the hint. You know what people hate, they hate being lied to, and once your friends sniff that they've been lied to by the Mockingbird's and Joe Biden, the floodgates open.


I've seen it a billion times. And you get you get guys like you see him at at the Epic Times, Roger L. Simon, who helped start PJ Media. I remember talking to him about his wakening. It was the Iraq war, which what we're not going to confront terrorism are going to confront 9/11. We're not going to we're going to pretend that they're not trying to destroy Israel and destroy America. Right, and now he has had pretty much a following and I'm sure there's parts that he's not a doctrinaire conservative, I don't mean to speak for Roger, but remember that this was the floodgates for him and it's happened with a bunch of other people.


We have not been deceived. Therefore, we have the gift of being able to communicate with people and help them understand that they are being deceived. These are great victories. And please, please recognize in yourself the fortitude to not be fooled. Let's talk to Donna in Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma, Oklahoma. You're on the Rush Limbaugh program. Is Todd Hermann filling in? Hi. Hi, how are you doing? Great. But first, I want to get first to Russian Captain Emad.


I wanted to talk about the covid travel restrictions. I own a small travel agency that mainly this humanitarian missions that travel to all over the world, Central and South America. And and, you know, they're talking about these have a negative covid or, you know, whatever they're going to do with Florida, which is kind of absurd. I mean, they already made it to where covid to, you know, had to be obtained if you leave the country, you know, we leave the country not illegal to get into the country, but right now it is crushing.


I mean, the travel industry has been crushed. And they said that in the hospitality industry, just the restaurants that you hear about the you know, the airlines, the hotels, the tour operators, the taxi, the nuclear drivers, the Christmas, there's so little travel agents like us. Everybody has been crushed by this. The airlines can only be bailed out so much. And then they're talking about, you know, there's rumors I happen to have a negative attack to be able to fly anywhere in the.


But what is he going to do next? I mean, stand at the borders of every state so you can't drive across either. What we're what we're witnessing, you know, Donna, you described this so well and what we're witnessing is this we're witnessing a flexing of technocratic muscles. And let me explain this. These are people who are technical people in the sciences and in technology showing how they can control a society based upon a virus that is in fact, it is something that if you are above 65 and you've got some serious medical conditions, consult your physician.


My judgment, I'm not a doctor. There's things there's prophylactics you can take. Now, we know that hydroxy chloroquine is safe. I'm not prescribing medicine because I'm not a doctor. In my view. That's what I would take. And I know people who are taking it and have had no problems. But what we're witnessing is something that we would never do with pneumonia, viral pneumonia, never do with the flu, which in fact kill more people under the age of 65 than does the covert.


It is a nonmedical response. It is not scientific based out of scientific rigor. It is a flexing of the muscles. What is the goal? I don't know. I mean, the goal to me, it's to fear. It's to drive fear. It's to drive respect for authority or, you know, appeal to authority. Here's what I mean. When people are afraid, they want anybody to say, oh, remove the danger. Not us, we don't act that way, but many people do just remove the danger, just make me safe.


And for the life of me, I do not want to believe that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the Democrats want our country to be like China.


And. We're being told now. Yeah, you might need to have a transponder in your car to track you everywhere you go that's happening in Washington State, or you could go to a government building four times a year and let them take a picture of your odometer. Oh, and it's not just going to track your mileage. It's going to track where you're parked. If you're driving in the right lane, if you are speeding, maybe making an aggressive turn.


And, oh, by the way, how many people are in your car? Things like that might have facial recognition. I don't want to believe that the Democrats want this, and yet I'm looking at this and saying it seems that the Democrats want this and I know this. There are big corporate entities who have stopped being private companies because they've said, man, how can we get growth?


Oh, I got it. Partner with the party who will force Americans to use your products, even if you don't want them, even if they hate your company. The Democrats are advertising this business opportunity to these companies. And meeting with Silicon Valley, who wants to track us for money? It is a time to be stout and to remember we've not been deceived. Let's help our neighbors be similarly clear eyed. That is our responsibility in this time in which God has decided we will live.


His tournament in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network.


That's Todd Hermann filling in for America's anchorman, Rush Limbaugh. And if my voice is starting to break a little bit, this is we're going on our number. This will be our number six of radio today.


And it's an absolute blessing to do this. Let's talk to Bobby in Tyler, Texas, have always loved the name Tyler, Texas. And Bobby, you're on the Rush Limbaugh program. It's Todd Hermann filling in. Hi, Bobby. Hi, Tom.


First of all, I want to say that Rush is in my thoughts and prayers. Please let me know. Amen. I'd like to say a few things about Joe Biden's mosque plan. This goes against everything I've ever learned in nursing school. I'm a nurse. My husband's a physicist. I've spent the last 11 months researching this virus inside and out. The virus is real. The hysteria surrounding it is the problem. This virus has been hijacked. I think this is just my opinion that they want to keep us scared, isolated at home and under control.


I know people that are wearing a mask, a minimum of 12 hours a day. I know a young lady that's working at a store. She's amassed eight hours while working. She goes to college at night. Guess what? She's mastered one for another two to four hours. Mark my words, there's going to be some consequences from this continued forced Maheswaran. I respect others rights to wear a mask. I respect others rights to take a vaccine. I thought this was America where we had a choice.


I would ask that they respect my right to bring their my right to travel, I think.


Well, yeah, the end.


Exactly. And ah, you're not saying I mean you're not issuing the the mad idea that strapping cloth to your face into which you breathe, making a warm, moist, dark space on your face and the excellence with bacteria. You're not suggesting that inhaling bacteria all day long that is continuing to grow and gestate and then getting that into your lungs and sinus cavity, which is near your brain. You're not you're not suggesting that could have bad outcomes, are you?


Well, I'm saying these massive the majority of people are wearing don't do anything anyway. They're not wearing at least in ninety five. I mean, it's a false sense of security. If that makes you feel better, I guess that's great. But I some the science makes no sense. I mean, no, no. Because we know the vulnerable population could pretend like we don't is just insane.


There's a fashion there's a fascinating article that you might dig Bobby. It's about the Spanish flu. And what happened in the Spanish flu was people got bacterial pneumonia that turned out to kill a whole bunch of people, maybe as many as the Spanish flu. And we learned from that. And then there's this. This is just look, I have 26 peer reviewed studies on masks. I have the size memorized that the the virus molecule is one tenth of one micron.


The opening in an in 95 mass and 95 is three tenths of one micron. It's three times the size. Or was it three two percent the size of the one micron, one tenth of one micron. And then there's this Bobby. Have you seen this video of the guy who puts on the multiple layers of masks and he's standing in like like ten degree weather outside? Have you seen this video? I have seen that, yes, so let's describe this for people.


He exhales through multiple layers of masks, including in a 95 van with cloth put over it. And what do we see, Bonnie, coming out of his mouth? Yeah, it's spot on, we see Steve on, right? We see that those are those are frozen water particles. And then I would just point this up like Bonnie or you may have seen this when we had the forest fires out on the West Coast, the CDC put out an announcement and 95 masks will not block, will not smoke smoke.


But you can see exactly if people don't wake up, if we would all stand together and take one day, one day and say we've had enough, we're going to go where we want to go, we're going to put these lights down, we're going to breathe. We're going to live lives that would send a gigantic message that if we don't do it soon and we don't, it'll never happen.


I completely agree for this virus. I have never owned the mask. I will never on a mask. I've done too much study. I've read too many peer reviewed studies. I've looked at the logic and I've looked at the way they have treated these viruses since the Spanish flu, when they learned when facial coverings were such a big deal that you could be shot for leaving your house. The sheriff could shoot you for leaving your house under quarantine. Folks, try this, please.


If you're still convinced these masks work, I am begging you to do this. Put on what? Don't do it for a little while. It's fresh in your nose. Get a sinus spray so that your nose is good and fresh. Strap those WOAK masks to your mug and walk into the seafood section of a grocery store. If you can smell the fish, the virus can get in. It's just simple logic. That's a great call. Bobby, thanks for being a nurse and thanks.


You listen to Rush show.


We'll wrap this up when we come back on the EIB Network. Tadamon filling in for Rush Limbaugh.


My thanks to Tim EIB. That is Beau and Keith and Greg and Ali and Craig and Paul and Mike and Norm for getting someone. And that's making me feel awful. I thank you all for making it easy to do this and joyful to do this and fun to do this. And also. Well, I forgot, Susan. Yes. And thank you for you fellow listeners for putting up with me as a fill in for Rush. I know that you're praying for us and I'm paying praying for us that energy just flood into his body, that God just fill rush with energy in his recovery and his fight and oops, sorry, insurrectionist.


And I would just ask maybe that as well. That will remember, this is the biggest radio audience that's ever been created because of Rush's work. And so maybe we just expand that today, maybe we just expand it, because in this family and I've heard I've heard cancer survivors call Rush and share with him and I've heard him inspire others. I've seen it this man doing a radio show as he battles this. Maybe we just expand that prayer to just everybody in the EIB family.


In fact, beyond the Eastbay family, maybe just means of healing in energy and maybe God's will be that people overcome this this disease and that maybe there's this cure that comes and maybe just a huge focus prayer right from the biggest town hall meeting that happens on a daily basis because of this program. We haven't been deceived. We haven't given in we're not going to give in. I'm not going to be deceived. And I don't think you are either.


It's been a pleasure to fill in for Rush Limbaugh. Today's Todd Hermann with the EIB Network.