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The Buck Sexton podcast, Freedom is Our Fight. This year, you have a Democrat Party that increasingly just bears its authoritarian fangs without any sense whatsoever of fair play and good faith toward the other side because they haven't had it for years, because defeating Trump in their minds justified absolutely anything. The Buck Sexton podcast to get it for free daily on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you find your podcasts.


Hi, guys. Nancy Grace here. You know, it's so easy to think nothing bad will ever happen to me or my family, but that's not true.


It happens every day. Again, I'm Nancy Grace, host of Crime Stories with Nancy Grace. And I've dedicated every day of my life to stopping crime and helping crime victims. Please join us.


Take a listen to crime stories with Nancy Grace on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcasts.


Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbaugh Show podcast. Well, looky there, folks. CNN is reporting that the House of Representatives has formally introduced an article. Of impeachment against against President Trump, an article I would imply one don't know what it is. Haven't seen it. Just saw this right as the program commences. Anyway, folks, great to have you here. It always is. It's always great to be here with you. Telephone number if you want to be on the program today, 800 202 two eight eight two.


So the Democrats in the drive by media are now doing everything in their power to impeach President Trump with, what, nine days to go before he's out of there. And Plug's is in August, nine days. And all of this based on the allegation that he incited the attack on Congress with his speech at the Ellipse. New York Times even had a headline, Trump incites mob, but let me ask you people a question, all of you, including those of you in the drive by media who are suppressing the news.


Have you noticed how nobody in the media is playing Trump's speech? Nobody is replaying Trump's speech, illustrating how he incited this, quote unquote, attack on Congress. Why is this? I mean, you would think. That they would be wall to wall with this when you if they had audiotape, videotape, whenever they have Trump inciting the mob, like The New York Times headline said, there you have it on a repeating loop, right? You couldn't miss it.


Where is it? Where is Trump's speech, where's the highlight, where's the roll, where's there or is any where's the arrow? Where's the C roll? Where's the cinnamon roll? Where does any of it?


Answer, they're not playing it for you now. Why is that, ladies and jail? I can tell you I have here in my formerly nicotine stained fingers a really good story by Edward Ring at the website American Greatness. And the headline of this piece, Big Tax War on Free Speech. It's a very long piece. But it does give the hide the history of the timeline of how big tech turned into something, arguably for the good. For this country and our citizens into the can I say evil?


That it has become or will I be sent packing to a meat packing process and I guess I can say it for now. I have here Twitters explanation for why they canceled Trump. And it may as well be the same thing as the missing videotape of Trump supposedly inciting the mob speech at the Ellipse, if you read Twitter's explanation for why Trump's tweets were so dangerous, they had to close his account. Then, you know, I keep harping on the fact that I consider myself to have failed in a central mission to inform people about just what and who the left in this country is for 30 years.


And I really still mean it. I'm not beating myself up over it. It's done. I gave it my best shot. But man, oh, man, this is just another cherry on top of the ice cream cone here that illustrates how off the wall wacko these people are.


Twitters explanations for why Trump's tweets were so dangerous. May as well be. Trump's speech to the Ellipse, there's nothing in it that does what they claim Trump did here. Let me give you a couple of examples of Twitter, Twitter sites, these tweets of Trump. As reasons why they had to cancel. Here's their statement. After close review of recent tweets from the real Donald Trump account and the context around these tweets, specifically how they are being received and interpreted on and off Twitter, meaning how you dumbell idiots.


Are seeing and interpreting Trump's tweets, we at Twitter have permanently suspended the president's account due to the risk of further incitement of violence. So what does Twitter think that Trump tweeted? That constitutes. The risk of further incitement of violence. Now, because this is rarely done by any of the social media platforms. When they ban somebody, they never explain it, they just ban them. But in Trump's case. They've they felt it necessary to explain why they had to ban his account, because you might be inspired to blow things up, Twitter identified two tweets made by the president on January 8th.


That resulted in their decision to ban him, here's tweet number one. Are you ready? Are you listening? That they're not, quote, the 75 million great American patriots who voted for me America first and make America great again, we'll have a giant voice long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form. That tweet is considered by Twitter, by the American left, an incitement to violence. That tweet is one of two they cite as the reason given for canceling Trump's account.


The 75 million great American patriots who voted for me. Who voted for America first, who voted for Make America Great again, will have a giant voice. Oh, man, that's threatening I can I can see where I can see where that long haired, bearded Rastafarian guy, Jack might be a little bit upset by this one. Giant voice. That might make his nose ring come out all on its own. Long into the future, they will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form, Trump tweeted shortly after that.


To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the inauguration on January 20th. Those are the two tweets, that's the second tweet where he says he's not going to go to Plug's his inauguration. That constitutes an incitement to violence, that constitutes risky tweeting, that constitutes we can't allow this guy to continue on our platform. As Mr. Ring writes here in his piece on American greatness, reading these explanations for why these tweets are so dangerous.


That they closed Trump's account offers a fresh view into the leftist mind. I'm sorry, but it doesn't. This is my problem. There's nothing fresh. It's all been known. It's all out there for people to consume and absorb and learn from it.


We just didn't do it. He says this is a mentality where thoughts with which they disagree are not merely disagreeable, they are violent, in other words, disagreeing with Jack, disagreeing with any of these clowns or Google, disagreeing with any of the tech overlords, disagreeing with anybody on the left constitutes violence, constitutes a propensity to violence. So in their overview, key points they make about these two tweets include the following arguments, Trump. Is not attending the inauguration, they suggest, implies he believes the election result is illegitimate and that is dangerous and that that promotes violence and we can't have that.


Trump is disavowing his commitment to an orderly transition by saying he's not going to go, this is all Twitter interpreting what that tweet means. And that their their bottom line conclusion is it means that Trump is inciting violence. Trump, along with millions of voters, thousands of witnesses, has a right to believe the election result was illegitimate. And not attending the inauguration can be as much an indication he wants to preserve an orderly transition as it might indicate the opposite.


It could well be that Trump knows he'd be a distraction and doesn't want to be. It may well be that he does not want to be a distraction. I know you might think that's unusual. That Trump loves the light of attention, shining brightly upon his countenance, could well be that he wants no part of this. Anyway, it gets worse, Twitter goes on to claim. That by saying he won't attend the inauguration of Plug's that Trump is encouraging people to violently disrupt the the inauguration.


Now, this is just. Folks, they've got the power to enforce whatever they want and believe whatever they want to believe, this is sick. It is in defiance of all that makes common sense and logic. By saying he will not attend, Trump is encouraging people to violently, violently disrupt the inauguration. What? He's not done any such thing.


Twitter, they're not through, they then claim that Trump's use of the words American patriots is meant to support violence. That trumps saying his supporters have a giant voice and will not be disrespected is further indication that President Trump does not plan to facilitate an orderly transition. Do you believe this? Well, yeah, you do, because I'm telling you, I'm reading to you exactly what Twitter has explained. As to why they banned Trump's account. Finally, Twitter claims, quote, Plans for a future armed protest have already begun proliferating on and off Twitter.


They have. Wow. Somehow, according to Twitter, this is linked to Trump and his offending remarks, and Facebook comes along and releases a statement on January 7th explaining their deep platforming of the president. They go on to Instagram and all the other. So that that is. The sum of it, and in the midst of all this, you still, ladies and gentlemen, you still can't find any Barole, you can't find any direct role. You cannot find the drive by media replaying for you.


Elements of Trump's speech that incited the violence in the case you can't find it. Nobody is playing Trump speech. To illustrate how he incited the attack, they're just telling you that he did. In fact, if you look at the text of Trump's speech, there's only the one mention of people going to the Capitol building to protest, it came near the end. Trump said as part of his wrap up, I know that everybody here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.


And I see Twitter says patriotically is code word for violence.


Why do you think they think this? I'll tell you why, because they're a bunch of ignoramuses and they have a scant. Surface history of the American founding, and so to them, the Tea Party people were patriots. What they do when they threw tea in the harbor. Well, that's violence. Against to the precious British got you protest against government, it doesn't matter, all government is legit, communist government, socialist government. It's all a Twitter government, it's all legit.


You protesting against it and you're engaging in violence.


So they believe that the word patriot patriotic code word for violence, because that's what. The Tea Party gang back in the. Early days of this country or any others that were associated with the founding patriots equals violence. That's what they believe, that's what they were probably taught. And now that's what they facilitate being taught. I know that everybody here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.


Trump even said peacefully, somehow that's going to be interpreted as code. For violence. So now people are calling Trump a murderer, saying that he needs to be impeached and removed from the presidency so that he can never run for office again. All because of a speech in which. I incited nothing because they're not replaying it. So telling people to be peaceful is now a dog whistle. Let me ask this question, folks, the fair test, the fair test to determine if Trump incited violence.


What if a Democrat said what Trump said? Would that Democrat be blamed for what followed? No. Well, then how how can if a Democrat would not be accused of inciting violence using the same lingo that Trump used, then how can Trump be accused that, look, these are rhetorical questions? Well, I don't think I don't know the answer. I'm just illustrating something here. The Democrats have said and done far worse than what Trump said in this speech of his, they have planned and incited violence.


They've bailed out rioters. They oversaw and promoted violence all of last summer in their own states and cities. But Trump has to be painted as a clear and present danger. To get election fraud out of the news, that ought to be the number one story today, but it's nowhere near. Impeachment, that's a gift on a silver platter to the media, they get to run with impeachment to fill time. It's better than talking about what has outraged millions of Americans, and that is election fraud now they got the help of social media.


A false narrative that Trump is dangerous is promoting violence, they get the Muslim conservatives everywhere as a result. We'll be back after this.


Greetings. Great to have you here. Rush Limbaugh, the Excellence in Broadcasting Network and another excursion into broadcast excellence three hours straight ahead just for you. Another question, ladies and gentlemen. Is it fair to think that what is happening to conservatives on social media? I mean, we are being censored out of existence. We are being silenced out of existence. We are being pummeled, we are being threatened, we are being intimidated. Out of existence. So is it is it fair to think that what is happening to conservatives on social media is the same thing that happened to their votes?


I mean, if it can happen in one area, in one place, can it happen in others? You know, my old favorite philosopher, Blaise Pascal, it's much easier to believe that something that has been can be again than it is to believe it. Something's never been. Can be. Well, I'm telling you. We are being summarily suppressed. Eliminated, wiped out on social media. Isn't that. The same thing that happened to many of our votes.


Democrats make things they don't like disappear. If they do it once, they can do it again and again and again, and they are making us disappear, they're trying. What's happening on social media reinforces beliefs that Trump supporters were cheated, that votes mysteriously vanished into thin air. And we're not supposed to talk about this. Some people aren't. I'm just doing a little exercise here in philosophical logic. Because nobody needs to wonder about election integrity. Democrats don't want to talk about that, so there must not be a problem.


Anyway, my friends, that I have a bunch of other little observations like this as the program unfolds and explanations for things that have gone on previously to today, so sit tight. Great to have you here, as always. And we will continue right after this.


Rush Limbaugh, America's real anchorman, doctor of democracy, server of humanity, general all round, unthreatening. Good guy. And 802 eight two two eight eight two email address, Rushworth hiding at that U.S., do you remember, ladies and gentlemen? Sure you do. Every couple of months for the past five years. The titans of tech. The titans of tech. Like Rasputin, Jack. And all of these girlie boys that run these tech outfits would be called up to Congress.


Members of various House and Senate committees were going to get really tough on these dudes. Going to get real demanding, going to threaten them with Section 230 removal are going to threaten them with all kinds of horror if they don't get it right, if they don't stop messing around, if they don't stop snooping around in their stupid tweeting and they're infiltrating and all that, they were threatened left and right, the titans of tech every couple of months for five years.


And in the last year, they didn't even have to go because the covid. So he did it via Zoome or whatever other high tech was acceptable to the various tech entrepreneurs. Didn't even have to show up. But they hold them up there. Questioned them to death, trying to make it look like they were going to bring down the hammer on the titans of tech, and then what would happen, ladies and gentlemen?


Well, the titans of tech. Would smugly leave wherever they were, they would either leave the capital if it was in the four years previous to this past year, or they would they would they would leave their basement media room and go back to where they hang out. After having appeared remotely. Go back to the offices where anybody can wear what they want. Drink endless supplies of Red Bull, play on the company, provided video games, ping pong tables.


And face no recrimination whatsoever, Congress never did one thing to stop them.


All they huffed and puffed, they made it look like they were going to bring down the hammer on the titans of tech, didn't they? Every time there were hearings, it was made to look like these guys had better straighten up and straighten up faster than mighty United States Congress was going to finally be heard.


But it never was, never has been, do you know why Congress never did one thing to stop them, never did one thing to get in their way, ever? Not a single thing. Still have it. You know why? Scared to death. No, you know what those sessions really were. Those hearings. Were opportunities for our elected officials to relinquish their authority and power. Their authority and power to regulate. In exchange for something. You know what, it was so cheap, the titans of tech got off so easy.


All they had to do. Was make campaign donations and promised to never stop it. And even more importantly, all the titans of tech had to do was promise members of Congress great search results. You put the name Congressman X Murgatroyd so-and-so and the search results have come back, and this is a great congressman there's ever been. That congressman would gladly pay for that by not punishing the titans of tech. The titans of tech run the world, the titans of tech are running the United States, the titans of tech are running a United States government because the United States government's made up of people who would rather who would rather get good search results or get really fine campaign donations.


Titans of tech have to play along by making it look like they're nervous, making it look like they are worried about what the titans of government might do to them.


But they know there's nothing to fear. They know there's nothing to fret, they know there's nothing to worry about. Five years and nothing's happened to the titans of tech, except they've gotten wealthier and more powerful and more influential, as illustrated by the fact that they just cancel the president's Twitter account based on made up allegations that he's inciting violence. And what happens, the titans of Congress join the titans of tech in suggesting that Trump is the problem and he needs to be impeached.


They don't realize that they're going to be next at some point down the road unless they. Maintain their current. Trajectory of total support, phony opposition, phony threats. To the titans of tech. Amazing to see, and it's so obvious. So obvious. I was thinking about something else. You know, there's a. A truth out there. I don't think even though you probably think otherwise, I don't think that enough has been done to spread the news of Trump's achievements in his four years of presidency.


Look, violence of any kind is horrific, but I don't think he incited any of the Twitter evidence. Of Trump, inciting violence is no evidence at all, if that's the best they've got, that he used the word patriotic and that. Talked about how 75 million Americans believe in American greatness and an America first, that's violence, that's they don't have any evidence. Trump incited violence.


But I'm telling you, inciting violence is horrific, nobody needs to be doing that. It's never acceptable remotely or otherwise, but I don't think, folks, we simply can't overlook how much Trump went through, how much he endured for the people and our great country when he didn't have to. I keep making this point. Donald Trump, whatever you think of him today, whatever you think of his personality, whatever you think of his countenance. His morality, whatever, he didn't need any of this.


He did not have to do any of this. He had what anybody would consider to be a pretty great life before he decided to seek office. Pardon the sniffles again, they're permanent folks, sorry, but they are. He and his family were treated horribly. Every day for four years now, you can say, Rush, they did ask for it, they sought power, OK, I'll grant that any time in any country like ours where freedom is supposedly the name of the game, you seek power.


Yolŋu. Now you can look and examine you. I fully understand it. But they didn't have to put up with what they put up with, I mean, that was so far beyond the pale that. They were given a media anal exam, the likes of which has never been seen, including by Richard Nixon. And Renaldo's Magnis. And in all of this noise. I won't forget, nor should you, the people, the good that was done under the constant incoming fire and criticism he did put America first.


He put belief in people that our country is special and worth building up. First, and he didn't he didn't he didn't waste any time. On cutting down America or saying we need to be equalized with the rest of the world, he renewed people's belief. That they can better themselves. Simply because of where they live. He renewed people's belief. In the entrepreneurial spirit than anybody, this is the thing anybody in this country can overcome odds, anybody you don't have to be born elite in this country.


Now we're trending in that direction. But the past four years, you didn't have to be you can you can overcome anything, and this is what Trump demonstrated illustrated. It was one of the principal primary conservative tenets. And whether he knew he was doing it or not, I don't know. But he did it and he hung in with it. He governed by find a way to make it work. I never heard him make excuses. Well, I take that back, he did make excuses.


And that ending the capital that holds that was such a terrible ending because it overshadowed everything else.


And I've got a list of these achievements and I've got a list of some of the criticisms as well. So I've got that to do. We've got your phone calls to mix in to the bunch.


We got a lot to do. So we'll get to all of it again once we get back from this.


You know, I knew this was going to happen. I knew it. There are some people out there are tired of the issues. Usually the stick to the issues crowd gets mad at me if I stray from the issues. So I got an email. I can't believe that you're not talking about the Pittsburgh Steelers humiliating defeat last night for the Cleveland Browns. What do you mean you can't believe? You think that I would broom this other stuff to talk?


They lost four of our last five. It was the most predictable outcome I could have given you yesterday. I did I didn't predict the game, but I publicly. But I did privately.


There was no way the Steelers could. In fact, ever since hard knocks training camp at the Cleveland Browns, I've been fascinated with this Browns team. I kind of like them. I'm not disappointed they won at all. Coach, on the on the bench because of covid-19 all these players. But look, folks. It does demonstrate that there are people out there that want to do this stuff is getting too oppressive and it's too frightening. It's too scary.


Yeah, he was he was crying, yeah, he and Markese Pouncy were crying. The. That was a devastating. That was just that was that was humiliating, embarrassing, it was. It was. And the fact that it was. But what I have to tell you one thing that you did, you just this one departure from the issue is that we'll get back to it.


Yesterday afternoon, I watched the Bears and New Orleans Saints, I watched there were two feeds, there was the straight CBS feed, and then the NFL is trying to expand their reach to the younger age demographic. So they had Nickelodeon. Do did you watch did you see the Nickelodeon? It was the funniest thing in the world. I enjoyed the hell out of it. Every time there was a touchdown, the end zone got slimed with green slime. The player that scored got slimed with SpongeBob Type's type slime.


I mean, the graphics were were odd, weird colors. They had this young Shelden pop up explaining rules to young people know football. But I have to tell you something. I watched a guy, the guy doing play by play on the Nickelodeon feed was a guy named Noah EGL, and he's the son of I Am Eagle Eye. An Eagle has been doing play by play for CBS, NFL and other sports for years. And I didn't know he had a son, but this guy was so good.


Noah EGL, it was just so good doing play by play and everything else Nickelodeon was he ran a three person booth and then they had a couple of people down on the field that they had to get into the broadcast as well. It was the number one trending topic on Twitter yesterday afternoon, the Nickelodeon feed and broadcast of the Bears Saints game, which was the middle game, the four o'clock game. And I'm telling you this, this guy, you know, I'm a broadcasting person, Fox, and I notice these kind of things.


And I'm fascinated with generational change because you can't stop it. It's on the march. It happens. And I'm just I'm so glad that that CBS decided to do this and that the NFL permitted it because there was such a start over on CBS. Here you have Jim Nance and Tony Romo there buttoned up in their suits and ties.


And it's the epitome. It's the epitome of corporate professionalism. Over here on Nickelodeon, the Nickelodeon feed, you can't find a tie. You can't find a sport coat. You can't find a standard color. You find a mate. When they kick a field goal, they put SpongeBob square pants face between the uprights of the goalpost and they have the kicker trying to put it in the guy's mouth. Ah, you would never see CBS doing something like this, but they allowed it to happen on Nickelodeon to try to bring the game to younger demographic.


I'm telling you this this young I don't know how old he is, but the son of Iron Eagle, Noah, was so good at play by play and it was the first time I'd ever heard him. He's the radio voice I just found out of the Los Angeles Clippers, the NBA. Anyway, let me get started on the phones here. Is he in Raleigh, North Carolina, was at the speech that Trump gave in the Capitol. Welcome.


Great to have you. Is he high negativeness eruption?


A pleasure to speak with you after 30 years of listening to you finally get to talk to you. Thank you, sir.


As a fellow believer, I'm praying for you. Look, I just wanted to. Yes, you're right. My wife and I were there for the day's events. And I just want to suggest to you one reason perhaps why they're shying away from playing the audio of his speech. And it was because, in my opinion, my wife and many of those around us, it was flat. It was it was sort of dull. We were expecting a lot.


I've been to a lot of trouble. It was flat.


You mean uninspiring? It was it was uninspiring, in fact, to the point where we and several others actually don't throw stones at us. We actually left a little early.


OK, well, what we want to know. Hang on. Is he because I got limited time here, so I want to focus you. What were you expecting?


We were expecting, first of all, new information which none was given. And secondly, and you know what? We've been to other Trump rallies. We're expecting him to be more energetic. Him, you know, his his tone was almost concessionary in a sense in the crowd wasn't buying at all. There was no we love you in the four more years stuff.


Well, you know, and it did look weird. I saw a little of it. Trump looked like he was behind a bunch of security glass. And I couldn't figure I think I know he was on the mall somewhere, but I didn't I never saw a picture. Trump with the audience. Now, maybe there was one. I didn't watch it long enough to see, but it looked like there didn't there wasn't an opportunity for there to be you.


Correct me if I'm wrong here. That didn't look like there was an opportunity for a physical connection with Trump and whatever audience there was there. Is that right or not?


You're you're spot on with that. There was a small group of people close, but then there was a great divide where the rest of us were able to be with Meghan, you know, Megatron or the you know, the Jumbotron. Yeah. So that also added to the sort of dullness, an inspiration, if anyone is inspired by that, to do anything. I wonder. And, you know, let me just make this last point. We left early, so we were some of the first people to arrive at the Capitol from the Ellipse speech and all of the players who were involved in the pushing into the Capitol.


They walk all over me.


They're sorry, but I have to stop you because I'm way over time now. But we got the point. Thank you much. We'll be right. Yeah.


Mr Snootily reminds me that there was a media meltdown when when I canceled the Twitter account, it was first reported that Twitter suspended me and all kinds of me sending me emails to Twitter and I didn't answer any of these things. I said, why not just let let it sort itself out, which it eventually did anyway.


Just you sit tight, folks.


We're coming right back and continuing the Buck Sexton podcast, Freedom is our fight.


This year. You have a Democrat Party that increasingly just bears its authoritarian thangs without any sense whatsoever of fair play and good faith toward the other side because they haven't had it for years, because defeating Trump in their minds justified absolutely anything.


The Buck Sexton podcast to get it for free daily on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you find your podcasts ever pull up to a red light, just look around at that man or woman sitting beside you.


Who is that person? There's about five million people out of pardon and parole right now. And what about the others who've never been caught? The BTK killer, Dennis Rader, was a dog catcher, married with three children. Wayne Gacy, serial killer, doubled as a clown at children's birthday parties. Ted Bundy serial killer was a law student that blended in perfectly. I'm Nancy Grace. Please join us for our all new concept killers amongst us, releasing weekly as part of our crime stories with Nancy Grace podcast, Killers amongst US breaks down the most evil, the most notorious crimes.


And we deconstruct unsolved homicides and more. Join the investigation. Listen to crime stories with Nancy Grace on the radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcasts.


Greetings, my friends. Welcome. Great to have you here. It's Rush Limbaugh and the Excellence in Broadcasting Network. Remember, I am America's real anchorman. I am America's truth detector and the doctor of Dimmock. See where we meet and surpass all audience expectations every day, telephone number, if you want to be on the show, 800 two eight two two eight eight two, the email address will rush both at the EIB net, not us. So there's a great piece at the Canada Free Press by a woman named Joan Swersky.


I'm not familiar with Joan Swersky. Hang on here. Just a second, folks.


In the never ending and it's going to be a couple of seconds here.


Hang on just a second. He had to blow my nose again, sorry, permanent feature now. Now what it is, is an excellent recap of the the. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know they passed an article of impeachment and they don't have time for a vote. This is all posturing. They're trying to force Pence into invoking the 25th Amendment. The 25th Amendment is not to be used for this purpose. I don't know what Pence is going to do, but I would be stunned if he fell for this.


The 25th Amendment has to do with the inability of the president to go forward because of mental or physical incapacity. If it's nothing to do with punishing somebody, it's not what the 25th Amendment is. And this is all just just posturing. They're trying to look at folks. They remain scared to death of the guy. They're trying to do anything they can. Two, excuse me, get Trump to agree that he will never run again. That's what this is all going to be aimed at.


If they could if they could negotiate Trump resigning, they would do it, and that's what this article of impeachment probably is. It's probably a gauntlet been thrown down and now somebody is going to go tell Trump, look, you've lost support up here among Republicans. If he has, I don't know. But they're going to go up there. It's going to be it's going to be a replay of how they got rid of Nixon. And they're going to go up there and they're going to say that, look, Mr.


President, I don't think that you've got enough support on the Republican side.


If they follow through with this, the article of impeachment, the article of impeachment is probably a gauntlet thrown down, first step in a negotiation, potential negotiation to get Trump to quit.


And then once that starts, if it does, well, then here come the negotiations and the Democrats are going to demand that Trump for a pardon, for a full exoneration, for no pursuit by any other law enforcement, will never seek office again. And if he would agree to that, I'm just guessing that this what this is about. But if he would agree to that, then they would sign off on it and they would keep that article of impeachment as a, you know, a little anvil hanging over his head.


If you're Trump, what would you do? If that's what this is, if this is the first step in a negotiation to get him to resign before January 20th. With the objective being that he agrees to something in the negotiation where he will never, ever seek office again in exchange for a pardon for him and his family, for example, or exoneration from further prosecution.


If you're Trump, would you do it? I'm wild guessing here. I have no idea if that's what this is about, one article. You know, the Senate can't come back in time to even vote on this. And if the Senate does come back, well, they can. But if they come back before January 20th, Cocain, Mitch still runs it. The Democrats do not run it until after Plug's is inaugurated. And so the question becomes relevant then.


Are there enough Republicans who would vote to convict in cocaine? Mitch is Senate. Or the turtles, depending on how you prefer to see cocaine, Mitch? I don't know why the bloggers call him cocaine, Mitch. I don't know why. I know it's not. No, it can't be. It's got to be some other reason. But that's what I think this is about, because they're scared to death of him, folks.


They know he's got 75 to 80 million people that voted for him who will vote for him again.


They know that as much as they want to try to ignore it, as much as they want to try to pretend otherwise, as much as they want to believe that they have finally shamed you, Trump supporters, into abandoning him, they know that hasn't happened. They're going to the Democrats would be scared of anybody who gets 75 million votes. So we shall see. One other thing about our last caller that we had in the previous hour, he said that the speech was kind of dull, Trump's speech was kind of flat, and it didn't inspire anybody.


There are a lot of other people who have attended and they've pointed out that the timeline doesn't work for Trump to have inspired the attack on the capital because his speech went really long and the protesters were attacking the Capitol building before Trump even finished. And it's a long walk from the Ellipse area where Trump was and where the people were to Capitol Hill. Trump's so called inciting. His only mention of going to the Capitol came at the end of his speech, the saying the timeline doesn't work and I've seen that a bunch of places.


So anyway, that's that's that's my thought on this article of impeachment, and you can. Comment on it if you wish, but I have here this piece by by John Swersky, SWERSKY, Canada Free Press. It's a really great recap of the last couple of months, the few months that we've had here.


And I've done it all. But you know, folks, as conservative news is increasingly suppressed and eliminated. Tell me, are you having trouble finding news today? I know you are there isn't any news anymore, there is the Democrat Party's agenda, and that's it. There isn't any news and even that is not well that they do try to present its news to try to fool you into thinking it is the news of the day, but. So I don't think.


That the history of the recent past can be said enough, because I don't think that it's reached enough ears and I gets reach enough eyeballs. I have here she's got a great list of Trump's achievements. And it's maybe only 25 percent of them, but it's really a good list. Here's some pull quotes.


In all of those eight months, 220 days, 5000 hours, what was the reaction of Democrats both elected and civilian, a thunderous silence, not a word of opprobrium or disapproval or condemnation of the Democrat riots in Democrat blue states and cities?


Not one word. Of disapproval or condemnation. A thunderous silence. Because Democrats approve of violent acting out riots as long as they support Democrat ideology, in twenty eighteen, there were glowing stories about the hundreds of women's march members engaging in direct action to disrupt the Senate's cavanough hearings. How about shortly after the election in 2016? How about all of those vagina wearing women? All over the streets of this country protesting it, and the Democrats were ecstatic and they were promoting it all.


The women's march members engaging in this disruption of the Senate's Capitol hearings, they blocked hallways, they shouted down Senate members, they draped protest banners from balconies. Democrats cheered them on.


As I was reading that paragraph, I reminded myself of the image of then Senator Jeff Flake and his petrified face as he was surrounded in a Capitol elevator by screaming, hysterical Banshee women. No one in Congress even glanced over that attack, but you'll remember that Jeff Flake was assaulted by a bunch of Amazonian women. He was scared to death and he sought out Chris Coons of Delaware and they got together. And Jeff Flake abandoned cabin off for another FBI investigation.


Black Lives Matter rioters vandalized the Lincoln Memorial, the World War two memorial, they vandalized statues of Gandhi. Andrew Jackson. Democrat House members proposed legislation to protect these mobs. From law enforcement, meanwhile. The Black Lives Matter mob besiege the White House battled Secret Service personnel. They allegedly forced the evacuation of President Trump and his family to a bunker. And a bail fund backed by Senator Connie Harris and the Biden campaign staffers focused on helping the rioters and looters get out of prison.


And now, as the Democrats expect to take power, they suddenly decide that rioting is bad when they've done nothing but support it.


This entire past year. The title of Mussorgsky's piece is Pearl Clutches on Parade. And let's just recount some of the last eight months. Of rampaging criminality and violence. In many Democrat controlled cities in our country, all conducted by thugs belonging to groups like Black Lives Matter and A., here's a short list of what they've done. They committed widespread arson, including burning down hundreds of minority owned businesses in the Latino, Asian and black communities. They incinerated cars and burned down buildings, courthouses, police stations, they shot laser beams in the eyes of policemen.


They assaulted civilians, resulting in 30 deaths and thousands of hospitalizations. This is all things the Democrat Party supported. All of last year, they encouraged they applauded these actions by Antifa and Vilem. These rioters smashed plate glass windows of numerous businesses, large and small, and then after doing that, they looted, they stole and engaged in grand theft. They terrorized and then dragged people out of restaurants.


They tore down historic statues, including those of black icons. They defaced streets and avenues with black lives, matters block, long black letter, yellow painted name.


They terrorize the citizenry of entire neighborhoods and towns for months. They attacked people in locked cars in all of those eight months, 220 days, 5000 hours, what was the reaction of Democrats? A thunderous silence. The Democrats didn't oppose any of this. They weren't worried about any of this. They weren't sounding any warning bells about the dangers of violence over any of this.


They applauded this all of last summer. Because it was in their honor, all of this violence, all of these riots, all this acting out was to promote the Democratic agenda. So, of course, they were going to stand by. And support it. Meanwhile. Let's look at some of the president's activities at the same time as all of this violence sponsored by and applauded by Democrats was taking place. The president lowered taxes. Democrats hate that they've never voted for it.


The president's policies boosted the economy to all time highs. President's policies elevated black employment to an all time high, which the Democrats really hate. The last thing you're supposed to do is actually make people's lives better. The Democrats claim only they can do it, but they never do. Trump did it for not just African-Americans, but Latinos and women. The president strengthened the military, he signed the first law ever to make cruelty to animals a federal felony that's right up to left wing buttonhook they signed right to try.


The president signed right to try legislation allowing terminally ill patients to try experimental treatment that wasn't allowed before. President signed the first step act prison reform bill that frees mostly black prisoners from unfair sentences.


Supported and strengthened Israel by moving her capital, Jerusalem, giving Israel control over the Golan Heights. Supported the pro-life movement, which Democrats hate more than anything. And that's just a smattering of some of the president's achievements for the American people. While all of these other people engaging in violence and arson and destruction. To not one word of criticism by the Democrats, it's a rush bow your guiding light through times of trouble, confusion, murkiness, tumult and chaos and dancing even through the good times.


We go back to the phones now. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Lacey, we continue with you. Hello.


Hi, Rush. Hey. I just want to say to Republicans, this is a message to any Republican congressman or senator. The Democrats only care about power. The mainstream media only cares about power. And they're in with the Democrats. They do not want to work with. They will never break bread with you for unity of this country. They want power. And now they have it because all of those Republican senators, except for Senator Holly and Senator Ted Cruz, decided not to push back on corruption and fraud that affected this election.


And now they're in shock that they're being silenced. Well, they just handed over power to the same people that want to silence them. And it's going to be an uphill battle for the next two years to try to get any of that back, because the Democrats don't care about you Republicans. They don't care about the American people. They only care about themselves and power. And I want to say, I would agree with you. President Trump's speech was not reckless but did not incite violence.


I watched it live. There was a lot of people who were very peaceful. I don't know who those other people were that broke into the capital. But they don't represent Trump. They don't represent his supporters.


But Lacy. Lacy, thanks much. I appreciate the call. I she she's right about something here. Have you heard that Vice President Biden, the president elect. Called Josh Holly and Ted Cruz Nazis'. Who are part of the big lie? Now, this story is from January eight. Now my question is what happened to unity? Plug's is out there even before the election, he was saying he was going to be president of every American, even the people that didn't support him, even the people who didn't vote for him, plug's promised to be president of everybody.


And then he started talking unity and he started using the word that we need to put this country back together. And then back on January 8th, Biden says that Cruise and Josh Hawley are not Nazis. He said this in remarks on the Capitol complex riots two weeks before the unity president takes office, he said, I think. They should just be flat beaten the next time they run their part of the big lie, the big lie. That's Joseph Goebbels.


What happened to unity? You know, I just these people are. Exactly what Lacy said, and I want to share with you something that Kristi Noem, Kristi Noem had a piece I think in American greatness, I'm not certain where it ran. But she just launched into the Republicans, look, folks, there is there's a reason why all this is happening. There is a singular reason why all of this, why the Republicans are caving. And you know where you can be found, I want to I want to share with you let's get this story here.


I want to share with you a tweet. Does the name John Brennan ring a bell? It should. John Brennan was Obama's CIA director. John Brennan is the leading.


Oh, out of time. How about that?


Hey, folks, you know, you can spend all kinds of time deliberating what kind of cell phone you want to own, what kind of cell phone you want to use. But you might spend 10 percent of that time deciding on your cell phone carrier, if that much. Now, maybe you spend more than 10 percent. But really, there are options out there you may not know about. Cell phone service has become expensive. You know, I remember back in the days of flip phones.


This is before 2007, before the iPhone was invented, the theory was that. Your service was going to be given to you, and as long as you paid for the phone, that's the way the experts thought the trend line was, that the service is going to be pretty much free, but you got to pay for the phone.


Now, that's turned upside down. Now the phone costs a pretty penny, as does service. Cell phone service has become expensive. The big brand name carriers charge a lot because. Well, they can, but they also they have retail stores to pay for, they have stadiums to sponsor because AT&T Stadium, Jerry Jones Stadium in Dallas, AT&T, they spend 20 million a year sponsored. Got to pay for it somehow. So there's another company out there that we want to suggest you look into call pure talk because their focus is on providing you the best cell phone coverage and service for about half the price of the big brand names in cellular service.


Pure talk gives you excellent coverage. It uses the same cell towers as one of the biggest brands.


You get unlimited talk, unlimited text, six gigs of data for about thirty dollars a month.


It's on the same tower that you're probably using now, same towers. And if you go over on your data usage, pure talk is not going to charge you for it. Switch to pure talk, keep your phone number just as it is, pure talk will help you make that an easy switch. From your cell phone, just dial down to 50 and then say pure torque lb 250 and say pure torque and you'll say 50 percent off your first month, that is pound 250 and say pure torque.


You'll have the option to receive a one time auto dialed text message from pure torque, something to look into. All right. Now, the the our last caller, Lacy, and the warning about Republicans and how they don't get it and so forth.


Folks, look. The big problem is that there isn't an opposition party in Washington, D.C., we are made to think there is. The illusion is created that there is and we've got five or ten people that actually do stand in opposition to the left, but the party itself is not.


Let me tell you how this works and here's the quote, it's a tweet from John Brennan, who's the former CIA director for Obama. He is a member of the Communist Party. In case you have forgotten, John Brennan voted. For Communists in the early days of his career, so this tweet is in his native tongue, so to speak. And this is very clear, he tweeted this on January 9th.


Anybody now seeking national redemption by claiming to no longer support Trump must acknowledge how wrong it was to ignore and enabled Trump's corrupt, dishonest and divisive agenda.


Total denunciation of a despot's legacy is necessary to eradicate any remaining malignancy. So if you're a Republican. And you want to redeem yourself if you want to say, oh, my God, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to vote for Trump. Oh, my God, I'm sorry. I didn't support Trump. I didn't mean my God, I'm sorry. Can you forgive if you want to do that? You have to acknowledge how wrong you were from the get go, you have to beg forgiveness.


You have to go to John Brennan, you have to go to the media. You have to go to the people of America. You have to get down on your knees and you have to acknowledge how wrong you were.


To enable Trump, you've got to admit that was the biggest political mistake in judgment in your life to support Trump, you have to say that he was dishonest. You have to acknowledge his corruption and you have to acknowledge the divisive agenda. You must totally denunciation Trump. You must totally bounce him. Or you will not be forgiven. That's Obama's CIA director. That is mainstream Democrat political thinking, that is what happens in communist countries. That is, have you noticed, ladies and gentlemen, that a bunch of corporate people, CEOs, vice CEOs, CFOs, ICBM's, ICBM's, any number of corporate people are now expressing regret for having voted for Trump?


I know of one personally saw it happen. This is exactly what happens in communist countries. Everybody that did business with the disgraced individual in this case, Trump, anybody who voted for him or anybody who supported him, anybody who helped him, anybody who promoted him, anybody who did anything positive, must denounce them, must do it publicly, must apologize. Publicly apologize for ever having voted for the guy, for having been fooled. If you don't.


You could be ruined. And so these people. In corporate America, who did support Trump, and there are a lot of them. They need the Democrats to leave them alone. And the only chance they have is by begging forgiveness. Here's another headline, Mariotte, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Commerzbank suspend donations to lawmakers who objected to certifying the Electoral College vote. So Marriott Hotels, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Commerce Bank. Have been told. That if they want to remain most favored nation status among the Democrat Party, they are going to suspend donations to any Republicans who objected to certifying the Electoral College vote back on January 6th.


This is how it works. This is totalitarian one party rule. This is how it works in communist China, it's how it worked in the old Soviet Union. And this is what the Democrat Party is becoming or has become for a long time in our country to the phones. Paul in Portland, Maine, Glad you waited, sir. You're next on our program. Hello.


Well, Rush, thank you for your service. Service and prayers are with you and your family. I think the worst thing that could happen to Trump right now is if he takes office and Biden pardons him for anything he did or may.


Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You didn't you didn't mean to say if Trump takes office. I mean, when when Biden takes office. Oh, when Biden takes office, it's the first thing Biden does is to act like Gerald Ford and pardon Trump. It will make Trump irrelevant, any explanation that Trump has becomes. Pointless, and Biden begins to look totally magnanimous in the whole situation. Whereas when you know, well, where is this coming from, what indication you have a Biden is going to pardon Trump?


I think the way that they are setting him up right now. Feels very similar to Richard Nixon, like they're trying to reenact the Richard Nixon thing. And if they if they don't pardon Trump, the alternative is they create a martyr out of Trump if they continue to prosecute him and so forth, Trump lives rent free in their minds for the next four years or infinity. All right, OK, so you're bouncing off one of the theories, but let me that I that I mentioned.


But let's let's keep me in context here. My theory was based on this singular article of impeachment that the House has passed to the Insurrection Act. And I theorized and I don't know because I haven't I haven't. I'm just guessing here, but I'm theorizing at the purpose of this is the beginning of a negotiation. With Trump and I, folks, I don't know what I'm talking about, I'm just speculating because the there is no way this article of impeachment can be voted on in terms of conviction in the Senate in time for it to matter.


The Senate, even on January 20th, when Joe Biden's inaugurated, is going to be run by the Republicans and then you still have the challenge of coming up with enough votes to convict in the Senate, now, all 48 Democrats would vote to convict. So you need to get 60, 70. You need 19 Republicans, I think, if quick math is right. To join the 48 Democrats, I don't know that there would be 19 Republicans to vote to convict on this single thing.


So I don't think that's what this is. I think that it is a an attempt to begin a negotiation to get Trump to resign. What these people on the Democrat side do not want. Is Trump running again. They're scared to death of folks. He's got 75 million people who voted for him. That scares the devil out of these people. Maybe 80 million. They don't think those people are going to go anywhere they need Trump. And it's a long shot, they need Trump.


To promise he won't seek office again. How can they do it? By pardoning him and his family and by exonerating him against all future charges. And they're thinking maybe that would have enough value that Trump would see to it, he's 74, 73, maybe he's looking at it, maybe maybe we can get him to agree not to ever run or anybody in his family.


Nobody's family can run in exchange for all this. And I use this singular article of impeachment as the as the. Opening gambit. I'm wild guessing, but I think there is a certain possibility here.


I don't know if it would ever happen to know what Trump would do. I'm just suggesting what the Democrats want.


They may be thinking, I'm going to take a quick time out as we roll on right after this. Don't go away, folks.


Now, I mentioned Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota. She had a piece of American greatness. I want to read to you an excerpt. Republicans got our butts kicked in Georgia on Tuesday, a 33 year old with no accomplishments and a smooth talking communist preacher wipe the floor with us. The idea that Georgia, of all places, could elect two communists to the United States Senate is ridiculous.


Our country's changed. We have failed to educate generations of our children about what makes America unique.


A man. Few, if any, of them have been taught the history of our decades long fight to defeat communism. Amen to that. We've not taught younger generations the truth about communism for 50 years. Well, 25 years minimum.


Meanwhile, the left's indoctrination takes place every day with kids all across America. From the time they walk into a school at age five to the time they graduate college at age 22. Republicans have not been disciplined enough to do the hard work. The American people need us to fight for them on a daily basis, not just 30 to 60 days before the election or an election.


She's right, but I think it goes way beyond that. I don't, I think. Like we've been discussing, the Republicans have been told what their place is. And it's a place where they have security and safety and limited opportunities for their kids, but better than they would have otherwise. They've accepted the deal. Here's here's Robert in Philadelphia, Robert, glad you called. And great to have you with us on the program. Hello. Oh, wait, Robert, before I got look, I got a sound bite that I want you to hear.


This is just hang on, Robert. This is the the mayor of Washington, D.C., Muriel Muriel Bowser. She had a press conference this afternoon and this was the upshot of it.


Our goals right now are to encourage Americans to participate virtually and to protect the District of Columbia from a repeat of the violent insurrection experienced at the Capitol and its grounds on January the 6th.


She's talking about plug's his inauguration. She don't want anybody showing up, folks. Because they might go to the Capitol, they're going to be there anyway, they might rip it apart. So now anybody doing that, she wants a virtual. Inauguration. They're going to make his presidency as virtual as the campaign was, you know, that's what they're going to do, plugs his presidency is going to be virtual. We're never going to see the guy out.


He'd been hidden for years, they're going to keep him hidden, they're going to keep him hidden until it's time for him to go in. After they've kept him hidden for a while and it's time for him to go then, but but up till then, it's going to be a virtual presidency, this signal. OK, Robert, Philadelphia, glad you waited. I appreciate the your patience. Hello, sir.


Well, I sure wish they did a virtual riding here in Philadelphia because I watched that stuff go down and it's really sad, including flipping the cars upside down. Chanay, I agree with you. Joe Biden's Joe Biden's campaign headquarters. And he never said anything about it. But that's not why I called the the this is nothing but a cyber coup. Cyber Fabrica cyber coup, the. Yes. Wait, wait, wait. Who's who.


Who is the victim? I will trump America, really. America is the victim of the cyber coup. OK, well, look what Trump did, just like you said, you went down that list. You went down a list of all these terrific things he did. And now, now, now where are we going to do I mean, is it big tech was blamed by the Democrats for allowing him or giving him a platform to, you know, become popular and they pulled out.


And then between that and the voting machines being connected to the Internet, which is like crazy. And it was just nothing but a cyber coup. And by the way, to answer your question. Yeah, this question, how come when Madonna says she's going to blow up the White House, she she doesn't get her Twitter account or look out? Yeah, I'm pretty sure the big guys outside my door in five minutes if I said that on the radio.


Absolutely. But, look, it's not complicated. I hate look, it matters. The jersey you're wearing, it matters what color jersey you're wearing. It matters what team you're on. For crying out loud, how can you ask me that we've just had eight months of the Democrats burning down their own cities. To the applause of Democrat leaders, no condemnation, oh, oh, here comes Madonna threatening to blow up the White House. That's chump change.


OK, I'll do it. We got a media montage here of what happened when they discovered that I abandoned Twitter and they weren't happy about it. I tried to program not about me, but I'll play that montage when we get back.


So sit tight. Much more straight ahead.


Well, of course, that's what Pelosi wants. Of course, Pelosi. She's got this pipe dream. She wants to be able to forever claim. That Trump left the White House one step from being removed by impeachment. That's why they passed an article of impeachment and I still say it may be a negotiation first drop. Time will tell. Greetings. Great to have you here, folks. Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network, as we dance through a bunch of murk and tumult and chaos to try to find even the good times that await us.


And we will telephone number 800 202 two eight eight two. OK, so it was last Saturday and last Sunday and even into this morning. I saw that Twitter. Band Trump, they suspended his account, they canceled him, they wiped him out, they arrest him, they said he sayonara. So I called Catherine. I said, we got to get out of Twitter. This is unacceptable. We need to we need to cancel the account. We need to do whatever we have to do to get out of it.


It's just just go in there and shut it down. It's a great idea. So we did. And then the next thing I know. It's being reported on Twitter canceled me. I said, well, this is fabulous. So then here came the e-mails from people I haven't heard from in the drive by media who have my address and some others, did you did Twitter cancel you or did you cancel them?


What's the truth? I didn't reply to any of it. Like, I don't reply to any inquiries. There was nothing new about that. I don't reply to any drive by media inquiries of me, so I just let it go.


And then eventually one of these bright eyed, bushy tailed media people got the wise idea to call Twitter and ask them. And a Twitter spokesman said another user cancel the account, we didn't cancel. So then there was great relief. There was great relief among the drive by media.


Twitter did not cancel me.


I suspended my own account that then created a joyous media reaction.


And we have a montage to illustrate how I you know, increasingly, folks, I don't like taking up broadcast time with media comments about me because they happen every day.


And it's, you know, when the program was new and the media was talking about it, that was a big deal that helped promote the program.


This program can't get much bigger than it is.


And so we don't need to do this to promote the program, it's got to have some kind of news value or otherwise entertainment value, we don't just do it for this, for the heck of it.


That's why I saved it here till the last hour. But this is the montage from Saturday, Sunday and even this more conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh deactivates his Twitter account.


Limbaugh had nearly 89 million followers.


The Twitter account of conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh has been deactivated.


Take a look at Rush Limbaugh's Twitter page. It has been deactivated, but not by Twitter, but by Limbaugh himself.


Conservatives are deactivating their accounts in solidarity, including Rush Limbaugh, who had millions of followers of his own. Rush Limbaugh's account is no longer available. The influential talk show host deactivated that account himself.


Rush Limbaugh has deactivated his Twitter account.


Rush Limbaugh has deactivated his own Twitter account after the social media giant permanently suspended President Trump's Twitter is now lost.


Rush Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh. Has Donald deactivated it?


Yeah, we were up for about three months there on Twitter. See, October, November two. Yeah, three and a half months. And I know a lot of you were very, very upset with me when we went on Twitter. Officially, we had a couple of Twitter accounts out there. We didn't you know, we didn't use them much, but we it was all part of Revan up and gearing up for a big push. Fox I gave this last year.


Everything I've got, I don't I don't want to get too much more, but I believe me, I gave this last year everything I had. I didn't take one minute of personal time away from this program when I was gone. It was medical and that's, you know, doing the Twitter thing was was.


Partly all out effort to give everything that I we had. To the election effort. Last year, 2000 20. And so the, you know, three months, three and a half months of being on Twitter, we gave it a shot, we gave it a shot, we did what we could, as did a whole lot of other people. Now, I want to go on to the next bite. This is from Sunday, yesterday, CNN's Reliable Sources, our old buddy, little Brian Stelter, and is his guest, CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darsey and.


The question was, what was the media story of the weekend? I want you to remember CNN for whatever else they are.


They are a media outlet now. They're obviously they're Democrat hacks. They are part of the Democrat Party. You know, the Democrat Party has people at play roles. They got people that pretend to be journalists, that people pretend to pretend to be people that are elected officials.


They have people at work, think tanks. But everybody that is active on the Democrat side is.


Tasked with one thing, and that's advancing the Democrat Party agenda, including the people who are disguised in camouflage, the journalists at CNN is a media company and they are attempting to persuade people that watch them that they are the media, that they do the news, that they report the news. They don't there isn't any news. There is simply destroy Trump and advance the Democrat agenda. That's the extent of CNN's programming. And I you know, my dad when I was growing up.


And he was warning me about communism. My brother and this is what's missing, by the way, in America today, I'm I'm. I'm going to be 70 tomorrow. And so that's roughly, you know, two generations, almost three. I remember I'm eight years old, I'm nine, 10 years old, and my father is teaching me about capitalist communism, is warning me about it, and the reason is that it was a formative thing in their lives.


In my parents and grandparents lives, communism was deathly. It was they were scared to death of it. They had lived through my parents and grandparents and lived through the Great Depression, very formative thing in their lives, they were broke, they were poor. You had to go to college to have a chance. They believed then. You know, prior to that was World War One, my grandparents had experience with that. My father born in 1918.


So that's you know, he's a World War One baby then. World War Two hits in Korea, and I mean my grandparents. Didn't have time to think about themselves. They had to grow up by the time they were 15. And by the time they were 15, they were they were told day in and day out that there are enemies of America that want to destroy America. They were right. And they had to live with Khrushchev pounding his shoe at the United Nations, promising to.


Ensnare their grandchildren and make them communist. It was a real thing to them. It was a real thing, period. Communism kills, they build walls to keep people in in communist countries anyway. My father's warning me, educating me about all this and William F. Buckley Jr., that was the one of the focal points of. Buckley and Reagan era conservatism, it's been totally lost, there aren't parents today who warn their kids of communism. There are parents today who promote it.


We've done a 180. It's sadly something missing, one of the things my father told me during these warnings, these education discussions, he said, son, the first people who are going to be shut up and silenced are these damn media people who are promoting this.


I mean, he had no love lost for some of these people at NBC, CBS, ABC. My dad didn't. And here they are, they're just glowingly reporting about the Soviet Union, how wonderful all these people are and and they were and he said they don't know, but they're going to be the first people silenced. They're going to be. And that's what I think when I hear this next soundbite from CNN. Here they are. They're media people.


They're extolling the virtues of people that would shut me up, that would shut you up, that are trying to shut us up. They extol the virtues of people doing that and they think it's not going to happen to them at some point. So little Brian Stelter. Asks Oliver Darawshe what was the media story of this week? The story this week was bringing our informational crisis to the forefront, right? It's a national emergency. You have corporations and people that are profiting off of lies and conspiracy theories, whether that's big tech, whether that's Fox News, whether that's the TV providers that Beam and Newsmax into homes or Rush Limbaugh.


There are a lot of people profiting off of lies and conspiracy theories. And I don't really see how things get better, how we move on as a country until this informational environment is cleaned up.


What does that mean until you're no longer able to listen to this program, until you're no longer able to watch Fox News? Until you're no longer able to watch and or Newsmax, if that's what you want to watch. And they throw big tech into this, does this guy have no idea who's keeping his network afloat?


Big tech. Well, what about him? What about CNN? Why isn't it propaganda? What did CNN do the last four years that spread? Nothing but lies. CNN was a leader in this. This coup attempt to overturn the election results in 2016, they were a leader. I don't want to waste time telling you the big story of KOMY and the Obama Oval Office meeting of January five prior to meeting with Trump on January six, prior to James Clapper being told by Comey, mission accomplished.


I told him about the golden shower story. I don't have to waste time telling you that Clapper called CNN. OK, you can report it now because Trump's been told and they get a Pulitzer for it. They're up to their eyeballs in the stink. That may be the shortest amount of time I've ever spent telling the story, by the way, but I'm telling you, folks, these people are up to their eyeballs in it. They were in integral in the in the lies in the spreading of distortion's.


About Trump colluding with the Russians, and yet. Mr. D'Arcy seems to think that they're exempt. That they're untouched by any of this move on to audio sound bite number five, this is Hank Johnson. CNN NEWSROOM this morning, Jim Sciutto, I know it's Shuto, but that's not as Jim Scioto said to Hank Johnson, Democrat Georgia.


Hey, Hank is the reason you want to impeach the president before the inauguration, nine days to go. Is it to hold him accountable or is it also because you're concerned the president might endanger the country again in the next nine days?


There is abundant evidence floating around on social media, on the right wing social media sites where President Trump is inciting massive crowds to converge on Washington, D.C. on January 20th to finish what they started on January 26.


He that's the president is calling for his supporters to continue the uprising along with the insurrection. What we're seeing is the outlines of a armed rebellion of suicidal maniacs coming to Washington, D.C. Now.


What the hell is that? None of that's true. Has anybody seen any of the so-called evidence of Trump inciting massive crowds to converge on January 20th to finish what they started on January 26? What, Jan, the president is calling for his supporters to continue the uprising, has anybody seen this? Mr. Snowden, have you seen this? I mean, I know his accounts are suspended, but where is he doing it? You know, the the Epic Times says that Trump has, as formed a Chinese alter ego and has his gotten back on Twitter as a Chinese PR guy.


You see in that wall, it's funny as hell. Chang, Donald Trump. Chang Dong Trump, a PR guy for the Chinese Communist Party. All right, let me take a let me take a break and we'll continue right after this. Folks, do not go away.


I committed an error. Ladies and gentlemen, the Babylon Bee that did the.


The parody of Trump becoming a Chinese PR guy to promote the Chinese communist government, not the epic time Epic Times is is actually a different website altogether. Babylon is a satire site, the Epic Times. I think they need a plug. We've quoted them.


We've cited numerous articles from the Epic Times. Again, the story here, Democrats cannot impeach Trump and you can't impeach him after leaving office, according to Professor Dershowitz. Now the story is written by Jack Phillips. Now, the Epic Times is an organization founded and run by Americans who escaped skycam oppression. The Epic Times was a Chinese language newspaper that was started to oppose communism. As such, the epic Times knows what we are up against right now. Their website is excellent.


The actual hard copy of the weekly paper is reminiscent of the days when newspapers mattered. It's a great place for you to get information, a great place for conservatives to get information. The left has declared the epic times dangerous propaganda.


So you know that they are probably doing the right thing. The left calls anything that's anticommunism hard, right, dangerous propaganda. They'll probably be damaged by the left. I mean, the left is destroying everything it gets in his way, but they're worth looking at.


Here's what they say, the epic in our name represents our commitment to this mission, we believe that we live in truly epochal times where the faithful representation of our current events won't just be important for the people of today, but also the generations of tomorrow. The records that we keep now will directly inform the foundations of the history they'll learn and the values they will cherish. And this knowledge is what drives us.


So a little bit of their mission statement now, the story from which this is called. Harvard Law Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz said that Democrats have virtually no chance. Of successfully impeaching and removing President Trump before Inauguration Day on January 20th, the case cannot come to trial in the Senate because the Senate has rules and the rules would not allow the case to come to trial until the end. And this is according to the majority leader until one p.m. on January 20th.


That's an hour after Trump leaves office. Dershowitz said. Can't impeach the guy after he leaves office, Dershowitz, who defended Trump during the Senate impeachment trial about a year ago, suggested the Constitution does not allow for impeaching a former president. He says the Constitution specifically says the president shall be removed from office upon impeachment. It doesn't say the former president Congress has no power to impeach or try a private citizen, whether it be a private citizen named Donald Trump or Barack Hussein.


Oh. And that is I think he look, Professor Dershowitz is a legal beagle, he's a constitutional expert in authority, and I would I would defer to him on this. And he's exactly right about. So what is this really all about? Well, we have my theory that it's the opening gambit in a potential negotiation to get Trump to resign.


And promise never to run for office again. That's what they're afraid, I look, I don't mean to be redundant. But I'll tell you, getting real news is getting harder and harder and harder out there now, and I think I need to repeat this as often as possible. This is what they're deathly afraid of. Seventy five million votes, folks. They can offer Trump something that makes it valuable enough to get him to commit, never to run again.


They'll try it. Mark my words.


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Here's Jennifer Vancouver, Washington. Great to have you with us. Hi.


Good morning. Hey. To hear your voice. Thank you. Thank you very much. I enjoy your program. I, I have been praying for you. I've been praying for our president and I just wish him all the very best.


Thank you. Thank you very much. I'm calling because I don't understand how the Democrats are getting away with what they're getting away with. It makes no sense to me. President Trump has been one of the greatest presidents we have ever had. And I enjoy listening to what he has to say. I enjoy your program very much. I would like to meet you and your wife someday. That would be a real honor for me. I also have your brother's book, Jesus Has Risen, and I want to get books for my great grandson.


Your book is What I Would Love.


Well, I appreciate that very much. Your question about you don't understand how Trump can be in the position that he's in. I maintain and I don't I don't I'm not trying to be insulting.


Please do not interpret this as being insulting.


But what that means is that that. Well, you're going to take it is insulting and I can't stop it, but I don't mean it that way. If you really don't understand why Trump is not seen and promoted as the great president he is, it's because you do not yet understand exactly what the American left has become. You do not understand who and what the Democrat Party are. And I swear to you, I'm not trying to insult you. I am.


I'm actually trying to be helpful. Because there in lies the answer. I mean, how in the world is it possible that the concept of make America great again inspires hate? On the Democrat side. Here's Donald Trump, make America great again, they hate that. That controversial. Put America first. Make America great. This stuff is controversial in what world? In what existents? Is American greatness a problem? There's your answer. In what world?


The communist world, the socialist world, take your pick whatever label you want to attach to it. American greatness is a problem. The fact is. That it's controversial now to Americans, we're not we're not losing what we're losing by virtue of external attacks, although the trichomes are very relevant in all this.


But this is all happening internally.


We're doing this to ourselves. We're permitting it to be done to ourselves.


Nobody had to fire a single shot. Nobody's had to launch a single bomb except Kim Jong un, and he can't. He can't hit his targets, but. It's it's stunning. It's one of the first things that awoke me, 2016, 2015, the Trump campaign. Make America great again, and I saw the reaction to this. Wait a second, why at first I didn't I didn't take it as seriously as I should have. I thought it was just.


Opposition to Trump for other reasons, they hated Trump because of his comments about McCain, they hated Trump because. He'd never run for office before, and he didn't always place they hated Trump because what he said about Mexicans and all that stuff in his announcement speech, the bottom of the escalator, 2015. But as time went on, it was clear that make America great again. They really opposed it. The Democrats did. They were really bothered by the wait.


Doesn't make sense to me. So if. Jennifer, you can try to understand that, then you'll be able to answer your question. Why is American greatness? Something to destroy a person's life over. Why is the concept of making America great again, sufficiently threatening to people that they have to destroy the person who wants to make it happen? Here's Jim in Augusta, Georgia. Jim, great to have you. Glad you waited. Welcome to the program, sir.


Hello. Hey, thank you, Rush. I appreciate you taking my call. God bless you and all you do. We're praying for you. Thank you. Thank you very much. I'll get to my point real quick. Reference the impeachment. I really think President Trump should welcome the impeachment. And the reason I think that is because the charge of, you know, instigating an insurrection is based on him contesting a flawed election. And so if he is impeached, his bright lawyers can get up in front of the whole country and basically present the entire election fraud case without interruption and without editing.


You think that's going to happen? Well, well, I don't think it's going to happen necessarily because I don't think they'll have time to impeach him. But I don't think, you know, I don't think our courts are basically willing to listen to his argument. I don't think and I'm not exactly right.


And Pelosi is not going to permit that. That's why this is not this is this is symbolic and it's an attempt to accomplish something else. And I agree with that, and that's why I say I really do think the vice president Pence should avoid the 25th Amendment, let the Democrats try to push impeachment if it ever gets to that point. He basically has the largest open mic in the country and he would be able to state his case very clearly directly to the American people.


All right.


Well, I'm glad you called. It's an interesting point of view. Would be fascinating if it happened. But I just I don't see anybody letting Trump's lawyers make a single case about anything, do you know?


And that's and that's probably the most concerning thing about all of this, is just the failure of our court system to even hear a president's objection to an election. Yeah, exactly.


I mean, one thing to me, the entirety of the Washington swamp is aligned in a raid against one man and his supporters.


That's correct, and the hell with what that means, long term, short term. That's just a sad, sad reality. Thanks for the call. We'll be right back and continue.


And we have with more communism, look at this. CNN has got a guest, the editor of Forbes, who is on CNN right now, warning companies who may hire Trump staffers not to do it. So some editor at Forbes who's trying to do a Matt Drudge lookalike thing. Is warning. American businesses. Not to hire Trump staffers, not to hire people that work for Trump, don't hire Kayleigh McEnany, DOD, hire Hogan Gidley, don't hire any cabinet people.


Don't don't hire messy divorce. Don't hire anybody. You see this this this is an American journalist company, Forbes, it's not you know, Forbes sold out. This is not Steve Forbes and his brothers. They're gone. You didn't know that. Now, this is Forbes, but I don't know who bought them, who it is, but and this is by the way, this guy is not the only one issuing such warnings. He's just the most recent.


There's all kinds of. I think they know exactly what they sound like they are currying favor with the American left is what they're doing. What they're doing is asking to be left alone. What Forbes is actually doing is saying to Pelosi and whoever the hell else we're on your side, we're not a problem. Ignore us. This is how it happens. You curry favor. Or you go to the reeducation camp, take your pick. Here's here's Neal in Matthews, North Carolina.


Great to have you. You're up next. Hello.


Thanks for taking my call. Rush prayers for you and your family. Thank you. I'm going to go out on a limb and speak for the millions of Trump supporters out there that believe this was a fraudulent election and see that things are being swept under the rug. And I'm also going to say that these millions of people also trust your opinion. Rush, where do we go from here? Well, you know, I have a phrase, my good friend Vince Flynn, who passed away prostate cancer at way too young and age, had a and it's nothing unique to him.


But he was famous for it because it was consistent. He was consistent. Keep the faith he just believed in in keeping the faith. Now, I hear a lot of people talking about and I've got a problem with this, a lot of people talking about the upcoming midterms in 2022.


I'm hearing people on our side, you know, the traditional political junkies, well, let the Democrats do whatever they're going to do because they're going to be swamped. Maybe we're going to wipe them out in the midterms. You're going to win the House back. We're going to win the Senate back, man. It's going to be beautiful. I said, wait a minute. You people not get what's going on here. The days of traditional American, the Democrats are setting it up.


They're never going to lose elections again. Got what do you mean we're going to win it all back in 2022?


Who in their right mind thinks that that's in the cards? Well, Rush, it's going to be so massive they can't stop it with a genie. They're going to be so rejected. They're going to be so rejected. You're going to be sorry. How the hell did they win? They didn't win Rush. They cheated. Folks, you're making a big mistake if you think that all of this success that they're enjoying is simply due to cheating. There are gazillions of Americans who've bought into this.


There are lots of Americans who have gone over to the dark side. This is not simply because the Democrats fraudulently stole an election, even if they did, they still got plugs, still got enough votes. To enable them to go over the line by cheating. We have a I don't know, I think a serious problem here. But the idea that the American people didn't know what they were doing and in two years are going to be running to the ballot box to reverse their decision.


Because they had no idea they were electing a bunch of commies, one did this happened in Georgia. Two known communists were elected knowingly. How did it happen? Georgia has been overrun by people leaving the northeast. There were stories all over the news about how. Democrats were being targeted to move to Georgia to establish residency there for the singular purpose of electing these two communists to the Senate, and they did it.


So the idea that we are in the midst of a traditional American politics. I think mean, while it would be great if it's true, it's woefully naive, it misses the point of what is happening right in front of our faces in this country. We're going to sweep them in 2022. Maybe that's right, right. How's that? I mean, why didn't we sweep them in Georgia last week? I mean, that's George has been a red state for I don't know how long what the hell happened.


No, we'll get them in 2022, right? You'll see. Folks. Remember my admonition to Democrats, if they could? If they could. Would eliminate elections. What if they effectively have I mean, we still have them, but what if they're irrelevant? The only thing you ask me, you know what, what the American people wait the hell up. Those who haven't. And understand what we're up against, because I still think we have the ability to outnumber these people.


I still think we do, but I think we've got a way too much, I don't know, blindness or. Ignorance and it perhaps is worse than that, maybe people have gone over to the Democrat side knowingly and purposely because they believe in it. Who the hell knows?


OK, that's it for today. Ladies and gentlemen. We will will endeavor to be back tomorrow. It's a day to day thing, just so you know.


Have a wonderful rest of the day and see you next time on.


Cheerio. The Buck Sexton podcast, Freedom is Our Fight. This year, you have a Democrat Party that increasingly just bears its authoritarian fangs without any sense whatsoever of fair play and good faith toward the other side because they haven't had it for years, because defeating Trump in their minds justified absolutely anything.


The Buck Sexton podcast to get it for free daily on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you find your podcasts.


Hi, guys. Nancy Grace here. You know, it's so easy to think nothing bad will ever happen to me or my family, but that's not true.


It happens every day.


Again, I'm Nancy Grace, host of Crime Stories with Nancy Grace. And I've dedicated every day of my life to stopping crime and helping crime victims. Please join us.


Take a listen to crime stories with Nancy Grace on the I Heart radio app, Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcasts.