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Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbaugh Show podcast. Yessiree, Bob, a chant that we have never heard before at a political rally. And every Trump rally, we love you, greetings, my friends, and welcome, it's great to be with you on Election Day. Rush Limbaugh behind the golden EIB microphone and telephone number, if you want to be on the program today, is 800 two eight two two eight eight two.


And the e-mail address, L Rumbo at EIB Net U.S. if you want to go that way, I do check subject lines. Some of my friends, this is it. This is Election Day. And I am telling you again that live Election Day turnout, I don't care what you've heard about all of the early voting and mail in voting, there appears to be already attempts at cheating in Pennsylvania, which was forecast. It was.