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Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbaugh Show podcast. Well, how is everybody everybody doing great. Everybody OK? Everybody nervous. Everybody ticked off. Everybody one degree or another of.


Unsaddle, what is it you're feeling today? Whatever it is, we are here to straighten it out for you. Rush Limbaugh on the EIB Network, Limbaugh Institute, Advanced Studies, all that matter, all that are relevant. There is no recognition of any degree here because the learning never stops. It's a delight to have you here, folks. Always is. Cannot tell you how much phone number if you want to be on the program is eight hundred two eight two two eight eight two.


And the email address is Rush Rushville at EIB Net US.


You know, I want to take a minute here is it struck me we've been we've been fairly overwhelmed with countless e-mails and inquiries you have sent wishing me well and wanting a status report on my health. And it struck me and it's been a while. I haven't I haven't updated you on it in a while. And the reason is and not to be redundant, but I vowed that I was not. I have a phrase for it, and that's bleeding on the audience, meaning I'm not going to come here and complain.


I'm not I'm not going to come here and make whatever is going on with me the only thing that matters to me or anybody else. I just I've done that my entire broadcast career.


One of my pet peeves is people who are so self focused and so self-interested.


I mean, you could be having a conversation with them. They can ask you how you're doing. You could be honest. You can tell them, well, I'm doing this, doing that, not doing well here. They won't even hear you. They can't wait to tell you what's going on with them.


And I have vowed that I was I was not going to treat my lung cancer diagnosis as an opportunity to bleed on the audience to either complain or constantly update.


The reason for it is that first and foremost is a radio show here to do each and every day. And that's why people tune in and listen to it.


The second thing and there they're a couple that the second thing is it's just a matter of of you know, once you go down that road, you create expectations and people want to hear more. And then there is the the privacy angle of it all. But more than that is that I'm not the only one that's going through hardships and challenging times. And I just I refuse to act like I am the only one.


And I refuse to act like the only thing you care about is what's going on with me. I just do not have that kind of personality or attitude.


But at the same time, it's been a while because of all that that we've updated you. And I know you're out there praying for me. It's unbelievably humbling to know how many it's got to be in the millions of people who are actively praying.


Many of you are signifying for us how you're doing. So we've got all kinds of opportunity for people. Rush Limbaugh, dot com and other website web pages that people can weigh in Twitter now Facebook.


I just don't like to talk about it often because I don't want to be a cancer patient on the radio and there's another thing to Fox.


It's an up and down thing. It really is a day to day thing. And so what I tell you one day could very well be true, and then the next day, oops, setback. Oops, what then I got to go back, say FoxxHole, I told you yesterday, forget it. It's not true today.


I'm going to put you through that. I don't want to put myself through it. But I know you're concerned. So it is time I do want to provide you with a brief and honest update in a nutshell. There are lots of ups and downs in this particular illness, and it can feel like a roller coaster at times that you can't get off of. And again, I want to stress here that I know countless numbers of you are experiencing the same thing.


If it isn't lung cancer, it's some kind of cancer. If it isn't you, it's somebody really close to you. If it isn't an illness, it's something we're all going through.


Challenges mine are no better and mine are no different than mine are no more special than anybody else's.


But it can feel like a roller coaster from the moment you get the diagnosis. There's a part of you every day. OK, that's it. Life's over. You just don't know when. But when you get that diagnosis, I mean, that's so. During the period of time after the diagnosis, you do what you can to prolong life, what you can do to prolong a happy life, you measure a happy life against whatever medication it takes.


And at some point do you decide, you know, this medication may be working, but I hate the way I feel. This is just I'm not there yet. But but but it is part and parcel of this. It's. It's tough to realize that the days where I do not think I'm under a death sentence are over now, we all are is the point.


We all know that we're going to die at some point. But when you have a terminal disease diagnosis that has a timeframe to it, then that puts a different. A different psychological and even physical awareness to it. So last week was treatment week, was it? Last week was treatment week, a week before, week before it was treatment week and got some scans. Don't get scans every treatment week. The scans did show some progression of cancer. Now, prior to that, the scans had shown that we had rendered the cancer dormant.


That's my phrase for it. We had stopped the growth. It had. Been reduced and it had become manageable, but there's always. The reality and the knowledge that that can change and that it can come back because it is cancer, it eventually outsmarts pretty much everything you throw at it. And this, of course, this is stage four.


Lung cancer, it was a lot of people have said, well, wait, why did you wait until it was stage? There was no way to know when it was stage one is the thing. There would have been no reason to go get a bunch of scans at stage, a stage one, just a bunch of little nodules running around. And even if you got a scan that showed a bunch of nodules, they say got to keep a sharp eye on this, some nodules here or some nodules there.


But it really doesn't present as what it is, this type of cancer until it's stage four and stage four is, as they say, terminal. So. We have some recent progression, it's not dramatic, but it is the wrong direction. So we have to tweak the treatment plan, which we did, and the chemotherapy drugs in hopes of keeping additional progression at bay for as long as possible. The idea now is to keep it where it is or maybe have it reduce again.


We've shown that that is possible if it happened once, it can happen again, so that's the objective of the current. Treatment plan, for those of you that have been paying attention to the ball game analogy of this. My last left off, I was rounding second base. And I was chugging toward third, the objective to hit a home run, to get a home run, go all the way around the bases, get the home plate and beat this.


So I was rounding second on the way to third and I realized I wasn't going to make it. I had to turn around, make a mad dash, headed back to second base load in there, got into second base safely and that is where I am, was trying to steal third base, trying to steal some more ground.


But I got way back to second base. So that's where I am stuck on second base. Fully committed, however, to stealing third. And rounding towards home. You know, all in all, I feel very blessed to be here speaking with you today. Some days are harder than others.


I do get fatigue now, I do get very, very tired now, and I got mislead you about that, but I am extremely grateful to be able to come here to the studio and to maintain as much normalcy as as possible.


And it's still true. And I wake up every day, thank God that I did, I go to bed every night praying I'm going to wake up.


I don't know how many of you do that, those of you who are not sick, those of you who are not facing something like I and countless other millions are. But it's a blessing when you wake up, it's a stop everything and thank God moment and every day thus resulted in me feeling more and more blessed, hearing from you, knowing you were out there praying and everything else you're doing. That is a blessing. It's just a series of blessings.


And I am grateful to be able to come here to the studio, tell you about it, and really maintain as much normalcy as I can. I know a lot of you out there going through your own challenges, whether it's cancer or another medical illness or some other life challenge, maybe even in the hospital right now. Someone told me, I think I think this is good advice, maybe helpful. The only thing that any of us are certain of is right now, today.


That's why I thank God every morning when I wake up, I thank God that I did, I try to make it the best day I can, no matter what. Don't look too far ahead. I certainly don't look too far back. I try to remain as committed to the idea what's supposed to happen. Will happen when it's meant to. I mentioned at the outset of this, the first day I told you that I have a. Personal relationship with Jesus Christ, it is of immense value, strength, confidence.


And that's why I'm able to remain fully committed. To the idea that what is supposed to happen will happen when it's meant to. There's some comfort in knowing that some things are not in our hands. It's a lot of fear associated with that, too, but there is some comfort. It's helpful. God, is it it's helpful to be able to trust them, to believe in a. In a higher plan, so I get let me just thank all of you for your support, your prayers, I said the same to all of you through anything that you were facing.


So now the objective is here is to rounding third, not having to head back to second base and slide in there. Here's the rounding third and heading towards home. That's the objective. That's the goal. That's what we're fully focused on in terms of treatment and behavior.


That's what we're looking forward to. And so there's the update. I I'm sorry it's been so long since the last one, but it really wasn't necessary until this time to give you because there hadn't been anything of substantive change since the treatment week of last week. So let's take a brief time out. Thank you again, folks. I can't.


Tell you how much your being there every day matters.


And by the way, your being there, you you would not believe the audience numbers. You would not believe what's happening out there that you are making happen.


The the biggest the largest radio rally in the history of anything turned out to be exactly that. It was humongous. And the the normal every day to day ratings through the roof, our computer model projections are are through the roof.


And of course, there is the required to meet the expectations of everybody tuning in for just those expectations, just that they have the expectations to be met.


And I'm here to provide that. And it is a blessing to be able to come here and give it a shot every day. So thank you for being here. Thank you for all of the assistance and prayers and other types of support that you are making known.


We'll take a brief break and come back and continue after this.


Ladies and gentlemen, let me let me share one more thing with you. And I don't to be morbid here, but to me, this is the ultimate good news, the ultimate upbeat, positive way to react to what's happened to me on late January, whenever it was when I got this diagnosis, folks, the kind of cancer I have, I've never publicized what it is.


It's just stage four lung cancer. Let me just put it to you this way. It was hopeless. It was absolutely hopeless. Yet a treatment regimen was begun and the first two of them failed. I mean, big time failed. The third one magic at work, that's where we were able over the course of months to render the cancer dormant. I just put it this way after receiving the diagnosis. I never thought I would see October 1st. Never thought I would when October 1st hit on the calendar this year, I reminded myself of that of that thought.


If we go back to the end of January, early part of February, when I was first told of my diagnosis. And the reaction to the doctor said, if you don't do anything, we're looking here at a couple of months, if you look at treatment, if it works, we're looking at and then they wouldn't give me a I still won't. They won't do that.


But I'm just going to tell you, there is no way. Back in January and February that I had anything but hope. That I would still be alive on this day, October 19th, and that I would be fully productive working, there was no way. I didn't share that with anybody. But. So given that as a as a starting point and given that as a baseline, I'm kicking butt. And the future remains pretty good looking given all of that, so this is why I say that I always try to keep everything in perspective on a day to day basis and to realize that you just don't know.


Nobody does, and you have to. You have to give every day, you know, I love to point out we all only get one life. We don't get a do over in this. Well, we do, actually, we've got to do over every day if we choose to look at it that way. Once we're old enough and mature enough to understand what life is and that there is only one, then you do get do overs, an opportunity to fix what you think you might not have done so well the day before, which is an operative philosophy of mine.


But the fact that I have that option and that opportunity compared to where I thought I would be at this time, I mean, that's that's go get the Hallelujah chorus. And have them start singing to me, because that's exactly where this is and the the future. Far more optimistic than pessimistic. Attitudinally, for me, because of the support systems, I have, the people that are helping me. Anyway, that's it. Hi, welcome back, Rush Limbaugh, brand new week broadcast excellence.


Folks, we are loaded with things today that I put on the plus side of the ledger. And let me just go through some of the headlines to give you a heads up as to what's coming. Early voting numbers in key states are surprising and good news. Early voting data showing positive signs for President Trump and some troubling signs for Biden. I think what's happening of everything that we predicted to you regarding polling data is starting to happen. It's starting to tighten up.


And all these massive double digit leads that Biden has are starting to get smaller. It was as predictable as the sun coming up every day. The early voting numbers in particular are interesting because most every Republican chalks it up that we're going to lose early voting automatically. We chalk it up that early voting is where all the fraud is and that we have no way of stopping it. And if the Democrats own it and it the whole reason for early voting is so they can go out and practice voter fraud, ballot chicanery, this kind of thing.


And so early voting numbers in key states. Are surprising and good news, there's also a fascinating piece here that ran at American greatness, I believe, by Thaddeus McCotter, and it's called The Gaslight Election Won't Work. And basically it categorizes the Biden campaign as a do nothing campaign that that's just basically trying to to run out the clock. It's a fascinating piece. Let me give you a couple pull quotes to give you an example. Whatever they claim, one electoral maxim is beginning to bite the Democrats where you don't want to be bit.


That is, voters want to vote for something.


Thaddeus McCotter writes that he recently chatted with a veteran political observer who asked his opinion on a matter that was really, really bugging him.


Apparently, this guy had conversed with an equally politically savvy person, in other words, these people get it, they're they're junkies and they had shared a puzzlement over the fact that there are no audiences that any of of Joe Biden, Biden's campaign appearances. There are none like there were none at Hillary's. There were more at Hillary's than there are at Biden's.


We're further befuddled by the media treating this as though it's perfectly normal. Ultimately, both these guys deemed him the 20 20 presidential election, the others not only in their lifetimes, but in all of American history, they felt something's not right here, something's missing. They couldn't figure it out yet. It's true. Look at this past weekend with Trump at his rallies for crying out of Trump on the way to the airport in Newport Beach, California. He could have had a rally with the people along the roadway.


In California, people are lining up in droves every chance they get to get a glimpse of Donald Trump either as his motorcade goes by or at one of his rallies. On the other hand, when Joe Biden does something which is rare, nobody even tries to get there will rush. No wonder they know they're not going to. Doesn't matter. The people on the road way out in Newport Beach don't have the slightest prayer. They're actually going to get to meet or see Trump, but they show up anyway.


No, no, no. The point is there isn't a desire to go out and see Biden there, not even among people going to vote for him. Why? That's the answer or the question. Why? And it's because not only does Biden not have a bond, he does not have a connection with the people ostensibly voting for him. They don't know who he is.


Biondi was Obama's vice president, but they don't know what he's for in the in the in the sense of voting.


In the sense that people want to vote for something, you can't get elected by simply being a generic candidate, which is what these guys have concluded, that Biden is a generic candidate. He's the guy with the D next to his name on the ballot. He may as well not have a name. And the theory is just don't get elected as a double dribble generic. So Mr. Thaddeus McCotter tells his two buddies here that the Democrats are running a gas light election.


What was missing from a Democrat party was a real candidate and real issues. In the past, these have been requisite for waging a campaign for the White House today, the Democrats deliberately have turned a 20 20 presidential election from a contest into a referendum. They're actually asking people to vote against Donald Trump's personality. That's it, that's the sum total of their campaign stop and think of that. They are actively trying to rev people up, get them ginned up, get a mad, get them angry, get them motivated over a guy's personality.


This explains the Democrat Party brokers selection of Biden in the first place to serve as a safe face for the party. Guy that needs to do a little more than read platitudes from his teleprompter. Because you see, we know and many people know Biden is not driving this campaign and he has not driven it. He and his running mate, Kamala Harris, are just along for the opaque windowed limousine ride, Biden Harris are nothing but a Democrat generic ballot.


Who would you vote for today, President Trump or a Democrat, that is the campaign they are running. Yet the American electorate still accustomed to being respected enough. That a party is expected to provide a real candidate real positions, real agenda. So consequently, in conjunction with their elitist left wing pillars of support, i.e. the media. Academe, big tech. Other corporate titans and Democrats are gaslighting voters. Their goal is to conceal the Democrat's absence of a real candidate and issues.


Their goal is to confuse the majority of voters who believe they're better off now than they were four years ago when Biden was vice president. Nobody's better off four years ago when Biden was vice president. Or when Obama was president and the recent Gallup polls bear this out. So they're out there trying to say, oh, yeah, you'd be much happier with Joe Biden has never won a presidential race, he's never won a presidential primary.


There isn't any of this that makes. Antisense sense. So, as I said, the Democrats want to incite voters to hate Trump's personality. And in a referendum election, they believe this will convince these voters to vote against their own interests, in other words, vote against manufacturing jobs, returning, voting against a growing and roaring economy. Vote against replacing a worn out health care system with one works and makes sense. They literally believe they can make people vote against their own self interests.


By convincing them this is a referendum election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump's personality. So here's the thing to keep this election a referendum as opposed to an actual election in election, you'd have one candidate, seven issues. This is what I think is best for this country. This I'm going to do it. That's how you're going to benefit another candidate by saying the same thing. We've only got one candidate doing that. We've only one candidate promising to make America better than it is to me.


We've only got one candidate promising to do what he can to sustain America's greatness. We've only got one candidate attempting to restore law and order to America's streets. We've only got one candidate. We don't have to we don't have a second candidate promising his version of the same things. We have a candidate who's not seen. We have a candidate who doesn't draw flies. We've got a candidate who's now put a lid on his campaign all the way through Thursday.


Announced yesterday. So the Democrats, the Democrats cannot let Biden or issues affect your vote. Offering little more than free stuff. Fear and hate. The Democrats want you to vote based on the president's personality, not his policies, they lose in a policy race and they lose big.


But if they can get you to vote for Trump because you hate him, because you don't like his personality, because, you know, like I mean, he was to plug's in the first debate because you don't like the way he tweets. If you can do that, how silly, how inconsequential, how irrelevant to the future of America.


When we have a candidate, essentially. Promising to work his tail off. To make and keep America great, which means you, Donald Trump loves you, he loves the people that make America work.


Versus a guy who's trying to make you oppose all that because you don't like. His personality. They certainly don't want you aware of Donald Trump's proven accomplishment, which is why Trump needs to keep reciting them. Hiding both their candidate and their issues from the voters ought to be disqualifying among self respecting voters, self respecting voters ought to have been saying to themselves about now, you know what?


They're asking me to vote for them and I don't even know what I'm voting for. They got me voting against Trump because I'm supposed to hate Trump's personality, but they don't even. Don't even give me reasons to vote for them, and if pressed, they couldn't name any. Biden voters, I mean, let's take a quick time out, we are loaded, as I say, much more than other similar stuff coming up.


Hi, welcome back. Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network. So, ladies gentlemen, why are the Democrats trying to extend the deadline for absentee and mail in ballots to be considered valid after Election Day? Why is Pelosi running around, fiddling with the 25th Amendment? I think that actually is to say that's a dry run, that's a trial run to see how easily they're going to be able to get rid of Plug's if Plug's wins the presidency.


Point is, these clowns are engaging in all kinds of behavior that belies the so-called confidence they all have in their double digit lead. And the insurmountable lead leading to an undeniable victory. Another story pollster who called the Trump win in 2016, that is the Trafalgar Group. They're back with their 20 20 call and they've issued a big red flag in Pennsylvania.


Latest state polling by the Trafalgar Group predicts another win for Trump in the upper to 70s to low to Abey's in the Electoral College.


But the CEO, Robert Hayle. Highlights a couple of big cautions for Republicans. He appeared in a lengthy interview with the editors podcast National Review, and Robert Kaili told Rich Lowry that he predicts Trump's going to win battleground states, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, Texas. He says things are tighter in Wisconsin and Arizona, but he says Trump has the lead and will probably win in Arizona. In Michigan. Where Senate candidate John James has a slight lead.


Haley says that a combination of James's strength, the hatred for that wacko Governor Wittmer and her covid response or job killing green New Deal and the Trump economy will propel Trump to a win in Michigan. The red flag, Mr. Haley of Trafalgar says, is Pennsylvania.


He predicts a Trump win, but he said the state is ripe for voter fraud. Quote, I believe Pennsylvania to be the number one state that Trump could win and have it stolen from him through voter fraud. Pennsylvania has had a lot of voter fraud over the years, and giving people unsolicited absentee ballots is literally like giving voter fraud operation steroids. I think it's the state that he's most likely to win and not get the votes from. Well, there are plenty of times that he's issued his warning here, October 17th, 18th.


There's time to take take action here, he also said that the built in social desirability bias. That's telling pollsters the politically correct answer, whether it's what a respondent thinks or not, is it work as usual, but he believes that it may be responsible for as many as five to eight points difference in the actual polling numbers.


That is a gigantic gap that many pollsters, he claims, don't even attempt to mitigate in their sampling. He said that his short polls taken by text, email and phone and by other digital means take into consideration such questions. And other pollsters, by the way, have stolen these questions, who is your neighbor voting for? Do you own a hunting or fishing license, that kind of thing? Those kinds of questions. Can we ask the the question, who is your neighbor voting for that?


That, as you know, Gallup tried that and they showed Trump with a fifty six look that people think voters believe by 56 percent that Trump is going to win, even though they may not say that to to pollsters. So this this gap. This. The social desirability bias telling pollsters the politically correct answer instead of what you really are going to do. May be responsible for as many as a five to eight point difference in the actual polling, that meaning it could show Biden five to eight points stronger.


And he actually is in Pennsylvania, so Haley says that most pollsters will look at that and say that's too big, I'm not going to mess with trying to figure that out. And they just report it. Voter fraud, Pennsylvania, that's the red flag warning for Robert Haley of the group.


We will be back.


And yet another story from the Biden campaign, the source here, and I think this is from Hot Air. It's a blog post memo from Biden campaign manager. Our polling shows Trump is neck and neck with us in the battlegrounds.


This race is far closer than some of the pundits punditry we are seeing on Twitter and on TV would suggest.


So put that in.


I can sit on it. We'll take a brief break. Come back before you know it.


Hi, how are you? Great to have you with us. It's Rush Limbaugh, the Excellence in Broadcasting Network. I utilizing talent on loan from God to broadcast excellence. The next two hours telephone number is eight hundred two eight two two eight eight two. So CBS News says that Joe Biden will not be seen again until Thursday night at the debate. And yeah, we're going to get to the moderator being in the tank for Biden and Obama.


It's it's what it is. Kristen Welker, a total in the tank Democrat, just like Steve Scully was for Biden, isn't going to change. The reasons for the lid and by the way, this lid, I think it went on yesterday, so Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, five days, five days, Biden is going into hiding.


And yeah, we're going to delve back into the Hunter Biden laptop. We spell that out for you last week. You should have no more questions about that or actually not true. Now they're blaming the Russians for this. Is this not great? They're validating. It's truth. They're validating what's on Hunter Biden. His computer is true by blaming the Russians for it. I will explain that in due course. Now, here is why CBS News says that the Biden campaign is putting a lid on the campaign through the debate, the Biden camp thinks the debate is everything, that if Biden wins the debate, it's over.


Everything else is academic, if Biden wins the debate, Trump can kiss a goodbye. With that in mind, the moderator, NBC's Kristen Welker, is in the tank for Biden and won't let the Hunter Biden scandal get much time. This is what the Biden camp is planning on. Now, the Hunter Biden emails. Folks, they are they are devastating, and if Joe Biden can't refute what's in them. Then he's got to go into seclusion if he can't answer questions about what's in those emails, what's on that laptop, then he's got to go into into seclusion.


Media is not going to cover. The Hunter Biden scandal in the coming days, Biden is confident of this, and so if he remains under the lid, there will be no reason for the media to cover it. And they won't. It doesn't matter because we will. But I'm telling you. Going back to the basement. In whatever palatial home Biden chooses to live in, he's got a bunch. Did you know that? This is one hundred percent damage control, this is not going on offense.


This is not giving people a reason to vote for you. Biden hiding under the lid proves this scandal is deadly to them.


I want to play an audio sound bite, and this is just to illustrate the point that I just made, that the Democrats have nothing other than Biden and Kamala Harris as generic candidates. They're the people got a D next to their name, but they're not running a campaign, a vote for them. They're literally trying to convince people to elect them because of Donald Trump's personality. Now, stop and think of this. Get past Trump's personality. What's he done, what does he want to do?


What are his achievements? What's its record? Its astounding. It is over the top achievement oriented, and they want you to ignore that, they want you to not even pay attention to it. They don't want you to even know it. Instead, they want you.


To vote against Donald Trump because of his personality and here comes Pocahontas from a campaign event yesterday in St. Paul, Minnesota, proving the point Donald Trump threatens the existence of human life of all life on this planet.


And on November 3rd, we will hold Donald Trump accountable.


Donald Trump threatens the existence of human life. All life on this planet. What? How in. Heck, does that happen, how does one person, any person, how does one person threaten the existence of human life? Of all life, folks, this means they're running out of descriptions of Trump's personality to get you to hate. That means they're running out of various ways to describe what they hate about Trump now he just going to kill everybody. Donald Trump going to kill everybody, he's going to make sure nobody gets killed, he going to see to it that everybody dies.


The wait, didn't that isn't that what they said, climate change, the climate change is going to kill everybody if we didn't get it fixed? Biden's lead slips. The New York Post, Biden's lead slips in wake of report on Hunter Biden's polling edge over Trump eroded this week amid the Post's revelations about his son Hunter's foreign dealings. The tip National Tracking IBD TIPP National Tracking Poll released Saturday puts Biden at 50 percent head to head Trump at forty three.


The results also hinted at the possibility of a substantial number of QAI Trump voters in the electorate, while 47 percent of the respondents said they believe their neighbors are Trump voters.


Only thirty six percent of them say they are surrounded by Biden voters. And then there the The Politico has a story, the nagging unknowns that have Democrats sweating a Trump upset, you realize why is this even being called a Trump upset?


If it happens, it's being called a Trump upset, because from the very moment they began polling this race, Trump has been destined to lose it in a landslide. Right. You talk about setting a baseline or setting expectations. It has never, ever been the case that the incumbent in this race ever had a prayer. The frame of mind that has been accompanying every report on the polling of this race is that Donald Trump is going to lose in a massive landslide.


He's the incumbent. He's the only guy who has a positive record. He's the only guy who can tell people what he's done and what more he's going to do. I find it I find it just. Fascinating the way this is psychologically playing out Trump, why it's as though he didn't win in 2016. No, he didn't win, he didn't get a majority of electoral votes. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Trump's destined to lose in a landslide. They're repeating the twenty sixteen campaign as though it's the twenty twenty campaign while ignoring the 2016 election that Trump won. And so every poll has Trump losing in a landslide. Now, as the polling data tightens, guess what?


While there is Trump upset, maybe coming. Could it be that maybe a Trump upset was never in the cards? Could it be that in the real world, Donald Trump has always. Then right in the thick of things has never been down, 15 has never been down 12, what does it matter anyway if six months ago they said that or a year ago? So this is how they set the expectations, this is how they make you think it's so far out of the realm of possibility that you may as well not even hope for it.


You may as well not even vote for Trump, even have a prayer. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But they're now nagging unknowns have Democrats sweating a Trump upset. So the presumption is, as it is in every election, the presumption is Democrats are going to win and Democrats are going to win big. The presumption is Democrats always win. The presumption is when the Democrats don't win. Somebody came along and cheated. They cheated and cheated Al Gore in 2000.


They cheated John Kerry in 2004.


They treated Hillary in 2016 not to get ready to treat Biden, that's the common frame of mind. That every election is the Democrats, the Democrats win everyone and something comes along causes an upset. Now, let's get started with the audio, sound bites will start at the at the top of the list, this. Is me, I want to go back to August thirty first, because Biden said on that date or thereabouts. That in terms of locking down the country again.


If a scientist came along and told him he had to do what, he would do it. Now, here again, the point was, I'm a smart guy, I'm Joe Biden, I'm going to listen to the science. You're trying to say that Trump is a buffoon, that Trump is an ignoramus and an idiot thinks he's smarter than the scientist, doesn't trust the science and that that's unacceptable. Here is what I said about the idea that we got some doofus Democrat presidential candidate promising everybody that he will re lock down the country if some scientist comes along and tells him we have to ought to scare the bejesus out of everybody, because that is the last thing we need to do.


Shutting down the country would be a disaster. It was a disaster the first time. The Democrats still have many of their states and cities shut down for the express purpose of doing damage. U.S. economy. The last thing we need is more of it, but not this science business. Anybody can put on a white coat. And stand next to Joe Biden, claimed to be a scientist and issued a report saying, Based on my scientific analysis of the scientific circumstances, the scientific criteria we've looked at here in the scientific theorems and algorithms, it seems necessary to me to say as a scientist that we need to shut down the country.


Plug's is OK, we're going to shut down the country, scientist here said.


So you know why scientists?


Science has become as politicized as the Democrat Party itself is. The last thing in the world ought to be because science says so or a scientist. Said so to show you I'm right. Sunday morning, CNN Reliable Sources little Brian Stelter talking to a Harvard law professor named Yochai Benkler, said, you say the Republicans are in an electoral dead end. What does that mean?


For 40 years now, the Republican coalition has basically been money focused on deregulation and low taxes, funding a party where the votes come from the white identity, voters backlash against the civil rights movement and the fundamentalist backlash against the women's movement. So you have this coalition and it kept becoming more and more constrained as it started to feed from Rush Limbaugh, from Fox News into its own extremism.


And so what you have now is essentially a party that can't expand beyond its base, a party that cannot expand beyond its base, because the Republican coalition has been basically money like the Democrats are not about money.


Not all Democrats are in it for the cause. Right. Focus on deregulation, low taxes.


Damn right we are. We're all for people keeping more of what they earn. We are all for people having more disposable income that drives the economy, that causes economic growth, that causes economic rebound, that causes economic opportunity. Damn right we're for it. But that's funded a party where the votes come from, the white identity, voters backlash against the civil right. What an absolute crock.


Here we are, back to it again, the Republican Party. Exists because it's got a bunch of racists, bigots and so forth, who are engaging in backlash against the civil rights movement and the women's movement, a gigantic walking cliche.


And this guy who has as big a closed mind as any bigot you will find is a Harvard law professor.


We'll take a break. Phone calls from you coming right up.


By the way, I just went to our Twitter page and checked that some of you people are hilarious. Some of you people responding with some of the funniest tweets, by the way, the handle is at real are Limbaugh, I didn't mention that at all last Friday. It was bad form. Certainly, you got to remind me more often the Twitter page handle a new one. This is the only one we we consolidated. We got rid of some of the others.


And this is the one this is at real. Ah, Limbaugh. That's the handle. And I'm telling you, some of these tweets responding to me and I realize I inspire greatness. But this is some of you people get funny. It can be. And some of you people are obviously sewer dwellers. I knew that was going to happen. We knew that was going to be the case. We knew it. We knew it. When we did this.


When we started it up, we knew we're going to attract that segment of the crowd out there. When they look up, they see the gutter. We knew that. I'm right with their Twitter wars out there. They're nasty grams out there, they're not all nice.


We knew that, like Debbie, this election is going to boil down to the art of the deal versus the art of the steal. Another guy tweeted, Cops and jobs versus lockdown's and mobs. It's an easy choice. I mean, some of you folks are really creative and funny out there. So the handle is at. Real r Limbaugh, back to the phones, Greenville, South Carolina, Cindy, I'm glad you waited. You're up. Hello.


Rice. I must preface this my point with telling you that you are my husband and my hero, and we are some of the millions who were on our knees praying for you.


Well, I appreciate it. Thank you very, very much.


My point is that I gave a donation, a good donation to Donald Trump last time I was anyone but Hillary and thought he was the one. But I haven't this time and will not because I thought once he got elected, he would become presidential. Like you get groomed to be in the monarchy. So I thought this childish, you know, name calling, fighting with people is going to end because he will be the president. Well, unfortunately, it hasn't.


Now I'm voting for him and gladly voting for him. He has done a lot for the country. But if he behaves in this debate this week, in my opinion, he will lose if he behaves like he did in the first debate. Yeah, I agree with you. I agree with you.


OK, it will be a landslide because people want they don't like this unhinged behavior of his that really is five year old. They want to see a leader and he is a strong leader, but he doesn't come across as one when he acts like that. So I do have a couple. We go way back to the early 90s and I have a couple of points that I would like to tell you. If we have time. Go ahead. About how we found you.


My husband had some medical students under him early in the 90s and he noticed the males were disappearing from 12 to three. And so he finally asked, where are they going? And they asked them and they said, we're listening to someone call Rush Limbaugh. So my husband listened and then he told me. So we go back to I want to ask you why you don't say seminar caller anymore. Our son was in the eighth grade. He wanted me to tape your parodies because he just loved him.


So back in the Cassard, because that days I would put your tapes, I would tape your parodies for him to get a good laugh after school. Well, I appreciate that.


And the reason the reason we don't call them seminar callers anymore is we don't get very many. But when we get one, I sure do. I level the allegation the minute I recognize it. But the seminar callers have drifted further and further away.


So, yeah, your your your husband's students were vanishing, too, to listen to the program.


I want to go back to the substance part of your call, the Trump debate and the personality that he exuded in the first one. I can tell you why that happened so quickly if anybody cares. I don't think it's going to happen in this in this next debate.


I don't know who was giving advice. I don't know if he ignored it or if he listened to it. I think there was a clear effort to Raval Biden and that didn't work and it should not have been part of the strategy.


You want to hear a very interesting voting statistic. If this is right, I have that with a caveat, if this is right, the Democrat presidential candidate has not won. A majority of the white vote since Harry Truman, there's one exception, it's LBJ in 1964, that's at the height of the civil rights movement.


Well, no, my point is it got this this doofus Harvard professor, Harvard law professor, claiming that it's Republicans, they're running around unable to expand our base because people like me and Fox News are are what we're convincing people that the election's about.


I mean, I don't even know what the guy said. It's so bigoted. Here it is.


Republican coalition has basically been money focused on deregulation, low taxes, funding a party where the votes come from, the white identity, voters backlash against the civil rights movement.


And the fundamentalist backlash against the women's movement when in fact, it is the white vote that does not support the Democrat candidate. And it's a mind boggling statistic out there. Here's Donald Trump, Donald Trump today in a conference call with a campaign staff says the race is turned and that we are going to win.


We're going to win. I want to tell you that maybe two or three weeks ago, we're going to win. We're winning in Arizona. We're winning in Florida right now. And we're winning in Florida by three, maybe even four. We have an incredible staff in Florida. Pennsylvania is even. But I think we're going to win. I'm hitting it every stop by said I have 25000 people, sometimes more. What we did in Michigan was unbelievable. You know, we're up in Michigan.


It's a valuable just one or two points up in Michigan, which is shocking, more shocking. This, the early vote in Michigan, the early vote in Michigan, where we were supposed to be at 20 percent and it was supposed to be at 80 percent. And it's always been that way for years and centuries, but for years, we are now in the early vote, which is nobody's ever seen a thing like that. All of that, by the way, I think it's true.


The especially the early vote was one of the lead stories in the program today that the early vote, shockingly, the Republicans are well ahead. And it's noteworthy because nobody thinks that, yeah, here it is. Early voting numbers in key states are surprising and good news. And it's about Michigan and Wisconsin. It's about Arizona and Florida. And it most most Republican voters think that early voting is a Democrat cheat vehicle. Early voting hours for a Democrat fraud happens, all these different mail in ballots are sent to people, multiple voter registrations, all of that Republicans are leading in the early voting.


I'm just telling you that this whole idea that Trump has been destined to lose in a landslide win the moment they started polling the 2020 race, he's the incumbent for crying out loud.


OK, back to the phones. Peter in Farmington, Connecticut, I'm glad you waited, sir. You are up next. Hello.


Hello, Rose. First. Just a quick comment. You may have stepped back to second base, but with all our prayers, your excellent doctors, your positive thinking, you will make it home and you will win this game.


Thank you, sir, that we're still in the game. Just at second base. Just at second base. Thank you very much, sir. Yes.


Listen, my point is I feel Kristen Welker, out of all the moderators, is the most disingenuous of them all. For three years, she has done nothing but smear Trump and berate them. And I did something you suggested not to watch the news, but I got to tell you, I remember the last time I did watch it was when there were shots at the White House. Every Trump had to leave, which is standard operating procedure. He came back in and she said, President, you look rattled.


But Trump is a master of strip lines. And he said to her, do I look rattled? And just I just don't have any high opinion of Christine. OK, well, you're not alone.


I think a lot of people are very dubious and suspicious. She spent Christmas twenty eighteen with the Obamas. In the White House, did you know that why is somebody like that moderating a debate? If she's spending Christmas, twenty eighteen with the Obamas in the White House, who's the vice president at the time? That would be Joe Biden. I think Kristen Welker is partisan. Is judgmental, is mean spirited. I think she is arrogant and looks down on Trump and I don't think she will be able to hide that the topics have been selected to announce the topics ready for the topics.


Fighting covid-19. And. American families. Race in America. Climate change, why in the name of Sam Hill? Climate change, Chris Wallace did climate change and then. Savannah Guthrie peppered Trump with climate change at that that whatever that was, that debate with her.


Climate change now climate change are going to happen again, but Kristen Welker peppering Biden and Trump with questions about climate change. I'll tell you why, folks.


Climate change is one of those democratic issues that contains every other Democrat issue. It contains every dream scenario. It contains total control over citizens lives. It contains control over the energy sector of the country.


It contains control over the price and affordability of gasoline, energy, other sources of fuel. It contains the ability to basically control every aspect of a person's life, what a person eats, what a person drinks, what a person drive, because an all all has an impact on the planet, all could end up doing grave damage to the planet.


It also promotes globalism. You have to have a globalist coordination on an issue like climate change.


And the reason you want globalist is because there's one country that has to be blamed more than any other. And that is the United States. United States must get blamed for all the problems to the environment where the biggest, really baddest. And we have the largest back pocket that can be picketed by other nations.


It is also an issue whereby the media gets to somehow try to portray the Republicans as not caring about people and not caring about the planet and not caring about the future. It is because of climate change. Republicans foolishly run around claiming to be for clean air. And foolishly running around, claiming to be for clean water as though they're not. So anyway, climate change, national security will be another topic and leadership. Those are the topics announced by the Commission on Presidential Debates in a in a tweet on Friday.


So here is here's Becky, Becky in San Antonio, Texas. Great to have you with us. Hi.


Good morning, Rush. Well, it's afternoon now. I just want to let you know you've got two more fans traveling to Tennessee right now that listen to your show every chance we get and we are praying for you. But my topic this morning was I told my husband last week when Kamala Harris locked down because a couple of her members got covid. I said this is nothing more than an opportunity for her to sit back and get educated on what is going on with what's going on with Biden right now.


They are getting prepped on how to answer questions and how not to answer questions. And then when the story got even more hyped up and Biden was asked about it and got so angry, then he locked down. And he is also getting crapped, in my opinion, about how to answer the media when they want to ask him about this particular topic with his son.


The the interesting thing I think that might happen Thursday night is I believe Trump's going to have to jump on the wagon and start talking about this during the debate, because the debate is supposed to be foreign policy, not the other topics that you talked about. And that is Biden promotor, that is going to be the moderator really wants to talk about. She doesn't want to go there. But this topic Thursday night is supposed to be foreign policy. They are going to try to distract as much as possible because they know this story is true.


Well, it is. But but but she's already said that the subject is not coming up. And if if Trump brings it up, if Trump brings it up, she's going to move in and she's sorry, Mr. President, this is not one of the topics of the debate tonight. We have limited amount of time. Your party agreed with the rules. Vice president's people agreed with the rules. And the rules are that these are the topics and the Biden story is not one.


Thank you, Mr. President. He'll be trying to say what he wants to say, but she is not going to go there. I don't think that's what they're doing by locking down. Look, Biden knows everything there is about this laptop circumstance. In fact, at some point I've got to I've got to delve into another part of this, that that that needs to be exposed, because I think we've all heard I don't know if you've heard or not.


Just saw the clock.


I got to take a break. I don't want to get started on this and have to stop saying hang on. We'll be right back and continue in a minute.


Yes, sir. Welcome back. Rush Limbaugh having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have. Listen to this.


This is Kristen Welker, March six, 2016. It's a flashback. And this is debate moderator Kristen Welker caught giving questions in advance to Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri. It's March six, 2016, MSNBC special coverage, Democratic presidential debate, Hillary Clinton and crazy burning. After the debate, the anchor Ari Melber tried to send the broadcast to White House correspondent Kristen Welker before she was ready when Welker was in the postdebate spin room set to interview Hillary Clinton. Director of communications Jennifer Palmieri.


Here's how it sounded.


We go right to Kristen Welker. Kristen, go ahead. OK, OK. And I'm asking you about Flynn. Kristen, go ahead. Your life. Kristen Welker in the spin room. I believe she has the Clinton communications director with her. Go ahead, Kristen. OK, thank you. I think this is the last question. Hey, Ari, I'm here with communications director Jen Palmieri for the Clinton campaign.


She was telegraphing this series of questions she was going to give. Jennifer Palmieri, and she did it live. Yeah, and I'm going to ask you about Flindt, meaning I'm going to ask Hillary. She's talking to Jennifer Pelamis. I'm going to ask you about Flindt, which in this is Flint, Michigan, in the water and all that garbage there.


And Ari Melber and in your life. Go ahead, Kristen. We're in the spin room. I believe she has the Clinton communications director with the go ahead, Kristen.


And then Kristen Welker softens the whispers. OK, OK, thank you. I think this is last question. I think this last question. OK.


Hey, Ari, I'm here with communications director Jennifer Palmieri. For the Clinton campaign. She was caught live giving questions in advance to Clinton communications director Jennifer Potter. How does this that's 2016 is a four years ago. How does this woman end up moderating a presidential debate? In twenty sixteen, I got an email. Dear Mr. Limbaugh, my my one of my cleaning people, Trump supporter, told me that she saw some of a rally. This past weekend, she really upset that Trump was making fun of Hunter, Biden and his drug addiction.


Now, my sister in law is a hardcore conservative Trump supporter, my sister in law wrote me that. They had so many young friends of their kids killed with drugs, making fun of Hunter because of his drug addiction made her feel a little horrible. Mr. Limbaugh, I think I know you have access to the president, you need to tell him, I think the emphasis for the president. Who's made a promise to keep fentanyl out of the country and to work on addiction after he was campaigning in the primary in New Hampshire?


He should be on.


What a corrupt person Joe Biden is, not Hunter. Tell him the story here is Joe Biden, not Hunter. And you know, that is a really good point. I think I think this whole scheme and you know what the scheme is, I told you Friday what the scheme is. The scheme is Joe Biden gets members of his family. Employed by companies and organizations doing business with the federal government. Maybe even getting him on the boards of directors, so that would be Hunter Biden, maybe when he was alive, Beau Biden, a sister in law or whatever, get it on the board, get them as employees, get them paid.


By these people doing business with the federal government that Joe Biden oversees. Now, these entities cannot give money straight to Joe Biden. So how do they get it to him while they pay his kids, they pay family members that he has made them hire? Looks clean as it can be then these kids, these family members have been under orders to send half of what they are paid to, the big guy, which has now been confirmed to be Joe Biden.


This, in turn, is how Biden has profited. From the relationships that he has with these organizations and companies doing business with the federal government, I think.


That it's Biden who cooks up the whole scheme, I don't think it's Hunter. I think Hunter's pretty much told what to do. And Beau Biden was pretty much told what to do, other members of the family. You know, John Kerry, the same kind of thing here. And I think. I think the son, the stepson, I think they're just the frontmen. Kerry's stepson got out of the whole thing. I wonder why, but I think Biden.


Instead of helping his son deal with this emotional trauma and all that used him to run this massive scam. To get paid, and I think it's why Hunter went nuts and it's why Hunter. Had problems dealing with all that, I've got to take a moment break, because we have to expand on it when I have more time, get back.


OK, folks, you got to buckle up. We have one fast paced hour remaining surprising results in the initial virus testing in New York City schools.


It's amazing how few. The tests there have been hey, hey, welcome back, folks, great to have you with us and for me. Great to be here with you. Telephone number, if you want to be on the program is eight hundred two eight two two eight eight two. The email address L Rushmore alibiing that got us. And the Twitter handle is real r Limbaugh Real R Limbaugh. OK, let me get back and finish this. This business.


I really do believe and this is bouncing off of an email I got today from a friend who says that one of the people helps her in her house was very upset.


When one of the rallies, Trump started making fun of Hunter, Biden and his and his drug addiction, that they don't a lot of people who have kids who've gotten addicted and it's not funny and it's. Well, it's not something that should be laughed at and so forth, and there are varying opinions on this. I am well aware. But I would I would my point is, I don't think Hunter Biden is a story here. Hunter Biden is not on a ballot.


Hunter Biden is a pawn in all of this. Now, a lot of people think, no rush, you're missing the point, you're missing the point, this is how the Biden patriarch is taking care of his family. I know they all do this in Washington. I'm well aware of this. But something about this, you know, Joe Biden has flown under the radar on all of this stuff for all of these years, but the guy has four homes now on a senatorial salary of one hundred and seventy four thousand dollars a year.


And I know how these people in Washington do it. It's very simple. It's common practice. You are a senator. You are it takes a pretty powerful position. Not every member of the House can do this, for example, because there's four hundred and thirty five of them. By the time you start talking Senate or vice president, now you're talking influence. If you're vice president, you have influence over a whole lot of things. The defense budget, defense contractors and those people are eager for government contracts and they will pay however they have to to get it.


And one of the ways in Washington that this happens is that you pay an influential figure like a vice president or a senator or the wife of a senator or the wife of a doesn't matter, but you pay somebody that that can help you wield influence in Washington, in the area of your business or your your service that you earn your living from.


So the way it happens is. Let's say you want to do business with. China and Ukraine. So you fly over to China January 20, 18, take your son with you, take your son, Hunter, introduce the trichomes. The trichomes want to have an influential relationship with the vice president. They want to have the ability to do whatever it is they want to get done. They can't just pay the vice president off. They can't just pay the president off.


It's not how it happens. But what if they hire the vice president's kid and put him on the board of some company and pay him, in this case, a billion and a half dollars?


OK, well, that's a lot of influence. That means Joe Biden owes you. Means Hunter Biden owes you. Next is Ukraine. Let's say you you want some business in Ukraine, got some stuff going on there. So you take your son over Hunter and you get him on an energy company board of directors named Ourisman. And then a problem develops and Verismo pays Hunter eighty five thousand a month. He's got no experience energy business, none whatsoever. He's never been in the energy field, couldn't tell you what it's about, but he's on the board, gets eighty five grand a month.


Everything's fine and dandy, except. One of the lead government prosecutors in Ukraine, Viktor Ashokan, gets very suspicious that something is going on is not right. He starts an investigation into charisma and Hunter Biden, Joe Biden hears about it. Goes over to Ukraine, has a meeting with the president of Ukraine, tells the president of Ukraine, you know, you guys have a billion dollars in American aid headed your way soon. You want that money? Oh, yeah.


Well, then you got to get this prosecutor going after my son fired. Well, we can't do that. Yeah, you can, and you got six hours. You want the billion dollars, you got to get rid of that prosecutor, prosecutors, bad news, you don't believe me. Call the big dog, he'll take the call, meaning Obama. Call Obama. Don't blame me. So as Biden tells the story. He leaves the office of the president of Ukraine six hours later, gets a phone call, says some bitch.


Prosecutor just got fired. The billion dollars is saved. How do we know all of Joe Biden himself told the very story I just told you? To the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States, told them how this happened, bragged about it, they all at the Council on Foreign Relations laughed and applauded. Point is, though, that this is how people who make one hundred and seventy four thousand dollars in Washington end up with four homes and access to private jet hours at hardly any cost.


It's just how it's done now in the process here. There are records. That up being kept. And I think the scheme is cooked up not by Hunter Biden. I think the scheme is cooked up.


My dad and John Kerry's stepson was originally part of one of these joint deals.


Kerry's stepson curiously quipped he got out of the whole thing at some point because he was made nervous by it.


Do you think Hunter Biden didn't know what he was doing was wrong, you think he thought he was capable of being on the board of a gas company in a foreign country? Do you think he knows that he's doing something he's not qualified for? Do you think he knows if this is this is not how whatever dreams he had for himself in his life, this isn't yet.


I mean, this all depends on what happens to his dad. You think he was ever scared to death dealing with the trichomes I would have been who does this to their kid?


It is evidence that Hunter, to me anyway, had at least for a while, some sort of a normal life, he had a pretty wife and three kids, three daughters. And then during the Obama years, his life spins out of control. He ends up having an affair with the widow of his brother. He has a baby with some girl in Arkansas. There are lawsuits he gets kicked out of. The military is a messy divorce with massive issues on financials.


So he self medicates to live through what he knew to be. Wrong activities pushed on him. By his father, who was taking half of the money Hunter was being paid. That's how the arrangement worked.


I may be too big a softy, but I think Hunter is not to be made fun of. I mean, they're all kinds of jokes, social media about it, Trump has joked to. But I think this is now now we've got the Hunter laptop. And this laptop, this laptop ends up on a computer repair shop in Delaware, the Biden's home state. Nobody's denied that it's Hunter's hunter hasn't denied that it is. Nobody's denied what's on this laptop.


This laptop well confirms. The financial arrangements that I have just shared with you and I, they have now added a new wrinkle grab audio, sound bite number eight. I heard about this over the weekend when I heard about this over the weekend, it was all I could do to not go to Twitter and start typing a bunch of stuff. That's a mistake. You can't start using Twitter that way. But this. Are you ready? Here is Adam Schiff, here is Pencil Neck.


He's on The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer.


Over the weekend and the question, well, you know, it's not like Rudy Giuliani is peddling this information in a vacuum, it's made its way all the way to commander in chief with a big smile on his face.


The origins of this whole smear are from the Kremlin, and the president is only too happy to have Kremlin help in trying to amplify it. I think we know who the driving force behind this smear has been all along. And it's been the president and the Kremlin.


Are you kidding me? So that the Hunter Biden laptop and the data that's on it is Russian. The Russians are engaging in this, just like the Russians meddled with the election in twenty, twenty sixteen, all of which has been rendered false. The Russians didn't do diddly squat with Donald Trump. There was no collusion. There was no meddling, none whatsoever. Doesn't Adam Schiff realize you've got to you've got to go to the Democrats history with the Russians?


As far as the Democrats are concerned, the Russians did all this stuff. The Russians meddled in the election. The Russians stole the election from the ever vigilant Democrats. The Russians did it by colluding with Trump. The Russians are brilliant. The Russians did all this stuff and now the Russians are behind what's on Hunter Biden, his laptop. Do they not realize by saying this that they are validating what's on that laptop? The Russians to them are unassailable, the Russians to them are unassailable sources for four years.


Adam Schiff, The New York Times, The Washington Post all quoted the Russians multiple times a day, every day for four years and trying to make you and me believe. You and I believe. That Donald Trump stole the election by meddling with the Russians, the Russians and their agents were impeccable sources. And so now the Russians are responsible for Hunter Biden's. Laptop. Does Siff not realize that he's validating the contents of the laptop by shuffling this off on the Russians?


Because in shifts world the Russians are not liars, the Russians are not bad actors. They are brilliant. Meddlers, they are brilliant corruptors. They succeeded in stealing the election from Hillary Clinton. I can't believe they actually went there. Director of National Intelligence. John Ratcliffe was on Maria Bartiromo today Mornings with Maria. She said to him, We have been doing a deep dive in this laptop in the Hunter Biden emails, Adam Schiff, it's been out this weekend saying all this news about it, just Russian disinformation.


Is this Russian disinformation director?


We have shared no intelligence with Chairman Schiff or any other member of Congress that Biden's laptop is part of some Russian disinformation campaign. It's simply not true. Hunter Biden's laptop is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign. And I think it's clear that the American people know that.


Right. Oh, so Pencil Neck wants to call it this, huh? Always trying to discredit the story. I think he steps in it. As far as the American people are concerned, when they hear Adam Schiff talk about the Russians, they believe him when they hear the Russians did this or did that. So now when they hear him blame the Russians for Hunter Biden's laptop, I believe they're hearing him validate the contents.


What's next for you? Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Washington on The Today Show today. Now, they're not reporting what's in the emails. This is just like you want to air this smears, Rudy claims and evidence. One hundred Biden emails could be, yeah, go ahead and air it three to one.


NBC News has confirmed that US spy agencies have gathered intelligence that the president's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, was dealing with alleged Russian intelligence agents last year on a trip to Ukraine as part of his effort to dig up dirt on Joe Biden. Last week, Giuliani and former Trump official Steve Bannon provided the New York Post with unverified emails allegedly linking one of Hunter Biden's Ukrainian partners with a possible meeting with Joe Biden when he was vice president, a meeting the Biden campaign says never took place.


Experts say the emails cannot be authenticated. Some may have been altered or are fake. Wait, that's not true.


How do we know that the Joe Biden documents are real? Because we know that they are. I'll explain that to you when we when we come back, but.


Remember, Trump gets impeached. For calling the president of Ukraine, asking for an investigation into this. Trump wanted to find out what happened, he knows he's going to face Biden more than likely. In the 20 20 presidential race, the story is out there that Biden's kid was dubiously involved with Verismo. Everybody's heard the Biden video bragging about getting the prosecutor fired. It made perfect sense for Trump to want to know what happened. He's asking a new Ukraine president dig into it.


He gets impeached.


So the Power Line blog, John Hinderaker, how do we know the Hunter and Joe Biden documents are real? How do we know they're genuine? Well, first, Biden hasn't denied that the hard drive belonged to Hunter. The documents contain there on a real. Nobody's denied any of this yet.


I mean, he called the post stories a smear, but that's not a denial. That's a nondenial denial. Second, there's a witness. The Democrats are going to be very careful here because there is a real live repair shop owner. Who is ready? To explain what happened and to vouch for the integrity of the hard drive, he made a copy of it. I think Mr. Hinderaker writes, I think this is largely why Biden has gone to ground rather than seriously contest the corruption, the witch hunters files testify.


And it would stand to reason. It's a big deal, and without the cover of the drive by media, they would be in deep doo doo. There's a little bit more on this, but I have to take another obscene profit.


Thank you. Thank you. No, no, no, no, no, no. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Back to back to the phones we go. This is Bruce Bruce in Richmond, Virginia. Thank you for waiting, sir. Great to have you here.


No rush. We're praying for you and your family. I want to agree with that woman that talked about his personal personality. And I think he needs to be gracious and smile. You know, with the White House events, he really is presidential. And I don't think we see enough of that. And I think for this debate, he has to have very calm demeanor and let Biden choke his own self, you know.


So what do you think explains this? I mean, you're a smart guy. Obviously, you're an engaged guy out there. You have noted there's a massive difference, say, at the Amy Barrett Rose Garden event or any other. And then this debate and this debate with with Bite Me. And it was it was a Trump very few of us have seen in in in this. The one thing about you that nobody is ever going to confuse is the word smart.


You're not smart, Joe. You're not smart. What is this? I mean, I'm asking myself, what is this? What do you think it was about work?


I don't think the personal stuff even now with Biden, I'd let it slip and go with all of the things he's done. The great for the country. Wait, you don't think the personal he tends to be a street fighter and personal attack and respond by Donald Trump, are you talking about Trump?


Yeah, I think he just he needs to let Biden Biden. Not if he talks by himself alone. He'll destroy his own campaign.


Well, he's going to be he's going to be protected by a moderator. I cannot tell you how valuable that is.


Look. I don't know if. There were a lot of people what? There was just a lot of people who were advising the president before that debate, I was not one of them, but I know what the advice was.


And I didn't understand it. It was it was designed to get Biden to lose composure and to resort to the.


Where am I, who am I, why am I here person not only that, people think he has designed to hasten that along and I didn't I don't know enough about those things and I don't know about how you psychologically attempt to get somebody to melt down.


Now, here's the thing about Trump, folks.


If you go back to twenty sixteen, his personal attacks worked, then I mean, making fun of low energy Jeb but he did this at the debates. He was he was making fun of of. Little Marco, will you take your pick and they worked in Trump's world, they worked in 2016. Joe Biden R, Jeb Bush had what was one hundred million dollars that he raised and it ended up with three delegates or something, and Trump was making fun of him as being low energy.


He made some comments about Ted Cruz's dad. Being in a picture next to Lee Harvey Oswald, a day JFK was shot, and if you go back and you look at all of that stuff that happened in twenty sixteen, it worked even the stuff in the debates. So in Trump's world, the personal attacks worked.


Now, in the case of somebody who's who's who's mind is, shall we say, evaporating?


Well, that's that's not something you attack somebody for. That's not behaviorally. If you really want tact, Jeb Bush for having no energy. That's not like Jeb Bush can change if but but Joe Biden can't change whatever is going on with his mental acuity. And I think a lot of people who knew about it was just a little bit mean. I don't know.


But more than that, it was a side of Trump that a lot of people haven't seen in that particular debate scenario. And it was. It was very curious, there were a lot of people scratching their heads over it anyway.


Bruce, I appreciate the call. Here's here's Glenda in Chattanooga. Nice to have you. Hello. Thank you.


Hi. I've got a quick question here. Who's in charge of getting all the moderators ready? Because why don't we have a Republican moderator?


Well, because the Commission on Presidential Debates picks the moderators. It's a supposedly bipartisan organization made up of an equal number of Republicans and Democrats. But but but the debt the Republicans on the committee all hate Donald Trump.


I am not. I'm not I'm not making it up. There may be one member of the Republican Party, but every member of the presidential committee or commission, whatever highfalutin name to give themselves, every one of them, Republican or Democrat, despise Donald Trump. Every moderator has been a debate. Chris Wallace, what would would would dispute this? A Democrat. But there's no question that Steve Scully is there's no question at this baby. Kristen Welker is.


The answer the answer ought to be. If you're a Republican, you don't show up. You just don't go if you're going to moderate these debates with a bunch of partisan Democrats. And you're going to announce the topics in advance and we're going to get climate change in all three of these babies. I'm not going we're just not I'll do something else that night that will have just as big a crowd or bigger crowd than what your debate is.




They throw a debate, they choose the moderator, we show up, what happens is our fault may maybe our fault is the wrong way to put it, but we don't have much to complain about because everything about it's known going in. I think it is silly. To complain about it after the fact, everybody knows that this babe, Kristen Welker, is as partisan a Democrat moderator as they could find, I don't care what she would say of she would deny it.


She is what she is and she's proud of it. And to complain about it after the fact. Well, you could say we are braver than they are. I, I think if there were a Republican moderator named, who would it be?


It would, by definition, have to be somebody from Fox, correct? Washington Examiner. Oh, yeah, OK, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, OK, I'm thinking TV, but yeah. All right. You could get Byron York, Byron Byron, Byron York would be would be good.


But if in those circumstances the Democrats may not show up. Tucker Carlson, Chatsworth Ausborn, Jr., great choice. Far as I'm concerned. They'd never show up for that, there's no and no way I'm asking you to ask me right now.


That'll be the day.


Hey, Mr. Sternlieb, what do you think of Dr. Fauji suggesting that we all cancel Thanksgiving? You think it's time we canceled Dr.. That is quite a quite a step. Dr. Foushee said we should cancel our most beloved and uniquely American holiday Thanksgiving. And, you know, it's as though if you listen to Dr. Fauji getting sick, you're somehow not part of American life. It is. I tell you this, this this notion of who Americans are in the eyes of people like Dr.


Valge over your run, around, scared to death to leave our homes, were scared to death of the stuff, the mysteries that are lurking out there.


Anyway, let me get back to the phones. People have, of course, been waiting patiently. Sandra in Lubbock, Texas, it's great to have you. Hi.


I guess it is an honor of a lifetime to speak to you. Thank you. Thank you very much. I've been listening to you for 32 years and we are praying for you. Quickly to my question. What are the Republicans doing in preparation for the election chaos and antics? Should Trump be close in his. I think he's going to win, but I'm afraid they're going to feel it. They have lawyers lined up. They have big tech on their side.


They've got the media all gunning for it.


So did they in 2016. Correct? Yes, sir. I think they've got I think our side's got lawyers out there was. Are you ever heard of Ben Ginsburg? Yes, I have. He's is a bald headed you got well, he's got the little red trim around the edges. He's this guy is one of the craftiest one of the. This guy was involved in a Florida recount in in 2000 with James A. Baker.


The third, he looks like a healthy gust to air could blow him down. But I tell you, we have we have our own team of lawyers. We have our own team of people that fight election fraud. And believe you me, the Democrat Party is scared to death of them. You look at the the track record that they have is is pretty good, starting with Florida 2000. The the hanging chad thing, and I think that you should be.


Oh, you don't. Don't be paranoid about it. It's always proper to be concerned about this guy. Any time anybody is going to actively be cheating. But but don't think that our side is not capable because it is. This is the I guess, Clélia in State College, Pennsylvania, your next.


Great to have you. Hi. Hi.


It's an honor to speak with you. Thank you. Blessings to you. And our prayers are with you. I'd like to point out something about the debate. My observation, my husband and I both noticed that Trump was not in his game. And when I found out that he had covid, I guess it came out on Thursday night or something. It made sense. covid makes you foggy in the brain. And that was all, you know, happening to you, you know, you bring this up and I have the same thought he announced twelve fifty four a.m. Friday, just after midnight Thursday, that he and the first lady had tested positive for covid-19 are going to begin their joint quarantine.


And we went through it together.


And I think he probably had the beginnings of it long before they announced it.


Yes. And so he wasn't as effective. And he his command of of facts wasn't there, his usual. And he didn't handle the moderator the way he usually does. I think he can handle the frustration of having to deal with those liberal moderator.


That's an interesting point. You know that I'm glad you made it through, because that is an interesting point.


And I have to go because it goes straight to. I'm sorry. We'll be right back after this.


Hey, get this, folks. New Yorker, New Yorker magazine suspends the writer, Jeffrey Toobin, CNN's legal beagle, for showing his penis during a Zoome call.


And you heard me, you, Mr. Bad.