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Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limbaugh Show podcast. It's a television debate last night. Right. And I got to tell you something, folks, Trump looked tan, he looked rested, he looked energetic. He looked ready to go. He looked calm. He looked collected. He was steady on his feet. He knew exactly what he was going to do. He had his mission statement sent out and he went ahead and did it. On the other hand, there was Joe Biden looking old and frail and confused and sickly.


It's television and that is what people people saw.


More from the Southern Command in sunny south Florida. It's open line Friday, yessiree, and we are alone and we've got lots to unpack today. It's a great day. What a great day to get into the weekend. The great debate last night that was uplifting. It was calming. It was reassuring. It was everything I hoped it would be.


I've heard people say that it may have been Donald Trump's best debate performance in the history of Trump debate performance. That could well be, especially if you measured against expectations. At any rate, it's great to have you with us, my friends, your telephone number, if you want to be on the program. Eight hundred two eight two two eight eight two.


And the email address Rush Rumbo at EIB Net Dot U.S. who built the cages, Joe?


Who built the cages? What a killer line that was, folks, and it was one of many. You know, the drive by media, they're out there saying, well, it was a tie, they declared the debate a tie. That means that Trump won. Here's audio sound bite number one. We put together a media montage to illustrate this.


The Trump gave his best debate performance, perhaps ever. But I think the former vice president, for him to at least a draw, I think is a draw.


I don't think this debate moved the needle much one way or the other. The needle only moves when somebody has a big gaffe.


I don't think Democrats move the needle. If it was a tie, a tie goes to Biden because he's ahead.


If you're ahead and you get a draw, you win. Nothing change. So this is a net win for Joe Biden?


No, no. Joe Biden ruined himself in Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania, throughout the whole state with his statement on oil and gas. The gaffes were many. Biden was filled with gaffes last night. And people in the states where those gaffes mattered obviously took note of them. So the media tried to say it was a it was a tie. You can hear in their voices they're disappointed. They know it wasn't a tie. You know what Trump did in this debate when he did so much in this debate last night, that was just perfection, but he once again set himself up as the outsider.


And he's running it, and compared to Biden, two years, Biden's a 47 year denizen of the swamp. And it was a killer line, and Trump had it ready any time he wanted. Why didn't you do this, Joe? You were vice president for eight years. You're sitting up here and you're telling everybody what you're going to do. Why didn't you do it? You had the power. You had the office. You have the ability, you and Obama.


Why didn't you do it then? Why didn't you do it ten years ago, Joe? Why didn't you do it 15 years ago, Joe? I ran because you don't want to line what a line I ran because of you guys, if you guys hadn't done such a bad job, I wouldn't have probably run all my friends. It was just it was one killer after another. You were there for forty seven years, you were vice president for eight years, you're all talk, you got nothing done.


Trump pounded that home time and time again. It was devastating, folks.


Trump still the outsider, fighting against corruption and red tape, fighting against insiders like Joe Biden. As for Biden's corruption, Trump could not have been better, Joe. You got three and a half million dollars from the mayor of Moscow, his wife. You're going to have to explain it someday. I've never gotten any money from Russia. I never got the money from China, Joe. I never got the money from Ukraine. Joe But you have. I've never taken a penny from any country ever.


No, that's why you put your son in the pipeline. Joe, your son took the money and then funneled it to you. You're the big guy, right, Joe? Trump called him the big man. Now, this all opens Biden to some very serious questions. He also said that his son didn't make any money in China, but we know that's not true. This gave Trump room to run. I didn't make any money from China, you do.


I don't make money from Ukraine. You do. I don't make money from Russia. You do. Biden said no one said that anything he or Hunter did in Ukraine was wrong. Looks like an unethical he didn't he didn't look there last night, FOX, he just he just. He just didn't. This is a Joe Biden scandal. He is the big guy, I'll tell you what, Victor Davis Hanson has a piece today saying the real benefit of the debate last night is all the opportunities postdebate.


All of the opportunities for ads and so forth for the remaining days of the campaign, and that's right, this sets Trump up for some killer ads. And frankly, there are there are millions of Democrats who are unaware of this scandal. And I was watching Fox and Friends today and they're all excited. You're all excited by Bob showed up at the press conference about an hour and a half before the debate started. About, you know, he's the partner, he's the CEO of the company in China where Hunter was installed to send money back to Joe and Joe's brother, Jim.


And he's got the data, he's got the goods, he's got the cell phones, he's got the evidence and the Fox and Friends people, oh man, they were all excited. And Trey Gowdy was against. And Trey Gowdy came in and poured cold water on me, so I hate to tell you guys, but nobody outside this network and The New York Post is ever to ever know about this. Oh, what? That's right, they're not going to cover this.


And they aren't they're going to do their level best to ignore this and you know why? There's a there's a there's a whole bunch of reasons why. But the primary reason is there's not a single member of the mainstream media, White House press corps, you name it, that wants to be the reporter that breaks ranks and does damage to the Biden campaign. There's not a one of them that wants to do it. They are scared of each other.


They are scared of blowback. They are scared of being ostracized. They are scared of being kicked out a club and whatever that means to them. And so they're not going to report on this. And you can see kind of the wind go out of the sails of the Fox and Friends people as Trey Gowdy poured the cold water of truth on them. But that's OK. It's OK because this sets Trump up for some killer adds. And those ads are going to reach Democrats who don't know.


About the story. Most important in these exchanges, and this is for the ads, Biden's Biden did not deny a single word of the emails and he said. The laptop was a Russian operation. Oh, yeah, the laptop, this is Russian disinformation that's been blown to smithereens, too, that's been knocked out of the ballpark. It isn't. It was a stupid political position to try to take the Russians, the Iranians disinformation. On the other side of Biden, though, Trump was on his game and folks, it was glorious.


Trump explained why Biden is wrong for America and what Trump has done for America. Trump time and again said, you're all talk. You're all talk, you get nothing done. Why didn't you do it, Joe? And then Joe said, Well, you know where you go. Why didn't we get done? We had a Republican Congress sometimes, Joe, you got to talk him into it. I had a Democrat Congress. I had to work with them.


I got it done. Why? Oh, that was such that was another killer moment in the debate. When Biden thinks he's going to score big points by blaming everything not getting done on the Republicans. Criminal justice reform and trumps. Well, Joe, I've had nothing but Democrat opposition. The Democrats are opposing me Unkovic legislation, we're trying to get money to the American people, Joe, and your party standing in the way, Nancy Pelosi doesn't want me to get any credit for it.


And so the American people are going, well, well, you know, I had I had trouble with. Well, I've gotten some things done with the Democrats and we're going to get this done. Joe, you wait. Sometimes you have to talk him into it. I mean, Trump. Was strong, Biden was weak. He was Trump. Trump was Trump all night, but he was also restrained. You know, I Delaroche Ball Council Trump to be calm, and he was I thought he struck the perfect balance.


He remained on point, his tone was close to perfect. He hit on big points. He's an outsider, he ran for president because of Joe Biden and Barack Obama. He ran to reverse course. He ran to make America great again. And Trump said we had to keep the country open while fighting the virus. Trump was strong on jobs, strong and standing up to China, strong on staying out of wars. And here's here's Biden.


Basically, we're looking at a dark one. This is this is the Democrat view of things. Everything is dark, everything is dark. Everything is pessimistic. Everything's apocalyptic. Biden, I'm sure, one of the biggest thrills of the night for Joe Biden. I'm sure that when he finished saying this, he thought he had scored a grand slam home run. He essentially said, you know, Trump saying we have to learn to live with the virus, Joe, we can't shut everything down.


We got to learn to live with the virus binds us. No, we have to learn to die with it. Now, that's not exactly what Biden said, what he said is he says, we're learning to live with it, people are learning to die with it. You folks at home, you'll have an empty chair at the kitchen table this morning. Their man or wife going to bed tonight. You're reaching over to try to touch a touch of their out of habit where their wife or husband is gone, learning to live with it.


Come on. Come on. Come on, we're dying with it. No. But that's how Democrats look at things. Everything's apocalyptic, this is how they think they score points with people, it is impossible for them to be upbeat. The Democrats cannot be optimistic. It goes against every aspect of their agenda. They just can't do it.


Being upbeat and optimistic requires believing in the country, requires believing the country, provides opportunity where optimism will be rewarded. They don't believe that. They don't want people to believe that. They want people to be depressed. They want people to be down in the dumps. They want people hopeless. They want people turning to government. They want people turning to Washington for whatever. They need or are going to get they want whatever is going to make them satisfied or happy to come.


From Washington, not from themselves, so Biden has to make the point that when it comes to the virus. People are having to learn to die with it, while Trump says we have to learn to live with it now, which of those two is the more accurate? Well, as the mayor of Real Phil, it isn't the contest virus, is there, we are doing everything we can to eradicate it. We're doing everything we can to come up with a vaccine.


We're doing everything we can to come up with therapeutics. Trump is and his administration. The Democrats are not helping. They don't want to help. They want the lockdowns and the shutdowns that are in place to stay in place. Biden wants them expanded. There's literally no optimism whatsoever on the Democrat side of things here, and it was so obvious, in contrast with Trump last night, who is nothing but optimistic and can do. And then here comes Biden saying he's going to destroy the oil and gas industries.


Let me explain, by the way, I've got a couple of minutes to explain how that is going to happen, because the the Biden team and the media are saying that the biggest exaggerate, he's not going to destroy the oil. Yes, he is, because that's what the green New Deal is. Now, Trump, during the debate last night mentioned that Biden supports spending 100 trillion dollars on climate change and Biden is shaking his head and laughing and he's shaking.


The guy's a nut. He's trying to convey Trump don't know what he's talking about, but Trump is right on point. He just didn't identify what the hundred trillion is. That's the green New Deal, folks. And that's exactly what it's going to cost over X number of years. It's it's no different than Biden saying. That he's going to raise taxes, four trillion dollars, but only on the rich. But that's not possible because Biden then says he's going to cancel the Trump tax cut.


What if he cancels the Trump tax cuts? Then the middle class, the upper middle class and lower middle class are all going to get a tax increase, not just the rich. It's the same thing as Biden saying a hundred trillion dollars on climate. It's crazy what he's talking about. Yes, he does. You're going to spend 100 trillion dollars on a green new deal. The green New Deal wipes out fossil fuel, wipes out oil and gas.


That's what it does. Alexandra Steele contends the gang, whatever they call themselves, and Bernie Sanders, these are the people pushing this agenda. And that's exactly what the upshot of it's going to be, it's kind of like there's a thing that came up in the health care debate last night, which is very, very, very imperfect.


Let me take a break rather than have to hustle through this, because I want to have ample time to make myself understood. We'll be right back.


800 to eight two two eight eight two a number if you want to be on the program today. So Biden kept disguising Medicare for all as the public option, but his plan really calls for anybody who wants to be able to get Medicare. It's it's only different from Bernie Sanders and Alexandra Cortez in so far as you're not forced to get on Medicare, but who turned down that deal? But it's it's a little bit more easily refuted than than Trump did it last night.


The public option versus Medicare for all. Biden kept disguising Medicare for all as the public option. The moderator never called Biden on that. Trump never got a chance to spell it out. Here's how to do it. And if you ever find yourself in a situation where you're discussing health care for people. I don't mean this to be a criticism, but the president missed a great opportunity during the health discussion and it's only because he doesn't know the terminology.


He's not a politician. He knows the facts.


But you got to be able to combine the facts with the terminology already, and they discussed, you know, president kept talking about how many people are going to lose their health insurance under Biden's plan, and he threw the number out.


It was 120 million, 140 million, 160, whatever it was, million people. And he's right. Are going to lose their health insurance. He called it private health insurance under Biden's plan. What it really is, and this is how you nail it under Biden's health plan, under the Democrat health plan, under the Alexander Castro, Cortez and Bernie Sanders health plan, if you have your health insurance at work, you're going to lose it. That's what they're going to take away from you.


Everybody who gets their health insurance at work as an employee benefit, and most people like that. People can get their health insurance at work have been documented to prefer it, they like it. They like it as a benefit, as a perk. Well, this is what Biden's health care plan will do. That's that's why when Trump says 160 million people are going to lose their health insurance, that's how. But he didn't say. If you get your health insurance at work.


Biden's going to take it away, but that's exactly what's going to happen. To just say 120 million people lose their health insurance under Biden's plan leaves it open to be disbelieved as a wild ass assertion, that may not be true, but it is true.


A lot of focus group research and polling data that indicates health care is one of the things that matters the most to people in America right now. And so it's important, folks, to understand what Biden's health care plan will do. And when I say Biden's, I mean, he's the ticket. He's the top dog on the ticket. So, yeah, it's his, but it's not his. I guess it really doesn't matter. It's it's it's the left's agenda here that Biden has agreed to advance in exchange for being the nominee.


And Trump was right last night when he kept pointing out how many millions of people, the 160 million people are going to lose their health insurance under Biden's plan.


Now, Biden was able to make a face and react like that was the stupidest thing anybody can say, 160 million people. You think I'm going to take on 160 million people's health insurance or for your crazy. Which is why. This needs an explainer. Trump was exactly right, that is exactly what's going to happen because the Biden health care plan. In order to get as much health care provided to people from the government is going to eliminate employer provided health insurance and that's how 160 million people are.


However, many hundreds of millions get their health insurance and work. That's how they're going to lose it.


Everybody, if you get your health insurance at work and Biden wins and they implement this health care plan, you're going to lose, you're going to have it taken away. Remember when Obama said. And if you like your plan, you get to keep your plan, remember, you like your doctor, you get to keep your doctor. You remember Biden or Obama said your premiums are going to come down 2500 dollars. You remember how none of that was true?


None of it. You didn't get to keep your doctor, you didn't get to keep your plan because you were forced to make a move signing up for Obamacare, which had little cons., if you will, in the deal, which meant you were giving up your current plan if you.


Engaged in Obamacare as the law demand, they gave you no choice, you were never going to be able to keep your plan or your doctor and your premiums were never going to go down 2500 bucks. But they lied through their teeth for month after month after month to sell it to you.


Then they then they they laughed and and they gloated about how easily this was done, how stupid the American people were.


It's the same thing all over again now with a different agenda. Remember the purpose of Obamacare. And this is still relevant, folks. Obamacare was to be staged in, phased in. It was designed to not work. Phase one was designed to not work, it was it was designed to look good. It was designed to look valiant. It was designed to look like, oh, man, we're really trying. We want everybody to have health insurance and everybody to get the best coverage.


But it was designed. To fail. At which point that was going to take well, the sooner the better, but they wrote it into a five year fail plan.


And the objective of it was in this in the middle of the second term of the Obama administration to put their hands up in frustration. We tried. We tried. But. This isn't going to work, and so they were going to phase and in replacing Obamacare would come. The government option, and that was going to be a mandate and that's how you were going to lose the health insurance that you had. It was designed to fail so as to have the public clamoring for a fix.


The way the leftists do these things, they know you don't want government run health care. They know you don't want the DMV running health care. They know you'd never support it. So they designed the system. Obamacare, which looks good on paper, got all these great intentions behind it. But then in practice, it just doesn't work. Too complicated, too convoluted. And after a while, the American people demand.


Let somebody do something about it, the American people demand the man on the left is there waving. To act on the demand, go full fledged single payer, and that was the grand design. Well, one thing happened. Trump got elected and we were able to get rid of the original the of the personal mandate, and that took the guts out of Obamacare. Now, Obamacare is before the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of a whole bunch of it.


So they've got their plan on the Democrat side, and it is. To take away your health insurance if you get it at work. So just as Obama I'm sorry, Biden can sit there and laugh and shake his hand when Trump says you're going to destroy oil and gas, when that's exactly what Biden intends to do. Same thing with health care. They make it look like that's outrageous. You think we're going to cancel 160 meet people, but they are.


So it's a it's a it really is a is a mean trick that they're trying to pull off here, all for the sake of government being in control of it and once again, limiting your mobility and limiting your freedom, limiting any kind of option that you might have. With your own health care, this is why it was so important, I think, for Trump to continue to run as an outsider, ran for president because of insiders like Biden, ran to reverse course, make America great again.


Making the point we got to keep the country open while fighting the virus, I mean, there Trump was he was strong on jobs. It was strong standing up to the trichomes. He was strong on staying out of wars, strong on energy independence. It was such a big thing to brag about. We're now energy independent. We don't need to go into wars. We don't need to be defensive around any of these other oil producing countries in the Middle East because we don't need them anymore.


He was standing up strong for families, for the oil and the steel industries. And when it comes to the oil industry, by the way, that is America's number one energy source. And Trump hey, Texas, did you hear what he just said? Hey, Oklahoma, did you hear what he just said? Hey, Pennsylvania, did you hear what he just said? Hey Ohio. Did you hear what he just said? Who built the cages?


Joe, all of these were killer lines because Biden saying he would be shutting down the oil industry, not just fracking. He was going to shut down the whole oil industry.


Biden's out there tree hugging and everything, and Obama or Trump is rather playing the the role of the adult in the room. And make no mistake. This was a big deal, Biden did promise to shut down the oil industry, not just fracking and not just fracking on federal lands. That's how he tried to slither out of this last night. No, no, no. I just meant fracking on federal land. No, he's not just shutting down fracking.


They want to shut down the oil industry. That's what the Green New Deal does. That is the foundation of the green New Deal is shutting down the oil industry, fossil fuels, we don't have anything to replace it, folks. We don't have an industry of energy that will get big commercial jets off the ground, cargo or passenger. We just don't we are a long ways from it.


We don't have anything anywhere near anything. To replace oil. I mean, it was a big moment and there's Trump saying, remember what you just heard, Pennsylvania, Texas, Ohio, remember that America. Who built the cages, Joe? Why didn't you fix this when you were there, wasn't that long ago you were the three year, four year, five years ago. Joe, why didn't you fix the cages back then? I ran because of you, Joe.


Biden got a little nervous with that line, actually went after Obama. When Biden said he'd get immigration reform done because I'll be president, not vice, but he was even attacking Obama, well, I'll fix immigration because I'll be president, not vice president. Oh, another brief break.


And then we get started with your phone calls on Open Line Friday. We're coming right back.


Welcome back. Rush Limbaugh on the cutting edge. Get some polling data here and then we'll get back to the phones. Trump reaches critical 52 percent approval rate entering the final election stretch. With just 12 days to go before the election, Trump's approval rating has popped 52 percent. Now that is considered traditionally and historically the holy grail of re-election numbers. This is Rasmussen Reports. The president's rating jumped from 49 to 52 percent, said job approval poll. Jumped three points in the three day rolling average.


Rasmussen puts out in its daily presidential tracking poll, so Trump is at 52 percent approval.


That is a that is a no, traditionally, if a incumbent president reaches 52 percent in the final stretch, he doesn't lose.


The presidential election, 52 percent, it's a magic number, it's something that and it might be a couple of exceptions to it over the years, but it is firmly. Established to have happened often enough to be a key indicator, in addition to the daily approval rating, Rassmussen and others. This week, we've also charted Trump's rise in the presidential race, tightening to two to three points with Biden.


So it's all moving in the right direction. In addition to that, Trump has picked up eight points in Ohio in one month and the drive bys are quiet.


It's worthy to note that the drive by media is ignoring this, but they made a big deal about Biden being up five in Ohio and now that he's gone the opposite way, they are standing mute. They're conditioning voters to expect Biden to win. That's what this all is. And I think that Trump rallies are making the silent voter more bold. I think more and more people are watching these rallies. I think they're getting a different psychological effect from them.


Fox reported Wednesday that its polls showed a dramatic eight point shift toward Trump and away from Biden in Ohio, and this is going to get even worse after Biden's performance last night about the oil industry. This is big in Pennsylvania and Ohio and some of these other states.


For the first time in four months, Trump is ahead in the real Clear Politics average, it's by less than a point, but everybody considers this the Holy Grail, the real Clear Politics rolling average poll of polls, whatever it is.


So Zmolek Hemingway story a few days before the first presidential debate. Fox News released polling data showing the situation for Trump's re-election was so dire, he was down five points in Ohio. Trump won Ohio by eight points 2016. Now he's down five, just over a month remaining. Liberals were thrilled, result was major news journalists made sure to highlight the result, people of Washington Post, MSNBC, New York Times, not that I made a big deal about it.


So Fox reported Wednesday that its poll showed a dramatic eight point shift toward Trump away from Biden.


And guess who was silent? Drive by media. The trend line is all in Trump's direction exactly as it was in 2016. One more. This is Rassmussen. This is the national daily black likely voter job approval for president.


And this is something. October 19th, 2013 twenty. On Monday, October 19th, Trump's approval number. Among African-American likely voters, job approval, 25 percent. The next day, October 20th. It fell a point Trump's job approval among black voters, 24 percent is likely black voters. But on Wednesday, it began to change on Wednesday, October 21st. Thirty one percent. Job approval among black likely voters. Then Thursday, yesterday, 37 percent. Job approval, black, likely voters to day 46 percent.


Forty, so we've gone on Monday, October 19. Twenty five percent. Friday, October twenty third. Forty six percent. Black likely voter job approval.


Donald Trump. What happened? What happened, the debate happened with 50 Cent. What happened? Something happened. Let's go to the phones. Kevin in Dayton, Ohio, your next. It's great to have you, sir. How are you doing? I'm great. I appreciate you taking my call. Yes, sir. You know that you are in my family's prayers with everything you're going through.


One of the things that I'm curious about is what happened last night in the debate about, you know, Joe jumping on President Trump about when he knew about all of this and how he didn't want the American people to panic. Joseph, over the American people. We don't panic. Well, I'm sorry, but we did kind of panic when we found out about it because you couldn't find toilet paper, you couldn't find me. What is your take on all that?


I think it's I think it's Biden flailing away. I think if you go back and look at the early days of the virus, you can find everybody saying what they're saying today, saying the exact opposite of it. In February and March, you can find Falchi saying no big deal. Don't worry about it. No need to wear a mask. You can find Pelosi. Come on down to Chinatown. There's no reason to hide in the very early days of this.


You can see every government official not wanting people to panic and to try to keep them from panicking by saying, come on, everything's fine. This thing is no different than the flu. Everybody was trying. To downplay the potential badness of this thing, and then as time went on, then one guy. One guy didn't have the freedom to act like everything's fine, Trump banned all incoming travel from China and guys like Biden and the rest started calling him a racist and a xenophobe, the one guy that was trying to do something about it and Trump saying, I didn't want people to panic.


You're exactly right. We do panic. There's no reason for there to be a toilet paper shortage, no reason for a run on toilet paper. In any kind of a viral pandemic, but yet there there was it was no different, must have been a hurricane coming in, hurricane virus, what have you. I just I think it's all an exercise here in finger pointing that is not going to carry any weight with anybody because everybody was in one degree of panic or another back in the beginning and didn't know anything about it.


Everybody was alternately scared or not. But you can find people contradicting themselves from the highest level of expertise our country has to offer.


I don't think there's much to it and like it matters. We'll be back after this. Hang on.


Joe Biden says that nobody lost their private insurance under Obamacare. That was rated the Lie of the Year by fact checkers, of course. Tons of people lost their private insurance under Obamacare because that was the design that was built in, it was designed to frustrate you and make you demand single payer in order for health insurance to work.


We'll be right back.


I'm an 18 year old college kid chilling in his dorm room at the University of Alabama, which just happens to have a lot to say. And when I say a lot to say, I mean a lot to say about everything. Tyler Pearson and I'm the host of the brand new podcast, T.J. Pearson Uncensored. Now, this is going to be your typical political podcast. And what I say, well, sometimes that gets me in trouble. Why? Because I couldn't care less about the haemagglutinin correct.


Or respecting anyone suspicious. Because until the world is to go all willy nilly, what the hell was a safe space? What the hell was his idea that feelings mattered more than facts? We went from a world that actually valued truth to a world in which people now make the argument with a straight face that there are more than 80 genders to a world that shames people for loving America. Too much, I'm tired of it, and that's why I'm here.


Listen to C.J. Pearson uncensored on October 29. I already wrapped up Lockharts wherever you get your podcast. No, no, no, no.


That was a mind boggling blunder last night by Biden. He said it. Nobody lost their private insurance under Obamacare. They did. It was the design. And then that why it was rated the Lie of the Year by fact checkers. Millions of Americans lost their private insurance. By design, Obamacare forced them into unaffordable policies, premiums skyrocketed, deductibles went through the roof. I mean, deductibles under Obamacare were so high that people effectively had no health insurance for my from the Southern Command in sunny south Florida.


It's open line Friday. I'm going to tell you, Joe Biden is at a huge disadvantage if he wants to talk about the stuff that happened during the Obama administration, he's picking the wrong time frame because we don't forget any of that. We're not going to forget the thing. We're not going to forget a thing about Obamacare. We're not going to forget the stimulus deal. The pork. Give us a deal. No way. I mean, even PolitiFact, that's a left wing fact checker group, said it was the lie of the year.


Greetings, my friends. It's open line Friday. Rush Limbaugh executing a sign host duties flawlessly. Folks, let me ask you a question.


Those of you and I know we spoke to some of you on the phone yesterday.


How many of you out there had a very trepidations feeling about the election?


And have now had a reversal because of the debate last night, how many of you are now feeling renewed and better and more optimistic?


Simply because of the debate performance by the president last night, no, I mean, it's a serious question because there's a there's a rule of thumb out there that says debates don't change anything. They're just part of the campaign, but especially now. I think before the debate ended last night, they were putting a number out that 50 million Americans already voted. So that means that there are not a whole lot of undecideds out there.


So how much could the debate have mattered? How much could it have changed people's intended voting choice or how much could it have changed people's enthusiasm? See, I think a lot, but I am a Pollyanna ish kind of guy. I think it was so good that I think and it was so dramatically good and I think it was good for all of the right reasons. It countered Trump was the guy we know. That was the Donald Trump that we all know.


That's the Donald Trump. We thought we were going to get on the first debate. That's a Donald Trump. We hoped we were going to get on the first debate. And we got it. And to me, it has it has made a huge difference in my attitude. I just have to share that with you, and I don't know if it's affected some of you in the same way some of you may be, that's too late, right?


They got 12 days to go. I don't mean that you're out there being negative about it. I'm just saying it's it's too little too late. It can't it can't make that big a difference.


I tend to disagree with I disagree with all of this conventional wisdom that says not enough time left. It's too late in the game. I don't believe that at all. And I really folks, the one thing that I need to keep pounding is don't be afraid to go vote. If you want to vote absentee, go for it. If you want an early vote, like Trump is going to early vote tomorrow here in Florida.


If you want to early vote, go right ahead. Don't miss a stamp, but I'm telling you, there's no substitute for showing up on actual Election Day. And dwarfing turnout. There's nothing like it, it can screw with the exit polls, it can it can cause the Democrats and the left to get all depressed themselves. So don't be afraid of voting in person. I know you're afraid of the virus. And I don't mean to sound. I mean, it's all good.


I have to be I can't get it. So I understand it.


But a lot of people are afraid.


It's depending on where you are. We may be in an uptick of the virus. I understand.


I understand the concerns. About that, and I by no means intended to sound cavalier about it, so don't don't misunderstand however you do it, just make sure you do vote.


Now, I know this sounds crazy, Rush, we know to vote. You say that, but then every election, every four years, look at the numbers of people who don't. It'll shock you. It will astound you. The number of Americans who do not vote.


I can't explain it, but they don't. Well, actually, I can't explain it. There are a lot of people think their vote doesn't matter. A lot of people don't believe in the integrity of the process.


A lot of people don't believe that the outcome is ever legitimate, that there's always something fishy about it somewhere. And it's very hard to disabuse people of those notions when they have them some audio sound bites. Jonathan Martin, Jonathan Martin used to be political and then he went over to The New York Times some years ago on CNN this afternoon. And he's admitting here that Biden hurt himself, that the Biden basement campaign.


Well, listen, let's just see what he says and help himself.


I think he probably created more. Call it my bad. Stop the tape. There's a question here I need to take the question. Answering it is from John King, who said Biden is the overall leader. I don't think any of us think that there was anything he did last night to really hurt himself. But maybe he did hurt himself a little bit here on the issue of oil, he didn't help himself. I think he probably created more of an uncomfortable spot for members of Congress in places like Oklahoma or eastern New Mexico, which obviously are huge oil communities in America.


Joe Biden has had a blessing this campaign. The basement campaign has been a blessing for Democrats. And last night was a reminder of why it's been a blessing, because Joe Biden is given to saying things that he or his staff later have to clean up. And the fact that he's never really had to had to sort of like, you know, four or five events along the day on a campaign trail. This was always the risk with nominating Biden is that he would have these gaffes that would have to be cleaned up after the fact, though, you know, you're going to wade through all of that.


The bottom line is they're nervous. He came out of the basement and he can't do it. That's what that's what Martin's admitting here, he can't do it. He can't come out there in campaign four times a day. He can't come out and do it. They've had a blessing by having Biden be able to get away with stay in the basement. And now they're admitting he can't, but he has to now because of this debate and because of the gaffes and stepping in it on shutting down the oil business in America, he's got to come out and they're worried that he can't do it.


You remember Hillary's ad back in 2006, think about Joe Biden's diminished mental capacity. Would you trust Biden to do the right thing? If he gets a 3:00 a.m. phone call about that, and I mean, they're worried, they are nervous. And it is understandable he did hurt himself last night, these he didn't like the question. I don't think any of us think there was anything he did last night to really hurt himself.


But maybe maybe he did hurt himself a little bit on the issue of oil.


They're worried to death, he hurt himself because he you know what, it looked bad. It's unavoidable, Trump looked vital, Trump looked tanned and rested and ready, and this guy's doing two and three rallies a day.


He's indefatigable. He's not sleeping. He doesn't need it.


Biden is gone and hidden away for five days, shows up looking bad, looking sick, looking pale. And the longer the debate when it was obvious that Biden was losing train of thought and ability to keep track of things. So they are worried. Now, let's go to the White House today in Washington, the Oval Office, President Trump announced that the country of Sudan will now be normalizing relations with Israel. A reporter said, can you expand what this means to Iran, the pressure that these deals are now placing on Iran?


Ultimately, Iran maybe will become a member of this whole thing. If you want to really know the truth someday, I'd love to help Iran. I'd love to get Iran back on track. Their GDP went down 27 percent. They've gone from a rich country to a poor country in that period of three years. And I'd love to get them back on track. They just can't have nuclear weapons at all. And I could see Iran ultimately. Right now, it doesn't sound like something that would happen, but I see it happening.




So there's a new deal. Israel and Sudan, the the Middle East peace deal keeps expanding and it keeps expanding outside the purview of the Palestinians.


And that's just shocking. None of this that Trump is doing is supposed to be doable, and the reason is they can't get their arms around the fact that he's still an outsider accomplishing all of these things. Outsiders are not supposed to be able to to do these things.


There's one more next question. Reporter says, I think everybody who watched the debate last night said that you see much more calm and measured at the podium. How much of it was you kind of trying to change or strategically or were you just playing by the debate commission's rules?


I think the other is more effective in terms of business and life. The first one I thought I did great. There are certain groups of very aggressive people that love the first debate, but I think this was better. This is obviously a more popular way of doing it. And no, I think, you know, I wanted to play by the rules. They felt very strongly about it. It's two different styles. I'm able to do different styles, you know, if you had to.


But this seemed to be much more popular.


Oh, he's going to stick by that first debate performance. Yeah. Yeah, I intend to do. That's that's how you get things done in business, in life. The first one I thought I did great, certain groups, very aggressive people that love that first debate and they did, by the way, we had a bunch of them call here. They started getting upset. So many people were down on Trump for that first debate. They want that Trump.


They think that's the Trump that needs to be on display all the time. OK, it's open line Friday.


We'll take another brief timeout and come back and get back to the phones and tough folks.


And welcome back, Rush Limbaugh, the EIB Network. Oh, we've got some new polling data in from Florida in its rassmussen. See, Trump now is 49, Biden 46.


In Florida, Trump holds a three point lead in Florida in a state critical to whether or not the president is reelected.


The Rasmussen telephone survey and online, by the way, likely voters in Florida. It's always the sample that you want. You don't want registered voters and you don't want registered adult.


You want likely voters.


Trump is now beating Biden 49 46. Three percent like some other candidate, another three percent are undecided. Now, 2016, Trump earned 49 percent of the vote in Florida, edging Hillary by one point two points.


So he's ahead of the game today versus 2016, 89 percent of voters in Florida have already made up their minds and are going to vote for Trump leads 40 I'm sorry, 50 to 48 among that group.


Hubba hubba. Among the 45 percent who say they have already voted. Biden has a 17 point lead, 56 to 39, but the people that haven't voted yet wipe that out. So anyway, it's it's all trending in the right direction. Here's Jonathan Long Island. Great to have you on Open Line Friday. Hello.


Hey, Arush. God bless you all praying for you. Listen, I watched the debate last night. And, you know, Biden, like you said, looked very frail. And if, you know, remember, he actually brought up this whole business about the computer and the laptop first. And it seemed like he just wanted to get it off his chest. And I couldn't wait to watch the post debate analysis on CNN afterwards, because, as we all know, they never carry the president live anymore.


They just wait till he's finished and then they tell our viewers what they're supposed to think about what they weren't allowed to see. And they were they were gleeful about the fact that, well, nobody should believe any of this story about the laptop because we're not covering it. It's not real news. It's nothing to worry about here. And it's your only if you're a Fox News watcher, you would understand what they were talking about. And I just thought that the fact that they were so gleeful and condescending about it was so telling about who they really are.


And I don't know where they go from here because their credibility is shot beyond salvation. Well, where do they go from there? I mean, they're locked in. They are they are they're they're locked into anti Trump for as long as Trump is anywhere. I haven't there's a story here from from National Review Online. The editors have a message out there. It's got the editorial. Its headline is The Media's Shameful Hunter Biden Abdication.


In an interview with National Public Radio's public editor today, Terence Samuel, the managing editor for news, explained why readers haven't seen any stories about The New York Post's Hunter Biden.


E-mail Schoop. He said, well, we don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, we don't want to waste the listeners and readers time on stories that are just pure distractions. Quite frankly, that's where we ended up. This is a politically driven event. We decided to treat it that way. And this guy, Terence Samuel, National Public Radio public editor, he speaks for much of the media, the media has ignored or dismissed these emails out of hand.


60 Minutes interview with the press, we played you the audio, Lesley Stahl, there's no story there. There's nothing that we can't prove any event unattentive is. Well, I'm the most spied on campaign. Now, you can't prove that there's nothing to see there. The media is just going to ignore it and you say work and they go right where they are. But here's the thing, folks. This what you have to know. Within the drive by media universe and let's let's call it out, it's no mystery, it's the New York Times at the top of the heap.


Then The Washington Post, you throw in USA Today in the L.A. Times, maybe I don't use some of the other big papers. Then you go CNN. Then you'll have ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS, and you have MSNBC. And you have all the little crumb crunchers. Following around, trying to pick up the refugees, they are terrified of each other. They are scared to death. To do anything differently from what they think the leaders of this package, so if they are scared to death of The New York Times.


They are scared to death of The Washington Post, they do not want to incur the wrath of others in the drive by media, they are afraid to death to do anything to hurt Biden, for fear of being ripped to shreds and ostracized by others in the in the drive by media. In other words, folks, they are scared to death. They're going to be scratched off the invite lists. And this is not an exaggeration. This is group think 101 and the elite status.


That is conveyed to people in the drive by media is contingent on them following the lead.


There cannot be any independence, there cannot be any risk taking, there cannot be any curiosity outside the way the group is functioning, there must be total fealty to groupthink, conventional wisdom, what have you. In this case, it's trumps bad. Biden's good. Biden must win. Trump must be defeated. Trump must be ruined. No exceptions. In contemporary media parlance, distraction like this guy. Terence Samuel calling the Hunter Biden laptop story a distraction. Like Russian disinformation, it's a euphemism for any story that harms Biden, any story that might harm Biden is called a distraction, not news.


Russian disinformation, it's a distraction. And the bottom line is that way too many journalists have gotten to the point now where they are living in terror of being blamed for reporting stories that might influence voters to support Trump. So to make sure that doesn't happen, they go way out of bounds. Anti Trump, they go way overboard, anti Trump. That's where we are and that's why. So that's that's where CNN is and there's not going to be any change.


Back in a sec.


OK, back to the phones we go. It's open line Friday. We're trying to take more phone calls on Friday and sometimes we actually pull that off. Here's here's Brett in my adopted hometown, Sacramento, California. Hi.


Hi, Rusty. It's so great to talk to you. Thank you, sir. I just want to. Yeah, I just wanted to say that I think the president absolutely crushed it last night and it's fantastic. And I was so proud of him. But I wanted to point out two areas that I think we're kind of really big, missed opportunities to really go after Biden. The first it was so laughable, Biden said that Iran would, quote, pay a price for election interference if he were elected and.


OK, Joe, Joe is a weak and decrepit old man who will be an absolute laughingstock on the world stage. So I would have asked him, Joe, would you have gone after Sulimani when you had the chance you didn't even want to kill bin Laden. You advised Obama against the bin Laden raid. And that's not to mention 150 billion bucks. Yeah, see, that's that's what I would have if.


But, look, we it's easy for us in the grandstand to sit here and say when there's no pressure on us, what we would have done, what we should have said, what Trump should have said. It's really easy to sit here and be the critics.


But that's you know, when Biden said, you're wrong, they will pay the price. I said, Joe, haven't they already? Were you already guys gave them one hundred and fifty billion dollars on the tarmac, Joe. And like, still. Is that what you call paying the price?


Yeah. Yeah. And I like I said, I'm not by any means criticizing and who knows what else is going through his head while he's up there talking. But the second item that I think could have been a good opportunity is when Biden said, oh, it's so sad because these cities and local municipalities who are having to lay off first responders and police officers, I would've said, Joe, you want to defund the cops. You don't even want the cops to be a thing anymore, abolishing the police and whatever else.


How can you possibly say, oh, yeah, that's what we're having to lay off. COP He's gone on record as saying he's pro defunding the police. Well, that's a good point.


And, you know, what you are illustrating is that there were there were a lot of these there was a lot of Biden hypocrisy. There was a lot of Biden sticking his foot in his mouth last night. There were gaffes galore, gaffe after gaffe after gaffe. It was almost impossible to keep up with all of them. I appreciate the call, Brett. Thanks. Let me give you a couple more. The on the. The Biden and laptop fiasco.


Biden said, I have never taken a penny from a foreign source in my life. Maybe that's true, maybe that maybe that's why Hunter Biden's in the pipeline, maybe that's why Joe Biden's brother Jim is in the pipeline, maybe that's why Bobby Lewinsky was hired in order to be the front man to actually take the cash. That's what it means when they say 10 percent or up to 50 percent is to be bumped up to the big guy.


That's Biden, folks. This is exactly how it happens. And this is why. So that the principal in the deal, which is Biden and Biden, is the agent of influence. Nobody is paying Hunter Biden because of the quality of his work. Nobody's paying by Belinski because of the quality of his work. Nobody's paying Biden's brother Jim, because the quality of his work, those guys are not being paid by China. Because they are experts in anything and because they're great employees, they're being paid.


So that that money gets to Joe Biden. Joe Biden is the receptacle. Joe Biden is the target. Joe Biden's the agent of influence, Joe Biden is depending either the United States senator who can get things done or he is the vice president who can get things done. So when he says, I've never taken a penny from a foreign source in my life, it's probably true his son did. And his brother did. And then they bumped whatever percentage of the deal to Joe, and that's where Joe gets the money to have four houses now.


Everybody thinks Joe Biden lives in a in an age frame in Wilmington, Delaware, in the basement. You believe that? That's the image Biden lives in the basement. I don't know if you've seen any video or pictures of Biden when he's in the basement, but it's it's like a 1960s ranch. And that's supposedly where Biden lives. Biden has two lake homes, he's got a couple of beach homes he's got and they're significantly large, major amount of square footage.


You never see them. You never see Biden arriving at one, you never see him leaving one. He does have that little old sheep family homestead somewhere in Delaware where he can be seen in the basement. But Hunter is in the pipeline specifically to take the money and then bump it up to Joe. It's exactly why Hunter is there. Here's next Cooper, Virginia Beach, great to have you with us, sir. Hello.


Hi, I just want to let you know you're in all of our prayers. I appreciate it. Thank you very much, sir.


So one I wanted to comment on on Tuesday. You're talking about the fires and the feeling he gave you. And I just agree with that so much, especially my dad flew demos. So it's an amazing thing to watch. And it's really important because they use it for recruiting and flight training. So it plays a bigger role than really anyone realizes. And it's really interesting to watch them as well. That's a cool experience. OK, thanks very much.


I appreciate that. And then also I really want to thank you for writing the rest of your books because they played such a big role in my life. And no kidding. Yeah, they got me interested in history. So I'm take I took the Hillsdale classes because of your recommendations.


No kidding. That's cool. How old are you now? I'm 15. I just turned 15 in October. You're 15.


So are you. Well, then you've been reading the review books not that long ago, Mr.. Well, this is really this is gratifying to learn that they meant that much to you and that inspired you to go out and take some Hillsdale courses.


Yeah, and I mean, I spent when you released your American Revolution, my father was actually deployed during that. So that was really influential looking because of the correlation it had. Wow, well, that's that's that's you made my day, I just I can't I can't thank you enough. What do you use, a 15 year in high school? Are you are you in school now or are you actually going to school or are you virtual?


I'm virtual. Actually, I'm in class, but. Right. But we got out early, so I was able to call. Well, that's terrific. I want you to hold on out there, Cooper, because we we have some stuff that we want to send you from Revere his neighborhood, and we'll get it out as soon as we can. But we need your address to do it.


So Mr. Snowden will be picking up the phone in a moment here, and we will be happy to get some stuff out to you.


This is great. You know, speaking of Hillsdale, we're fortunate to have higher level learning institutions like Hillsdale College.


They've made it their mission, it is so great that Cooper, at age 50, wanted to go take some of these Hillsdale courses. These are courses designed for college students. But they've made them available to anybody free of charge who wants to learn it's about the founding of the country, American liberty and freedom. What's different about American liberty and freedom from elsewhere? The Constitution, Constitutional 101, because Hillsdale has made it their mission to share their appreciation for our freedom for as long as I can remember.


They don't take it for granted. They know that none of us should. And they do it on any number of ways, but one in particular is connecting with a large cross-section of this audience. Now, Hillsdale produces online video series Free for you to watch, no strings attached, no secret fundraising e-mails show up, nothing like that. They just want you to learn or in some cases relearned our nation's history. I mean, think of it, everybody has a passion, there's his teaching.


They can't get everybody on campus. Not physically possible, but they want people to know what they do, they're very proud of what they do at Hillsdale, they're proud of how they do it, and they want as many people to know it and know about it as possible. Now, their newest course.


Is called the Great American Story, A Land of Hope, and it is a great example, the online series they provide to you through the course of the year, the series, 10 episodes long each episodes about 40 minutes.


And it tells the story of our nation's history and how we've triumphed through good times and bad, how we faced adversity and found solutions, and they don't beat the country up.


They're not.


They're not engaged in America is a failed mistake, America is a bad idea like Biden's current and is the underlining theme is the value of freedom.


And our ability to always come together to protect and preserve our freedoms when we are under attack, Hillsdale professors. And administration produced a series like this one throughout the course of the year, and they're all available for you to watch on demand, three dozen at all now, 36 different courses, a passion for teaching and a passion for knowledge. It comes through in each series. All you have to do is sign up online. Rush for Hillsdale Dotcom. That's it.


No strings attached. Rush for Hillsdale Dotcom.


And you are in the midst of the fastest three hours in media. It is the one and only Rush Limbaugh program. Great to have you here on Open Line Friday. You can talk about anything. Does not have to be the debate doesn't have to be politics. It could be anything you want. Don't forget that that's an open line. Friday is is actually about. Here's Cathy in Salem, Oregon. Great that you waited. I appreciate it. Hi.


Mega. Mega, you know. Thank you. Thank you much. And I believe I believe this country is praying for your full remission. Well, I appreciate that.


Thank you. Thank you very much.


So my comment is about the 525 children still without their parents. Do we know that that is an accurate number? I don't I don't know, but the thing is, I don't believe if that's the right number, I don't think those children were actually brought over by their real parents. Yeah, I think those were some of the coyote kids that the president was talking about. Because think about it. If you were parents whose child was taken away at a border.


Would you not be calling that immigration of organization if your kid was still missing? I don't know. I would. I wouldn't leave the kid there. I don't I just don't think that those kids were ever since they were coyote kids. And their real parents don't know where they are possibly. And can't find them. I think you're right. I think that these and you're basing this on the fact that there doesn't seem to be any evidence of adults or parents making noise about wanting their kids back.


Exactly. They should be beating the door down.


Right. So which might mean that the parents aren't even here. The parents are back in the home country, Eldorado or Guatemala or whatever, and that their objective was to get them here, get them out of Guatemala, get them out of El Salvador, pay the coyotes, whatever, get them here, and then hope and pray that the kids are OK, trying to make whatever arrangements you can. And then if you're a parent, maybe find a way to get up here later and join them, maybe having the kids set that up once they get to know what's doing.


But I think you're right, because if the parents were with these kids and they'd actually been separated from them, be raising hell about now.


Yeah, exactly. And I'm not even sure about I think they might just be kidnapped kids because I can't wrap my head around a parent selling their kid to a coyote on the hopes that they'll make it across the desert. They'll make it across the border, you know. I can't wrap my head around that much, but, well, you know, I know, but you have you're what you're doing is you are transposing your own values of parenthood onto people that you don't know.


I'm just naive. I know that it's not it's not now known as I was just not naive. You're rolling the dice that human nature is human nature and that parents are parents and that they get separated.


They're kids that they want to find them. Yeah, but you know as well as I do that there's all kinds of parents who drop their babies off at the fire department three days after they're born. There's all kinds of parents that don't want anything to do with their kids because they can't afford them. They didn't want to have them in the first place.


There's all kinds of depravity out there.


Well, Biden makes it sound like we're holding on to these kids and we don't want to send them back.


I know Biden's trying to make it sound like Trump has put these kids in cages because we are mean because we don't like illegals and we're racists and we're pigs. I know what Biden's trying to do and that's not flying. That's not going to fly with anybody. You're not even our cages. They're Obama and Biden's cages.


Yeah. That's why I wanted to say, well, I'm glad you called. Cathy, thanks. This is an in Palm Beach County, Florida. Great to have you. Your next. Hello.


Yeah. Mega dittos from here in Palm Beach County. It's an honor to talk to you and definitely sending prayers your way. My question is, in light of the Lincoln Project and all the never Trump person, the Republican Party, what do you think would happen to the party if, by chance, Trump would lose the election?


Well, if Trump loses the election, the Republican Party is his now. It's a the the people that will remain the Republican Party are people who have been influenced by by Trump. Like Tom Cotton is already making plans for the 2024 Republican primary. He wants to be the Republican nominee. And he's as close as you're going to get to as Trump is, as you'll find right now. In addition, you're right. You have you have the whatever the project name is, the Lincoln Project.


Lincoln Project. Yeah. These are these are these Republican in name only who are trying to forge a path ahead by pleasing Democrats. These people are not going to be in charge of any Republican Party that wins anything going forward.


Well, I do agree with that.


I mean, they're living and they're living. And if they think if they think that they're building the future of the Republican Party by endorsing Biden and endorsing Democrats, they have lost their minds. They are not the Republican Party. They haven't been the Republican Party since they abandoned it because of Trump. And it's not going to be theirs to pick up and put back together. They don't have the slightest idea how these people have never won, Jack, anyway, and they don't know how.


Well, I certainly agree with that. The real question is, is the Republican Party? Going to survive at all as currently constant, what what is it going to become if if Trump loses?


And this is going to be a question whenever even if Trump wins re-election and then twenty, twenty four comes along and loses, what is it going to be?


It's wide open still.


How many times of debate last night. Advisor Come on, come on. Come on. A grand total is eight eight times.


Biden forgot his train of thought, forgot what he wanted to say, and so said, come on. Greetings to your music lovers, thrill seekers and, of course, conversationalists all across the fruited plain, and you are tuned to the most listened to radio talk show in the country.


The Rush Limbaugh program on the EIB Network Monday from US Southern Command in sunny South Florida. It's open line Friday, January, fastest three hours in media in just one hour remaining trying to make the most of it for you. Telephone number eight hundred two eight two two eight eight two e-mail address L Rush and EIB been.


That's us. I'm sitting here looking. I've got a Victor Davis Hanson has written a piece at National Review Online, The Post Debate Review.


And I highlighted some things that he wrote here. He said, Biden will suffer for unequivocally denying what is now a demonstrable fact, and that is there is evidence that his family ran a systematic shakedown operation. To peddle access inside access and influence for millions of foreign dollars in profits in the debate, Biden seemed bewildered by the amount even call or what would even conclude the obvious.


And that's because Biden knows the media is not going to cover it. And so he's totally at home acting, there's no big deal, but, you know, folks, to talk to people like Joe Biden and we've encountered this we've encountered this with other. Inside the Beltway elitists, they really don't think this is anything out of the ordinary. I mean, it is how it works. In fact, this is, in fact, one of the perks of being an elitist in in Washington is you get to set up these kind of deals.


This is just the way the world works. This is the way foreign governments know that if they want to have any influence, they're going to have to buy it and that there are people in Washington who are going to set themselves up as the people that sell it.


Now, the people that don't live in Washington don't have to know about it, and we're not going to make a big deal telling them about it, but it's the way of the world. And I'm sure Biden doesn't think that there is anything special about this.


It's just the way everybody does it. And that's probably not far from true, I mean, I don't think everybody does, but it's a. It's a common practice of trying to describe it many ways. But at root. At root, they know it's wrong and at root, they don't want anybody finding out about it. But when it is discovered, the first level of defense is what's the big deal here? This is. Remember all the ambassadors who testified during the impeachment of Trump, it was it was perfectly fine for for the ambassadorial crew to be undermining a president if he didn't know what he was doing.


The guy's an outsider and doesn't know how the foreign policy structure of the country works is perfectly fine for these people to assert control. It's it's why they're there, so forth, I think this Trump administration has been one of the greatest eye opening things that could have happened for the American people to find out how their country really operates. And I think it's been a godsend so that people can find out. That our country is not what we've always thought, it's not run by people like us, it's not run by people who.


Are American loyalists and who want America to be the best and the greatest and the strongest made look at the reaction. Trump's campaign slogan, Make America Great Again, look at the controversy that created. We don't we don't have a government leadership which believes in American decency and goodness. We have a few people in government who do, but it's obvious that we don't have people like us. In positions of leadership and authority, whereas we always thought we have, whether they were Democrats or whether they were Republicans, we always thought that in a contest between us and say the trichomes are us and the Russians, the Soviets, it would always be Americans will always side with America.


That's not the case. And it's been shocking to learn it, and it's one of the reasons why there is so much investment in Donald Trump. That's why there's so much hope and Donald Trump. That's why there's so much support of Donald Trump, because Donald Trump represents what we all thought we were always getting when we elected people to office in Washington. We thought we had a we we thought we were getting a series of Donald Trump's, we didn't realize.


The degree to which Donald Trump is the exception, but now we know, now we know. We know that we can't trust. That elected officials in positions of authority are going to put America first, and we saw it clear as day during the Obama eight years. We saw people that did not believe that we have the moral authority. To tell the Chinese what they must do and what they can't do if they want American aid, if they want American cooperation, if they want American assistance, we had we learned we've got people in the Obama administration.


We have no right to tell the Chinese because we've got our own problems with discrimination and our own problems of of punishing people who don't think right wing was absurd.


But people that routinely think America is the problem in the world, not the solution, there are more of those people running around than our government. You could possibly dream at least more than I ever thought. And the Trump administration has illustrated this and it has shown this to be the case. And I think. It's ultimately what is going to be the reason Trump wins re-election. Let's go to some audio sound bites, because this is there's a lot of stuff to unpack still from the debate, we'll start with I thought this was profound last night.


This is Joe Biden doing a segment on the covid-19 pandemic. He says we're, you know, we're learning to live with it. People are learning to die with it. You folks home will have an empty chair at the kitchen table this morning. That man or wife gone to bed tonight or reaching over to try to touch their out of habit where their wife or husband was is gone learning to live with it. Come on. We're dying with it.


Come on. We're dealing with the problem I have with this. Biden is treating this like any other political issue. And it's a mistake to do that nobody. Nobody wants anybody to die from covid and nobody's doing things to facilitate death. Biden is attempting to say that Trump doesn't care, he doesn't any longer. Trump doesn't think we can stop it. Trump doesn't care. So people are dying. And that's why Trump says we've got to learn to live with it.


Biden doesn't understand, if I may be so bold. Biden doesn't know what it is to be a man. There's a reality out there. There's a virus, there's one of countless viruses out there, most viruses, we do not have a vaccine for most viruses we do not have a cure for by definition.


We still don't have a way to deal with AIDS. We don't have a vaccine for AIDS. We certainly don't have a cure for it. We don't have a cure for the flu, we don't have a cure for the common cold. What do we do, we live with it. We adapt, we do whatever we have to do. We can't do anything else, we can't, as Trump said, hide in the basement. Leaders sure as hell can't.


Trump can't find a room in the residence and just hole up in there until this thing goes away. That's not how men deal with it. And real women, I'm not trying to be gender oriented here, I'm trying to be mature oriented. But what does Biden want? Biden wants to make it look like Trump's given up, throwing up his hands in frustration, Trump can't do anything about it. And so you're just you're going to die. No, that's not at all.


Trump is working as hard as anybody with others who are working as hard as anybody to do what can be done to stop a virus. But the dirty little secret is nobody's got the answer. We're working hard, all kinds of people. Our sacrificing time and money and effort to come up with. A vaccine, a therapeutic, and we're making great strides, we're making great headway. Look at how quickly Trump was able to recover. It means it can be done.


Biden wants to take that he doesn't care. He I don't you know, I'm not even knows what Trump means when he says we've got to live with it. I really don't. I don't know if a liberal man knows.


What we have to learn to live with, it means if they think like Biden does, that we have to give up and we don't care who dies, they haven't the slightest idea. About maturity. About limitations. There's nothing there's not a single thing Joe Biden could do differently that would have made a hell of a difference, any kind of a difference in what we're doing with covid-19 and how we are advancing it and how we are dealing with solutions to it.


There's not a damn thing Joe Biden knows or anybody else on the Democrat side. There's nothing any of them could do differently. So they have to resort to Trump, doesn't care, Trump doesn't care if you die. Well, I do that vacant chair next to you at the breakfast table. The mature way to react to this is we are learning to live with it, that's why we have to reopen. We cannot continue to keep. Massive American city is responsible for so much of our economy shut down.


We cannot run away from this. We cannot shut and keep the schools shut down. None of this is dealing with it. Further shutdowns, further lockdowns don't advance anything, they just delay the inevitable and what's the inevitable dealing with it? What's the inevitable living with it? We live with the flu, we live with cancer, we live with all kinds of terminal diseases, we do not run and cower in the corners. Why do we want to run and cower in the corner from covid-19?


Because it's a political issue where people like Joe Biden in the media think they can destroy Donald Trump over it. Think of all the things in our daily lives. That Hama's. How many of them do we fail to live our lives, because how many how many of us never leave home, how many of us never go do this or that because of potential deadly dangers outside? But yet, covid-19 why we need to we need to hunker down, we need to we need to lock down.


We need to we need to shut down. We need to. We need to. We need to. We need to come to grips with dying with it. And I hate this pessimism. I hate this negativism these people want to force on us, I hate this can't do it ism that they are trying to permeate our culture with. They are not who we are as Americans, the left's way of dealing with this stuff is not the American way of dealing with it.


Biden running around talking, we're learning to die with the virus. Now we're learning to live with it. We're learning what we have to do to live with it. We're learning what the options are if we want. To actually live in the state instead of hunkering down in a basement. Biden also tried to get away with saying that he had never called black men predators. But he has his audio sound bite number five, Trump making the claim he's been in government 47 years.


He never did a thing except in 1994 when he did such harm to the black community.


And they were called and he called them super predators. And he said that he said it super predators.


Our response to that is I never, ever said what he accused me of saying. Yeah, I was holding his head down.


Oh, this guy is such a rebel. But, oh, this is so sad. Oh, just terrible.


Well, let's go back because he did say it, November 18th, 1993, Washington, D.C., on the floor of the Senate, Senator Joe Biden delivering a speech in support of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act.


We have predators on our streets.


They're about to knock my mother on the head with a lead pipe shoot. My sister beat up my wife, tens of thousands of them without any conscience.


We had predators on our street. He called them predators. He called them super predator, he's out there denying it, but he did, and we just had the evidence. We're going to take another brief time out. We will continue after this. Don't go away.


Hi, how are you? Welcome back. Rush Limbaugh having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have. Let me go to Lake Crystal, Minnesota. Hi, Steve. Great to have you with us, sir.


Hey, thank you very much. My question is regarding what's going on right now with obviously Joe and not going to be the president and Komala going to be the president, is this kind of a slippery slope to try to to try to backdoor, you know, somebody getting in there and unelectable person or not?


What do you mean, Joe? Not going to be president?


He'll he'll be physically president. But we all know he's not going to be the president. So, I mean, it seems to be common knowledge right now that if the guy lasts a year, you know, he'd be doing pretty well. Wait a minute, Tom. No, wait, wait.


I'm not sure I heard you. Did you say Joe's not going to be president and Carmella's not going to be a president? So are we. No, no, no, no.


She will. And she will. What I'm saying is to try to get an unelectable person, person like Carmel who didn't go to her own party to vote. Now, is that is that it's kind of a slippery slope for both for all parties. If you have let's just say the Democrats say this calmly. We really hate myself. She's going to get our agenda.


I myself have weighed weighed in on this many, many weeks ago. When it became obvious to those of us with the wherewithal to focus on it that Joe Biden is not mentally capable of being president, he's not he is not his fault. He's got some mental deficiencies that are taking place resulting from old age, and it's just the way it is. And yet they've made him the nominee. And they've put as his running mate, somebody who is radical left, could not even get the Democrat Party nomination, this woman got out of the Democrat primaries before a single vote had been cast.


She was doing so horribly in fundraising, she had no hope and no prayer. And yet. Who did they choose to be, Biden's running mate, a woman who had no prayer of winning the nomination, so they named Plug's the way that they name him, they they finagle the primary so that Biden wins it by default. One of the reasons that Biden is the nominee is covid covid shut down the campaign process once he wins South Carolina. With the help of James Clyburn, former congressional black Caucasian leader, they pretty much had to close up shop.


They couldn't run the campaign anymore. They couldn't. They couldn't.


Well, he couldn't campaign, they couldn't they couldn't have rallies, none of those things, so he was the nominee by default. She as the number two is the.


Well, she's going to be she's going to get the gig. If he wins, if he's elected. He's not going to serve anywhere near. The first year of his first term, and I don't even think. It is so. Your question is, is this a a long form trek to get the most radical leftist Democrat? In the White House, somebody who would never have a prayer of actually winning enough votes to do that, and the answer to your question is yes.


That's entirely possible, what this is about. There's no doubt in my mind that your theory is, in fact, a working prospect. Now, you know, I haven't mentioned the Twitter handle today and I should have a new Twitter handle. It's not new now.


It's been up and running a little over a week at real are Limbaugh at Real Aunt Katie, Kayleigh McEnany retweeted as last night. We had a tweet during the debate last night. Winning, winning, winning. Yeah, we had a couple of them.


We didn't overdo it. We put a couple of tweets up during the debate last night, winning, winning, winning. And Kayleigh McEnany retweeted that. And we are the number one Twitter follower listed on the president's Twitter page.


So, yeah, it's at real are Limbaugh and we've mastered it in less than two weeks here, folks. And nobody nobody ought to be surprised at that New York Post. Vladimir Putin explains why he's open to working with Biden.


Russian President Vladimir Putin said he's aware Joe Biden has made very sharp anti Russian statements, but he's open to working with him if he's elected, citing that the Democrat Party shares many of his ideals, many of Putin's ideals. The Russian president then pointed to Biden's agreement to extend a new START agreement that expires in February or to agree to another arms reduction treaty. Very serious element of our potential collaboration in the future. Biden would love us to get rid of oil.


You realize how much Biden would love that? I mean, I don't know what Biden's sex life is, but I'm telling you, he might be a Jeffrey Toobin out there if we ever decide to get rid of oil. What did that make you nervous in their. Well, I'm just I'm just telling you. Do you think Biden Putin would not love it if we got rid of petroleum? Which is what Biden claims we're going to do, we're going to close the oil and gas industry.


We're going to end fracking, we're not just going to end fracking, we're going to shut down oil and gas. No wonder Putin's in favor of Biden. I've look, I have long said it's it's it's not. It's not hard to see you listen to Democrats as they campaign against Republicans. And then listen to people like the Iranians or the Russians campaign against America and its almost identical word for word, the Democrat Party sounds just like our enemies. Mahmud Ahmadinejad, back when he was running Iran, sounded exactly like John Kerry in 2004 when Kerry was running for the White House.


University of Pennsylvania has paid Joe Biden more than nine hundred thousand dollars since he left the White House. What did Biden do to earn the money? What did the University of Pennsylvania get? For the more than nine hundred thousand dollars it has paid to Joe Biden. Biden collected three hundred and seventy one thousand dollars in 2017, five hundred forty thousand dollars in 2018 and early 2019, a vaguely defined role that involved no regular classes and around a dozen public appearances on campus appends payments.


Universities, payments to Biden raised eyebrows and questions among some in the community when they revealed this week as part of the financial disclosures for his presidential campaign.


Biden's official title was the Benjamin Franklin presidential practice professor, the first person to hold that job, and he also lent his name to the school's effort to expand its footprint on international affairs, the so-called Biden center.


So they've paid Biden more than 900 grand in four years. And then Philadelphia Inquirer had a story back in February, so nine months ago, Penn got University of Pennsylvania. Got 258 million dollars in foreign money and there may be more that it hasn't disclosed. It looks like organizations in China gave 68 million dollars in gifts and contracts to the University of Pennsylvania between January 2013 and June 30, 2019.


And it's all Joe Biden related, is that not fascinating?


You want to hear some Twitter stats, folks? You know, I have long said.


That one of the mistakes the media makes and is the Democrat Party makes is they assume that Twitter is America. And I. Know for a fact that it isn't Twitter is not America, it can't be. We are we have not become that depraved as a nation. We have not become that perverted. We have not become that Marxist leftist, we are not Twitter. Well, here's a little survey research data from the Pew Research Center. Most U.S. adults on Twitter post only rarely.


However, a small share of highly active users, most of whom are Democrats, produced the vast majority of tweets.


The Pew Center's analysis finds that only 10 percent of users produced 92 percent of all tweets from U.S. adults since last November, 69 percent of these highly prolific users identify as Democrats or Democrat leaning independent Democrat leaning independents.


So. Proves my point. Most adults on Twitter post only rarely a small share of highly active users are mostly Democrats, and they produce the majority of tweets. Just 10 percent of users produced, 92 percent of all tweets know what that means. That means that 90 percent of users. Are producing eight percent. That's the way to look at it, 90 percent of the people on Twitter are only producing eight percent of tweets. 10 percent. Are producing 92 percent of all tweets and they're almost all Democrats, which means they're miserable and unhappy, ticked off.


You name it, here is Jerry in Lansing, Michigan. Great to have you, Jerry. How you doing? It's Gary, but that's OK. I'm sorry. It says it's got a J up there. And how you. It's with the G. That's OK. OK, I was watching the debate last night and following along on Town Hall and I'm calling in regards to the woman who expressed the concern about the children who are still separating. Oh, yeah.


And the folks on on Town Hall posted a statement from DHS spokesperson Chase Jennings in the statement read, This narrative has been dispelled on numerous occasions. DHS has taken every step to facilitate the reunification of these families where the parents wanted such reunification to occur. The simple fact is this after contact has been made with the parents to reunite them with their children, many parents have refused in the current litigation, for example, out of the parents of 485 children who parents or plaintiffs counsel has been able to contact, they have yet to identify a single family that wants their child reunited with them in their country of origin.


The result is that the children remain in the U.S. while the parents remain in the home country. The reunification process is a whole of government approach involving CBP, ICE and HHS. So it appears the parents bring the children here. They're separated at the border. The parents are sent home to their native country and they don't want their kids back. No kidding. Don't want their kids back. So they basically bringing up here to get rid of them is what they're doing.


Is that how you would interpret this? I would interpret it that they feel that the children have a better chance and better care in the U.S. So they bring him here. They get sent home and they leave the kids here. The parents got sent home. The kids stay here and they just they've got faith in America is going to take care of their kids are going to be OK.


Correct. So the whole 500 that are stuck here with no parents, is that really true? A majority of them. The parents don't want them back.


Well, you know, it is what's always been strange to me about this is that. No. 500, 500 kids. I mean, you're no, you're using a little bit less than that, it seems that if this were happening so frequently, if this was such a common practice because we are such a rotten country, that it wouldn't be 500, it'd be 5000, it'd be five hundred thousand. But it isn't it's a relatively small number that we're talking about here.


In the big scheme of things, so that makes perfect sense to me. That's why when somebody called earlier, a woman called earlier, I can't, I can't. Can you can you think of. Can you imagine a parent that wouldn't want their kid back? I said, yeah.


I. Yes, I can I we see we see people try to get rid of their kids every day in ways that we find curious, repulsive or what have you, but it doesn't surprise me that not every parent wants their baby. Not every parent wants their kid.


I think it's a wild assumption, we think it's human nature, you become a parent, particularly a mother, you can't relate. You got to get your parent, your kid back. You can't I don't think that I know that there's exceptions to everything. And we're talking about hundreds of millions of people who think that there are 500 parents don't want their kids, that makes perfect sense to me.


We'll take a break and be back and continue after this.


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You do that, you can save 40 percent off at that website, 40 percent off the normal price legacy box dotcom rush. Here's here's the Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Great to have you. Hello. Oh, God bless you, Rush.


First, let me wish you an early happy birthday, January 12th. That's my birthday also.


Well, thank you. Thank you. Same the same. Right back to you. Thank you. I try to meet you every year on our birthday, but I can't do it. So you just have to be thanked for awakening a generation. I hope I'm speaking for other women out there, but you really do challenge and encourage and inspire us and keep us off the ledge. I know you have kept me off this election season and you do it like nobody else can do it with, you know, on lots of honesty and humor.


And, you know, the left has to be exposed all the time. And you do it. You you're the master. So I just want you to know that you really have succeeded in doing what you were born to do.


Well, that is very, very sweet of you. That's very I appreciate I appreciate you. You're saying that. I'm glad you got through. I'm glad you found your way all the way because a bunch of people try to call in on Friday. I'm glad that you made it through.


That's very sweet of you. She hung up. OK? She hung up. She said what she wanted to say. She got in, got it and got out. Here's Mike in Houston, your next. Great to have you, sir.


Hello, Rush. Thank you. Prayers daily to you. Thank you, sir. I have two points.


Pennsylvania, New Mexico had one billion dollar surpluses in December of 2019. 40 percent of the economy in New Mexico is oil and gas. I know for a fact it changes lives there. And I know that they had great plans to lift the city to state with with infrastructure projects and so on. They were very excited. And then I just went away. You know why Pennsylvania nine, they took 300 million, 300 million towards there. They put it towards their rainy day fund.


Things were going great. This is this is because of oil and gas. Isn't it interesting that the Middle East wasn't even a heavy topic? Usually you get a heavy dose of that in the debates, but it wasn't that big because Trump has done so well in the Middle East, calming it down. And it just wasn't the topic. When was the last presidential debate?


Well, I was going to say the Middle East is not a topic because peace is breaking out. So there's no way to rip Trump for that.


I have one final thing to say. I hope you Google something. I hope you Google Fulton, Sheen, Bishop Fulton, Sheen on the on the glory of being an American. He did a 20 minute presentation on the beauty and greatness of the individual and the value of the individual. And he compared it to what communism is, which is the masses. And it is a wonderful, inspiring and I know how much you love inspiring things. You have to watch this.


Bishop Fulton Sheen.


Oh, I'm familiar with I'm familiar with with Bishop Sheen that, in fact, Martin Sheen, the well-known actor who kicks homeless guys off of sewer grates so he can sleep on them themselves himself, took his name from from Bishop Ford.


So I can take a break. We'll be back in just a second to wrap it up.


We got to go. I hope you all have a great weekend. Make the most of it. However, you do that.


And we'll see you back here on Monday. Same time, same station. Ready to go. Hi, I'm C.J. Pearson and I'm everything.


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