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If I'm Nebraska, I am pissed off leaving that game. I have a sour taste in my mouth leaving that football game. The offense was just frustrating to watch. I'm sitting here yelling at the TV like, What is going on?


I am so excited about this week's edition of the Triple Ostium because finally, I'm the stable one. I'm at a normal location. I'm looking at Coach, you're definitely in a daughter's bedroom, right?




This has got Gigi or somebody written all over it.


It's the official Gigi room, and we're still Hurricane. Was it Hurricane Milton? So you guys still got- You've relocated to the Gigi room, and now Mark is...


What are you in, like Urban Meyer's fan room over there?


I suppose. I'm in an Urban Meyer Setup. I'm in Urban Meyer. Temporary setup. I don't know what's going on here.


I love it. You're surrounded. Surrounded by Coach Meyer. Hey, everybody. Welcome to another edition of the Triple Option presented, of course, by The Wendy's. Try Wendy's new Saucy Nugs. Today, Rob Stone, our Heisman winner, Mark Ingram, our National Champion, head coach, Urban Meyer, back here with you. Subscribe to our YouTube channel. Follow us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, wherever you get your podcast as well as across social media. You can find us at 3XOptionshow. Remember to rate, throw us some questions, pass us on to your cousins, your uncles, your aunts, let them follow us as well. And remember, if you have questions, throw them our way. We love the conversation we get with our listeners, with our viewers. New episodes coming your way every Wednesday. And guys, next Tuesday, we're going to do our first ever College Football Playoff Ranking Reaction Show, and it is going to be live 8:00 PM Eastern on our YouTube channel. So you're not going to want to miss that one. But let's get right to it. You know where we're starting this week?


We start with this Coach Meyer, National Championship pitcher, Ms. Shal.


We got that, but no- Speaking of the playoff.


Speaking of the playoff, any given Saturday, anything can happen in college football. And we keep Keep finding new things to talk about every Saturday because of the absolute chaos that this season has delivered. How about this? Only in college football, in one week, can you go from a 56 to seven loss and then go into one of the most intimidating environments in all of college football, over 100,000 inside the Horseshoe to take on the fourth ranked Ohio State Buckeyes. And on any given Saturday, that Nebraska team that got throttled by Indiana had a lead in the fourth quarter over the Ohio State. Buckeyes survived, 21-17. They get the win. They have Penn State on Fox this Saturday. So much to talk about the Buckeyes, also Penn State as well. Coach, let's start with you. Ohio State. There's a lot of places we can go. We can talk about them being one of 10 on third down. We can talk about the rushing game, just 64 yards on 31 carries. That's 2.1 yards per carry. But I think maybe all of those issues and But all of the concern in Columbus goes to the big guys up front protecting the quarterback.


Big problems with the offense line. And I'm going to let Mark, I don't want to steal his thunder. I thought you were so appropriate at the postgame when you said, I'd be pissed off right now if I was Nebraska. There's a lot of people saying you're a 24-point underdog and, Hey, nice job. No, it wasn't a nice job. The offense was abysmal when they had to go score. They were handed the ball several times down there and walked away. But let's focus on Ohio State, and this is really important. Every team in the country, I'd say, Mark, the last 15 years, it used to be you could find Lyman anywhere when you went out and recruited. Skill was really hard to find. But then all of a sudden, these specialty camps and all the focus on quarterback, receiver, or running back. When we would go out and recruit, you'd fall over great receivers and great skilled athletes. You can't find linemen anymore. And that's a problem. I mean, it's to the point, Rob, listen to this. You'll go in a game with three guards, three tackles, and maybe a center, and then maybe one, but probably a guard that has to go in there.


You just only have seven guys that you can count on. Ohio State's down two. And we knew that going into the season, that was the one area that they felt the left tackle, Simmons is a projected high draft pick. And man, he's really improved from last year. San Diego State transfer, last year, really good. He was playing elite.


Out for the year now. He's gone. He had a knee injury at Oregon, so he's out. That hurts.


Then the backup went in and really struggled. I just went back.


Then he hopped off the field.


Yeah. I mean, No, he didn't hobble. They carried him off the field. Standing right there, they carried him off. Looked like a hip or ankle. So now you're facing a rugged Penn State team. But back to the point that every school in the country has offensive line issues, every one of them. And that was not the case years ago. So they're hard to recruit, extremely hard to evaluate. This is important, too, that when you go recruit a high school receiver, usually say, We got one here. Very rarely do you say, Wow, what's it going to look like in two years? In offense alignment, you're going to recruit guys that are probably going to gain 30 to 50 pounds. And how they handle it, can they gain the weight? Will they get stronger? Will they become more mobile? Because the awkwardness of the sophomore or junior high school when you're that big is real. That's why I would go watch every offensive lineman play basketball. If they didn't play basketball, a red flag went up with me. Every one. I would go watch them myself because I would want to see that cat move around. Because once you can move, Rob, even when you get bigger, you can still move.


I hate this, when you can't move, even when you get bigger, you can't move in more. So what's the problem, Mark?


Yeah, 100 %, Coach. Like you said, you don't have the guys up front, offensive line, defensive line, That's what you build your team on. Your physicality, your identity, your attitude. It comes from those guys up front. And obviously, that's going to be a huge challenge for Ohio State. And like you said about Nebraska, if I'm Nebraska, I am pissed off leaving that game. I have a sour taste in my mouth leaving that football game because your defense goes in there and they play well enough to get that job done. They let two long touchdowns, a 40-yard touchdown pass, a 60-yard touchdown pass, go over their head. But even so, So the offense was just frustrating to watch. We're sitting in the green room watching the game, Coach, and I'm sitting here yelling at the TV like, What is going on? It was just super frustrating to watch that offense operate, man.


Ruyola had dudes. He had dudes open, and he misfired on them. Nebraska should have walked out of Columbus with the win. You agree with that, Mark?


They should have. They should have walked out of there with a win on that particular day. On that particular day, It was Nebraska's to take it, and unfortunately, they were not able to take it.


I give Rule a ton of credit in that program, how they're able to flip the switch after getting absolutely humbled in Bloomington and then having to tuck those tails between their legs and head to Columbus, and they showed up. The Buckeye season low, 21 points, Nebraska D held them to. This is the fifth straight game that the Ohio State point total in a game has declined. Obviously, Coach, we've been talking about the schedule. We knew the schedule was It was an exhibition schedule for the Buckeyes, and now it's really starting to pick up. This is the meat of their schedule. They had the test at Oregon. They had a buy week. They had a test against a very good Nebraska team. Not a great Nebraska team, but a good one. And now they've got Penn State, and they still have the Michigan game lurking at the end of the season. What is the vibe right now in Columbus with what just transpired, a survive and move on type win against Nebraska?


Well, we've all been there, and I've been there. I've been there when you lost that game, too, and it's devastation. So the season is ahead of them. But I think I actually had a sign in the staff room. I said, Don't tell me the problems. Tell me the solutions. To sit there and discuss the problems like we just did. Everyone knows that. I say, Don't tell us how deep the water is. Just sail across the damn thing, and let's get this thing fixed. And every coach in the country has been caught short at offense line. Everyone. That is an absolute... It happens a bunch of them this year. And so what you saw, they moved the left guard out the left tackle, brought in a new guard. I'm going to try to find out who will be the starting five. But then once again, you get a guy hurt there, man, because everyone said, Just move the left guard to left tackle. The guy sitting up, Mark Ingram knows, you don't just do that. You better practice that. It's a whole different position. Especially against some of those dudes at Penn State, man. You're in space.


You're in space.


Coach, how are you adjusting this week? What's your best practice schedule, if you're Ryan Day in the schedules, and how you're going to figure out that offensive line?


Well, you're weak. You're deep into October, early November, so your guys are beat up. I mean, they're banged up right now, so you can't just go... First of all, simplify the run game. You're going to go zone right, zone left, power right, power left, and that's it. I would get Will Howard, he would have 15 weeks.


Hey, Coach, dumb that down for my mom who's listening in Sarasota, Florida, Lakeview.


Zone right is on to on blocking. So zone right means the offense line works together to the right or your zone. I mean, it's that simple. Now, it's not that simple. You're blocking 320 pound dude, so it's not that simple in movement. And then I would also run gap scheme right, gap scheme left, and that's it. But I would run the quarterback 15 to 20 times because the ultimate equalizer is that guy. You gain a hat that way when he runs the ball. So direct snap to him, and also every player, replay. And they have not done that yet.


Does that include just rolling him out as well as No, no.


No, no. So that's the run game. Zone right, zone left, gap right, gap left, and get the quarterback involved. The past game, the most dangerous place to be is in that pocket. You saw that last week. Will Howard got tattooed a few times. A couple of times, he barely got his back foot on the ground on five steps, Mark, and people were in his lap there. So you're going to get him out. This is where you get him out in the pass game, Rob. And the first one is the easiest one. That's a sprint out. No stress at all on the O-line. There's stress on the tailback or tight end to block the edge, and the quarterback gets on the edge. He's very good at it, by the way, and they're good at it. They ran that on fourth and one in a big moment of the game. The second one is break-contained passing in the naked and boot in to play action games. So getting the heck out of that pocket. And that's how you take stressors off the O-line.


How does that impact the tailback position, Mark, when you're having these issues?


Well, when you know the offensive line is down, men, multiples. Like Coach said, you want to dumb down the run game, make it simple for them so they don't have to think so much. They want to play fast, let them play aggressive. And as a running back, that means I need to be making a quick decision, getting behind my pads, running north and south, get dirty yards, can't go down on first contact, got to get the dirty yards. I got to get two, three, four yards after contact. That's essential, and that's the responsibility that these backs will be taking on their plate in a run game. But also the pass game. As a running back, I'm trying to chip. I'm trying to go out. I'm trying to chip. Where's their best pass rusher? I got to have eyes on them because the tight end is going to chip them. The back is going to chip them. If I have an inside release through the line of scrimmage. I'm chipping the interior delinement. On the edge, with Coach said on sprint outs, I got to cut down the end. I got to make sure my quarterback can get on the edge and have no pressure in his face so he can throw the football deliver the ball or run.


So it puts more on your plate as a runner. You got to make sure you're running north and south, making fast decisions, getting yards after contact, turning two yards, two-yard runs into four or five-yard runs. Also making sure that you're completely aware in the pass game so we can get chips on the defensive ends, chips on the interior line, and if you're not picking up your blister in the pass.


That's really well done, Mark. That's exactly right. Well done.


You know what I found interesting is last week, Coach, we were talking about Ryan spent a ton of that buy time in the defensive meetings. He was dealing with that defensive line issue, and he's an offensive guy. He brought in his guy, Chip Kelly. Is he in those offensive meetings this week, or is it just like, go get a chip, figure this out really fast.


When I designed the Florida, we built a new facility. I was in Florida, and we designed it. The first, I didn't care the carpet or whatever. That's fine. I just made sure the two offensive and defense staff rooms were because the old days, you had to walk. I know it sounds funny, but time is of essence. I mean, you could actually talk loudly, which I did sometimes. You have to go back and forth. Yeah, he's bouncing now. We're going to talk about this in a minute, but the defense of Ohio State played really well, by the way. Yes. They played really well. However, Dylan Rael did not have a good day. There were some peoples open, but their run defense was stout. They played well. Really, the way the offensive played, it was set up to lose that game, but they stiffened up and stopped Nebraska.


You're saying a head coach's office, it needs to be like one of those adjoining rooms at a hotel where you got the door and you always got to make sure if it's locked or unlocked and the kids could be in the room next door or not. You just have the offensive coordinator on one side, the defense coordinator on the other side. One real quick question about the offensive line, really for both you guys, because I'm fascinated by this. We live in a specialized society. There are camps for long snappers. You go to a long snapper camp to get yourself a scholarship. Kickers have their own camps and their own skill sets. We obviously know about quarterbacks and the wide receiver. Why are we not having that right now for the offensive line? If we don't have it, perhaps we should start one right now and trademark one right now on the triple option and start making some. Oh, they do.


Rob, they do.


They have to, right?


They have an O-line, D-line camp.


That's just not an emphasis, though. Why is it not an emphasis? Because it's not sexy enough?


But Rob, what I want to say about the O-line, man, is it's not easy to find one of them cats who's going to block these dudes on the D-line. These D-line men, they're aliens, dude. You talk about the inside interior rushers. Obviously, Aaron Donald is 101, but those are the type of catch you got to block. You talk about on the end, T. J. Watts, Jedavian Clownies, these type of freak athletes that are on the edges. It's not easy to find Trent Williams that has that alpha dog mentality, that has that aggressive mentality that's going to go out there and just lock one up. It's not easy to find those guys. That's why they're a premium. That's why they're one of the highest paid positions in the NFL. So it's very difficult to find these guys that can block these defensive linemen who are probably the biggest, most athletic people on the field.


We're going to move on to Penn State in a second, but you brought up another point for me. And, Coach, this is something you said last week about the Ohio State defense. Their defensive linemen are taking too many snaps. They are playing too much. There needs to be a greater rotation. How come there's not that level of rotation on the offensive line where those cats are there, not exclusively the whole game, but it feels like they play a lot more snaps in the defensive line?


Yeah, great question. You never really substitute offensive linemen.


No, they played a whole series. They played a whole series. Because why though? It's 18-play series, they're there and they're tired. It's 18-play series on defense, they're changing people. They get a fresh pass rushing in every few plays.


The way to think about defense line is hockey. Yeah, line change. Hockey, there's different lineups and lines where they're going because the exertion it takes... An offense lineman to pass rush, he exerts himself. Nothing compared to a D lineman. And same thing with a D lineman, ever watch when the ball is thrown or it breaks contained, they're sprinting their butt down the field. Offense lineman, once they waddle off the ball and move someone, they're D-U-N. They're done for the play. Waddle off the ball. Yeah. So no, it's a great question. A soccer player from Colgate would ask that question. So Mark, I saw your reaction.


I knew it was coming, Mark. But it's funny because-Go Colgate. Mark, you back me up on this one. The equivalent in soccer is the back line. The defenders in soccer, they hardly ever change them out, right? No. The two wingbacks, the guys in the middle, whatever it is, they're there the whole game. It used to drive me nuts. Like, why? Why can't they be subbed out. All right, we're moving on here. Much to Coach's dismay, we're going to move on from the soccer conversation. Ohio State, the-I like soccer conversations, by the way. I know you do, Mark. I know you do. We'll go mute Coach here in a second in Gigi's bedroom. All right, so the Buckeye is the remain at number 4 this week, 6-1, 3-1 in Big Ten play. Will Howard saying after that win over Nebraska, every game is a playoff game, right? And they've got another... This is a playoff game This is a playoff game. Number 3, Penn State at home, unbeaten, 7-0, tied atop the Big Ten with Oregon and Indiana unbeaten sitting there. This is a playoff game for the Buckeyes. Guess what? It's a playoff game for the Penn State as well.


They had a survival moment as well. They went to Wisconsin. It was a game that we all felt had a bit of a trap feel to it, right? Looking ahead to what was going to happen this Saturday in Happy Valley. And guess what? Penn State at Wisconsin, trailing at the half. Their starting quarterback, Drew Aller, limps off the field, comes back in the second half, knee brace on for the second half. Franklin's looking at him saying, Hey, are you mobile enough? Can you avoid these things? He said, I'm not. So they turned to the backup, Bo Prabula, a two-time state player of the year in Pennsylvania. And he changed that offense, and he elevated them 11 to 13, 98 yards, passing a countdown. But it was his rushes, guys. 6 carries for 28 yards. He came in. They were down 10-7. When he left, they had outscored Wisconsin 21 to 3. We're going to talk about Bo Prabula in just a second. James Franklin, this is the first thing he was asked Monday. How's Aller? What's your quarterback going to be? He did what I expected, I think what everybody expected. He said, game time decision.


We're going to figure it out. He's not going to let Ohio State know who's going to be at quarterback. If you're the Buckeyes right now, you have to prepare, I think, for two quarterbacks, but I think a majority of your time, coach, is probably on the new QB at Penn State, the one with the legs, the one that might really fit well with his offensive coordinator for this type of game.


Yeah. So Mark can easy to identify with this. You have about a two-hour practice. You cut down as the season progresses, probably an hour and a 45, I'm thinking this time of year, just to get players off their feet.


More emphasis on walkthrough, et cetera.


And just get off their feet, man, because early in the year, we'd go sometimes two and a half hours. So you got a window where you got probably 30 to 40 minutes of special teams. You got your warm up, you got your backfill, you got all your individual drills, and then you go in the meat of the practice. And this time of year, it's probably more meat of practice than the development time. And I would say when Drew Aller is your quarterback, he'd spend probably one-third of the time because it's really hard, even though he's not playing one-third of the time per Bula, with the quarterback read option component. I'm saying it flipped to now, it's 100 % because there's a chance they could get a full dose of him, and he's a really good player. We'll talk about his throwing in here in a minute, but he's a nice athlete. He looks very comfortable with his reads. I've noticed him all year. I think Kultenick, he's very comfortable. Osi, offense coordinator, Andy Kultenick. That's his quarterback. That's what he had at Kansas, a guy that can run, a guy that can distribute the ball.


But up to this point in his career, he's 75% passed, 25%... No, I'm sorry, 75% run, 25% per Bula when he's in there. So Ohio State is going to spend a lot of time on that. And I don't think they have the skill mark, Penn State I'm speaking of, to drop back and beat Ohio State. No. Those two freaks in the backfield, Ktron Allen and nick Singleton, and then obviously the tight end, the incredible player, Tyler Warren, those are the three guys that can beat Ohio State. And with this quarterback, that's a pain for the- By the way, Ty Warren is going to be joining us coming up here on the triple option.




One of my favorite players in the country.


Great player. Cannot wait to talk to him. So, Mark, I can tell that Mark is about to smile because it sounds like Penn State is going to rely heavily on the running game.


Yeah, 100 %. But when you mention Bo stats, you say six carries for 28 yards. People are like, Is that really affecting the game? And yes, it did. His longest run was only nine yards. But when you see See the way he was running the ball, you have to account for him. And when you have to account for the quarterback running the football and rushing for first downs, guess what that does? It opens up the entirety of the offense. The running backs love it. Now there's an extra person out of the box. If he carries out a fake, somebody's chasing him, one or two people. Now guess who's eating healthy? It's the runningbacks. When you have to worry about nick Singleton and Ketron Allen, and now Bo Perbula running the ball, guess what that does? It opens up guys on the outside. Tyler Warren, these guys on the outside. I think what he did is he opened up this entire offense. His ability to be able to run the zone read, the option football, it opened up the entire offense. You saw that in the second half last week when they were playing Wisconsin. I think, quite frankly, with Andy Cotelnicki as the offensive coordinator and Perbula, his skillset, I think that it's really a match made in heaven for this offense, man.


Just all the things he likes to do with Tyler Warren, how he likes to use these running backs, how he likes to be creative and have a versatile game plan with his quarterback. Bo Pervula actually fits, man. And we talk about these tough decisions that coaches have to make. Yes, Drew Alex has been your guy. Drew Alex has been leading this team for two years. But at the end of the day, that offense looked like it was clicking how it was supposed to click when he took over in the second half. Sometimes coaches have to make a tough decision. Obviously, we hope Drew Allen is healthy and everything like that. But Pribula looked really good last week, and I would be hesitant not to let him continue to go.


Yeah, I'd be surprised if he's not the guy going for it. Mark, I love the fact that you jumped on six carries, 28 yards. Because I remember writing that down. I was like, Man, I thought it would be a bigger number. But when you break it down, Coach, that's over four yards per carry. And your mantra when you're taking on teams, particularly if you're an overmatch team, was just, Get me four yards, right? Get me four yards. And he was doing that.


Exactly right. And I'll say this to just the complete agreement with Mark that a three-quarter speed Drew Aller becomes a liability. That's not good against a team like Ohio State with that pass rush and the defensive players they have. So you got some decisions. You got to have to have some hard, not some really good conversations because the end of the day, you got to find a way to move the ball on offense. And from that one, just everybody focus, how to move the football. A three-quarter speed, Drew Aller, or Bless, even maybe a little bit more to me is, you don't have the skill at Penn State on the outside to go beat the Buckeyes. It's got to be somehow with the really good players in the backfield, nick Singleton and Ketron Ali.


For Boula's arm, though, Coach, it's a wait and see. There were a couple of throws last week that had you.


This is really good. I'm curious about it. So you watch the tape and you saw it on TV a little bit, and he makes a couple of throws. You're like, Wow, that was a tight window throw. I'm just not sure he saw what was... I mean, it was half a step away from two of his balls. What was lurking? Oh, it was gone. I mean, one was probably a pick six. He shot the thing right between two defenders. And I don't want to devalue Pravula because I think he's a really good player. But he made two Tom braided throws. And I just don't believe he... I just don't know he's a Tom. We can start saying he's Tom braided yet.


Can he consistently make the right decisions in the past game, put the ball where it needs to go? That's the main question. Now, obviously, we know the impact that he can have with his legs, with his athleticism, how it opens up the offense, how it put stress on the defense. But the main question is, not having a huge star in a big game versus a team like Ohio State, can he consistently make the right decisions, put the ball where it needs to go to help this offense move the ball, and catapult them to the next phase, which they haven't been able to do, which is beat Ohio State, which is beat Michigan. Can he consistently do that in a game to help them to win a game?


Here's why I like Bo Prabula. Thursday before that game, he did a bro walk with his offensive coordinator. You guys know what a bro walk is?


I do not. I wish I did it. I wish I did it.


But now you're going to find out. A bro walk is the sun is coming down in Happy Valley. You've had a lot of stuff going on. You peel off that shirt and you soak in some of those rays. You get that vitamin D. So Perbula and his offensive coordinator, Andy Cotlenecki, had a bro walk, the two of them, with their tops off, walking around a practice field. And ironically, leading into that Wisconsin game, the conversation was, Hey, you always got to be ready. You got to have that starter mentality like, You're the guy who's going to start. And guess what? He started the second half, got the win, and Penn State remains unbeaten. There are just eight unbeatens remaining in the FBS right now. Notre Dame, they kicked out Navy out of that party, had that big 51-14 win. So we are talking Army, Miami, Pit in the ACC, Penn State, Oregon, Indiana in the Big Ten, and then in the Big 12, BIO and Iowa State. Who's ready for a saucy nug? We're all We all had Wendy's deliveries yesterday. I had Saucy Nugs delivered to my house with the Frosty. I wasn't expecting it.


I don't know, there was some ranch dressing. It was a little spicy. It had a little kick to it. I didn't ask questions. I just ate them. Food shows up at my front door. I don't know who it came from. I don't know where it came. Nobody told me it was coming, and we just devoured it. We're down to eight unbeaten teams. Third-time army has been 7-0 since 1950. First time since the Dan Moreno days in '82. Pitt is at 7:00. Third time, B-Y-U is 8:00 since '79. Iowa State, their 7:00. Best start in school history since the 1938. Indiana, first 8:00 start since 1967. You know what all those are? Those are your saucy nugs of the week. Try some at your nearest Wendy's. We mentioned Penn State is one of those eight unbeatens. We are going to talk to their star-tied end, Ty Warren, coming up next on The Triple Option. Welcome back to The Triple Option, presented by Wendy's Rob Stone, Mark Ingram, Urban Meyer, and the guy that we have been wanting on the show for weeks, tight-end, Tyler Warren from The Penn State. Come on, we are. Give me a we are.


We are. There we go. We are Penn State. Here we go. Thank you. Nittany Lions. Thank you. Set the host in the block, guys. You're Nittany Lions, 7 and 0. You have been all over this Penn State offense this season. You got four receiving touch downs, one rushing touch down, one passing touch down. You even snapped on a play that led to a touch down. What has it been like this season when you look at the play calls and you see what's being asked of you?


Yeah, I mean, obviously, we've been having a lot of fun, and I think Coach K has brought a new energy to this offense and what he does. And it looks like a bunch of crazy stuff to the outside, but really it's just 11 guys. We each have a job on each play, and we can move around and do it in a lot of different ways. But I think that's what makes it work is our preparation. We have our one job on that play and being able to move on from it. And whatever we can do in the offense to help it out is how we approach it.


Are you a salesman on some of these plays, or are you involved in the calls? Is there a collaboration effort, or is Andy just coming to you?


Yeah, I think really he's the mastermind, and really our whole offensive staff, they do a great job. And we've given little tidbits and things you might have ideas for, and he listens to them. And if he likes it, he'll incorporate them. But I got to give a lot credit to him and the staff for the way that they get creative with the tools that we have on our offense.


What's something you pitch to them?


Well, there was some... I can't say what it is, but there's been some times where I've mentioned some tendencies we might have had to make some stuff look different, different ways to get to stuff. But yeah, can't give you too much of the stuff.


Hey, Ty, it's Coach. And thanks again for joining us. Admire you as a player, man. I've I've done a couple things on your Big Ten networking with Fox. Look forward to seeing you again in person. Penn State has been seven and all. The Penn State has won a lot of games over the years. There's been two distractions There were two issues, and that's been the Wolverines and Buckeyes. To me, Penn State looks a little different this year. You guys have overcome some obstacles. You're going through one now with your quarterback, but to go out to USA to win. Is something different this year? Once again, the Penn State always had really good teams, really good players. It's just they can't cross that. What they did in 2016, it's just been a while. You got the Buckeyes rolling the town. Is anything different this year?


Yeah, I think the way we're approaching it is it is a new year, and however it's gone in the past, we got this team now that we're focused on. I think taking it one week at a time has been big for us, and now it's this week as Ohio State, so focusing on them will be big and not changing our process up, trusting our process that's been working so far. So not changing anything up and staying true to ourselves will be important. And I think we've done a great job of that all year up until this week, and continuing to do it this week will be big.


Mark Ingram here, Tyler. Man, I appreciate you and your time, brother. So obviously, last week at Wisconsin, Drew Aller goes down. Bo comes in, leads the team to a big victory on the road. We know Drew's a game-time decision this week, but how do you think Bo did, and how do you think he could help this team win on Saturday against Ohio State?


Yeah, I think Bo, obviously, he's done it before last year, coming in versus Rutgers and doing something similar. And we've seen it all through camp. And it's not really any sense of panic when that situation comes about. We know what Bo can do and the type of leader and competitor he is. So I think it's really just going out and playing the in the game and understanding that there's still a job to do. And he's capable of doing anything you ask of him at the quarterback position. At the end of the day, besides being a quarterback, I feel like he's one of the better football players on our team. I feel like if they told him to go play linebacker, he'd go do it and be a pretty good linebacker. So I think he's a great football player in general. And he did, obviously, like you said, he did a great job of coming in and doing his job and handling business when he came in versus Wisconsin. So I think however it might look, we're prepared and know that we got two good quarterbacks back there.


Coming out of Virginia and learning your background just recently about your quarterback being recruited, this makes so much sense now, why your comfort level standing behind center? So Kota Niki averages three to sometimes four players behind center. It's very easy for you. We've seen you throw, we've seen that left hander throw the ball a couple of times. Can we see some more passing in the future here from number 44 at Penn State?


Yeah, I think it's always.


Was that too much secret?


No. But really, it's like I said, week to week, whatever is asked of us as players. At the tight-end position, especially, whatever it is that week, we'll be ready to do it. That's why I love playing tight-end. You get to do a bunch of different things and have a bunch of different skills within the game of football.


So it's been fun. All right, Ty, that was a politically correct That's the answer. Now, the real one. Are you in Coach K's ear and say, Let me throw the damn thing? All right, now go ahead.


No, I'm actually not. I don't push anything too crazy. I do what I think will help out the offense the best.


All right, here's what was crazy.


I got a question, though. Go ahead, Mark. Coming out of Virginia, a quarterback. Quarterbacks aren't usually tough and nasty like that, man. You're on the end, you're doing the dirty work, getting the blocks, you're leading up on safety, as linebackers getting blocks. How does a quarterback have that nasty in them like that? Just that quick, man. How do you translate that, that quick, man?


I mean, my whole life, I really started playing real quarterback in high school, really. Growing up, I played fullback. My dad was the coach, and I don't think he wanted me to... That's the answer there. Yeah, he didn't want me to be the running back, and he was like, You're going to play fullback and block for the running back. So I did that, and I played linebacker and stuff growing up. So it wasn't really like I was a quarterback that had to play quarterback. That's just what was needed of the high school team at that time. So that's what I did, and that's how it went.


That's all I needed to hear, a fullback. I know what you're about. You played the fullback. No said.


Hey, Tyler, real quick. I know Rob's got some, but you run some of those read plays? Yes. Did you do that in high school, too? Did you do the Q blast and the Q reads that you're doing now?


Yeah, I did a bunch of... Because we ran the wing team my junior and senior year, so I did a bunch of power reads, stuff like that, reading ends, reading linebackers. So it was something I'd love.


So it makes sense.


I want to go back to, I think, my favorite play of the season, not just from you, but for all of college football at USC. You snap the ball and you end up catching the countdown pass on the same play. So I'm curious, when did that play get installed and what was your reaction to being told, This is what's going to happen? And what was your reaction when it was called on the sideline or in the huddle at the moment?


We'd probably had in for about two weeks before that. It was on the game plan, on the call sheet, but hadn't really been an emphasis.


What's it called? What's the play call?


I'm glad you asked this, actually. It was called Kendall Tool. Coach K always actually got on me that I didn't mention this in some recent interviews right after the game, but Kendall Tool is a Peloton instructor. The bikes.


I'm aware of her.


Monday afternoon at 12 noon, Coach K and Coach Troutwine, they have a I have a lesson with her, and they love her over at Peloton, and they get real excited for their lessons. So they wanted to name that cool play after her. So that's where the name comes from.


That's dope.


All right. So what was your reaction when it got installed and then when it got called.


Yeah, so I mean, obviously it was like, oh, I'm snapping the ball. It was obviously a weird play and special. But like I said, I don't want to sound repetitive, but once you practice it a few times and It's just in the flow of the game. It's just that play. You've done it 10, 12 times before on Aaron in practice. So really just remembering the little things about it. After we shifted, I ducked down and hid behind the line to hide my numbers when I was going up to the ball, little stuff like that. It's what you're thinking about throughout the play. But it was fun, and I'm glad it worked out the way it did.


You play in one of the great stadiums in college football. I've actually tell people, I I think I used to have LSU as the hardest place to play. I think Penn State is the most difficult place to play with the student section, was 110,000 people. I'm sure that the players appreciate that stadium and those students.


Yeah, especially, there's probably a few stadiums that actually can have an effect on the game, and I feel like we get to play in one of them and just some places as historic as Penn State to be able to play in front of that crowd and then bring the energy they do every weekend is something we don't take for granted. And it's awesome. And I know you played and you played and coached in some of the best environments in all of college football. So you know how it can be. So being able to have that as our home crowd is something I'm very proud of. And I know our team loves going out there on Saturday.


Tyler, man, I feel like we're on one accord. I love my tight ends, bro, because I feel like tight ends and runningbacks, we all do the dirty work, man. Sometimes it goes unnerved, but you do that nasty, that dirty work. Get down there, deliver the body blows. We're giving you your flowers, man. But I was able to speak to nick Singleton and K-Trying Allen last year, man, and I'm big fans of theirs. I want to give you a chance to give them their flowers, bro.


Yeah, I mean, it's hard not to let their tape speak for themselves. I think everybody sees what they're capable of. But I think it really sticks out to me is how they've been the same guys since they stepped on campus their freshman year before they started making all these I remember meeting nick the first time when he hadn't ran a ball yet at Penn State and meeting him now. He's the same guy. And you wouldn't know all the success he's had. And same with Fatman. Fatman. Yeah, Fatman. But yeah, I love... Blocking for them is fun. Talk about wanting to block and the mentality you bring. It's for those guys and the relationships we have. And when there's guys running angry like they do, that fires up the whole sideline and the whole offense. So I could sit here and I talk about them all day, but they're great teammates before they are great players, and obviously, they're very talented players. So it's a great combination, and they've been doing a great job back there.


We got a run-back. We got a run-back. I love to play with you. I would love to play with you, though. I appreciate it.


Ty, we got a top five ball game in Happy Valley this weekend. What has the vibe been like on campus and through the practices and just the locker room early on this week?


Yeah, I think, obviously, the energy around campus, it's going to start picking up as the week goes on each day. It will pick up a little bit. But like I said earlier, I think the best thing that we've done so far this year, and I think we'll continue to this week, is staying the same and not going up and down with the energy of it and trust in our process. But obviously, we know it's a big game, and each week you go out there, it's going to be a big game. You're playing college football players who all had offers from around the country, and they have a great defense, and we got a lot of respect for them. So it's going to take a great game out of us. But trust in our process and seeing what's gotten us to this point is going to be important, trusting that as we get ready this week.


How has Coach Franklin, his staff, kept you guys at the same, as you just said?


I feel like it starts when you're building your team, you're building your culture, which there is a tradition, but it has to restart each year. So really back in winter workouts and playing that standard in us and then and building it and keep working on it as we go through camp and stuff like that. I think really You do it. You all have been around college football. Every day you come in, it's the standard that you're up for. And it's not once you get to the season or once you're about to go to the game. It's in everything we do. I think that's where it starts and how you keep building on it.


We were there a couple of weeks ago. We went to one of the institutions on campus, Berkee Creamery. All right, let's be honest, man, how many times a week are you tempted to lean on inside Berkee Creamery?


Yeah. I do a good job staying away, but I used to live with Olu, who is on the Jets now, the left half of that got drafted. And he was a problem when it came to that. So it was more of a problem when I was living with him. But now that he's gone, I've done a better job of staying away. I have Derry Queen, though I will venture to a little bit. That's been my new spot. But I've been having some trouble with the DQ runs.


What about the Wendy's Frosty?


We'll hook you up with some Wendy's, man.


We'll send you some gift cards.


That's not off the list either. I've definitely had a Frosty here and there.


Bulking season, baby.


Bulking season. Tyler, man, we do something on the pod, man, where we allow our guests to ask us any question. You got anything going to fire at us, bro.


Oh, man. I wish I had some prep time for this. I would have probably had a good list.


Most of them go to Coach, but me and Starner here are available, too.


Yeah, I guess, Mark, I could ask you. You, obviously, You played in some very big games and stuff like that. How was your approach? Did it change or did you keep the same mentality as you went into these big games at Alabama?


As big as the games are, you know that. But at the same time, you want to stay as even as you can. You want to stay as even as you can. And just don't press. Don't press. The players are going to come. Don't try to make a play that's not there. Take what the defense gives you. And there's going to be a point in the game where a big play presents itself and just make sure that you're ready for the opportunity because that's what makes the difference in the games. It's not forcing a play that's not there. It's just being where you're supposed to be, doing what you're supposed to do, and taking advantage of the opportunities when they present themselves. So Obviously, we know it's a huge game. There's be a million eyes watching. Everybody's asking for stuff like us. But at the end of the day, bro, do what you've been doing. You have the talent, you have the ability, you have the mindset, you have the attitude. Don't try to and make something happen that's not there. Do your job, be accountable, be ready, be where you're supposed to be, because when that opportunity presents itself, that's when you'll be able to capitalize and have the big plays that make a difference in the game.


Awesome. I appreciate that.


Good question, Tyler. Good question, Tyler.


Hey, Tyler, you know your line coach has two national championship ranked?


Yeah, I do. I was actually thinking I could ask a question, just what was Phil Trout one back in the day.


He's one of He's one I think someone did a study, three players on that one that started two national title games. And you can ask him about the first shutdown against Ohio State. He was blocking that freaking great player for Ohio State. Chris Lake threw a countdown. Thank God, it was a quick game because he picked up Phil and threw him into the quarterback. So you can throw that at him today.


Yeah, I have to bring that up.


I just texted with him, by the way. I really appreciate you. Oh, really? Yeah, he's a great guy.


Tyler, we appreciate the time. We know you're busy this week, and man, it has been an absolute joy to watch you this season, whether you're throwing, running, catching, blocking, snapping. Who knows? Maybe you'll kick an extra point this week, right? Really throw us an extra curve ball, man. You've been everywhere in an absolute delight to watch. So congratulations on your unbeaten start, and stay healthy and enjoy this top five showdown from Happy Valley this week. Can't wait to see Ohio State travel to Penn State. Thanks again, Tyler.


Oh, and Tyler, last thing I got.


Oh, you got more.


About these big games. Take care of that damn football. I got you. That's the last thing I got. Take care of that rock. Yes, sir.


I appreciate getting to talk to you all. This was fun, man. I appreciate it.


Thanks, Ty. I appreciate it, too.


We appreciate you, man. Thank you, brother.


We're welcoming you back to The Triple Option, presented by The Wendy's. Time now to take a look at Heisman Resumes, brought to you by ZipRecruiter. Try ZipRecruiter for free. Ziprecruiter. Com/optionsiprecruiter. The smartest way to hire. All right, two smart guys on the Heisman Race right now. It feels like a four-person contest at the moment. Kam Ward, Dylan Gabriel, Travis Hunter, Ashton Genti. Mark, our Heisman winner. Who's in the leader clubhouse right now for you? The lead?


As of right now?


If the Heisman- If they wanted your vote right now, who are you giving it to?


Well, I get to put three names on the battle.


I know. Who's getting the one, the big one?


The first? Who's getting in spot one?




Right now, I'd probably have to go with Kam Ward. I'd have to go with Kam Ward. He has Miami 8-0. They would have lost three games if it wasn't for Kam Ward. 24 TDs, three Russian TDs. I think just the swagger, the demeanor that he's playing with. It has resonated through that entire team. They're playing with a swagger demeanor that we haven't seen from the youth since the early 2000s. It all has to do with their quarterback, Kam Ward. They're 8-0, and they would have been lost three games if it wasn't for him. Right now, I'm going with Kam Ward, although me being a running back- I was going to say Ashton Genti right now shaking his head at me. I get to put three names on the ballot. I get to put three names on the ballot. He's definitely on it.


But on the podcast, you only get one, Mark. You only get one.


Yeah, exactly. It's a triple option high has been voting.


I get to put... Each vote counts for a number of votes. Number one gets 10, number two gets eight, number three gets six, or something along that line. Ashton Genti Toting that rock. Man, got to show love to the R-Beast out there, Ashton Jenty toting that thing. What he got? He's sitting at 1,300 yards, 19 touch downs, almost nine yards to carry. Everyone wants to say, Oh, he's playing in the Mount West, this, that. I'm tired of that, too. I'm tired of that, too. I'm tired of that, too. I'm tired of that, too. I'm tired of that, too. I'm tired of that, too. I'm tired of that, too. Go watch the man play football. He is running. He is breaking tackles. He's getting yards after contact. He's picking up pass protection. He catches the football. He is a R-B-1 for a reason. Preach. Ashton Janty right there, up there with Cam Ward on my ballot.


All right, Coach, how about your ballot?


Yeah, boy, what great four quality, great players. I love watching them all, but I'm going... The high has been the way it's the year, every year, you have that argument. Is it the best player in the best team? Is it a quarterback, the Heisman is for the best player in college football. And I really think those guys are really good. I think he's just a little bit better than all of them. Matter of fact, he's better. And this Travis Hunter, he's the best player in the game right now. He is. I would draft him with the first pick. And this is after, now I've researched what person he is, too. He's a dog. As Prime says that, he's a D, man. He studies the game. There's only one way you can be that great on both sides of the ball. And that's what you got. Plus, he takes care of himself. He's not doing the silly college stuff that a lot of guys do. So I just got so much respect for that cat. However many, I think it's 117. I don't have it in front of me.


The man doesn't take a play off.


117 plays. And I pointed it out on Big Nude one time, the receiver sometimes backside or they don't go after you downfield. He's trying to take your hat off downfield, though, as a blocker. So he's the best player in the game.


Coach Prime agrees. Here's Deion on his star two-way player, Travis Hunter.


Now, Travis is the best college football player in the country. We all know that. Why are we even deliberating over that? Why are we even...


What are we doing?


When does that change?


So what's the criteria?


Somebody needs to say, what's the criteria of that prestigious award? Because we're looking at the best high school football player. It hadn't been a Travis Hunter ever. Ever. And I'm sitting up here saying that.


He's not wrong. He's right. The way he attacks it on the two-way style. Listen, Heisman's are won in November, right? We, inconveniently at times, forget what happened in the end of August, September, October. Travis had a Heisman moment, if you will. A couple of weeks ago, we talk about these Heisman moments, and they just happened. It does feel like you need to have one of those to win that title, Mark. Do you remember what your Heisman moment was?


What put me up there was I went for 246 yards on South Carolina at home. That put me in the mix, and I just kept having good games after good games. We went to Auburn. They loaded the box on me, and I didn't have a great game. But then I was able to go to Florida in the SEC Championship versus Coach's team. Had about 200 scrimmage yards, three touch downs. That put me over the hook. So you got to have a couple of them for sure.


Tebo, when was his Heisman moment, Coach?


He went in 2017. '18, actually, I thought he should have won as well, but '17, and we played Florida State, and he just took over the game, and it was running, passing, And that was the day I think he won it. That was a big game, nationally televised game. And I told Matt this and the other Heisman voters that I know is I get so angry when they give out those ballots early. I think they changed it.


They have. They pushed it way back.


You got to wait till after Championship weekend. You have to.


Sure. You know, Mark, there was a time where you could vote in October. People were voting. I'm like, Stop it. Don't do that because you're measured. It doesn't make sense. Because you play a soft team and you have a big game against them. You wait until that Championship game, rivalry games, and then if you're in the playoff. So I'm glad I heard they did push it back.


You should wait till after Championship Weekend. Sure. I was able to win mine after Championship Weekend because if you put your ballot in after Week 12, you probably wouldn't have put me on there because I had only 30 yards against Arbort, had a hit pointer, got hurt. Then I bounced back, number one versus number two, Championship weekend, us versus Florida. We know about that Florida team. We know about the Alabama team. I had probably one of my biggest games of my career, man, versus Coach Meyer, his Bucks. I mean, Coach Meyer, his Gator is my fault. But yeah, 200 yards, 3 TDs. Coach even says that he helped me win that. I appreciate you, Coach.


You bet.


Heisman, the one in November, and we're closing in on November. A lot of college football left to be played. We'll see who takes home the most prestigious title, individual title, at least, in college football. Time now for Pick 6 brought to you by our great friends at Bet MGM. Place your money line, prop, parlay, and same game, parlay bets at Bet MGM. Just download that app today. As always, please gamble responsibly. All right, so Pick 6 brought to you by Bet MGM. We're going to pick six games against the spread. Mark Scott is doos-doos, dog Dog of the Week. Do I? You're Deuce Deuce Dog of the Week. Get your growl and your bark ready, all right? But I'll give you time to warm up because I'll start here with Pittsburgh at SMU. How about this one? A ranked affair. Jerold J. Ford Stadium set to host two of the unbeatens in ACC play, at least. Pit, they were picked to finish what in the ACC, guys? Any idea?


No idea. No, not good.


Thirteen. Pit, picked to finish 13th. They're number 18 in the land right now. They're 7-0 for the first time since Dan Moreno was slinging the Rock and Steel City back in '82. Last week, they picked sixth Syracuse to death. They had Three pick sixes against Syracuse. 41-13 blowout win. There is concerned over their Alabama transfer. The redshirt freshman quarterback Eli Holstein left that win in the fourth quarter with an undisclosed injury. You're going to want to keep up on that. Coach Narduzzi not giving anything away, like Coach Franklin, Hey, we'll figure this quarterback situation out at the last possible moment when we have to tell you guys. As for SMU, last week, they won in overtime at Duke. Coach, despite six turnovers. Six turnovers on the road, and you win.


Against a decent team. Yeah, that's unheard of. They're a really good team.


Their quarterback, Kevin Jennings. Three picks. He fumbled it four times, lost two of them. I just can't see that looseness of the rock happening. The Mustangs, they're 16th in the nation in scoring offense. They put up almost 40 a game. They're going to win it, but they are not going to cover Florida, four and three, taking on number two, Georgia. The spread here, 16 and a half points for the Bulldogs. Here's what I want to know. Why can't we bring back the world's largest cocktail party moniker? I love that. For some reason, we're not allowed to push that concept anymore. I think that was-No, we are on the podcast. Yeah, exactly. That's what it's called. One of the great charms of that game, man. What fun.


It's the world's largest cocktail party, and I was honored the coach in that day. Very unique. Marked 50-50 right down the middle in a neutral site. Georgia is the best team in the country. They're loaded. We saw what they did to Texas last time they played. We both agreed they're number one, and Oregon is right behind them. Sixteen and a half. I'm going to say this about Florida and Billy Napier, the coach of the Gators. They were dead and gone, and they won some games. And that's a lot of credit to that coaching staff, because in the Today's Day and edge, with red shirting, with kids just stop playing, they're transferring. He's done. There's something there. So I think they're actually going to cover this spread, Mark. I really do. I think Georgia is the much better team, but there's something I just admire what's going on in Florida the last few weeks because they beat Kentucky, they beat some other teams, and it's a 16 and a half spread in that rivalry game. I think Georgia wins, but I think Florida covers.


Let's bounce to the Big Ten. Oregon, number one again this week at 8:00. No, they received 61 of 62 first-place votes in the AP poll. They head to Ann Arbor. Here's Michigan, the defending national champs, Mark, sitting at five and three. And again, we're talking about the quarterback situation. This week, their seventh-year quarterback, Uncle Jack, Jack Tuttle. Retired. Retired, yeah. Medically retired on Monday. They went back to Davis, Warren, last week to start with Orgie coming off the bench as a change of pace type quarterback. They got the win over Michigan State, 24-17, and now they've got Oregon in town.


What's the line here?


I'm sorry, 14 and a half.




Man, but are you okay? That's too big for you. No, it's not. It's too small? Yeah. No, I'm trying to find out my dog since you all the spray has been changed on me. I'm trying to figure out my dog, but no, this ain't the Oregon and Michigan. I know what the one is. You talk about two teams who are headed in complete opposite directions. Oregon does everything well. Michigan does almost nothing well right now. It's hard to imagine a scenario where Michigan would score enough points to even keep up with Michigan. Oregon has been getting better and better as the year goes on. Dylan Gabriel and the offense are humming on all cylinders. The defense has given up nine combined points in the last two games, and they're going to be the number one team in the country when the CFP rankings come out, and there won't be much debate about it, even though we think Georgia is the best team in the country. But Dylan Gabriel is having a high as a caliber year, and you would have thought that this would have been one of his high as in moments going against Michigan, but I think he's just going to be healthy.


Michigan, their offense has just not been good all year long. It's still not good right now. Their next four games, number 1, Oregon, 13, Indiana, Northwestern, number 4, Ohio State. They could possibly go one and three over that stretch. What's their record right now? Five and three?


Already have three losses.


So you're thinking that they could possibly lose another three games? I mean, this is crazy. But Kalele Munz and Dolan Edwards last week, which is the strength of their team, they only have 42 yards and 1.9 yards per carry Last week, this Michigan team is in trouble. I got Oregon going in there and handling business and covering that point spread for sure.


What a chance, though, for Michigan to salvage the season and get some of that nasty spit out of their mouth. And again, remember, Penn State had problems at Wisconsin last week. Ohio State had problems at home with Nebraska last week. Will Oregon have problems on the road at Michigan this week? Find out. Again, that's why we call it any given Saturday, right? Things happen. Let's go to the SEC. Number 19, the Ole Miss. They're at 6-2. They're favored by 6-1 at 5 and 3, Arkansas. Start with the Razorbacks. Last week, their dual threat quarterback, Taylor Green, threw for 314 yards, five touch downs as well. They ended up putting up 58 points, over 600 yards of offense against a struggling Mississippi State team. Ask for Ole Miss. Their calling card this season has been what, guys? Defense. How about the defense? One rushing shutdown. Ole Miss has allowed this season. They have the conference's top rush D. Their offense, right, you didn't really expect that, did you? Their offense, it still puts up a lot of yards. They lead the SEC in total offense, but they've had trouble finishing drives. Lane Kiffin, quipping on Monday that rain could be a Saturday night in Fayetteville.


We all know weather is a great equalizer. I'm going with Arkansas with the rain coming down to get another huge ranked home upset. I could have been, Yeah, there you go. Maybe you could loan me the dog, the deuce dog of the week, one of these weeks.


All right, Mark, you have a chance for a dog, and this is your only chance for a dog, so it better be the dog.


South Carolina at 4:03. We know that's a tough place to play ball. They host number 10 Texas A&M. How about them, Aggies, at seven and one? Last week, they earned their second top 10 win of the season, and they moved up four spots to number 10, the Aggies, at seven and one overall at South Carolina.


It was minus three and a half, right?


It went down to two and a half.


I hate the hooks, man. Come on. The three and a half is me. This was where I had to... But this was going to be my dog then. I don't It's going to be my dog. There we go. Carolina game cars. It's hard to play out there, man. I'm escarred playing at South Carolina because they got us one time. But how about the Aggies, man? Let's just talk about the Aggies for a minute. They're the only remaining undefeated SEC team in the conference play. They're the only undefeated team in conference play. We spent a lot of time giving flowers to Indiana, Coach Kirstie-Netty, deserveably so. But what about the job Mike Elko has done in year one They've already beaten two top 10 teams in our last three games when Mizzou was ranked number 9, and last week, number 8, LSU. They went seven straight since their loss against Notre Dame. And maybe that $75 million buyout on Jim This official contract wasn't such a bad investment after all. You know what I mean? Maybe it wasn't. They come back from down for 17 to 7 against LSU when they brought their redshirt freshman quarterback, Marcel Reid, off the bench last week.


What a game changer he was.


Yeah, Outscored LSU 31 to 6. He only threw two passes, but his legs were the difference in the game. Elko has been not committal about who the starter is going to be. But you figure out it's going to be hard to turn back to Wegman after a game like he had last week. Even when Wegman was hurt earlier with the AC injury, Marcel Reid went 3 and 0. But listen, South Carolina is no pushover. This is a team that's played both LSU and Alabama within three points of the season. They just smacked Oklahoma. They were pretty inconsistent on offense, but they They are a really good team on defense against the run, and they have a pair of edge rushers in Kyle Canard and Dylan Stuart that are two of the best in the country. I'm going with A&M to win the game on the road at South Carolina, but I do like South Carolina to cover this spread. That's the Aura Aura. A close game. It's going to be a close dog fight. That's the Aura Aura. That's the dog of the week.


Do's Do's Dog of the Week. Perhaps. All right. Last one, the biggest game in college football this Saturday. Number 4, Ohio State at 6-1 at unbeaten, third-ranked Penn State. The line is moving down. It's now Buckeyes favored by just three and a half. Fourth straight week that the Big Ten has three of the top four programs in the rankings. And this one, Coach, will be the fourth top five meeting of the season. Buckeyes at Nittany Lynes. How do you see it?


Yeah, Penn State's had really good teams over the years, and they've had two problems, a Wolverine problem and a Buckeye problem. They solve the Wolverine problem, they don't play them. And now they got the Buckeyes rolling in town. And I mean, to me, this is an even game. This is a game that's going to be dictated by health of your team. And It's always amazing to me that I never would watch this spread, but now I'm done coaching. Something's going... Vegas is unbelievable. They have contacts in sight. So Ohio State obviously has an offensive line issue. They've lost two starters. Their best offense lineman's out, a left tackle, Simmons, and now the backup Zen is about, and we're still not sure how they're going to manage that. This is a bad time to go into a game with two injuries in your offensive line. First of all, you're on the road, so you're going to deal with some noise issues. And this is really important, Rob. The further you move away from center, noise is an issue. Because you're not going to go with... You can't go with cadence. You can't hear. So they're either going to clap, and sometimes, klaps don't work on those stadiums either.


So now you're going to go on movement by the center. And the further you move out, this is really important. A matter of fact, I'm on a big noon this thing. So the guard sitting right next to the center. He can see the movement. A lot of times, it's a head bob. It's something. They move their arm. Usually, it's a head bob. The guard can see it, plus the guard's playing in a confined space. You put the tackle against an Abdul Carter, some of those really fast defensive ends, and you're going to try... This is how bizarre it is. I actually taught it. You're going to try to two-way this thing as an offensive tackle. First of all, you're a little bit further off the line of scrimage. A lot of times, the guard's helmet is in your way, and you're going to watch that center. But you also If you had a problem. There's a guy that's going to get paid a lot of money in the NFL that's going to be rushing off the edge. I would not leave that tackle alone for a minute. I'd have a tight end there. I'd have a tailback there.


What I just told you, you can't do. They're going to ask them to do it, but you can't do it. No. I mean, a first rounder, you could do it, but not a potential third.


He's trying to perift the football and the rushing.


I used to say that. Think about that. So you're periphin, and by the way, blocked his cat that's about a 4'4, 40, coming off the edge. Eyes out there. Yeah, it can't happen. So you're going to see Ohio State, they have to. They're going to have people there, whether it be an H-back, a tight-end, or a back to help them out. So I know that was Alon. I'm just getting fired up thinking about how hard that skill is.


Getting Coach going now.


I used to hate... What is today? Today is Tuesday. So today's practice, Mark, and it would drive me insane, is you're going to have these big speakers, not but 20 feet from your freaking head, and you can't even coach for that 20-minute period. It drove me insane because you're getting to use it to crowd noise, Rob. That's what they're doing. There's going to be so many mistakes. You can only really go on one cadence It's a tough one. The more I'm thinking about this, this is going to be a tough one.


Who's going to win, Coach?


He's an experienced quarterback, Will Howard, right? I know he's a Big 12 experience.


They got to run. He's got to have 20 carries.


What's the line on this, though?


It's down to three and a half. I think I don't have to pick the winner. I just have to pick the spread, right?




I think Penn State covers the spread. I think this is going to be a walk-off one of the two teams. I don't know. I'm not ready to make a pick on who's going to win, but this will be a one, two-point You heard- Yeah.


Quinchawn Judkins, Trevian Henderson, both had 10 carries last week. Both failed to get over 30 yards. They did not get it to Jeremiah Smith enough. He did have that breakdown reception, but only three receptions. They really stayed away from him in the second half. They've got to use him more. You're right, Coach. That crowd advantage in Happy Valley is at least a field goal, maybe Maybe in the fours, five type swing we're talking about.


Yeah. Man, I'm just staring at that sucker right now. Because I'm going- You keep changing your mind. Right now, Mark, I'm in period 12 of practice with that damn noise screaming at us, and I'm watching my third string left tackle, number three left tackle. You're like, it's the third string left tackle. Whoever you put there is the third string left tackle in that environment.


And State knows it, and they're going to go after him. What an environment it's going to be in Happy Valley. Again, big noon kickoff is going to be there live on Fox. Cannot wait to get ourselves back out there at Penn State next week. As you guys mentioned, it's the first college football playoff rankings of the season, and we're going to be live right after the 12 team field is announced 8 Eastern on our YouTube channel at 3X Option Show. Be sure to subscribe so you can get alerts every time that we go live, and We're going to go live throughout the season. When those College Football Playoff Rankings come out, you're going to hear our reaction immediately. In addition to our YouTube channel, you can follow us on the Apple podcast, Spotify, wherever you get your podcast as well as across social media. We are at 3X Option show member, submit those questions. Like, share, remind everybody. We want those questions. We're going to answer them during the next show. New episodes coming your way every Wednesday. As always, thanks to our sponsors, Wendy's, BetMGM, MGM, ZipRecruiter. Have a great week and get ready for the chaos that Saturday is set to bring.