E780 - Love Island’s Finale w/ Serena and Kordell, the Bachelorette, and Updates on Sandoval’s Lawsuit
The Viall Files- 444 views
- 23 Jul 2024
Welcome back to The Viall Files: Reality Recap! It’s an exciting episode, especially for the Love Island Fans… as we invite Serena and Kordell to celebrate their experience with the household. In addition, we talk about the Microsoft outage, Airline issues, men arguing with each other on the Bachelorette, as well as Kyle Richards and Mauricio’s separation. “It feels easier to like someone, who you know is not going to disappoint you in the future.” Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. Follow us on X/Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheViallFiles Listen To Disrespectfully now! Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disrespectfully/id1516710301 Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0J6DW1KeDX6SpoVEuQpl7z?si=c35995a56b8d4038 Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCh8MqSsiGkfJcWhkan0D0w To Order Nick’s Book Go To: http://www.viallfiles.com If you would like to get some texting advice on Office Hours send an email to asknick@theviallfiles.com with “Texting Office Hours” in the subject line! To advertise on the show, contact sales@advertisecast.com or visit https://www.advertisecast.com/TheViallFiles THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS: Quince - Go to https://www.Quince.com/viall for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns. Huggies - Learn More At https://www.Huggies.com Wayfair - Find everything you need to Summer your way at Wayfair. Visit https://www.Wayfair.com or get the Wayfair mobile app. OneSkin - Invest in the health of your skin with OneSkin. Get started today with 15% off using code VIALL at https://www.oneskin.co Episode Socials: @viallfiles @nickviall @nnataliejjoy @korde1l @serenaapagee @leahgsilberstein @justinkaphillips @dereklanerussell Timestamps: 00:00 - Intro 01:45 - Flying 06:19 - Kaylor 20:48 - TikToker Lawsuit 24:40 - Sean Kingston 27:35 - Justin Long 35:10 - Tom Lawsuit 41:46 - Penny 45:36 - Summerhouse 49:48 - The Valley 52:12 - Mauricio 58:07 - Bachelor 01:34:35 - Love Island 01:57:17 - Serena And Kordell Interview 02:24:56 - Outro
You're crazy.
What's going on, everybody? Welcome back to another electric episode of the Vile Files Reality Recap Edition. I am your host, nick, joined by the household. And boy, do we have a big week lined up for you all. That's That's right. First of all, congratulations to Love Island USA's winning couple, Serena and Cordell.
Yay. I wanted them to win. Same.
I think we all did. We do get to talk with both of them later this episode. We're excited to have both of them. They're still coming down from their high of being in love. They are maybe my favorite reality TV couple of all time that I've watched fall in love on TV. I believe in their, not just chemistry, I believe in their compatibility. I feel like women across this country watching Love Island were all nudging their boyfriends or husbands or fiances and be like, Why don't we laugh like that? You know what I'm saying? Why don't we have that much fun? To see two people on reality TV when we're so used to and often wondering, Why are they there? Are they doing this for the deals? Are they just leaning into the relationship? These two just feel so connected. I love it. I'm rooting for them. I'm excited for them all. I mean, all the couples were great. We'll talk about about Love Island USA later this episode, but we just want to give them a big congratulations because we love them and we'll talk with them later. Arla is at a doctor's appointment.
She is days away from having a baby, and she'll be with us, I think maybe later this episode. Well, if you were flying this weekend, I hope that your mental health is hanging in there. Whether you are flying, whether you work for an airline, whether you were just at the airport, it sounds like everyone across the country who entered into the airport or talked to an airline had a really bad week. We want to pour our hearts out to all those people because what happened? The Internet shut down or something?
There was a Microsoft outage that a lot of airlines, their systems were Microsoft. When there was an update that was accidentally forced, it shut down all the computers. So in hospitals and airlines, and I'm sure everywhere else, they couldn't even use it.
What was that movie that Sandra Bullet came out with? Was it Sandra Bullet? No, that was a different- Don't Look Up? No, that was a different End of the World.
The one with the house and the planes were crashing?
Yes. And all the tech was just like, we got hacked. How close are we to that? That seemed like the most realistic doomsday. All the zombie Eclipse ones. Maybe that could happen someday. I don't know. But our Internet going down and everyone having no idea what to do seems irre believable.
It's like that's a nightmare, I think, for anyone. We She experienced it with Chamblist, my best friend, who was supposed to come into town Saturday morning, and her flight got delayed, so she was going to miss her connection in Chicago. She still flew to Chicago like, Oh, they'll put me on the next flight, whatever. This happens a little Well, of course, every flight out is booked or is already gone. She has to stay the night in Chicago. When I say I called... Well, first I called Marriott, and I said, Book any hotel in Chicago. It If it's the nicest hotel, I don't care. But let's just book her a room in Chicago. Not one available hotel.
All of O'Hare area, Chicago, and downtown Chicago hotels sold out.
Sold out.
Because all the flights were rerouted.
No, I don't know if there were some major events going on in Chicago, or it was just half of all the airlines. Chicago is a major hub. There's a lot of connecting flights. A lot of people seem to miss their connection, and a lot of those people seem to need to stay the night.
Did she have to sleep at the airport?
No, I found a courtyard Marriott. It was like 80 miles away from Chicago.
It wasn't in the O'Hare area. We found one, but it wasn't like, Oh, there's a bunch of options. I was going can figure it out. She said that for a day. It's like, those type of people. It's like, everyone's having a bad fucking day. I get you're probably in a bad mood, but let's just give everyone some grace. Let's not like- Because they probably couldn't really help anyways.I think everyone- Because the system doesn't work.I feel like everyone, from people from customer service to the working at the counters, to the flight attendants, to the passengers, everyone was at their bullying point. It's just that person probably got off the phone with 70 other people screaming at them. It was a tough situation.I saw the line at LAX. A girl I follow was going to Nashville, and it got delayed nine hours. She went to go talk to the desk, and it was a five-hour wait time to talk to the person in line.No, see. I think of the hospitals because I saw a lot of nurses posting that their systems were on Microsoft, so they weren't able to give medicine or access patient work or get medical records. They literally had a- That's scary.No, it's scary.We're too reliant on these systems. Why don't we have these redundancies of when they go down?Why don't we have on paper? Like an option It's not electronic. A sign-in sheet? Yeah, with Sharpies.You know who I hope doesn't have travel plans is Kayla, because Kayla will be with us. She's flying in. She'll be with us tomorrow for a major episode of Going Deeper with Kayla. , come the fuck on.I will say for this one, though, they met and then she blocked her and then started copying her content.I don't doubt. It's a little bit of like... I don't doubt that she probably did. This girl she's suing probably did copy her. But like Cierra and Nelly are saying, the girl who who was suing the little girl, she copied someone else, and she Rachel has a good case, and Tom's lawyers are like, Hey, man, you're broke. Raquel is going to get cut out of six figures. You need the money. He reluctantly went forward with the suit knowing that this was the only way to get money, right? That was possibly believable. But now, We don't know what's going to happen with Rachel's case. I hope that it's frivolous. It gets thrown away. I hope she gets not a fucking cent of Ariana's money. We don't know one way or the other. But it's just more like, what did Tom think that Ariana's fans wouldn't get upset? Why drop the suit now? If you were going to do this and you needed the money, him dropping the suit now, you have to believe that Tom is so dumb that he didn't think that this would upset the fan base.Then once he realized that it did upset the fan base, his first reactive move was to delete his Instagram and then fire his lawyer and make a claim. It's a good point, yeah. It's just like, well, you knew how much they were going to hate you. If you were going to do it, he was going to follow through.I could see that maybe it's a diligence thing. I just think we've seen enough lawyer scenes in movies, scandal, how to get the murderer, that I'm like, there's no way he didn't know that making this new complaint or cross-complaint was not going to cause that drama anyways.I think you'd be surprised how much... I have agents and managers and lawyers, and agents are lawyers who didn't want to become lawyers, but they still negotiate like lawyers. Most agents went to law school. And you'd be surprised how much I just trust them to do what they should do and have the conversations that I'm like, just let me know when we're close.Because you're like, they work for you. So you're like, I trust that you have my best interest.The only thing that where I'm like, I agree with Justin or where the confusion for me is that I'm like, why delete Instagram? He could have turned his comments off. He could have just put out a statement, why did you delete the Instagram, then figure out what your next move is, and then reactivate with the statement.You're right. It doesn't make sense. But I know that it is a reactive move.Yeah. So you're just saying out of panic?Yeah, it's just more like the only thing that makes sense would be like, he didn't know what to do. He was probably just getting fucking crucified online and just fucking deleted it and was like, What the fuck is going on? I just have a hard time believing, even though Tom has made some dumb decisions lately that he didn't see this coming. He knows how much people love Ariana. He knows how much people don't like him. Again, if you were going to do it knowing what people thought, then why would it be so quick to just dismiss the case? Because you thought people would hate him just a little bit more?Yeah. But your logic, he would just double down if he actually had the intentions to do it.Yes. If his lawyers were like, Hey, man, here's an option. Just, lawsuits are public. This is going to get out. His lawyer, I just have a hard time believing what amount of money would Tom have to be insured that he's getting for him to follow through with that.I wonder if Matt Grogos is going to get another client after this.I was going to say he was a scapegoat.I don't know. Not great on Tom's behalf, but I tend to believe that he didn't see... He probably didn't do his due diligence, but I don't think this was a plan that didn't go the way he planned, and now he's backtracking. It doesn't add up to me.Well, I mean, it is a tough time for Ariana because now Chef Penny is suing her and Katie for something about her.Chef Penny seems terrible.Go on.Well, because what I'm understanding is that Chef Penny owns the trademark for something about Yeah, that's part of it. Is that accurate?Yeah. Then she's claiming that she was promised 10% of the partnership.Maybe so. I don't know what conversations Katie Ariana had with Chef Penny, but Chef Penny, is it true that her husband is a lawyer? Yes. I feel criticizing that?Why? I just think people are just going to have opinions.Yeah. No, of course. But I think this is something I've always said. I remember I got asked something while I was pregnant, and it was like, How do you feel about parents who put emojis over their kid's face? I responded with like, I don't care what any other parent is doing with their child. Why are you all worried about how I'm parenting my kid? Parent your own children. Exactly.What's not for you is for you, and what's for me is for me. Me? I'm going to be milking pregnancy every day. I'll be like, I can't walk today. As youchoosing a peaceful approach to raising her. Are they? Well, she said, I think of the child first. I always say positive things to Isabella about her dad. We attend important functions together and let them see that you are both friends and can be together in the same room.It's giving a little like Ryan, Gipsy's husband. I'm not going to talk shit, but these people are pieces of shit. Yeah, that's true. Wait, are you not?It is interesting, though, because they're filming The Valley right now. She's making it sound like They're like, She's going to be in the same room with Jessie and his whoever, girlfriend, fiance.Are they still together?That's what we're going to see.I know she's still with her dude, I think. That's what I know, I think. I think she's still with her dude.We've never seen them breaking up for both.How did Jessie and Jacks keep the houses, and Michelle and Brittany had to move out?Stubborn.Yeah. Well, Michelle made it sound like Jessie didn't want to leave, so she just moved out.And that was the same thing with Jacks. Brittany said that she was like, Are we going to? And he's like, I'm absolutely not out of this house. And she was like, All right. Yeah.Remember, he was like, Can't you just sleep in the guest bedroom?So that's probably... I mean, Michelle wanted to leave Jessie, and Jessie didn't want to leave Michelle. It's the same thing at Sandoval and Ariana.He doesn't want to leave either.I will never support the divorced parents talking shit on each other publicly or to the kids. I'll never support it. It's always gross to me. And you can do that privately. You can do that with your girlfriends. You can do that with your parents. But to put it out into world where your daughter will someday read it or to tell your daughter, like, that's why your dad's a piece of shit.They're on the valley.That's what I'm saying. Even fucking worse.Those interviews will live on forever.It's clocked that, though. The second he said that, she was like, Okay, leave.I loved her reaction in that moment because she was how everybody felt. She was over it.I'm also so glad she did not hug him. I feel like so many times, and I feel like us women, we struggle with this a lot of not wanting to hurt someone's feelings or embarrass them. So you just swal. It makes you uncomfortable. You don't want to do it. You're like, Fuck, I'll just do it anyways because it's going to be awkward. I don't want to be mean. So sure, I'll just hug him. And you really don't want to. And I'm so fucking glad she didn't because he was so slimy in that situation. And I'm just glad that she was like, Okay, well, then bye.Leave. Yeah. Couldn't you argue that if you had the possibility even of getting this call? Aaron's trying to convince Jen that he knows that some of these guys aren't ready for marriage. Well, clearly, you're not ready for marriage, Aaron. You have some big life goals that you have yet to accomplish that require you to go off to school and fully commit. I'm guessing most people in fighter school don't have the bandwidth for a very intimate personal relationship. Maybe they just deserve to be single for a while. Aaron knew this about himself. Why the fuck is he showing up to this environment knowing full well that this was on the table? You're so right. That doesn't scream ready for a relationship.You just read him to filth. You are so right. Nick is sat. That's so true. Nick is sat. He sat. Everyone else is sat, too. Are you minding me? That is crazy. No. That's genuinely like, you're so fucking right. He's sitting there being like, There's guys here who aren't ready to get married, but you're fucking leaving for a job.Good for you, but clearly, it's not- You aren't ready either. You're not in the season to settle down, Erin. You got some bigger ambitions. Why do you think you can?That's so true.Wow, that's crazy.That is really true.What exactly about Devon says, I am not willing or ready to settle down because he has a sense of humor? I don't know much about women, but I do know that every single one of them saysdidn't know it was Justin, I'd be fucking pissed.If it was a woman, a straight woman who you were like, What? I'm sorry. Who's that calling you on a Saturday afternoon? Oh, it's my work wife.No, that's disgusting. Yeah, that's right. No. But Justin love, support, fully. I was fucking looving. For sure. Yeah. If every husband is like, Oh, it's my work wife, and it's Justin, pass me around. Bring him Come on.Bring him over for dinner. Can he sleep in the bed with us? But you're right, Lea. I didn't think about this until you brought it up, and I hope that you're right, but I hope that this is the show not always siding with the house. Because in the past, it was always the house was the biggest bully, and whatever the house agreed with, that's usually how the edit went. People like Devon were always thrown under the bus because they were a little bit different.I am curious. Obviously, I know all of our takes, but I am curious if people are more Team Sam, M, or Devon. I don't know.A lot of times, the hotties get the benefit of it out.We should circle back on that on Thursday's reality recap and see what the reaction was.Post a poll.I do think after people see how Jen responded to Sam M, after Aaron left, people won't like him. She was like, I'm glad you're okay.Oh, yeah. When he's like, That's my boy Aaron. I know. I was so proud of her for that, too. And he's like, It's all good. I'm good. And she's like, Glad you're good. What the fuck?He did not read the room. Yeah.The fact that he didn't ask, Are you okay? How did that affect you? Is there any way I can help figure out who it is? It's not me. I'm here for you. He's just like, That's my boy. I'm like, Do you want to make out?By the way, this goes back to Nick's point, where Sam M is not here for the right reasons. No, not at all. Because he's here clearly. He cares more about Aaron leaving for himself than Aaron leaving and how that affects Jen.I think she knows that, though. Her response is like, I'm over it. You annoy me. The I'm glad you're okay.And the Batcharrette who gave Jen that advice was, I'm guessing a little bit of foreshadowing. I don't think Sam M makes final four.Final five.I mean, I hope I'm wrong because I hope he makes the final four. He's going to make it far. I hope he only become... going to play out. I don't know if they're going to work out, but they all care about each other. They really do. Miguel What I love about Miguel and continue to love about Miguel, is he is very much, he does not over promise. At the risk of maybe saying some fuckboy shit. Because Miguel, even at the exit, was never overstating what he plans on with Leah. It was like, I'm excited to see what happens in the real world and see where this can go. That's it. That's all he said, which was very open-ended. I think he knows he lives in the UK, and she's in LA, and the odds might be stacked against him. But what he did say, the things that did come out of his mouth, I believe. You know what I'm saying? That he cares about her. He complimented her, and I think in one of the best possible ways, because he talked about the impact Leah had on him as a man and how he came in with this fuckboy mentality, and he's grown up, and She's challenged him in ways that, honestly, he didn't expect to be challenged.That felt very sincere. He didn't make promises he didn't have to make. I just really have been impressed with Miguel. He's a stand-up guy. Maybe he's going to go out around and be a fuckboy, but I believe that he isn't going to lead people on necessarily. He's going to be upfront. He doesn't over promise. I just think at the end of the day, he's got good character.You know what's interesting? We've talked about this previously about how to change a fuckboy, and we've talked about this in the context of West and many others. I feel like Leah did what you do to change a fuckboy. She was very chill.She doesn't overreact, and she's self-aware. She's self-deprecating. I don't think she loses control of who she is for someone like Miguel. Yeah, those are all ways of making a fuckboy feel like, Hey, this is... Miguel is so... Again, Miguel is used to someone making him three different versions of eggs. That's fucking crazy. When you don't do that, and when you're like, No, I'm good, then immediately the fuckboy is like, Oh, well, I need to do more for this person because I'm used to doing nothing at all.Well, because it's like he came back from Casa and Leo was just like, Okay, you brought someone back. Yeah.Well, eventually, you can't keep doing that. But yeah, I do think… Leah talking about what did she say in her speech, which was so charming.She loves toxic.Yeah, but how she said it was so funny and so relatable, where everyone told her, If you would have told me that I would be the guy who made up with all the women.I would have believed you.But Cordell.Cordell and Serena.Serena and Cordel.Serena and Cordel.For sure. The fact that they color-coded on night one by accident and then did it again at the finale, probably more on purpose this time. But I love them.They have the best- I do believe in Kendall and Nicole.Who's the couple you think might surprise you that you wouldn't necessarily bet on now?And I would say Kendall and Nicole. I would say Kendall and Nicole. I have a feeling they're going to be broken up by the reunion. Janay and Kenny, I think, live here.You think Kendall and Nicole will break up before the reunion?That's my opinion. Okay, Tamara.Okay, everybody, put your guns down. No, I genuinely do believe that. And that's August 19th, so we'll see.I like Janay and Kenny a lot, too. I thought that- I really, yeah.I think they live nearby, too. I also think that that's the reality. And also the parents doing the notes and everything. I think, if anything, knowing that your family is behind your choices from what they've watched on television.I love Jané being like, We love K-A-N-A. Kana. He's like, Kana?It's our name. Yeah, he's like, Oh, Kana.I think they're as well intentioned as any couple to come out of Love Island, but I feel like ultimately, they're not as compatible as they want to believe they are.Janay and Kenny.Either way.What's all going to... It's next year. I don't know if any of them will break up by I think if anyone could break up, it's going to be Kayla and Aaron.We'll get to talk with Kayla, but her mom wrote what she wrote. I know her mom, during the videos, was much more tampered. It's very easy to write a post on Facebook only to meet that person and not want to… It would have been embarrassing for Kayla, for her mom, to just lay into Aaron in that moment. That wasn't the move then. Not on national TV. But what conversations does Aaron gets Kayla's mom had with Aaron after the fact? And is Kayla going to go back and watch some of the stuff? We all just talked about, as soon as she goes back and watches this, it might be harder for her to forgive Aaron. If anyone could break up, I think it might be them. I'm not even sure if they will by then, But yeah, it's not that long of time.It's not.Why do you think- Well, I don't think Robin and Cassie will be together.Why and we cannot wait to talk to them. Like I always say, shavings make a pile. Habits are important people. And that's why I'm excited to talk about Noom. Noom is a psychology-based program that helps you reach your health goals, whatever your health goals are. Maybe you want more energy, maybe you want to gain muscle mass, maybe you want to lose some weight. It doesn't matter. There are different ways to get healthy. But the important thing is Noom is helping you meet those health goals, whatever they are. Noom uses psychology. It also takes into account your unique biological factors which also affect you reaching your health goals. The program helps you understand the science behind your eating choices and why you have cravings. Noom helps you build new habits for a healthier lifestyle. For me, it's all about me maintaining my current health, my current weight. I'm not as active as I used to be. I have a lot more going on with the new baby. So it's really important for me to maintain my current health that I had when I was single and had morethis week. We got Kayla from Love Island talking about all things Love Island, her relationship with Erin. Are they together? Should they be together? I know her mom's texting, but she had some things to say online. There's some hot mic situations, a lot to get in to with Kayla.Thursday is also- Thursday, we got Hawk to a Girl.Plus all that more. We'll talk, obviously, more Bachelorette, more Love Island, more Bravo. It's got a jam-packed episode of Reality Recap, highlighted by Hawk to a Girl. She is America's sweetheart. She truly is. It was a joy talking with her. We're excited to bring it to you. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends, subscribe, all that fun stuff. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye.
can figure it out. She said that for a day. It's like, those type of people. It's like, everyone's having a bad fucking day. I get you're probably in a bad mood, but let's just give everyone some grace. Let's not like- Because they probably couldn't really help anyways.
I think everyone- Because the system doesn't work.
I feel like everyone, from people from customer service to the working at the counters, to the flight attendants, to the passengers, everyone was at their bullying point. It's just that person probably got off the phone with 70 other people screaming at them. It was a tough situation.
I saw the line at LAX. A girl I follow was going to Nashville, and it got delayed nine hours. She went to go talk to the desk, and it was a five-hour wait time to talk to the person in line.
No, see. I think of the hospitals because I saw a lot of nurses posting that their systems were on Microsoft, so they weren't able to give medicine or access patient work or get medical records. They literally had a- That's scary.
No, it's scary.
We're too reliant on these systems. Why don't we have these redundancies of when they go down?
Why don't we have on paper? Like an option It's not electronic. A sign-in sheet? Yeah, with Sharpies.
You know who I hope doesn't have travel plans is Kayla, because Kayla will be with us. She's flying in. She'll be with us tomorrow for a major episode of Going Deeper with Kayla. , come the fuck on.I will say for this one, though, they met and then she blocked her and then started copying her content.I don't doubt. It's a little bit of like... I don't doubt that she probably did. This girl she's suing probably did copy her. But like Cierra and Nelly are saying, the girl who who was suing the little girl, she copied someone else, and she Rachel has a good case, and Tom's lawyers are like, Hey, man, you're broke. Raquel is going to get cut out of six figures. You need the money. He reluctantly went forward with the suit knowing that this was the only way to get money, right? That was possibly believable. But now, We don't know what's going to happen with Rachel's case. I hope that it's frivolous. It gets thrown away. I hope she gets not a fucking cent of Ariana's money. We don't know one way or the other. But it's just more like, what did Tom think that Ariana's fans wouldn't get upset? Why drop the suit now? If you were going to do this and you needed the money, him dropping the suit now, you have to believe that Tom is so dumb that he didn't think that this would upset the fan base.Then once he realized that it did upset the fan base, his first reactive move was to delete his Instagram and then fire his lawyer and make a claim. It's a good point, yeah. It's just like, well, you knew how much they were going to hate you. If you were going to do it, he was going to follow through.I could see that maybe it's a diligence thing. I just think we've seen enough lawyer scenes in movies, scandal, how to get the murderer, that I'm like, there's no way he didn't know that making this new complaint or cross-complaint was not going to cause that drama anyways.I think you'd be surprised how much... I have agents and managers and lawyers, and agents are lawyers who didn't want to become lawyers, but they still negotiate like lawyers. Most agents went to law school. And you'd be surprised how much I just trust them to do what they should do and have the conversations that I'm like, just let me know when we're close.Because you're like, they work for you. So you're like, I trust that you have my best interest.The only thing that where I'm like, I agree with Justin or where the confusion for me is that I'm like, why delete Instagram? He could have turned his comments off. He could have just put out a statement, why did you delete the Instagram, then figure out what your next move is, and then reactivate with the statement.You're right. It doesn't make sense. But I know that it is a reactive move.Yeah. So you're just saying out of panic?Yeah, it's just more like the only thing that makes sense would be like, he didn't know what to do. He was probably just getting fucking crucified online and just fucking deleted it and was like, What the fuck is going on? I just have a hard time believing, even though Tom has made some dumb decisions lately that he didn't see this coming. He knows how much people love Ariana. He knows how much people don't like him. Again, if you were going to do it knowing what people thought, then why would it be so quick to just dismiss the case? Because you thought people would hate him just a little bit more?Yeah. But your logic, he would just double down if he actually had the intentions to do it.Yes. If his lawyers were like, Hey, man, here's an option. Just, lawsuits are public. This is going to get out. His lawyer, I just have a hard time believing what amount of money would Tom have to be insured that he's getting for him to follow through with that.I wonder if Matt Grogos is going to get another client after this.I was going to say he was a scapegoat.I don't know. Not great on Tom's behalf, but I tend to believe that he didn't see... He probably didn't do his due diligence, but I don't think this was a plan that didn't go the way he planned, and now he's backtracking. It doesn't add up to me.Well, I mean, it is a tough time for Ariana because now Chef Penny is suing her and Katie for something about her.Chef Penny seems terrible.Go on.Well, because what I'm understanding is that Chef Penny owns the trademark for something about Yeah, that's part of it. Is that accurate?Yeah. Then she's claiming that she was promised 10% of the partnership.Maybe so. I don't know what conversations Katie Ariana had with Chef Penny, but Chef Penny, is it true that her husband is a lawyer? Yes. I feel criticizing that?Why? I just think people are just going to have opinions.Yeah. No, of course. But I think this is something I've always said. I remember I got asked something while I was pregnant, and it was like, How do you feel about parents who put emojis over their kid's face? I responded with like, I don't care what any other parent is doing with their child. Why are you all worried about how I'm parenting my kid? Parent your own children. Exactly.What's not for you is for you, and what's for me is for me. Me? I'm going to be milking pregnancy every day. I'll be like, I can't walk today. As youchoosing a peaceful approach to raising her. Are they? Well, she said, I think of the child first. I always say positive things to Isabella about her dad. We attend important functions together and let them see that you are both friends and can be together in the same room.It's giving a little like Ryan, Gipsy's husband. I'm not going to talk shit, but these people are pieces of shit. Yeah, that's true. Wait, are you not?It is interesting, though, because they're filming The Valley right now. She's making it sound like They're like, She's going to be in the same room with Jessie and his whoever, girlfriend, fiance.Are they still together?That's what we're going to see.I know she's still with her dude, I think. That's what I know, I think. I think she's still with her dude.We've never seen them breaking up for both.How did Jessie and Jacks keep the houses, and Michelle and Brittany had to move out?Stubborn.Yeah. Well, Michelle made it sound like Jessie didn't want to leave, so she just moved out.And that was the same thing with Jacks. Brittany said that she was like, Are we going to? And he's like, I'm absolutely not out of this house. And she was like, All right. Yeah.Remember, he was like, Can't you just sleep in the guest bedroom?So that's probably... I mean, Michelle wanted to leave Jessie, and Jessie didn't want to leave Michelle. It's the same thing at Sandoval and Ariana.He doesn't want to leave either.I will never support the divorced parents talking shit on each other publicly or to the kids. I'll never support it. It's always gross to me. And you can do that privately. You can do that with your girlfriends. You can do that with your parents. But to put it out into world where your daughter will someday read it or to tell your daughter, like, that's why your dad's a piece of shit.They're on the valley.That's what I'm saying. Even fucking worse.Those interviews will live on forever.It's clocked that, though. The second he said that, she was like, Okay, leave.I loved her reaction in that moment because she was how everybody felt. She was over it.I'm also so glad she did not hug him. I feel like so many times, and I feel like us women, we struggle with this a lot of not wanting to hurt someone's feelings or embarrass them. So you just swal. It makes you uncomfortable. You don't want to do it. You're like, Fuck, I'll just do it anyways because it's going to be awkward. I don't want to be mean. So sure, I'll just hug him. And you really don't want to. And I'm so fucking glad she didn't because he was so slimy in that situation. And I'm just glad that she was like, Okay, well, then bye.Leave. Yeah. Couldn't you argue that if you had the possibility even of getting this call? Aaron's trying to convince Jen that he knows that some of these guys aren't ready for marriage. Well, clearly, you're not ready for marriage, Aaron. You have some big life goals that you have yet to accomplish that require you to go off to school and fully commit. I'm guessing most people in fighter school don't have the bandwidth for a very intimate personal relationship. Maybe they just deserve to be single for a while. Aaron knew this about himself. Why the fuck is he showing up to this environment knowing full well that this was on the table? You're so right. That doesn't scream ready for a relationship.You just read him to filth. You are so right. Nick is sat. That's so true. Nick is sat. He sat. Everyone else is sat, too. Are you minding me? That is crazy. No. That's genuinely like, you're so fucking right. He's sitting there being like, There's guys here who aren't ready to get married, but you're fucking leaving for a job.Good for you, but clearly, it's not- You aren't ready either. You're not in the season to settle down, Erin. You got some bigger ambitions. Why do you think you can?That's so true.Wow, that's crazy.That is really true.What exactly about Devon says, I am not willing or ready to settle down because he has a sense of humor? I don't know much about women, but I do know that every single one of them saysdidn't know it was Justin, I'd be fucking pissed.If it was a woman, a straight woman who you were like, What? I'm sorry. Who's that calling you on a Saturday afternoon? Oh, it's my work wife.No, that's disgusting. Yeah, that's right. No. But Justin love, support, fully. I was fucking looving. For sure. Yeah. If every husband is like, Oh, it's my work wife, and it's Justin, pass me around. Bring him Come on.Bring him over for dinner. Can he sleep in the bed with us? But you're right, Lea. I didn't think about this until you brought it up, and I hope that you're right, but I hope that this is the show not always siding with the house. Because in the past, it was always the house was the biggest bully, and whatever the house agreed with, that's usually how the edit went. People like Devon were always thrown under the bus because they were a little bit different.I am curious. Obviously, I know all of our takes, but I am curious if people are more Team Sam, M, or Devon. I don't know.A lot of times, the hotties get the benefit of it out.We should circle back on that on Thursday's reality recap and see what the reaction was.Post a poll.I do think after people see how Jen responded to Sam M, after Aaron left, people won't like him. She was like, I'm glad you're okay.Oh, yeah. When he's like, That's my boy Aaron. I know. I was so proud of her for that, too. And he's like, It's all good. I'm good. And she's like, Glad you're good. What the fuck?He did not read the room. Yeah.The fact that he didn't ask, Are you okay? How did that affect you? Is there any way I can help figure out who it is? It's not me. I'm here for you. He's just like, That's my boy. I'm like, Do you want to make out?By the way, this goes back to Nick's point, where Sam M is not here for the right reasons. No, not at all. Because he's here clearly. He cares more about Aaron leaving for himself than Aaron leaving and how that affects Jen.I think she knows that, though. Her response is like, I'm over it. You annoy me. The I'm glad you're okay.And the Batcharrette who gave Jen that advice was, I'm guessing a little bit of foreshadowing. I don't think Sam M makes final four.Final five.I mean, I hope I'm wrong because I hope he makes the final four. He's going to make it far. I hope he only become... going to play out. I don't know if they're going to work out, but they all care about each other. They really do. Miguel What I love about Miguel and continue to love about Miguel, is he is very much, he does not over promise. At the risk of maybe saying some fuckboy shit. Because Miguel, even at the exit, was never overstating what he plans on with Leah. It was like, I'm excited to see what happens in the real world and see where this can go. That's it. That's all he said, which was very open-ended. I think he knows he lives in the UK, and she's in LA, and the odds might be stacked against him. But what he did say, the things that did come out of his mouth, I believe. You know what I'm saying? That he cares about her. He complimented her, and I think in one of the best possible ways, because he talked about the impact Leah had on him as a man and how he came in with this fuckboy mentality, and he's grown up, and She's challenged him in ways that, honestly, he didn't expect to be challenged.That felt very sincere. He didn't make promises he didn't have to make. I just really have been impressed with Miguel. He's a stand-up guy. Maybe he's going to go out around and be a fuckboy, but I believe that he isn't going to lead people on necessarily. He's going to be upfront. He doesn't over promise. I just think at the end of the day, he's got good character.You know what's interesting? We've talked about this previously about how to change a fuckboy, and we've talked about this in the context of West and many others. I feel like Leah did what you do to change a fuckboy. She was very chill.She doesn't overreact, and she's self-aware. She's self-deprecating. I don't think she loses control of who she is for someone like Miguel. Yeah, those are all ways of making a fuckboy feel like, Hey, this is... Miguel is so... Again, Miguel is used to someone making him three different versions of eggs. That's fucking crazy. When you don't do that, and when you're like, No, I'm good, then immediately the fuckboy is like, Oh, well, I need to do more for this person because I'm used to doing nothing at all.Well, because it's like he came back from Casa and Leo was just like, Okay, you brought someone back. Yeah.Well, eventually, you can't keep doing that. But yeah, I do think… Leah talking about what did she say in her speech, which was so charming.She loves toxic.Yeah, but how she said it was so funny and so relatable, where everyone told her, If you would have told me that I would be the guy who made up with all the women.I would have believed you.But Cordell.Cordell and Serena.Serena and Cordel.Serena and Cordel.For sure. The fact that they color-coded on night one by accident and then did it again at the finale, probably more on purpose this time. But I love them.They have the best- I do believe in Kendall and Nicole.Who's the couple you think might surprise you that you wouldn't necessarily bet on now?And I would say Kendall and Nicole. I would say Kendall and Nicole. I have a feeling they're going to be broken up by the reunion. Janay and Kenny, I think, live here.You think Kendall and Nicole will break up before the reunion?That's my opinion. Okay, Tamara.Okay, everybody, put your guns down. No, I genuinely do believe that. And that's August 19th, so we'll see.I like Janay and Kenny a lot, too. I thought that- I really, yeah.I think they live nearby, too. I also think that that's the reality. And also the parents doing the notes and everything. I think, if anything, knowing that your family is behind your choices from what they've watched on television.I love Jané being like, We love K-A-N-A. Kana. He's like, Kana?It's our name. Yeah, he's like, Oh, Kana.I think they're as well intentioned as any couple to come out of Love Island, but I feel like ultimately, they're not as compatible as they want to believe they are.Janay and Kenny.Either way.What's all going to... It's next year. I don't know if any of them will break up by I think if anyone could break up, it's going to be Kayla and Aaron.We'll get to talk with Kayla, but her mom wrote what she wrote. I know her mom, during the videos, was much more tampered. It's very easy to write a post on Facebook only to meet that person and not want to… It would have been embarrassing for Kayla, for her mom, to just lay into Aaron in that moment. That wasn't the move then. Not on national TV. But what conversations does Aaron gets Kayla's mom had with Aaron after the fact? And is Kayla going to go back and watch some of the stuff? We all just talked about, as soon as she goes back and watches this, it might be harder for her to forgive Aaron. If anyone could break up, I think it might be them. I'm not even sure if they will by then, But yeah, it's not that long of time.It's not.Why do you think- Well, I don't think Robin and Cassie will be together.Why and we cannot wait to talk to them. Like I always say, shavings make a pile. Habits are important people. And that's why I'm excited to talk about Noom. Noom is a psychology-based program that helps you reach your health goals, whatever your health goals are. Maybe you want more energy, maybe you want to gain muscle mass, maybe you want to lose some weight. It doesn't matter. There are different ways to get healthy. But the important thing is Noom is helping you meet those health goals, whatever they are. Noom uses psychology. It also takes into account your unique biological factors which also affect you reaching your health goals. The program helps you understand the science behind your eating choices and why you have cravings. Noom helps you build new habits for a healthier lifestyle. For me, it's all about me maintaining my current health, my current weight. I'm not as active as I used to be. I have a lot more going on with the new baby. So it's really important for me to maintain my current health that I had when I was single and had morethis week. We got Kayla from Love Island talking about all things Love Island, her relationship with Erin. Are they together? Should they be together? I know her mom's texting, but she had some things to say online. There's some hot mic situations, a lot to get in to with Kayla.Thursday is also- Thursday, we got Hawk to a Girl.Plus all that more. We'll talk, obviously, more Bachelorette, more Love Island, more Bravo. It's got a jam-packed episode of Reality Recap, highlighted by Hawk to a Girl. She is America's sweetheart. She truly is. It was a joy talking with her. We're excited to bring it to you. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends, subscribe, all that fun stuff. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye.
, come the fuck on.
I will say for this one, though, they met and then she blocked her and then started copying her content.
I don't doubt. It's a little bit of like... I don't doubt that she probably did. This girl she's suing probably did copy her. But like Cierra and Nelly are saying, the girl who who was suing the little girl, she copied someone else, and she Rachel has a good case, and Tom's lawyers are like, Hey, man, you're broke. Raquel is going to get cut out of six figures. You need the money. He reluctantly went forward with the suit knowing that this was the only way to get money, right? That was possibly believable. But now, We don't know what's going to happen with Rachel's case. I hope that it's frivolous. It gets thrown away. I hope she gets not a fucking cent of Ariana's money. We don't know one way or the other. But it's just more like, what did Tom think that Ariana's fans wouldn't get upset? Why drop the suit now? If you were going to do this and you needed the money, him dropping the suit now, you have to believe that Tom is so dumb that he didn't think that this would upset the fan base.Then once he realized that it did upset the fan base, his first reactive move was to delete his Instagram and then fire his lawyer and make a claim. It's a good point, yeah. It's just like, well, you knew how much they were going to hate you. If you were going to do it, he was going to follow through.I could see that maybe it's a diligence thing. I just think we've seen enough lawyer scenes in movies, scandal, how to get the murderer, that I'm like, there's no way he didn't know that making this new complaint or cross-complaint was not going to cause that drama anyways.I think you'd be surprised how much... I have agents and managers and lawyers, and agents are lawyers who didn't want to become lawyers, but they still negotiate like lawyers. Most agents went to law school. And you'd be surprised how much I just trust them to do what they should do and have the conversations that I'm like, just let me know when we're close.Because you're like, they work for you. So you're like, I trust that you have my best interest.The only thing that where I'm like, I agree with Justin or where the confusion for me is that I'm like, why delete Instagram? He could have turned his comments off. He could have just put out a statement, why did you delete the Instagram, then figure out what your next move is, and then reactivate with the statement.You're right. It doesn't make sense. But I know that it is a reactive move.Yeah. So you're just saying out of panic?Yeah, it's just more like the only thing that makes sense would be like, he didn't know what to do. He was probably just getting fucking crucified online and just fucking deleted it and was like, What the fuck is going on? I just have a hard time believing, even though Tom has made some dumb decisions lately that he didn't see this coming. He knows how much people love Ariana. He knows how much people don't like him. Again, if you were going to do it knowing what people thought, then why would it be so quick to just dismiss the case? Because you thought people would hate him just a little bit more?Yeah. But your logic, he would just double down if he actually had the intentions to do it.Yes. If his lawyers were like, Hey, man, here's an option. Just, lawsuits are public. This is going to get out. His lawyer, I just have a hard time believing what amount of money would Tom have to be insured that he's getting for him to follow through with that.I wonder if Matt Grogos is going to get another client after this.I was going to say he was a scapegoat.I don't know. Not great on Tom's behalf, but I tend to believe that he didn't see... He probably didn't do his due diligence, but I don't think this was a plan that didn't go the way he planned, and now he's backtracking. It doesn't add up to me.Well, I mean, it is a tough time for Ariana because now Chef Penny is suing her and Katie for something about her.Chef Penny seems terrible.Go on.Well, because what I'm understanding is that Chef Penny owns the trademark for something about Yeah, that's part of it. Is that accurate?Yeah. Then she's claiming that she was promised 10% of the partnership.Maybe so. I don't know what conversations Katie Ariana had with Chef Penny, but Chef Penny, is it true that her husband is a lawyer? Yes. I feel criticizing that?Why? I just think people are just going to have opinions.Yeah. No, of course. But I think this is something I've always said. I remember I got asked something while I was pregnant, and it was like, How do you feel about parents who put emojis over their kid's face? I responded with like, I don't care what any other parent is doing with their child. Why are you all worried about how I'm parenting my kid? Parent your own children. Exactly.What's not for you is for you, and what's for me is for me. Me? I'm going to be milking pregnancy every day. I'll be like, I can't walk today. As youchoosing a peaceful approach to raising her. Are they? Well, she said, I think of the child first. I always say positive things to Isabella about her dad. We attend important functions together and let them see that you are both friends and can be together in the same room.It's giving a little like Ryan, Gipsy's husband. I'm not going to talk shit, but these people are pieces of shit. Yeah, that's true. Wait, are you not?It is interesting, though, because they're filming The Valley right now. She's making it sound like They're like, She's going to be in the same room with Jessie and his whoever, girlfriend, fiance.Are they still together?That's what we're going to see.I know she's still with her dude, I think. That's what I know, I think. I think she's still with her dude.We've never seen them breaking up for both.How did Jessie and Jacks keep the houses, and Michelle and Brittany had to move out?Stubborn.Yeah. Well, Michelle made it sound like Jessie didn't want to leave, so she just moved out.And that was the same thing with Jacks. Brittany said that she was like, Are we going to? And he's like, I'm absolutely not out of this house. And she was like, All right. Yeah.Remember, he was like, Can't you just sleep in the guest bedroom?So that's probably... I mean, Michelle wanted to leave Jessie, and Jessie didn't want to leave Michelle. It's the same thing at Sandoval and Ariana.He doesn't want to leave either.I will never support the divorced parents talking shit on each other publicly or to the kids. I'll never support it. It's always gross to me. And you can do that privately. You can do that with your girlfriends. You can do that with your parents. But to put it out into world where your daughter will someday read it or to tell your daughter, like, that's why your dad's a piece of shit.They're on the valley.That's what I'm saying. Even fucking worse.Those interviews will live on forever.It's clocked that, though. The second he said that, she was like, Okay, leave.I loved her reaction in that moment because she was how everybody felt. She was over it.I'm also so glad she did not hug him. I feel like so many times, and I feel like us women, we struggle with this a lot of not wanting to hurt someone's feelings or embarrass them. So you just swal. It makes you uncomfortable. You don't want to do it. You're like, Fuck, I'll just do it anyways because it's going to be awkward. I don't want to be mean. So sure, I'll just hug him. And you really don't want to. And I'm so fucking glad she didn't because he was so slimy in that situation. And I'm just glad that she was like, Okay, well, then bye.Leave. Yeah. Couldn't you argue that if you had the possibility even of getting this call? Aaron's trying to convince Jen that he knows that some of these guys aren't ready for marriage. Well, clearly, you're not ready for marriage, Aaron. You have some big life goals that you have yet to accomplish that require you to go off to school and fully commit. I'm guessing most people in fighter school don't have the bandwidth for a very intimate personal relationship. Maybe they just deserve to be single for a while. Aaron knew this about himself. Why the fuck is he showing up to this environment knowing full well that this was on the table? You're so right. That doesn't scream ready for a relationship.You just read him to filth. You are so right. Nick is sat. That's so true. Nick is sat. He sat. Everyone else is sat, too. Are you minding me? That is crazy. No. That's genuinely like, you're so fucking right. He's sitting there being like, There's guys here who aren't ready to get married, but you're fucking leaving for a job.Good for you, but clearly, it's not- You aren't ready either. You're not in the season to settle down, Erin. You got some bigger ambitions. Why do you think you can?That's so true.Wow, that's crazy.That is really true.What exactly about Devon says, I am not willing or ready to settle down because he has a sense of humor? I don't know much about women, but I do know that every single one of them saysdidn't know it was Justin, I'd be fucking pissed.If it was a woman, a straight woman who you were like, What? I'm sorry. Who's that calling you on a Saturday afternoon? Oh, it's my work wife.No, that's disgusting. Yeah, that's right. No. But Justin love, support, fully. I was fucking looving. For sure. Yeah. If every husband is like, Oh, it's my work wife, and it's Justin, pass me around. Bring him Come on.Bring him over for dinner. Can he sleep in the bed with us? But you're right, Lea. I didn't think about this until you brought it up, and I hope that you're right, but I hope that this is the show not always siding with the house. Because in the past, it was always the house was the biggest bully, and whatever the house agreed with, that's usually how the edit went. People like Devon were always thrown under the bus because they were a little bit different.I am curious. Obviously, I know all of our takes, but I am curious if people are more Team Sam, M, or Devon. I don't know.A lot of times, the hotties get the benefit of it out.We should circle back on that on Thursday's reality recap and see what the reaction was.Post a poll.I do think after people see how Jen responded to Sam M, after Aaron left, people won't like him. She was like, I'm glad you're okay.Oh, yeah. When he's like, That's my boy Aaron. I know. I was so proud of her for that, too. And he's like, It's all good. I'm good. And she's like, Glad you're good. What the fuck?He did not read the room. Yeah.The fact that he didn't ask, Are you okay? How did that affect you? Is there any way I can help figure out who it is? It's not me. I'm here for you. He's just like, That's my boy. I'm like, Do you want to make out?By the way, this goes back to Nick's point, where Sam M is not here for the right reasons. No, not at all. Because he's here clearly. He cares more about Aaron leaving for himself than Aaron leaving and how that affects Jen.I think she knows that, though. Her response is like, I'm over it. You annoy me. The I'm glad you're okay.And the Batcharrette who gave Jen that advice was, I'm guessing a little bit of foreshadowing. I don't think Sam M makes final four.Final five.I mean, I hope I'm wrong because I hope he makes the final four. He's going to make it far. I hope he only become... going to play out. I don't know if they're going to work out, but they all care about each other. They really do. Miguel What I love about Miguel and continue to love about Miguel, is he is very much, he does not over promise. At the risk of maybe saying some fuckboy shit. Because Miguel, even at the exit, was never overstating what he plans on with Leah. It was like, I'm excited to see what happens in the real world and see where this can go. That's it. That's all he said, which was very open-ended. I think he knows he lives in the UK, and she's in LA, and the odds might be stacked against him. But what he did say, the things that did come out of his mouth, I believe. You know what I'm saying? That he cares about her. He complimented her, and I think in one of the best possible ways, because he talked about the impact Leah had on him as a man and how he came in with this fuckboy mentality, and he's grown up, and She's challenged him in ways that, honestly, he didn't expect to be challenged.That felt very sincere. He didn't make promises he didn't have to make. I just really have been impressed with Miguel. He's a stand-up guy. Maybe he's going to go out around and be a fuckboy, but I believe that he isn't going to lead people on necessarily. He's going to be upfront. He doesn't over promise. I just think at the end of the day, he's got good character.You know what's interesting? We've talked about this previously about how to change a fuckboy, and we've talked about this in the context of West and many others. I feel like Leah did what you do to change a fuckboy. She was very chill.She doesn't overreact, and she's self-aware. She's self-deprecating. I don't think she loses control of who she is for someone like Miguel. Yeah, those are all ways of making a fuckboy feel like, Hey, this is... Miguel is so... Again, Miguel is used to someone making him three different versions of eggs. That's fucking crazy. When you don't do that, and when you're like, No, I'm good, then immediately the fuckboy is like, Oh, well, I need to do more for this person because I'm used to doing nothing at all.Well, because it's like he came back from Casa and Leo was just like, Okay, you brought someone back. Yeah.Well, eventually, you can't keep doing that. But yeah, I do think… Leah talking about what did she say in her speech, which was so charming.She loves toxic.Yeah, but how she said it was so funny and so relatable, where everyone told her, If you would have told me that I would be the guy who made up with all the women.I would have believed you.But Cordell.Cordell and Serena.Serena and Cordel.Serena and Cordel.For sure. The fact that they color-coded on night one by accident and then did it again at the finale, probably more on purpose this time. But I love them.They have the best- I do believe in Kendall and Nicole.Who's the couple you think might surprise you that you wouldn't necessarily bet on now?And I would say Kendall and Nicole. I would say Kendall and Nicole. I have a feeling they're going to be broken up by the reunion. Janay and Kenny, I think, live here.You think Kendall and Nicole will break up before the reunion?That's my opinion. Okay, Tamara.Okay, everybody, put your guns down. No, I genuinely do believe that. And that's August 19th, so we'll see.I like Janay and Kenny a lot, too. I thought that- I really, yeah.I think they live nearby, too. I also think that that's the reality. And also the parents doing the notes and everything. I think, if anything, knowing that your family is behind your choices from what they've watched on television.I love Jané being like, We love K-A-N-A. Kana. He's like, Kana?It's our name. Yeah, he's like, Oh, Kana.I think they're as well intentioned as any couple to come out of Love Island, but I feel like ultimately, they're not as compatible as they want to believe they are.Janay and Kenny.Either way.What's all going to... It's next year. I don't know if any of them will break up by I think if anyone could break up, it's going to be Kayla and Aaron.We'll get to talk with Kayla, but her mom wrote what she wrote. I know her mom, during the videos, was much more tampered. It's very easy to write a post on Facebook only to meet that person and not want to… It would have been embarrassing for Kayla, for her mom, to just lay into Aaron in that moment. That wasn't the move then. Not on national TV. But what conversations does Aaron gets Kayla's mom had with Aaron after the fact? And is Kayla going to go back and watch some of the stuff? We all just talked about, as soon as she goes back and watches this, it might be harder for her to forgive Aaron. If anyone could break up, I think it might be them. I'm not even sure if they will by then, But yeah, it's not that long of time.It's not.Why do you think- Well, I don't think Robin and Cassie will be together.Why and we cannot wait to talk to them. Like I always say, shavings make a pile. Habits are important people. And that's why I'm excited to talk about Noom. Noom is a psychology-based program that helps you reach your health goals, whatever your health goals are. Maybe you want more energy, maybe you want to gain muscle mass, maybe you want to lose some weight. It doesn't matter. There are different ways to get healthy. But the important thing is Noom is helping you meet those health goals, whatever they are. Noom uses psychology. It also takes into account your unique biological factors which also affect you reaching your health goals. The program helps you understand the science behind your eating choices and why you have cravings. Noom helps you build new habits for a healthier lifestyle. For me, it's all about me maintaining my current health, my current weight. I'm not as active as I used to be. I have a lot more going on with the new baby. So it's really important for me to maintain my current health that I had when I was single and had morethis week. We got Kayla from Love Island talking about all things Love Island, her relationship with Erin. Are they together? Should they be together? I know her mom's texting, but she had some things to say online. There's some hot mic situations, a lot to get in to with Kayla.Thursday is also- Thursday, we got Hawk to a Girl.Plus all that more. We'll talk, obviously, more Bachelorette, more Love Island, more Bravo. It's got a jam-packed episode of Reality Recap, highlighted by Hawk to a Girl. She is America's sweetheart. She truly is. It was a joy talking with her. We're excited to bring it to you. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends, subscribe, all that fun stuff. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye.
Rachel has a good case, and Tom's lawyers are like, Hey, man, you're broke. Raquel is going to get cut out of six figures. You need the money. He reluctantly went forward with the suit knowing that this was the only way to get money, right? That was possibly believable. But now, We don't know what's going to happen with Rachel's case. I hope that it's frivolous. It gets thrown away. I hope she gets not a fucking cent of Ariana's money. We don't know one way or the other. But it's just more like, what did Tom think that Ariana's fans wouldn't get upset? Why drop the suit now? If you were going to do this and you needed the money, him dropping the suit now, you have to believe that Tom is so dumb that he didn't think that this would upset the fan base.
Then once he realized that it did upset the fan base, his first reactive move was to delete his Instagram and then fire his lawyer and make a claim. It's a good point, yeah. It's just like, well, you knew how much they were going to hate you. If you were going to do it, he was going to follow through.
I could see that maybe it's a diligence thing. I just think we've seen enough lawyer scenes in movies, scandal, how to get the murderer, that I'm like, there's no way he didn't know that making this new complaint or cross-complaint was not going to cause that drama anyways.
I think you'd be surprised how much... I have agents and managers and lawyers, and agents are lawyers who didn't want to become lawyers, but they still negotiate like lawyers. Most agents went to law school. And you'd be surprised how much I just trust them to do what they should do and have the conversations that I'm like, just let me know when we're close.
Because you're like, they work for you. So you're like, I trust that you have my best interest.
The only thing that where I'm like, I agree with Justin or where the confusion for me is that I'm like, why delete Instagram? He could have turned his comments off. He could have just put out a statement, why did you delete the Instagram, then figure out what your next move is, and then reactivate with the statement.
You're right. It doesn't make sense. But I know that it is a reactive move.
Yeah. So you're just saying out of panic?
Yeah, it's just more like the only thing that makes sense would be like, he didn't know what to do. He was probably just getting fucking crucified online and just fucking deleted it and was like, What the fuck is going on? I just have a hard time believing, even though Tom has made some dumb decisions lately that he didn't see this coming. He knows how much people love Ariana. He knows how much people don't like him. Again, if you were going to do it knowing what people thought, then why would it be so quick to just dismiss the case? Because you thought people would hate him just a little bit more?
Yeah. But your logic, he would just double down if he actually had the intentions to do it.
Yes. If his lawyers were like, Hey, man, here's an option. Just, lawsuits are public. This is going to get out. His lawyer, I just have a hard time believing what amount of money would Tom have to be insured that he's getting for him to follow through with that.
I wonder if Matt Grogos is going to get another client after this.
I was going to say he was a scapegoat.
I don't know. Not great on Tom's behalf, but I tend to believe that he didn't see... He probably didn't do his due diligence, but I don't think this was a plan that didn't go the way he planned, and now he's backtracking. It doesn't add up to me.
Well, I mean, it is a tough time for Ariana because now Chef Penny is suing her and Katie for something about her.
Chef Penny seems terrible.
Go on.
Well, because what I'm understanding is that Chef Penny owns the trademark for something about Yeah, that's part of it. Is that accurate?
Yeah. Then she's claiming that she was promised 10% of the partnership.
Maybe so. I don't know what conversations Katie Ariana had with Chef Penny, but Chef Penny, is it true that her husband is a lawyer? Yes. I feel criticizing that?Why? I just think people are just going to have opinions.Yeah. No, of course. But I think this is something I've always said. I remember I got asked something while I was pregnant, and it was like, How do you feel about parents who put emojis over their kid's face? I responded with like, I don't care what any other parent is doing with their child. Why are you all worried about how I'm parenting my kid? Parent your own children. Exactly.What's not for you is for you, and what's for me is for me. Me? I'm going to be milking pregnancy every day. I'll be like, I can't walk today. As youchoosing a peaceful approach to raising her. Are they? Well, she said, I think of the child first. I always say positive things to Isabella about her dad. We attend important functions together and let them see that you are both friends and can be together in the same room.It's giving a little like Ryan, Gipsy's husband. I'm not going to talk shit, but these people are pieces of shit. Yeah, that's true. Wait, are you not?It is interesting, though, because they're filming The Valley right now. She's making it sound like They're like, She's going to be in the same room with Jessie and his whoever, girlfriend, fiance.Are they still together?That's what we're going to see.I know she's still with her dude, I think. That's what I know, I think. I think she's still with her dude.We've never seen them breaking up for both.How did Jessie and Jacks keep the houses, and Michelle and Brittany had to move out?Stubborn.Yeah. Well, Michelle made it sound like Jessie didn't want to leave, so she just moved out.And that was the same thing with Jacks. Brittany said that she was like, Are we going to? And he's like, I'm absolutely not out of this house. And she was like, All right. Yeah.Remember, he was like, Can't you just sleep in the guest bedroom?So that's probably... I mean, Michelle wanted to leave Jessie, and Jessie didn't want to leave Michelle. It's the same thing at Sandoval and Ariana.He doesn't want to leave either.I will never support the divorced parents talking shit on each other publicly or to the kids. I'll never support it. It's always gross to me. And you can do that privately. You can do that with your girlfriends. You can do that with your parents. But to put it out into world where your daughter will someday read it or to tell your daughter, like, that's why your dad's a piece of shit.They're on the valley.That's what I'm saying. Even fucking worse.Those interviews will live on forever.It's clocked that, though. The second he said that, she was like, Okay, leave.I loved her reaction in that moment because she was how everybody felt. She was over it.I'm also so glad she did not hug him. I feel like so many times, and I feel like us women, we struggle with this a lot of not wanting to hurt someone's feelings or embarrass them. So you just swal. It makes you uncomfortable. You don't want to do it. You're like, Fuck, I'll just do it anyways because it's going to be awkward. I don't want to be mean. So sure, I'll just hug him. And you really don't want to. And I'm so fucking glad she didn't because he was so slimy in that situation. And I'm just glad that she was like, Okay, well, then bye.Leave. Yeah. Couldn't you argue that if you had the possibility even of getting this call? Aaron's trying to convince Jen that he knows that some of these guys aren't ready for marriage. Well, clearly, you're not ready for marriage, Aaron. You have some big life goals that you have yet to accomplish that require you to go off to school and fully commit. I'm guessing most people in fighter school don't have the bandwidth for a very intimate personal relationship. Maybe they just deserve to be single for a while. Aaron knew this about himself. Why the fuck is he showing up to this environment knowing full well that this was on the table? You're so right. That doesn't scream ready for a relationship.You just read him to filth. You are so right. Nick is sat. That's so true. Nick is sat. He sat. Everyone else is sat, too. Are you minding me? That is crazy. No. That's genuinely like, you're so fucking right. He's sitting there being like, There's guys here who aren't ready to get married, but you're fucking leaving for a job.Good for you, but clearly, it's not- You aren't ready either. You're not in the season to settle down, Erin. You got some bigger ambitions. Why do you think you can?That's so true.Wow, that's crazy.That is really true.What exactly about Devon says, I am not willing or ready to settle down because he has a sense of humor? I don't know much about women, but I do know that every single one of them saysdidn't know it was Justin, I'd be fucking pissed.If it was a woman, a straight woman who you were like, What? I'm sorry. Who's that calling you on a Saturday afternoon? Oh, it's my work wife.No, that's disgusting. Yeah, that's right. No. But Justin love, support, fully. I was fucking looving. For sure. Yeah. If every husband is like, Oh, it's my work wife, and it's Justin, pass me around. Bring him Come on.Bring him over for dinner. Can he sleep in the bed with us? But you're right, Lea. I didn't think about this until you brought it up, and I hope that you're right, but I hope that this is the show not always siding with the house. Because in the past, it was always the house was the biggest bully, and whatever the house agreed with, that's usually how the edit went. People like Devon were always thrown under the bus because they were a little bit different.I am curious. Obviously, I know all of our takes, but I am curious if people are more Team Sam, M, or Devon. I don't know.A lot of times, the hotties get the benefit of it out.We should circle back on that on Thursday's reality recap and see what the reaction was.Post a poll.I do think after people see how Jen responded to Sam M, after Aaron left, people won't like him. She was like, I'm glad you're okay.Oh, yeah. When he's like, That's my boy Aaron. I know. I was so proud of her for that, too. And he's like, It's all good. I'm good. And she's like, Glad you're good. What the fuck?He did not read the room. Yeah.The fact that he didn't ask, Are you okay? How did that affect you? Is there any way I can help figure out who it is? It's not me. I'm here for you. He's just like, That's my boy. I'm like, Do you want to make out?By the way, this goes back to Nick's point, where Sam M is not here for the right reasons. No, not at all. Because he's here clearly. He cares more about Aaron leaving for himself than Aaron leaving and how that affects Jen.I think she knows that, though. Her response is like, I'm over it. You annoy me. The I'm glad you're okay.And the Batcharrette who gave Jen that advice was, I'm guessing a little bit of foreshadowing. I don't think Sam M makes final four.Final five.I mean, I hope I'm wrong because I hope he makes the final four. He's going to make it far. I hope he only become... going to play out. I don't know if they're going to work out, but they all care about each other. They really do. Miguel What I love about Miguel and continue to love about Miguel, is he is very much, he does not over promise. At the risk of maybe saying some fuckboy shit. Because Miguel, even at the exit, was never overstating what he plans on with Leah. It was like, I'm excited to see what happens in the real world and see where this can go. That's it. That's all he said, which was very open-ended. I think he knows he lives in the UK, and she's in LA, and the odds might be stacked against him. But what he did say, the things that did come out of his mouth, I believe. You know what I'm saying? That he cares about her. He complimented her, and I think in one of the best possible ways, because he talked about the impact Leah had on him as a man and how he came in with this fuckboy mentality, and he's grown up, and She's challenged him in ways that, honestly, he didn't expect to be challenged.That felt very sincere. He didn't make promises he didn't have to make. I just really have been impressed with Miguel. He's a stand-up guy. Maybe he's going to go out around and be a fuckboy, but I believe that he isn't going to lead people on necessarily. He's going to be upfront. He doesn't over promise. I just think at the end of the day, he's got good character.You know what's interesting? We've talked about this previously about how to change a fuckboy, and we've talked about this in the context of West and many others. I feel like Leah did what you do to change a fuckboy. She was very chill.She doesn't overreact, and she's self-aware. She's self-deprecating. I don't think she loses control of who she is for someone like Miguel. Yeah, those are all ways of making a fuckboy feel like, Hey, this is... Miguel is so... Again, Miguel is used to someone making him three different versions of eggs. That's fucking crazy. When you don't do that, and when you're like, No, I'm good, then immediately the fuckboy is like, Oh, well, I need to do more for this person because I'm used to doing nothing at all.Well, because it's like he came back from Casa and Leo was just like, Okay, you brought someone back. Yeah.Well, eventually, you can't keep doing that. But yeah, I do think… Leah talking about what did she say in her speech, which was so charming.She loves toxic.Yeah, but how she said it was so funny and so relatable, where everyone told her, If you would have told me that I would be the guy who made up with all the women.I would have believed you.But Cordell.Cordell and Serena.Serena and Cordel.Serena and Cordel.For sure. The fact that they color-coded on night one by accident and then did it again at the finale, probably more on purpose this time. But I love them.They have the best- I do believe in Kendall and Nicole.Who's the couple you think might surprise you that you wouldn't necessarily bet on now?And I would say Kendall and Nicole. I would say Kendall and Nicole. I have a feeling they're going to be broken up by the reunion. Janay and Kenny, I think, live here.You think Kendall and Nicole will break up before the reunion?That's my opinion. Okay, Tamara.Okay, everybody, put your guns down. No, I genuinely do believe that. And that's August 19th, so we'll see.I like Janay and Kenny a lot, too. I thought that- I really, yeah.I think they live nearby, too. I also think that that's the reality. And also the parents doing the notes and everything. I think, if anything, knowing that your family is behind your choices from what they've watched on television.I love Jané being like, We love K-A-N-A. Kana. He's like, Kana?It's our name. Yeah, he's like, Oh, Kana.I think they're as well intentioned as any couple to come out of Love Island, but I feel like ultimately, they're not as compatible as they want to believe they are.Janay and Kenny.Either way.What's all going to... It's next year. I don't know if any of them will break up by I think if anyone could break up, it's going to be Kayla and Aaron.We'll get to talk with Kayla, but her mom wrote what she wrote. I know her mom, during the videos, was much more tampered. It's very easy to write a post on Facebook only to meet that person and not want to… It would have been embarrassing for Kayla, for her mom, to just lay into Aaron in that moment. That wasn't the move then. Not on national TV. But what conversations does Aaron gets Kayla's mom had with Aaron after the fact? And is Kayla going to go back and watch some of the stuff? We all just talked about, as soon as she goes back and watches this, it might be harder for her to forgive Aaron. If anyone could break up, I think it might be them. I'm not even sure if they will by then, But yeah, it's not that long of time.It's not.Why do you think- Well, I don't think Robin and Cassie will be together.Why and we cannot wait to talk to them. Like I always say, shavings make a pile. Habits are important people. And that's why I'm excited to talk about Noom. Noom is a psychology-based program that helps you reach your health goals, whatever your health goals are. Maybe you want more energy, maybe you want to gain muscle mass, maybe you want to lose some weight. It doesn't matter. There are different ways to get healthy. But the important thing is Noom is helping you meet those health goals, whatever they are. Noom uses psychology. It also takes into account your unique biological factors which also affect you reaching your health goals. The program helps you understand the science behind your eating choices and why you have cravings. Noom helps you build new habits for a healthier lifestyle. For me, it's all about me maintaining my current health, my current weight. I'm not as active as I used to be. I have a lot more going on with the new baby. So it's really important for me to maintain my current health that I had when I was single and had morethis week. We got Kayla from Love Island talking about all things Love Island, her relationship with Erin. Are they together? Should they be together? I know her mom's texting, but she had some things to say online. There's some hot mic situations, a lot to get in to with Kayla.Thursday is also- Thursday, we got Hawk to a Girl.Plus all that more. We'll talk, obviously, more Bachelorette, more Love Island, more Bravo. It's got a jam-packed episode of Reality Recap, highlighted by Hawk to a Girl. She is America's sweetheart. She truly is. It was a joy talking with her. We're excited to bring it to you. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends, subscribe, all that fun stuff. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye.
criticizing that?
Why? I just think people are just going to have opinions.
Yeah. No, of course. But I think this is something I've always said. I remember I got asked something while I was pregnant, and it was like, How do you feel about parents who put emojis over their kid's face? I responded with like, I don't care what any other parent is doing with their child. Why are you all worried about how I'm parenting my kid? Parent your own children. Exactly.
What's not for you is for you, and what's for me is for me. Me? I'm going to be milking pregnancy every day. I'll be like, I can't walk today. As youchoosing a peaceful approach to raising her. Are they? Well, she said, I think of the child first. I always say positive things to Isabella about her dad. We attend important functions together and let them see that you are both friends and can be together in the same room.It's giving a little like Ryan, Gipsy's husband. I'm not going to talk shit, but these people are pieces of shit. Yeah, that's true. Wait, are you not?It is interesting, though, because they're filming The Valley right now. She's making it sound like They're like, She's going to be in the same room with Jessie and his whoever, girlfriend, fiance.Are they still together?That's what we're going to see.I know she's still with her dude, I think. That's what I know, I think. I think she's still with her dude.We've never seen them breaking up for both.How did Jessie and Jacks keep the houses, and Michelle and Brittany had to move out?Stubborn.Yeah. Well, Michelle made it sound like Jessie didn't want to leave, so she just moved out.And that was the same thing with Jacks. Brittany said that she was like, Are we going to? And he's like, I'm absolutely not out of this house. And she was like, All right. Yeah.Remember, he was like, Can't you just sleep in the guest bedroom?So that's probably... I mean, Michelle wanted to leave Jessie, and Jessie didn't want to leave Michelle. It's the same thing at Sandoval and Ariana.He doesn't want to leave either.I will never support the divorced parents talking shit on each other publicly or to the kids. I'll never support it. It's always gross to me. And you can do that privately. You can do that with your girlfriends. You can do that with your parents. But to put it out into world where your daughter will someday read it or to tell your daughter, like, that's why your dad's a piece of shit.They're on the valley.That's what I'm saying. Even fucking worse.Those interviews will live on forever.It's clocked that, though. The second he said that, she was like, Okay, leave.I loved her reaction in that moment because she was how everybody felt. She was over it.I'm also so glad she did not hug him. I feel like so many times, and I feel like us women, we struggle with this a lot of not wanting to hurt someone's feelings or embarrass them. So you just swal. It makes you uncomfortable. You don't want to do it. You're like, Fuck, I'll just do it anyways because it's going to be awkward. I don't want to be mean. So sure, I'll just hug him. And you really don't want to. And I'm so fucking glad she didn't because he was so slimy in that situation. And I'm just glad that she was like, Okay, well, then bye.Leave. Yeah. Couldn't you argue that if you had the possibility even of getting this call? Aaron's trying to convince Jen that he knows that some of these guys aren't ready for marriage. Well, clearly, you're not ready for marriage, Aaron. You have some big life goals that you have yet to accomplish that require you to go off to school and fully commit. I'm guessing most people in fighter school don't have the bandwidth for a very intimate personal relationship. Maybe they just deserve to be single for a while. Aaron knew this about himself. Why the fuck is he showing up to this environment knowing full well that this was on the table? You're so right. That doesn't scream ready for a relationship.You just read him to filth. You are so right. Nick is sat. That's so true. Nick is sat. He sat. Everyone else is sat, too. Are you minding me? That is crazy. No. That's genuinely like, you're so fucking right. He's sitting there being like, There's guys here who aren't ready to get married, but you're fucking leaving for a job.Good for you, but clearly, it's not- You aren't ready either. You're not in the season to settle down, Erin. You got some bigger ambitions. Why do you think you can?That's so true.Wow, that's crazy.That is really true.What exactly about Devon says, I am not willing or ready to settle down because he has a sense of humor? I don't know much about women, but I do know that every single one of them saysdidn't know it was Justin, I'd be fucking pissed.If it was a woman, a straight woman who you were like, What? I'm sorry. Who's that calling you on a Saturday afternoon? Oh, it's my work wife.No, that's disgusting. Yeah, that's right. No. But Justin love, support, fully. I was fucking looving. For sure. Yeah. If every husband is like, Oh, it's my work wife, and it's Justin, pass me around. Bring him Come on.Bring him over for dinner. Can he sleep in the bed with us? But you're right, Lea. I didn't think about this until you brought it up, and I hope that you're right, but I hope that this is the show not always siding with the house. Because in the past, it was always the house was the biggest bully, and whatever the house agreed with, that's usually how the edit went. People like Devon were always thrown under the bus because they were a little bit different.I am curious. Obviously, I know all of our takes, but I am curious if people are more Team Sam, M, or Devon. I don't know.A lot of times, the hotties get the benefit of it out.We should circle back on that on Thursday's reality recap and see what the reaction was.Post a poll.I do think after people see how Jen responded to Sam M, after Aaron left, people won't like him. She was like, I'm glad you're okay.Oh, yeah. When he's like, That's my boy Aaron. I know. I was so proud of her for that, too. And he's like, It's all good. I'm good. And she's like, Glad you're good. What the fuck?He did not read the room. Yeah.The fact that he didn't ask, Are you okay? How did that affect you? Is there any way I can help figure out who it is? It's not me. I'm here for you. He's just like, That's my boy. I'm like, Do you want to make out?By the way, this goes back to Nick's point, where Sam M is not here for the right reasons. No, not at all. Because he's here clearly. He cares more about Aaron leaving for himself than Aaron leaving and how that affects Jen.I think she knows that, though. Her response is like, I'm over it. You annoy me. The I'm glad you're okay.And the Batcharrette who gave Jen that advice was, I'm guessing a little bit of foreshadowing. I don't think Sam M makes final four.Final five.I mean, I hope I'm wrong because I hope he makes the final four. He's going to make it far. I hope he only become... going to play out. I don't know if they're going to work out, but they all care about each other. They really do. Miguel What I love about Miguel and continue to love about Miguel, is he is very much, he does not over promise. At the risk of maybe saying some fuckboy shit. Because Miguel, even at the exit, was never overstating what he plans on with Leah. It was like, I'm excited to see what happens in the real world and see where this can go. That's it. That's all he said, which was very open-ended. I think he knows he lives in the UK, and she's in LA, and the odds might be stacked against him. But what he did say, the things that did come out of his mouth, I believe. You know what I'm saying? That he cares about her. He complimented her, and I think in one of the best possible ways, because he talked about the impact Leah had on him as a man and how he came in with this fuckboy mentality, and he's grown up, and She's challenged him in ways that, honestly, he didn't expect to be challenged.That felt very sincere. He didn't make promises he didn't have to make. I just really have been impressed with Miguel. He's a stand-up guy. Maybe he's going to go out around and be a fuckboy, but I believe that he isn't going to lead people on necessarily. He's going to be upfront. He doesn't over promise. I just think at the end of the day, he's got good character.You know what's interesting? We've talked about this previously about how to change a fuckboy, and we've talked about this in the context of West and many others. I feel like Leah did what you do to change a fuckboy. She was very chill.She doesn't overreact, and she's self-aware. She's self-deprecating. I don't think she loses control of who she is for someone like Miguel. Yeah, those are all ways of making a fuckboy feel like, Hey, this is... Miguel is so... Again, Miguel is used to someone making him three different versions of eggs. That's fucking crazy. When you don't do that, and when you're like, No, I'm good, then immediately the fuckboy is like, Oh, well, I need to do more for this person because I'm used to doing nothing at all.Well, because it's like he came back from Casa and Leo was just like, Okay, you brought someone back. Yeah.Well, eventually, you can't keep doing that. But yeah, I do think… Leah talking about what did she say in her speech, which was so charming.She loves toxic.Yeah, but how she said it was so funny and so relatable, where everyone told her, If you would have told me that I would be the guy who made up with all the women.I would have believed you.But Cordell.Cordell and Serena.Serena and Cordel.Serena and Cordel.For sure. The fact that they color-coded on night one by accident and then did it again at the finale, probably more on purpose this time. But I love them.They have the best- I do believe in Kendall and Nicole.Who's the couple you think might surprise you that you wouldn't necessarily bet on now?And I would say Kendall and Nicole. I would say Kendall and Nicole. I have a feeling they're going to be broken up by the reunion. Janay and Kenny, I think, live here.You think Kendall and Nicole will break up before the reunion?That's my opinion. Okay, Tamara.Okay, everybody, put your guns down. No, I genuinely do believe that. And that's August 19th, so we'll see.I like Janay and Kenny a lot, too. I thought that- I really, yeah.I think they live nearby, too. I also think that that's the reality. And also the parents doing the notes and everything. I think, if anything, knowing that your family is behind your choices from what they've watched on television.I love Jané being like, We love K-A-N-A. Kana. He's like, Kana?It's our name. Yeah, he's like, Oh, Kana.I think they're as well intentioned as any couple to come out of Love Island, but I feel like ultimately, they're not as compatible as they want to believe they are.Janay and Kenny.Either way.What's all going to... It's next year. I don't know if any of them will break up by I think if anyone could break up, it's going to be Kayla and Aaron.We'll get to talk with Kayla, but her mom wrote what she wrote. I know her mom, during the videos, was much more tampered. It's very easy to write a post on Facebook only to meet that person and not want to… It would have been embarrassing for Kayla, for her mom, to just lay into Aaron in that moment. That wasn't the move then. Not on national TV. But what conversations does Aaron gets Kayla's mom had with Aaron after the fact? And is Kayla going to go back and watch some of the stuff? We all just talked about, as soon as she goes back and watches this, it might be harder for her to forgive Aaron. If anyone could break up, I think it might be them. I'm not even sure if they will by then, But yeah, it's not that long of time.It's not.Why do you think- Well, I don't think Robin and Cassie will be together.Why and we cannot wait to talk to them. Like I always say, shavings make a pile. Habits are important people. And that's why I'm excited to talk about Noom. Noom is a psychology-based program that helps you reach your health goals, whatever your health goals are. Maybe you want more energy, maybe you want to gain muscle mass, maybe you want to lose some weight. It doesn't matter. There are different ways to get healthy. But the important thing is Noom is helping you meet those health goals, whatever they are. Noom uses psychology. It also takes into account your unique biological factors which also affect you reaching your health goals. The program helps you understand the science behind your eating choices and why you have cravings. Noom helps you build new habits for a healthier lifestyle. For me, it's all about me maintaining my current health, my current weight. I'm not as active as I used to be. I have a lot more going on with the new baby. So it's really important for me to maintain my current health that I had when I was single and had morethis week. We got Kayla from Love Island talking about all things Love Island, her relationship with Erin. Are they together? Should they be together? I know her mom's texting, but she had some things to say online. There's some hot mic situations, a lot to get in to with Kayla.Thursday is also- Thursday, we got Hawk to a Girl.Plus all that more. We'll talk, obviously, more Bachelorette, more Love Island, more Bravo. It's got a jam-packed episode of Reality Recap, highlighted by Hawk to a Girl. She is America's sweetheart. She truly is. It was a joy talking with her. We're excited to bring it to you. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends, subscribe, all that fun stuff. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye.
choosing a peaceful approach to raising her. Are they? Well, she said, I think of the child first. I always say positive things to Isabella about her dad. We attend important functions together and let them see that you are both friends and can be together in the same room.
It's giving a little like Ryan, Gipsy's husband. I'm not going to talk shit, but these people are pieces of shit. Yeah, that's true. Wait, are you not?
It is interesting, though, because they're filming The Valley right now. She's making it sound like They're like, She's going to be in the same room with Jessie and his whoever, girlfriend, fiance.
Are they still together?
That's what we're going to see.
I know she's still with her dude, I think. That's what I know, I think. I think she's still with her dude.
We've never seen them breaking up for both.
How did Jessie and Jacks keep the houses, and Michelle and Brittany had to move out?
Yeah. Well, Michelle made it sound like Jessie didn't want to leave, so she just moved out.
And that was the same thing with Jacks. Brittany said that she was like, Are we going to? And he's like, I'm absolutely not out of this house. And she was like, All right. Yeah.
Remember, he was like, Can't you just sleep in the guest bedroom?
So that's probably... I mean, Michelle wanted to leave Jessie, and Jessie didn't want to leave Michelle. It's the same thing at Sandoval and Ariana.
He doesn't want to leave either.
I will never support the divorced parents talking shit on each other publicly or to the kids. I'll never support it. It's always gross to me. And you can do that privately. You can do that with your girlfriends. You can do that with your parents. But to put it out into world where your daughter will someday read it or to tell your daughter, like, that's why your dad's a piece of shit.
They're on the valley.
That's what I'm saying. Even fucking worse.
Those interviews will live on forever.
It's clocked that, though. The second he said that, she was like, Okay, leave.I loved her reaction in that moment because she was how everybody felt. She was over it.I'm also so glad she did not hug him. I feel like so many times, and I feel like us women, we struggle with this a lot of not wanting to hurt someone's feelings or embarrass them. So you just swal. It makes you uncomfortable. You don't want to do it. You're like, Fuck, I'll just do it anyways because it's going to be awkward. I don't want to be mean. So sure, I'll just hug him. And you really don't want to. And I'm so fucking glad she didn't because he was so slimy in that situation. And I'm just glad that she was like, Okay, well, then bye.Leave. Yeah. Couldn't you argue that if you had the possibility even of getting this call? Aaron's trying to convince Jen that he knows that some of these guys aren't ready for marriage. Well, clearly, you're not ready for marriage, Aaron. You have some big life goals that you have yet to accomplish that require you to go off to school and fully commit. I'm guessing most people in fighter school don't have the bandwidth for a very intimate personal relationship. Maybe they just deserve to be single for a while. Aaron knew this about himself. Why the fuck is he showing up to this environment knowing full well that this was on the table? You're so right. That doesn't scream ready for a relationship.You just read him to filth. You are so right. Nick is sat. That's so true. Nick is sat. He sat. Everyone else is sat, too. Are you minding me? That is crazy. No. That's genuinely like, you're so fucking right. He's sitting there being like, There's guys here who aren't ready to get married, but you're fucking leaving for a job.Good for you, but clearly, it's not- You aren't ready either. You're not in the season to settle down, Erin. You got some bigger ambitions. Why do you think you can?That's so true.Wow, that's crazy.That is really true.What exactly about Devon says, I am not willing or ready to settle down because he has a sense of humor? I don't know much about women, but I do know that every single one of them saysdidn't know it was Justin, I'd be fucking pissed.If it was a woman, a straight woman who you were like, What? I'm sorry. Who's that calling you on a Saturday afternoon? Oh, it's my work wife.No, that's disgusting. Yeah, that's right. No. But Justin love, support, fully. I was fucking looving. For sure. Yeah. If every husband is like, Oh, it's my work wife, and it's Justin, pass me around. Bring him Come on.Bring him over for dinner. Can he sleep in the bed with us? But you're right, Lea. I didn't think about this until you brought it up, and I hope that you're right, but I hope that this is the show not always siding with the house. Because in the past, it was always the house was the biggest bully, and whatever the house agreed with, that's usually how the edit went. People like Devon were always thrown under the bus because they were a little bit different.I am curious. Obviously, I know all of our takes, but I am curious if people are more Team Sam, M, or Devon. I don't know.A lot of times, the hotties get the benefit of it out.We should circle back on that on Thursday's reality recap and see what the reaction was.Post a poll.I do think after people see how Jen responded to Sam M, after Aaron left, people won't like him. She was like, I'm glad you're okay.Oh, yeah. When he's like, That's my boy Aaron. I know. I was so proud of her for that, too. And he's like, It's all good. I'm good. And she's like, Glad you're good. What the fuck?He did not read the room. Yeah.The fact that he didn't ask, Are you okay? How did that affect you? Is there any way I can help figure out who it is? It's not me. I'm here for you. He's just like, That's my boy. I'm like, Do you want to make out?By the way, this goes back to Nick's point, where Sam M is not here for the right reasons. No, not at all. Because he's here clearly. He cares more about Aaron leaving for himself than Aaron leaving and how that affects Jen.I think she knows that, though. Her response is like, I'm over it. You annoy me. The I'm glad you're okay.And the Batcharrette who gave Jen that advice was, I'm guessing a little bit of foreshadowing. I don't think Sam M makes final four.Final five.I mean, I hope I'm wrong because I hope he makes the final four. He's going to make it far. I hope he only become... going to play out. I don't know if they're going to work out, but they all care about each other. They really do. Miguel What I love about Miguel and continue to love about Miguel, is he is very much, he does not over promise. At the risk of maybe saying some fuckboy shit. Because Miguel, even at the exit, was never overstating what he plans on with Leah. It was like, I'm excited to see what happens in the real world and see where this can go. That's it. That's all he said, which was very open-ended. I think he knows he lives in the UK, and she's in LA, and the odds might be stacked against him. But what he did say, the things that did come out of his mouth, I believe. You know what I'm saying? That he cares about her. He complimented her, and I think in one of the best possible ways, because he talked about the impact Leah had on him as a man and how he came in with this fuckboy mentality, and he's grown up, and She's challenged him in ways that, honestly, he didn't expect to be challenged.That felt very sincere. He didn't make promises he didn't have to make. I just really have been impressed with Miguel. He's a stand-up guy. Maybe he's going to go out around and be a fuckboy, but I believe that he isn't going to lead people on necessarily. He's going to be upfront. He doesn't over promise. I just think at the end of the day, he's got good character.You know what's interesting? We've talked about this previously about how to change a fuckboy, and we've talked about this in the context of West and many others. I feel like Leah did what you do to change a fuckboy. She was very chill.She doesn't overreact, and she's self-aware. She's self-deprecating. I don't think she loses control of who she is for someone like Miguel. Yeah, those are all ways of making a fuckboy feel like, Hey, this is... Miguel is so... Again, Miguel is used to someone making him three different versions of eggs. That's fucking crazy. When you don't do that, and when you're like, No, I'm good, then immediately the fuckboy is like, Oh, well, I need to do more for this person because I'm used to doing nothing at all.Well, because it's like he came back from Casa and Leo was just like, Okay, you brought someone back. Yeah.Well, eventually, you can't keep doing that. But yeah, I do think… Leah talking about what did she say in her speech, which was so charming.She loves toxic.Yeah, but how she said it was so funny and so relatable, where everyone told her, If you would have told me that I would be the guy who made up with all the women.I would have believed you.But Cordell.Cordell and Serena.Serena and Cordel.Serena and Cordel.For sure. The fact that they color-coded on night one by accident and then did it again at the finale, probably more on purpose this time. But I love them.They have the best- I do believe in Kendall and Nicole.Who's the couple you think might surprise you that you wouldn't necessarily bet on now?And I would say Kendall and Nicole. I would say Kendall and Nicole. I have a feeling they're going to be broken up by the reunion. Janay and Kenny, I think, live here.You think Kendall and Nicole will break up before the reunion?That's my opinion. Okay, Tamara.Okay, everybody, put your guns down. No, I genuinely do believe that. And that's August 19th, so we'll see.I like Janay and Kenny a lot, too. I thought that- I really, yeah.I think they live nearby, too. I also think that that's the reality. And also the parents doing the notes and everything. I think, if anything, knowing that your family is behind your choices from what they've watched on television.I love Jané being like, We love K-A-N-A. Kana. He's like, Kana?It's our name. Yeah, he's like, Oh, Kana.I think they're as well intentioned as any couple to come out of Love Island, but I feel like ultimately, they're not as compatible as they want to believe they are.Janay and Kenny.Either way.What's all going to... It's next year. I don't know if any of them will break up by I think if anyone could break up, it's going to be Kayla and Aaron.We'll get to talk with Kayla, but her mom wrote what she wrote. I know her mom, during the videos, was much more tampered. It's very easy to write a post on Facebook only to meet that person and not want to… It would have been embarrassing for Kayla, for her mom, to just lay into Aaron in that moment. That wasn't the move then. Not on national TV. But what conversations does Aaron gets Kayla's mom had with Aaron after the fact? And is Kayla going to go back and watch some of the stuff? We all just talked about, as soon as she goes back and watches this, it might be harder for her to forgive Aaron. If anyone could break up, I think it might be them. I'm not even sure if they will by then, But yeah, it's not that long of time.It's not.Why do you think- Well, I don't think Robin and Cassie will be together.Why and we cannot wait to talk to them. Like I always say, shavings make a pile. Habits are important people. And that's why I'm excited to talk about Noom. Noom is a psychology-based program that helps you reach your health goals, whatever your health goals are. Maybe you want more energy, maybe you want to gain muscle mass, maybe you want to lose some weight. It doesn't matter. There are different ways to get healthy. But the important thing is Noom is helping you meet those health goals, whatever they are. Noom uses psychology. It also takes into account your unique biological factors which also affect you reaching your health goals. The program helps you understand the science behind your eating choices and why you have cravings. Noom helps you build new habits for a healthier lifestyle. For me, it's all about me maintaining my current health, my current weight. I'm not as active as I used to be. I have a lot more going on with the new baby. So it's really important for me to maintain my current health that I had when I was single and had morethis week. We got Kayla from Love Island talking about all things Love Island, her relationship with Erin. Are they together? Should they be together? I know her mom's texting, but she had some things to say online. There's some hot mic situations, a lot to get in to with Kayla.Thursday is also- Thursday, we got Hawk to a Girl.Plus all that more. We'll talk, obviously, more Bachelorette, more Love Island, more Bravo. It's got a jam-packed episode of Reality Recap, highlighted by Hawk to a Girl. She is America's sweetheart. She truly is. It was a joy talking with her. We're excited to bring it to you. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends, subscribe, all that fun stuff. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye.
clocked that, though. The second he said that, she was like, Okay, leave.
I loved her reaction in that moment because she was how everybody felt. She was over it.
I'm also so glad she did not hug him. I feel like so many times, and I feel like us women, we struggle with this a lot of not wanting to hurt someone's feelings or embarrass them. So you just swal. It makes you uncomfortable. You don't want to do it. You're like, Fuck, I'll just do it anyways because it's going to be awkward. I don't want to be mean. So sure, I'll just hug him. And you really don't want to. And I'm so fucking glad she didn't because he was so slimy in that situation. And I'm just glad that she was like, Okay, well, then bye.
Leave. Yeah. Couldn't you argue that if you had the possibility even of getting this call? Aaron's trying to convince Jen that he knows that some of these guys aren't ready for marriage. Well, clearly, you're not ready for marriage, Aaron. You have some big life goals that you have yet to accomplish that require you to go off to school and fully commit. I'm guessing most people in fighter school don't have the bandwidth for a very intimate personal relationship. Maybe they just deserve to be single for a while. Aaron knew this about himself. Why the fuck is he showing up to this environment knowing full well that this was on the table? You're so right. That doesn't scream ready for a relationship.
You just read him to filth. You are so right. Nick is sat. That's so true. Nick is sat. He sat. Everyone else is sat, too. Are you minding me? That is crazy. No. That's genuinely like, you're so fucking right. He's sitting there being like, There's guys here who aren't ready to get married, but you're fucking leaving for a job.
Good for you, but clearly, it's not- You aren't ready either. You're not in the season to settle down, Erin. You got some bigger ambitions. Why do you think you can?
That's so true.
Wow, that's crazy.
That is really true.
What exactly about Devon says, I am not willing or ready to settle down because he has a sense of humor? I don't know much about women, but I do know that every single one of them saysdidn't know it was Justin, I'd be fucking pissed.If it was a woman, a straight woman who you were like, What? I'm sorry. Who's that calling you on a Saturday afternoon? Oh, it's my work wife.No, that's disgusting. Yeah, that's right. No. But Justin love, support, fully. I was fucking looving. For sure. Yeah. If every husband is like, Oh, it's my work wife, and it's Justin, pass me around. Bring him Come on.Bring him over for dinner. Can he sleep in the bed with us? But you're right, Lea. I didn't think about this until you brought it up, and I hope that you're right, but I hope that this is the show not always siding with the house. Because in the past, it was always the house was the biggest bully, and whatever the house agreed with, that's usually how the edit went. People like Devon were always thrown under the bus because they were a little bit different.I am curious. Obviously, I know all of our takes, but I am curious if people are more Team Sam, M, or Devon. I don't know.A lot of times, the hotties get the benefit of it out.We should circle back on that on Thursday's reality recap and see what the reaction was.Post a poll.I do think after people see how Jen responded to Sam M, after Aaron left, people won't like him. She was like, I'm glad you're okay.Oh, yeah. When he's like, That's my boy Aaron. I know. I was so proud of her for that, too. And he's like, It's all good. I'm good. And she's like, Glad you're good. What the fuck?He did not read the room. Yeah.The fact that he didn't ask, Are you okay? How did that affect you? Is there any way I can help figure out who it is? It's not me. I'm here for you. He's just like, That's my boy. I'm like, Do you want to make out?By the way, this goes back to Nick's point, where Sam M is not here for the right reasons. No, not at all. Because he's here clearly. He cares more about Aaron leaving for himself than Aaron leaving and how that affects Jen.I think she knows that, though. Her response is like, I'm over it. You annoy me. The I'm glad you're okay.And the Batcharrette who gave Jen that advice was, I'm guessing a little bit of foreshadowing. I don't think Sam M makes final four.Final five.I mean, I hope I'm wrong because I hope he makes the final four. He's going to make it far. I hope he only become... going to play out. I don't know if they're going to work out, but they all care about each other. They really do. Miguel What I love about Miguel and continue to love about Miguel, is he is very much, he does not over promise. At the risk of maybe saying some fuckboy shit. Because Miguel, even at the exit, was never overstating what he plans on with Leah. It was like, I'm excited to see what happens in the real world and see where this can go. That's it. That's all he said, which was very open-ended. I think he knows he lives in the UK, and she's in LA, and the odds might be stacked against him. But what he did say, the things that did come out of his mouth, I believe. You know what I'm saying? That he cares about her. He complimented her, and I think in one of the best possible ways, because he talked about the impact Leah had on him as a man and how he came in with this fuckboy mentality, and he's grown up, and She's challenged him in ways that, honestly, he didn't expect to be challenged.That felt very sincere. He didn't make promises he didn't have to make. I just really have been impressed with Miguel. He's a stand-up guy. Maybe he's going to go out around and be a fuckboy, but I believe that he isn't going to lead people on necessarily. He's going to be upfront. He doesn't over promise. I just think at the end of the day, he's got good character.You know what's interesting? We've talked about this previously about how to change a fuckboy, and we've talked about this in the context of West and many others. I feel like Leah did what you do to change a fuckboy. She was very chill.She doesn't overreact, and she's self-aware. She's self-deprecating. I don't think she loses control of who she is for someone like Miguel. Yeah, those are all ways of making a fuckboy feel like, Hey, this is... Miguel is so... Again, Miguel is used to someone making him three different versions of eggs. That's fucking crazy. When you don't do that, and when you're like, No, I'm good, then immediately the fuckboy is like, Oh, well, I need to do more for this person because I'm used to doing nothing at all.Well, because it's like he came back from Casa and Leo was just like, Okay, you brought someone back. Yeah.Well, eventually, you can't keep doing that. But yeah, I do think… Leah talking about what did she say in her speech, which was so charming.She loves toxic.Yeah, but how she said it was so funny and so relatable, where everyone told her, If you would have told me that I would be the guy who made up with all the women.I would have believed you.But Cordell.Cordell and Serena.Serena and Cordel.Serena and Cordel.For sure. The fact that they color-coded on night one by accident and then did it again at the finale, probably more on purpose this time. But I love them.They have the best- I do believe in Kendall and Nicole.Who's the couple you think might surprise you that you wouldn't necessarily bet on now?And I would say Kendall and Nicole. I would say Kendall and Nicole. I have a feeling they're going to be broken up by the reunion. Janay and Kenny, I think, live here.You think Kendall and Nicole will break up before the reunion?That's my opinion. Okay, Tamara.Okay, everybody, put your guns down. No, I genuinely do believe that. And that's August 19th, so we'll see.I like Janay and Kenny a lot, too. I thought that- I really, yeah.I think they live nearby, too. I also think that that's the reality. And also the parents doing the notes and everything. I think, if anything, knowing that your family is behind your choices from what they've watched on television.I love Jané being like, We love K-A-N-A. Kana. He's like, Kana?It's our name. Yeah, he's like, Oh, Kana.I think they're as well intentioned as any couple to come out of Love Island, but I feel like ultimately, they're not as compatible as they want to believe they are.Janay and Kenny.Either way.What's all going to... It's next year. I don't know if any of them will break up by I think if anyone could break up, it's going to be Kayla and Aaron.We'll get to talk with Kayla, but her mom wrote what she wrote. I know her mom, during the videos, was much more tampered. It's very easy to write a post on Facebook only to meet that person and not want to… It would have been embarrassing for Kayla, for her mom, to just lay into Aaron in that moment. That wasn't the move then. Not on national TV. But what conversations does Aaron gets Kayla's mom had with Aaron after the fact? And is Kayla going to go back and watch some of the stuff? We all just talked about, as soon as she goes back and watches this, it might be harder for her to forgive Aaron. If anyone could break up, I think it might be them. I'm not even sure if they will by then, But yeah, it's not that long of time.It's not.Why do you think- Well, I don't think Robin and Cassie will be together.Why and we cannot wait to talk to them. Like I always say, shavings make a pile. Habits are important people. And that's why I'm excited to talk about Noom. Noom is a psychology-based program that helps you reach your health goals, whatever your health goals are. Maybe you want more energy, maybe you want to gain muscle mass, maybe you want to lose some weight. It doesn't matter. There are different ways to get healthy. But the important thing is Noom is helping you meet those health goals, whatever they are. Noom uses psychology. It also takes into account your unique biological factors which also affect you reaching your health goals. The program helps you understand the science behind your eating choices and why you have cravings. Noom helps you build new habits for a healthier lifestyle. For me, it's all about me maintaining my current health, my current weight. I'm not as active as I used to be. I have a lot more going on with the new baby. So it's really important for me to maintain my current health that I had when I was single and had morethis week. We got Kayla from Love Island talking about all things Love Island, her relationship with Erin. Are they together? Should they be together? I know her mom's texting, but she had some things to say online. There's some hot mic situations, a lot to get in to with Kayla.Thursday is also- Thursday, we got Hawk to a Girl.Plus all that more. We'll talk, obviously, more Bachelorette, more Love Island, more Bravo. It's got a jam-packed episode of Reality Recap, highlighted by Hawk to a Girl. She is America's sweetheart. She truly is. It was a joy talking with her. We're excited to bring it to you. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends, subscribe, all that fun stuff. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye.
didn't know it was Justin, I'd be fucking pissed.
If it was a woman, a straight woman who you were like, What? I'm sorry. Who's that calling you on a Saturday afternoon? Oh, it's my work wife.
No, that's disgusting. Yeah, that's right. No. But Justin love, support, fully. I was fucking looving. For sure. Yeah. If every husband is like, Oh, it's my work wife, and it's Justin, pass me around. Bring him Come on.
Bring him over for dinner. Can he sleep in the bed with us? But you're right, Lea. I didn't think about this until you brought it up, and I hope that you're right, but I hope that this is the show not always siding with the house. Because in the past, it was always the house was the biggest bully, and whatever the house agreed with, that's usually how the edit went. People like Devon were always thrown under the bus because they were a little bit different.
I am curious. Obviously, I know all of our takes, but I am curious if people are more Team Sam, M, or Devon. I don't know.
A lot of times, the hotties get the benefit of it out.
We should circle back on that on Thursday's reality recap and see what the reaction was.
Post a poll.
I do think after people see how Jen responded to Sam M, after Aaron left, people won't like him. She was like, I'm glad you're okay.
Oh, yeah. When he's like, That's my boy Aaron. I know. I was so proud of her for that, too. And he's like, It's all good. I'm good. And she's like, Glad you're good. What the fuck?
He did not read the room. Yeah.
The fact that he didn't ask, Are you okay? How did that affect you? Is there any way I can help figure out who it is? It's not me. I'm here for you. He's just like, That's my boy. I'm like, Do you want to make out?
By the way, this goes back to Nick's point, where Sam M is not here for the right reasons. No, not at all. Because he's here clearly. He cares more about Aaron leaving for himself than Aaron leaving and how that affects Jen.
I think she knows that, though. Her response is like, I'm over it. You annoy me. The I'm glad you're okay.
And the Batcharrette who gave Jen that advice was, I'm guessing a little bit of foreshadowing. I don't think Sam M makes final four.
Final five.
I mean, I hope I'm wrong because I hope he makes the final four. He's going to make it far. I hope he only become... going to play out. I don't know if they're going to work out, but they all care about each other. They really do. Miguel What I love about Miguel and continue to love about Miguel, is he is very much, he does not over promise. At the risk of maybe saying some fuckboy shit. Because Miguel, even at the exit, was never overstating what he plans on with Leah. It was like, I'm excited to see what happens in the real world and see where this can go. That's it. That's all he said, which was very open-ended. I think he knows he lives in the UK, and she's in LA, and the odds might be stacked against him. But what he did say, the things that did come out of his mouth, I believe. You know what I'm saying? That he cares about her. He complimented her, and I think in one of the best possible ways, because he talked about the impact Leah had on him as a man and how he came in with this fuckboy mentality, and he's grown up, and She's challenged him in ways that, honestly, he didn't expect to be challenged.That felt very sincere. He didn't make promises he didn't have to make. I just really have been impressed with Miguel. He's a stand-up guy. Maybe he's going to go out around and be a fuckboy, but I believe that he isn't going to lead people on necessarily. He's going to be upfront. He doesn't over promise. I just think at the end of the day, he's got good character.You know what's interesting? We've talked about this previously about how to change a fuckboy, and we've talked about this in the context of West and many others. I feel like Leah did what you do to change a fuckboy. She was very chill.She doesn't overreact, and she's self-aware. She's self-deprecating. I don't think she loses control of who she is for someone like Miguel. Yeah, those are all ways of making a fuckboy feel like, Hey, this is... Miguel is so... Again, Miguel is used to someone making him three different versions of eggs. That's fucking crazy. When you don't do that, and when you're like, No, I'm good, then immediately the fuckboy is like, Oh, well, I need to do more for this person because I'm used to doing nothing at all.Well, because it's like he came back from Casa and Leo was just like, Okay, you brought someone back. Yeah.Well, eventually, you can't keep doing that. But yeah, I do think… Leah talking about what did she say in her speech, which was so charming.She loves toxic.Yeah, but how she said it was so funny and so relatable, where everyone told her, If you would have told me that I would be the guy who made up with all the women.I would have believed you.But Cordell.Cordell and Serena.Serena and Cordel.Serena and Cordel.For sure. The fact that they color-coded on night one by accident and then did it again at the finale, probably more on purpose this time. But I love them.They have the best- I do believe in Kendall and Nicole.Who's the couple you think might surprise you that you wouldn't necessarily bet on now?And I would say Kendall and Nicole. I would say Kendall and Nicole. I have a feeling they're going to be broken up by the reunion. Janay and Kenny, I think, live here.You think Kendall and Nicole will break up before the reunion?That's my opinion. Okay, Tamara.Okay, everybody, put your guns down. No, I genuinely do believe that. And that's August 19th, so we'll see.I like Janay and Kenny a lot, too. I thought that- I really, yeah.I think they live nearby, too. I also think that that's the reality. And also the parents doing the notes and everything. I think, if anything, knowing that your family is behind your choices from what they've watched on television.I love Jané being like, We love K-A-N-A. Kana. He's like, Kana?It's our name. Yeah, he's like, Oh, Kana.I think they're as well intentioned as any couple to come out of Love Island, but I feel like ultimately, they're not as compatible as they want to believe they are.Janay and Kenny.Either way.What's all going to... It's next year. I don't know if any of them will break up by I think if anyone could break up, it's going to be Kayla and Aaron.We'll get to talk with Kayla, but her mom wrote what she wrote. I know her mom, during the videos, was much more tampered. It's very easy to write a post on Facebook only to meet that person and not want to… It would have been embarrassing for Kayla, for her mom, to just lay into Aaron in that moment. That wasn't the move then. Not on national TV. But what conversations does Aaron gets Kayla's mom had with Aaron after the fact? And is Kayla going to go back and watch some of the stuff? We all just talked about, as soon as she goes back and watches this, it might be harder for her to forgive Aaron. If anyone could break up, I think it might be them. I'm not even sure if they will by then, But yeah, it's not that long of time.It's not.Why do you think- Well, I don't think Robin and Cassie will be together.Why and we cannot wait to talk to them. Like I always say, shavings make a pile. Habits are important people. And that's why I'm excited to talk about Noom. Noom is a psychology-based program that helps you reach your health goals, whatever your health goals are. Maybe you want more energy, maybe you want to gain muscle mass, maybe you want to lose some weight. It doesn't matter. There are different ways to get healthy. But the important thing is Noom is helping you meet those health goals, whatever they are. Noom uses psychology. It also takes into account your unique biological factors which also affect you reaching your health goals. The program helps you understand the science behind your eating choices and why you have cravings. Noom helps you build new habits for a healthier lifestyle. For me, it's all about me maintaining my current health, my current weight. I'm not as active as I used to be. I have a lot more going on with the new baby. So it's really important for me to maintain my current health that I had when I was single and had morethis week. We got Kayla from Love Island talking about all things Love Island, her relationship with Erin. Are they together? Should they be together? I know her mom's texting, but she had some things to say online. There's some hot mic situations, a lot to get in to with Kayla.Thursday is also- Thursday, we got Hawk to a Girl.Plus all that more. We'll talk, obviously, more Bachelorette, more Love Island, more Bravo. It's got a jam-packed episode of Reality Recap, highlighted by Hawk to a Girl. She is America's sweetheart. She truly is. It was a joy talking with her. We're excited to bring it to you. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends, subscribe, all that fun stuff. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye.
going to play out. I don't know if they're going to work out, but they all care about each other. They really do. Miguel What I love about Miguel and continue to love about Miguel, is he is very much, he does not over promise. At the risk of maybe saying some fuckboy shit. Because Miguel, even at the exit, was never overstating what he plans on with Leah. It was like, I'm excited to see what happens in the real world and see where this can go. That's it. That's all he said, which was very open-ended. I think he knows he lives in the UK, and she's in LA, and the odds might be stacked against him. But what he did say, the things that did come out of his mouth, I believe. You know what I'm saying? That he cares about her. He complimented her, and I think in one of the best possible ways, because he talked about the impact Leah had on him as a man and how he came in with this fuckboy mentality, and he's grown up, and She's challenged him in ways that, honestly, he didn't expect to be challenged.
That felt very sincere. He didn't make promises he didn't have to make. I just really have been impressed with Miguel. He's a stand-up guy. Maybe he's going to go out around and be a fuckboy, but I believe that he isn't going to lead people on necessarily. He's going to be upfront. He doesn't over promise. I just think at the end of the day, he's got good character.
You know what's interesting? We've talked about this previously about how to change a fuckboy, and we've talked about this in the context of West and many others. I feel like Leah did what you do to change a fuckboy. She was very chill.
She doesn't overreact, and she's self-aware. She's self-deprecating. I don't think she loses control of who she is for someone like Miguel. Yeah, those are all ways of making a fuckboy feel like, Hey, this is... Miguel is so... Again, Miguel is used to someone making him three different versions of eggs. That's fucking crazy. When you don't do that, and when you're like, No, I'm good, then immediately the fuckboy is like, Oh, well, I need to do more for this person because I'm used to doing nothing at all.
Well, because it's like he came back from Casa and Leo was just like, Okay, you brought someone back. Yeah.
Well, eventually, you can't keep doing that. But yeah, I do think… Leah talking about what did she say in her speech, which was so charming.
She loves toxic.
Yeah, but how she said it was so funny and so relatable, where everyone told her, If you would have told me that I would be the guy who made up with all the women.
I would have believed you.
But Cordell.Cordell and Serena.Serena and Cordel.Serena and Cordel.For sure. The fact that they color-coded on night one by accident and then did it again at the finale, probably more on purpose this time. But I love them.They have the best- I do believe in Kendall and Nicole.Who's the couple you think might surprise you that you wouldn't necessarily bet on now?And I would say Kendall and Nicole. I would say Kendall and Nicole. I have a feeling they're going to be broken up by the reunion. Janay and Kenny, I think, live here.You think Kendall and Nicole will break up before the reunion?That's my opinion. Okay, Tamara.Okay, everybody, put your guns down. No, I genuinely do believe that. And that's August 19th, so we'll see.I like Janay and Kenny a lot, too. I thought that- I really, yeah.I think they live nearby, too. I also think that that's the reality. And also the parents doing the notes and everything. I think, if anything, knowing that your family is behind your choices from what they've watched on television.I love Jané being like, We love K-A-N-A. Kana. He's like, Kana?It's our name. Yeah, he's like, Oh, Kana.I think they're as well intentioned as any couple to come out of Love Island, but I feel like ultimately, they're not as compatible as they want to believe they are.Janay and Kenny.Either way.What's all going to... It's next year. I don't know if any of them will break up by I think if anyone could break up, it's going to be Kayla and Aaron.We'll get to talk with Kayla, but her mom wrote what she wrote. I know her mom, during the videos, was much more tampered. It's very easy to write a post on Facebook only to meet that person and not want to… It would have been embarrassing for Kayla, for her mom, to just lay into Aaron in that moment. That wasn't the move then. Not on national TV. But what conversations does Aaron gets Kayla's mom had with Aaron after the fact? And is Kayla going to go back and watch some of the stuff? We all just talked about, as soon as she goes back and watches this, it might be harder for her to forgive Aaron. If anyone could break up, I think it might be them. I'm not even sure if they will by then, But yeah, it's not that long of time.It's not.Why do you think- Well, I don't think Robin and Cassie will be together.Why and we cannot wait to talk to them. Like I always say, shavings make a pile. Habits are important people. And that's why I'm excited to talk about Noom. Noom is a psychology-based program that helps you reach your health goals, whatever your health goals are. Maybe you want more energy, maybe you want to gain muscle mass, maybe you want to lose some weight. It doesn't matter. There are different ways to get healthy. But the important thing is Noom is helping you meet those health goals, whatever they are. Noom uses psychology. It also takes into account your unique biological factors which also affect you reaching your health goals. The program helps you understand the science behind your eating choices and why you have cravings. Noom helps you build new habits for a healthier lifestyle. For me, it's all about me maintaining my current health, my current weight. I'm not as active as I used to be. I have a lot more going on with the new baby. So it's really important for me to maintain my current health that I had when I was single and had morethis week. We got Kayla from Love Island talking about all things Love Island, her relationship with Erin. Are they together? Should they be together? I know her mom's texting, but she had some things to say online. There's some hot mic situations, a lot to get in to with Kayla.Thursday is also- Thursday, we got Hawk to a Girl.Plus all that more. We'll talk, obviously, more Bachelorette, more Love Island, more Bravo. It's got a jam-packed episode of Reality Recap, highlighted by Hawk to a Girl. She is America's sweetheart. She truly is. It was a joy talking with her. We're excited to bring it to you. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends, subscribe, all that fun stuff. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye.
Cordell and Serena.
Serena and Cordel.
Serena and Cordel.
For sure. The fact that they color-coded on night one by accident and then did it again at the finale, probably more on purpose this time. But I love them.
They have the best- I do believe in Kendall and Nicole.
Who's the couple you think might surprise you that you wouldn't necessarily bet on now?
And I would say Kendall and Nicole. I would say Kendall and Nicole. I have a feeling they're going to be broken up by the reunion. Janay and Kenny, I think, live here.
You think Kendall and Nicole will break up before the reunion?
That's my opinion. Okay, Tamara.
Okay, everybody, put your guns down. No, I genuinely do believe that. And that's August 19th, so we'll see.
I like Janay and Kenny a lot, too. I thought that- I really, yeah.
I think they live nearby, too. I also think that that's the reality. And also the parents doing the notes and everything. I think, if anything, knowing that your family is behind your choices from what they've watched on television.
I love Jané being like, We love K-A-N-A. Kana. He's like, Kana?
It's our name. Yeah, he's like, Oh, Kana.
I think they're as well intentioned as any couple to come out of Love Island, but I feel like ultimately, they're not as compatible as they want to believe they are.
Janay and Kenny.Either way.What's all going to... It's next year. I don't know if any of them will break up by I think if anyone could break up, it's going to be Kayla and Aaron.We'll get to talk with Kayla, but her mom wrote what she wrote. I know her mom, during the videos, was much more tampered. It's very easy to write a post on Facebook only to meet that person and not want to… It would have been embarrassing for Kayla, for her mom, to just lay into Aaron in that moment. That wasn't the move then. Not on national TV. But what conversations does Aaron gets Kayla's mom had with Aaron after the fact? And is Kayla going to go back and watch some of the stuff? We all just talked about, as soon as she goes back and watches this, it might be harder for her to forgive Aaron. If anyone could break up, I think it might be them. I'm not even sure if they will by then, But yeah, it's not that long of time.It's not.Why do you think- Well, I don't think Robin and Cassie will be together.Why and we cannot wait to talk to them. Like I always say, shavings make a pile. Habits are important people. And that's why I'm excited to talk about Noom. Noom is a psychology-based program that helps you reach your health goals, whatever your health goals are. Maybe you want more energy, maybe you want to gain muscle mass, maybe you want to lose some weight. It doesn't matter. There are different ways to get healthy. But the important thing is Noom is helping you meet those health goals, whatever they are. Noom uses psychology. It also takes into account your unique biological factors which also affect you reaching your health goals. The program helps you understand the science behind your eating choices and why you have cravings. Noom helps you build new habits for a healthier lifestyle. For me, it's all about me maintaining my current health, my current weight. I'm not as active as I used to be. I have a lot more going on with the new baby. So it's really important for me to maintain my current health that I had when I was single and had morethis week. We got Kayla from Love Island talking about all things Love Island, her relationship with Erin. Are they together? Should they be together? I know her mom's texting, but she had some things to say online. There's some hot mic situations, a lot to get in to with Kayla.Thursday is also- Thursday, we got Hawk to a Girl.Plus all that more. We'll talk, obviously, more Bachelorette, more Love Island, more Bravo. It's got a jam-packed episode of Reality Recap, highlighted by Hawk to a Girl. She is America's sweetheart. She truly is. It was a joy talking with her. We're excited to bring it to you. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends, subscribe, all that fun stuff. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye.
Either way.
What's all going to... It's next year. I don't know if any of them will break up by I think if anyone could break up, it's going to be Kayla and Aaron.
We'll get to talk with Kayla, but her mom wrote what she wrote. I know her mom, during the videos, was much more tampered. It's very easy to write a post on Facebook only to meet that person and not want to… It would have been embarrassing for Kayla, for her mom, to just lay into Aaron in that moment. That wasn't the move then. Not on national TV. But what conversations does Aaron gets Kayla's mom had with Aaron after the fact? And is Kayla going to go back and watch some of the stuff? We all just talked about, as soon as she goes back and watches this, it might be harder for her to forgive Aaron. If anyone could break up, I think it might be them. I'm not even sure if they will by then, But yeah, it's not that long of time.
It's not.
Why do you think- Well, I don't think Robin and Cassie will be together.
Why and we cannot wait to talk to them. Like I always say, shavings make a pile. Habits are important people. And that's why I'm excited to talk about Noom. Noom is a psychology-based program that helps you reach your health goals, whatever your health goals are. Maybe you want more energy, maybe you want to gain muscle mass, maybe you want to lose some weight. It doesn't matter. There are different ways to get healthy. But the important thing is Noom is helping you meet those health goals, whatever they are. Noom uses psychology. It also takes into account your unique biological factors which also affect you reaching your health goals. The program helps you understand the science behind your eating choices and why you have cravings. Noom helps you build new habits for a healthier lifestyle. For me, it's all about me maintaining my current health, my current weight. I'm not as active as I used to be. I have a lot more going on with the new baby. So it's really important for me to maintain my current health that I had when I was single and had morethis week. We got Kayla from Love Island talking about all things Love Island, her relationship with Erin. Are they together? Should they be together? I know her mom's texting, but she had some things to say online. There's some hot mic situations, a lot to get in to with Kayla.Thursday is also- Thursday, we got Hawk to a Girl.Plus all that more. We'll talk, obviously, more Bachelorette, more Love Island, more Bravo. It's got a jam-packed episode of Reality Recap, highlighted by Hawk to a Girl. She is America's sweetheart. She truly is. It was a joy talking with her. We're excited to bring it to you. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends, subscribe, all that fun stuff. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye.
and we cannot wait to talk to them. Like I always say, shavings make a pile. Habits are important people. And that's why I'm excited to talk about Noom. Noom is a psychology-based program that helps you reach your health goals, whatever your health goals are. Maybe you want more energy, maybe you want to gain muscle mass, maybe you want to lose some weight. It doesn't matter. There are different ways to get healthy. But the important thing is Noom is helping you meet those health goals, whatever they are. Noom uses psychology. It also takes into account your unique biological factors which also affect you reaching your health goals. The program helps you understand the science behind your eating choices and why you have cravings. Noom helps you build new habits for a healthier lifestyle. For me, it's all about me maintaining my current health, my current weight. I'm not as active as I used to be. I have a lot more going on with the new baby. So it's really important for me to maintain my current health that I had when I was single and had morethis week. We got Kayla from Love Island talking about all things Love Island, her relationship with Erin. Are they together? Should they be together? I know her mom's texting, but she had some things to say online. There's some hot mic situations, a lot to get in to with Kayla.Thursday is also- Thursday, we got Hawk to a Girl.Plus all that more. We'll talk, obviously, more Bachelorette, more Love Island, more Bravo. It's got a jam-packed episode of Reality Recap, highlighted by Hawk to a Girl. She is America's sweetheart. She truly is. It was a joy talking with her. We're excited to bring it to you. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends, subscribe, all that fun stuff. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye.
this week. We got Kayla from Love Island talking about all things Love Island, her relationship with Erin. Are they together? Should they be together? I know her mom's texting, but she had some things to say online. There's some hot mic situations, a lot to get in to with Kayla.
Thursday is also- Thursday, we got Hawk to a Girl.
Plus all that more. We'll talk, obviously, more Bachelorette, more Love Island, more Bravo. It's got a jam-packed episode of Reality Recap, highlighted by Hawk to a Girl. She is America's sweetheart. She truly is. It was a joy talking with her. We're excited to bring it to you. Thanks for listening. Tell your friends, subscribe, all that fun stuff. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye.