Trump Assassination Attempt Aftermath with Bill O’Reilly
The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart- 428 views
- 18 Jul 2024
It has been a few days since the attempted assassination of former President Trump. Both sides in our polarized political system have retreated to their respective corners and cast blame on the other, making it more difficult than ever to engage in healthy debate with political adversaries. Joining us to do just that is Bill O’Reilly, Anchor of No Spin News and Author of the upcoming book, Confronting the Presidents: No Spin Assessments from Washington to Biden.
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Host/Executive Producer – Jon Stewart
Executive Producer – James Dixon
Executive Producer – Chris McShane
Executive Producer – Caity Gray
Lead Producer – Lauren Walker
Producer – Brittany Mehmedovic
Video Editor & Engineer – Rob Vitolo
Audio Editor & Engineer – Nicole Boyce
Researcher/AP – Gillian Spear
Music by Hansdle Hsu
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Hey, like Mohammed Alan, I'm the greatest.And this is the greatest. Of course, what I'm saying is it's a fiction and it's clearly a fictional.They all are fictional characters. Biden's going out there.Speaker two.I'm the best president since FDR, and I don't know about you, but Dwight Eisenhower appeared to me in a vision and said, did he really say that? And Ronald Reagan went, oh, but there you go again.Let's be fair.Come on.Joe Biden did pass a tremendous amount of legislation.Speaker one. Not as much as Trump passed more legislation than Biden, and I passed more legislation than anybody else. We did a fact check and Trump passed.Trump had two things. Trump had two things. He had two chants. Lock her up, build a wall. Didn't do either. Now, as far as passing more legislation, that was consequential. He couldn't get in. He couldn't get an infrastructure bill done. He couldn't. He tried very hard.He didn't use union labor. That was a problem.He told us. Terrible. He told us that we were going to have a health care bill that would be second to none. You'll see. I'm going to replace Obamacare and we're going to have a health care we don't have. He didn't do any of it. Here's what he did. A 1.7 million trillion dollar tax cut, right? He got the corporate tax rate to 20%, and he was able to deregulate.Yes. All that tax.Speaker one. Okay, right. And even out of that, even as a businessman, you have to admit that's probably worth a, what, 5 trillion in stimulus? And he got a GDP rate out of that.Macroeconomics is swell. All right. I'm a simple man. You know that. I'm looking out for the folks under Trump.Speaker one, in which, in which version.Are you under Trump?I just want a definition of simple, because my definition of you as a simple man is probably different.Here's why I'm simple. I don't understand anything you just said.Yes, you're simple because you don't understand.Right? Under Trump, real wages went up close to 8%. For the folks under Biden, real wages are down two and a half percent. That means, look, I don't. Wait, wait. That means the average working person, according to, who is down 10% in take home pay under Biden. So come on.I'm going to challenge that you can.Go macroeconomic all day long. People got to go to Piggly wiggly to get their groceries. Stop it. Speaker one.Donald. Okay, well, let's. Let's go simple, folks. Donald Trump was the first president Herbert Hoover. Yes. To walk out of office with net.Job loss because first person, they shut everything down.I see. So Donald Trump is allowed to say, I was $8 trillion. I accumulated $8 trillion to the national Covid related. And I left office with a net job loss. And that's Covid. But Biden, in getting the economy to recover in the way that it did, probably faster than any other industrialized country in the world. Even better than any other industrialized country in the world, with an inflation rate that was lower than the other industrialized countries. But that. That's nothing. He sucks. But Trump was great, and COVID ruined it. And Biden. Covid didn't matter, and he doesn't make sense.Number one, the american economy is good under Biden. Inflation is not. So there's. Bye. Look, there are two lines. What was I that word?Yes, two lines. All right.Stock market doing well. The economy, consumers are spending. People are okay employment wise. But, Stuart, since Biden's been in office, gas prices are up 38%. I know you don't want to hear it. I know this is painful.Here's all I'm asking.Prices up.Why do I. When I say Donald Trump was a net job loss and added $8 trillion to our national debt, you say, well, that was right. Even though it wasn't Covid, it was a $1.7 trillion tax cut that never paid for itself. It was a 20% no, no corporate tax rate. If these things. Look, it's trickled down economics for the.Government shut down on Covid. If you look at tax receipts, and I am not sticking up for Trump. He's way too big a spender for me. Way too big. Okay. And Biden is the same. They're both the same parallel. I'm going to buy votes by spending money. That's what they do.Right. All right, then why hasn't. Why hasn't Biden added as much to the debt as close?The stats are?It's not close.It's.I think it's 8 trillion to 4,000,000,000,008. To eight to four or five. It's not close.It's like half 8 trillion comes in the deal for the vaccines and all of the things that Trump had to do to keep the country not falling over.Do you know how much that cost.To have those three pharmaceutical companies develop that vaccine in less than a year. That was two and a half trillion. Just that. Come on.I'm gonna have to check your. I'm gonna have to check your figures, Bill, because you're saying the government spent two and a half trillion dollars.They'll tell you.You're saying the federal government spent. Yeah, they made without a pay go contract, two and a half trillion dollar.Pharmaceutical companies based upon developing a vaccine in a certain amount of time.And you don't think any of the spending Biden did when was because of COVID That was.Some of it was. Look, Biden puts it off like they build back America better. All right, as a Covid, play infrastructure. And I don't have a beef with that in the sense that, yeah, we needed job done. You got a lot of passwords there, and they all end with exclamation point anyway. Efficiency is one of the many reasons businesses choose Netsuite by Oracle. Netsuite is the number one financial system, bringing together accounting, financial management, inventory, and HR into one unified business management suite. And I'm assuming in that suite of is also some kind of buffet because why else would you be in a suite? And it's all in the cloud, accessible from anywhere, no hardware required. Reduce the login headaches, bring all your major business processes into one proven platform, along with cutting down on it costs, maintenance costs, and manual errors. Yeah, manual errors. I'm looking at you, Craig, with your manual errors. Plus, the less your business spends, the more margin you keep. Over 37,000 companies have already made the move to Netsuite. Backed by popular demand, Netsuite has extended its one of a kind, flexible financing program for a few more weeks.Head to Netsuite.com. weeklynetsuite.com weekly. All right, we're back. Do you understand why people in America, not everyone, fear another Trump presidency because of what happened on January 6? Because he says things like, I will be your retribution.But that's just rhetoric, and I don't take rhetoric into account.What else do we, either side, what else do we have?Look, Joe Biden says, if you don't vote for me, you're not black. I mean, come on, that's just rhetoric. So I understand that January 6 was the biggest mistake Donald Trump has ever made in his life. And the mistake was that immediately upon the breaking in of the Capitol, Trump should have gone on television and said, knock it off. You shouldn't have waited 3 hours and 15 minutes. That was.Can I ask a question here?Yes.So we're sort of boiling it down to January 6 and the 3 hours and 15 minutes that he waited. But I want to maybe roll it back further, because I don't think January 6 was an aberration. I think it was the culmination of a Pence had cooperated, he did.Which, no, that's what I'm saying.He didn't need the pitchfork people.Once he understood. But, but once, so that's my point. He thought he wasn't going to need it, but he had him there in case. Once he.Spirit.Once he realized, come on, Stewart. Not at all.Spirit. Once he realized, never prove that in a court when you've got Pentagon for people raising their right hand and swearing that Donald Trump told them to alert the Pentagon to bring the guard in early, that whole thing just blows up. Now, if you don't want to believe, you don't want to believe it, but that's on the record.Come on. Yeah, here's what I'm saying. He said, go down to the Capitol and fight. That's what.Peacefully.He knew it. That, peacefully.Come on, you're edit, you're not even giving the whole picture to the podcast viewers. He said peacefully. Come on.If I may say so, bill, that's just rhetoric. And it was very clear to me he didn't mean that thing.He wanted to give all ars, he wanted to arm all those people to go down and machine gun, everybody was opposed to him.Speaker one. Not machine gun, but he wanted the pressure of the people to stop them from certifying.I'm not going to disagree with that.It could go to the house.Well, that's my whole point. You saying that he had nefarious, that he wanted to promote violence. None of that is true.No, no, no, no. I'm saying his intention was to disrupt.That's true.His intention was to disrupt and, and it became violent because he was reckless.That's, that's an opinion that what he did, I, I wouldn't, I don't think that Donald Trump handled that well at all.I think that is the mildest understatement I have heard.Because you want to hate and I want to treat him fairly.Speaker zero.That's the difference.Oh, my lord. Bill O'Reilly, do I desperately not want to hate him? I don't hate him. I just feel like you. Here's what I feel.Next to Trump at a nick game.I take my son to those. So, no, probably not. I only bought the ticket next to you for $8,000, not given the, the damage that I think he's done to.The, I would sit, I would hate next to Biden and I would ask all its questions.Well, because Biden hasn't done, I understand that. But that's apple, apple, oranges.I said next to Biden they'll say.Biden has not, Biden hasn't violated the one core tenet of our constitutional republic and that is the peaceful transfer of power. And that's what I would say to me, that to me that says, and.He says on the Daily show, that's true.Yeah.And that's why Trump is in 25% ahead of Biden now that January 6 is what pulled Trump back. Final comment tomorrow night, Thursday night. So this podcast will probably go on to forever because everybody in the world will watch it and the totalitarian regime force people to watch it in China and Russia.They will.And if you don't, no question.Yes.If Trump would go on Tuesday night and say, you know what, I have some of my rhetoric, it has been extreme and too personal. And based upon what happened to me, I almost lost my life. I'm going to tamp that down and I'm going to campaign on what I believe I can do for the country. I can improve your life. I'm going to stop the personal stuff and I hope everybody else follows. If Trump would do that Thursday night, he will win probably in a landslide in November.Right. So you're saying if he could come out and go like, I am a completely different person, maybe not completely because.No one's going to buy that, but he has modified a little, little bit. That's, and he doesn't have to apologize. See? Doesn't have to look weak. He just has to say so see a bigger picture.He just has to make a, a strategic pivot without actually having change in.His heart no matter what he does.All right, O'Reilly, you're going to say.That I appreciate you very much, always appreciate the debate with Jon Stewart. And I think that we built up a legacy here in this country that every other political pundit should follow. And it's fun. It's informative.It is fun.And best of all, I'm so much better looking than Stewart. It's really a good contrast.I don't disagree with that. Thank you very much for being here, Bill. God, that's a lot.I'm tired.I'm something.He talks too much.He did.I just love the whole, like Stuart, January 6, it was a bad day. You know, it's the divide. Like Trump was jet lagged. He was he had a cold three and a half hours. He should have done it, like, then it wasn't, like, the culmination of this gigantic plot to overthrow the electoral jesus.I know on his show, he talks about how calling Trump anti democracy is hate, and it's like, hmm.And it's just. It's a literal fact. Yeah. And it's hate, and that's. He sort of blames that on the radicalization. Right. Wasn't he saying, like, MSNBC something? He didn't say it to me, I think. Yeah.Well, I've had the joy of watching his show for the last few days.Subscriber.Yeah.By the way, for those viewers at home, I mean, I understand Lauren is our master of understatement. I don't know if you guys might realize she's our dry performer.Yeah.Yeah.So I've been on that website, 4,000,001.Now, and are you a premium member? Have you jumped on? Have you jumped in?Yeah, I want it.All right. As you should, Lauren.Lose my right. So he was just going on about how MSNBC is the worst of the worst, and we were talking amongst the staff, like, how is, like, Abraham Lincoln killed if MSNBC didn't exist? Like, how is MSNBC implicated in this when assassination is not uncommon? Or, like, attempts on the lives of our leaders is not uncommon?Well, Lauren, I think you're also forgetting the view, and I think that the view's commentary about McKinley can be directly related to his.Joy Behar nothing more than two old men talking over each other.Hashtag viral.Hashtag what's wrong with these people? All right, very good, guys. See you next time.Next week.The weekly show with Jon Stewart is a Comedy Central podcast. It's produced by Paramount Audio and Bus Boy Productions.Jon Stewart is back in the host chair at the Daily show, which means he's also back in our ears on the Daily Show Show. Ears Edition Podcast the Daily show podcast has everything you need to stay on top of today's news and pop culture. You get hilarious satirical takes on entertainment, politics, sports, and more from John and the team of correspondents and contributors. The podcast also has content you can't get anywhere else, like extended interviews and a roundup of the weekly headlines. Listen to the Daily show, ears edition wherever you get your podcasts.Paramount podcasts.
like Mohammed Alan, I'm the greatest.
And this is the greatest. Of course, what I'm saying is it's a fiction and it's clearly a fictional.
They all are fictional characters. Biden's going out there.
Speaker two.
I'm the best president since FDR, and I don't know about you, but Dwight Eisenhower appeared to me in a vision and said, did he really say that? And Ronald Reagan went, oh, but there you go again.
Let's be fair.
Come on.
Joe Biden did pass a tremendous amount of legislation.
Speaker one. Not as much as Trump passed more legislation than Biden, and I passed more legislation than anybody else. We did a fact check and Trump passed.
Trump had two things. Trump had two things. He had two chants. Lock her up, build a wall. Didn't do either. Now, as far as passing more legislation, that was consequential. He couldn't get in. He couldn't get an infrastructure bill done. He couldn't. He tried very hard.
He didn't use union labor. That was a problem.
He told us. Terrible. He told us that we were going to have a health care bill that would be second to none. You'll see. I'm going to replace Obamacare and we're going to have a health care we don't have. He didn't do any of it. Here's what he did. A 1.7 million trillion dollar tax cut, right? He got the corporate tax rate to 20%, and he was able to deregulate.
Yes. All that tax.
Speaker one. Okay, right. And even out of that, even as a businessman, you have to admit that's probably worth a, what, 5 trillion in stimulus? And he got a GDP rate out of that.
Macroeconomics is swell. All right. I'm a simple man. You know that. I'm looking out for the folks under Trump.
Speaker one, in which, in which version.
Are you under Trump?
I just want a definition of simple, because my definition of you as a simple man is probably different.
Here's why I'm simple. I don't understand anything you just said.
Yes, you're simple because you don't understand.
Right? Under Trump, real wages went up close to 8%. For the folks under Biden, real wages are down two and a half percent. That means, look, I don't. Wait, wait. That means the average working person, according to, who is down 10% in take home pay under Biden. So come on.
I'm going to challenge that you can.
Go macroeconomic all day long. People got to go to Piggly wiggly to get their groceries. Stop it. Speaker one.
Donald. Okay, well, let's. Let's go simple, folks. Donald Trump was the first president Herbert Hoover. Yes. To walk out of office with net.
Job loss because first person, they shut everything down.
I see. So Donald Trump is allowed to say, I was $8 trillion. I accumulated $8 trillion to the national Covid related. And I left office with a net job loss. And that's Covid. But Biden, in getting the economy to recover in the way that it did, probably faster than any other industrialized country in the world. Even better than any other industrialized country in the world, with an inflation rate that was lower than the other industrialized countries. But that. That's nothing. He sucks. But Trump was great, and COVID ruined it. And Biden. Covid didn't matter, and he doesn't make sense.
Number one, the american economy is good under Biden. Inflation is not. So there's. Bye. Look, there are two lines. What was I that word?
Yes, two lines. All right.
Stock market doing well. The economy, consumers are spending. People are okay employment wise. But, Stuart, since Biden's been in office, gas prices are up 38%. I know you don't want to hear it. I know this is painful.
Here's all I'm asking.
Prices up.
Why do I. When I say Donald Trump was a net job loss and added $8 trillion to our national debt, you say, well, that was right. Even though it wasn't Covid, it was a $1.7 trillion tax cut that never paid for itself. It was a 20% no, no corporate tax rate. If these things. Look, it's trickled down economics for the.
Government shut down on Covid. If you look at tax receipts, and I am not sticking up for Trump. He's way too big a spender for me. Way too big. Okay. And Biden is the same. They're both the same parallel. I'm going to buy votes by spending money. That's what they do.
Right. All right, then why hasn't. Why hasn't Biden added as much to the debt as close?
The stats are?
It's not close.
I think it's 8 trillion to 4,000,000,000,008. To eight to four or five. It's not close.
It's like half 8 trillion comes in the deal for the vaccines and all of the things that Trump had to do to keep the country not falling over.
Do you know how much that cost.
To have those three pharmaceutical companies develop that vaccine in less than a year. That was two and a half trillion. Just that. Come on.
I'm gonna have to check your. I'm gonna have to check your figures, Bill, because you're saying the government spent two and a half trillion dollars.
They'll tell you.
You're saying the federal government spent. Yeah, they made without a pay go contract, two and a half trillion dollar.
Pharmaceutical companies based upon developing a vaccine in a certain amount of time.
And you don't think any of the spending Biden did when was because of COVID That was.
Some of it was. Look, Biden puts it off like they build back America better. All right, as a Covid, play infrastructure. And I don't have a beef with that in the sense that, yeah, we needed job done. You got a lot of passwords there, and they all end with exclamation point anyway. Efficiency is one of the many reasons businesses choose Netsuite by Oracle. Netsuite is the number one financial system, bringing together accounting, financial management, inventory, and HR into one unified business management suite. And I'm assuming in that suite of is also some kind of buffet because why else would you be in a suite? And it's all in the cloud, accessible from anywhere, no hardware required. Reduce the login headaches, bring all your major business processes into one proven platform, along with cutting down on it costs, maintenance costs, and manual errors. Yeah, manual errors. I'm looking at you, Craig, with your manual errors. Plus, the less your business spends, the more margin you keep. Over 37,000 companies have already made the move to Netsuite. Backed by popular demand, Netsuite has extended its one of a kind, flexible financing program for a few more weeks.Head to Netsuite.com. weeklynetsuite.com weekly. All right, we're back. Do you understand why people in America, not everyone, fear another Trump presidency because of what happened on January 6? Because he says things like, I will be your retribution.But that's just rhetoric, and I don't take rhetoric into account.What else do we, either side, what else do we have?Look, Joe Biden says, if you don't vote for me, you're not black. I mean, come on, that's just rhetoric. So I understand that January 6 was the biggest mistake Donald Trump has ever made in his life. And the mistake was that immediately upon the breaking in of the Capitol, Trump should have gone on television and said, knock it off. You shouldn't have waited 3 hours and 15 minutes. That was.Can I ask a question here?Yes.So we're sort of boiling it down to January 6 and the 3 hours and 15 minutes that he waited. But I want to maybe roll it back further, because I don't think January 6 was an aberration. I think it was the culmination of a Pence had cooperated, he did.Which, no, that's what I'm saying.He didn't need the pitchfork people.Once he understood. But, but once, so that's my point. He thought he wasn't going to need it, but he had him there in case. Once he.Spirit.Once he realized, come on, Stewart. Not at all.Spirit. Once he realized, never prove that in a court when you've got Pentagon for people raising their right hand and swearing that Donald Trump told them to alert the Pentagon to bring the guard in early, that whole thing just blows up. Now, if you don't want to believe, you don't want to believe it, but that's on the record.Come on. Yeah, here's what I'm saying. He said, go down to the Capitol and fight. That's what.Peacefully.He knew it. That, peacefully.Come on, you're edit, you're not even giving the whole picture to the podcast viewers. He said peacefully. Come on.If I may say so, bill, that's just rhetoric. And it was very clear to me he didn't mean that thing.He wanted to give all ars, he wanted to arm all those people to go down and machine gun, everybody was opposed to him.Speaker one. Not machine gun, but he wanted the pressure of the people to stop them from certifying.I'm not going to disagree with that.It could go to the house.Well, that's my whole point. You saying that he had nefarious, that he wanted to promote violence. None of that is true.No, no, no, no. I'm saying his intention was to disrupt.That's true.His intention was to disrupt and, and it became violent because he was reckless.That's, that's an opinion that what he did, I, I wouldn't, I don't think that Donald Trump handled that well at all.I think that is the mildest understatement I have heard.Because you want to hate and I want to treat him fairly.Speaker zero.That's the difference.Oh, my lord. Bill O'Reilly, do I desperately not want to hate him? I don't hate him. I just feel like you. Here's what I feel.Next to Trump at a nick game.I take my son to those. So, no, probably not. I only bought the ticket next to you for $8,000, not given the, the damage that I think he's done to.The, I would sit, I would hate next to Biden and I would ask all its questions.Well, because Biden hasn't done, I understand that. But that's apple, apple, oranges.I said next to Biden they'll say.Biden has not, Biden hasn't violated the one core tenet of our constitutional republic and that is the peaceful transfer of power. And that's what I would say to me, that to me that says, and.He says on the Daily show, that's true.Yeah.And that's why Trump is in 25% ahead of Biden now that January 6 is what pulled Trump back. Final comment tomorrow night, Thursday night. So this podcast will probably go on to forever because everybody in the world will watch it and the totalitarian regime force people to watch it in China and Russia.They will.And if you don't, no question.Yes.If Trump would go on Tuesday night and say, you know what, I have some of my rhetoric, it has been extreme and too personal. And based upon what happened to me, I almost lost my life. I'm going to tamp that down and I'm going to campaign on what I believe I can do for the country. I can improve your life. I'm going to stop the personal stuff and I hope everybody else follows. If Trump would do that Thursday night, he will win probably in a landslide in November.Right. So you're saying if he could come out and go like, I am a completely different person, maybe not completely because.No one's going to buy that, but he has modified a little, little bit. That's, and he doesn't have to apologize. See? Doesn't have to look weak. He just has to say so see a bigger picture.He just has to make a, a strategic pivot without actually having change in.His heart no matter what he does.All right, O'Reilly, you're going to say.That I appreciate you very much, always appreciate the debate with Jon Stewart. And I think that we built up a legacy here in this country that every other political pundit should follow. And it's fun. It's informative.It is fun.And best of all, I'm so much better looking than Stewart. It's really a good contrast.I don't disagree with that. Thank you very much for being here, Bill. God, that's a lot.I'm tired.I'm something.He talks too much.He did.I just love the whole, like Stuart, January 6, it was a bad day. You know, it's the divide. Like Trump was jet lagged. He was he had a cold three and a half hours. He should have done it, like, then it wasn't, like, the culmination of this gigantic plot to overthrow the electoral jesus.I know on his show, he talks about how calling Trump anti democracy is hate, and it's like, hmm.And it's just. It's a literal fact. Yeah. And it's hate, and that's. He sort of blames that on the radicalization. Right. Wasn't he saying, like, MSNBC something? He didn't say it to me, I think. Yeah.Well, I've had the joy of watching his show for the last few days.Subscriber.Yeah.By the way, for those viewers at home, I mean, I understand Lauren is our master of understatement. I don't know if you guys might realize she's our dry performer.Yeah.Yeah.So I've been on that website, 4,000,001.Now, and are you a premium member? Have you jumped on? Have you jumped in?Yeah, I want it.All right. As you should, Lauren.Lose my right. So he was just going on about how MSNBC is the worst of the worst, and we were talking amongst the staff, like, how is, like, Abraham Lincoln killed if MSNBC didn't exist? Like, how is MSNBC implicated in this when assassination is not uncommon? Or, like, attempts on the lives of our leaders is not uncommon?Well, Lauren, I think you're also forgetting the view, and I think that the view's commentary about McKinley can be directly related to his.Joy Behar nothing more than two old men talking over each other.Hashtag viral.Hashtag what's wrong with these people? All right, very good, guys. See you next time.Next week.The weekly show with Jon Stewart is a Comedy Central podcast. It's produced by Paramount Audio and Bus Boy Productions.Jon Stewart is back in the host chair at the Daily show, which means he's also back in our ears on the Daily Show Show. Ears Edition Podcast the Daily show podcast has everything you need to stay on top of today's news and pop culture. You get hilarious satirical takes on entertainment, politics, sports, and more from John and the team of correspondents and contributors. The podcast also has content you can't get anywhere else, like extended interviews and a roundup of the weekly headlines. Listen to the Daily show, ears edition wherever you get your podcasts.Paramount podcasts.
job done. You got a lot of passwords there, and they all end with exclamation point anyway. Efficiency is one of the many reasons businesses choose Netsuite by Oracle. Netsuite is the number one financial system, bringing together accounting, financial management, inventory, and HR into one unified business management suite. And I'm assuming in that suite of is also some kind of buffet because why else would you be in a suite? And it's all in the cloud, accessible from anywhere, no hardware required. Reduce the login headaches, bring all your major business processes into one proven platform, along with cutting down on it costs, maintenance costs, and manual errors. Yeah, manual errors. I'm looking at you, Craig, with your manual errors. Plus, the less your business spends, the more margin you keep. Over 37,000 companies have already made the move to Netsuite. Backed by popular demand, Netsuite has extended its one of a kind, flexible financing program for a few more weeks.
Head to Netsuite.com. weeklynetsuite.com weekly. All right, we're back. Do you understand why people in America, not everyone, fear another Trump presidency because of what happened on January 6? Because he says things like, I will be your retribution.
But that's just rhetoric, and I don't take rhetoric into account.
What else do we, either side, what else do we have?
Look, Joe Biden says, if you don't vote for me, you're not black. I mean, come on, that's just rhetoric. So I understand that January 6 was the biggest mistake Donald Trump has ever made in his life. And the mistake was that immediately upon the breaking in of the Capitol, Trump should have gone on television and said, knock it off. You shouldn't have waited 3 hours and 15 minutes. That was.
Can I ask a question here?
So we're sort of boiling it down to January 6 and the 3 hours and 15 minutes that he waited. But I want to maybe roll it back further, because I don't think January 6 was an aberration. I think it was the culmination of a Pence had cooperated, he did.Which, no, that's what I'm saying.He didn't need the pitchfork people.Once he understood. But, but once, so that's my point. He thought he wasn't going to need it, but he had him there in case. Once he.Spirit.Once he realized, come on, Stewart. Not at all.Spirit. Once he realized, never prove that in a court when you've got Pentagon for people raising their right hand and swearing that Donald Trump told them to alert the Pentagon to bring the guard in early, that whole thing just blows up. Now, if you don't want to believe, you don't want to believe it, but that's on the record.Come on. Yeah, here's what I'm saying. He said, go down to the Capitol and fight. That's what.Peacefully.He knew it. That, peacefully.Come on, you're edit, you're not even giving the whole picture to the podcast viewers. He said peacefully. Come on.If I may say so, bill, that's just rhetoric. And it was very clear to me he didn't mean that thing.He wanted to give all ars, he wanted to arm all those people to go down and machine gun, everybody was opposed to him.Speaker one. Not machine gun, but he wanted the pressure of the people to stop them from certifying.I'm not going to disagree with that.It could go to the house.Well, that's my whole point. You saying that he had nefarious, that he wanted to promote violence. None of that is true.No, no, no, no. I'm saying his intention was to disrupt.That's true.His intention was to disrupt and, and it became violent because he was reckless.That's, that's an opinion that what he did, I, I wouldn't, I don't think that Donald Trump handled that well at all.I think that is the mildest understatement I have heard.Because you want to hate and I want to treat him fairly.Speaker zero.That's the difference.Oh, my lord. Bill O'Reilly, do I desperately not want to hate him? I don't hate him. I just feel like you. Here's what I feel.Next to Trump at a nick game.I take my son to those. So, no, probably not. I only bought the ticket next to you for $8,000, not given the, the damage that I think he's done to.The, I would sit, I would hate next to Biden and I would ask all its questions.Well, because Biden hasn't done, I understand that. But that's apple, apple, oranges.I said next to Biden they'll say.Biden has not, Biden hasn't violated the one core tenet of our constitutional republic and that is the peaceful transfer of power. And that's what I would say to me, that to me that says, and.He says on the Daily show, that's true.Yeah.And that's why Trump is in 25% ahead of Biden now that January 6 is what pulled Trump back. Final comment tomorrow night, Thursday night. So this podcast will probably go on to forever because everybody in the world will watch it and the totalitarian regime force people to watch it in China and Russia.They will.And if you don't, no question.Yes.If Trump would go on Tuesday night and say, you know what, I have some of my rhetoric, it has been extreme and too personal. And based upon what happened to me, I almost lost my life. I'm going to tamp that down and I'm going to campaign on what I believe I can do for the country. I can improve your life. I'm going to stop the personal stuff and I hope everybody else follows. If Trump would do that Thursday night, he will win probably in a landslide in November.Right. So you're saying if he could come out and go like, I am a completely different person, maybe not completely because.No one's going to buy that, but he has modified a little, little bit. That's, and he doesn't have to apologize. See? Doesn't have to look weak. He just has to say so see a bigger picture.He just has to make a, a strategic pivot without actually having change in.His heart no matter what he does.All right, O'Reilly, you're going to say.That I appreciate you very much, always appreciate the debate with Jon Stewart. And I think that we built up a legacy here in this country that every other political pundit should follow. And it's fun. It's informative.It is fun.And best of all, I'm so much better looking than Stewart. It's really a good contrast.I don't disagree with that. Thank you very much for being here, Bill. God, that's a lot.I'm tired.I'm something.He talks too much.He did.I just love the whole, like Stuart, January 6, it was a bad day. You know, it's the divide. Like Trump was jet lagged. He was he had a cold three and a half hours. He should have done it, like, then it wasn't, like, the culmination of this gigantic plot to overthrow the electoral jesus.I know on his show, he talks about how calling Trump anti democracy is hate, and it's like, hmm.And it's just. It's a literal fact. Yeah. And it's hate, and that's. He sort of blames that on the radicalization. Right. Wasn't he saying, like, MSNBC something? He didn't say it to me, I think. Yeah.Well, I've had the joy of watching his show for the last few days.Subscriber.Yeah.By the way, for those viewers at home, I mean, I understand Lauren is our master of understatement. I don't know if you guys might realize she's our dry performer.Yeah.Yeah.So I've been on that website, 4,000,001.Now, and are you a premium member? Have you jumped on? Have you jumped in?Yeah, I want it.All right. As you should, Lauren.Lose my right. So he was just going on about how MSNBC is the worst of the worst, and we were talking amongst the staff, like, how is, like, Abraham Lincoln killed if MSNBC didn't exist? Like, how is MSNBC implicated in this when assassination is not uncommon? Or, like, attempts on the lives of our leaders is not uncommon?Well, Lauren, I think you're also forgetting the view, and I think that the view's commentary about McKinley can be directly related to his.Joy Behar nothing more than two old men talking over each other.Hashtag viral.Hashtag what's wrong with these people? All right, very good, guys. See you next time.Next week.The weekly show with Jon Stewart is a Comedy Central podcast. It's produced by Paramount Audio and Bus Boy Productions.Jon Stewart is back in the host chair at the Daily show, which means he's also back in our ears on the Daily Show Show. Ears Edition Podcast the Daily show podcast has everything you need to stay on top of today's news and pop culture. You get hilarious satirical takes on entertainment, politics, sports, and more from John and the team of correspondents and contributors. The podcast also has content you can't get anywhere else, like extended interviews and a roundup of the weekly headlines. Listen to the Daily show, ears edition wherever you get your podcasts.Paramount podcasts.
Pence had cooperated, he did.
Which, no, that's what I'm saying.
He didn't need the pitchfork people.
Once he understood. But, but once, so that's my point. He thought he wasn't going to need it, but he had him there in case. Once he.
Once he realized, come on, Stewart. Not at all.
Spirit. Once he realized, never prove that in a court when you've got Pentagon for people raising their right hand and swearing that Donald Trump told them to alert the Pentagon to bring the guard in early, that whole thing just blows up. Now, if you don't want to believe, you don't want to believe it, but that's on the record.
Come on. Yeah, here's what I'm saying. He said, go down to the Capitol and fight. That's what.
He knew it. That, peacefully.
Come on, you're edit, you're not even giving the whole picture to the podcast viewers. He said peacefully. Come on.
If I may say so, bill, that's just rhetoric. And it was very clear to me he didn't mean that thing.
He wanted to give all ars, he wanted to arm all those people to go down and machine gun, everybody was opposed to him.
Speaker one. Not machine gun, but he wanted the pressure of the people to stop them from certifying.
I'm not going to disagree with that.
It could go to the house.
Well, that's my whole point. You saying that he had nefarious, that he wanted to promote violence. None of that is true.
No, no, no, no. I'm saying his intention was to disrupt.
That's true.
His intention was to disrupt and, and it became violent because he was reckless.
That's, that's an opinion that what he did, I, I wouldn't, I don't think that Donald Trump handled that well at all.
I think that is the mildest understatement I have heard.
Because you want to hate and I want to treat him fairly.
Speaker zero.
That's the difference.
Oh, my lord. Bill O'Reilly, do I desperately not want to hate him? I don't hate him. I just feel like you. Here's what I feel.
Next to Trump at a nick game.
I take my son to those. So, no, probably not. I only bought the ticket next to you for $8,000, not given the, the damage that I think he's done to.
The, I would sit, I would hate next to Biden and I would ask all its questions.
Well, because Biden hasn't done, I understand that. But that's apple, apple, oranges.
I said next to Biden they'll say.
Biden has not, Biden hasn't violated the one core tenet of our constitutional republic and that is the peaceful transfer of power. And that's what I would say to me, that to me that says, and.
He says on the Daily show, that's true.
And that's why Trump is in 25% ahead of Biden now that January 6 is what pulled Trump back. Final comment tomorrow night, Thursday night. So this podcast will probably go on to forever because everybody in the world will watch it and the totalitarian regime force people to watch it in China and Russia.
They will.
And if you don't, no question.
If Trump would go on Tuesday night and say, you know what, I have some of my rhetoric, it has been extreme and too personal. And based upon what happened to me, I almost lost my life. I'm going to tamp that down and I'm going to campaign on what I believe I can do for the country. I can improve your life. I'm going to stop the personal stuff and I hope everybody else follows. If Trump would do that Thursday night, he will win probably in a landslide in November.
Right. So you're saying if he could come out and go like, I am a completely different person, maybe not completely because.
No one's going to buy that, but he has modified a little, little bit. That's, and he doesn't have to apologize. See? Doesn't have to look weak. He just has to say so see a bigger picture.
He just has to make a, a strategic pivot without actually having change in.
His heart no matter what he does.
All right, O'Reilly, you're going to say.
That I appreciate you very much, always appreciate the debate with Jon Stewart. And I think that we built up a legacy here in this country that every other political pundit should follow. And it's fun. It's informative.
It is fun.
And best of all, I'm so much better looking than Stewart. It's really a good contrast.
I don't disagree with that. Thank you very much for being here, Bill. God, that's a lot.
I'm tired.
I'm something.
He talks too much.
He did.
I just love the whole, like Stuart, January 6, it was a bad day. You know, it's the divide. Like Trump was jet lagged. He was he had a cold three and a half hours. He should have done it, like, then it wasn't, like, the culmination of this gigantic plot to overthrow the electoral jesus.
I know on his show, he talks about how calling Trump anti democracy is hate, and it's like, hmm.
And it's just. It's a literal fact. Yeah. And it's hate, and that's. He sort of blames that on the radicalization. Right. Wasn't he saying, like, MSNBC something? He didn't say it to me, I think. Yeah.
Well, I've had the joy of watching his show for the last few days.
By the way, for those viewers at home, I mean, I understand Lauren is our master of understatement. I don't know if you guys might realize she's our dry performer.
So I've been on that website, 4,000,001.
Now, and are you a premium member? Have you jumped on? Have you jumped in?
Yeah, I want it.
All right. As you should, Lauren.
Lose my right. So he was just going on about how MSNBC is the worst of the worst, and we were talking amongst the staff, like, how is, like, Abraham Lincoln killed if MSNBC didn't exist? Like, how is MSNBC implicated in this when assassination is not uncommon? Or, like, attempts on the lives of our leaders is not uncommon?
Well, Lauren, I think you're also forgetting the view, and I think that the view's commentary about McKinley can be directly related to his.
Joy Behar nothing more than two old men talking over each other.Hashtag viral.Hashtag what's wrong with these people? All right, very good, guys. See you next time.Next week.The weekly show with Jon Stewart is a Comedy Central podcast. It's produced by Paramount Audio and Bus Boy Productions.Jon Stewart is back in the host chair at the Daily show, which means he's also back in our ears on the Daily Show Show. Ears Edition Podcast the Daily show podcast has everything you need to stay on top of today's news and pop culture. You get hilarious satirical takes on entertainment, politics, sports, and more from John and the team of correspondents and contributors. The podcast also has content you can't get anywhere else, like extended interviews and a roundup of the weekly headlines. Listen to the Daily show, ears edition wherever you get your podcasts.Paramount podcasts.
nothing more than two old men talking over each other.
Hashtag viral.
Hashtag what's wrong with these people? All right, very good, guys. See you next time.
Next week.
The weekly show with Jon Stewart is a Comedy Central podcast. It's produced by Paramount Audio and Bus Boy Productions.
Jon Stewart is back in the host chair at the Daily show, which means he's also back in our ears on the Daily Show Show. Ears Edition Podcast the Daily show podcast has everything you need to stay on top of today's news and pop culture. You get hilarious satirical takes on entertainment, politics, sports, and more from John and the team of correspondents and contributors. The podcast also has content you can't get anywhere else, like extended interviews and a roundup of the weekly headlines. Listen to the Daily show, ears edition wherever you get your podcasts.
Paramount podcasts.