The Civil War False Flag
Weird Little Guys
- 6 months ago
- 01:05:31
When someone left a bomb at a Civil War reenactment event in 2017, it looked like antifascist activists were out for revenge after the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. A mysterious letter writer claiming to be an antifascist collective took credit for the bomb and threatened even more violence to come if Civil War reenactments weren't called off. But the bomber wasn't antifa - it was a spurned Confederate re-enactor.See for privacy information.
A Brief Reflection on 'Charlottesville'
Weird Little Guys
- 6 months ago
- 13:54
This week marks seven years since the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. This is a brief minisode to mark the anniversary and remind myself why I can't stop looking for these weird little guys.See for privacy information.
Do We Really Need to Talk About Kevin?
Weird Little Guys
- 6 months ago
- 01:02:15
Why do people keep posting that fake Voltaire quote and who is the pedophile who actually said it? Molly takes you back to the 90s, inside the Nazi compound where Kevin Strom started broadcasting a weekly antisemitic radio show. See for privacy information.
The Weird Little Guys Trying to Ruin Our Lives
Weird Little Guys
- 6 months ago
- 17:12
Join host Molly Conger each week for a story about one of the aspiring little Führers of the suburbs, men whose actions altered the course of the lives of their victims, their families, and their communities… but whose stories are ultimately lost in the shuffle of too many middle American Hitlers.See for privacy information.