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I can't even see I can't see my mike. All right, we're back in nineteen ninety nine thirty. Boy, it's going to be OK.


Boy, when was it was a brain, a Franklin eight, along with.


Oh, my God, I'm all right.


Lincoln, Lincoln, Abe Franklin.


When was when was Abe Lincoln, like, alive? He was he was killed in 1865.


Oh my God. No, I think nineteen thirty. I'm saying honey, you are confusing holes where I bet you wouldn't even know that you're mine.


I was eighteen hundreds. Yeah but I want to know, do you know it's Abraham Lincoln. Because I would at least give the century right and you have the same fucking brain you would have.


I would have said I know you would have said 1912. I would have guessed eighteen hundreds. OK, yeah. I don't know the exact. I would not know if it's eighteen one or eighteen ninety nine. Give me a fucking break and none of you.


You want to see me go back in time real quick and go check it out.


Oh ok. Yeah. The listeners know that if he does this city is like flash. He's like, he's not even shit. It's like, it's like twenty percent flat in the rest.


The regular gas mask, it was the only thing that was like open for the face to be not easily covered, keep it in cash.


You know, he has a hat on top of his mouth, some flash in high school before he like came out was like a big deal.


You know, I'm saying you're still insecure about your head with a mask on. You know what I look like bald. For real. Oh, my God, no.


Why is your forehead so big? I know you're transitioning Flash.


You're getting there. I'm doing my thing right thing. They chose a trick before the episode starts. I'm not a magician. Abe Franklin. I mean, Abe Lincoln. Give me a fucking break. What do you what what are you guys. What do you guys suppose myself? Obviously. What do you what is that? What is even what you're wearing on your face when I down.


That's a clown. What do you think it is? If you saw me, what would you think I am? You look like five different like costumes morphed into one.


It's kind of like joker suicide.


Like a harlequin. A little harlequin. Thank you. Yeah. Texas Chainsaw Massacre Bumblebee. Because the yellow the strawberry shortcake. You oh my God.


She look he looks like the girl from the big comfy couch.


Oh. Oh yeah. Oh little bad little boy. Oh my God. Why does she look like her.


Just a nose guy. I just want to on the record that this happened in like twenty minutes.


I didn't know it was a dress up Halloween episode. Yeah. So so this is all improvised. It's all improvised comedy. I just probably improvised.


I just grabbed my piece necklace and my suede vest and my little sunglasses and I threw them over my regular glasses and now I'm a hippie.


Why don't you just wear the heavy glasses? I thought it would be lazy and I wanted to see.


Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. We have to we have to tell that story about your glasses. Oh, let's let's do the intro real quick. Oh, OK. We'll jump in with that. Ready. You know, I'm stiff as a board. I can't move.


But you can't. Nobody can move. She can't smile. I can't breathe and I can't communicate with my eyes. Glasses a happy.


All right. You ready? Yeah, it's coffee. I try to do both versions.


I left you hanging. Which version. Which version do you want to do.


Which one's about a spooky one. Use Crawfordsville.




Oh yeah. All right, that's enough.


All right, listen to what our podcast should be called, apologies in advance. That's good enough, is it?


That's a good name. Apologies in advance, Chris. Oh, that is great.


That's what done everything. Like he thought that was an original thought on it. So he'll take somebody's idea or something that just got sappy, like, let's do this.


Obviously, it's the fact that his brain just soaks up everything he's ever heard in his entire life and then it just comes out. Just do it on purpose.


That's what makes me beautiful. Mm hmm.


Because you take everything that's beautiful from other people, but that's what makes me me.


And they're want to be a you without you. Exactly. Who cares about you without you. I can't fucking breathe in this. And I want to take it all so I can't see in this light because I don't like to work and I don't even like to wear pants.


I like to wear shorts and a shirt and I'm wearing eight different like layers.


I mean, I've been Abraham Lincoln wore shorts at some point. You just wanted to show off. That's Jamus.


I actually I was I'm actually a Abraham Lincoln, but not yet.


I decided to be Abe Lincoln because people used to call me him when I was little because they thought I look like him.




Because you had no, I guess not little when I was in, like when I was like in freshman freshman year that I can't see that maybe you're reincarnated.


I was actually supposed to be Abe Lincoln Vampire Slayer, but then died, got shot in the head. And then I became a vampire because of vampire, found my dead body and then bit me and I was supposed to be a vampire because it might still be here of the blood.


But I didn't feel like doing it because the teeth that I had that had a glue on it said that you can't like you can't really drink or it's dangerous to drink with it.


And, you know, it's impossible for me not it's a choking hazard.


He's a yeah. And I won't 100 percent choke on it. Like, I could definitely see me dying because I choke on a vampire too. Yeah. I guess what a way to go. So I didn't. So I'm just a Abe Lincoln which is so lazy. He was a girl. He was a great guy.


I mean, you know, he was he got a lot of Wilkshire. He did a lot of Oakshott. Oh hold on. We got it. We got to jump into the story with Kenny. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.


Sorry, guys. We get we're so excited right now.


Welcome back to Zany Heath Unfilmed for we did the intro. I thought he was I thought you were going to be like, let's roll the intro again. We all cover the three of us because your mother did. Yeah. We thought you forgot. Yeah, you forgot. Sorry, I got to take this off. Oh, I feel like a sea monster. I don't know. His face is turning the same car as the monster.


He's getting so red. So OK.


How can you tell how his face is covered. I couldn't. I know he knows my lips. I'm going to be completely honest. I hate Halloween every year. I hate it because I.


I hate I don't like dressing up. I hate playing dress up for some reason. Oh my God. I didn't know. I don't know. He's his heart was the flash secret identity revealed live on the podcast.


OK, now that's this is not even fair. We're going to skip like halfway through this shit and see this.


And that was my plan, knowing I was going to pick an outfit that I would take off within five minutes. It looks more modern.


I think this is his podcast, Abe Lincoln. But this is what you guys you guys is like hilarious.


Will go back to even very good.


They I mean, Abe featuring Miranda and Gordo from Lizzie McGuire. My God, that was our original idea when we found out 30 minutes ago that we were going to dress up for this podcast, we were going to try to be Miranda and Gordo.


And we realized there was there just people there like costumes or anything?


I mean, you could you could like like the bangs and he could do like the like the like the T-shirt.


Yeah. You saw Mariah has bangs all the time. I look like he always wears T-shirts. Yeah. Yeah.


We have a very minimal effort. If we had to be that like you would have had some clippings and I would have just like had a maybe a specific T-shirt. I don't know.


Why did you do the balls on your head? No, no, because you're a clown, but what's the balls, the two balls? It's just the quirkiness is the same answer twice. I'm a clown. No, no. Oh, I guess clowns do like clowns.


They like poofy hair, I guess. Clown. She just wanted an artist. I'm a clown. Yeah, I guess clowns do clown shit. Oh, my. You know what? That made sense to me. I agree. She's a I mean, sorry, you know me.


I was born in 1832 so I wouldn't know a lot of things, a lot of the jokes these days.


I was an employee and I did receive a check.


I mean, and I was going to get them money. And that's on paper. You poop. Oh, my God, this is messy. This is messy already.


Are you so sad? I got bored stiff. Really? You told me I just want to go stiff. I've been dead for a hundred years. And how does that hurt?


Well, I think they pop the button to fire him.


The camera you would melting. Yes, I look like a clown. I just got out of the oven. Oh, it's okay. Take me out because I am the.


What are you. I'm a clown at 425. Believe it or not, this is not the high episode.


Yeah. Oh, not right. Right, right. Oh yeah. We're watching this like. Oh that's what we should have just left it.


So it was an. Oh yes. Messy. We didn't have to do it. Oh right. You fucking ruined it. I know. I know. I am.


I did on the blaze. I'm lit.


I mean I'm happy honestly that I got to wear this costume because I got an extra pair of glasses to cover my actual pair of glasses that were broken partially by Heath.


OK, you broke them first. How'd you break. I did break them for OK. I had a pretty good week last week.


You know, I booked my first voiceover gig and then, oh, that's fucking sick. So that was really cool. And I was like I was trying to be very proactive. I'm going to be like, I'm going to get a good night's sleep, go to bed before midnight. I ended up putting my glasses down on my bed. And then when I went to sit on my bed, I sat on them, which is very, very meeting.


That was God, kind of like like congrats. I really thought I don't get too excited. Yeah.


Like, hey, hey, come come down. Get off your high get off your high home state. I thought it was actually a bad omen. So I was like, maybe I should actually see that I can't do this gig. But I sat on my glasses, it broke the frame. I knew I needed super glue. So I went to Heath and I asked if you had super glue and and I had super glue.


And as I'm super gluing it back together, I'm holding the lens of his glasses into it.


And I dropped it in the the lens, hit the granite and just. Oh, black and a half.


Oh. Oh, there's a crack. There is a very visible crack, how high were you and not that it was like a couple of inches. Oh, no. How high? Like smoking? Oh, no, I was wasted. Not high. Oh, got it.


But I mean, I just it seemed like very something very me to happen. I just before my very first big break, I break that I that I definitely need it the next day.


But everything worked out fine. We had a great first voiceover gig. It was really cool. I want to see how much I can reveal about it before I talk about it. But it was really, really sick and a really cool experience.


And you were and you told me a couple of the people that you were so fucking crazy, really cool, really cool.


Like a lot of people like moving out here and getting all this shit like that or not working with people like it's a really sick project. I actually I feel like I can reveal that like it was as a result of somebody that I actually met through the creation of, like season two of this podcast that, yeah, it was just like kind of a networking thing that they found out I was in voiceover and that I was pursuing that. So they they I say they threw me a bone, but in reality, I got to you know, I got to say that they gave me a well deserved part.


And I talked to my mom about this for like five hours on the phone. I genuinely told her that I was the closest I've ever been to a mental break. Like, actually, I actually like having this happen.


You probably didn't know Heath probably got a little taste of that because he was freaking out in the morning.


He's like he walked in and I was just like then especially like the night that I broke my glasses, I was like, this is something that would happen to me like this. This is just not for me. Like, I'm just I'm a hack. Like, this isn't supposed to be. Yeah, exactly. Total imposter syndrome.


I'm like, he he just trying to make everything better. He's like trial my contacts. I'm so sorry I broke your glasses but maybe my contacts work. I go.


I cannot try on anything right now. I need to go to bed.


We're like I saw each other all the time. We all have the same problems and we try to help each other. It's like, go fuck you. You know, this is a mess.


He and I, we're even talking about it.


Before you moved out here, we're like, Kenny is going to Kenny.


He's going to kill it and take over our careers and be way bigger than I. And because you are really good, you're so good at what you do and the fact that you're even coming out here and like doing this with us, like we knew that it's going to happen quick. Well, that means a lot coming from Honest Abe.


So thank you. Thank you very much. I really appreciate you.


Oh, was that is that's when you recorded your lines with her. We need to change our cast up a little bit.


Let's just replace replacing and I so, so many do better than other those. OK, so this week the weather.


Oh yes. So the weather guy this week.


But it's actually going to be pretty, pretty chilly this week.


Pretty spooky, pretty chilly, pretty dense, you know, pretty nippy. Oh, this is the first episode ever that you're going not handheld, but he's holding up a whole lot.


His thing is that is a ground breaking, ground breaking.


I know you are so brave and held. Oh, my goodness.


It's because I felt so heavy and I didn't want to have something else on my body, so I put it on a stick.


And now I don't know what's happening. I don't on I keep looking.


You guys you guys just look like you're. Yeah.


Like it's like I don't know what we were setting out to do with the station. Nobody is really talking to anybody. Can you just saying, well, can you please imagine the thumbnail right now?


Does he's looking regular and then looking right over? I just throw me in the corner. No, no. We're going to get so scared and that quick two minutes I was in it.


You know, I'm going to shut your eyes to sabotage.


Oh, my God. I think I think I'm losing breath. Take your jacket off a bit like you. No, because if I take it off, then I'm going to look like a magician. I don't want to ruin my costume on this on this episode.


OK, Abe Lincoln striptease.


What do you put up with the sexy music on your royalty free baby go.


Oh, no, no. It's sexy music. That's that's, you know, too sexy. No, no. Like oh oh I in. I guess you got it. Got it. All right. Thank you. Jesus guys.


Choo choo choo choo choo.


Sounds like you're sure sounds like you're sharpening knives on his way to free the slaves. Oh, you're taking more of. No, no, no, no. Sam, are you feeling solid? Would you say are you feeling so? Me and Zain like Battle of who's the worst at knowing lyrics.


I know, I know. And you don't know anything. I know you don't know shit about Sheryl Lee. Oh, thank God.


We're going to talk about a road trip today. Oh, we can talk about that, too, right? Oh, yeah. We got to talk about you. We're still we're still in the section when we talk about our week's my. Yes. My brother doesn't see me and my brother had the same problem. Like, he'll be like he'll put on a song and he'll he puts it on of he's singing and he's getting all the fucking words wrong or he's just like my dad now and he does it so clearly.


And I'm just like Jesus Christ. Like it annoys me so much and but I do it all the time.


Well, it's crazy. Like a lot of people like here like vocals and like lyrics as just an instrument. They don't know what's being said, but they know like the cadence in their rhythm.


Oh yeah. I was going to say that. Yeah, yeah. Like I can sing along to five hundred different Rammstein songs. I have no idea what I'm saying, but I'm speaking German.


But ba you're really, really good at lyrics.


Like what do you what do you mean. Oh just like I listen to a song once or twice and just know all the words like hell over, hear a song on tech talk, it'll play on the radio and he'll know it.


I'm like, hey you know, do you like you do surprise. Like surprisingly no. Like to me surprisingly no. All the worst song songs when I and I feel like you don't watch a lot of talk, you don't write.


I think it's like I've always been this way with music though. Like I always had such a broad sense of like what I like. Yeah.


In, in music. But for some reason when I listen you hear words.


I do not you both you and our friend Matt King, you both really listen to lyrics to songs every time like Matt will play a song, you just listen to the song.


And I can't even really understand the song when I'm paying attention to the words.


Yeah, I'm always getting the third line. I've already forgot the fucking first line that I was listening to and I'm just like, hold on, wait, what are they talking about? He's like, well it's talking about like, you know, your acts and blah like just like in the song.


And I'm just like, yeah but like about what he's like, oh well like I don't like it just I don't know. Is that like is that bad. I just can't understand. I only listen for the music for the whole just like the role of everything.




I just like, I like to dance and I almost feel like it's like, I mean artists talk about that a lot though too and they're like talking about making songs sometimes for artists. The lyrics come first and then sometimes the melody comes first. So it's just kind of like what you're concerned with. You feel like like for some people it varies between songs. But I definitely think if I had to choose, I'm probably somebody that's more in tune with lyrics like you hear.


Yeah. And then maybe Mariah and Zane, you're like just more melody.


People design more melody when it comes to singing songs.


But if I'm dancing, I'm all lyrics, which really I feel like melody would be more important as a dancer.


I know because you're doing the motion of what the. Oh, what's your song you're saying? Yeah, I definitely do both. Like I dance to the rhythm, but I most like all the movement goes with the lyrics.


That's true. On the on the ocean. Right. Yeah. Like a little bit of move right to the rhythm too.


Yes. Right. But thank you. So the only lyrics that I do know is if it's like a love song or like a slow pace song.


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Hello for us for sponsoring today's episode. We love you so much and let's get right back to it.


Oh so by the way guys, this isn't actually Halloween day we're recording right now. This is the day before. This is what is it.


What? Mischief Day. Mischief night. Yeah.


Mischief or the Devil's. Any October day that has a three. And it is Halloween to me.


It just looks like a fun Halloween. The right.


Yeah. Halloween the first both. I just want to do bad shit. Exactly. So it's Mischief Day. What does that mean. You like you throw toilet paper on. I mean this is the one that kind of brought it up.


It's like when you kind of do when you do all the panty raid, there's another scene, another SpongeBob reference.


Oh, that's fucking nuts. By the way, can we can we talk about the fucking crazy stuff? So, yeah, I actually I actually said the pants you read the other day.


Real quick, we're going to do this. We're going to circle back. We go. We go, we go. We got to get back on track. I mean. Oh, panties. Right. A little SpongeBob. Because I really I really want to talk about this. This is fucking.


Yeah, no, I thought I thought it was pretty nuts. We we were like doing SpongeBob quotes the other day and I was like, I guess you're not done for the panty raid.


And it was like, what is that? And I was like, oh, it's a SpongeBob quote. And he's like, that's a SpongeBob quote. And I was like. Oh, my God, that's a SpongeBob Kwoh. And then I realized the context, it was SpongeBob and Patrick trying to get Mr. Crabs, the old rich dude.




To go raid women's panty drawers and steal their panties.


This is an actual episode, guys. So they ended up breaking in this house or stealing the underwear and they're like, jackpot baby as they're opening drawers. And it's just like, yeah, like it shows the act and everything.


They're literally breaking into somebody's house and raiding their dressers for their you're talking about and raiding their dressers where they're under things.


Yeah. Like they're literally like I know it sounds really bad, but I do remember that episode.


I'm not saying they did it tastefully, but.


But didn't they do in a way where was a very childish I don't know for Kenoi like very immature, like stealing people's underwear. But as I'm older now, looking back, I was like, that's pretty fucking weird.


Even the way it's worded. Like they would say stealing their underwear is more kiddish, but rating pants rating the like Patric's line is literally and I can play it.


Yeah. I guess you're going to miss the panty read.


I guess you're going to miss the panty raid.


Panty raid. You're talking about girls, right. Girl girls, yeah, and you're talking about raiding their dressers for their underpants, right? Oh, yeah.


So Patrick was the pervert. That's pretty that's pretty bizarre. I will say that he knew of a trick of Starcraft. SpongeBob is my favorite show. And that's the one thing I've ever seen that I've been like, that's. That's weird, how is it what what are the risks for this video?


Or should I feel like not only does there's been other stuff where people have is just like, oh, shit, they definitely have like obviously like adult humor, like spread out throughout it.


Yeah, but that's the like pervious most bizarre shit that I've seen.


But the thing is that I think back then a lot of different shows in TV and movies, they had kids saying, oh, let's go, let's go to her room and look through her underwear drawer.


I think that was like always a kid thing to do. And I don't think it came from the show. The show, I think, took it from like actual events and movies and shows that did this well. I think it was the thing that like as kids, you don't your mind hasn't developed enough to look at something in a sexual way. Yeah. So they kind of were like, oh, this is free rein. They're just going to think it's like something like even us kids like like underwear is funny right under it is.


Yeah. I think when I was younger when I saw it.


Right. But I mean there like, like I'm looking at the comments now, someone says, how did the writers get away with this? Was this really acceptable even by 2003 standards? I can safely say this would get Nickelodeon cancelled if this aired on 20/20, which you probably would.


I don't think canceled underwear is just underwear and it's not like anything crazy is just a part of no right body.


If they didn't say girls like it would be different. They'd be like everybody's underwear, boys and girls.


But the fact that they were like girls, like girls panties, did they say, oh, did they say girls, girls, girls.


Oh, girls, girls. I thought you said girls on girls, girls, girls.


I told you I like girls on girls. I thought I heard that but I thought was like two different things. I was on that.


Please don't kill me guys. Oh, you got a better idea. I know. I know I did.


You're going to think I'm crazy right now. Five seconds. Five seconds ago I was sitting.


I was like, it's about to piss right now.


You can feel it. I felt it. I felt I know I do, like, even move a muscle, but I knew it.


I'm, like, actually starting to get worried. It's becoming a problem. Yeah. It has been like pissing on like every ten, fifteen minutes.


Well, the thing is, like what's weird is it's not just like the urge to pee. I don't have the sensation and then I get there and I don't perform.


I like it.


So I just I put my heart and, you know, I actually just genuinely have to pee and like, I will pee for, like, a minute straight.


I really caught how bad it was last night.


Oh, yeah. We went down to San Diego last night and stayed in the hotel. We shared a room.


And he was he was. I see. I didn't notice it, but I notice the last time I peed twice before we hit the road, I was like, I got to make sure I'm good. Got into the car probably 45 minutes into the drive. I'm like, Zane, I'm so sorry. I thought it was like thirty, twenty five and it was really quick.


Hold it. Like, that's the thing. Yeah. I get really quick like us continuing this guy.


You're going to have to wear diapers when you're old. Give me some of that.


If I had dependents I'd be like baby, we're recorded podcasts. I was going to go through all the no I had read is Depen and he's in the middle of the story.


So yeah, then we were going to this club and then we walked in here.


What's your costume?


I'm a baby acting right there. All you see, you've got to really perform. All right. Sorry, I'm just trying to go take it. Taxi. I'm going to go. I'm going. I'm going to go.


Mireia ordering depends for no man.


But I want to hear about your guys. This past Halloween costumes are experiences, but I had one where a friend of mine and I were we were going to go as Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus, OK, so we were going to be like, you know, two sides of the same coin, pretty much the same exact version.


Well, yeah, but like but, you know, there, you know, best of both worlds. But it was around the time that, like she was Miley was going through her like rebellious phase where she was doing like the I can be today. Yeah.


I mean, I was thinking Jase on my feet. Well, I never got the seven things I hate about, you know, it was after that with the whole, like, Mickey Mouse hand.


And she was sticking her tongue out and she was like twerking. It was that. Yeah.


So the nude outfit where it was like that nude colored like type thing.


Oh, that she looked like she looked like chicken cutlets or whatever.


Yeah. Yeah. I'm pretty sure I posted that on Instagram.


I think you did. You did. Because I remember seeing it.


I thought I was trying to be Maemi, I was just trying to get in on. We all try to be Maemi especially.


I remember when I put her thing on Vine like her you said the wrecking ball vine and I didn't even ask you if I'd even approve it.


I just posted it. It was this one. It was the one where she was messing with. Yeah.


Oh, dude, that's crazy. What year was that?


I was like, oh well it was a while ago. I was like the peak of award shows though. 2013 award shows like at this point, everybody, Tuesday really. So this was the twenty thirteen VMAs that Miley was performing out. She had her hair and these little knobby things and she was in this cute little. But she but this is when she was rarely being known as like a wild child, like she was totally like denouncing her whole Hannah Montana phase, whatever.


So my friend and I just thought it was funny, like I'll go as Miley Cyrus at the VMAs. And then she was going to go as Hannah Montana. So she ordered like a Hannah Montana.


She ordered a Hannah Montana wig online. Guys, don't do it.


It turned out to be like the most ratty, like gross rat's nest of a wig, like, you know, Hannah Montana, like her hair is always like perfect, perfect and straight, like not a hair out of place. This wig came and it was like a tumbleweed of hair. There was no way to even comb it out or I didn't know if it was a girl. Girl, baby, totally.


I know the way we know the wig world. We had one and every other vine.


We were panicking because we just didn't know how to make any sort of good come out of that wig. So we were like, what do we do? Like, our whole concept is shit.


So we were thinking about it and we were like, hmm, no, we we tried, honey. We tried. Yeah, it was like plastic hair. It was bad and it was all knotted up and ratty.


So we were just like, what do we do? And we were brainstorming for a night thinking about this wig. And we just figured we could go as failed child stars if instead of going as Hannah Montana, my friend went as Amanda Bynes.


But like present day, Amanda Bynes may well present day back then, which is when she was wearing like the shoe she had like the blond hair.


She was very like, you know, very messy and whatever. So we ended up going as failed child stars because Miley Cyrus was pulling away from her whole life.


You have a picture of it? I do. Can I see it? Yeah, we want to see the kid.


By the way, this was great for her career. This whole thing was she's killing it right now. She knows this.


No, this was this was a complete turn point. Like, I feel like she's so successful now because of this moment.


She had the she really tried to denounce that whole Disney Channel look and and it ended up working for her. That's the thing I feel like so many people after try to like try to do the whole like I'm crazy now after Disney Channel, after Miley because it worked for her.


Yeah. I literally can't remember any Halloween stories that I've ever had. I just know that, like, every Halloween I wear like a really shitty costume and like, people just make fun of me for it because I feel like Halloween is for good looking people.


Now, people with money because they can splurge.


I can hire people that can make fucking.


Yeah, costumes suck. No costumes that you buy at the store are going to look good. Not at all. City and buy this fucking hippie out.


Devon. Devon just did. Devon just did know but like it looks like it was like it was a costume.


Yeah. They look like the ones are homemade where you like go above and beyond like my I think my favorite outfit we ever did was the Mattilda and I was good like that was first one we did together last year.


Right. And it was like custom homemade. It just like looked good.


And I like really proud of costume. Yeah. Oh shit. She wasn't Miss Trunchbull. You are mistaken.


I was so good. So good. I remember that that was the talk of the night. Was you guys in costume. Yeah. Good.


Looks good because you were like at that time you're were like a little chubby so like it really was, it really was funny.


You were, you were missing chunks full of.


My favorite was when you guys had a staircase I and you hopped off the staircase with loud boos in my house. I'm surprised that you didn't make one of your calls as a chokey.


Like you didn't like chokey, like a bunch of paper spikes. And my brother do them do the same.


Some rats are going to die. Sorry. So I wait.


I put the mask on and say, that is the flash. Oh oh that poor man's. Oh it's like my first real mask.


I everybody I was so excited about it. You bought it.


He wasn't allowed to have. Well that's not, that's not a good example. You say he wasn't allowed to wear scary mask for Halloween growing up. So he finally was like this morning, I just want to go buy a mask. And I was like, let's go get you a mask for the first time. Oh.


And he walks out with the flag. I was in and out. So he comes back with, like, a mask.


Yeah, no, I wanted to buy something like cool. But then I was like, oh, shit, we're gonna be on the podcast with it. I was like, I'm going to show most of my face. And this was the only one that had the bottom cut out.


Oh, by the way, he started the whole I'm going to wear a costume for the episode. No, I don't want to go. No, I did not go. Zane, don't fucking put that cause you called me and you had the fucking flash. You're going to piss me off right now. You had the flop.


You had the mask ready before the episode going to San Diego. You go, I'm going to do a costume video with David and Natalie that I'm going to wear on the podcast.


So I go, oh, well, there it is. I wanna save everybody. I say, forget it. Forget boy. Oh, my God. I didn't end up doing I never we never did it, so, oh, my God. And honestly, he probably wouldn't have worn this over here if I didn't go buy a fucking costume.


Oh, no, I wouldn't have worn I was totally.


And Mariah, she was already halfway done with her makeup when I when I was nervous. Wait, why do you get so much of ten minutes before we started recording? We're all sitting like checking the camera angles. I'm looking around. I'm the only one in my makeup. I'm like, we we're we are dressing up. Right? I was at a regular club. Oh, I know.


We're talking about Halloween stories, but there's one Halloween story that I have. But it has nothing to do Halloween. I just I just know what happened. It happened a couple of days before. Halloween has nothing to do with costumes. Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, no. This is so good. I know what happened around Halloween. So my my mom and my dad used to have a nanny.


And it was a very short short period, it was like maybe five, four months that they had a nanny and then I think they just ended up not having fun anymore after this.


But they were working a lot and they really needed someone to watch the kids because, you know, he was he was an FBI agent at this time. My mom was a she worked as a paramedic.


So they both had, like, crazy hours and they really need help. So they hired this lady and she was really sweet. And, you know, she was good.


It's good, good, good. There's always there is always things off about her. But, you know, I never brought it to my parents because I just don't want to cause any problems or anything.


But so far, this reminds me of that's so Raven episode with The Scary Nanny, the spooky episode. Do you remember that? Oh, wait.


Oh, my God. Wait. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.


She was just off in the beginning. Yeah. And then the parents didn't believe them when they said, OK, so you guys going to die so some rats are going to die.


So one day we were all just gone from the house and it was the two kids, the two kids.


And then my mom got back home early this day. Obviously, you know, no parent ever tells a nanny that they're coming home earlier. They just.


Oh, she's trying to. No, no, no, no. My mom actually got off early. It was just like she her work on her work was done. She got off early. But like as a parent and as like someone that you hired, you're not going to let your nanny know you're coming home early. Sometimes you want to come home early because you just want to make sure that shit is.


Being tall, you know, like nothing weird is happening or whatever, my mom comes back home, this is what is. You know what, my mom comes home and, oh, come on. She was completely lost out with both the babies running around crying with like a diaper full.


It was like my mom said, it was on by God. There were anyone crying with the devil. And she was completely like out on the couch. And she comes as she goes up to me and she's like, like I said, her name. Susie, what do you do, Susie? Wake up and she wakes up. It's like, oh, my God, you're sleeping. The kids the kids are crying.


They're so I'm sorry, I, I, I had to add bills and bills to add my ass. So this was this was the first time my mom caught this and was just I think she like let it go.


She just let it go. Absolutely not. She goes I'm a firm believer in second chances.


Well you know what? Here we go.


But no, this was this is this is the time my mom car and I think they let her go that. But it was before that I was home and she I came home from school early. It was like an early release day.


And I came home and she invited like three other nannies with her kids to come to our house.


And they had all my I on or stuff. Well, you know what is start out. So you walked into that? I walked into that. And obviously she was startled like, hi, Susie. I was like, oh. And, you know, obviously I was going to do anything else. I was super nice. No confrontation. I was just like, yeah, no, no worries. And I walk in and I didn't I never said anything to my parents.


I told them this after they they let her go. But she had a full on party with other nannies, with their kids and they came over to. So it was crazy.


I never seen all the nannies brought their individual kids that they were looking at. Yeah, right. Yeah. It was like two or three other nannies that brought their own lot. Yeah.


That were much it was easy for Wall Street when like they go in and the guys are just all like hanging out like all the dudes and they're just like having like, you know what I'm talking about.


I've got to give me a little more detail, which was supposed to be like the housekeepers all over the gay orgy that was out there, like walk in and say, oh, what the fuck?


You know what I was thinking of the cat in the hat. Oh, when the nanny passes out and then the thing one and thing to come and party and they're having an actual fiesta that you like.


So you were all over the gay orgy, right? Oh, I was thinking more.


Can I. But that's funny because Cat in the Hat, when the nanny was passed out, he just shoved her in the closet and they had a fiesta.


There was a whole like like maracas and everything.


You guys are talking about gay orgies and being in the closet. I'm triggered, but I'm going to lie.


It was the saddest day when it happened. Like the day like they look like there because we all did. And I just I just remember that day. It was really sad.


That's. Oh, I want to ask you. You should reach out. She's listening. There's no way to find her. Oh, really? Yeah. Are you sure. Yeah. That was years ago. Oh that's probably like fifteen years ago.


Yeah. She, she has, she has kids of her own two fifteen years ago.


Yeah. It was fifteen years ago. Right. To him. That's a long ass time. It's ten, fifteen years ago since twenty seven. You'll be twenty eight right. Yeah.


Zanier me twenty eight. I know it's fucking all discussing in less than a month. Yeah that's weird. And I'm thirty and then my life is over and that's it.


And that's a wrap. I myself I feel bad for my brother. He's thirty four. Like that's weird. It's fucking nuts. How old are you.


Twenty six. Twenty six. I remember when I was 20, this year was 18 something.


Oh, my God. Well, if you think about it, though, your brother, he yes, he's getting older, but he's actually on the right track because he's about to get married. He'll be married next month, 34, like a lot of men get married in their 30s. He's like it's like normal. Like, I think my dad. Yeah. I feel like ages are getting pushed back more and more.


The thing is, all of our parents got married in their 20s. Well, my mom was 20, but my dad was like thirty five thousand five when he married.


My parents are thirteen years apart.


Oh, and that's only catching the case because, like, crazy, you know.


Oh, he came up with the song and was talking about catching a case. Oh really? It was. Yeah. I've never heard that term until I heard that song catch a case I've never heard.


Oh really. Yeah.


Until I heard his song trying to catch a case on a catch a case that's been dude life is scary man. You want to talk about spooky Halloween shit life life.


But y'all, y'all want to play a spooky Halloween game. Yes, I do. All right. So we're going to do a spooky version of kind of a classic game. It's kind of an old school game show type game called Pyramid.


So, you know of Egyptian games. I love that. So basically, there's going to be two teams playing.


I call Mariah quick call, I call call Heath, I didn't get a chance to close close, maybe I wanted to pick Mariah, maybe I want to pick you. Well, it's too late. I want to pick me up because that's like two negatives and that's her.


No, do it. OK. No, no, no, no.


Well, he wants to he wants to embarrass us. I mean, I know I'm already. Kenny, let's go.


Let's just switch it up. OK, just so with pyramid scheme Bubba, there's going to be still won't know.


I could look at the answers and not.


It's pretty fucked. You're sleeping on the couch tonight. It's pretty fucked up. But anyway, this game you guys can choose who is the giver and the receiver. OK, there's going to be multiple categories and the giver is going to have to give clues based on the things that are written on the card we're going to write.


Yeah, very similar. So we're going to go down the list. You have to go in order one through ten, OK, trying to get your partner to guess as many things without using any word that's in the word that we're trying to get them together.


Yes, that sounds easier. Yeah. So everybody listening and watching, please feel free to play along. You'll probably get it way before us. Yeah.


So sorry if you need us to catch up. I was going to say so comment down below if you guys got it before us. But I think just because I wrote this, I think whoever the receiver is from Zane and Mariah's team should choose the category or teammates.


OK, you guys are apparently so I'll guess the words you you describe, you explain shit. OK, ok.


Yeah, we're OK. So Mariah, you're going to receive the clues. Right. OK, and he's going to be a top today. Oh just today.


Please, please don't don't overpromise. Don't overpromise and under deliver. So Mariah, you have six categories to choose from. You have me castle as Sue Castle Monster mash unlucky charms.


I'm not one. That one's good. OK, well hold out one of the side oldies but goodies. Give it a rest.


I love it when I said these are and which please.


Unlucky charms for six unlucky charm. Hey we got them all right.


Zain is going to read what the actual category means and then I'm going to put what do we say. Forty five seconds on the clock. Give us forty five minutes before you.


So long as it was forty five minutes.


Kenny So Zane, while I set the timer, do you want to read what the topic is?


These are things associated with superstitions. Got it. Got it. Got it. Got it. I'm going to, I think I'm going to put it.


I'm going to give up. I'm going to give a minute. I'm going to give a minute on the clock at least for, you know, the first round we're going to say, you know, once I'm ready.


OK, so your minute starts now, OK?


Not white, but black. Not a dog, but black cat. Perfect. Not pepper salt. Not a nickel or dime, but quarter salt quarter ever.


So many. Oh so it's. No, it's OK. It's got my blood. Wait, wait.


It's like St. Patrick's Day. It's a it's a four leaf clover. Perfect. All right. It's blocks the rain blocks that blocks the rain. It's a stick that umbrella. Perfect ladder. It's Easter. It's the it's the it's the animal of Easter Bunny Rabbit.


Not a hand but a foot. All right. Put it together. Foot, foot, rabbit foot. Perfect. All right. It's a thing you go up to the roof ladder. It's it's you look yourself into it. Mirror perfect.


It's not twelve o'clock at times. I thought, what was it? I love it. I love it. Oh yeah. Well I love it. Although I am a citizen all of sort of thirty one.


Thirty one.


I would have got that. That's just. I know. Yeah. You know we, we have you guys.


All right, let's see what they got. They got all of them or you didn't. All eleven. Not ten, eleven.


Twelve 14.


But they got, they got.


Did you guys get thirteen. You didn't get thirteen. No, no, no, no. OK, see you guys got eight. You guys got eight out of ten. That was really good.


The thing is what was it say he didn't get brain like you guys are on the same wavelength. You got, you got seven out of ten for that one.


Very good. We got rabbit's foot. You didn't get eye though. Oh, you didn't count that, did you. Get what it.


I know I but I thought it though so if you want to choose a category you have me Castle Asou Castle.


We have monster mash oldies but goodies and which please give it a rest.


All these books. I know and isn't it all but Goldie's no oldies but goodies. Wait, wait.


What was the last couple. McCastle OSU Castle Monster MASH. Give it a rest. Which. Please, we're doing oldies but goodies, though, because you chose it, and I don't know if I feel confident about this one. That's right. It's OK. I feel confident. Mariah, can you put a time in front of someone? Put a timer on my second, Zain. All right.


I top the timer. OK, so let me set the timer.


Let me say the topic so everyone knows before we start the topic is classic movie monsters fucking good one.


That is a good one. That is. I don't know all them. All right. You ready? We got to. We got. I remember.


So you can. So maybe I didn't specify this. So the receiver is the one that can say pass. If I'm not giving good enough clues, they just say pass.


OK, got it. OK, ready to go. Three, two, one, go. OK, it's a gelatinous form. Gelo Big.


No, think of the classic movie monsters. It's all lover.


Oh good. No fun.


OK, so it's he's got nails in his neck then. Yes we he's wrapped in toilet paper. A mummy. Right.


He's a he's a big ape Sasquatch big ape. Bigfoot steals the woman on top of the on top of the building. Yes. So it's. Oh God it's it's not. It's a dog. It's a more werewolf. Close. OK, so it's it's not ok. It's. Oh no it's so he comes from some sort of lake.


It's a it's like the Loch Ness monster. It's a it's a color of a lake but it's a blue lagoon. It's a it's a it's the. But you know a lot of know it's oh God.


It's like a vampire type guy. It's in a SpongeBob character.


Yes. Yes. OK, so. Oh my God. Oh Mariah.


They don't get kids like we give him. So we were chilling. This is a show of I cried. I was praying that we did not get this. I wrote this and I was like, no, whoever gets this category, all I hear is excuses.


That's right.


That's right. Because what did we get? We got four. Yeah. OK, so it was Blue Lagoon, the creature from the Black Lagoon. It's a color of a lake black lagoon.


You got lagoon but you know and I fucking instead of the blob. Come on the blob.


Anyway, the it's four to four to seven. All right. Around one more. All right, Maria, give it a rest.


Which please. Monster MASH and me. Castle Asou Castle. I'll do witch please.


Witch, please. Yeah I like that. I was hoping for that one. Yeah I did that for you so I feel like you. It was an easy one.


I don't, I generally don't know what two of these words mean. That's all right. That's good because that'll put us out of things associated with witches. All right. So you don't say okay. All right, ready.


Three, two, one and go the witch rides on a broom. Good. You are not a magician, but if you were, you would say alakazam.


Oh, oh, oh. That's all I got. You are what you would say.


You know, don't mal that.


I didn't say she didn't. I said you OK?


You go into battle. You're fighting in a war. Good. And no one goes into a war. Don't a war. You open a war door, you open, you open up.


I had oh my God. A war warlock.


Jesus. I said, Paul Walker in Massachusetts, they had a lot of sciences and they were witches.


Oh, it's a it's a oh my God.


It's a place. Oh, Salem witch trials. Good job. You mix this in a bit quadron you make you make Boldrin No, you make this oh I'm making bacon so I'm making America. You're making a big part of my. Poaching person bids, come on, oh, person, oh, you should have done like a little I mean, to me, poaching is not a big coldren. Poachers like a little potion anyway. How many did they go with?


The one, Zain. The one the magician one was abracadabra. Come on now.


You got alakazam. Yeah, you're close. One of the two.


So you guys got three. You guys got Broom Warlock in Salem.


So that's three plus I said warlock. I said, you got it right. That's one of you. That's a second word I said and nobody said anything.


So I kept you didn't you didn't say warlock. I didn't say you will play the three categories to choose from.


It's give it a rest monster mash or me castle Asou Castle please choose wisely for the love of God. We might be able to win this monster man. Don't give him any hands. That's not the right one to choose.


But OK, now what do you mean Castle. Castle, Spanish castles. I don't know what to do with that. Words associated with Spanish Castle.


OK, so this is a good one that this is so hard. It's no this one's good.


It's good. It's fun but it's ok. OK, so hold on.


So the topic is for Monster MASH songs you would hear at a Halloween party. No singing or humming. So I can't go. I can't sing or hum. OK, three to one go.


OK, so Michael Jackson, thriller good. Aaron Carter think trick or treating trick or treat. I want candy. Yes, good. Rihanna, Rihanna, the Rella, the the creepy video. The the darkness is the light. I'm friends with a monster. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no past. Yes.


From from Nightmare before Christmas The Elm, the song of the song in Nightmare Before Christmas, the song and Nightmare before Christmas. The one that. Oh my God. OK, who are you going to call. Ghostbusters.


The Cranberries. The Cranberries, the Miley Cyrus cover. Xabi, yes, good, the one from Hocus-Pocus, the one that Bette Midler sings, it's about witches and I put a spell on you.


Good bye. This is Writing's on the Wall. Very, very superstitious.


What's this? Superstitious, superstitious, singular. Just one. Just one of superstition. Yes.


OK, this is from Rocky Horror Picture Show. OK. OK, we we did pretty well for that, but it was pretty good. That was pretty good times. Thirty six shot. Yeah. You decide. OK, so we got Thriller.


I want candy. Did you get did you get the report. You didn't get the fucking Disturbia. You know, it's funny though. I play the monster one.


Sounds more like the weight we got. We got seven. You didn't not get seven Thriller. I want candy.


Oh, he didn't go to ghost. You got Ghostbusters Zombie. And I put a spell on you and you got superstitious.


I was the winner and superstition. So it's oh, who's the winner. We got this. We got so we got six. We got six. It's a tie literally a tie.


It's a tie and we have two more. We have we have one last round.


Should we go to the round. Let's leave them hanging a whole another round. I got to go.


We'll leave it as a tie. I don't want you all to feel like losers or nothing like that.


We're going to run through a couple of questions from the audience and our Zane and Heath hotline. Make sure to look in the description if you want to call in and ask us any questions. So we're going to run through a couple of those real quick before we sign off. Can we do one? All right.


So we got our first caller today. Let's play and see what he has to ask.


Hi, my name is Devin. I'm calling from California. And my question is for all of you guys. And I wanted to I wanted to know who your community inspiration, something I realized from listening to you I'm looking at, it's obvious have pretty different comedic viewpoints. I was wondering, who do I look up to right now and who who did you look up to growing up? Thank you, guys.


Thanks for calling in. Devin, I think my biggest comedian and inspiration or somebody that I'm really into right now is Theo Van. I absolutely love him. I think he's just so funny. He's so self-aware of who he is and the way he talks like.


Him talking or just saying anything is so fucking funny, he's just such a good storyteller also, and I really look up to him, I think he's incredible. He's one of those people that actually really good.


He's really funny. And he blurs the line, I feel like between like a real person and character. Very well.


You never know what he is. Yeah. Which one he is. So I do admire about somebody that can kind of commit to that.


He reminds me a lot of riff raff and I love Renfroe and I feel like I feel like he's just kind of get away with anything he says because you don't know if it's like him or his like any other person saying yes or just get away with it. And like, that's really enjoyable to watch.


Yes, I think I think he's great. What about you? I also. Maria, do you have a comedic inspiration? Um, myself, yeah, myself, I'm a guy and I don't know, I think people are she's a clown, but she only the one.


You know, I think Jennifer Lawrence is very admirable, admirable with her interviews. She's very quick. She's very funny. She's very natural.


Yeah, she's funny. Comedian wise. I love Sebastian Maniscalco and John Mulaney.


The way John Mulaney, like, tells his stories is so funny. Yeah. And I told Matt one time, I said, Matt, you remind me of John Mulaney, the things that he says. And he it was like the greatest compliment because he like watches him and studies him. And I'm like, that's so funny because it rubs off like you literally, John Mulaney.


And I think, too, like I mean, you know, I mean, I know we're trying to go to, like comedians, but I think, like, comedic inspiration can kind of come from anywhere.


I mean, I SpongeBob, I swear to you, like, that would be my answer is, like, I would I would probably take comedic inspiration from anywhere from like it's always sunny or SpongeBob. But if the girl actual funny people, I probably would say like Kristen Wiig is like my ultimate. She's just I think she's just she's the best.


She's very in the moment. Funny. Yeah. Just it's so hard. It's like she makes it so easy.


But yeah, she's doing her scenes are like you just acting. It just feels like it.


She's working out, just rolling out of bed and just doing it and it's like not even work for her and she just commits to anything even if it's like very shot out comedy. Like sometimes it hurts so left field. But she just commits fully to whatever she's doing because she thinks it's funny. And she's like, if I think it's funny, anyone's going to think it's funny because I'm going to be confident about you.


She's very confident about it. And that makes her like that much funnier. Yeah.


And also, we ought not to be cheesy, but as the friend group, we all inspire each other like our are like sense of humor comes from each other. Yeah.


It's all just like one giant type of people feed off of each other. It's funny.


All right, guys, with us all the time we have for today. Thank you guys so much for tuning in. We hope you guys have a beautiful Halloween or beautiful.


Oh, that was I don't plan on that. But it sounded like oh, I was so excited like this. We just didn't have our jokes written down before we, you know, give you a teleprompter to find. So did you have all of our judges are right now.


Somebody give me a writer. All right, guys, we love you so much. Thank you so much for tuning in. You can find the audio on Spotify and Apple, Zainy Heath unfiltered. Or you can watch the YouTube video version on YouTube. Dotcom slash Zanin.


He made sure to check out our merch on Slash Zane and Heath.


And we'll see you next week with a guest episode. My Honest Abe says by.