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Hello, fresh dotcom slash 10 unfiltered and use code ten unfiltered. You're going to get ten free meals plus free shipping. Thank you. Hello everybody. Welcome back to CNN News Unfiltered.


Before we start the episode, we we have big news, very, very big news.


After a month and a half since we thought we were unable to keep up with all that or a lot of freaking out and a lot of scrambling.


Yeah, we are finally back on stock, baby. You can get literally any flavor you want, including the bags fully stocked. No more preorders, no more sellouts, nothing. If you want it, you get it, baby. Exactly.


So guys, go to Cremata Dotcom if you want to buy yourself either one of these cake up flavors. We have the house plantation, vanilla and cinnamon French toast and we also have the bagged form of the houseplant.


Critics are raving and by critics we mean all of you guys. Everybody is loving their come coffee. And that means so much to Zane and I, something we've been working on for so long. And we're just really excited to see you guys drinking it with us.


And guys, we're also restocked on the mugs on the house and the merch because your body's. It's so. Yeah. Again, thank you so much. We fucking appreciate you guys so much for just supporting us. And literally, if you're in this more than anything, it would be this coffee. So that means the world. OK, OK, let's get back to the episode. Why would you be nervous?


You know, I didn't expect to ever get asked to do this. In fact, today when you were like asking other people, I was like, oh, God, God, don't ask me. You still said he was on the phone.


He was like, maybe a corrida maybe. And I was like, oh, good, good, good, good, good. And then you asked and I was like, OK, I'll do it.


Well, you're on here now. You won't be back on your for another maybe two weeks, so.


Yeah. OK, yeah. We might need you now. It's just a lot of pressure. Jason, you're good filler there. Long to their long podcast. It's like they're hard not used to this. Hard to be interesting. You're used to David filming one episode. Forty five minutes over the course of seven days. Yeah. Well they film, they film a lot.


He just sat down to write. You just kind of down you know, we'll get a we get a couple of shots at it which is nice.


We'll sit and do ten minutes on Thursday, another twenty minutes Saturday. Ten minutes would start starting a fucking right.


You couldn't do it because you got you have to wear the same clothes and shit.


But no, dude, I actually now I really watch out for what I wear because they made fun of me for a yellow shirt you saw all the time. So now I just overthink it.


But now he has the yellow shirt underneath. He just does a different hoodie. Yeah. Oh my God. We had we had somebody else that always meant like continuity.


I'll put him on like Jason's here. Oh. Intro with over on its record.


I thought we'd surprise everybody like a mystery guest. David's assistant.


Yes, you may notice. Yes. You guys know who he is.


I think we have to do a little intro before our ours. And he's like a David's vlog intro.


We're still figuring it out. Honestly, we're still just to be clear, no one said we're starting.


That's right. Yeah. We kind of just go. Go. Yeah, yeah. OK. We want it to be as natural as possible, you know, just be natural.


I don't fucking know how to sit here. Jason, calm down. Oh, God.


Cut all this out now then keep it and keep it in. Oh no. I will keep in it. I'm glad she cuts about things about this after the gas. She everything. She makes us look as good as possible. Yeah.


Well it's great to be here. Thank you guys. Let me first say thank you for having me and congratulations. This is a huge success. Thank you, Jason. And I was just watching Scotty's episode thinking these tend to I not want to be that guy.


I mean, I was thinking Zanin, he used to share a Vine channel and now they have this big podcast. Shared podcast. Yeah, no, it should be a shared podcast. But that's just it's great. I mean, like, it's crazy.


You guys just just whiners. And we went offline. We just won this shit. We like the fact that we even like put up lights and that we went too far when we started the podcast where like we should have just started with our phones and see where that went. But the set looks great.


It looks great on camera.


But now now being here, it feels like it's like a best western in Detroit, Detroit, Detroit. Oh, that's that's kind of what happens. We should've never said that.


And now we've got to take a two week break. No, it looks it's a lot of money on the set.


Everything looks I mean, when you're it's just when you see in person is great. I know it looks like a but he's like the plants are fake, really real. It's not real. It's the stand in Zane. Oh, wait, wait, wait. All right, let's roll.


May be the coffee cup. Sorry, sorry. I got excited. Right. It's coffee tar, baby boom.


Jason, you got ten minutes, OK? Yeah. Welcome back to Zanin Heath unfiltered. I'm Zain, and I'm Heath. And I'm Jason Nash. Hey, OK, what's up? I love your work has exceeded piece of shit. And what's your name? Ryan. What's your last name? I'm Mariah Marimo. I can't pronounce it. I had a feeling you didn't know her like she was Morimoto. Very good. Maria. Hello. It's almost like Japanese.


I was just about to say hello Jason. I got that all the time going your your Japanese. I was like what. And they were like a Motluk Amato. I was like, no, it's Italian. It's great when you come over here because you guys have Mariah has got all the like little Italian fixings that my grandmother has passed. Yeah. Really nice pasta custom made that you never cook. It just sits there. Jar of olives just sitting there like a decorative thing.


Yeah. I feel like I spent a lot of time making sure that these jars are like perfect before people come over to like she felt she refills like the passage of the baby but somehow doesn't use it. She's just like constantly filling it up. It's all for looks. Even when I was here that that cheese plate you had that night was like immaculate. Don't even get her started every time like a friend would come over. Now, you guys need to shakuri reward once Allami Chanty past.


Yeah, there's every time, every time I eat it. Charcuterie board. I do this. I don't like anything on it, I just like the olives that's like I need I need a cookie. Well, that's funny. Most people don't like that for your birthday.


I know. I love the medium charcuterie, warbirds, only desserts. And I never ask for it. So you just knew that's what I want. And maybe my plate back at your house.


Speaking of being Italian marriages, you know they're redoing The Sopranos. No, with Gandolfini. Gandolfini son was like, how old is he now? His son looks like he's like, you know, 25 or so.


Why is it like a complete remake or is it kind of like a new Tony Soprano as a kid? And it's like a prequel?


Oh, it's good. When they try to redo things and bring things back up, it doesn't go very well. Yeah. Yeah. So I think that's remade.


Oh, I hope it's they need to bring back like a mobster like muchachos mob energy shows again because I feel like they killed it back then.


The tough thing about the mobster stuff is the mob hasn't existed in a long time.


Oh it exists. Nothing like that in the way that Scorsese like portrays it and stuff.


Now, the social media mob. Yeah, they canceled. You ever have a gun pulled on, you know, but.


Yeah. Yeah. Whoa. Really. Yeah. My aunt has fucking scary. It's really scary. How old are you to know now.


Oh my gosh I don't know. I was like 25. We just got what we got. Yeah. Third story. What's the story. Yeah.


Well he's got mugged on Third Street out here does it. Yeah.


Yeah, yeah. Right in Indiana. Were you driving or walking.


We were going from like a comedy club to a bar and pulled out a gun and he took to us with two girls.


They both took their purses. And you with two chicks. Well, one was my ex-wife and her friend.


And the two girls were together like this. And then the guy was like, he pretended to be drunk, OK?


And and then he went in between the two girls, bumped them both and grabbed both purses. So like that. Yeah.


And he just like took off. And then so then we started to chase him and then he had another guy who was like, what happened? What happened?


And I was like, they he just told you. She's like, come on, let's get him, let's get him.


Oh shit. No. So you start running. Doctor came out of nowhere, but he was working with the other. Oh, like it's all ready.


Then we come around and we get to I go to the alley and another guy was helping us who was actually like a good guy.


They pulled a gun and I was just like, not today.


I would in that why I'd be so desperate. I would take off my like my clothes. I'd be like, here, look, I have nothing. You took everything from me.


Let me go. I just I just feel like in that moment there's a 99 percent.


I don't I don't think they want you to get naked or want your clothes. I think that once they got the person to walk out of here, even people, even people just don't just want to go watch your mouth.


So I know. But like, there's a sense of like I feel like like every every person, even if they're a gun owner, they still say they have a little bit of like a sense of horror.


So if they just see how desperate I am, where I'm like getting naked walk, you took everything. I've given you everything.


I just feel like they won't shoot. You can't shoot somebody like that. Did you think he was going to shoot or did you just think it was like.


I just wasn't going to find out? I didn't think it was going to be right. They didn't I could see in their eyes that they were just like they weren't killers.


They weren't killers. They were just they were just guys who wanted money. And it was right around Christmastime. Tell that to Bundy.


Tell that to the night started. Now, this was before credit cards.


And when they get like a checkbook check, this was this is right. This is during the Great Depression. Twenty. And so we had gold coins. Yeah. Bitcoin doubloons.




Did they get much. They were nice bags. Oh, OK.


You know, I mean the girls had nice bags on like designer bags. I don't, I can't remember if there's a lot of money in there or whatever, but these days the purses are more expensive than what's inside it. It's you know, it's funny, too.


Like when you're younger, you know, you're you like you think you're invincible. Now, if that happened, I wouldn't have even run around or chased them at all. I would like to go ahead, but which does not. But when you're younger, you're so dumb.


You're just kind of like, oh, I'm the man.


I got to do something here. I'm going to stand up for these later. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, I can't live with myself unless I try I think to I for this.


It depends on the situation you're in. Like I feel like financially just it all depends on that too.


I mean but like also in today's age you get like your wallet or something stolen, you just cancel the credit cards before they get to use it.


Right. These days you can't really steal much like. That's true, yeah, who carries a lot of cash, right? Yeah, that'll be nice to have a friend in the mob. Some guy pulls a gun on you, just pull a gun back, be like, fuck, you're going to do just carry a gun at all times and you'll be fine.


It's like a toy gun, you know, you could carry. That's bad advice from, say, you give me all your body and say, no, no, look, it's fake. You guys should do that for your clip channel.


Any time Zain gives bad advice, just put them all together. And also, he would try to sleep in.


Well, you should audition for the new soprano show because it sounds like the you have story. You have a story to tell. You know, did you have a rough childhood?


My childhood on in the streets beaten up. Well, I was overweight and and I was the only Jewish kid in my school.


So that was like was a lot of, you know, anti-Semitism then. But I didn't really I didn't really know of it is that I was just kind of like, oh, yeah, whatever.


Was it a Christian school? No, not like it's just like my nickname was Wedge.


That was my nickname in school because you spelled backwards. Oh, but it was like but like now if they did that, that would be like a hate crime. Did you know what it meant or you just say, no, I knew what it meant. I just walk in the room and they would be like, weg like that. How do you.


But it was more like a loving thing and just make it offensive backwards and make it worse than forwards. Yeah.


And I don't know, I mean I had a good child, I was pretty good. My parents are good. My dad was pretty.


I love your mom. My mom's great. My dad, my dad's great too.


He just wasn't like a great dad, like he was just he's just really masculine, hypermasculine guy and like really wanted me to be this, like, fucking killer.


And I wasn't you know, I was like my mom. I was like super soft and like a total mama's boy. Well, you're a really good dad.


Oh, thanks. Like a really good dad. I try. Thank you. You back me up.


The crowd goes silent. It's so funny. Like your kids turned out in incredible. I will say stuff around these guys and not just these guys, but everybody in the group.


And I'll be like, oh, I got to go. Oh, I was, I was like I was sitting with David and Natalie the other day and and and I like sex.


And and so Wyatt had his 15th birthday, OK, and he and he had this, like, existential crisis on his birthday, like what was supposed to be like a really happy day, you know, and then also there's a pandemic.


So it's like not a good birthday anyway. You can't have a party or anything. Yeah.


And so he just had this existential crisis like. Basically, like, what am I going to do with my life and like I got way too young the way it was, like he didn't.


He didn't. And he also didn't want to grow up.


He was like a way ahead of his age, I feel. Yeah, he's behind in some ways. In some ways. And so he was scared of, like, getting older. Basically, he was like, I still want to be a kid.


And now I'm already 15. And like, where did it go, do you think?


Because he looks at you, he's just like, oh, my God, I, I don't know, maybe. Yeah. Without a question. Like, he sees why? Because he sees how old I am.


It was a joke. I literally hate that I call myself a comedian because I never get jokes and they always go from like I should take that out of my body.


It's like I kind of stuck it in there. It was not lazy.


I get it. But anyways. Yeah, so he just had this existential crisis when I was just telling, I tried to tell it like father, like son. I tried to tell David and Natalie about this like existential crisis because it was like bothering me and they just completely ignored me.


Like, no, I was like I was like sitting in the hot tub and I was like reflecting. And I just started to, like, open up. And then they didn't say anything.


And that's the other. That's right. They don't care so much because when I was that age and I didn't have kids, I didn't care either. I like kids. What the fuck gives a shit about that? Like.


But then once you have them, it becomes such a like the main your main purpose. And that's all you think about.


Basically, he's not excited to like drive. Now, I was going to teach him to drive the other day and he was like, yeah, you want to take him in the Lambo. Oh my God.


That would be insane that we sold him his permit in the limo. Let me crazy bad ass.


That'd be crazy. I don't think he's ready for that. It's so far. I don't think he's ready for that yet with your car that came out of your mouth or you're like, what am I saying?


He's crying. Like, what did you end up telling him?


Like, how do you it's so hard. You can't really tell them anything. You try to you try to tell them stuff and they just have to figure it out themselves so you can say all kinds of stuff and they're smarter than I am.


So I can't really. Yeah.


You know, like Charlie went through the same thing. She was feeling like the same way. And I was I was kind of like, well, you know, maybe because you're like not seeing friends right now. Maybe like, you know, you think certain groups of people don't like you or whatever, but blah, blah, blah, blah.


And she was like she already had an answer for that. She's like, no, that's not at all. My friends, I feel the same way. I was like, all right, whatever. Like, you just feel dumb talking to them. They're so. And Charlie just had a birthday last week too.


Not that they're so smart, like smarter than every other kid. Right. Which is kids today are so smart, so much smarter than me.


I mean, they're no more than than I am. And they're close in age to you guys, obviously.


So you have to remember, like, I'm like a different generation, like they were fucking phones.


Like, there's they're getting so much older just by looking at the phone, their phone, and they're learning so much more like their stuff faster at a younger age.


There's stuff coming in to them from like there's kids from other towns that know them. So they'll be like drama from other towns that they have kids they haven't met. Oh, damn.


They have like a kind of a mob life. And I had no friends growing up and certainly no phone either.


So it's just like I didn't have to deal with any of that. Yeah, that's really hard for kids.


A lot of like competition and pressure. Yeah. I think it's so dangerous for kids nowadays, like just the whole access to like social media and like it's also the immediacy of seeing like everything going on.


I don't feel my kids anymore. They don't want to be in the videos.


I think they're very they're they're smart, though. They don't let it get to their heads or anything like that. They're very creative. Yeah.


Do you think they're going to get into social media and, like, YouTube and start?


No, I don't think so. I think I mean, why it wants to do music, but I don't know if that might be like a more behind the scenes thing, like scoring films and stuff like that.


And I don't know what she wants to do. She says she wants to be some kind of performer, but it changes every day.


Do you think there like like when they were younger, did they love the camera? Do they love to on social media, or was it kind of like they saw it so much? They were just like, oh, I'm kind of tired.


I think I think they loved it. When I started blogging, like a few years ago, I had like a little family channel and that was like really fun to do and to be with them. And they were great on camera. They would crack jokes. I really like that, you know, like clean and everything is clean.


It was nice. And but then as they've gotten older, they don't want any part of it. They're just kind of like, I'll I'll turn the camera on.


If Joe comes over and he films, she'll go off and like, roast me and it'll be really funny, but they don't want to do it.


And I was like, yeah, you don't do it. Don't worry. I just thought about this.


Do you think that people from her score high school, like they watch the videos and they kind of when they see them in your videos, they kind of like, no, no, I don't think so.


No, those Charlie's age when she was in school, they're not in school right now. I mean, they're in school. They don't go they didn't watch the videos.


Like, I could go to the I could go to the elementary school and no one would know me or anything or no one was maybe one kid would come over and be like, you know, Lisa like that or whatever.


Then in middle school, you think of you all over it to these kids. Yeah.


But then in middle school, there was more kids that would know, you know, David and I know you guys and and that was always cool. I mean. Yeah. How are you guys going to have kids now?


Oh, and by the way, I. I'm not trying to say Uemura, but I mean, like, you all want kids, right? I hate when people do that to me. And Marty, we've got seven kids. Yeah. Oh, I hate that. I fucking hate that. But, I mean, you guys all want kids, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I would love that somebody. Yeah.


All you guys do even like David, Natalie, Todd. They all want kids. So excited.


I just want to see many others. Yeah. You know, so just like me, you know I always wanted to fucking creepy Mariah.


I'll tell you I have many Aussies and it's like let's say let's say like, you know, let's say you and he did have kids like hypothetically like you would you would have like a son that or a daughter that would just be Heath and it would be freaky as hell.


Like as they grow up, you see, they do little mannerisms and things and you're like, oh, that's me.


Oh my God, I'm just like her mother, like so many times, like really talking and really like, no, we're doing it this way. And that's that's it. I've seen that. And yeah.


You see that charge and why it'll be like, OK, will do you. Yeah. And that's Matthew. Yeah.


So I had two friends that have had like kids. Yes. I like it. Didn't like hit them like as a dad like you, like you see your wife or your girlfriend whatever. Carrying the child. Right. Yes. And you're just like yeah I got a baby coming. She's like, yeah, yeah, she's pregnant.


But like it's like you ordered something from Amazon just kind of waiting on it. Do you have no idea what kind of storm is coming? Right. Yeah, exactly. For the man. And exactly he said like as soon as it came out, it was like, it was like, oh my God. And then it was like off like a switch just flipped. And like he said it like unlocked a part of him that he like he had no idea I even existed.


Is that what it felt like. Yeah.


It's not like an acid trip or anything or something.


I don't I don't deliver that smile. That's good.


Know it. It's not even that severe.


It's just kind of like what is true. Yeah, it's hard to explain, but yeah she's like OK. Yeah it's like it's all about the kid now. That's it. And that's just the way it is. And the other thing that's interesting is like the the first couple of years, the first year is like it's still really about the mom and the kid. Right. You know, and you're there helping, you know, like a like a coach or whatever or like.


But it's a first take a free hand. Yeah. But you can only do so much. Did you cut the umbilical cord.


Yeah, you did it to me in my head.


They try to make you feel useful in there because you're sitting there freaking out, freaking out. Doing nothing probably helps you pass up. I'm just like garden shears.


Like what kind of scissors. It's like safety scissors or is it just a really nice one? Oh yeah.


Sharp and long. They're like these long surgical scissors that you wouldn't be able to get your hands on.


It's just some shit that I would just like like well the ones like angels. But I my back is probably a little souvenir. Does the woman feel that? No, no, because it's I don't take soccer off. Yeah, so the placenta comes out and it's just attached to the placenta.


You ate the percentile, right, with bok choy. If you have twins, you can double Dutch. Oh.


Oh, a lot of people don't know that. All right, everybody, listen. That's going to have. Well, people don't know. See something. I wonder.


Like, it's like it's like the first people like thousands of years ago.


Didn't know that you had to cut it when they walk around like a kid on a leash for a long lasting way.


And you have to think about it like how skate skate, how scared there were to cut that. They're like, oh my gosh, we cut this are going to feel this. You cut it. Oh, you bought that? No. All right. We are cutting. So cutting as you start there.


And then the best time is when they get to be because I mean, babies are cute, they're cute, they don't do anything, you know, but and like but what's really fun is when they like just like three, four, five and then five, six, seven, those are like the fucking best years because they're they're just these like they're little kids and they start to like things like they'll be like they'll start to like the same things you like.


Like we used to go to this restaurant at Fred called Fred Siegel and so good. And I would always go there even before I had kids and worked there all day and right and stuff. And then that became there like, let's go to Fred Siegel.


You're like, oh my gosh, imagine if you had a little kid that's like getting the Lambo or like Dad, that's going to sound ranch. Yeah, it's something special you have with your kid that like they they like.


So they come up with the idea all the time.


So it's just like, oh my God, it's like something that they just like it's like Mariah said, it's like they become little versions of you, that's all.


So especially like when you see them like start to develop their personality and oh my gosh, like I see that in my students. And I'm like, oh my gosh, they're making decisions for themselves. Like three years old now. Oh, I don't know. I love it. I'm picturing like a little five year old.


He's just like, Papa, can I have a cigarette on the way?


He had a fucking you're just like, well, don't tell mother if you keep it a secret, I'll give you a look why it went to a private school this year, which is like a big decision, which is like none of us went to private school.


Like we all kind of were thrown into public school and had to fight and work.


And and when and when I was saying, like, you're going to let go here, you got in. This is like a really tough school to get into. Like you you did it like you killed it.


And he was like, I don't I don't want to go there. He's saying, I think I just want to go to a public school.


And we were like, yeah, but this no, the public like this public school in L.A. is not like in, you know, like back home in Florida or whatever, you know, or even like Vernon Hills were deeply was if this was this year.


Oh, this year. Yeah. And so he will try it. You can always go to public school and he really likes it.


It's so interesting because like my brother went to a private school and public entire life and when and what happened, he was just saying, well, I have to do this fucking podcast with my brother's on tape and mess.


But he was saying, like, you think the private schools would be like safer and cleaner and just like but he was like, do they just have it's just young kids born into money, super fucking loaded, all doing drugs, a lot of drugs, a lot of like, fuck ups. Yeah. And I feel like me in private school or public school, we were all just like.


I will fuck, like it was just yeah, that's just like nothing really to it is not all private obviously, but like they just got like some of the a lot of them got away with everything too. They could like to share and like they won't get grounded like people in public schools. You get fucking punch, you get grounded, you get suspended. Yeah. But like shit like in private school you just get away with everything.


I was saying that he misses public school. He misses like the funny parts of public school, like the fuck up in class, you know what I mean. Like the person that doesn't have their homework. The like in the class clown, the class clown in his private school. No one's a fuck up. Everybody's like game on. Like they're ready to like, be.


So is this just like overachievers get accepted. Yeah, it's like a lot of overachievers or whatever. And and he said he just misses, he misses that he missed one of them, which I guess instrument's got him in.


No he didn't even that wasn't even part of it. He didn't even he just audition or anything. Now I don't know. I don't know. So I'm saying I'm smarter than I was for sure. Principal is a huge fan of David's vlog, and it's like, oh, wow, we can squeeze him in.


Somebody asked him that at one of the one of the schools that he went in and auditioned would not audition. He had an interview and they asked him that in the in the interview. Wow. Oh, really? And it's like cross. So your dad's a YouTube. Ah. What's that like.


And you think you can do a shout out for the school.


And one of them was like they were there trying to get something out of him or they were just like curious or like oh YouTube. I don't know, I wasn't in on the interview and we never get a straight answer. Why.


Yeah, I feel like, I feel like principal, like people, people of authority in schools. I feel like they talk to kids in a weird way to make them like say shit without like you maybe.


Yeah. What's that called.


It's pouring rain. What's that cool. Is that rain. Yeah. Oh shit. Oh this is a rare thing guys. We're all my windows are down.


The convertible roof of the house is open with a convertible, but they're all but they're sweet kids.


They're they're they're very sweet though. They're overly sweet, you know what I mean? Like, when I call me today when we were training and was like, oh, can I.


Is it OK? I'm going away to set it is this weekend. Is it OK if I take the I'm going to work.


Is it is he scared of you or is he just like a no, he's not scared of me. He's just like superexcited an overly polite he's like is it OK if I take the keyboard because they're going away with their mom?


And I was like, yeah, take the fuck did you keep what if this is different from saying I? And then he turned it is like fucking lose. It's like I'm waiting for him to have that day where he's like you, but it hasn't come yet. Now he loves you.


Your kids love you so much. They're nice kids. You're such a good dad to them.


Thanks. I'm trying. I will say one last thing about your kids.


Charlie is an amazing student. Oh, amazing.


I was so impressed when she started to take lessons with you. And then the next week she was in a full split.


Like I was like I just I was jealous. I showed her videos of me at her age and I wasn't even close to what she could do.


And she was like, oh, oh, I am right there with the hammer. Yeah, yeah. Oh, I know. I love that.


It is crazy because she showed me like before and afters of just like that short time that she had been working. It seemed like it was too OK.


That's right. Yeah it was. I feel like you had two sessions with her and suddenly she was a dancer. It's either Charlie's really good or more as a good teacher. Right.


One of the a little bit of both. Mira, I kind of I kind of think Charlie is really good. I kind of want to take dance lessons. You I want to pay for like set such a good video, a six, something like a six like whatever course and just be like where can I get like in actually take us seriously.


We can't like no take talks. Yeah. No laughing like serious like like fucking.


We've already said like you could be good but you don't take it seriously.


I give you what you know you should do.


Don't get them started to train for six weeks with her and then rent a theater and then bring us all there and do like a recital recital when we have a fucking heart attack, like a fifteen minute like recital, that's a just drop dance.


And why can you be there like on the just.


I think we should know I'll stand in the wings. Where are you.


Like you got this, like this you know, you have costume changes, you're the hook just like with a camcorder like Tic Tacs made me appreciate dance like just watching.


Everybody's a dancer and it's made me appreciate the art of dance like like, oh, there's so much value in it. Like I would never watch those movies step up and dance or even the reality show step up.


And but for some reason a tick tock is like it's a step up or whatever, step up and do something.


And I think a vlog squad talent show would be fucking such a good idea. OK, so what's the talent? You've got to come up with something. Saw none of us stuff. Childs Yeah.


He's an I can do something pretty crazy. It's just I don't want to miss Mary Maricich. That's disgusting. I can wrap my legs around you and you can spin me with my hands in the air. We can do that. I think it's a great idea. You should do it.


We should all do it. It's a good idea. Stuff like that. So often the rose was so fun. Yeah. Like whenever something even even even when we get together and like, watch like Todd's premiere or whatever, like like I don't know that.


Yeah, I live for that. Yeah. It's really nice to have like little moments like like you guys just premiered the coffee.


I was so excited that day because there was not much going on in my life. And I remember like hearing about it and I remember the day before I was like, oh, three screamo to lunch.


And then I remember was like, oh no, no, it's tomorrow.


Know, that was such a stressful day for us. It was. You guys are great though. Yeah, I don't know. And it was so good.


The coffee is so good. I finished it. Yeah. Yeah. Or we go well oh I'll take oh oh.


But I like I'm not a pod guy. Wait, wait, wait. I'll give him the ground. He'll give me the fucking ball. I mean I lost for sure.


I mean I'll take it for, for, in a pinch I we have one last part of that new flavor.


Oh I want a different flavor. I want. Oh yeah. There's no one. I want to try something else. What is it. We can't say it. It's literally the best flavor.


Are you. Podcast and you make it. Oh no.


Not because he's not available. I love although.


Is there a point? Yeah, that's going to be OK. Yeah, I do. I would love it of cream and a little bit.


I like it black. Just black. Cool. Yeah. Can you make that. Thank you. Guess what it is. Yeah.


I was trying to explain to my kids what coffee is the other day. Can you guys explain it.


I couldn't explain my own child like relatively recently. It's from like a cherry basically like a little like a fruit thing. And it's a seed.


Yeah. That they like dry out and then it like hardens and it's just like that little seed thing that they some fun. I want to get rid of all the moisture in it and then.


But it doesn't taste like cherries. Yeah.


The process is very interesting, roughly like flavor wise, like in terms if you think of all the things that you can eat, like for me, coffee just it's there's just nothing like it.


Like, it's like I can't explain it.


It's earthy. You kids drink coffee. No, no. But they see, they see me with it all the time. Black hot like in the mug.


I remember like what age I started drinking coffee because I always remember being like why do you like it doesn't taste good. Yeah.


It was gross to us because like wasn't a thing in college for me.


Yeah. Was it. Yeah. Mhm. And then I used to smoke to weed cigarettes.


Oh. Nice coffee and a cigarette.


There's literally like coffee and a cigarette name a better duo than.


And we've never seen you smoke a cigarette before. Right. I mean no I've had one with you like. No, no not for sure.


For sure. Used to have more experience. Yes that's right. Mhm.


We've known each other a little like three weeks to fucking finish one cigarette. Oh yeah. No I used to like the. The chemicals, yeah, marble light, I love the chemicals, you go, oh, my God, fucking. He was so right now but they they do.


They really smell. And we have a back for you, Debbie.


The coffee we're getting back.


People I love that vibe, though, of like people on Rogen where they're just like smoking cigars the whole time they're doing the podcast indoors. Yeah.


You're just like, oh, something so cool about it. Yeah. No, I can't do it in here. Yeah. I'm renting. Do you still do the Nicorette.


All right. Yeah. I've heard about the patches.


Are the patches like something where you do before the gum or after the gum. Because under the patches are really good.


Just when it gives you it gives you nightmares. Right. Really Nicorette would you think? Well, she called me sick to my stomach, freaked out. It's a lie. She was like grottos grouchy. She was like, make it stop because it was like that, like, kind of weird bawling your throat.


Yeah. You know, that feeling. It felt like my throat was closing up and I was like, never.


Well, that's the menthol ball that you pop in, in the throat.


Yeah. Yeah.


It'll burn your mouth if you don't if you never have them before because people go, it can have some common goal. You wouldn't want this. Yeah, I've had it before.


And then I'll try to be good and then try one. Yeah.


It's a magical thing to do it.


It's I just know I've had it before. It's not good.


We say it's the high episode. This is a high. So it's interesting. It's like honey phases to it. Yeah.


It really gets you through the day.


The day is over. What phase are you. All right.


Like when we finish this I'll have one.


Yeah. Yeah but I try not to have it after six. You don't drink at all. No, I wish I did well so like I'm Jewish. Why don't you.


I don't like alcohol. It doesn't, it doesn't do it.


Oh my God. Yeah you could describe. I would just bleep it out. Yeah. If you want to. It smells great. Like holy shit. That's really nice. Think of like a.


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Do you see yourself staying in L.A., like for the rest of your life? Such a great question. I don't know if I if I had, like, enough money, I'd probably leave now. Yeah. Oh, wait, I can't because my kids.


But no, I would. I'm going to leave. Yeah. I'll leave at some point. Yeah. Like what would you want to go. I'll probably go to the Northern California or Santa Barbara.


Oh yeah. Yeah. Nice. I could see you Barbara. I love Santa Barbara. What about you guys.


So stop talking and keep your mind. Whatever officer is on a board. I was just a bunch of mumbo jumbo. I think it's the gunman. Yeah. It's like I feel high. Oh, really? Yeah. Welcome to the high episode I'm bugging right now.


We should smoke pot on camera right now. I feel like I just I feel like I had time and the crowd goes, the problem when I smoke pot is like I'm incoherent. Yeah, like you'll ask me a question and they'll be like, I'm having a hard time with this gum.


Jason feels like I just smoked like 10, 15 cigarettes.


I want to say I want to tell you it wasn't my idea that you tried. It was to tell you that it was a pretty good product. But, wow, that's it's a lot more coffee and than cigarettes.


That's only two milligrams to really. Yeah. They have a four which will knock your ass. I do react really fucking poorly when it comes to we're just lightweights. Yeah.


No, you're just not used to it. This is great. Thank you. Damn. So you sold out of the coffee first day. Incredible. Thank you.


Would anyone, like, do a write up or anything or did you get in, like, Business Insider for that or no one cared?


Oh, no, no. They're going to be great. I don't know. But we like to keep a low key end of the day. Yeah, it's nice to keep things low key. We wanted to everybody that watches and listens and got the coffee card. So that's all. Yeah.


I mean, that's what's so nice is your audience loves you guys. I mean, they're just. And we love you too. They're so loyal to you guys. And it's fucking shows. I mean, they came out pretty cool. Yeah, it's really nice. Oh, man.


What do you guys think is going to happen to Instagram? I think they're they're running it to the ground. I think it's going to turn into the same thing Facebook did where it was like, cool. And then the parents are going to start getting on Facebook. Instagram, like the show used to be a very viable platform.


I don't think parents I don't think parents like I don't think they fuck with them. So they didn't fuck with Facebook either. Let me tell you something.


When you're over 40, that is not your platform. Instagram, even Tick-Tock is a better platform for me. Putting a picture of your face. Let me tell you something. When you want to, like, take a picture of yourself and you're over 40 or 45, I'm 47.


It is, though, it's harrowing. It is fucking harrowing. There is no good picture. I can take off my face because I promise you, I mean, if it's all a question before we continue, what do you turn 48? When the hell have you brought that?


Forty seven since I've met. No, I say that I was 45 forever. I'm 47, 48 and May oh May.


May 23. You are May. Oh yeah.


Well I had to lie about my age, but you look you look great for your age.


You look, you've got better hair than saying he took the words right out of my mouth. Well I don't know. I got lucky in that department. That's you were bald. You wouldn't be so.


Well, I mean, trust me, when you get this old nothing works. Everything's just. You think the hair got you the job of David. You know, I think the opposite. I think if I was like bald, he probably would have liked me even more.


That's why it's called with Howie and he really likes it when he's Dr. Phil, how David, do you think he's going to post again?


David is doing good. I think he's I think he's like, you know, he's found other ways.


He seemed like happier than ever, like the times I see him. Yeah.


I think he needed a break. I think so. I think everybody knew that his mental was just going too hard.


Like, you guys are good.


Like, I want to work as much as I need Bruce.


No, I like you guys have like a healthy work ethic where it's like you do your work and then like you guys will be like social and do stuff. Like when I was working with him, we were just like that was all we would do. There'd be so many times where there was you had a birthday party on a boat for Mariah right from Ryan's birthday.


And David and I showed up on like a Wednesday and we were out till 3:00 in the morning before and we fell asleep on the boat.


And it was just like it just was I felt shitty because I fell asleep and it was just like we were just I don't know, I was just trying to keep that pace up and just try to, like, keep it's hard to balance it out.


But it was fun, though, like, gave you a high like the fact you get up in like, oh my God. Yeah. It gave me such a high to go out and it gave me purpose and it gave me like, you know, the idea of to be able to go out with them. And I mean, you all did it too. But to be able go out with him and maybe get a joke in the vlog or whatever or do something funny, do you feel like you still have purpose?


No, not as much like I mean, I like do my videos. I tried I, I tried to do my videos last year as best as I could.


And then now it's like it's just not the same as working with him.


It's just not it's just like you're not.


The thing that he does so well is he knows how to edit me. And I don't know how to do that, you know what I mean? And so he'll make me look so good and so funny when in reality I'm not that funny. You're funny. Not funny. That's because he makes me look so good. No, no.


In real life, that's really nice. You you are the funniest person. Guys. Got to get out more.


Hey, you met Steve Carell, right? I did. I did jump. Dude. Heath, that was the best. Oh, no, no, Joe.


It's been going around saying that he met Steve Carell. So that is kind of a joke.


But he'll be like like we were in the car with Susie the other day. I was like, hey, did I tell you met Steve Carell yesterday?


And I want to pray like that's his story then. Yeah. No, I'm still fucking like going nuts about it. It was absolutely unreal. I wouldn't get excited about meeting too many celebrities.


He would have met him. I know his wife and I and when I did, I met him like in an airport once and so nice. Did you, like, hang out with him for like five minutes? No. You had a much better interaction.


That makes it so much better that he was so nice. Yeah. He was just so sweet and well terminable.


So I was going over to Scott's house to work out. Right. And I was getting close and Matt had pulled out like right in front of me and like turn on the street before. And like, I just pulled up to like as a joke, just be like pull up next. Almost like you just cut me off, you asshole. Like, because I don't think he really, like, saw me like.


Right. But like, I pull up next to him and I just like made a quick little joke. We laughed and then he turned and then I turned and I was going a complete opposite way from Scott's house. Yeah. And I'm driving and there's a car ahead of me that's coming and the streets here are tight, so you got to like kind of scoot over and let one person go through and then you can go. So he stopped a little ways back to, like, let me go through.


So as I'm getting close, I noticed the car that he was driving. I didn't know, like, obviously it was him, but the car that he was driving is like one of my favorite cars in the world. And he's had his eye on it in the neighborhood.


I just like, yeah, I love this car. And he talks about it all the time. It was it was a color that's like new. And it was just like it was really exciting for me. Yeah. So I started slowing down as I'm getting closer and roll my window down just to be like, hey, I like your car, I'm a car guy.


But Dad and you. Yeah. Hey, so what do you think about it. And I'm rolling the window down like I love the car.


Like that color looks so good in person and he starts rolling is one nine is like, what's that? And I was like, oh, the color looks incredible. Like I love that on that car. Like I haven't seen one in person like that. Like I just. How do you like it. I'm so curious. Right. And he started talking and as I'm like talking to him, I'm like, holy fuck, this is trying to keep my face cool.


And I'm like, oh my God. Wow, that is awesome. How do you like it? And like, we just like, started talking for like a couple of minutes.


And he was so Steve Carell, it was unreal, right.


Like everything about him, like and that's the only way I can describe it.


I remember just when I did meet him, just looking at him being like, how the fuck are you so funny? Like trying to just take anything I could from this guy to like understand like what the magic that he had. Like, do you watch you guys watch the office, right?


Yeah. It's it's mind blowing, like how insanely what a good improviser he is and like how many incredible. Just so many jokes he has and it's crazy stuff like you're watching it.


You could be like, oh that was, that was improv crazy. And it's amazing. You can tell like each scene, you know, like behind the scenes that's played over so many different ways.


And they just are all of them and they're so brilliant.


And, you know, they're having the time of their lives every day and they're filming. I was just I feel like that was that would have been the best set to ever be on. Yeah. Or just to just to even be able to, like, play that character and, like, not make them too sad. Yeah, that's the genius of it. Like, you could watch that character and be like, what an asshole, you know, or you could be like this is so, so lovable.


But he does it in a way where you just love him. Yeah.


It's fucking nuts. Yeah. It's so good. Yeah. But it was so cool. And I felt funny though because I was like. When I looked back after the whole encounter, you probably thought I was a fan pulling up roll my windows down because I recognized him well, like I was pulling up with my window down, giving him a thumbs up before, like I even got close enough.


So I wonder if he was just like, OK, here we go.


Yeah, he could have been like, you know, cooped up in the house. And this was his one one time out for the night.


He was happy to talk to anybody. Yeah. If I see people now that, you know, see me out, I'm like, I love it. And I'm like, oh, please talk to me. Somebody please tell me it's funny.


Yeah. I can't wait to hug the people again. Just like outside, like a normal human.


In a party scene last night, we were watching Curb Your Enthusiasm when Charlie and I and there was a scene, they were having a party and I was like, do you guys remember?


Like, I remember parties. And it just seems gross now. Like when you see that or festivals or anything, you're just like, oh, God, I can't believe we did that. But it's just like our mind, God fucking with us because of this year. Right.


Was like right when Corona broke and it was like really bad. Yeah, we were we were like cozied up at David's house and we turned on like an old flag. And the first thing that came on was you and he licking a fucking ball.


So that kind of happened to me. But the first thing I saw was me ringing cigarette and drinking. Oh, my God. Yes, all that. Can you can you catch covid like that?


Oh, God, I don't know. Can you sweat that shirt? I don't know.


I'm sure your friend that was like, what's something that we did pre covid that is like that seems like gross now like off limits.


And people were saying like bowling balls, having your fingers like you're like, oh my God, I don't know if you know Safaa bowling, all the testers you can test all the make holen like with the same brush.


No, it's a different brush, but you're still dipping into what other people dipped into. Well, it's not like they don't double dip. I feel like you don't know.


There's not somebody like over your shoulder watching you. I'm sure you have that foundation, right?


Like if it's like mascara and like you put it in, you're like, oh, that's that's bad before. But like, that's bad. Yeah, that's disgusting. Oh.


Should be more white. I don't think before my work we would go out somewhere.


My mom would be like, like can we stop it so far before we go I got to do my makeup.


She, you know, she would go in and she would do her nails like this, just like the testers fucking scrub the budget without telling me the whole story.


It's on the section is going to yell at me for that one for me. We got to get your mom on here.


No, we don't. Really sorry. We love you.


Tell me where the worst generation without telling us they were the worst generation.


What do you what do you think about it? About GenZE, just like the like millennials. We're not gen. Right. Who like what what age right now.


GenZE. You guys are millennials. Yeah. There was a video saw another video on Ticktock. This girl, her house was literally like burnt to the ground behind her.


It was just the front door and it was still smoking and she was doing like a dance. And the top comment was, tell me your GenZE without telling me you're done.


And she was like doing a whole ticktock dance, went up in flames and people doing the ticktock in the car accident. Oh, yeah, I love those. I mean, they're great. I think that if that's because that's something I would do if I literally if I if my car flipped and I like, survived it, I'd be so happy that I survived this car crash where I would get out, set up my phone call, whoever is on their way and just do if I can just do so.


Everything seems upside down in his seatbelt. Just.


He's like, wait, wait for MacCormick covered in face time Dixy, I could do this collateral for the endless Goodsir Zanes in the fucking stretcher.


He's got like his phone from the paramedics on the boat to record something ring like it is. Making those moments would be like, Hey David, come here.


You could get a tick tock out of this before.


Yeah. Dave would be the first call before the police. All right. That's horrible. Oh yeah.


Because he needs to get it in live action before the police get the shot. The thing I always say about every generation is like it's the same it's the same thing like this generation. They're great and your generation is great.


And there's always that come up, I'm sure, like your parents looked at you guys and said, what are these kids doing? There's always that always going to be something to think.


Remember when Elvis was edgy? Yeah, I feel like I feel like we'll get it.


Unless our parents were saying, like, the same thing, too. I feel like we'll get it whatever our kids.


I don't think so because I know what the things GenZE do.


I'm like, well, I don't get it. I have to go through the comments and like, have somebody explain it. I don't get it. A lot of things they do. I'm like, yeah, Charlie explains a lot to me too. Yeah. They're very, very caring.


Mhm. Yeah. Oh yeah. And they're very socially aware but they all have the same weird mannerisms like the things they do.


But that's a product of being that age. You don't know who you are.


There's always going to be something that comes from seeing how people act, who they're watching to. I think they've all to share. And that's how we were. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.


We mean the whole of this like you see kids. Yeah. I just like like that's all right. Yeah. That's you. Oh my God. Yeah.


Yeah but but it makes sense because we all acted like who we would like look up to in high school or middle school.


Like we, we look like them in some way. Yeah. We were, we didn't make any sense. Oh so yeah. Do you follow the stock market. Are you in the stocks. No. Your old guy. I feel like you would. I don't know. It seems so time consuming.


Like I heard about it all week. AMC, GameStop, we got to, we got to buy it amongst all our friends.


It makes you feel like you're fucking you're missing.


And then I got to the gym and everybody was like, crushed.


And I was like, well, well, you have to be smart and pull out at the at the right moment like me. I wouldn't I don't I wouldn't like to sit in there.


That's what I let it get to a point where I'm comfortable.


And then when and then when it turns into Tesla, you like you literally want to jump off a cliff because you sold all your Tesla stock, you know what I mean?


Like, yeah, well, Davis thing is so fucking crazy.


I can if he would have kept that in, he'd be fucking I remember at the time being like, yeah, you don't know if Tesla is going to make it. I mean, I'm being honest. Yeah, I'm being honest, being like, yeah, I mean, the car's cool, but it's still overpriced for the stock for what it is. Yeah, it's all hype. Yeah. But I don't know why the stock is so high.


It's not just because the car's right. It's because all the technology. Right. Yes. The technology, the hype. They've got more than just cars.


And he's trying to build a tunnel right underneath L.A.. Oh, boring company. But that's kind of separate. Is that separate? But yeah. I mean, maybe stocks are so interesting.


Like, that's one thing I feel like I wish I learned at a young age, uh, like I feel like that's something they should teach you in school.


I don't think I don't think they should teach you that in school because it's not like it's not like paying your taxes. Taxes is like something on the side, how you like where you can making money. This podcast, that's a it's like a running theme on this podcast.


You guys are griping about what we wish we learned people not teaching you the right stuff in school.


I you know, Heath, I'm the opposite. I wish I never fucking heard about socks because, like, I think about it all the time. It's crazy how much I think about it when I don't know anything about socks. I don't know what fucking hedge funds are. I don't know what fucking I literally don't know how any of it works, but I sit there and I'm just like, I can't believe I'm going to make I could be making millions of dollars right now.


What? But I don't know any of this. Somebody explaining to me I'd be like, I grab people that can be like, what do I put my money in? He's just like you. And I'm like, fuck. I was like, I just want someone to tell me what to do.


And you also didn't know how old you were last week. You know how old he was this morning.


I'm David Scott. I'm twenty eight. I'm twenty eight. Heavy twenty twenty. I'm twenty eight.


He tried to use a word the other day. We were filming with Joe. We, I showed up, it was Joe's birthday.


So we showed up for like a a scavenger hunt and Zain was one stop where he was going to give us a clue. So Zain was really nice. He was like filming with us whatever on like a Sunday morning. And then he threw out this word magician.


Yeah. And we were like, what was the context? He was like, you know, I want to be Mateschitz about this. Mateschitz Yeah.


Like and I think he was trying to say I was you know, I wasn't nervous at the beginning because Mariah would have been like mean I because I was trying to say Mateschitz maybe Melhuish ridiculous.


Malicious. I think it was trying to anyways. What people don't understand is that like I can't I come up with I come up with this word. Yeah. And then people like Jason believe it and then they run with it and I'm just like, but you got to be confident that it's true.


You know, it's the way you say it. It's the way you say it. Right. We might not be the brightest bulb in the lab. Creative we are. We're funny. Yeah, we are talented. Yeah, we are. Mateschitz we are. We are smart.


We are kind and we are important. Are good.


Yeah. Do you guys do that. You do daily affirmations ever. What the fuck is that.


You know when I started doing before the podcast I'll go into the bathroom and I'll look at myself in the mirror. Yeah. And I'll tell myself like this is going to be a good episode. This is going to be funny. You're going to do great. We're all going to have fun. It's a good time. Let's go kill this just like Boogie Nights.


Is that what they're doing? Yeah, and then he takes his cock out. I do like to watch. I do it right before he takes his cock out and he goes, Yeah, that's right. All right. You never seen that?


No, I do the complete opposite of Mark Wahlberg, Mark Wahlberg before he goes out to perform. Right. I look I look in the mirror and I'm just like, oh, here we go. Let's get there. I have so much anxiety performing.


It's the worst sexually. Yeah. I mean that. I mean, that doesn't happen to me.


But, you know, like any kind of stand up or even just filming with you guys are like or so much anxiety that goes into it before you're like.


It's this weird thing where you're like you feel like you got to be how do you feel like you're funny or not on camera.


No, I don't feel like I'm funny ever at all, and I feel like that's the thing is like I feel like I'm like I lost it. I'm like, I don't know if I can do this ever again. Like, I have no I have no memory or no trust in myself that I will be funny again.


I feel like that's really, really lost. I think I know I wasn't a good comedian, though.


I wasn't I wasn't, like, crushing and like headlining. What do you look up to as a comedian? I look up to like, people like Steve Carell. Melissa McCarthy, I think is the funniest. I love Howard Stern and Dave Chappelle. And there's a comedian named Norm MacDonald that I am infatuated with. I used to work for him and just his sense of humor is just so insanely good. And everything he does. I listen to him on podcasts a lot when I go to sleep.


I listen to Rogen a lot. Did you listen to Bob?


Bob Hope by the time I saw him was like a pretty old man. But he would be on TV. He would tell jokes. He's he's a classic comedian and he's like very respected because he. He didn't write any of his jokes, really. And the jokes weren't actually good, but his delivery. So if you watch Bob Hope, he's making you laugh. But none of the jokes are good, like they're all bombs, they're all stinkers, but something tells me he just sells it his most respectful way.


Why was he so iconic? There's an airport right there. He owns his house. Is the bomb there? Yeah.


There's like four houses on his property. He has money.


There were there were almost if he said there were three TV stations and like three movie studios and he was one of the guys that was some people are like songwriters that will make Bob after Bob after Bob, but they can't sing.


But they're just like really good writers. Bruno Mars can do both. He made a lot of them. They started out as a writer and it was like, fuck it, I'm just going to do it myself. And he's amazing.


Yeah. You know, who wrote so many songs is Seyah. Yes, you're right. And she can sing. Amazing, amazing. I wish we were talented.


I wish we had something.


I wish somebody would give me the fucking chops that I need. Give me the joke. Just repeat it.


Be nice. I always do that.


I'll look at like just big artists and I'm like for a second I'm just like, damn, I wish I could say because I'd, I think I could sing to like to you guys. I could just sing to people or like dance really good or act really good.


He pointed out and pointed at me when he said, But you're you're you're in a position where you have a great audience and a pretty really big audience and you can just get better with your audience. It's not like it was like you can go out and train for six months on something.


And and then I feel like we're a jack of all trades. Yeah, I mean, we're all just kind of zany, doesn't know what I mean. I literally don't know. I've never heard a joke about Jack of all trades, master of none. Like you're like good at a lot like just like good at a lot of things. But you're not like a fucking expert at one that you can like.


Yeah. Yeah that's right. That is. Call me Jack.


I am the master of none Jack Hejazi.


We're all you Tuba's. We're all just people that put ourselves out there and we're personalities and that's it. I want to be a shot.


Manti's. Yeah. Schoneman stuff. I want to be a shaman. That's tough. I mean. Yeah and I would like that too.


I want to be in Bolivia. Rodrigo, I feel like this break is good for everybody though.


I feel like you guys are finding because you're forced to find other things to branch out into. Everyone has their little businesses now and it's really like the old growth.


Yeah. It's something I'm going to go pro golf.


Oh but but I do this all of us just being together, coming up with different like situations and jokes like that.


That's why we feel like we're losing it, because we're not constantly being tested with like we're like how are wittiness and stuff like that. Yeah. Like I go back and forth anymore.


It's kind of just like, like a lot of time I wake up and I like don't do anything and I will be like, go read a book. And I'm like, I don't read like I just like yeah.


It's like it's hard for me to come up with something that makes me excited. I don't know.


There's not much right now, especially during these times, though. It's hard to come up with something. So I just I want to get back into how it used to be just so I feel like I'm doing something.


And maybe maybe you should read Jason's new book that he's writing. Oh, nice Segway.


Last episode is sponsored by Raekwon.


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I said it to the publisher in October, and they didn't say anything, they did it by October 15th and I was like, oh, OK, that's like a brand deal.


Yeah, exactly. Then is it a month? I didn't hear that from them for like three months. And then they they wrote back last week and they were like, we love it, it's done. And I was like, oh, that's not good, you know what I mean?


But wait, how do you even hold on? You have a book. Yeah. Yeah, somebody offered me a book deal, so I was like, OK, so the autobiography, it could be whatever I wanted. This book, it's it's it's kind of like.


Yeah, it's autobiographical. It's some nursery rhymes. Yeah.


It's called I Fucked Up so you don't have to.


So it's supposed to be like all my mistakes. Yeah.


Is it like a self-help inspirational type.


Kind of. It's just funny stories basically. And none of them, they kind of all go together.


There's a lot of you guys are there everything that's happened in your life since the start? Hi Matt.


David, I love like self-help books, like stuff like. Yeah, just like I like that too. Learning about bettering yourself.


I mean like other people know, like not even like them, like specifically trying to help you, just hearing other people's like journeys kind of inspires you like. Right. Yeah.


It really, it really does. Are you like I don't mean to pry and question but like are you a firm believer in that. Like, like I fucked up so you don't have to are you. Like Yeah yeah. I really, I really am.


Like if I feel like when I hear people's mistakes I'm like oh yeah, don't do that. OK, you know. And I feel like I made a lot of mistakes that I wish I had it. So I'm like trying to. And what's nice is the, the ending is, is, you know, still uplifting. It's still like, OK, I made it, but I took like a really long way to go.


Do you feel like those mistakes made you who you are, though? One hundred percent, right? Yeah, I feel like that. And like, yeah, I don't know, it could be good. I hope it's good. It's really cool. Congratulations.


You know it's going to release now maybe like I don't know, maybe like the summer. So how many pages. 65.


OK, and any pictures. It's a coloring book and they want like sixteen photos but I don't know if I'm going to do that or not.


I could give you a photo. That'd be great. I mean we could take one now if you want. But if we all did a very sexual like. Artsy nude photo of each of us, and you just have it in the middle of the bus. Oh, that would be great. I could get it has nothing to do with anything that you wrote, but it's just like, here's a sketch that's part of the fuck up. Here's a nice little fucking whatever will sell.


I don't know. It's weird to write a book.


You only release it on only just a fucking Minuti every other page.


Would you guys buy it? Would you guys buy a self-help book?


If I wrote one, I read your book, I'd get it for free. Mm hmm. You know, but you got to be able to help yourself when you start writing this, just last year it was it was great. I was home and nothing to do. How do you even begin?


You sit there like pencil, paper or like typing. It's so hard, so many questions. I would be SpongeBob just sitting there, just like the I can't do a fucking, like, Instagram story.


Like, how are you? Oh, I ain't even Instagram caption. I know. You just you just you know, you have to do is. Yeah.


You have to just accept that your writing style is maybe kind of shitty and then you're maybe not the best writer. Yeah. And that's just accept that.


And you're like and as soon as I did that I was like, OK, I went out with David TUV long period.


And that's, you know, that's a little bit. But, you know, are you going to do an audio version?


Yeah, I want to have all you guys read chapters. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.


I like that. I think that'll be fun. That's really funny. Jeff is in the booth and he's like, what the fuck is this shit. Oh God.


I miss like the big words. Yeah. Qarabag where in can things that you can misspell them.


You can miss Werdum. That's really cool though. Oh yeah. That's, that's crazy. I don't know. We'll see. We'll see if anyone won't read that. I have no idea.


But it's fun. It's fun to do. But what is challenging is futuristic. You want to do more than just make make it to be taken seriously like.


Yeah. Yeah. So it's like it is hard to get those opportunities. So like hopefully maybe this will be good or not. I really like doing the rose last year. Do that Rosewood's.


That was funny. So stuff like that really that was the best thing that ever happened.


Um we all had so much fun we would not talking about, we worked on it for like three months.


We needed, we needed a good Gustloff and it's like we've never like, like made fun of each other like that.


Yeah. Something like that. So it was just like and I'm surprised to were the perfect group to do it to. Yeah. Right.


Yeah. It's all shit. People wanted to save and never had the balls. It was fun.


I like doing it. It's just us. Yeah. Like that was really fun because then it, it felt very family ish. Yeah. When you watch the on TV like people don't know each other, like it's literally like Nikki Glaser going after somebody that she's never met, made it, made it fun, fun to be like, oh we know all these guys love each other, you know. So that was really cool.


But yeah. Then we're going to do another one in February. Cool, I think. Oh, no, no, no. February, March, March. Yeah. So that'll be good.


So but yeah. You could be in it.


Let's, let's keep on like Jason, keep thinking of ideas like that so we can keep coming together.


Well I like the talent show idea a lot. That's great. That's really good.


That's all I would go into like a month of sessions to get something done just for that one.


What's cool about doing the roasts now is when somebody when you guys do it next time, like you'll do it for the first time, you'll be like you'll be like, oh, shit. Like I need to work on this, you know what I mean?


Whereas before we were like we were writing everyone's jokes and being like, here, Suzy, say this and whatever, but now people will understand what it is.


And I would take it seriously too. Like I'm waiting for something where like I need to spend a lot of time on.


And so when that shit happens, I feel like I mean, like from morning to night, I mean, I get up in front of the mirror and be like, OK, let's do this big night ahead of us in five weeks. Yeah, every day is fun.


And Todd crushed it. I remember I remember seeing Todd up there being like, holy shit, I really did really well.


It just seemed like everybody was having a good time. Yeah. So yeah, that was pretty cool. And Vardhan, he was great. You see VADs new YouTube video.


No he doesn't he have like a new series of fucking so good.


What's it called again. OK, Vardhan has this new series turning myself into a Navy SEAL.


That's like the best thing. It's basically like Vahdat on Tony and he wants to become a Navy SEAL. He's going to do the Navy SEAL workout and the best part of it is that a fifteen year old kid in Florida edits the video. Why? And it's really well edited, but it's from the perspective of like a fifteen year old.


So I got a lot of the moments that are played like, for instance, like they do this thing where it's like they play for Dromm, he plays for drama and it's really well edited. But it's just like so OK, like there's one part that's so funny.


I wish we could show it, but he'll be like like so I had to go out and had to run my thing ten miles a day and I thought about the voices in my head of all the people who support me.


And then so it's Vardhan running and then there's just like this stagnant little like thumbnail circle of Suzzy and you just hear his voice, you know, and then and then I think a little picture of I got up and I'm not making fun of it.


I called him, I said, moron, this is the best fucking video. David called him Jeff, call them. We were like, Vardhan, you've got to do this series, a series so good. Then there's like a little circle of the dad and the dad is like, you can do it.


I know you can, you know, he's like, come on, that's great. It's really sweet, heartfelt. But again it's going to fifteen year old like cooking up a series. It's so good I go they don't go.


So I had to go out and do forty push ups and then it's just like this really long shot.


Here you just go.


Well, I mean I mean, honestly, hearing that inspires me to want to start posting again, because I you should say, like know like 15 year old, I you know, I well, you have to start posting it, dude. I'm like.


Right, like this year has been like the worst year for me mentally. Like I just fucking I feel like what do you need to get.


I understand and I'm sensitive to that.


My brain like right now is telling me that I suck is like saying you are not fun, you suck. Why do you even start like these are the things I'm sensitive to right now. So it's like it's hard for me to even pick up a camera.


What do we need to do to get you in the right mental space? What would it take?


Well, Mike Shover talked to me yesterday about it.


What do you say he was saying that you're saying that there's no ideas anymore for videos, but there's literally hundreds and thousands of new ideas. You just don't want to look for those new ideas. You don't want to do them right. Like you like, you know, sitting on that couch is easier for you than giving up that camera and just trying to film something like, you see, Todd, you see everyone trying to film something.


But like you, you're like letting yourself just be this person where you got to sit on this couch. Right. And that's going to be who you are. I've only posted three videos this month on three videos.


That's really good. Yeah, I can't. Sounds good. Oh, so you're on a hot streak, Jason. That's fucking incredible.


So, like, I'm in the same boat as in like I'm a perfectionist, like he is. Right. I just like I have that same, you know, mental feeling. And I got to the point where I was like, you know what, fuck it. I'm going to do things I enjoy. You're going to post up like I'm just going to go do it.


And the I did in a fucking tank, you know, it's not true. Nobody will see what I want to do. But you know what?


Here's the thing is like I just like I watch my videos, like you're not proud of it. I'm just not proud of it. Right. So, like, putting something like that out, I feel like in my head everyone is watching this.


And just like Zane Boo, like this is fucking all like this is just what goes on in my head. So I'm just like, oh my God, if I don't come up with something really good, then I can't help.


But, you know, that's impossible, right?


I mean, like, it's virtually impossible to come up with something better and better every time I know something better and better every every week. It doesn't help me. What, like like there's a lot you don't have a staff, you don't have writers.


I mean, like you're YouTube or you're a YouTube. And the disadvantages, the advantages of being a YouTube are is like we can do whatever we want and put content on every day and people can watch it or not. But like that's the advantage of it.


It's like you're you're just being yourself and like, hey, guys, this is me. This is my life. And it doesn't have to be fucking, you know, gangs in New York.


And it's also departed. Interesting thing. Like when when you start to better your stuff, like people will watch you from the beginning, like, you know, in the best living situation, you're kind of like a fuck up. You're doing these things and you like, make that money, do that thing like blow job. I hope you deserve so much more.


Like, why aren't you bigger bubble and then you start doing more, you start getting better, you start, you know, upping your production right. You up your production, you get a better camera, you start like, OK, well I'm I'm really doing this thing like I'm making more money. Like I want to I want to better myself as I keep leveling up. Yeah. And then you start like doing what everybody hoped you would do, like you're leveling off like, oh my God.


And then once you start getting better they're like, no, this isn't the same feel we'd like you better when you were fucking poor.


I just like you get to that point and you're like, I'm doing like more and more and more. And then it's discouraging. Yeah.


Cause like as a human being, like people are like, don't let the commies get to you. They do like that's just the. Yeah they do. I mean and it discourages you and you're like, OK, well then what's the point like now.


Because you're like you're doing something that you love to do because you actually like doing videos, you're like cool, I want to do fishing or whatever like and you really you're so proud of the video, you're so happy with the video, so happy with your editor.


And it doesn't perform and people are saying negative things about it. And like you're just like, well, you're so much better.


I was like I used to fucking sit on a balcony and change the scene and do nothing to discourage. It's funny. Say it's interesting, but maybe that's what people say.


But like, I think I think people liked us back then because we we actually didn't care.


You're free Spirit. Yes. We have a line with our phones and we would just talk like the phone wasn't even there, you know what I mean? Now, it was just I think everything we were it was like we didn't even care about anything else other than what me and you were talking about. But now that's all we think about is the camera and making and thinking about post-production. How is this video going to look afterwards? That's all over everything.


And then if you have an idea, you're like, well, someone's going to get upset about this. Well, is this going to happen? Is this going to happen? I don't know if I could do that, like you said back then, right?


Yeah. Like, I was just like fishing, that is. And I'm, like, worried about the fish community. Don't look if you're like, oh. You eat fish every fucking day. Yeah, and it's like, you know what, like people are going to get pissed off about whatever. So I think as influencers and creators, we have to be strong to just like your past.


I know I sound so hypocritical because I complain, too, but like, we just have to, like, literally just look past that shit and not do we got to have a look and pull mentality? Yeah. Hey, good for you.


He's in so nice to me. I called him to do like two character bets and he did em both and I was I couldn't believe it.


So that's nice. Was so nice. I called, I was like going to come by as a character today and he was like, oh come on over.


I was like we dropped him off some coffee. You did.


You were excited, like, wow, I'm proud of you guys. Like, that's amazing. You guys are like stepping out and doing like. Yeah, big stuff. Like that's really cool. And I was like, yeah, yeah. He's, he's great.


He definitely like he's a piece of so supportive. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which is really nice to see somebody that big and maybe we got to get into boxing. If that's what excites you then you should go do it for sure.


I just think it's fun for all. It's like for me I used to get really excited about like making movies and then I did it and they failed and it was so much work and such a bomb. I was like, oh, cool.


I'm that was the coolest movie you're in the coolest movie I was in or the most exciting to you. I mean, the ones I made were the most fun, whether they're good or not, it's like a different question there.


There's a movie that we saw you in one. Remember, there was like a some clip that you didn't like. It was a Will Smith movie. It was like some movie about like the president and like the security or some shit.


Oh, I was in house you. I was just. Oh, that was how. Because was a clip from House. You open the band. Yeah. Oh that house.


Oh I thought it was like some like oh that is was fine. I used to religiously watch house.


You did. I had a friend who is a writer there and he gave me like a job, he gave me three lines or whatever it was one line who knows. Six six hundred dollars.


That was one that was back when I had no job or anything.


So I was like you, I'll do whatever. That's pretty cool. It's so cool.


Anything else you want to talk about while you're on. Oh, release. Anything you want to say on David's podcast, the reviews podcast with you guys that you couldn't that I can't say here.


Any cuts are you that you can't say here, but you couldn't say on say what's up, Scott Siah?


Yeah, it's obvious it's Scott.


They're trying to silence man justice for Scott. Yeah, we had to cut it down to an hour when he was on.


We just got this. We film for ten hours.


I'd say that's pretty good.


It's not really bad, but what's what's next for you other than the book? And I'm going to do the book doing like building a set from my vlog, like a set like this guy stuff. Oh, I was doing that.


ARCEGA Yep. Nice guy. That's it. Stand up. I, I'll be doing stand up in March in Utah.


Wow. Oh yeah. Can we come. Sure. OK, yeah.


I don't know. We'll see how that is. I did a stand up show. In July. And there were they were kids, they were almost out of college and it was really, really tough, it was tough to do stand up. Like when I got there, I was like, I understood why no one's doing stand up, did you? Because I.


Yeah. What's it like? Like, if you like, say something like, you know, it's funny but nobody laughs.


It's just like there's no energy in the room. OK, weird.


So this situation was interesting because the kids there was their first week of school and they were all freshmen and they were just all really scared and just like it was just like not a good vibe. They were scared, but they were just like, what's going on?


You know, when you get to school and you're like, don't know anybody. Right? It was literally like their first day. And I was the guest and it ended up fine.


But I certainly like the first like ten minutes are like Rocky as hell. And so, yeah, I don't know. I'll be curious to do stand up. Would you say that's the worst feeling in the world bombing.


Yeah. No, no, no. To me in my head that would be the worst feeling like getting up like you're the funny man. People are sitting there just like make me laugh. Not if you. If I like oh, my God, I would absolutely melt, no, it's not bad, like you get used to it, like you're like you really do.


Like you just learn that that that's part of it, because for so many years you just bomb it. You'll go to like open mikes and stuff or just play shrooms like small rooms, not a lot of people. And you're just used to people not laughing. And it's just have to just have to like, keep going and try to find the funny parts in the jokes. If the jokes are getting laughs, they get cut. All right. Well, thank you so much for coming on, guys.


You that was so much fun. Yeah. I was so honored to have you back. All right.


Make sure to be on the lookout for his book that's coming out relatively soon. Yeah, sometime this year.


I fucked up, so you don't have to. Yeah. Jason. Yeah. Well, that very good.


I love that title. Thanks, guys. I resonate a lot with that title and I think it resonates close to promote anything else.


No. Know anything now. Now just check out my nieces and nephews on the podcast.


Yeah. Go check out Views, the podcast. Check out my YouTube videos.


That's basically it fml movie on Amazon FML starring Big Nick, Eliza Koshy, David Dowrick.


Hey Keith. We were, we were either in the rednecks. Is that what it was.


Alex Ernes. Yes. Oh my God. In the Disney houses in it. Too beautiful. I can't believe you captured that moment in the movie Picnic was a good guy.


Rented for 50 bucks. He is a good actor. He was great in that scene.


I said you can rent it for 50 bucks and try to make his money vody available.


One hundred and nine dollars. We love you guys. Thank you so much for watching. You can always get Cremata coffee at Cremata dot com. We've got house, Tahitian vanilla, cinnamon, French toast. We've got the bag house blend and we got some new stuff coming out. So get ready for that. And yeah. Thank you so much. Thank you.


We love you. Audio every single Monday, Spotify, Apple, blah blah blah. And you go watch the YouTube video every single Tuesday on YouTube.


Dotcom Sosina Heath.


Yeah, and that's it.


We love you. A piece of glass by.