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This is so weird but so great at the same time. Do you like son?


I can't believe this said I can't believe we're in the same room where we're used to because I don't think I'm at your house anymore.


I feel like I'm in like I feel like I'm waiting to get my table at Nobu or something like that.


Oh, it's weird.


Said it looks like a Marriott or cubby or it looks like a rainforest cafe rebrand.


Yeah. Like big ass frickin plant. Yeah.


I mean like is like as a little I kind of miss our old side. It had like a certain vibe like a certain like. Yeah.


Before it was comfortable and were just sitting with our backs to like two old hanga or like where we used to hang the birds and then overnight it just like for the wallpaper the last six hours I don't think I was there for the wallpaper.


No he wasn't.


Oh we tried to do a revamp. We got a brick wall. Wallpaper was going to change. We're like, it's going to have real capital. It's going to look real. No, no, no, no, no. They're not to know. They're not going to know.


What's so cool is you guys can change the colors for any guess that comes on. Right. We chose green light for you. Oh, that green light. I want it yellow.


Or is it Matthew McConaughey? Green light.


You may not know it's a lord. It's mine.


When I picked when I picked the color was like. Yes, I actually feel like Matthew McConaughey wrote that book because of Lord song, really? Yeah, he was again the opening to Lord. Thanks for the song Green Lights. Oh, it's not saying that's not true.


It's like I got to read it. It must be good because he's going to tell everybody that just completely disregard that you don't.


Have you read his book? Yes, I did. I listened to it and I've read it. I saw one thing on tech talk about it, and it was like him telling Obama to run for office. Was that like a made up tick tock? No, it's not true. I saw that tick tock. Yeah. Where it's like this is not what I thought. Like, I know I saw another guy on tape talking to that same guy who was like he acts like he's reading a passage from it.


And he's like, I, I really would like to make a hot dog that's with, like chili cheese fries and something and someone eating it to be a good meal.


Doesn't know that tick tock made me want to read it because I'm like, I need to see it really funny. Matthew McConaughey actually said that and he did because I think that's really fucking cool. And I think this book is a good story.


You know what they're talking about. No, I heard chili cheese organum firkins.


I don't mean to this. The only thing you guys picked up like a dog.


You're like talking kookie.


Let's hit the intro. Are you ready?


I don't know if I'm ready. You know, I've had a few white claws. I have a little drunken rosacea on my cheeks.


But it seems that in urban dictionary I like when I see her. I mean, he's having a good time.


Oh, let's bring it back all the time. Now it's gone. It's all very.


I get it, it it goes in party mode. Yeah, it's like when your jewel is running out of battery and we do have to leave a little warning every time because it's flashing lights and warnings.


So you you just stop the warnings.


I know I put the warning because we used to flash these lights, too, and it was strobe.


But these aren't that bad. Like on Coronado, Devon. No, Devon. Devon doesn't even have a.


It's so great seeing Devon like in his whole setup because Devon came on board with Zane after I left. So it's just weird being back in, like the whole unfiltered element. But seeing Devon, who I see every day. But in this element, it's cool.


Yeah, but you look behind the scenes person like that's crazy. He looks like he's about to bust somebody.


I'd like to catch a predator. He's in the back room. He's like, go, go. He's in a van right now. Yeah, he does.


But fits the fits the character he's wearing like a boy. There's like tasseled and stuff all dangling down. So, yeah, bringing in. Bring it in. Yeah.


It looks like you need to like bust out a saloon doors and be like Chris Hansen. What are you doing here. Hands up guys. I got to say I miss you so much.


We missed you too. You guys want to cry a little bit. A little bit. I feel like I'm in a dream and rosacea right now. But it's weird also being in this dynamic.


But with the new set, it's different. Yeah, it is different, but it's nice.


And, you know, I love being on my podcast and everything. It's great because I love having, like, deep conversations with people. But I've missed this so much because this feels like it feels like, you know, it's like three a.m. at a sleepover and you're supposed to go to bed.




And you're like still like giggling about this, like a little bit farther than the other. Koca That's that's how it feels like when I'm with you guys.


And I miss that energy of mine. But my podcast is like it's just for me to be on that being.


It's like, yeah, tell me if you guys like books and shit, then, like, definitely, definitely go. Yeah. For those listening and watching, if you've been like, where the hell is Mappin? I started I started my own podcast called Hoot and a Half.


Get that, you know.


Yeah, it's on YouTube, Apple, Spotify, plug it anchor and I just interview a different guest every time and just interviewed Heath.


Actually if you guys want to. I'm still the last one. Right.


We have Scott and then Mike and I are going to do our own and then we are going to take a break for season three.


One second. Welcome back. To say he goes royal and our highly anticipated guests come back.


Just come back. It's like, oh, wow. Already.


There you go. There you go. Well, since you're here, I need to I need to talk to you about something. Oh, why is that fucking Christmas of still up at the house?


It's February. It's still under the TV. The whole Christmas village.


You could have complained all week. And you haven't you could have complained all of January, but you kind of haven't.


I wanted away. When I came back from the holidays, I looked at it. I'm like, I'm going to do that tomorrow. I'm so sorry. You guys have been looking at it. But now it's kind of become like the heart of the home. I'm not going to like it, actually.


That's like the only nice thing in the house right now.


So maybe we should just stop thing that kind of makes it sound.


Yeah, yeah. When people come in like, oh wow, this is so it's like when we were talking about doing the Christmas room all year round.


Oh yeah. He had a front room in his house and when he moved in he was like, I don't know what to do with this space. And I thought, make it Christmas all year long, like a military presence.


I kind of wanted to keep the Christmas tree like I kind of liked you did. And still at your front door. Yeah, it's still well, I mean, it's there because it makes it look like that tree is dead, long gone.


But I think my like my entire like the foundation of my house is that to like I don't think anything can grow at my house in the fourth year in the front yard.


It's of I don't know why it bugs me just because I'm like really OCD about that stuff. But when I see a Christmas village and you can tell that different villages were picked from different companies. Yeah, like the characters are a little different sizes. The houses are a little like a little bit bigger and like just seeing them like it, just like Heath.


I'm like I'm like they were like really grinds my like why, why is ice skating this big.


But the houses are that big. Right. Scaling is like when you like mix different sports together.


First off, because they would just this.


Yeah. Watch yourself a second. Ah I agree, scaling is very tough, but I was given a very constricted canvas to create my masterpiece.


I gave you the whole back room. I painted the whole living room in the back. It would have. Been an afterthought, you know, people with a comical whatsoever, and I just feel like all companies should have a universal sizing, I'll get their heat, I will get them.


All of it is lemon. I mean, most of it. I have a department 56 brand, and that's the Frank Lloyd Wright house.


OK, and you know how much I listen to the guys talking about Habas? I got to be a fact checker. Check, please.


You don't doubt what I'm saying. You think I'm just making all this up? No, but like everything in life, Max is the same size. Like the people are supposed to be the same size as like what?


They should be next to the horses. Right. Or for the most part, I feel like they've kind of changed over the years, though. They kind of just sized it up just a little bit. The point is, when I am a retired old man, you were going to come up to my attic and I'm going to have a full on village.


It's going to be Beetlejuice. Yes.


Choo choo train, miniature scale, everything.


Hopefully you have enough money at the time where you hire someone to really because you're not going to be able to do this, the ski lift and all that. That's going to be really hard to do. But just have like a professional help you build this into a winter wonderland.


Why are you doubting my finances? And you'll hopefully have enough money to make this happen. How much are they? Are they did I say like that it is going to to say guys like when you had them, you know what I mean?


Are they that expensive? They are very expensive. It's so fucking you with so much is that you're actually the ones that move.


OK, well my Frank Lloyd Wright house, the one on the bottom right. Two hundred dollars burn one house in the village, but majority of them, like I got about eight of them for one hundred and forty bucks altogether.


Right now is the time to buy.


It's like stocks, it's dogecoin is Christmas religious right and soars every Christmas just like you put all your money in.


So go to the moon, baby, live next to the moon.


And I got to say, guys, great coffee.


Thank you. Thank you. I love it. Just watched you poor fucking White Claw into the busted.


He's showing you the logo.


But but he's speaking from past experience experience because remember we would only have becae sitting around the back and everybody would comment oh what's the K mean.


What is the K mean. Some people guessed right but very few did. Yeah.


I'm surprised they like even caught that. I think that's really crazy.


I think it's because Mireia put the the K next to like some coffee accessories.


OK, well that makes well I mean I k and then there was a jar that said coffee on it. Right.


So it was for dropping hints. What's funny is my last name is King so that just looks totally normal in my own house. Look, my mom just is like, oh it's OK for King of the Coffee's great guys.


I tasted their new flavors coming out. You guys had a bit of a taste test online on Zoome.


Yeah, it's a very funny situation to be in, like a bunch of people like, oh, OK. Yeah. How are you feeling over there in the UK?


You want to know? I walked in on us doing our taste test for our next flavors, but did you get to try them?


I would just imagine like someone like not liking it, you spit it out and it just fries the computer. So it's just like and they're gone.


Well, that one's out of question. We will.


Yeah, I try or be allowed to say what the flavors work. No, but I haven't tried also that other flavor. That's kind of like the granddaddy Kush.


Your next launch. Oh yeah. It's not very limited supply of that one. I haven't had it. Sorry, but I mean, it's still up there.


There's one block for you, right? Nobody has. Can I point out the one funny thing that I noticed about the brand? Yeah, but it wasn't intentional. OK, but doesn't this look like a line of coke in the lizard?


Yeah, I know.


I noticed that, like because you know how the whole logo is back to their roots, but back to the roots, baby.


You know how parliament cigarettes, though, don't have a license or the indent. Well, yes. Well everyone would say, oh, parliament cigarettes. The reason why there's that indent there is because it's perfect to get a bump of cocaine or it's because, you know, soldiers would put it in their mouth while they were like shooting guns because you could grip onto it. But if you look, there is a line of cocaine right down the alley. Look it up.


There's like a diagonal line that goes across the pack, but it's shaped like a diagonal oval, like there's anything in an end, Mireia, you know, the parliament's cigarettes.


I type them up in parliament. Parliament, it's British.


It's the British Parliament. That's all I got. I didn't think I'd have to type in cigarettes after. But you. Oh, my God. That's right. I know. Oh, like the way it like the way they stop it on each side. Yeah.


It looks like. Come on. But what's funny is obviously you guys didn't do that intentionally but.


Yeah. We actually did, because when you drink this coffee, it makes you feel like you're doing cocaine. Remember where you came from? Well, did you notice that the lizard.


Right, the Komodo dragon is also OK? Yes, I remember that. Oh, OK. Sorry. And the little like the belly of it looks like. So it's supposed to be not cocaine. It's supposed to be a coffee bean.


Whoever made that was like not only is it, OK, I'm going to do this, I'm going to make another coffee bean. That's cool. I know if I was a graphic designer, I would.


Well, guys, we are back in except for the same in French toast, that one when I was like, very quickly, we're so sorry. But the other the house flavor that's in and the back flavor of the husband is still available. If you guys want to buy Akimoto Dotcom and merge and.


Oh yeah, guys, the hoodies are incredible. If you want to check it out, like very premium quality, so soft and very comfy when everything's back to normal.


Can we go to the factory and you want to see it?


Yeah, I want to see it. I wanted to see it will blow your mind. Yeah. It's incredible.


Wow. It's crazy.


You guys need to hire the honey bunches of oats lady to be at the Cremona factory to be like Kumo. I love honey bunches of oats. I'm with you. That would be fucking so you know. Yeah but just seeing our pods go through the line was like pretty fucking crazy.


What was the tick tock you were talking about earlier that like you make you like learn something that you were like freaking out about? Oh yes. I think we should like you guys should make it like a section is like what I learned from tech talk or somebody is actually shot in the podcast. One I found out on The Bachelorette. This girl was saying, every time I watch The Bachelorette or The Bachelor, when they pick up the rose, they always, like, twist it and they look at it and then they stop and then they say, the girls name this girl goes.


I think their names are written on the roses. That's why they like they twist it because they're waiting to get the waiting to see the name.


And once they see it, they then look up and say the name, oh my gosh, that's one hundred percent. Because I always thought they must have an earpiece in their ear. There's no way he's like, looking at it in such that.


No. Yeah, no. Their names are written on the roses and they're twisting it because they can't remember thirty fucking girls names.


Nobody can know. Nobody can know though.


He's definitely has already made up his mind though. I always think The Bachelorette that guy knows who his final five are on night one hundred and the rest are the producers going. You're going to eliminate this girl. This one next. Keep it for entertainment.


Yeah. And then they keep girls like this season, Victoria. They keep girls like that as long as they can until the guy is just like, OK, we got to get rid of her because. Yes.


How do you feel about that show? I've never watched it. The only thing I saw was like somebody trying to, like, expose or make fun of one of the girls from that. And it was like she said, like, I've never bought a pair of shoes over forty bucks. And then they just like showed her Instagram like pictures of like her in different shoes. And the shoes were like fifty bucks, fifty five dollars. And I was like vans and there were like and I think so yeah.


Like she was making a joke like forty but like her shoes are fifty bucks, like she's, she's really pretty.


I like her.


I just, I don't know, I keep telling Todd Todd has to be on the fucking bachelorette. I'm dating Natalie.


I know. I know. But for entertainment he was already on Sweet Home Alabama.


I had his time. I know. But it's like that's that's old news about the bachelorette and Bachelor. Like fucking hot right now.


I don't think Todd is that hungry enough to go in and make a fool of himself. I think Todd has enough respect for himself where he can get in there and be like, I'm not going to do that. The you know what I mean? I don't like you have to play the game in, really.


I think there are certain people that are placed on the show just for entertainment. Oh, really?


I think like I think the person knows already that they don't like the guy or they don't like the girl.


They're only there to make the show entertaining and get, I believe, or to get on Bachelor in Paradise or that that's your game one. Yes. If you do not end up with him and if you were entertaining enough, you get asked to go on Bachelor in paradise, that should be your goal.


I know. Does that like does your career just soar if you're on that show? Like, why is that so much better than The Bachelor and not just stay a little bit more relevant. And we didn't like our buddy Tyler. He got big just because of being on that show.


Well, he was one of the favorites, but he didn't go on Bachelor in Paradise, but he was top four.


He was top like three or four of them. Yes, he was second. He was runner second. Yeah.


But now his friend is Matt, who is the bachelor now. Yeah. But what's so funny is I always get so hung up on like they're pretty good.


Yes. OK, I don't know what to say. Well you know you've never, you've never seen it.


That's just not you still looking right in the face. You just the size used to be by my side him over.


Well why don't you go sit by your side. Yeah.


I want to go right now. We're just going to test it out. Transition. Transition.


Well, how does that feel? Can you move here. Meters down here, feels like old times, yeah. I miss you had a juice in the funny for the old times sake. Hey, hey baby. That's cute. That's cute.


Rich. You know, it's funny being in this. Oh, I know.


There's not a lot of room that's a little bit smaller than I remembered. This is getting weird. I think it's time to I think it's time to break the ice. OK, so the other day I know the whole thing.


He goes, let me make this quick. So about a year and a half ago.


Yeah, this was the other day. The other day it was Groundhog Day.


And I was very excited to play the Groundhog Day game on V.R., which is like the sequel to the movie. And I was very excited about it because I thought it was going to be on my Arculus quest, too. But it wasn't. It was on my reft.


You're really upset about that very upset Zanón heath come in and they're like, hey, how's it going, man? What's up? What's going on? Oh, you're upset about the game.


I'm like, why are you guys being royalty in a really nice to me? And they go, Are you free this Friday? We would love to have you on the podcast. And I'm like, yeah, totally. I'm down. And they go.


There's also something else we want to talk to you about. And do you guys want to.


So take it away. We we sat down and we're like. OK, Matt, you you got your podcast started, you know, you've been through and you've built your own success, you've got to get out of you go on more about the success you been.


Continue to tell them about how well I'm doing. You you've got a Kickstarter.


You're doing fucking incredible. A Kickstarter. But no, I started. Oh, OK.


I'll start a Kickstarter. Was wasn't he's raising money for. I feel like you're comfortable now. You like you got a flow go in with your with your other show. So we're like. I think if me and Mariah, we kind of miss the old the old unfiltered dynamic, and we we asked you to be on the on unfiltered path, full time baby.


And what did I say? He said, no, I'll be OK. What am I supposed to tell you? That said, think about it also just to address the elephant in the room.


Obviously, Kenny hasn't been with us for the last few weeks and it has been hard for Zane and I. And we appreciate everything that he's done for us for the last few episodes. And we're nothing but grateful for the time that we had with him and how much he's helped us with the podcast the last few months. But it is very difficult to mix friendship with business and we would rather lose a co-host and a best friend. So we're really excited to just have Kenny as our best friend.


And it's an unfortunate situation, but we're just so excited for him and thankful for everything that he's helped us with. And we really appreciate him.


Exactly. And guys continue to support him. He's an incredible voice actor and he's going to do incredible things. So please keep sending him love and we wish the best for him.


Kenny, we love you so much and thank you again for everything and cheers to you. Cheers to you. But I've missed this. We have so many more exciting things coming up. And the guest that we have, we were just like we have to include Matt.


We get weird here. We goof around and it's like a whole different experience. So I miss this dynamic. Thank you. Thank you guys for having me back.


It was a long conversation. OK, yeah.


I feel you know, I feel like I'm in I feel like I'm a character in a soap opera who was like, come back to life, the life and death.


I'm not fucking Rejon Snoad. My brother told me. We told him that we were like we were like, oh my God. We feel that we were like, we would really love to have you back on now that you're like Establisher, you got your own podcast and you have your success. Like, this is great. Like we would love to now, like reintroduce it and have it back to that feeling. Matt was just like. She let me down, no doubt, no doubt, yeah, no, I just got to think about.


Let me just let me just think about it for a second. I just need to talk to some people. Yeah. I was so excited. Too eager. Right.


Trying to keep my cool. But I was really excited. But, you know, it's like when you get the job offer, you can't just say, oh, yes.


I mean, you have to act like you have some other offers. You get back up now.


Otherwise, I think I did get offered by Joe Rogan to go on his, but I don't want to be like back to Texas came up me with.


That would be interesting, though.


Joe Rogan I love listening to, but I would never want his full attention on. I don't think I could ever be like if he asked like us to go on.


Oh no. I don't think I can handle I don't think I could either, because I feel like he would just try to make fun of us or just try to, like, just grow you.


I feel like talking to a cop, like you're doing nothing wrong, but they're like. So this your car? Yeah, like, no, it's my mom's. So are you driving it, huh? Oh, she won't she let me drive it and it's like, Oh, interesting. Right.


And I just think he knows so much like so much where I feel like we could even have a conversation. He would talk to me about something.


I'm just like, but what Joe Rogan is very good about is that he goes into conversations with people who know so much about something he doesn't know anything about and is curious enough to navigate the conversation, which is like good quality to have gone in.


Not at all. It's got to pick people's brain curiosity.


I have a lot of curiosity, but I don't know how to say that like that. I don't know how to you know, what's what's on your mind right now. Yeah.


What do you think? You know, I tell him that all the time.


Like, if I'm just sitting there daydreaming, I'll be like, maybe, baby, what's wrong?


I'm like, baby, he's like a baby. And I, I, I'm not one of those people. It's like I'm fine. I just literally I'm like, it's empty. It's blank. But I'm thinking about daydreaming.


I'm thinking about I mean, I have nothing in here. There's nothing happening right now. What's that's what's going on.


Well, do you think you have some sort of like ADHD? Yes. Good, Zain. Yes.


And talk about it so bad. We tried it again. Yes. How about you?


But this this is toxic.


Before we continue, we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor, Harry's. Too often we're choosing between quality or a fair price. And with Harry's, you don't have to choose.


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I just got my hair set yesterday and I use that today for my beard, as you can see, is all so nicely OK.


It's literally glads with preciseness, OK, and it feels good and it's got me looking good too.


And the packaging, it just makes you feel like you got like a Christmas present.


Yeah. It's like really just feels high end for a limited time. Harrys is offering their starter set plus a free body wash for just three dollars at Harry's dotcom slash unfiltered.


And you going to get that close comfortable shave for only two dollar refills just for word just came in not actually just bought their shaving cream is raving about it right now.


He's actually jealous that he's not sponsored by Harry's because it's because he uses it every day because he knows it's the best baby.


Tell them how they do it. Harrison combined a simple ergonomic design with five sharp blades.


Selema, ergonomic me. I have no idea where they sourced their steel from Sweden and manufacture their blades in their world class blade factory.


And could you put to Sweden on a map? I couldn't tell, but I know they make some good blades for a limited time.


Harrys has an exclusive offer for you guys listening. That's right.


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Again, that's Herries dot com slash unfiltered. Thank you so much, Herries. We love you.


Even my mom agrees.


She thinks all four of us, me and my siblings, she was like, you all have you. But I never got like diagnosed or anything.


But I got I got diagnosed with add. Oh, did you. Well, because one ADHD is attention deficit.


Have something really funny to say. Exam was like, what do I tell the doctor that I have like what's wrong. I was like Santa laundry. He was like, how do like like explain like the things that I have like that let him know I have ADHD. And I was like, tell him you have like an attention deficit. He's like, what does that mean?


I was like, he goes, Yeah, but I need examples. I don't like attention. Fuck you guys. This is the reason why I was asking because I don't know. It's a lot of things that I do.


You just should have send in all the bloopers of your ad reads and they would have been like, diagnose. Now, I know there's a lot of things that like I know in the past, I hate them.


Rya were like a little a little like like just I think a little frustrated that I would do, but I never noticed that I did it. Like someone will talk to me and it will go in one ear and out the other like, like accidentally like I don't mean to do that or like I get to have a conversation with you and you have my full attention, I'm listening to you.


And then when it's ready for when it's time for me to talk, I can't give you an answer because everything you just told me, it went out the door. Yeah. It's like it's been happening. It's this has been happening really bad for the past, like two years now. But like I've had as a kid, like, very like I had a little like I had like. Minor as a kid, and then it got worse and worse as I got older.


Now it's like the worst it's ever been. Didn't you say, like, when somebody's talking to you, you're like looking at them and you're like, you're talking and I'm listening and I'm like, I know you're talking on. Yeah. And you're like, you shake your head. Oh, here we go.


But you're not fully there. Present listening to me.


I'm actually trying though. It's like it's not like I think we're over trying and we're like, try, try, try.


Like it really sucks and like like and there's so many other things that happens like around that, like the fact that I can't like, like I lipshitz a last minute, like any work that I have, I'll leave it to Losman and then I'll stress myself out and then I'll quit like I'll get a job and it's paying really good and I'll quit. I'll quit because like I just don't care.


And I allow my brain to not care about this big, great opportunity that I just got. Yeah. I'm going to let it go out the door. And there are so many other things that, like I knew was wrong in me, but I just thought that that was something I was gonna have to deal with for the rest of my life.


And there was no way to fix it. It was just something that I have to deal with. And I kind of accepted it to be like the idiot because I just felt like, oh, I'm just dumb.


And it sucks because, like, I don't want to be fucking dumb, but, like, my. You're not dumb. No, no, you're not.


You're being smart right now by recognizing that you did have a problem and you're seeking help for it. Yeah.


For a lot of times people will go and go and go and think, no, there's nothing wrong, there's nothing wrong, there's nothing wrong, and just keep them.


And then it got to the point where, like, I talk to all my friends, I was just like, hey, guys, I never really opened up about this because I just thought it was something. I just thought it was me. But I opened up to everybody about I was just like, guys, I had this problem in this problem. And I don't like what do I do? Because I feel like I feel like it has to be something out there that can help me kind of deal with this or just fix it at least.


And Matt was just like, you might have ADHD. And I was like eighties because to me, ADHD, just like if you can't, like, focus on something, you're just like, that's all right. That's all. I think the thought was interesting. And I was like, what do you mean? It's like it's just not that like there's a broad. Exactly. So it's like, fuck, OK, so I schedule an appointment. I was so excited for it because I was just like, oh my God, someone's going to help me.


So I, I just had the appointment like two days ago and. I was talking to the doctor and then the first like 10, 15 minutes, he was explaining what ADHD was and then he listed everything that he like symptoms, all the symptoms for someone with ADHD. And I hit every single one I couldn't believe in.


Like as he was talking, I swear to God, I was crying. I was like tearing up. And it was and I'm like, I'm sorry. I just can't believe that, like, I can't believe someone is about to help me right now to deal with all this, because I just thought this was something normal that you can't fucking fix. And it was so embarrassing because he had an intern that was on that was she was on the call.


But like, I couldn't see her webcam. She was like blank. He asked me before the point. He was like, do you mind if we have an intern? They're going to they're the shadow just like, oh, my God, she knew who you were. No, no, she didn't.


But like, as old as I was, like, tearing up. And I'm just like, yeah. And I was like I was sitting and I was just like, oh, my God, this girl right now is seeing this. Who fucking knows what she's doing? I was like, oh, my God, Beyonce, talk to me.


Tell me something. Tell me something that happened to you at work, but you didn't tell me that or something like that. You know, it's funny.


Not funny, actually, but I regret not telling him sooner. He's like, what are you fucking you know, my brother was on ADHD medicine and we have the same symptoms.


And you remind me of my brother and we have the same like brain. Yeah. So I looked up symptoms and I was checking them all for myself. I was like, oh my gosh, I have ADHD. Like, I was checking off everything. It's not too insane where I want to go get checked. But I could and I was looking at the list and I was like, I check everything off. And then I was thinking I was sitting there with Keith and I was like, Zane checks everything off.


I was like, this makes so much sense now. Yeah. Like it's you don't do anything on purpose. Yeah. I was like, oh my gosh. It's literally it's just feel so bad when people are just like Zane you don't like.


Listen, I'm just like, fuck, I really try to listen to you actually don't know.


You listen, you listen when you want to listen, but when you have to listen, that's when it's tough. It's like a very selective focus. But I want to bring back to Mariah because like you think like, oh, you meet some of the symptoms. But I think what's so beautiful is, is that you didn't get diagnosed with ADHD and you're a dancer. What's so sad is sometimes people are overdiagnosed with ADHD, like your kid in kindergarten.


She can't sit still when we all need to have story time or whatever.


Yeah, maybe she's actually a dancer, but no one prescribed the kid a pill and make them suppress their like their attention or make them suppress their energy and enhance their focus and tone them down on something that's already in them and their desire to move and perform.


You talk to me about that before about the guy who was like, no, no, you just just need a dance. So they put the kid in, like, dance classes and it was literally magic, like it was medicine. Like the kid was like, yeah, I just needed to dance. Yeah. And like, that was it. That's the beauty of it.


But and in my brain, like with Zane, when it happened, I was like, I would like to tell you, but I don't know how you're going to react. But also I was like, this is something he's got to figure out on his own and it'll hit him. You know, you got to figure out on his own. I mean, that's what I work with because I didn't know that he told you.


And I we could have told you so much earlier, but I didn't want to offend you or anything. And I was just like, you know what he's going to think.


I get like, but it's the only the only person who can help yourself is yourself, right? Yeah.


You know, there's a true I told you two years ago you would be you it would go right over your head like you, everything about it, and then move on.


I think now you're at a point where you you know, how you act and react to things where you're accepting it.


He hasn't taken it yet. He wanted to wait because for you, apparently you have like a couple of days of, like, high anxiety. Yeah. So I got it.


I got it yesterday or the day before and I was supposed to today's supposed to be my first day, but I was like, I can't take it today because the first few days you're supposed to like your anxiety is supposed to shoot up to there. You don't like you can't eat all day because it just you're not hungry. You can't, like, sleep at night. It's like fucking crazy the first year worse because your body's trying to get used to the medicine.


But then after that, there's just something that I take.


It's literally like a tab that I like put on my tongue, kind of like, well, you don't even know the name of it. So I'm very curious. What do they prescribe you?


He goes, he got a wiki for like he couldn't remember. The good was, hold on, wait. I've even if I told you once it calms you when they give him a weird one that isn't like one of the guys I could have told the guinea pigs and you would have known that gave him a placebo.


He's like, I think it was called placebo. Are you excited? I'm really excited. My doctor said that ninety percent of the patient has patients that take this has completely changed your life.


Yeah, I was like, I'm like, how can something like this change, like change what I'm going through right now?


It's limitless only because I wanted to film the first day of my.


But first, while the voters does look like he is looking like a every upload, things like, oh, he goes to bed like a dog and he's like, what did I do? And he sees this video. He's like, oh, my God. He just looks now like, oh, sure, that's good.


But I'm hoping I'm hoping once I start taking his medication, I'm able to get shit done again. I'm able to get up and get like, get tors on, get like my fucking worked, done, get fucking go.


We hate the new him. We're like Zane's cracked out. He's just always working. He's so annoying. He's tweaking. Must be tweaking.


I think we all have ADHD, everybody here. So you don't want to say, you know what. You know why. There's a whole theory about it. Our ancestors had to have had EBD because they were the only people who had the balls enough to be like, oh yeah, I'll get on the boat. Where's it going to the new land over there? Yeah, sure. Bring it on.


Let's do something different.


So like so I'm supposed to be a captain of a ship.


Now, it just I can see that that's the reason why so many Americans have AIDS is because it's like rooted in our genetics that we are people, impulsive people.


Yeah. So I was diagnosed with ADHD, both hyperactive and inattentive.




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That sounds like your mom texting your dad. That's my my. I like my dad doesn't talk to me like this. Like I bet he doesn't talk to me at all. My dad doesn't love me. But can you please put this screenshot it just I kiss your dad talking like this blew my mind. He's obsessed. That makes me so happy. Like I feel like I did a good thing. I got him a nice gift and he's literally loving it.


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And we'll rewind back to the things that I learned on tech talk. I learned this one thing about people who live in Florida, and I know this isn't everybody who lives in Florida. Let us do you guys have these bags that you put in your closet next to your clothes that, like, trap humidity?


No, no, absolutely licking it. It's like like Armand Hammer. It's like it's like it's a Ziploc bag. But when you take it out after a long time, all this water has collected in it because it takes in all the moisture that would maybe collect in your closet. It said the tax on it was like people in Florida have these or whatever, and it's like kind of foggy water.


Does it depend on like what like floors you have and all that?


Or is it just because I guess it's just like humidity in the air and you have to be living like near a heavy water like it down in the Everglades? Oh, it must be.


But I didn't know if that was like a universal thing where everybody has this bag of is it supposed to prevent like like getting like, oh, just closed. It prevents mold. Like, what is it, the wood paneled cedar cedar closet. I just learned that they were moisture free. I just thought cedar closets were a thing that you just thought it was like aesthetic.


Yeah. You know what I did learn on Tick-Tock recently, though, and like, this actually fucked me up. The girl goes, I just found out that hibernation isn't when an animal goes to sleep for months at a time. And I was like what I was like my whole life, I grew up thinking, like, hibernation. You got these animals. They stop them sucking taught. I feel like I was actually why do I feel about themselves?


And then they burrow underground and they go to sleep until like spring.


Yes. That's what I was taught to. I don't know what it was. It's not a mental effect. We were taught it. It was. Yes, that's a fact. It wasn't like in any cartoon movies that we watch when it was Bob, we're like Sandy. Remember, she goes into hibernation, hibernation in like third grade.


Second and third grade. Yeah.


The Bears. But so they don't go to sleep. What do they do? Actually, they eat food and basically slow their their metabolism, their bodies down. They're like blood pressure and everything, so they don't use as much energy and they're just like kind of like slower, but they're still awake, they're not napping.


I thought they fucking slept, but now they think about it.


How are they sleeping for six months, you know, but why do they tell us?


But that made sense to me because there was like other stories I heard, like, about the man who slept under the tree for, like, how you know what I'm talking about.


Rip Van Winkle, right.


He slept for Monday months, whatever it was. OK, it makes sense. Maybe he just hibernated. There's like some sort of way. Like, it just works because some animals do it. Yeah.


Why the fuck were we taught this? I don't know. In a way, it's crazy. How does your teacher not really clarify that?


How is the teacher getting that you. Yeah, I, I think it's more fun to tell kids.


Oh yeah. They go to sleep for six months. I maybe maybe it's like a I even thought of that when I was like a few years ago when I was in like bear territory. I was thinking like, oh there's bears saving. Yeah. They're not going to come out, they're sleeping, hibernate, they're hibernating. They're resting. It doesn't make sense why.


I don't know. We need to go to a local school board and check on what's the curriculum for this year and clarify that.


Imagine all the books in like ten years what will be and like history books.


And just how fucking crazy did you guys have? McGraw-Hill? Yes. Textbook course. Yeah.


I used to convince people it's not true that McGraw and Hill were Tim McGraw and Faith Hill and they own the textbook companies just to get the rumor going like. I know.


Oh yeah. I reached my stage. Yeah. Yeah, they know basis of that information. But I'd be like Tim McGraw and Faith Hill on the books and everyone be like, really not true. There are investors. And now like when you grow up, you realize how companies work. You have like investors hundreds of years. They're like, oh, right. Is there anything else weird that we were taught that, like, was probably everything?


Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I know there's a ton more things, but it's not in my head right now. Nothing's the matter right now. I haven't taken my ADHD medicine yet, Zain.


I think our neighbor is growing drugs. And really. Yeah, we got new neighbors. The one. Yeah, the left there, the kids right. Like because I saw the young guy, I saw him walking up the side of the yard. I was just like, who's in the backyard right now? Because nobody was living in our like at the neighbors house for like a good year. Yeah. Like it was just empty and then or not it wasn't empty, was actually empty for like five months because the guy moved out.


The couple next to us had a baby.


I never saw the wife pregnant once. And all of a sudden, like a little baby appeared. I don't know if it was adopted or surrogate. It's it's the Hollywood Hills.


Nobody knows what goes down. You know, anything's possible.


But then they moved. You know, the pandemic happened. They're gone. Two new kids move in and my balcony, I can kind of look out into their front yard a on their front yard peeping tom.


Well, you mean I am not. Have you heard a Crime Watchers? Oh, my God.


I see that thing where you have the cop in the street. Have you guys ever looked at the crime watchers like, yeah, sign? Who is that?


I always think of Carmen Sandiego mask. Yeah, it's all part of the marriage. I'm sorry. Who is that? He looks like the Crameri. It just looks like Assassin's Creed. Like who's robbing houses with us, you know, Jack the Ripper.


Ripper, Jeepers Creepers. You don't know who I am.


Is it crazy? Like who is that? It was terrifying shit ever.


They should replace that with the kid that fucking robbed our house and took my car keys, have them flying over the water and took all the blood splatter in the face. They think it's a tennis court to say, oh, there's tennis around here.


Oh, anyways, yeah. Walked out in the balcony, took a peek in their front yard. They built a greenhouse, you know, greenhouse in the backyard and they're really into pottery nowhere. But come on, we have pretty good climate out here in California. Yeah.


Have a garden. What's in that greenhouse? Maybe wine.


How old how old are the great white way.


How big a move to Napa? How big is it. It's small. It's like the size of a shed.


Oh wow. So. They got a lot of money, so they're not pushing weight, they're fine, but hey, hey, I'm older than opium, so that means we got to connect.


You know what? We're complaining for the high up.


So we get the wheat for the higher ups. Oh, good times.


And I'm I'm concerned, but I'm not going to report him. I'm curious to see what's going on. We'll have a barbecue and show me your house renovations. They're like, oh, you're smoking this week for the podcast at the front door.


You're like, no, the green house.


I'll be in the high episode.


I plan on not attending the high episode. Omeri I will not be attending but I will now. I'll just take like the ADHD medicine and just see what I mean.


So she's just super focused. In fact checking us like you're wrong.


Bigfoot isn't a real big fan of it. Yeah, we're good. All right guys, that was great. Oh my God. Also the episode and it and it was great being back.


I've missed this and I'm very, very excited for what's to come. Yeah.


Guys, if you haven't listened to my podcast, check out now. Check it out. It's on YouTube, Spotify anchor, Apple Music.


We don't have all of this book. Are you supposed to survive her anchor? How do you get that? How do you get your shit on there? You guys, aren't it?


I'm sure you are. All they say Apple, Spotify and everything else, etc..


But hey, guys, make sure to subscribe to our podcast, two and a half great times.


And thank you.


We're really all about tech if that pulls you in that direction.


I'm so pumped. Yeah, I'm really excited.


Thank you for everything. Yeah. Thank you. We all grew proud of you. It's crazy. I feel like though everyone's been like seeing you guys age, but I'm like coming in eight months age like.




All right. Well, guys, thank you so much for tuning in on Zane Heath unfiltered. Make sure to check out the audio for this podcast on Spotify Google anchor.


That is very good. And YouTube or the video form of this on YouTube dot com slash today.


And here again, guys, if you want to check out our coffee, we have the house to Haitian and the bag house available right now. So check that out. Comodo Dotcom.


Also, this podcast is brought to you by the Ten Commandments, especially Thou Shalt Not Be Enough.


That's the. And we ended it.


We had done. I guess you love me so much and we will see you next week.


PBS lessons, baby. Big Kisses, Big business.


Wow. That's Joe Rogan.