How does Vimeo video transcription optimise user experience?

André Bastié
André Bastié
Posted in Vimeo
5 min read
Vimeo User Experience

Discover how Vimeo video transcription optimizes user experience by improving accessibility, enhancing user understanding, enabling content searchability, and allowing viewers to watch without audio.

Video transcription has become a necessity for all content creators. While there are numerous benefits to transcribing your Vimeo videos, one of the main advantages is the improvement in user experience. If you are looking to boost your video’s appeal, providing an accurate transcription is definitely the way to go. Let’s take a closer look at how transcribing your video will optimise your content for your viewers.

What is video transcription?

Video transcription is the procedure that converts your video audio to text. Some videos display on screen captions or subtitles, whereas others provide a full transcript that can often be downloaded as a text file.

There are three main ways to transcribe your Vimeo and YouTube videos. You can write out your closed aptions manually - a very long and often arduous procedure. Alternatively, you can use transcription software or employ a professional human transcriptionist to type out your transcript for you.

The easiest way to generate your video transcripts is to use a specialised online transcription platform. The best transcription platforms, such as Happy Scribe, provide both machine generated and human generated transcripts, allowing you to choose the most suitable type for each of your videos.

Vimeo User Experience

How does Vimeo video transcription optimise user experience?

If you don’t have any experience using video transcripts, you may be wondering how they can help you to optimise your content for your viewers. Here are the top four ways that video transcription can help to improve your video’s user experience.

Improve Accessibility

When you transcribe your video, your content becomes much more accessible. Without a transcript, people with hearing impairments will not be able to or will struggle to understand your video. Providing transcripts will also make your videos more accessible to people in your audience who are non-native language speakers.

Enhance User Understanding Providing a text of your video’s audio will also help your audience to better understand your video content. Being able to read along with what is being said can help your viewers to better digest what you are saying, as well as reducing the likelihood of any misunderstandings.

Enable Viewers to Search Your Content

When you add a transcript to your video’s page on the Vimeo platform, viewers are able to quickly skim through what your video is about and see if your video is, in fact, of interest to them. Viewers can also search for specific keywords or phrases, making it easier for them to navigate through your videos to find the sections that they are looking for or to rewatch specific points at a later time.

Allow Users to Watch Without Audio

While most users in noisy environments will generally use headphones, not everyone always wants to watch a video with the sound on. Some people prefer to read closed captions rather than listening to someone talking. Transcripts are also really useful for viewers who may need to mute unexpectedly, for example, if they are travelling.

Vimeo User Expierence

Other benefits of transcribing your Vimeo videos

Subtitles don’t just improve user experience, they also have a lot of other extra benefits for video content creators.

Improve Discoverability

If you want to boost your video’s ranking on Google, providing a transcript is a great way to allow search engines to access your media content. Rather than paying out for expensive SEO marketing services, simply use the content that you have already created - your video’s audio. When you embed your video on a page, make sure that you include your transcript to increase your video SEO and the number of views.

Better Organisation

It can be difficult to keep track of everything that you have covered in all of your videos. Maybe you promised to create a new episode on a particular topic, but you can’t quite remember when or what you actually said. Alternatively, you may need to look up exactly what you said on a particular topic. Thanks to your transcription files, you can quickly search and find what you are looking for, without having to sit through hours of video.

Streamline Content Repurposing

High quality transcripts are also really useful for content marketing and repurposing. You can take phrases or even entire sections directly from your transcription files and use them on your website or to create other types of media. You can also share your transcripts on your personal or business pages as stand alone articles or with a link to your Vimeo videos. This is much faster and more efficient than having to create extra content from scratch.

How to order a professional Vimeo video transcript

Thankfully, ordering a professional video to text transcription is really simple. Choose an online transcription service that has high accuracy levels and a fast turnaround for the best results. Once you have made an account on their website, you can upload your video recording for transcription.

Your transcription will then be automatically generated or typed manually, depending on the process that you have selected. If you are in a hurry and need a fast turnaround, software-generated tools are the best choice. Otherwise, for high accuracy levels, you will want to choose a professional transcription service that uses a team of professional transcriptions to take care of your text.

When you receive your text file, you will need to add it to the Vimeo website. Navigate to your video’s page and click on the CC button, then settings and the plus button to upload your text file. Once your file is displayed, click on the toggle button to activate it and your transcript will now show when your video is played.

Final thoughts on optimising user experience with Vimeo video transcripts

Whether you are live streaming, hosting a webinar or recording a video on Vimeo, it is really important to provide accurate transcripts so that your audience can better understand your message. Captions will also make your content more accessible to a greater number of users, as well as allowing more people to discover your videos on the Vimeo site. We recommend using a professional transcription service, such as Happy Scribe, to ensure that you get the highest quality transcripts for all of your online media.

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