How To Take Notes In a Zoom Meeting or Webinar

André Bastié
André Bastié
Posted in Zoom
5 min read
How To Take Notes In a Zoom Meeting or Webinar

In the Zoom era, efficient note-taking ensures better decision-making, continuity, and accessibility for meeting attendees. Learn how to optimize this essential task.

Taking notes during a webinar or Zoom meeting is no longer a new concept in Zoom. Having notes makes it easier for users to organize their information on a specific discussed subject. It also helps in decision-making and anticipating needs in time. If you have some notes from previously held meetings, you are closer to determining the current session's key actions, including the discussion topics. If you are handling a task or as a group, losing a campaign site and general objective is easy, but note taking; you can always get things moving on time. Apart from audio recording a Zoom meeting or webinar conversation, participants can use note-taking as an effective way to catch up with key actions of a past Zoom event.

Absentees and new participants can catch up with every topic of conversation even when they cannot make it to the meeting. People often miss meetings for different reasons, so quick and easy note-taking on Zoom informs them of discussed subjects. Digital access to notes helps to make it more beneficial, allowing anyone to access them. Having said this, how do you make notes in Zoom Apps or the web during a meeting?

How to take notes in a meeting or webinar Zoom?

How to use a notetaker while on a Zoom App or the Web?

Apart from using Zoom Apps for video chat and to record events, Zoom app notes have organizational purposes, allowing you to use it as a resource for your coworkers and team. When your team members can access vital information from your Zoom meeting or webinar notes, it increases their productivity.

However, you must learn how to format your meeting or webinar notes in settings to get every message in detail, or else it may look challenging for anyone to understand what you have jotted down. To learn how to take notes while on Zoom, follow these simple Zoom notes-taking steps:

Open Your Note-Taking App on the Side

You can multitask with split screens, including note-taking. This notes-taking method works by placing the Zoom app chat window at a side display and pulling up the note-taking app. This works for every participant, regardless of their devices, once they understand the settings.

The split screen feature allows users to view vital feeds at once. They can also switch between these feeds in a few clicks. You can access all vital information and once with the help of the split screen, whether you are using a desktop PC, smart whiteboard, or other compatible devices. You can also switch between these feeds as you wish by just clicking a few buttons.

You may also need to get your teams to the same page using an online whiteboard app such as Vibe’s Canvas app. Depending on your wish, you can use Canvas for your notes or share them with different teams. This will help all participants in the meeting do things together in a shared space. Notes taken on Canvas are saved automatically in the cloud, allowing you to access them in the future. However, you must organize things using smart text, converting illegible handwriting into readable.

How to take notes in a meeting or webinar Zoom?

Add available Note-Taking Extensions

Note-taking extensions are an excellent way to take notes during live Zoom events. This note-taking method requires Zoom participants to install or add this app, configure it, and connect to the Zoom app. This will help them write or share written notes during a Zoom meeting or webinar within the same window as their Zoom event.

Turn on Voice Typing

Zoom's live transcription, at times, works like a robotic transcription, making it possible for participants and hosts at a Zoom meeting or webinar to carry out speech-to-text translation. A host will select and activate this option for other attendees at the Zoom meeting or webinar once the event starts. However, the host must ensure to allow viewers to view the live transcript; otherwise, they cannot access it.

Turning on this feature on your Zoom account comes first before the start of the meeting. After turning it on, you can select and enable live transcribing during meeting sessions.

Do you need an Automatic Zoom Notetaker?

While some participants or hosts prefer delegating someone to note-taking, the Zoom automatic note-taker can help them put crucial aspects of the meeting into writing if they set the feature. It is an AI assistant that helps to transcribe everything automatically said in a meeting. Users with busy schedules will find this tool vital as it provides detailed information and accuracy of every conversation of meetings compared to a traditional note taker.

Noting a notetaker join your ongoing meeting or calls via a link or any other means as a member may often cause you to ask different questions. The auto Notetaker works and observes the meeting silently and will not create any attention, interfere, or partake in the ongoing meeting and conversation. You, as a host, may not remember that you even activated the automatic Notetaker, but it will not stop working once you start it until the meeting ends.

While the AI assistant helps in recording audio and writes down spoken words, it can also respond to voice commands. Moreover, it can comprehend these words and provide meeting summaries users can share with teams or groups.

Is there a Zoom tool for free live transcript notes-taking?

Transcribing a Zoom meeting or webinar with a live transcript Zoom tool during live meetings is one of the best ways to take notes as it helps you focus. Even if you are too busy to take notes, you can delegate other attendees to transcribe and share them afterward.

Taking notes and paying attention simultaneously in Zoom meetings or a webinar can be challenging whether you join as a participant or as a host, hence, the need for free live transcription note-taking. There are higher chances of losing or missing vital information while taking notes. Hence, it is more sensible to take notes using a Zoom transcript tool and pay keen attention to the meeting. You can also enjoy better engagement and conversation as the meeting goes on, either as a host or a participant.

Create or make a successful Note-Taking with Happy Scribe

Happy Scribe offers all you need to transcribe your Zoom audio recordings and meetings. It is a transcription agency that offers top-notch transcription services for all Zoom events. The agency offers state-of-the-art AI and transcription for your cloud files or human transcriptions, depending on your choices.

There is no language barrier for your file subtitles as the services are available in English, Portuguese, German, and other multiple languages. The multiple export formats support your work, whether audio, video, or other files from Google, including the Zoom calendar. There is a flexible payment plan option to help you choose the best payment plan for your transcriptions. Happy Scribe is an all-in-one platform that helps to manage your Zoom files, including a calendar, in a single app.

Transcription Tool Prices for Zoom Meetings and Webinars

What are the prices of transcription tools for Zoom meetings and webinars?

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