AFK w/ Felicia Day | 'The Guild’ Web Series, Building Games in UEFN, Poop Samples & 'Third Eye’ Her New Audio Adventure
AFK w/ Ninja- 1,138 views
- 31 Oct 2023
Today, we have a true internet OG gracing our digital stage. Our guest is none other than the multitalented actress, creator, and storytelling wizard, Felicia Day. A veteran in the world of entertainment, she's known for her roles in popular TV shows like 'Supernatural' and 'Adventure Time' and her creation of the iconic web series 'The Guild' and ‘Geek & Sundry.’ Felicia has again recently delved into storytelling with her latest audiobook, 'THIRD EYE,' featuring a star-studded cast. We jump into the creative process and inspirations behind 'THIRD EYE.’ We also touch on Felicia's latest projects - including building inside of Unreal Engine Fortnite, why Baldur’s Gate 3 is game of the year, how having a kid has and hasn’t changed her, and what she’s loving about streaming today.--AFK w/ Ninja is hosted by professional streamer and gamer Tyler "Ninja" Blevins. Join Ninja twice a week as he dives into the internet and the ever changing realms of music, sports, comedy, gaming, and entertainment to uncover the latest projects and excitement brewing within these industries.AFK w/ Ninja drops Tuesdays and Thursdays on Apple Podcasts and everywhere you get your podcast fix.FOLLOW the Official AFK Instagram: @afkwithninjaGRAB some official #TeamNinja merch: teamninja.comHANG with me on more socials: https://pillar.io/ninjaEmail the show at podcast@teamninja.com Produced by SALTExecutive Producers: Nick Panama, Jamie Schefman, and Noah GershCreative Producer: Cameron TaggeAssociate Producer: Andre RojasSpecial Thanks: Liz LeMay and Farrah Safari
I'm older than you, so I was like dial-up time.
Were fucking in it. I was in it. I went to a meetup with people from a mud, which is like you dial up to someone's private server and you're typing to them. I show up and I'm 14 years old and there's these older adults and they're all looking at each other like, What did we do? Actually, this is not legal. My mom was like, What are we doing?
Then someone comes, Chris Hanson comes around the corner. What are you guys all doing here? Welcome, Gules and gamers. We have a true internet OG in the house today. She's an actress, creator, and storytelling wizard who's not only starring in a few of your favorite TV shows like Supernatural, mystery, science, Theater 3,000, and Adventure Time, but also created some of the biggest web series of all time. It is the incredibly kind, comedic, and creative Felicia Day. While Felicia wasn't starring in hit TV shows, she was creating her own. She's the mastermind behind The Guild, a six-season gaming extravaganza that gave birth to the viral sensation Do You Want to Date My Avtar?, which has amassed over 30 million views. Not to mention, she founded and sold geek and sundry, Look It Up. She's a New Times bestseller who just dropped her new audiobook adventure called Third Eye, available on Audible. It's a comically captivating fantasy adventure with a star-studded cast. Felicia is a gamer at heart, and you can catch her streaming weekly. Without further ado, let's welcome Felicia Day to the show.
Wow, that was quite an intro. That was great. Please come with me everywhere.
That was amazing. I can intro you in wherever you want.
You'll be my herald, my medieval herald.
It's delicious. Presented to you the wonderful, fantastic Felicity.
Freaking, a little pop, pop, a little mini confetti thing and- It was too good. -roll out a little carpet.
Thank you. It was too good. Thank you for having me on here. I'm so privileged to be here. You are so fun to listen to. This format is... We could talk forever, and I know they're going to have to pull us off here. I'm a ho for an in-game ho. Do you know what I'm saying? I will do any game at all with any farming or fishing. I'm there. There's Sunhaven, like a Pancha, like Palaea. There's so many. For some reason, Fayfarm, I don't know what is about that one, and I was so angry that they didn't have more content. I was one of those rage like... I played Wow! Very obsessively for many years. I was one of those hardcore people where I'm like, Not enough content. Just freaking out on Faith Farm. I'm like, Where's the next one? Why was those so cheap? Why didn't I buy the deluxagition? Whenever they come out with more, I'm there, but I'm angry that I can't play it more. I'm physically angry.
Games just need to start adding more hardcore shit. You know what I mean? Don't fully cater. Don't make the full game a grind. But you need to be adding crazy amounts of sidequits that are for the fucking losers out there, or are going to just... Us who want to get full achievements and accomplish everything. Let me freaking dig or plant a million crops and get a diamond hoe, right?
A diamond ho sounds great.
Here's the problem with this. If you don't have a shirt, by the way, already, if I'm a ho for a ho, you need to. I just wanted to...
I'm a ho for an in-game hoe, okay?
No, that's what it would say. It would be, I'm a ho for, and then it would be A, and then it would be an image of a hoe.
Oh, yes. Okay, you have a visual mind in a way I don't.
Okay, this is awesome. Oh, no.
I'll wear that shirt any day of the week. I'm a hoe for an in-game hoe.
You don't even have to clarify because it would just be the picture of the ho. So everyone would get it right away.
Well, for me, the problem with video games is that you have people who are casuals, and that's fine. I play a lot of Fortnite with my friends from the Guild. Love that. I'm casual, right? I got into it because I was a little intimidated over the years, and my friends got me into it over COVID, and I love it. Like, no build, thank you. I'm incompetent. I can kill the ramp.
But that- And you.
Don't have to. Yeah, I know. I started making stuff in the UEFN. My friend Adam, Vision, and I make little games in there because I just love it so much. But at the end of the day, you got to cater to people going to play five minutes, people going to play 500 hours. It's hard. I haven't made a game except for the little things in Fortnite and the UEFN. I just admire anybody who's got the grind mentality to make a game that's perfect for people who don't play at hardcore, but also hardcore. It's a hard place to be, you know?
Definitely, you have to find the balance for sure. In creating the game itself, it definitely should be for the casual, mainly, because, of course, the casual gamers are the ones who literally make up 90 % of... That's a made-up statistic, but I know for a fact, let's be real, unless your job is playing video games, and unless you're completely neglecting all of your friends, family, and significant.
Other-which I did for a while for my life. I did. I bred. It happens. I'd bred. Listen, it happens. When you breed, just know that you better stop playing that many.
Video games. I love how you refer to it as I bred. Felicia, I already loved you. You are going to be one of my favorite people of all time. I freaking love that. Congratulations, by the way.
Oh, yeah, she's six. So now she's out of the house. She could live on her own. I think in the Middle Ages, she'd be a princess to a blacksmith. So she's fine now, but it was hard, man. It is hard. It is hard. It is hard. It is hard. It is hard. It is hard. And the one thing that kept me going was streaming through being... Because you lose your sense of identity totally, and you're always so sleepy. I do on-camera acting, I do hosting, I do also writing. I used to make hundreds of videos every year with my company, Gigatsonry. I left that because I was like, F this. I can't do all this. I'm going crazy. All I need to do is stream a couple of times a week, which is my excuse to play video games because I feel like I'm neglecting my child if I'm not doing it on a stream. So, hey, this is my excuse to do what I love, and then making sure she becomes a functional non-poopy adult.
You know what I'm saying? Non-poopy adult. I feel like if there's anyone that's going to be able to do that, it's definitely going to be you. Oh, definitely. Just keep it up.
I'm not breeding again, though. No more breeding, all right? I got a fish. I'm not kidding. Okay, let me.
Tell you a story. You turned off the breeding mode.
I got a dog and a fish, and I swear to God, I called up the embryo place. I'm like, Dump them. I don't want the rest of them. I had to do IVF. I had to get her just stuck in me. After that, I was like, These other embryos, not happening. Other people can take them, give them to the scientists. There, it's never happening. I went through every minute of the rest of my life to myself. I got nothing more to give. This fish put me over the edge. Then there's stupid water.
My wife and I are currently in the process of figuring out starting a family. We already have three dogs, and we're trying to just get ourselves really healthy right now. We're in a good place. We're in a great, great, great place. Now, we've been together for a very long time, married for six years. Our time management is truly impactful. So I think we can do it.
We can do it. Honestly, it took a while for me. This baby was already like, I'm like, You can go to college or I could pay for you to be born. There you go. Come on out, get a scholarship. But also the science of it is really fascinating. I got over needles because I had to stick myself with needles every day. And then I was like, How many? And then I started to gamify it. I'm like, How many eggs can I get out? How many? What is the statistic of that? I was like, What could I eat to maximize the number of eggs I get out of this? It was creepy.
I love that. You're just eating food with egg bumps. You know what I mean? Come on, let's go. It's so good.
I'm so excited you guys are thinking about that. It gets hard for ladies, and you try to live your life, and then you're like, Oh, no, the equipment needs to be used, or it gets all rusty. I swear to God, my insides and my uterus, they said it was like the Crater of Mars. I was like, What? They're like, Oh, you got all these fibroids in here. It was literally like landing on a bad planet in Starfield was the inside of my uterus, which is why I couldn't carry a child.
Incredible reference, by the way. I'm a huge analogy slash reference person. Great analogy.
There you go.
We're going AFK with Ninja. What's he going to say? We're just going to keep shooting this shit. I have a list of things that we can just get on about that I have in front of me. But I already love where this is going. Love it. I will come back to and touch on what you were already saying. You are building inside of UEFN. What are some of the maps that you've made?
Yeah, I do it with my friend, AdamVision. He does these little one-button games on... They're very popular. One of them is Pooche, X. O. I got playing Fortnite with me. Now, I will say, Fortnite, my opening to Fortnite was my friends on The Guild. So if you watched The Guild, it was work and Tink and Clara. They started streaming during COVID, and I was always like, I don't know about Fortnite. I don't know if I'm going to be... I was scared. I was scared. And then I was like, I love landing and shooting and shopping, you guys. Let's play this all the time. So then my friend Adam came in, and then we started exploring doing some stuff in there. So we have four maps, I think. We just released Fortal, which is like multi-player, Wardle, which is so fun when it's competitive. Oh, that's so cool. Yeah, we released Tetris. I don't know how he's doing the programming, but I get to do all the voice-over and stuff for it. So we did Tetris, which is again, competitive Tetris in Fortnite. How he made that work? I have no idea. We do Fortstrike, which is like a Counterstrike Mac in Fortnite.
And then we have a gun game, which is my favorite. It's just like a hundred games. So anyway, we have a bunch of them. You can find them at AdamVisionStudios. Com/fortnight because there's no search ability. Have you been making games in this? Because what does the deal with no search?
They need to step it up 100 %. I have a couple of that are on the way, but I do know what you're talking about. It can be a little bit difficult unless you have the exact link or code. Speaking of which, Andre, I know you're listening, get me those codes, please, because I need to be playing gun game, Tetris. I want to try those games out. That sounds.
So much fun. Okay, cool. Yeah, I mean, again, it's just I think that we're always try to do... I'm an a-hole, okay? And I have to do things that people aren't doing. And so I'm like, rather than doing something that people would be jumping on immediately, I got to do the thing that people didn't expect. Let's do Tetris. And I can't tell you... Again, he's doing the programming, and I do all the voice-over. If you play, especially the Fort Strike map, you'll have me... I have a lot of snarky comments a lot, and we get to update them a lot. But at the same time, it's like, why make multi-player Tetris work in Fortnite? Why not?
Okay? Why not? 100 %. Why not?
Back in the day, I made a sitcom in Wow! For Machinima. Do you remember that company.
That went under? Yes, Machinima was, I mean, first off, like wow, throwback. I haven't even heard that in such a long time. I know. But Machinima was king back in the day for OG gaming videos.
Yep, and they had me do... Because I love South Shore. I wrote a sitcom set in South Shore. And you can see it on my, I think it's on my YouTube channel because they actually were very nice to me when Rooster Teeth, I think, bought them. They gave me the rights back. So I just uploaded it if you want to see it. Oh, it's so cool. Yeah, it was fun. But let me just tell you the nightmare of trying to make characters act and do the gestures in Machinima was impossible. I'm like, don't name your company after Machinima when none of these games are easy to do Machinima in. That was maybe their downfall, I don't know, before they sold out and became very rich and then closed it down. So whatever. But it was impossible. So it's like that in the UFN. It's like that in the UFN. The backend is so clunky, but then it's a fun puzzle to figure out how do I make this work. How do I use my PIC to actually PIC the letters that I'm doing in Wardle? And it works surprisingly well. That's the one I think we're really, really proud of, Fordle.
So it's eight people and you have a leaderboard and you could just sit there and play Fordle all day and it's super, super fun.
So for me, I'm a fucking diehard gamer. And what I mean by that is when I start my stream, I hop into a game immediately. I do my intro and I'm queued up already to get right into the matches. I don't like just sitting there talking to chat and not gaming. It's the same thing where you feel like you need to stream when you game because I need to freaking game when I stream. Otherwise, I feel like I'm not... What the hell am I doing? Because I love it so much. But I definitely could get down with some forklift and start every survival.
With-yeah, just a little casual stuff. I mean.
For me- How many words do you guys have? Do you know how many are coded in already?
I don't know. I know it's thousand and thousand. I mean, he did. He actually created... Yeah, it's got to be. Did you play Ludel at all? Luda, which is the dirty.
Forthol or wordel. Yes, Lia, Luda. L-e-w-d, right?
-he created that. Yeah, he.
Created that. He created Luda?
Yeah, with my friend Gary Witte, who is the screenwriter for rogue One, but they-Dude, Gary.
Are connected. I play with them all the time. They're my Balders Gate co-op, which by the way, it is the most. Have you played it?
Is that your jam? My brother texted me and said, Tyler... My middle brother is a true gamer. He plays all games. He texted me and he goes, Tyler, this is after Final fantasy 16 came out. He's like, Tyler, game of the year. He's like, This is my game of the year. You have to play it. Oh, yeah.
It's so beautiful. I played it in early access. Two years ago, I finished the first act, and I loved it so much. And then I was like, Let's play four-player co-op. It's chaos. I don't know how.
Anybody wants- It's like Dungeons and Dragons, isn't it? It is.
It's a total Dungeons and Dragons. And the depth of character and the writing are just unbelievable. Again, it's hard. I don't know how you're feeling, but I'm overwhelmed right now because we've got Starfield, we've got Waltersgate 3, we had Fay Farm, we have Spiderman 2 coming out. I think it's out now. We have the new Cyberunk, which I played obsessively when it came out, the new Cyberunk DLC. I feel absolutely overwhelmed and having heart attacks, and I like to play little tiny Indie games too. I don't know if I need to be a pro streamer or not, but I need... How do I get 12 hours more a day to play game?
All in. Just send it. Justwind it. Find a week where you just like, it's going to be my stream-athon. People do sub-athons. Just do a Stream-A-Thon for a week and just try to grind out and finish as.
Many games as you can. That's what I need to do. I will say that this is the layman's excuse, but God of War, my dog ate all my dog. I had a new dog, by the way.
That's a classic.
Dog ate my cables.
Dog ate your cables? No.
My dog ate my cables. How many games do you play a week? How many different games?
You're like-I play three games a week. For the last week, I've been playing three games. I'm playing Final fantasy 11 on this private server that I'm on, and Digimon World, New World Order, or New Order, and then.
Fortnite, so three games. That's all you can play, though. You can't do more than three games. That's my.
Assumption, right? I mean, yes, but I've already beaten Digimon, so now I'm just perfecting it and getting everyone into my city to grow it as big as possible. By the way, you would absolutely love this game. I've been gasing this game out to a lot of people. I have not played it. Let me put it... I mean... Here's another one. I'll get in there. You said you're a ho for an in-game ho. There is a form of growing crops. It's actually how you feed your Digimon. I describe it like this. It's like Fay Farm meets Animal Crossing. Stop it. -meets Stardew Valley, pretty much. -stop it. -and then meets Digimon, right? It's a little bit more focused on fighting, obviously, because Digimon is an anime fighting-.
So it's next order. Digimon World.
Next order.
Next order, yeah. Okay, oh, no. Apart from the games that I stream three times a week with my friends and by myself, I play at least 30 to 45 minutes, sometimes an hour, of switch games with my daughter at night. She sits there. Let me tell you what a good mom I am, okay?
Tell me.
I'm ready. I make her a little fruit plate, okay? She's getting her carrots. She's getting her cucumber. She's getting some grapes and some blueberry. Maybe a couple of outlets if I'm getting crazy, all right? Yeah. I put that plate in front of her and I say, Baby, we're playing Pokemon. We're going to catch some Pokemon. And we do it. We're almost finished with Pokemon Violet. And I think we're going to end up right when the new Mario comes out. We played Odyssey six times through, and I will say that that's probably one of the best games of all time, because every time I play it, I find a new level I haven't done. It is perfection in a game, all right? Oh, that's awesome. That's my assertion, and I will not take a no for an answer. So anyway, we play Switch Games together.
I love that you're playing video games with your daughter, especially at a very together level. You're playing together. You're not just handing it to her and walking away for hours on end. But this is going to be critical thinking. She's working on her critical thinking skills, her imagination. It's amazing.
No, I didn't actually show her a screen until she was three years old, which was very hard, especially on planes. But studies show that little kids who watch a lot of movies and fast cutting and stuff, it's not good for their brains when they're just forming, okay? I was like, no screens. And then when she turned three, I'm like, Baby, sit down. I'm going to introduce you to the best thing in your life. And we started playing Switch games half hour a night. And also that's part of my identity, and I want her to know that. I want that to be... If she doesn't want it part of her world, she can watch people. She'll be maybe a Twitch addict when she grows up.
For sure. Who won't be? First off. I was only given consoles, right? I didn't get my own first computer until, God, I don't know, like 19? What? 19? Yeah, and it was a laptop. It was a laptop. I shared the family computer. My dad had a computer. My dad had a computer, so I had to go in the office. We upgraded the computer every once in a while because I wanted to game some games on it that needed to be just a little bit more functional. But yeah, so my first gaming... Not a lot of people know this. My first online gaming experience, I think, before Haloo, before Xbox Live existed, was Starcraft: Brood War. Wow, my gosh. Normally, I would just go over to my buddy, Krishnider's house, because his dad fixed computers growing up. So we... Literally, he just had 20 computers in his basement at all times, and he would just fix them. He had four computers lined up, and we would just land and play each other and just play StarCraft for all day. Finally, I find out that you can play online. I was like, What? I can play other people across the world?
I try to explain this to my dad. I'm like, Dad, I want to play against these people, but I needed permission or whatever. I don't even remember what it was called. But basically, let's just say to sign in. To sign in, make an account and play online, I needed permission or something or I had to pay. I don't remember what it was. Immediately, he already knew about chat rooms and stuff, which I didn't. I had no idea what I was getting into. He's like, All right, I'll let you play, but I'm going to stand behind your first game. I was like, Okay, sure. Literally, I get into the pre-game lobby, where you find games. There's just this chat room on the left, and people are just like, Fuck you. He's just like, All right, get out of here. This is exactly what I was worried about. That was it. That was my... I didn't even get a chance to.
Play a game. Oh, man. I mean, thank God for putting the rails on, you guys. But it was a Wild West. I will tell you, I'm older than you, so I was dial-up time. You were fucking in it. I was in it. I went to a meetup with people from a mud, which is like you dial up to someone's private server and you're typing to them. I show up, and I'm 14 years old, and there's these older adults and they're all looking to each other like, What did we do? Actually, we should notlike, This is not legal. My mom was like, What are we doing?
Let someone comes, Chris Hanson comes around the corner, What are you guys all doing here?
It was the innocent times when people were actually connecting over games. But yeah, it could have been real bad, you all, real bad. That's so interesting you played Starcraft. I love Karegan. I think she's one of the coolest characters in video games. I always thought they should... I actually pitched a TV show to Blizzard based on Starcraft, and I broke it down to five seasons, and it was all about her and that love story. It's an amazing story if you break out Starcraft's narrative. But it didn't go anywhere because it's Hollywood. But at the same time, it was so fun to work on it because you get to just dive into a world and be like, What am I going to do with it? It was almost fan fiction in a way. But she is one of the badass characters, I think, in the.
Video games. Absolutely. That's the Queen, right? She becomes the, I don't want to know, spoiler alert, so people don't know, she becomes the Queen of the brook. The Zurg. The Zurg. By the way, I hate the Zurg. I always got Zurg rushed. Six-minute, 30-second Zurg rush killed me every time, pissed me off. I hated it. I'm so sorry. I know, and I was so fucking young and stupid that I didn't know how to counter it. My macro was terrible. My micro was terrible. I was terrible. But you got to be.
Terrible to get better. And the problem with gamers is I think sometimes people are... For example, Fortnite. I didn't want to get into Fortnite because I was embarrassed to play publicly because I was like, I'm going to be really bad at this game. I'm not great, but we're usually top 10. We're decent. And if my friend Adam, who if he's in the team, will be probably number one or two because he's really good at it. But at the same time, the enjoyment of it is separate from that achievement. I think there's two different gamers. There's a gamer who has to win, and then there's a gamer who's just puts it around. You're just having fun being in a different world. I used to be a lot more competitive, but now I'm just like, I get this experience. I need to get out of my house. I need to get into a game, and I need to just do some shopping and open some chest and just have the joy of being with my friends, shooting the shit, and again, shopping. It really is about shopping.
Shopping, shopping, shopping. You can shop in Fortnite, right? That's what I know. You can talk to NPCs and -I know. -put keys and chest. -that's fun.
-you can talk to NPCs and- -put keys in chest.
-purchase keys and chest. Yes, opening the chest every time.
-what's coming out?
-so satisfying. You know what's incredible? Is opening a regular chest in Fortnite and getting a gold or a purple weapon. Stop it. So rare. You never expect it. But when it happens, you're like...
They get to the gods. It's like getting a quick-pick, a lotto, or something like that. You want to know a weird story? So when I was 12 years old, my parents and I went to Miami. We were very poor. And my dad gave me a dollar and he gave my brother a dollar. And we're like, Okay, you could go buy a quick pick three lottery ticker. You keep your dollar. My brother, who's famously tight-fisted, kept the dollar. I went into the cigar store. I went to a cigar store and I picked 319 as mine because 19 is my lucky number and three is a good number. I didn't know at the time the next day was March 19th, but it just happened to be that way. I won $500.
Are you kidding me? That was my.
First time I won the lottery. And then when I was-.
The first time?
When I was in college, I was a math major. I got a math and violin degree, and I felt like I was really at one with numbers. So I got five numbers out of six, and I won $5,000. I missed 23. 23 was the one, which is the most common lottery number, by the way.
But anyway.
No. $5,000. That's my two stories.
That is not... First off, if you could summarize young Felicia Day and current Felicia Day, that is the story. Your brother keeps the dollar, you go to the cigar store and you get a lottery ticket and you win 500. You show up to a freaking, not a meet and greet, but a get together at 14 and there's just a bunch of old dudes around. You're right. Yes.
I mean, you got to jump into things. You got to be smart about it, which I've not been smart in the past. But I am a very introverted person, and being homeschooled made me very sheltered and very naive about other people. But sometimes I'm so naive, people are like, Well, I can't take advantage of her. She's stupid.
Yeah. No, I don't get that. Listen, it doesn't come across here. I don't see that. Just so you know. It's all good.
But at the same time, I am very introverted, very risk-averse, and yet I will jump... I think it's the gamer. I'll jump head first into anything new. I can't do something I've already done before. I love that. Yeah, it's a challenge. Why am I making games in UFN? I don't know, because I haven't done it before. Why am I making an audio project that took five years to make? Because I haven't made anything an audio. I just love doing things that are challenging and I don't know what's going to happen, because honestly, if you know what's going to happen, then you might as.
Well be there. It's boring. Zee, Zee, Zee, Zee, Zee, Zee, Zee, Zee, Zee, falling asleep at the wheel. Speaking of your audiobook, let's just knock this out of the park here. Tell us about it. It's called Third Eye. It's a comically captivating fantasy adventure, which includes voice acting from, is it? Okay, I want to get these right. Neil Gaiman?
Yes, Mr. Neil Gaiman. I don't know- Neil Gaiman?
Yes, he is- Sean Aston and Lilly Pichu.
And Moore. Oh, Lilly Pichu, yeah. Will Wheaton, Alan Toodig.
Wait, Huill Wheedon? Wheedon. Wheedon. Wheedon. Why are you saying it like that?
And Lily Pichu, by the way, if it wasn't for Twitch, Lily Pichu wouldn't be in my show because I fell in love with her watching her streams, and I was like, She's the perfect Kate. So this show is a comedy. It's like eight hours of storytelling. The way I put it is that it's an audiobook that is performed, or you could think of it as 10 episodes of audio TV. So I wrote it like a television show. It took five years to make you all. It is a passion project. And all my friends are in it because I wrote parts for them and I beg them to be in it, hence Neil Gaiman and all these people. So it's about a chosen one who fails. Imagine a chosen one kid who's 16 and they're going up against the big bad guy and they choke. And that's what happens to my main character, Laurel. And so 15 years later, this girl comes in played by Lilly Pichu, who rocks this failure's world. And they have to deal with the past, the present, and the very scary future because the big bad guy is in charge and things are not great.
So I wanted to write this show since 2015, and I got the opportunity in 2019 to write it, and I wrote it over COVID. And it took so many years, you guys. But I think it's so hilarious and funny, and I hope people listen to it because, again, five years, all right? Five years of my life.
Five years. I mean, oh, my God. First off, congratulations. Thank you. Second, you just sold it to me. I have a lot of tra... Excuse me.
Oh, yeah. Is it dropping? Is your.
Voice dropping? That was tip. Oh, my. Hey, what's going on, guys? Oh, my God. Listen, I think I'm hitting beauty like 3.0 because my voice has been cracking up a storm this.
Last week. Oh, boy. What's going on with you? Do you have to ask.
Every fuck? I don't know. Do you know what it is? I think it's just this Florida weather. I saw your... Warfarin, this is like ADD at its finest. I was scrolling through your Twitter, and I saw you made a sweater.
Weather video.
I did. Well, it is sweater weather right now in Destin in the mornings. It is chilly out here. What? Yes, so we live super northern Florida. We're in between the Coast and the Bay, so we're sandwiched between two breezes.
Are you near Pasca Gola?
I've not.
Pasca Gola? I grew up in Mississippi on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. Mississippi? And Ocean Springs, Mississippi.
No way. You got to be kidding me. I've been there a couple of times. A couple of times. No, I'm kidding. I have. But I heard things, though.
I did. I see where you are now. I'm looking at you on Google Maps. Not like you, but like Justin.
It sounds beautiful. Right, right, right. I hope not. It is gorgeous. The waters are beautiful. The ocean is more clear than in the Bahamas. Don't let it fool you. We have star... What's it called? Not Star Sand. Sugar sand.
The sand is probably the most beautiful sand I've ever seen in that area because I've been to Pestagoula a lot. I've been all there. It's so pretty. It's gorgeous.
Literally, yeah. So, sweater weather, sign me up. And then to revert back to what we were talking about before I hit puberty for the fifth time this podcast alone. I'm traveling a lot this next coming month. But anyways, I'm definitely going to try to give this a listen to. Where can I download this? You can.
Go to audible. Com/third eye, and you can get it. Everybody under their son probably has a free Audible credit. You could pick it up probably just boop. Yeah, I mean, it's really funny. For some reason, did you know that you were a video game prodigy? Did you know that you were way better than other people when you were a kid? Or that was just part of your identity and you just did it and got good at it?
I didn't notice that until Xbox Live came out, right? I knew I was really good because I was just better than everybody in my neighborhood because those are the only people you could play with. I was better than my brothers. I was better than my friends, and it wasn't even close. Then Xbox Live came out, and then I started climbing the ranks. I'd go to school and be like, Hey, guys, what's your double team rank? And they're like, 20.
And this.
Is out of 50 in a hole, too. I'm able to... And I was like, I'm a 35. But that's when I knew. That's when I knew I was like, Okay, I'm really good and this is my shtick now. This is my identity for the rest of my life. I mean.
That's amazing. And it feels like you really actualized that promise, and it was internally motivated, too. So for me, I was a violin prodigy, but I was such a people pleaser that I was always basing my whole self-worth on what other people thought of me. And so when I quit being a violinist and I went to the real world of Hollywood to be an actor for no apparent reason, I felt really crushed. And that same thing happened to me when I launched Geek and Sundry, which was a really cool YouTube company, but it didn't become this multibillion dollar brand or whatever. I felt like a failure. And so for me, I want to examine what is it like to be a prodigy but then also have that world collapse around you. That's why I came up with the main character of The Chosen One, because we always know every fantasy series has a chosen one, but nobody's ever talked about how they fail and how you feel like a failure and you're an imposter. I channel a lot of my personal mental health problems into it, which is really fun. Also, there's lots of fart jokes, so you get both things.
You do literally continue to amaze me with little things like that. First off, fart jokes. I'm a huge fan. I love farting. It's one of my favorite things to do in the world.
I love farting, too. I could talk about my intestinal tract all day. By the way, I just went through a six-week process to get my poop softer, and I got them softer. So if you want any tips, thank you so much.
Congratulations. My wife and I, we recently did a geogastric, whatever, test where you send in your poop, you scoop it. I did that, too. I did that too.
I did it too.
How was your microbiome? Not good. Not good. We both had the leaky gut, what it's called. We've taken care of that. That was months ago. We went on crazy gut health pills, things like that to reset. Yeah, me too. We're very good on that end, and we're doing our second round because I actually had a Pratozoa.
You had a? I was so disappointed. I know this is really weird. You wanted one? I was like, I want a parasite. I thought it would be fun to have a parasite.
We go in and Devon, our doctor, is just fucking staring at me and smiling because we have a great relationship. I'm like, What is it? She's just like, Guess who has a freaking virus? I'm like, What the fuck? Who's got a perizyte? I'm like, Are you sitting me? She's like, I'm like, Tell me it's not a taporn. She's like, You have a protazone. I was like, Oh, thank God.
That's not bad. What did you do for that? What did.
You take? Took just antibiotics. It was two a day, one in the morning, one at night. No alcohol whatsoever on this thing. It was very easy, considering the way that she described what would happen if I did drink. She's like, If you have even a glass of wine, if you have a sip, you will be on the freaking toilet shitting your brains out and throwing up. Oh, that's great. That's how your body will react if you drink on this antibiotic. Soyeah, that was easy. That was easy. It was simple, fast forward three months later. Well, it's like, okay, well, we have to take another one because we have to see A, if it's gone, and B, if we need to come back on the-.
Did you have to poop into what looks to be a container you get at the fair for tater tots? Because that's what I had to get.
Yes, it's a poop. It's like a hot dog tray. Yes, it's a hot dog tray.
Then I was like, don't pee into it. Don't pee into it because it's hard to isolate those.
Two holes. Not all peepie times are pooh-pooh times- I'm tried to make sure. -but all poopoo times are peepie times. That was the hardest part is to just make sure that I'm standing up, trying to be flexible, leaning my head in between my legs to see, aiming it to scoop this thing in there. Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. It was so upset.
Okay, then you have to dig into it and put it in a bunch of glass vials. My poops were so hard that I couldn't even dig into them. I just had to put whole poops in there. No way. Yes. I have this thing called Cboe, which is like a testile. I have overgrowth of bad bacteria in my lower intestine. So basically, that's what gives you either an IBS symptom or it could do constipation. I have the methane heavy one, which is constipation. So basically, I've been on this really limited diet. I've lost all this weight, but my poops are just smooth as butter now, and it's so satisfying. We love that. Isn't it nice?
We love a smooth poop queen, right? Yeah. Snaps into the microphone. Thank you so much. But just coming back to the farts, I always say that farts are like the universal language. Yeah, they are. You know what I mean? You can walk into any room. It doesn't matter what country, what origin. You could even go probably to in front of an alien species and rip one and everyone knows what just happened. You know what I mean? No, it's good.
It brings you together. Although if you fart on somebody's pillow, there is particulate shit matter that you're putting on.
That pillow. 100 %. Pink eye, girl, we know this.
Pink eye is how you get pink eye. I'm like, I didn't know. I mean, I've never farted on someone's pillow.
Oh, my. Fun fact.
Now, oh wait, what?
Fun fact? What? Fun fact. I won't say which one for their own safety, but my brother, as a prank in high school, farted on one of their soccer teammates' pillows at a sleepover before the game, and they caught pink eye. Oh, my God. Literally. Yeah.
This is one of my favorite segments we do. This or that are a rapid-fire questions. Felicia, are you Red B?
Okay, I don't even know what it is, but I'm doing it.
It's just this or that. I'm going to read two things, and you just tell me which one you want you like more. You can say neither or if you don't want to choose, but I will make it choose anyways. All right. All right, morning stream or a midnight stream?
Oh, morning.
Okay, original, NAS or N64?
Oh, N64. Okay, great answer.
That's a great answer. Console or PC?
Oh, PC. Yes.
Listen, that's the right answer.
That's just what I have to say. I love sitting at my computer. I have a whole setup here. I have an office. I converted the garage. It's all mine, baby.
Writing a book or creating an audiobook?
Oh, this is really interesting. Okay, I wrote two non-fiction books. I'm working on a novel now, but the audiobook was so much fun. Okay, the audiobook was really, really fun because not only did I just, in isolation, well, I had a little bit of input, but for years I wrote it, but then I got to record it with my friends and then I got to work for my director and the executive and all the post team to come up with the soundtrack. I will say the audiobook was really fun because it turned into a filmmaking thing after almost writing a book-length thing. I got I got the best of both worlds with Third Eye. That's my answer. It was really weasley, but that's my answer.
Working on a web series or TV shows?
Oh, wow. I have made thousands of web videos. I love the freedom of it. I love being able to be in charge. But there's nothing like rolling up on set, having a trailer, just doing one thing and one thing as well as you can do, and then having craft service be really, really nice because, again, we didn't have a lot of budget on anything I ever did at Geek and Sundry. The food was as good as we could bake it, but it certainly wasn't TV show good. I will say right now in this phase of my life, TV show any day of the week.
Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice. Voice acting or acting acting?
That's a really good question. I've been doing a lot of voice acting lately. I am Betty on Eventry Time. If you're watching Fiona and Cake, there's an amazing Simon, Betty, arc there. I'm also on Monster High and play Guglia. I've done a lot of video game voices. I do love on-camera acting. That's my strength, I think. I have a lot of really good friends who are the biggest voiceover people in the world. Like, Troy Baker, he did a little cameo for Third Eye for me, Ashley Johnson, all the critical role people. I am very good friends with the masters of the voices. So I have to say that my strengths probably are more on camera because that's what I'm trained in more and that's what I've done more of. But I truly love voice acting because you could be whoever you want. I played a Gingerroot at one point. I'm like, Who's going to hire me to play a Gingerroot? I'm an old woman. I have a little kid. That's awesome. Have you done voice acting?
I have done a little bit. I've done a little bit of this, a little bit of that, but I haven't created my own voice. I've usually been... People have asked me to be me in certain things, which is fun.
I think you can do it. You have a great voice.
I appreciate. I have been able to do a couple of that. I got a rage. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Mmos orRPGs?
Oh, RPGs. I don't have the time to be good.
At MMOs. Ever since you goted ganked. Ever since you got ganked in wild. It's been downhill ever since. It's Bellwood. Okay. Super Mario Galaxy or Super Mario Odysse?
Odysse. I'm telling you, I've played it.
Six times through. I already knew the answer. It was on here. I had to ask it. Thank you for asking me. Okay, now we're going on to other questions. Favorite game of 2023?
Oh, so hard. I mean, part of it's Faith Arm and part of it's Beldigate 3. I don't know, man. I probably played more Fortnite hour wise this year because I love hanging out with my friends. It is literally the highlight of my week if I could just kick back with three of my friends and just fail miserably over and over again and hang out with them. So I will say-.
You're not just saying that because I love Fortnite.
No, not at all. You're not even playing Fortnite right now. I'm not. It's a place where I can hang out with my friends. I will say that sometimes we played Vampire Survivors, we played Multiplayer Vampire Survivors the other day, and that was really fun, too. I just like hanging out with my friends and playing a game that I don't have to think a lot, where I can have fun, I can loot, but I'm really just shooting the shit with my friends, and that is that kind. Then, Fay Farm, where I'm obsessively farming, love it. Then, Baldergate 3 is just a masterpiece.
Okay, so all three.
Yeah. Well, it's the number of hours I put into them. Those are my top three probably.
I love that.
Go-to-food for a long stream.
Oh, well, I have Invisalign, so I can't.
Snack right now. Congratulations. I just finished my Invisalign. Oh, my God. How many trays? I was 16 or 18 trays. It was 18 trays.
Okay. I'm on 26. I'm on 23 right as of today.
Congratulations. You are almost there. I mean, it's a clockwork at that point, though, right? You know what I mean? You got that shit down. I guarantee that's probably why that probably helped you in losing your weight because I lost weight because you cannot snack. Listen, your teeth, I mean, they don't hurt as much when you're down the line as they did at the very beginning. But you get that new set of trays in and just trays in general, it's like, Dude, I am not going to take my trays out, put them on a napkin, eat 10 chips, go brush my teeth, go floss, brush the trays, put them back in.
I was eating one meal a day for a year.
Just straight up. I mean, it's good for you. It is. As long as you're healthy. Yes, I agree with you. You have none. You took the nodules off and everything.
I'm gone. I'm clean. Done. I'm completely... I'm gone.
I'm clean. Done. I'm done. I'm clean. Don't you feel naked? Because I feel like I like these spanks on my teeth. You know what I'm saying?
It's holding it all in. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I promise you, when you're done and they remove those things off and you have your night trays, it's beautiful. I did feel this crazy amount of guilt when I got them off and I didn't have to wear them to the day. I would catch myself and be like, Oh, my God, my trays aren't in. Then I'm like, Oh, my God, I don't need them in. I know.
It's such a sensation because you have this panic. You're like, Oh, my God, I got to put the.
Trays in.
Yes, literally. I wish I could share my video of my transformation. I show it to strangers. I'm like, Hey, guys, look where I started. Look where I'm going to end up. Because it's so fun to see the video from beginning to end. They do tray by tray.
Oh, I love it. I'm so proud of you for doing that. That's incredible.
But if I were going to do anything, they have a gluten-free doughnut here in Los Angeles called a Fonut. And the pumpkin and the lemon are the best things I've ever eaten. And then I would love Doritos. I just love macho cheese. Those are my two favorite snacks.
Do you like taco Bell?
No, I don't eat taco. I try not to eat fast food, but as a kid, I was obsessed with.
Taco Bell. I was as well. I still fuck with it pretty hard, but they have a macho's Dorrito loco taco that you can get that is macho cheese. It's a macho cheese, Dorita-Loco taco. It's literally a macho Dorita. It's so good. I can't wait. You're going to love it. Okay, here's another question. Are you ready? Yeah. How do you know when your work is finished?
When they take it from my cold, dying hands. I can rewrite. I could work on Third Eye for another five years. But at the same time, you just have to be like, I got to move on. And the artist in you is like, I'm satisfied. I know it's not exactly what you could do, but you got to move on. And so you got to be in touch with your heart, especially as a creator, because that's the one thing that should drive you, especially when you're making stuff on your own.
Here we go. We're going to switch it up a little bit. What was your worst job when you moved to LA?
Oh, worst job. Well, I auditioned for a lot of low-budget, no-pay TV shows, and student films, essentially. And the worst was one of my first jobs, where actually the casting director on Third Eye is the one who cast me in this. It was my first job. It was a black and white student film at USC. I had to be covered in glycerin and it was silent film and they covered me in glycerin for postcoital sex, and it made me break out in hives. For no money, I couldn't go out of my house for a week and a half. That's probably one of the worst ones. It was pretty bad. Also not watchable at the end, okay? You paid $200,000 for a college degree. It was not good for you. It was not a good choice.
Okay. If you had to delete all but three apps from your phone, which ones would you keep? Oh, my gosh. You have to download the apps from the App Store, so not the ones that it comes with.
Okay, probably InShot, which is what I use to edit because I love that app. I think it's really, really... I mean, no one paid me to say this. I pay for it. It's just really good for editing vertical videos. I love it. So I would have to be that. 1password because I hate logging in. 1password, I got to have all my passwords. And then I love learning languages. And my favorite language app right now is called Language Transfer. It's actually free, and it's all audio. It's all audio. And you're not even supposed to do any practice. It's dialectical. So the guy is teaching a person who doesn't speak the language to speak the language, and you pause and answer when he asks them a question, you will learn more... I learned more in two months of doing Spanish with this than three years of do a Lego. Those are my favorite apps. I mean, I would want Instagram, but I could live without it. It's fine.
I could totally live. I don't even use Instagram personally. I have it, and I dabble with it. Okay, great.
No, Discord. I need Discord and I also need my Kindle. Okay, wait. All right, language, Kindle, and Discord, okay?
Okay, final answer?
Well, if I don't have the other ones then I'm not editing videos. Okay, so there.
I hate this question. I'm sorry. It makes you think. I have one last one. One last one. It could be super quick. Afk stands for away from keyboard. We all know this. It's the name of the podcast. How do you define AFK? What do you do when you're AFK?
General pooping.
Perfect. Mental wellness, taking care of ourselves. All right, Felicia, thank you so much for coming on this. I'm one of my favorite guests that have been on here.
I can talk to you nine more hours. You're so interesting to talk to. You're such a good interviewer. Thank you for having me.
On the show. Oh, my God. Thank you. Listen, sometimes the ego's way down. After this conversation, I mean, thank you so much for that conflict.
No, you're a delight. Please say hi to Jess for me. Meeting you at... Where do we meet? We met at the Game Awards. I don't even...
It was a Game Awards. I came up, I think I gave you a big hug. I know. And meeting.
You guys together. I'll give.
You a bigger one the next time I see you.
Please do. Please do. And have fun at that whatever you're doing in Vegas. Stay healthy, okay?
And there you have it, folks. We've reached the end of another epic AFK with Ninja episode. If you've enjoyed the journey thus far, please consider leaving a rating, and hitting that Follow button. We have a ton of incredible guests coming your way, and I want you to be the first to know when a new episode drops. Until next time, catch you soon. It's AFK with Ninja.
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