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This is an all ears English podcast, episode 15 30 two, we applaud you for listening to this episode.


Welcome to the All Ears English podcast downloaded more than 200 million times. Are you feeling stuck with your English? We'll show you how to become fearless and fluent by focusing on connection, not perfection, with your American hosts. Linda McMahon, the English adventurer, and Michelle Kaplan, the New York Radio Girl coming to you from Colorado and New York City U. S a..


Let's have a round of applause.


You'll hear this common phrase in American English all of the time. But what is the role that clapping has in our communication and how does this compare to your culture? Let's talk about it in today's episode.


Hey, Lindsay, how are you? I'm doing great. Michelle, how are you? What's going on in your world? I'm good. I'm good. Yeah, not too much exciting. Just sit still. Lots and lots of lots of just regular life gotten through everything. How about getting through again through it. Yeah, absolutely, guys. But we are here to help you get through the springtime, right. With all your English. But we know there's still a small percentage of you guys that are listening and you have not subscribed yet.


Michelle, that's crazy. Why is that crazy? Just to ask. Right. Because if you're not subscribed, you're missing out. Right? We do. Phone is is we do think that if you're not going to know about unless you are subscribed. So wherever you are listening to our podcast, we want you to take a second and hit subscribe. Right, Lindsay? Exactly.


Go ahead and hit subscribe wherever you get your podcast, guys. Very cool. Well, Michelle, I think they've done that now. So let's keep going.


Let's get started. So what are we talking about today? Well, today, I don't know.


The other day I was thinking about what? About clapping. And that sounds so funny, but like it is, you know. But I'll explain.


I mean, I was like, why? Why where did that come from? I didn't look it up or anything, but it's just like I kind of like a funny thing like that. We clap for something. I don't know what's weird.


Oh, yeah, this is interesting. It is kind of weird when you think about it because it could be anything we could be doing. Anything could be snapping. Sometimes you'll see people snapping instead of clapping.


Right. Right. Oh, really interesting. It's a weird cultural ritual. It is weird.


I mean, it's so I mean, the obvious one is like clapping after a show or something performance. Right. But then also, I mean, have you ever been on a plane where when the plane lands people clap?


Yeah, for sure. For sure. Especially if it's been something's gone wrong. Yeah. Or if it was there's a very long flight. Yeah.


I think that's funny that people do that. And I know it's kind of strange. Was it a performance. I mean maybe if it was an overnight flight it couldn't be easy to be a pilot.


Oh right. No, no, no, no. I would not want to be a pilot. But yeah, that's that's the I mean, and then also have you heard I mean, people like when a waiter drops something at a restaurant like that, people cheer. It's terrible.


It's awful. It's awful. And the poor waiter fiasco's be red and they're just bending down. And you want to help that waiter get up and help them clean up, right? Yeah, you can. Right.


I know. I know. So those are some interesting random times when we cheer or clap. I mean, it's so ingrained in our culture, like so I'm I'm curious to hear, you know, about like other cultures. I'm clapping like, ah, there are like very strange times.


Yeah. That's that's actually a really interesting question, Michel. I wonder if those examples we just gave at the end of a flight, you know, in a restaurant, in a waiter, when a waiter drops a tray or makes a big mistake or someone breaks something, the restaurant will break out in clapping. Does that happen in your culture? Guys, let us.


Oh, yeah, definitely. I mean, also, you know, it's such a big deal when like a big milestone when a baby learns to clap its hands. I mean, that's always like, oh, clap your hands, clap your hands.


So like I'm saying, that's why we're talking about clap and there's so much that goes along with it.


And we're going to talk about vocabulary and idioms that deal with applause. Right. So applause is to clap right thing.


Yeah, exactly. Exactly.


And there's a super common chunk that you guys will hear in American English, at least, which is round of applause.


Now, what does that one mean, Michel?


Yeah, well, so guys, that's I mean, when people clap to show appreciation for something, right. So like when she finished her presentation, the audience gave her a round of applause.


Exactly. You often hear people say, let's give them a round of applause. There's nothing more natural than saying that. Right? That chunk right there, a round of applause. So absolutely.


Absolutely. And the next one that we're going to get into is to say, I applaud you or I applaud your something.


Right. So that's like saying like I commend you or I give you credit. Like, good job.


Yeah, a little bit more formal, a little bit more like rehearsed in the way you might deliver that.


Right. It's a little elevated, I would say, but it's a good one.


It's a good one. Yeah. So what, how could you use that lonzie.


OK, you could say I applaud you for all the hard work you put into this project. Maybe a professor would say that to her student right at the end of a semester, for example, or a boss, maybe a boss would write. Michelle. Yeah, I think so.


I think so. Or you could say I applaud you for trying, even though we didn't win.


Mm hmm. Yeah, exactly. Or I applaud your ability to show up on time, even though the train is always late. Exactly.


So, yeah, that's a good way to say, like, good job. That's kind of another way to do it. Yeah. So good. A little formal. But guys, throw that into your back pocket in case you need it. And Michelle, have you ever had a standing ovation and I know you've spent some time on the stage before.


I have, yeah. I mean. I am I've had one or two in my day. No, just OK. I mean, it's kind of a.. Well, I mean, that's not to toot my own horn.


It's kind of a natural thing. Guys, when you go to see a show, I mean, it's it's pretty often that there's a standing ovation. I mean, what is a standing ovation?


It's when it's a special way of giving applause when it's just a really good shot. Me doesn't happen. I don't think it happens every time.


I mean, I think well, it just depends on the kind of show that you go to. Right. I guess at the end of Broadway shows, there's usually always a standing ovation. Yes.


But probably not like nightclub bands or things like that, right? I wouldn't think so. A little.


That's true. I feel like I'm thinking of my standing ovations as like when I was like in high school or college when it's like I mean, well, maybe more some high school. And it's like your friends and your family. Oh, yeah, of course. And it's like, oh, then everybody's going to stand. So that's what I mean, like, you know, those those those people they're going to stand for you.


Right. It's just that they really like it. They really appreciate it. And sometimes this it may not happen until like the very end. Right. Like sometimes, you know, when the cast is coming out, if it's it's if it's a theater production, like, you know, they'll have kind of those smaller roles come out in the beginning, more the ensemble roles. And then as you lead up to the end, like they'll have the bigger characters, the bigger stars come out.


And then usually when, like the main actor or actors come at the end, that's when everyone starts to start. Yeah.


You know, that's actually kind of one of the cool moments in life. I think that just gives you chill. I don't know. I always get chills if it's been a really amazing show, especially something like like on Broadway or just like really you when you you see that final the main character's come out and it's just so loud. Everyone is standing up. It's not a cool moment. I don't know. Just it's kind of amazing.


Yeah, for sure. I mean, Lindsay, have you ever felt pressure to stand when others are standing for a standing ovation, even if you don't necessarily agree? I don't like that.


And I usually do succumb to the pressure to stand up because you don't. Yeah. You don't want to be that person. The one slumped in the chair looking silly.


Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. So, yeah, you can say the audience gave the star a standing ovation during the curtain call. So curtain call, that's a good theater bonus for today. So that's at the end when all the actors are coming out and everyone's cheering.


That's called the curtain call. The curtain call. Love it. Love it.


And then I can't believe I didn't get a standing ovation after my solo. You might use it in the negative form.


You expected that. Yeah.


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OK, let's move on to the next one. This one is to cheer someone on. So yeah, this isn't necessarily about clapping your hands, right?


This is more about bridging some. Oh yeah. This doesn't have to involve any kind of clapping. It could. Right. It could. You could go watch someone's tennis match. When I was in college, my roommates would come out and cheer me on and my tennis matches. Right. But you could also cheer someone on throughout your life. I mean, that's what you do for your kids when they're teenagers. I'm cheering you on like I'm here to cheer you on.


I'm supporting you with this challenge you're having.


Right, right. Right, right, right. Exactly, exactly. So, yeah, you could say something like, I'll always be here to cheer you on if you need me.


Yeah, exactly. Or if you're running a marathon, you might want to invite someone to come and cheer you on. Want me to or want to come with me to cheer on my cousin while he runs the marathon, for example. OK, right, right.


Right, yeah. And marathons. I feel like a lot of people come to cheer on, like whoever. Oh. Or even even like ten kids but yeah. Morsell marathons for sure. But it's kind of cool when you have a community that really supports whatever the races that's being held, whether it's a 10k or marathon, people really get into it, smaller communities and they'll they'll come out even if they don't know anyone in the race. It's pretty cool.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Definitely. OK, so this last one is actually I think it's my favorite because it's hilarious.


I don't really know. I'm not really familiar with the golf clap is too bad we're not on video for this.


Oh yeah that's true. Oh man. I would do. OK, well so this is a slow clap or golf clap. I believe that they are the same thing when I was looking into it. I think they're used in the same way. So this is maybe more something that's done unless something that's said. So this is different, guys.


It's basically a bit of like a cheeky clap, like you clap slowly, like you would maybe at a golf tournament or quietly, and it's like a sarcastic clap.


So maybe slow cup and golf clap are slightly different, but I don't think so. I mean, so it shows that you're being sarcastic.


So like maybe Lindsey, if you like, let's imagine. You told me a story and the ending just completely fell flat and I'm like, you know, we're like best friends and I just like going to like, you're going to make.


Oh, I see. Oh, the slow clap. OK, so it's just like.


Yes, kind of making someone feel sort of silly, got it, you're teasing them with his clap. Right, right, right. It's like a sarcastic clap. That's the best way I can put it. So you could say something like and the audience was slow clapping for the comedian. He wasn't very good or wow, can you at least give me a golf club for trying?


So the point here is that because it's so slow, right?


It's like, yeah, you hear the lack of other clapping, I guess is why it's so effective, why it's the point across. Right. Right, right. Exactly. So, guys, if you want to if you want to show a little bit of sarcasm or make somebody feel bad, which I hope you don't, you might want to say you might want to do a golf clap or a slow clap. So if we have any golfers who think a golf clap is different, let me know.


But yeah, but yeah, guys, this is I mean, this is you know, when I first said that this episode was about clapping, we were like laughing.


Right. But this is actually a huge cultural thing. I mean, we talked about like, you know, clapping for strange reasons, clapping in a rude way, clapping genuinely or how, you know, we also talked about, you know, the culture of, you know, the curtain call at the end of a show.


So I would definitely be curious to hear about your experiences with giving rounds of applause. Like, is it different? Is it the same? There's a lot to it. So it sounds like kind of a silly topic, but there is there's a lot to learn from this.


Yeah, I'm interested, too. That's really cool. Guys, come back to our blog. You know, this is episode 15 30 to come back to English dot com and find this episode and leave a comment right. There would be really cool to know, right, Michel?


Yes, absolutely. Definitely do that. All right. So should we do a role play? Sure. Let's do it.


I know our listeners love them. So in this case, we are talking about a show that we were watching and it's intermission, which is super common. What's intermission again, Michel, just in case our listeners don't know exactly.


Great question, Lindsey. It's a good one. So intermission, it's usually during a show and there is a pause and people go out, get something to eat, go to the bathroom. That's intermission.


And then the second act starts. Yes. Perfect.


All right. Here we go. Michele, this show is incredible. My hands are still hurting from that huge round of applause at the end of this act.


Oh, my gosh. Mine too. I love it. I will definitely give the two leaders, the two lead actors a standing ovation at the end.


Oh, yes. Michelle, I applaud you for recommending that we see the show. Oh, thanks, Lindsey.


I'm glad you like it. Thanks for always cheering me on when I suggest a new show for sure.


You have good taste. No golf clubs for you, huh? That's funny, though. Of course, guys, it's not probably not realistic that you'd shove all these into one conversation, all this stuff about applause.


But we're trying to be a little creative just to show you how it works, OK?


Exactly. Exactly. So shall we go through it? Sure. Let's do it. So the first thing what did I say, Michelle?


You said my hands are still hurting from that huge round of applause at the end of this act, right? Clapping Exactly.


Then he said, mine, too. I love it. I'll definitely give the two lead actors a standing ovation at the end. So you're going to stand up and you're going to keep clapping along with everyone. Yeah, exactly.


And then this is a little formally made me want to have said this like it's a little formal for what sounds our relationship is. But guys, just note that you said I applaud you for recommending we see this show.


Mm. Yeah. It's a little yeah. It's a little formal but we're playing around with it and then use that. I'm glad you like it. Thanks for always cheering me on when I suggest a new show. So you're basically saying thanks for being open to my suggestions. Right.


Right, right, right. Right, right, exactly. And then you said you have good taste, no golf claps for you. So guys, like I said, typically I don't feel like people like, say, golf, clap slow, clap that much, but it's more something that's done.


But we wanted to we wanted to stick it in there because it would it be a joke? I mean, you could say that there's no reason why you could.


Sure, you could say that. Why not? We can have fun just because something hasn't been said before. You can say, yeah, why not? Why not. Right. Michelle, so good. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah.


So what what's the takeaway for our listeners today to finish up. All right, guys.


Well, yeah, we've talked about applause today. I mean, it's so significant in our culture. And, you know, we've talked about is it easy for someone to get a standing ovation?


How does it work showing appreciation between cultures? And, you know, if you guys if people from other countries, if our listeners, you know, have the same experience, is it a cultural thing? I'm very curious. So try these expressions today and, you know, definitely let us know your experience with it.


Definitely, guys. And go ahead. If you have not subscribe to the podcast yet, make sure you head subscribe wherever you listen to podcast. Make sure you get every single episode in a message so that you won't miss anything. Write fun bonuses, announcements, really cool things coming out from English. You'll miss it all if you're not subscribed.


So. All right.


Go, Michelle. Good stuff today. I'll talk to you soon.


All right. Bye, Lindsey. Bye.


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