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This is Scott Becker with the Becker Private Equity Podcast. Today's discussion is self-actualization in three phases. One of the things we think a lot about, and we're not always good at it, is intentionality versus task orientation, intentionality versus just getting things done. There's a fascinating part of this that ties into self-actualization. I'll tell you that self-actualization, I view in three phases, the highest level of self-actualization, I would say, is to be busy with great purpose and great intentionality. Now, one of the great challenges is not all of us can constantly find that great purpose and that great intentionality. Sometimes it grabs us, so it's very easy to find. Remember, one time in building a company, or building a legal practice, or raising the kids, the intentionality of what I had to do and wanted to do grabbed me. It was very easy to be self-actualized, because you had intentionality with great purpose, and it didn't require a crazy amount of soul searching to find it. The second level of self-actualization, and I'd say that's the highest level of self-actualization, is intentionality with purpose, intentionality with clarity of what you're trying to accomplish, and then be busy and focused in doing so.


I think that's a wonderful state of life, often very compelling, very satisfying, very hard, but wonderful and clear that intentionality with purpose and actively pursuing things that you're truly compassionate about and passionate about. That to me is the highest level of self-exualization. Some people might listen and say, Well, you are a simple thinker if you think that's the highest level of self-exualization, but it is what it is. The second level I see, which is the next level down, which is you're busy and you've got a portfolio of pursuits, but you don't really have that great of clarity of what really is the thing or what really drives you. Something doesn't really grab you, you enjoy it. I enjoy my golf, my tennis, my sports, my podcasting, my investments, my business, all those types of things. But I wouldn't say I have that clarity of intentionality that I had at the time that I was first building a business or first raising the children. Those things gave me great clarity, great self-expect, great intentionality. I view the second part of self-expectation, a level down from an intentionality purpose is busy and positive with the portfolio pursuits, but not nearly as self-actualizing as a couple of great focus pursuits that really move one.


The third thing I would say is, I would call it the sloth-like characteristic or not being busy. I find this to be between the three levels of self-actualization, the worst spot to be in, we are not busy and without purpose, I view as the most challenging spot. I think it's a prescription for lax, the days on this, for not feeling good, for feeling sluggish, for a negative type thing. I view this as, I always talk about this in terms of three phases, intentional and purposeful busy, one, busy, and third, not busy or swath-like. When I look at the highest level of goal, and there's obviously more than this. People will view it as, Well, no, you got to find your spiritual home. You have to find spirituality, if I know what it is. They might be true, and I give people great credit they can find that. But I find intentionality, purposeful, clear goals that engage you, clear things that excite you together with going after those and having those be of true importance to you, true importance to your family is very self-actualizing. If any other state is busy without clear purpose, better not being busy and not busy and swap like bad.


Those are three thoughts for today of self-actualization. I hope somebody enjoys this. Please text me. Please. 773-766-5322. If you find something you like in this. Thank you very much. Chanel Bunger, our podcast producer, thank you for all your help and have a great weekend. Thank you.