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I would like to argue that it's the one legal drug that's also celebrated in culture and society.


I call it as a socially acceptable poison.


What is a feminine liver versus a masculine liver?


A guy develops liver disease with 200 ml of alcohol. Woman can develop the same liver disease with maybe 10 ml of alcohol.


What? If you're pregnant with a baby, which is 8, 9 months inside the stomach, and you have a night of drinking, binge drinking, what happens?


Alcohol use in mothers during the second and third trimester can actually promote alcohol use in the baby when they become older.


The baby also gets drunk? Of course.


I'm telling you, I have patients who drink 1.5 to 2 liters a day. They vomit blood, they come with cancers. It's a very messy affair with them. With somebody who has alcohol-related hepatitis, I do something known as stool transplantation. We put a small feeding tube to the small intestine, that is, after the stomach. We gave these patients the fresh stool sample of healthy people, and 88% of those people survived without a liver transplant.