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Let me give you one more amazing thing. Surya married Sanjana. One fine day, Surya got so brilliant. Sanjana could not take the heat. So she abandons her husband, and she goes off to the cooler region. Before she leaves, she leaves her shadow, Chaya, in her place. One fine day, Surya discovers a deception. Hey, you're not my wife. Where's my wife? So off Surya also goes to the cooler region to search for her. He finds she's taking the form of a horse, and he too takes the form of a horse. And in that union, the Ashwini Kumara is born. Because there is a passage in Righveda, Usha's awakened the Ashwinis for their share of the Vedic sacrifice. And the point is that at dawn, ashwinis are appearing over there, which means we are looking for a phenomena. When ashwins are appearing at dawn, it turns out to be 7,200 BCE. Staggerring amount of time, right? What was ashwin's astronomy-wise? It is two stars, twin stars. I don't know why I'm getting goosebumps, but I'm getting goosebumps.