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When it comes to Nepal-i Rudhrakshas, this is much bigger than the ones I have. How do you utilize these? What is the sadhna you do with this? Nepal-i Rudhrakshas are primarily used for wearing. Just wearing. Just wearing, and doing meditation as well, like you rightly pointed. The Pushpateenad temple in Nepal, what you'll see the Moolbhattas, who are the few chosen people who are able to touch the Shivalinga, because not everyone is allowed into the Garba Kriya, right? Secondly, for any astrological use, strengthening of planet, or taking care of the malefic planet in your birth chart, Rudraksha is used there as well. Thirdly, for meditation, you wear the Rudraksha. I'm a believer that even if placebo effect is impacting you and making a positive impact to you, you should be able to repeat that effect more and more and more. There are certain things in the world, Ranveer, that you can only experience and not describe.