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We had a genetic scientist on the show who said that there's too much in breeding in a lot of communities in India. That's leading to immune diseases.


So you're talking about consanguinous marriages, like marrying.


Between family. It was healthier to marry someone from another state, ideally.


-other country? -yeah, other countries even more. You see this, my finger. This, I have my father has it, my grandfather has it, and my grandfather's father had it as well. So it's a generation. But what happened was I married my wife, and she was in the same community. And we had so much difficulty in conception. If you look at the baby, there is no legs or no arms. So then we figured out that I share a gene with my wife. The gene was associated with this defect. And the same gene was present in my wife as well. But she doesn't have any of this defect at all. The main reason was my dad married his sister's daughter. It's called consanguinius marriage. And all these genetic diseases is very prevalent. Marrying within a family, I think you should think twice.