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I am a neutral, disinterested observer. Hamas attacked Israel. It's a very big question as to how this was allowed to happen. I mean, Israel has the best defenses in the world, state-of-the-art surveillance and the espionage mechanisms in the world. They have Mossad, they have Shin Abed, and yet they could not do anything when these Hamas terrorists brought the walls down with bulldozers and sent paratroopers on paragliders. It looks like that this is the greatest intelligence failure in Israeli history. But if you look a little bit deeper, it looks very fishy. Hamas attacked Israel, Israel attacked Gaza, and we have a conflict that's smoldering. Khazbollah in Lebanon is also involved to some extent. Nations like Saudi Arabia actually want peace with Israel. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mr. Mohamed bin Salman, has long-term plans of developing the nation. The UAE is an extremely forward-looking nation. So these nations, they desire peace. And yet you have this situation to their west. So this is a new conflict that has suddenly emerged out of nowhere. Right now, it's a major flashpoint. One hopes it doesn't escalate, but if it escalates, it can escalate to who knows.