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Is there another anecdote from the Bagvad Gita that you've used with cricketers? There's a beautiful anecdote which I teach all of my athletes, and it's not come from the Bagvad Gita, it's come from another beautiful book, which is Patanjali's yoga sutras. The saint Patanjali tells us that they're five states of mind. It's called Sipta, mudra, vishipta, ecagra, niruda. The first two states of mind means you're a direct byproduct of your environment. Wherever I place you, you'll mimic it. Ecagra means you're able to raise above it, but only temporarily. Niruda is you're able to prolonged period of time. And now, I teach this to my athletes, not because it's an anecdote, but because it's a very, very powerful lesson.