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Is reality an outcome of the wills of higher beings entirely, or do we, as simpler beings, also contribute to reality?


I think everybody contributes at his level. There is this constant feedback loop going on based on what you are doing right now, based on things you might have done, based on things that create some momentum in your mind, body. This is what we call samskara, things that you have carried from your past birth, remnants of various tendencies, upasanas that you have done, deities that you have worshiped, people you have interacted with, good, bad, everything. It comes along with that. But it is not fixed, by the way. So that is the game. So you cannot believe that, Oh, well, everything is fixed. Why should I make an effort? No. You have to make an effort because by your effort, it is constantly getting modified. And this whole process is engineered by nature, which is so powerful, so fantastic. No human mind can actually comprehend the complexity of this.