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What is Mahakal? Mahakal is time personified. It is a Bhaherava. Yes, Mahakal Bhaherava. And Mahakal is worshiped not only on Angas, but also on both does. There are two ways in which people can approach Mahakal. One is through the Tantra Marg, where Mahakal Bhaherava is the consort of Dakhina Kali. In this Krama, the only being that is more intense than Mahakal is Kali. But to reach her, you will need his blessings because he is the one who is the Mantra Drashtha. He is the one who sees the Mantras of Kali and gives it to the world. There is somebody called Kali who is so and so, which is the mantra for it, how to do poroshhtya, and all that. And there is the other krama, krama means path of movement. Other path of movement where one can go from Bahravas, Kala, Bahrava, and then Mahakal Bhaherava. So that is also possible. But Mahakal practices have more or less reduced in intensity in India. It is confined only to some or some pradayas, etc. So it is not as abiding as powerful and widespread.