Transcribe your podcast

I want to ask you next is about Vedhant. He's also become a social media sensation. There's a narrative which is anti-nepotism. Then they always talk about Vedhant Madhavan as the guy who has broken out of nepotism-based mindsets. I don't even know what that means. I'm sure you've come across these memes. People love your son. First question, are you aware of all these memes about YouTube?


Yes, we are. Saritan, I am not very pleased about it. Really? Yeah, we regret it because comparing a child to another child. See, memes are meant to be consumed, and people do what it takes to make the meme consumable. At times, they don't realize how much they hurt other people, right? So when Vedant gets compared to other kids in the industry, it's not something Saritan, I like, nor do we endorse it, nor do we forward it, or nor do we acknowledge it. I'm very aware of those memes, and it doesn't make me feel pleased whatsoever at.