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What does an entity look like visually?


Whatever it was in his previous life.


Like a ghost of a person.


Of a person. Exactly.


He'll have the same face as that person. Exactly. How do you know it's a ghost?


You don't, actually. Unless it does something like just walking inside a wall, and then you know that really cannot happen.


Anything scary looking?


Not really. He look like normal humans. Scary has been portrayed by movies because they want to scare people. That's why I don't watch horror movies because they scare people. But I deal with the real ghost every day.


There was a movie that came out called Hereditary, in which they pray to a demon called Paimon. And Paimon is an actual demon. And people all over the world are watching this. And this has become a cult movie. It's one of the scariest movies I've seen in my life, honestly. Are there these core demons, which are a demonic core team?


There are some demons who are more effective than the others. There are some demons who may cause an illusion, may cause hallucination. So these demons are more dangerous.