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Opponents of dharma have always been there, regardless of which age we live.


I've been advised not to say the words Sanat and dharm because it'll term me as right-wing.


Now we see all these photos and videos of Bhakvan, Shiva, with Charas, and whatever else. And if someone says, Oh, Sriv, used to smoke, so I want to smoke, we should ask them, Sriv also consumed poison. You are willing to consume poison? A Pujari.


Who is performing these Pujas and Havans. What changes in that Pujari's reality?


That Havan is very interesting. You lose track of everyone apart from the and the ugly. If you look at the picture of the divine, you will see that form in the fire. Clearly, the same form of Devi in the photo is the same form in the fire. To truly see Lord, we need knowledge. This deep philosophy is embedded in the process of Puja.


This answers the age-old question that children ask their parents while performing Pujas. Why are we doing this? And the parents usually say. This is the actual answer. Yeah.