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I feel there's a lot of similarities between you and your cousin Ranveer Kapoor also. I think similar because he has an attitude and a confidence and an air that, again, is just nobody has in the Indian film industry. I'm very biased. I don't know if biased, but I don't even actually think I'm biased because I genuinely think there's no one like Ranveer Kapoor. It's those Raj Kapoor jeans that are trailed down. He is so like a deadly combination because Chintu uncle also is a fine actor. Neetu aunty is a great actress. What do people not know about him? I think he's a very no-nonsense person. I think if he really likes you, he likes you. If he doesn't like you, he's the person to... He doesn't make too much of an effort then. What you see is what you get. Extremely loving, also very charming. I think that's why he has the entire nation dancing to his tunes. I think that he's also very unique, I think.